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f / 14,
29 June 76
Two previous pieces of correspondent
received. Political essay type materi
Both pieces put in ER files with no
JOHN SPARKMA AVQtVAlA or Release 2004/11/30 : CIA-RDP78M02660R000300060025
's icnrfeb Zfofez 'Senate
June 4, 1976
t;1k.,. ."'. k-;?L,L,_~.
ohn 8barkman
Mr. William J. Pegg
Dear Mr. Pegg:
In a recent letter to me and other members of
Congress, you requested answers to several questions.
In my opinion, the role of the Foreign Relations
Committee and the Senate itself, under the Constitution,
is to evaluate and shape foreign policy, but not to.
make foreign policy. That is. the duty of the Executive
Branch. It is my opinion that the Congressional and
Presidential elections represent, for our society,
appropriate referendums, which every two, four and six
.years give an indication of what the public perceives to
be our national interests.
In regard. to authoritarian governments, I believe
that we are reexamining our policies. We should support
freedom of expression, and not harrass our citizens here
or abroad.
Thank you for your interest and your considerate
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Mr.George Bush
National Security Council
Executive Office Bldg.
Washington,D. C. 20506
PAR AV1G31*II~~~~--
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Approved F,Qr, 'el~ase, 2cj04$1/ Q : CIA JDP78MO2666OR000300060025-3 M r. PE GG
International Management Consultants
(301) 656-9443 Ciencias de Informacion,S.A. Dusseldorf
suite 210 Alfa-Omega International Mexico City
4405 east-westhwy. Management Consultants,S.A. Madrid
Bethesda,Maryland Baja Cal ifornia.#93,Mexico City 7 Riyadh
28 February 1976
William J.Pegg, U.S.Citizen
Dedicated to the American People who were:once Free, once Just, and
who used to live in a Democracy,
"Over himself, over his own body and mind, the individual is sovereign;..
...If all mankind minus one were of one opinion, and only one person
were of.-the contrary opinion, Mankind would be no more justified in si-
lencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified
in silencing Mankind." On Liberty by John Stuart Mill.
What is unjust.,- therefore, is what is either too much or too little.
When some good is at stake the man who acts unjustly is the man who
takes too much; the man who suffers the injustice gets too little. The
position is reversed when the matter at stake is an
...,Oligarchy is when men of property have the government in their hands...
Democracy the opposite...But the State exists for the sake of a good
life, and not for the sake of life only....Not to live as a man likes is
the mark of a slave...For the weaker-are always asking for equality and
justice, but the stronger care for none of these things."From the Ethics
and Politics of Aristotle:
it They believe they are dying for the Class: they die for the Party Boys.
They believe they are dying for the Fatherland: they die for the Indus-
trialist. They believe they are dying for the Freedom of the Person: they
die for the Freedom of the Dividends. They believe they are dying'for the
Proletariat: they die for its Bureaucracy." From La Co-Existance Pacifi'iue
.by Francois Perroux.
Is there really nothing at all that you take with unconditional serious-
ness? What, for instance, would you be ready to suffer or even die for?..
Whatever that is, when you are grasped by it, is your Ultimate Concern"..
From a Seminar.( 63) at the Campus of Santa Barbara(U.C ))b Paul Tillich
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"All liberation depends on the consciousness of servitude... The Optimal
Goal is-the replacement of false needs by true ones. . .Liberty is not the
free choice among false needs...False needs.are superimposed upon us by
manipulation and indoctrination via mass communications...If the given
form of society is and remains the ultimate frame of reference for theory
and practice, there is-nothing wrong with the sociology and psychology,
of the establishment ...But if the society becomes the subject of a crit-
ical theory which aims at the very structure of this society... Then the
therapeutic and operational concepts of the society becomes false to the
extent to which it insulates and atomizes the facts, and. stabilizes them
with the repressive whole..." One Dimensional Man by Herbert Marcuse.
"Laws always useful to those who possess are injurious to those that
have nothing, .so the social state is advantageous to man only so far as
they all have something, and none of them has too much". The Social Con-
tract by Jean-Jacques Rousseau.
"The basis of our Political System is the Right.of the People to make and
to alter their Constitutions of Government". Farewell Address by George
Washington. .
"The Fundamental Law of Mankind being the preservation of Mankind...In
all cases whilst the government subsists, the legislative is the supreme
power; for what can give laws to another must needs be superior to him."
Second Treatise by John Locke.
"There is, indeed, nor uglier kind of state than one in which the richest
men are thought to be the best." On the Commonwealth by Cicero
"They have sown the wind, and!they shall reap the whirlwind... To every-
thing there is -a season, and.a time to every purpose under the heaven."
The Bible
Politics & Ethics
Ultimate Concern:Seminar P.Tillich 13
The Republic
. 2
Theory of Justice J.Rawls 14
One Dimensional
The Federalist Papers:Hamilton,M&J 15
The Ruling Class G.Mosca 16
On Liberty
The Social Contract J.J.Rousseau 17
The Bible
Where are you going America.:Pegg 18.
Pacem in Terris
Two Concepts of Liberty I.Berlin 19
The Arrogance of Power:Fullbright 20
Democratic Theory Macpherson
The Right of The Peopled O.DougTas21
Creative Politics J.Allman
The Public Philosophy: W.Li man 22
The Capitalist Edwards
Capital Crisis; Business Week(75) 23
System Weiss cow
Jefferson on Democracy:Letters 24
Social Philosophy Feinberg
The Limits to Growth Club Rome 25
World Politics Organski
Reason and Goodness B/Blanshard 26
Note: The advanced Democratic concepts proposed in this Essay are
oriented to the U.S.A., the oldest Democracy in the World, and other
countries of the First World. Although many concepts would be relevant
to Third World Countries, many other concepts would not...
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Your intuition tells you we have liberties, and that our country is a
Democracy and a Republics I also had the same beliefs until the Vietnam
and Watergate Administrations, and other scandals such as the assassi-
nation of President Allende, awoke me from my slumber of ignorance and
my reverie of indifference regarding such matters of human concern.
So I decided to spend some effort in understanding those events. FortuN?-.
nattily, I had walked along those conceptual. paths before, and although
a skeptic, like you (?) I was such a skeptic that I was skeptical on
skepticism. But listen to me, my friend, if you ever see the light and
understand these profound and superficial matters, you may wish to hear
what Paul Tillich has to tell you in page one of this Essay:"Find your
Ultimate Concern, and let it grasp your Soul, Intellect, or Heart". And
or whatever it is you do, you make your life small and unimportant. Even
if you hoard, accumulate, and-fornicate to your heart's content...
Surely, even if the humane and moral aspects of Life were to be only
particles of dust in the Grand Illusion of Life; and even if the Fore-
Ever After were to be a Great Tale of the Unknown Deceiver playing Dice
.with the Universe, and thus this World of Ours, this Minute Earth that
cruises through Infinite Space to Oblivion while carrying a Hopeful
Humanity to Ultimate Destructisn,Nuclear or Otherwise;. yes, even then,
my friend, we should rise and give combat for those things that we be-
lieve in...those things that are our Ultimate Concern.
In the Poker of Life your stakes are high-Would you quit now and re-
main forever a.passive onlooker? Deal yourself in, and hang on. You are
never defeated until you decide to call it quits. Of 'course, old man,
if you do find yourself playing real stud poker, you better know when
to quit, and thus save face,save your wallet, and other belongings.
