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25X1 pprove or elease 2004/09/23 :CIA-RDP78M02660R000200030081-5 JQUp.NAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL .Friday - 6 August 1976 1. (Secret - REH) LTATSON Frank Slatinshek, Chaef Ce~unsel, House Armed Servic _~ omm_'ttee, called referring to an. a,rticle~ whxc appeared zn the NID on 5 August describing a recent Soviet nuclear test. Slatinshek said several of the members had questioned this article and asked if we could prepare ham. a short Japer ~;iviz~g more background on it. 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/09/23 :CIA-RDP78M02660R000200030081-5 Approved For Release 2004/09/23 :CIA-RDP78M02660R00020003008,1-5 ,~axzrnal - Office of Legislative Counsel. I'a;e 3 Thursday - 5 El.ugust 1976 7. (internal Use Only - KJ'K) .LI1~,x5d:L~F :Per Mr. Cory's instx-~tctions, I called Bill Hogan, on the staff of the House .A.rrr~.ec1 Services Cornrriittee, to brief him. oxi the Library of Congress' legislative data retrieval system. known as SCCJR.P:[O, which had come to the attention of our library personnel. I told Hogan, that we were taking a look at the program in a tentative `aay to determine whether or not it might be useful :for us. Z asked 1-Iogaxx if he would speak to Representative Lucien. N. Nedzi (D. , Mir..h. ), who is Vice Chairman of the point Committee on the La:V~rary, about this xx~atter to see if he had any problems tivith Agency use o# this facility shaulcE we decade to pursue it, .T told Hogaz-z that, of course, we would zn.ake no final steps without advising tkiem first. Hogan. said he tivas acquainted. with the system but was not awax?e that it was 1~eirxg used by Covernxx7eni: agencies other than Congress and said he would ckzeck with the Vice Chairman and get back in touch with us. STAT Approved For Release 2004/09/23 :CIA-RDP78M02660R000200030081-5 pprove or a ease 2004/09/23 :CIA-RDP78M02660R000200030081-5 Journal -Office of Legislative Courxsel page ~, Thursday - 5 August 1976 18, (Unclassified - JKj LIAISON Called I3i11 Hogan, Counsel, House Armed Services Committee staff, and .13111 Miller, Senate Select oxrxrrxxttee sta , to ac vise them. of the transrxz.ittal~ of mail ir~tercept information to Chairwozxxan Be11a Abzug (D. , N. Y. j House Government Operations Subcommittee on Government Information and 7xadividual Rights, including a copy of a letter from Mrs. Marguerite Oswald to .Lee Harvey Oswald which was intercepted in 1c3a9. Miller asked if that letter had been seen by the Church Gommittee. I said that I undexsi:ood it had been among items available to the Committee but did not. know if they actually saw the letter. Hogan wanted. to know if and when the letter had been turned over to the FBI and under-what circux~n.stances_ :!: informed him that the letter 'was turned over to'the.;L3ureau on Novezxxber 23, 1963 together with other CIA references to Os~~vald? I also informed Miller a.nd Roan that Mrs. Oswald is being .notified at her last known address and is beixzg provided wifh a cagy of -the intercepted letter. 25X1 Approved For R~lease 2004/69~23~:,C(A-RDP78M02660R000200030081-5 STAT STAT A roved For Re Journal -Office of Legislative Counsel page 3 Thursday - 5 August 1976 7, (Internal Use Only - R.JK) LIAISON Yer Mr, Gary's instructions, I called Bill Hogan, on the staff of the House .Armed Services Gommittee to brief him an the. Library of Gon~;ress' legislatzve data retrieval system known as SCORPIO, wlzich had come to the attention of our library personnel. I told Hagan that we were taking a look at the program in a tentative way to cleterrnine whether or not it might be useful for us. I asked IIogan