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Approved For Release 2004/11/30 : CIA-RDP78M02660R000300060080-2 CONF Journal Office of Legislative Counsel Tuesday - 6 January 1976 Page 5 19. LIAISON Dick Moose, enate Foreign Relations Committee staff, called concerning two foreigners who claimed connection with Senator Hubert Humphrey (D., Minn.) and wanted to meet with Moose concerning a central African country. Moose asked if we could give him a reading on a and a I got the rundown from) AF Division, that these individuals were trying to peddle a coup in the Congo (Brazzaville) which we had handled on a don't call us we'll call you basis following their attempt to contact General Walters, DDCI. I attempted to contact Moose but he had gone for the day. 20. LIAISON Frank Schwartz, Survey and Investigation Staff, House Appropriations Committee, requested the distribution, in round numbers, of the National Intelligence Bulletin for their DIA investigation. Mr. Parmenter, OCI, has been advised. 21. LIAISON Called General James Lee, Department of the Army (Legislative Liaison) on a personnel matter which I had previously discussed with General James Donovan, of his staff. General Lee believes the matter will be satisfactorily resolved, was appreciative of the Director's interest, and will advise us if and when we might make a constructive contribution. cc: O/DDCI Ex. Sec. DDI DDA DDS&-T Mr. Warner Mr. Thuermer L; N ETIA.I Act ng Legislative Counsel EA/DDO IC Staff Comptroller Co I PDENTAL Mr. Pap`wmg For Release 2004/11/30: CIA-RDP78M02660R000300060080-2 Approved For Release O NE:I ~f 0266OR000300060080-2 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Friday - 9 January 1976 Page 4 16. BRIEFING Mark Moran, in the office of Senator John Tunney (D., Calif.), called advising that he and another staffer were going to Angola this weekend to assess the situation and requested a briefing on who he should be on the look out forl With the concurrence of Mr. Nelson, DDO, AF Division, will brief Moran at 1:00 p.m. this afternoon. 17. LIAISON In response to his call, a list of the people who we believe will be testifying before the Senate Government Operations Committee on congressional. oversight was sent to Jim Oliver, OMB. 18. LIAISON Charles Lombard, Senate Aeronautical and Space Sciences Committee staff, called wanting to know what the highest post held. while he worked. for the Agency. After checking with OP, I passed on the information tol and he will call Lombard. 19. I ILIAISON Don Henderson,. Senate Foreign Relations Committee staff, called on a request from Bill Bader, Senate Select Committee staff, for the Agency' s reply to a 20 February 1967 letter from Senator J. W. Fulbright (D., Ark.) on the Agency's relationship with certain educational institutions. I told Henderson. that we would check our Archives and since the Committee has misplaced the 20 February letter we would provide a copy of it also if we can locate it. 20. HEARINGS Allison Brenner, 25 25 Subcommittee on Investigations, House International R.elations Committee staff, called to arrange a session with Mr. Thomas Polgar on the last days of Vietnam. I said I assumed that they would be satisfied with anyone who would be knowledgeable of the subject and she agreed. CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2004/11/30 : CIA-RDP78MO266OR000300060080-2 Approved For Release 2004/11/30 : CIA-RDP78MO266OR000300060080-2 JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Tuesday - 13 January 1975 1, ) ADMINISTRATIVE - DELIVERIES Delivered to Sue Huck, in the office o Representative Larry McDonald (D. , Ga. ), her ERTS photograph of Magadan USSR. Huck had loaned us the photograph in hopes we could identify Soviet labor camps on it, but we were unsuccessful. 2. LIAISON Picked. up from David Martin., Subcommittee on Internal Security staff, Senate Judiciary Committee, one of three parts of a Committee study on USSR labor camps. 3. ADMINISTRATIVE - DELIVERIES Delivered to the office of Emilio Daddario, D/OTA, an STIC study entitled, Views on Emerging Areas of Science and Technology Potentially hnportantto National Security. I will pick up the study from Mr. Daddario when. he ha.s finished with it. 4. LEGISLATION Picked up from Bob Mantel, Subcommittee on Foreign Assistance and Economic Policy staff, Senate Foreign C Relations Committee, a copy of the Clark amendment on Angola. 5. LIAISON Ted Van Gilder, on the staff of Representative William S. Cohen (R., Maine), requested an unclassified analysis on the various oversight proposals which have been put forward in Congress recently. provided an excellent summary and I called Van Gilder and told him we would put it in the mail to him today. 