Now that I may have your attention to my Rhetoric Thrusts I-wish to
warn you against believing everything you read or hear.. I recommend
you separate what is being said from who says it...Otherwise you will
find yourself possibly believing nonsense just because someone with im-
peccable credentials or an impressive job says it.,..And at times you
may find yourself ignoring true concepts from persons who have been
discredited by power or pressure groups, who, by the way, greatly wish
to keep you continuously in doubt, ignorance, and in a state of idiocy
swimming in a morass of misinformation, bias and apathy,
You should know that there are powerful interests that are in Collusion
to keep you in such a skeptical and ignorant frame of mind. This way
you become like putty in their hands to mold at will...Because if ever
you are grasped by your Ultimate Concern that would impact on your Sense
of Ethics, or on your Force of Will, or in your Intellect, and since
you are many and they are few; why, then, it is quite possible that
You, the People, might just decide to put your foot down, put your heart
in its right place, and speak-up, perhaps even in Stentorian Levels,
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follow through, old man. You. are not going to go through Life leading
a brutish type of existance, without
thinking for yourself or using
your creative powers...Are you?..If
are going to spend all the rest
of your days, perhaps not too many,
the Rat Race chasing the accumu-
lation of material goods, working as
spy, or business man, or both,
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backed by critical thought, and says this is the way I wish things
to be...this is the way I want my country run...Or do you think that
there is anything or anyone to limit your General and Sovereign Will?
There are mighty few things that the ruling classes fear more than
the few of their citizens who utilize their Reason to exercise Critical
Thought. This is true in Russia as well as in the U.S.A...To think
critically one does not have to be an intellectual. Any adult American,
can do it, if he applies himself to the task. But instead, many!-of you
idiotize yourselves by spending your leisure time connected to a Com-
munication Media that constantly overpowers your senses with a barrage
of nonsense in order to deform and sacrifice your personality in the
altars of the gods oft covetousness, egoism, consumerism and hedonism.
Seldom does the Media offer you true choices. This is logical since they
can not very well bite the hand that feeds it: the Economic Power Blocks,
which are the ones who really make most of the key decisions. And, of
course, it would be too much to expect that these economic pressure
groups would vote themselves out of power. Why should they do it?
Less you believe I exagerate, the Chilean Debacle and torture stories
we have been aware of for the past two years and some months, is the
result of the political pressure that some of our economic power groups
exerted on our government and former glorious leaders. Since everyone
admits it was a mistake, at least for official purposes, how incompre-
hensible' is it that we are still continuing giving our full support, in-
cluding arms, to the military gangsters in power in Chile. As Kennedy.
and Humphrey says Hitler was also an anti-communist, would that be a
reason to support him?
To further complicate matters, we accept refuges from Cuba but not from
Chile?..How strange and hypocritical of us...How is it that we do not
have the courage of'our convictions and break diplomatic relations and
commercial relations with the present government?..Again the answer must
be our famous economic power blocks who stand to lose a few. bucks in
case of that event. So probably the half-posterior solution that we shall
come up with will be a half-baked-.idea to pretend to restore a semblance
of democracy by installing a nice and simpatico front man like Frei in
power. I am sure our C.I.A.chaps can do it. There are mighty few things
they can not do in Latin America. We reign supreme in the Latin Countries.
At the cost of the human suffering of wasted people whom we help keep
chained to its past instead of-helping them become liberated. Did not
Lafayette help liberate us? Our Policies with Latin America are mostly
wrong since they are steered and controlled by our economic power blocks.
Castro could have been our friend, if we would have extended a friendly,
hand,, If we had, no brink-confrontation with Russia would have occurred,
no Angola, expropiation.with compensation would have happened. Surely
Castro did the right thing'in getting rid of Batista? If we had stayed
with Castro as his understanding friend we could have guided him to a
lesser radical stance than he has now. Instead we are following, in the
opinion of most Latin American and European Intellectuals (and a few
american intellectuals) a completly,misguided Latin American Policy.
We are, or appear to be against the best interests of the Latin American
people, and may I add of our own people, when we side with the wrong guys.
We did it innChile, Uruguay, and we are doing it now in Argentina. We
appear to help the AAA assassination squads knock-off the Montoneros,
according to The Washington Post.
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It is absurd to believe that we 1AaVb~g.1 ledithe majority in our U.S.A.
What we do have is a subtle and disguised take-over of most of the go-
vernmental key decisions by a few power groups who yield a vast economic
power that ?sub3ugates our already vitiated Democratic and Political Insti-
So, to prevent*the fragmentation of the General Will of the American
People under the continual and systematic impacts and pressures of'the
Economic Power Blocks; and in order to arrest the constant erosion of
our Democratic Institutions; and to further obstruct increasing incursions
into our precious left-over freedoms, it becomes a thing of necessity
that all, or most of us, that are still-free-thinking Americans raise
our voices and effectively state our views to the rest of the American
People to make them aware of their constantly diminishing stature as
Free Men, and their increasing condition and transformation into robots,
and instruments, and as means for other persons' ends. This state of
affairs has been accelerated by modern technology and automation, which
is also out of control since it increases without any rationality or
purpose. Our country needs a Democratic National Plan to guide our
technology, and our industrial and commercial activities to function
for the benefit'of all its citizens, not just for the benefit of a few.
Furthermore, since all throughout History, Mankind has used, always,
.against himself all Weapons it has devised and invented; and considering
the nuclear collision course we are in; and if our historical Arms Race
with Russia continues, as it probably will, it has become a thing of
impor'tancq,for a long time, to invent and create new approaches to co-
existance as a possible prelude to a final and just peace,' that may,
allow man to live in peace with his fellow man, be he capitalist, or
communist, or socialist, or whatever. Otherwise, the Four Horsemen of
the Apocalypse will traverse-this Earth of ours, from the East to the
West, from the North to the South over silent and paved roads covered
by elegant Capitalist Tombstones and Simple Communist Ones.
The following solution is ridiculous, outrageous, impossible, but Oh,.
so atractive!..As you may guess, old friend, Wars in this suffering
Earth originate first in the mind of Man. Specifically in the minds
of the ruling classes, be they communist, capitalist, idiotic, or what
have you. I do not mean to say that the communists or*the capitalists
are abunch of idiots, but were you to argue strongly the point you
could convince not only me, but perhaps legions.of potential nuclear
fodder. But, as I was saying, if it were-possible to transfer the old-
fashioned capitalists hot-heads of the U.S.A., as well as the old-fash-
ioned communist Russian hot-head; into, and in pairs, a rather long series
of Liquid or Solid-Propellant Mis-Guided Missiles, escorted of course
by a substantial contingent of KBG and CIA chaps; and then fire-away
these somewhat crowded Missiles into Space, on a one way ticket, I,for
one, among perhaps too few people, would perhaps tremble in pity for
the uncertainty in the Final Destiny of these Hot-Heads when they finally
meet their Creator. The Russians would probably die first from,shock
when they meet the unexpected Presence they thought not to exist.. The
trip would not be"unpleasant to the Spy Chaps, since they would be exchang
ing dirty stories and dirty tricks throughout the trip. But in a serious
vein of"discourse, old boy, wars are really started'by the ruling classes.
Not by the people. It is really too bad that the ruling classes of the
nations could not fight only amongstthemselves, and let the People live
in Peace for Christ's sake.
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This second solution happens to be somewhat ironic, to some extent
outrageous, a little ridiculaus,somewhat impossible, but also rather
appealing... If it were only feasible, it would be great!...What would
happen if we were to exchange ruling classes with the Russians? Perhaps
in:part.,since we do have some very likeable fellows.whom we would like
to keep. Certain advantages and disadvantages appear clear but and out;,
standing, both from the viewpoint of the Russians and ourselves. Let
us discuss some pros and cons. People traffic between the two former
enemies would increase a-thousand fold, especially among worried re-
l.atives with relations in the opposite camp. People in Washington
would cease to speak and write Washingtonese and write simple straight-
forward English that even the Russian Guests would understand, and for
once-the American People would also understand. Honesty and Truthful-
ness would improve significantly, since anyone caught lying or cheating
would be shot at dawn or sent to Siberia to forever live in a Coed Nudist
Camp. All secrets would be declassified and freely exchanged by special
KBG and CIA courriers. PRAVDA would be taken over by unemployed CIA agents.
and they would change the name of the newspaper.to"The Truth Shall make
you Free"and then start publishing lies, but in Russian. The Russian
People being accustomed to read lies would not know the difference.