if he would speak to Representative Lucien N. Nedzi (D. , Mich. ~, who is Vice Chairman of the Joint Committee an the Library, abot~.t this matter to see if he had any problems with Agency use of this facility should we decide to pursue it. I told Hogan that, o.f course, we would _ta~~e no final steps without advising them first. Hogan said he was acquainted with the system but was nat aware that it was used by Government agencies other than Congress and said he woiuld check ~x~ith the Vice Ghairznan and get back in touch with us, Approved For Rel STAT 25X1 Approved For Relea ~e 2004/09/23 :CIA-RDP78M02660R000200030081-5 JOURNA.I.~ C7F~'SCE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Thursday - 5 August 1976 25X1 25X1 1. AA 1~.IaER.T Reported the fact of today's Presidential finding to the fallowing Committees axxd in the absence of the Chairmen was assured that the Chairmen would be informed of the place and nature of the program. arzd of the fact that the Director stands ready to provide the Carr~.zx~.ittees with a briefing on the description and scope of the prograxx~.. The Coxnrriittees contacted were: House Armed Services (Frank Slatinshek); I-louse Appxapriatians (Charles Snodgrass); House In.ternatianal Relations. (Jack Brady); Senate Foreign Relations (Don I-Iendexsan); Senate Armed Services (Ed Braswell), and,.ppropriations (Guy McConnell. ). In sevexal instances there was discussion whether programs of this nature were really suitable for a specific Presidential finding and whether this type of prograxsx could be . conducted under the so~called Omnibus section of the 10 ;lanuary 19?~ Presidential finding. 2. LIAISON Ca7.l.ed 13111 Ragan, Gaunsel, I-Iouse .Armed Services Committee, to thank b.ixn far his halp on CSARDS on Tuesday. He is aware of the need to move swiftly on the Hause floor prior to consideration of the conference report on the Defense Appropriatioais bill to avoid problems with a point of order. I advised him of the inquiry to the Executive Branch by Representative Leonar Sullivan (D. , Mo.) concerning Cuban presence in Panama and told him that in lig'~~.t of the Committee's earlier interest in the subject, we would provide the Committee with the substance of the response. Hagan indicated that Mrs. Sullivan's staff persoxaxxel had been badgering the Commttee on this subject; that some of the leads being run down are based on information provided by Philip Harmon, Mr. Lastx?aw (phonetic}, 25X1 Preside~:t of the Chamber of Commerce, anal Mr. Drurnm.and (phonetic}, President of the Zone Police. The above was passed on to NIO/Lr"... 25X1 25X1 pprove or a ease 2004/09/23 :CIA-RDP78M02660R000200030081-5 Journal -Office of .Legislature Counsel -LVednesday - ~ f~.ugLxst 1976 Page; 3 1l. LIAISON I T3a.11 Ilog~.n, on t'kie staff of the House Armed Services Commit-tee, and revic~~vc:d vrith hirn the briefing of Representative Toby :Moffatt (D. , Conn,) and Representative Ronald V. Dellums (D. , Calif.) o# 2 Augusf. 1976. . ~ ' ~ ~ . . . .Legislative Gounsel CC; O/DC~ O!Di~CI I1a.. Sec, Mr. Laphatn DD.fa. DDI DDS&'I' SA D~)/O IC Staff' ColzZpt NIO Approved For Release 2004/09/23 :CIA-RDP78M02660R000200030081-5 STAT 25X1 A roved For Relea a 2004/09/23 :CIA-RDP78M02660R000200030081-5 4fout-nrLl - Of:Eice of Counsel Tuesday -- 3 .f~.u~usL l;'76 =I'~~r,e =1 STAT Comm; `t; s a c2..e and said that hc: would J-ike our t>;.a~ole t.+p ~~i Iris c,' tics at .~,~ ~nxs irzornixx~ fo?- the 1.0:30 :EIouse It,ules Con~zz-na.t:tee rxi:;ct;.n~Y bi11 ~? ~ paid he would like to talk i:o tJ:~em alxd to ask 1':ic;:,i1 tc~ rttrtlcc ,t~rc }:lxc~}r b:r>.n~ tF~~ iiUlzr es fox thc~ unfut>c3ecl J.iabilit~ ~ ,~. ev~r~n i.f th'+ ~.