6. LIAISON I met with Representative Charles E. Bennett (D. , Fla.) in. his office to discuss the referral. of a constituent's inquiry and action the Agency has taken and plans to take in this matter. I told him that we hope to have a resolution shortly. He expressed his appreciation for the briefing. (See Memorandum for the Record. ) Approved For Release 2004/11/30 : CIA-RDP78MO266OR000300060080-2 AT AT AT TAT Approved For Release ~ Journal -- Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2 Tuesday - 13 January 1976 7. I I LIAISON After checking with the Executive Registry, Mr. Angus Thuermer's office (Assistant to the Director), the Office of Personnel, the Office of Security, the Information and Privacy Staff, and our office records, I called Diana Meyer, on the staff of Representative John F. Seiberling (D. , Ohio), and told her that the Agency had no record of receiving a letter from Randy Peton, per her inquiry of 9 January. I told her that she could have Mr. Peton address his inquiry to this office or send the letter that they had received from Mr. Peton to us. 8. LIAISON Called Bernie Engel, Congressional Relations, Sta e Department, and requested that they not include specific CIA briefings on Angola when they release the list of briefings provided the Hill but instead for CIA briefings include a state- ment that other briefings have been provided in compliance with Section 662 of the Foreign Assistance Act to six appropriate committees of Congress. Engel agreed. 9. I IBRIEFING Called Richard Fryklund, Deputy Assistant Secretary (Legislative Affairs) Department of Defense, to determine if Secretary Rumsfeld planned to appear in open session before the Subcommittee on African Affairs, Senate Foreign Relations Committee-, concerning Angola, explaining that Chairman Dick Clark (D., Iowa) had sent a letter to the Director asking him to appear along with Secretary Rumsfeld. Fryklund said that so far they have made no commitment. Later, I advised Fryklund of the plan for Secretary Kissinger to appear after his return from the Soviet Union and that we would attempt to get agreement that the Director should follow and not precede the Secretary. Fryklund said they would be happy to follow also. 10. (Unclassified - LLM) LEGISLATION Jim Oliver, OMB, called and we discussed the Director's letter to James Lynn, Director, OMB, on our intelligence sources and methods, especially several sections of the draft bill. Approved For Release 2004/11/30 : CIA-RDP78MO266OR000300060080-2 X1 X1 X1 X1 Approved For Releo CONFIDENTIAL Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Tuesday - 13 January 1976 Page 3 11. LIAISON Paul Fridenberg, a professor at u ane niversx y serving a six month stint in the office of Senator Bennett Johnston (D., La.), called for unclassified information on Israeli defense and economic needs and I provided him the names of several publications which would be available from the Library of Congress and he was most appreciative. 12. I LIAISON Called Allison Brenner, Subcommittee on Investigations, House International Relations Committee staff, concerning interest in a staff interview of Mr. Thomas Polgar in connection with the Subcommittee's investigation into the final days of Vietnam. I told her that Mr. Polgar was out of the country but if she could more specifically identify their interest we would be able to provide a substitute. The Subcommittee is planning a hearing on 26 January with Ambassador Graham Martin involving the plans for evacuation, the United States' role and that of the various Federal agencies in the closing days,, the planning for the evacuation of American and. Vietnamese citizens, inter -Governmental decision making, early evacuation by certain Federal agencies, the general assessment of the last days, and the reasons for holding the Americans there until. the end. I told Brenner that I would do what we could and be back in touch. Congressional Relations, State Department, to determine if Secretary Kissinger had agreed to appear before the Subcommittee on African Affairs, Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and was informed that in a conversation between Secretary Kissinger, Senator Dick Clark (D., Iowa) and Assistant Secretary for African Affairs, William E. Schaufele, Jr. , postponement of the hearing was discussed so that the Secretary could participate. X1 X1 X1 14. LEGISLATION David Allen, Legislative Assistant to Senator Lloyd Bentsen (D., Texas), called and we discussed at some length the absence of laws detering the publication of names of CIA employees and the legal requirements for such a law. Senator Bentsen is considering introducing such legislation. BRIEFING Called. Kempton Jenkins, LIAISON Les Janka, NSC staff, called for General 13rent cowcro , 7, 717 said we would send to him, as Soon as it was dry wn together, a package on the legal alternatives for aid tc, Anao1a ani what it means. CONFIDENTIA Approved For Rele se 2004/11/30 : CIA-RDP78M02660R000300060080-2 X1 Appmvpci 1P se 2004/11/30 : CIA-RDP78MO266OR000300060080-2 CONFIDENTIAL Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Wednesday - 14 January 1976 X1 X1 X1 Page 3 10. LIAISON Jack Brady, House International Relations Committee staff, called to ask for the return of all transcripts of Sections 662 briefings for Representative Leo Ryan (D., Calif.) to review at 2:00 p.m. today. I told Brady we would get the transcripts up to him. 11. LIAISON Called Jim Oliver, OMB, to alert him that the Director was going to call James Lynn, Director, OMB, on the release of our intelligence sources and methods package. 