To continue with this second satirical solution, patient reader, we
can. imagine that to save expenses all Embassies in Latin America of
the two former enemies were merged into one per country and would
be called the Russian-Americansky-KBG-CIA-Covert-Complex.To save'tear
and wear on its employees a decision would have to be made regarding
what countries in Latin America would belong to which camp. Expenses
would be reduced since double agents would no longer be needed, although
their funerals, oaused~-by-,:unforaeen.-traffic accidents, caused expenses
to go up substantially. It was decided by covert competitive contest
between CIA and KBG Chiefs and a few Indians of Russian Stock that Chile
would be.a mistake that'had to. be undone, and thus return to their right-
ful ownerst the Socialists. By the way, the covert competitive contest
consisted-in the propagation of disinformation, misinformation, and lies
throughout the communications systems of as. many countries as possible
without being discover] and if discovered have lead-pipe-cinch Plausible
?Denials.But since this competitive covert contest went on and on and on,
for months on-end, and nothing had happened, it was then decided to
settle it by flipping a coin, without cheating. This took some time, but
finally someone found a two-faced coin, and the race was on. Meanwhile...
Back at the ranch,Castro was waiting for the CIA visitors that were
coming over to seek his help to liberate Chile and apologize for the
Bay of Pigs and a few assassination attempts on his life. The only thing
that Castro really wanted was to have us remove our Military Base out
of his country and he would take care of the Chilean problem gratis,
provided a contingent of KBG-CIA chaps would land on the first wave.
Meanwhile, back in Washington and Moscow, the twin cities of Brotherly.
Love. . .But the space of my page is quickly coming to an and... And I
do think that such satirical solutions, as the last two pre-viewed de-
serveda better, treatment in depth....via a book or a picture..iit could
be terribly funny... Chaplin where are you?
But let us become less satirical and more serious since in reality
both KBG and CIAfellows'are very patriotic, and very dedicated, and
May-I add?..very misguided.
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of -
Consequent-Ppro o F t4 s a0 ib ! -R??d MO~-66 6W- hip of
Discourse caller;.. a Pel-1 j_cal and. Sa :~ f:FFay on, berty, Justice,
and True Democracy it must be th~_,.-C },T= should encompass all. the
Intellectual and moral resources that c a.; :eor, viand and use productively.
For these are tasks '~:ha.tc corit-ront th. r c, ~L _ '-_ _nd.. These are tasks
well working for..: and t pose are Ta'.kcs 1.:it- should be the Object of our
Ultimate Concern, Fer Li _=e is I :.vi ng that is not committed
to matters transcc r. the pelf? 4 .Bet n L to be a misunderstood, but,
complete Man ~;1:e k~r.~~ ; zap ,h.e purpo::a of Life en tth s Earth of ours
is to live i . } zd :_ i ? ,e his? Fr:_-_oiwr Man; than to be-
come a One-Dt=ic -, 1.4~;.n; or She-1.- _-epty ns~c.e alienated, op-
pressed, who th:.nks c ,f as t = ,~ _ ' in.f:_n_tc wants, and be-
lieves that t1--e accui-u of things '~ _s final purpose in life.
For a writer, s:_ch a I, -riT) tries to fo:_. e 1. us truth to whatsoever
places it may lead 1~.:.n :I-ia path is na::- stn. scl'_tary . But as old
FDR used to say t"
c., thing we shoe.. }'. fear is fea,_ itself, Bravery
and Courage a .: mett" the Heat -:- -_ectLa. Batt-_es, Rights
tend to dissape ,.r u-n-i e'ss yo:_ exercise your cla-__ms against them, The
muscle limps if not d> f L: ei .. , . Ikea ,7i'1.i atrophies unless used...
And so does R.casor, w~ atu away if nor, a ed. all '_-c degrees of freedom..
Prejudice and you:: Discourse. he Mind of Man
is capable of climb-:-fig -he Highest Peak- ~o Creativity and Plumbing
the deepest ra.v`_r_es revices of a.azce, prejud~_ce cruelty, and
Who be he that, given a aho:_ce. woull_d ewe^:ot to slide towards darkness
and evil , when, by an ac"-d.._ -ienal of ort, he other read widens pers-
pectives , enlightens uiid.3:rs Landing, and realizes that most precious
thing that maces man a m,-,_,._A the' achievam n. of his increasing powers
of Moral Consciousness end the augmenting development of his Force
of Will and Strength o J- T'easoning,
But enough of all `~' .E,s:. nt od cto ry ts and Phz.losophical and
Satirical Vie-,,,!s, less I Curdy much to enr fully Into the meat of my
Discourse, whir Z T proc e _,d now to outline for you,
First.- To improve cur her imper_':ect y o_u1 of Democracy, we should
know what a .LrLu Demca.raay is all about, e shall proceed to design. a
Model of a Ir ne Democr~, c_v- that will sere c. is as a target to shoot at,.
or guide cur efforts.
Second. - Since True :isin Bracy `_nvoi_ves study of Basic Institutions,
and Government we shall de %a into these subjects.
Third. - We shall sear, l or a Balances I_ I of LiberL_ies (Rights) and
Duties, and Jo.s'lice a l ^:a 1)c acy, that can have a
feasible fit o_ rn par aoy
Fourth. - As F aaocidi_i n :o acsieve a i.cefu:{_ and Just World Order
it seems app:-o;:ni. a'ra slimL a; ,,y country shcuLd have a System of Govern-
ment in consor&rc;r: W to he desires of L-0-L` people, It appears that
in the Neo?-Marxian a.J -~:ap tam sc co,::. four 4) distinguish
ing Democratic L'ioce-ls s .1 be des _g:ied
One with _i t'rLva;.e 1-1 _oporty 0'a-1.1t a Socialist Slant
One with ommur- ._
s.n.` _)Ile with a 1.O xed Approach
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Fifth.- The Final Objective of each of the before mentioned Democratic
Models would be the same; To achieve the social, economic, and political
dignity of Man so he can enjoy life as he would live it: in Freedom,
and in Peace with his.fellow Man.
It is obvious then that men of good faith, be they: capitalists, so-
cialists, communists,.-aid whatever, really have. the same final objective.
It is logical that this is so, since our humaness ties us together,
for better or worse, hopefully the former. This is a rather optimistic
view of human and international relations, I grant you that. But, you
see, old friend, the alternatives are hideous, cruel, and irrational.
Just because War is Reality; does it become Rational, or Sane?..Just
because human suffering, cruelty, and perversity are real are they Sane
or Rational? Just because it is impossible to see or touch something is
it Irrational to believe in it?...Th.e past exists (or should I say
existed) but you can not show it to anyone in its reality. . .'But not to
digress, unless we apply creativeness and inventiveness from the stand-
point of an optimistic and ethical criteria and thus explore new avenues
and new approaches for old problems we shall meet our Creator sooner
than expected. It is true that one should not fear death, since it
comes to visit you only once. What'sometimes worries me, and I suppose
most responsible individuals think about it from time to time, is the
sense of helplessness that the immense majority of men have when they
try to grasp some control of the political future of their country.
Even at the very top there seems to be a less firm holding of the reins
of power, or control, of the Ship of State. This is not due to the
weakness of our leaders, or those of other countries, but it appears
to be caused by the increasing complexity of inter-acting events and
forces, at many levels of importance, within the National Context and
International Input and Output'Cause-Effect Chain of Events. Even our
famous Power and Pressure Groups are faced with effects, of which they
were cause, that tend to splinter them, confuse them, and take actions.,
many of which may: result counter-productive in the short-run, and per-
haps 'calamitous from, the. standpoint of'a longer perspective.
So,of the five Vital Points to be. discussed, I shall not take each one
and analize' it'exhaustively, a-though'I.wiil penetrate the essence of
all of them, at a certain level of detail, and from several viewpoints.
In this manner before the completion of Part I of this Essay we should
have obtained a grasp. of the fundamental concepts of: Freedom, Liberty,
Rights, Duties, Justice, and True Democracy. Thu you-can compare what
you have, or think you have, with what you can obtain or should get.
Having cleared the.deck for action, being mentally alert, and conserving
a balanced judgment between what is and what should be, we are ready to
.commence the Main Program we have designed to accomplish in so small a
space,.and.so short a time.-Therefore we should first ask':
These concepts belong to some of the Ultimate Concerns of Mankind...
For-much blood, toil, and suffering has been consumed and spent by
tyrants and patriots. to talk lightly about Freedom and.Liberty. If so
many have died-,for you to be free, you can do no less, but to know
for what they died.. And, you never know, old man, your-turn may be next
to die for Freedom. S.o, pay close attention, I shall not be verbose, but
abundant in concepts and straight to the point.
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When you say you are a free man,you mean to say that you can perform
certain actions or claim certain rights to do or have something, Thus
Freedom is the Set of Liberties that a person has. Or if we speak about
a country, we say that it is Free when its citizens, all of them, enjoy
a rather large number of liberties in many areas of human endeavor. Just
what these liberties should be, and for whom, and in. what area of h>>rnan
endeavor is precisely what we shall look into now.
There are several kinds of Freedoms, as there are several types of human
beings. One should think about Freedom along these lines.
First.- There are two basic types of Freedom. The Freedom of the Person,
and the Freedom of the Social Group or Society.. The Freedom of the
Society depends upon the Just Distribution of Liberties among the persons
who compose the Society.
Second.- Both Individual and Society Freedoms may be viewed from the
standpoint of the three principal activities of Man in Society. These area
Social Freedoms - Economic Freedoms - Political Freedoms
Third.- Every time we talk about Freedom we should distinguish between
its two main components:
- Negative Freedom (or a set or group of Negative Libeii: ;
- Positive Freedom (or a set or group of Positive Liberties)
Keep in mind that the word Freedom presupposes a set or group of liberties.-
A Liberty is always a right, or a claim to a right. When we talk about
a Negative Liberty we mean that there is a right which we have(or claim
to have) to have either a constraint or a compulsion done away with.
Positive Liberty means that you have the right to obtain what is neces-
sary to assist you in achieving your Goal, Right, or Positive Liberty.
Each Liberty,, or claim to that Right, implies the existance of a Duty,
Therefore a Just System of Justice in a Country implies the Equal dis-
tribution of Liberties(Rights) and Duties among the members of Society,
in their inter-relations ?. aith'.themselves and with the Government. Let
me only make clear the concept.that it is nonsense to separate,'.as op-
posites, the Ideas of Liberty and Justice. Some persons erroneously
believe that the more Justice you have the less Freedom you have and
the more Freedom one has the less Justice there has to.be. This is
a crass error. In theory, Maximum Liberty.is.achieved for all with
Maximum Justice for all. And. conversely. The crux of the matter lies
in the conceptual conflict of the wealthy class that would lose some
liberties(rights) that would be -sent:.. to the Lower-class to make things
more equal, thus more Just. .
Another important . concept. you should-keep in mind goes as follows:
Whose Freedom or Liberties are we talking about? For everyone?...
For the wealthy only?,.,For the poor only?...For the State?...-For
the Person. . .For Society?..You should pin-down the concept precisely.
Freedom?...For Whom?...When?..How?..I have sketched a Table below to
assist You in see
Social con
omc Political Social
Negative Freedom
= Reno al . of Constraint or Com ulsion
Positive Freedom
Obtention of Means to achieve the End desired
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Let us g Ye a dfew examples 2004/11/30
of / Negative RP Freedoms o0r0N gative Liberties.
We should state the example within this Models WHO is Free from WHAT
Compulsion or Constraint to do,(or omit,to be, or have) A SPECIFIC
LIBERTY (OR RIGHT) in the Past denied by WHOM State, Law,Regulation)
Thus we can say that, John Smith iW.'ree from Economic Boycott and can
continue to publish his political manuscripts in the Past denied by
the Organization ABC Notice we remove an obstacle)
Another example of Negative Liberty could be as follows, The StudentsABC
are free from paying Fraternity Dues and can continue attending the
Social Frat Activities which was previously denied by_ Regulation XYZ .
(Notice we remove a compulsion).
An example of Positive Freedom or Positive Liberty can be as follows,
John Smith is free to Publish his Political Writings and The Company
AIC will assist him by furnishing all. materials for five years.
Another example could be this one, The Workers A&C are free to have
two representatives sit at the Workers Council and the CIO will make
sure A&C are seated and their.perdiem Daid. As you can see a Positive
Liberty involves the participation of someone to help you achieve your
Positive Right or Liberty.
.A Key Point never to forget is this: just because you have no obstacles
(that is you have your negative freedoms) does not mean you have that
freedom completely unless you have both sides of the GOLDEN COIN OF
FREEDOM, that is: Positive and Negative Freedom.
Surely you will agree with me that if you were to have a Negative Free-
dom(such as the liberty to look for a job) it would not mean that you
would get a job, unless some agency(such as the State)would help you
get. it, and in this manner the State makes valid your claim. to your
right for a job. And this is'the way it should be. Do you not think so?
?So far we have not said'too many things regarding the IRON COIN OF DUTY,
which, is corelative to the GOLDEN COIN OF LIBERTY(OR RIGHTS), The Coin
of Duty is the Mirr?r. Image of the Coin of Liberty. By using our imagi-
nation we could visualize that the-Mirror-in-between the two Coins is
the Mirror of Justice. If the Mirror is distorted or defective the Coins
of Duty and Liberty are. distorted, or'.bould even vanish from view.
Duties, Obligations, or Responsibilit$es also can be classified as ne-
gative and positive.. They are related to both the Person.and the Society.
My right to exercize my freedom of speech and thus publish Political
Essays is corelative to my duty not to hinder or obstruct the publica-
tion of political papers by others;.and consequently it is the duty of
others not to try to,constrain me in my right to. publish what I believe.?
By the same token, the liberty of the Government (since it is part of
Society)to publish political material is corelative to its duty 'not only
to permit, but to assist in the publication of political material, in-
cluding the dissident political material. For in a Democracy the citizens
are the Masters of the State; and not the other way around.
What are the Negative and Positive Duties and Obligations?,.Let us start
by saying that aResponsibility implies one or more Duties. Duties are
also positive and negative. In the following page I drew a table to assist
you in visualizing. the concept of Individual and Societal Responsibility.
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RESPONSIAffRIPY#1d For Relegn~1AJ0 : CIA-RDP78M02 -
Social-Economic-Political Social-Economic-Political
Negative.Responsibility = Do not place obstacles, do not compel
Positive Responsibility = Assist another to the limit of you Legal or
Moral Responsibility
Let us try out a few examples: This next one relates to Negative Duty.
This would be the Model: WHO has a Responsibility to REMOVE CONSTRAINT,
(OR NOT COMPEL OTHERS) in this area of:RIGHTS OF OTHERS, specifically
WHOM? For instance: The Company ABC has the responsibility of not exer-
cizin~ Economic Boycott since this illegal act invades the area of rights
.of Mr. John Smith:
An example of Positive Duty or What is the same Positive Responsibility
follows: The, CIO will have the Responsibility of seating and paying the
two representatives A&C at the Workers Council.
You can see, my friend, that these examples mentioned above of Negative
and Positive Duty are corelated to the rights of others. So for every
Freedom there is a Duty. Therefore we can deduce that: Freedonswithout
duties means Irresponsibility, and Duties without Freedoms mean Oppression
It would be practically impossible for a country to have a Just System
of Distribution of Rights and Duties, that is an Equal Distribution.
For this state of affairs to exist the system would have to be designed
by Angels for their winged fellow citizens. Nevertheless, we should
keep an eagle-eye on what should be, so when we adapt it to permissible
defects.(and not all are permissible) of our human, if not humane, nature
our Model of True Democracy based vitally upon a Fair Distribution of
Liberties(Rights) and Duties can adapt itself somewhat readily to the
General and Sovereign Will of the People of these United States of America
We shall define Fair as a concept of Justice that means almost equal..