12. LIAISON Frank Sullivan, Senate Armed Services Committee staff, called requesting an update on Soviet spending and manpower and I explained that we were pulling together a comprehensive paper on dollar/ruble comparisons, that manpower would be a part of it, but it will not be finished until March. I said we recognized that this may not be timely for Committee purposes and we were seeing what we can do to speed it up without sacrificing quality. X1 13. LIAISON David Allen, Legislative Assistant to Senator Lloyd Bents discussed legislation on the publi en (D., Texas), called and we further cation of the identity of CIA employees. X1 14. LIAISON Called Jack Ticer, Senate Armed Services Committee staff, on the timing of Ambassador Bush's confirmation. Ticer said because of the press of other business it looks as though the Senate vote most likely will not occur before the week of 2 February, but they are hopeful it will occur before Congress recesses on 6 February. X1 X1 X1 15. LEGISLATION Called Jim Oliver, OMB, and further discussed the points he had raised on the intelligence sources and methods proposal. 16. HEARING Bruce Van Voorst, on the staff of Senator Dick Clark (D., Iowa), called saying they believe Secretary Kissinger will appear before the Subcommittee on African Affairs, Senate Foreig.i Relations Coinmittee,around the 26th of January, but Van ,, oorst will let us know definitely. Approved For Release 2004/11/30 : CIA-RDP78MO266OR000300060080-2 Approved For Release 2004/11/30 : CIA-RDP78M02660R000300060080-2 JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Thursday - 15 January 1976 1.1 1 BRIEFING Bruce Van Voorst, on the staff of Senator Dick Clark (D., Iowa), called and said Secretary Kissinger would be testifying before the Subcommittee on African Affairs, Senate Fo-reign Relations Committee, ' on 26 January at 10: 00 a. m. on Angola. They would like Mr. Colby the following day. I said I would check the Director's calendar and be back in touch. and discussed legislation and funding of the Sinai agreement. to a call from Representative William Harsha (R., Ohio), requested OP, to arrange an employment interview for the Government Operations Committee staff, called and we reviewed problems on the proposed hearings on congressional oversight. When things quiet down, Childers wants to meet with us to be sure there is adequate protection for our employees in the financial disclosure section of the Watergate Reform legislation which the Committee will probably report favorably. 5? I I LIAISON Met with Frank Slatinshek, Chief Counsel, House rme Services Committee, and reviewed expenditure figures on a Section 662 program in response to his recent request. 6. LEGISLATION Met with. Charles Mitchell, Executive Secretary to Senator James Allen (D., Ala.), to review problems and recommendations on congressional oversight. Senator Allen, in his role on the Senate Government Operations Committee, will be considering oversight legislation. CL r' , Y-1 Approved For Release 2004/11/30 : CIA-RDP78M02660R000300060080-2 Approved For Release 2004/11/30 : CIA-RDP78M02660R000300060080-2 SECRET Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2 Thursday - 15 January 1976 Relations Committee staff, called to see if we could update him on the situation in Angola so he could brief Senator Hubert Humphrey (D., Minn.). I told him I was sure we could arrange this and could also arrange a briefing for Senator Humphrey as well if this is desired. Senate Foreign Relations Committee staff, on the current situation in Angola. ' 9? I I LEGISLATION 1 ::1 OGC, 25 and I met with Bill Keis, of Representative Robert Mic e s R. , Ill.) office, to explain the language of a bill protecting intelligence personnel from identification drafted for the Congressman. DIA, who informed mne that the secret-level photos of Soviet labor camps had been turned over to John Holstein, on the staff of the House International Relations Subcommittee on International Political and Military Affairs, where there was appropriate storage for secret-level materials. I told Geisen that it was not our policy to leave such photos anywhere on Capitol Hill, and he said it was his intention to pick them up today or tomorrow. He also informed me that Fred Smith, Administrative Assistant to Representative Larry McDonald (D. , Ga. ),did not have a security clearance and that one would not be completed for him until February. 11. LEGISLATION and I met with 21 Vince Morelli, in the office of Representative Jack Kemp (R., N. Y.), to discuss the question of congressional oversight. Representative Kemp originally planned to introduce an oversight bill of his own at the beginning of the Second Session, but apparently now is waiting to see the outcome of the Administration/ Senate Select Committee negotiations regarding oversight. We relayed our chief concerns regarding oversight, and Morelli, although understanding, responded with some traditional congressional viewpoints. z "E Approved For Release 2004/11/30 : CIA-RDP78M02660R000300060080-2