We'shall now take up and discuss:
The Liberties and Duties are part of-the Means available to Man so that
through the processes of the 'Institutions of society(and Government) he
may reach his Goal :of Living the Good Life, in Dignity, Security and in
Peace with his Fellow Man. True Democracy becomes then a servant of Man.
The Principal Object of any True Democracy through its Institutions
and Social and Economic and Politiea'l Processes should and ought assist
its citizens reach their goals. I visualize four (4),Similar in Essence,
but different in Modality, Structures of True Democratic Systems that
would be adaptable to most present types of countries. These four are:
1.-.Democracy with a Private Property Slant.(which we shall discuss
since I consider it adaptable to the needs of the U.S.A. and
other countries of equivalent advanced socio-economic structure).
2..- Democracy.'-with a Communist Slant. Which we will not discuss.
3.- Democracy with a Socialist Slant. Which we will not discuss now.
4.- Democracy with a Mixed Slant. Highly relevant to III World Countrief
in particular the onEsin mos.t Latin-America. No discussion either.
I shall restrict myself in this Essay to the Rights(Liberties) that
should exist in a True Democracy with a Private Property Slant, with 'a
U.S.A. orientation.
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If the Nunroe For Release. 2004/1x/30: CIA-RDP78MO266OR000300060025-3
ax~ owers were to nnave, or adopt, Democracy as their way
of life,. all these Powers would have the same final end for thdir cit-
izens. Possibly the probabilities of Nuclear confrontation would dim-
inish. One of the previously mentioned Four True Democratic Systems
would fit 'practically any country. Since you might be-rather skeptical
about these matters, old man, allow me to remind you that from an his-
torical standpoint any Arms Race will lead, sooner or later, to War.
Only Idea Bombs, only Radical or Different International Approaches,
only New and Creative Viewpoints and Methods of Approach, present a
glimmer of hope to increase our. chances for Peace among Nations and
for Justice and Freedom for all...Optimistic? ...Yes... Visionary?...
Perhaps ...Illusory? ...Probably ... But as long as we all live on bor-
rowed Time, and we all try, there is Hope, and perhaps a chance.
As we have seen there are several kinds of rights or libertiess
-Positive Rights
-Negative Rights
Above Liberties pertain to the Individual and to the Society. And
liberties exist in these areas: Social, Economic, and Political. And
of course each right has a corelative duty or obligation. So for
evry Golden. Coin of Freedom there is an Iron Coin of Duty.
Individual Liberties and Duties in a True Democracy form the Basic
Source and Cause of the Liberties and Duties of Society and the State.
Why?..Because without.the People you can not concieve of the existance
.of the State, but one can concieve the People without the State....
And as we said the Citizens are, or should be, the Masters of the State.
That this is not so is something to be ashamed of.
State and Societal Rights become subservient to the Individual, if and
only if these Individual Rights are Fair, or basically equal, and en-
compass all the people. Otherwise it becomes the duty of a Free and
Just Society to distribute Liberties and Duties in a Fair manner among
. -
Preamble .- Considering the deep and.gr:,'evous injustices received by
The People of these United States of America, from diverse officials
in.authority, from time to time, and considering the continual erosion
of our Natural Liberties from overt and covert incursions by Diverse
Power Groups in our Society, We, The People,hereby resolve to State
and Explain to All Concerned, the following Primary Listing of Basic
and Natural and Legal Liberties that our Condition as Free and Just
Men and Citizens, living together in a Social Contract of Mutual Consent,
entitles Us'.
First.- To Demand from our Government to Pass and Execute Laws that
promote a Fair Distribution of Liberties and Duties in all three Major
Areas.of Human Endeavors Social, Economic, And Political.
Second.- The Right to Life is inviolable. Only to
preserve a Life. can
another be sacrificed. Such as the case of self-defense, desertion in
the face of the enemy, or High Treason in Times of War. Therefore the
Right to Life of the Unborn Child is also Inviolable, and can only be
denied by the Right of the Mother to Live. And it then becomes a crime
to destroy Life to protect Property, since the Quality'of a Human Being
is of a Higher Value than that of Property or Thing.
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Third.- Inc 1 erty any Person has for Privacy. This Right is contin-
ualy being violated, principally by-The State. One of the Conditions
or Attributes of the Sovereignty of a Person over Himself is the Right
of Privacy in all his activities that can remain Private should remain
so. Specifica?l.yi No listening devices in his home or office. No mail
intercept incoming or outgoing. No surveillance, no investigations on
his personal or business activities. No telephone monitoring. Only by
Court Order with probable cause of Danger to the Community can such
bastard act_cns be perm%tted, and only for limited time. That these
rights are not obeyed by the State reflects an oppressive Status Quo.
Fourth. The g.~_.ght to `security from Harm. from his fellow man. Harm to
a person can be done it several ways, specifically: Physical, Mental,
on his Ropu'-;1.t_,_on and Honor_, on his Morale, and this can happen at
different places such ~7j.s: at Home, in the Office, in the Streets and
so forth. Thus the People Demand Laws and Resources from the State to
-achieve a reasonable amount of Security to the Individual.'
Fifth.- The Right to Social and Economic Security for the Individual
and his family, This Liberty is violated and non-existant for many
americans. Social Security Benefits are only a small part. What we
Demand includes the following:
- Complete Health Programs for the Person and his Family
Complete unemployment benefits or a job. --A single adult or a
family should receive a monthly check that varies in function of
three factors: number of dependents, is the person working or not,
and if he is, how much does he make.
Sixth.- The Liberty that all have for equal treatment and opportunity
regar ess of: Sex, Class, Race, Creed, Nationality, Religion, Age,
Beliefs. The State is deeply at fault since it,fails to guarantee all
of these rights.
Seventh.- The Right to an Adequate Means of Life insofar as: Food,
Shelter, and Health for Himself and His Family. The immanent Dignity
of Man requires this as a Right not as a favor or Charity. Food Stamps
and Unemployment Compensation is Charity. To each according to his needs.
A single monthly check as stated in our Fifth Liberty is reiterated.-
Eight 7The Liberty of Access to The Means of Labor,- To have Dignity a
an must work in the Field of his choosing. He should exercise his ca-
pacities for Work, both Intellectual as well as Physical. Man has to
have access to the Materials and/or Capital that he needs. Or in lieu,
to the appropiate job for his capabilities.
Ninth.-The Right to Love.' Consenting adults of the opposite sex are
Tree o love each other, Love for the sake of Love is a free choice of
a Man and a Woman. Thus tho choice of the size of the family is a de-
cision of Man and His Mate. We know abortion is a crime against Nature.
But we see nothing morally wrong with the prevention of conception,, es-
pecially from a social standpoint. If'the standpoint is viewed from the
Rich the decision is selfish, from the standpoint of the poor it is
humane. Consider also that, in theory, by the year Three Thousand assum-
ing no Wars(Hal..Ha!.., there should be one thousand persons per square
yard, at.least.
Tenth.- The Liberty to Think, as one Likes and to Communicate one's
Thought to his fellow man. With so many spies, super-spies, CIA,FBI,
NSA, all sorts of Police and Thought Police, The State and The Pressure
Groups are restricting and constricting this Right of Ours,and~one of
our most prec_i_ous,in a vanishing Liberty. All sorts of malevolent cons-'
traints are continually placed against the exercise of this right in part-
icular against the intellectual dissidents. This Liberty to Think is
distorted by the. Communication's Media which superimposes false wants
and attempts to eliminate from discussion matters of controversy. A per-
version in the Liberty to think lies in the asking of wrong questions
and avoiding the query into controversial areas.
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Eleventh.'- The liberty to ask for redress of grievances from the State.
From time to time, an individual is-wronged by the State;. The-mechan-
isms are obstructed, `inaccessible, and incomprehensible to most citi-
zens. The Legal Path should be obvious, straight and expeditious.
Twelfth.- The Liberty to Worship as one pleases or not all. The separ-
ation or-the State from any established religion is reaffirmed.
Thirteenth.- The.Liberty to Vote for and against a candidate. and for.
and against an issue. Here the State has prevented the exercise of my'
complete right. Since there is no Direct Democracy, like in Athens since
it is not-prac cal. The next best thing is-the Referendum on Key Issues,
and Key Candidates. However, I the voter should be able to say Yes or
No to a particular issue or candidate.' My vote should have the power to
cancel some one elses vote.
.Fourteenth.- The Right of.Citizens to Assemble in a Peaceful Manner for
any reason or purpose.
Fifteenth.- The Liberty to keep all rights except the Right of Physical
Freedom-for those persons in prison. This is one quick way to improve
human conditions in prison.
Sixteenth.-'Any human being has a Natural Right not to be mistreated or
tortured. The Police has or takes certain liberties in the mistreatment
of arrested persons.
Seventeeth.- The Liberty to be Free from coercion and manipulation of
any sort whatsoever: Mental, Physical, Direct and Indirect, Social,
Economic,. and Political, The State and the Power Groups, specially via
the Communications Media violate these kinds of Rights.
Eighteenth.- The. Right to Die or not to Die for one's Country. Only
when attacked in one's territory can. the person be coerced to fight,.
Nineteenth.-The following Liberties are summarized to be expanded upon
at a later date:
- Free access to.Education andCulture
To Research any Field
- To claim Retribution for Harm recieved.
- To own a business and obtain a profit
- To live in society and communicate
To work,.leisure, rest in consonance with the Society
To know and have access to information about oneself
To marriage and the education of one's children .
To revolt against a. tyrannical form of government fi
- To participate in the Government
To Demand compliance tocontractual.agreements
For.orphans, old people,- and disabled to all possible benefits.
For a fair remuneration for work done, and to participate in the
administration of his company.
- To be protected 'against devaluation's
- To strike after. failure of negotiations
The 'Right to Property by all Citizens of,the Wealth of their Country.
This can be done by issuing Property Shares to all citizens.
- The right to free association
- The right of the State to expropiate for the Common Good
The-Right of the State to Balance Rights and Duties of its citizens to
Maximize Liberty and Justice for all'the People.
The Right to. Political Dissent and Political Opposition.
To recall.and impeach their representatives.. Also against Self-Incrimi-
nation. Also to be able to move freely..To be be innocent.. until proven
.guilty.'The Right of the State to Levy Taxes with the principal purpose
to distribute it. fairly among its citizenssthis is called-the People's
Tax. -Other Taxes should be for'Goverhment Maintenance, and so forth.
The Right to the Implicit Rights in our Constitution we.::.-_,i-Swear to keep,
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We have listed over forty-five Basic Natural and Legal Liberties that
we as Free Americans Claim to have. It is up to us to make our claims
valid. If you do not.make your voice heard no one is going to give them
to you. As a matter of fact, you will have substantial obstacles all the
way. Do not let. them kid you. They are all realizable now.
We need now to look into the True and Free Democratic Institutions that
are suppose to Balance, Administ'er,_Legislate, Judge, and Execute, these
Liberties and Duties, which-if properly planned and executed can give.
the State and the Nation the Name of True Democracy.
A significant failure in Design(i.e.The System of Liberties and Duties
and. the System. of Justice); or a strong failure in the Implementation
of the Design(through the Governmental Institutions and Organization)
would have as a result unjust consequences for most citizens and their
Admittedly,' no person or nation can be perfect, but if we wish to im-
prove our Democracy, we should know what it takes to have a True Demo-
cracy. In this manner we could judge how imperfect or false our Amer-
ican Democracy really is. Of course, we also have the choice of play-
ing stupid and let ourselves be manipulated by our ruling elites. But
why?..The one who lets himself be manipulated becomes an instrument, a
means, for someone else's purpose. If you do not know that you are being
manipulated, you are ignorant. If you do know, but do not care or are
to timid to do something about it, you are either crassly lethargic or
a coward...(Forgive me friend, but some one has to tell you truths that
I know you dislike to hear...)...If I told you that I once wrote a book
on how to make friends, but it did not sell would you believe me?..
In the Declaration of Rights of the Individual which we have stated
is the Essence of the Design for a True Democracy. We should now look
into the Implementation of the Design.
You may know that Montesqu7.eu.is the Godfather of our Constitution. He
wanted to check Power with Power. We adopted his ideas, and for two
hundred years we have had three Powers: Legislative,-Executive, and
Judicial... With their internal checks and balances. As Locke says
the Legislative should "be the. Supreme Power "for what can give laws to
another must needs be superior to him". We of course changed this con-
cept and made all three powers co-equal to Stonewall Tyranny.,
' I ~ tFdi., Perhaps 'you have noticed-that since. the turn of this Century
the'Legislative and Judicial Powers'have been loosing ground fast, Some
attempts by the Legislative have been successful, since Watergate, and
many have, aborted dismally. After the All Mighty our President is the
most Powerful Person in the-World ,,.And perhas also in the Next World?
The Imperial Presidency is practically free to- involve us in all sorts
of Foreign Entanglements, where We, the People, will have to shed blood.
Remember how long'it took us to get out of Vietnam. This reflects just
how responsive the Executive Power is. And how much power Congress really
has. It took us five years to get out, by your watch or mine old buddy.
We can infer thes.6. conclusions:
..First.- The Legislative Power, in many or most instances, has become
impotent to Check the Executive Power in most Crises.
Second.- The Power and Economic Pressure Groups.control many of our
vital decisions in both: Domestic and Foreign Policies. And this in-
fluence is reflected in both Presidential, Secretarial, and Congressional
Decisions. These Decisions tend to favor these Power Groups, to the
detriment,in many instances, of the People at large.
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Third. - eo d For Reease 2004/11/30.: CIA-RDP?8MV660ROd003000600d25-.3 ernme, in particular t e rest ency an ongress is
increasingly less responsive to the needs, opinions, and the General
Will of the People..One reason, is that a Congressman tends to have a
local view of issues, and not very often a National View.
Fourth,- The Present System of Distribution of Rights and Duties tends
to become more and more unjust for an increasingly larger sector of our
Fifth.- Our Foreign Policies respond to a large extent to Small but
powerful Economic Power Blocks. Our Country, when misguided in the
World Arena by the Parochial Views of Economic Power Blocks tends to
Rake apparently convenient and expeditious, for the short-term, deci-
sions that tend to create more enemies than we should have. Many of
these decisions have converted our country in?the Best Friend Dictators
ever had, and have thus transform our Nation in the Main Enemy of these
People that are withering away under the Boot of the Oppressor. And
futhermore we are misusing our CIA fellows in freezing up the Status
Quo, and in setting-up unpopular governments, all for the sake of these
Economic Blocks whose Main Interest is the State of their Balance Sheet,
and not the State of the Union, with honorable exceptions no doubt.
Our Country is being run as if it were a business, for the sake of Profits
Ours is a False and Imperfect Democracy that has become enamored with
Power and Greed and less and less does it respond to the General Will
of our People. The Sovereignty of the American People is in disarray
and in shambles. Because Sovereignty means Autonomous Control of the
Government by the People. And that we do not have.
Since there is no such thing as a Mandate by the American People, our
.False Democracy has become vitiated by the incursions of the Economic
and Political Barbarians of the Power Blocks. How is it possible to
have a Democracy without a Mandate of the American People...-.And how
can the American People give its Government a Mandate if there are no
Referendums on Key Issues: Local, National, and Foreign? Is it because
you have forgotten?..Or is it that the American People are not trusted-
to have enough common sense to select and chose where they want to go,
and how they want to go there?
If our Leaders have stated in 1973 that the Chilean People were irres-
ponsible when they elected the Path to Socialism and thus it became
our glorious duty,-in Washington, to covertly upset the General Will
of'the Chilean People, you should ask yourself, whether or not, and
by.the same token, We the American People are not to be trusted, since
we would, be irrespons{zi:ble,.in the setting of Objectives and Goals that
any Nation should have, and in.the selection of the Means to reach our
Allow me to describe to you the TEN_, POSTULATES OF A TRUE DEMOCRACY..
These Postulates are the Standards and the Keys to a True Democracy,
that I believe we should implement for the Benefit of All Americans.
These Postulates place Values in their Correct Perspective. People
come first, then things. People should never be used as meansiand in-
struments. These Postulates would change the Power Structure and Dis-
tribution of Power ine our Institutions, our Government, and would Ba-
lance the Power of the Pressure Groups with the Power of the People.
And, perhaps most of all, not only would Government be more responsive
to the needs of the American People, but the Probabilities of World Peace
would increase substantially. I skip the details and give you a summary.
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App d'FVN R TiglgA(W$1/?P: jqII-78 PP?@ 1t3 A0( 3 U.S.A.
FIRST POSTULATE.- If a Nation be small, there is no better.thing for
the People to have than a Direct Democracy, like in Athens. All the
citizens congregated in one place at a certain time and decided all
issues before them, Today, only in small towns can one do this.
SECOND?-'POSTIJLATE,?- Thus the best Form for a True Democracy to have
would be the one that could combine-the main benefits of Direct Demo-
cracy with the principal benefits of Representative Democracy, but
keeping in mind that the Effectiveness of Any Government rests on not
only its responsiveness to The People's General Will but also to how
Representative of the People is the Government. Thus.a country of Blacks
does not desire to be governed by Whites or vice versa.
THIRD POSTULATE.- In Modern Times, Direct Democracy can only be achieved
by National and State Referendums on National and Local Issues. The re-.
suits of these Periodic Referendums, present no significant problem to
organize, retrieve and process, in particular with the assistance of
Computer and Communications Technology,
FOURTH POSTULAATE,- The Cornerstone of Democracy is the Mandate of the
People. This Mandate is the General and Sovereign Will of The People.
And the Referendum spells-out part of the Mandate. The results of the
Referendum transmits a Mandate, or Clear Gut Directive to the Refere':(,nt-
atives in Congress or any other Representatives that the People may
elect to have, One of the advantages of the Referendum is that it breaks
the stranglehold that the Economic and Politicial Power Blocks have
over Congress and the Executive Power. And the Referendum Transfers
part of the Power where it belongs: with the People. Most Power groups,
I really should say: all Power Groups do not like this since it removes
part of their Power. Let them protest...In a Democracy Power belongs
to the People ...Power to the People.,.That is the definition of Dembcra-
.cy. Otherwise we should change the form of Government of our Nation
to: Fascism, or Oligarchy, or how about the Government of the Consensus
of Power and Pressure Oligarchies. We either have True Democracy.or we
have something-else.
FIFTH POSTULATE.- Since no Modern State, especially a Major Power, can
function effectively only under a Direct Democracy via Referendums,it
becomes necessary to devise ways to Integrate Direct Democracy with
Indirect or Representative Democracy with Proportional Representation.
SIXTH POSTULATE,- To achieve this Political Integration of Both Direct
and Indirect Democracy, Two New Powers need to be created to make'a
total of Tivo Powers to Rule the Country under the Constitution'which
would have to be ammended.
SEVENTH. POSTULATE,- The Fourth Power, at the same level, of course; with
the other three powers(Legisiative,Executive, and Judicial) would be
called the National House of American Electors and Tribunes. The triple
.objective of this?Foutth Power, which by the way would not Legislate,
reads as follo-~,rs:
A.- To Program Periodic, as needed, Referendums on Key Issues to know
the General Will on National Issues: Domestic and Foreign.
B.- To check Power over-reach by either the Executive or Legislative.
C.- To check undue influence of Power and Pressure Groups, at both
National and State Levels. '.
EIGHTHI.-POSTULATE.- The American, Electors and American Tribunes should
be elected every three years and every year respectively by National
Wide Elections, Since a principle of Democracy, and as old as the hills,
state that"People should take turns in governing", the American Tribune
should be selected at random from all'american citizens, and one thousand
of them'should descend upon Washington,D.C.every year. The American Elect-
or should be elected in accordance with another Old Principle of True
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- 17 of 20 -
Demo c GApprQved3 or ea 00 / - qA J 4 64 N~~9 a'tives
cught -7pc oral 1y the socio..scoriomic-political o.nd.ss-
sectLc?as _I_ half are black and half are womenthen
half of the '' ~c?.~s eho d be black. women
- The Scl-U-c-L ;n of the American Tribune, - every year there ought to
be a Natic:=:a.=_ '=e"_ecticry that would chose at random one thousand citizens,
twenty aac,h Fate, from Computer Lists. Each Tribune would serve his
coun~ D: - year, '?:one would be re-elected.
The f an A car can Elect;jr. a `'very year there ought to be
a Natic:.:al ':tr th_,- 'weuld elect one third of the Electors, that
tai o4-- one hundred Eleo -crs , Any citizen can run for
a a`_ c:, if is '_rst collects te_. thousand signatures of citizens,
proper ..y - .-ham ='- c`. would have to belong to a. ~.y party, or independent, that
is ne =~. =r epu'`::a.n Party nor The Democratic Party since many
citizens ^, . foe ed of hearing the old-songs, and the old-tired-
prom' I the ""'. atform of these two main parties are quite
ambig._ ;c?. < ;: c ase t4(; National Par-es, specially the small one are
begi - s `; icuc;,nc out of couch with -ch real needs and wants of most
of the ?; : :'1ese t.,-o National Part:-.eL3, not even mentioned in our
Cons`; i`cu i, are to a great extent (if not completely) a path to Power
Politics anc_, ::o3~omin security. There is nothing evil about this.
Bu even Vac.; con in Federalist talks about the desirability of
having sevesa i. and in those days the American Population was
rather small. Now, wt-ti,. ouch a large Population it becomes a thing of
Logic and necessity to have three or four Large Parties, and a few
Medium S_ze?arties, and a few Small size Parties. And, Gentlemen, all
these Pa_,--'_ec should be represented in the Government.
-- The Eleuto s would represent an approximate proportional cross-section
of the U C. A. Half should be Men, the other half women. And proportion-
ally; the and Lat_n-Americans (i.e.mexican-americans, puerto--
ri cans ?/ the ,than-?A..raeri :an should have one Elector(now they have nothing)
The ..'er,?i h E'ar- _can, Catholics, Protestants, Business, Labor,Students,
Teache=:s and rust large minorities should be represented. By computer
the requirements become easy to figure out.
This mean.-- Lhat probably two thousand candidates would compete yearly
for `chi 't tr.~ ~ee jobs as Electors. This means run-offs or trial runs
with a maximum of ? two. Skipping: a few of the details we arrive to what
the ?vo Cing c . e t would look likes
Please oay ' tterltic;n -to the fact that this voting ticket ? in a True
Democracy gi\'us you the option of voting in favor or against any issue
or cand.ic,te That is a NO vote would cancel a YES vote. And a voter
could c ni y sc' ect one alternatives or YES co a candidate or NO to a
can date or n :ither? he can place a write in candidate or issue and
if the Sa-ITm .s with write-in votes, why that candidate wins.
This, Ge; '~__ Tns_-_& is Powc_t to the People... This is True Democracy, if and
only the Pei--- endums on key issues, properly put,frequently,
For- t :ae purpose of actively Pursuing World Peace in
consonant intern,. Justice and Security for the U.S.A., and for
the p _p~~,: ,~S St r:rs our fellow americans in their pursuit of hap-
pines` - c. qtr: ~Ys a.nc' pt?~-~.:onal dignity, a Fifth Power should be created
to be ea' _ -c; -'owes for. #'at onal Destiny, if you believe Man has a Destiny
the;:i Ie cci=.- 7':in which they are citizens has a Destiny. Even if you
do not i; i tan has a destiny, the General Will of the People via
Referendums Ic:`Thots the foals, which by the way represent the Destiny..
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TENTH POSTULATE,- This Fifth Power will be run, or ought to be run,
by an Executive Committee Chaired by the President of the U.S.A. and
composed by selected members of Congress and the Fourth Power or Nat-
ional House- of Electors and Tribunes. If you think like me, that World
Peace, specifically the avoidance of Nuclear Wars between US and others
is of Number One Importance, then let us.organize ourselves,towards that
End in mind. The Pentagon Military Power cuts two ways: first, it is a
military deterrent to our Nuclear Enemies'; second because of competition,
it forces Russia to increase its Military Strength which in turns forces
us to increase our Military Strength, and so forth until Nuclear War
comes, as it must come, if we only follow this' War Path. The fight for
III World Countries whether they go to' their camp or ours is significant
but not of Ultimate National Concern, New, Radical, ardInventive Idea
Bombs should generate New Programs of Action. It appears that among many
.Programs .that can be followed these stand-outs An International Program with the Classical Objectives of Achieving
Peace and Security for All Nations. The Main Purpose of this Program
is to generate New Projects in the International Field, some within.
the U.N. others no'--. In the following Fields: Disarmament, Art,Science,
Culture, Philosophy, Sociology, Psychology, Economic Models, Demo-
cratic Models, Social Models, Tourism, Sociology, and thus increase
contacts at all levels with the Russian People and vice versa. Perhaps
One Million Russians should exchange places with One Million Americans
eery two years. Th. motto of better Dead than Red is sheer nonsense.
Remember the Russians are just as human as we are. And remember that
Wars throughout History start by one Ruling Class hating the other
Ruling Class.
The Old Fashioned-Idea that the CIA and Food Programs, and Arms will
stop Communism is just so much warmed-up baloney, The only real way
and the best way to stop an idea is with a better idea, in the long
run. It is not logical to think that something as intangible as an
idea can be stopped by force, arts or covert activities. At best all
we can achieve is aho1_ding action which doom is predetermined. Did
we learned nothing much from Vietnam? The Bay of Pigs?..China?...By
the way just who did lose China, that,Gentlemen, sure was the worst
piece of Strategic Systematic Failure with the worst possible con-
sequences for the U.S. A,
-- In Christianity and Democracy you have, in theory, two concepts that
are more radical than communism, and that would make old Karl Marx
look. like a mild conservative, if the U.S.A. takes it upon itself
to sponsor these Concepts, not with tongue in cheek but in earnest.
This might just save our respective posteriors, improve our quality
of life and defeat the Ideology of Communism.which has several Achille',
heels', and which would probably lose-out in such an Ideological Combat.,
The probably fly-in-the-soup would be our fore ever tenacious and
persistent dollar-chasers businessmen that will present a somewhat
discordant picture, unless properly indoctrinated and programmed, and
controlled.. And this they would not much like. So unless Politicians
and ex-businessmen of Vision and Patriotism take-over the reigns of
.".?the country we shall meet our Maker under a Cloud of Nuclear Fall-Out.
An Americas. National. and International Program to provide Government
and Private Jobs to all americans. It is unpatriotic an id}otic to
waste so valuable a resource as Men who want to work and do not.
-- An American National Program to Create new Businesses in partnership
with the Private Sector.'
-- A National. Program to provide all adults and their families with
the' Rights prcpoced previously in the Declaration of Natural and Legal
We come tAopprove
1 d 4 F%eaOs r2o&fl 1 s lac- JffR8fflb46 M9003 that the
_.- _L . - 19 of 20 -
Aristotle put it the weak are al--ways asking for equality and
justice, but the stronE:.r care for none c` these things". But in these
troubled times yot? bett~:~ sten, for of the People shall be
heard in the Land' SoR Listen a-~diers will not for they have
sown the wind, and they she-!.'_ rear; the w li-- 1wind, T t heccrues a Thing
of Moral Neoc.:sity f--- ` cmE- of ohs PQopl - " Power Posit ions to help
the People rea h the-'.- "cal s ri .rl `~y with Liberty and Justice
Therhfbre; hat 'cne E.T:~ _aI- Contrac~rc -amp Amerr_cans becomes meaning-
ful and Fa__r _o A=10.1, a-?c ryone should ,1.2.vc liberties and duties out-
lined in the ')eclara io-. of Na.t'jri1 Rig?1~t l1 st these Goals are Ideal
and. perhaps a most imp c 3 ble tc., atta_n, _ rue . ' ^wever_, we should
gu rl .,. . IS ?~ and wha' C'):_ '^ TO distinguish ~,1~: -~-i.~?~re en w..s;~. ~ OJ BE, In this 'manner we can
orient our Shr'_io of t~.L in. the Right i. _ et_tion instead of being at Sea
with full sa__=_s and no T to go to or r3aar _ng to followw . In such a
case whatever wind blo ?!" - vom -whatever direction we all go like a bunch
of sheep to e s _a~ " er house. This _y fine for Sheep but not for-Men.
Justice was discussed 4 r fully in my P -say titleds "Wher"e are you
going, Amerlcz-.? Here lot ire state that Justice implies a reciprocal action
amongthe citi-ens rags'?diri.g their Libert'. c and Responsibilities. Justice
means : equality, fairne-.., , and fraternity. To lead the Good Life in Peace,
Liberty and Justice Men.,. -._:-c aced Governme--~.ts for their Just Benefit and
for their Common Good, -f most persons ware enlightened I believe they,
in most instances, would chose a form of True Democracy with one of the
four Slants mentioned.
I do believe that with ,_-71 our defects, +)ur Democracy as imperfect and
false as it is has man-, redeeming qualities, Our People think of them-
selves as Free, and as -con as they realiz.ee that it is still a ? long road.
to Real Freedom many w _".?_ loin 'me in walking the Common Path towards a
New Dawn in our Freedoms and Social Respo:crsibilities to each other,; Our
Constitution is Strong and adaptable to changes. Many of our Leaders are
still the followers of the Liberal Tradition that places ~.priority on the
liberties of Man, loo ~rE. the Liberals a:~?c. being pushed by the wayside by
the Conservative and OTd.-fashioned thinkers. Paul Douglas was defeated,
Fulbright also. If' en.ator Church does not watch out he will be-:edsed`:out
by these reactionary ic:~ces that,in good faith, but in viewing the World
through Blind. `pots of :gnc rance(and perhaps some prejudice) see most
everything in two polar _'zi rg colors? Rec',: or Beath; them or Us; also. in
terms of Moral Blind S(acsis~and Economil :3lind Spots. These old-Fashioned
Viewpoints when immanent: from Persons at the Helm of State creates a
Brinkmanship Philosophy that endangers t:h Nation. The misuse of the
CIA capabilities in fa ,c; of Dictators, against American Intellectuals
who are dissidents(at -:.ome or abroad) and other absurdities and immoral-
ities can only polarize factions, divide, disrupt our enemies and friends,
and at the end our Intelligence . Sword chat cuts two ways will cut and
harm us.
~Py/b t,,ia your Corte resaman otherwise,l probably will not get your mail. /50
For so long as you have at the top ?eople 4?ho think alike and are afraid
to dissent and cpea?k---ur, to that degree we shall continue' to be misguided.
Many National .and Tror? 1,roblems are already beyond our capacity to cope
with unless New and.iffrent Approaches are used. The same old Stuff in
Foreign and romestic i_ss 'es may be what the Americ-;.n People will get from
their Economic and Political Leaders. Bu;. to everythingthere is a season,
and a time to every purpose under the heaven... Be of good cheer, my friend,
ill: am JAP rioT VW-F-Or 1has 2 O- 3O.. 6IA-RDP78M02660R000300060025-3
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