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50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/30: CIA-RDP78B05708A000700020001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/30: CIA-RDP78B05708A000700020001-4 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/12/30 : CIA-RDP78B05708A000700020001-4 ( PART I NARRATIVE HIGHLIGHTS 1. GENERAL 50X1 The NPIC Internal Management Survey got underway in February and involved 50X1 a ?rodi ious effort throughout the Center. A Staff Study prepared by 50X1 proposed the organization and method of operation of this manpower an ysis program and the survey was approved and initiated by on 6 February 1964. A Steering Group composed of as Chairman as Vice-Chairman, as members, and as Executive Secretary held 14 meetings during February at which the basic assumptions and planning factors to be utilized by Center components in determining future manpower needs of the Center were prepared and approved. Completion of the survey is anticipated by the middle of March, 1964. 2. BUDGET & FISCAL a. At the two-thirds mark of Fiscal Year 1964, the Center has obligated 45 per cent of its allocated funds. The primary area of concern is with the Research & Development Program and as shown on the attached table, the Plans & Development Staff has obligated just 19 per cent of available funds. Establishment of new procedures for project approval by the DD/I and DD/CI together with renewed insistence by the Office of Logistics that all R&D contractual action be completed by the end of April indicate that intensive action will be required in the Center in the next several months if R&D program objectives are to be achieved. Assurances have been given by P&DS that the R&D package will be completed within the specified time limits. b. The Spring Charity Fund Drive got under way during the latter part of February and the Budget & Fiscal Branch was assigned responsibility for coordinating this campaign within the Center. Keymen were designated and assistants were assigned to collect contributions within each Division and Staff. A meeting conducted by Budget & Fiscal Branch personnel was held on 27 February with Division and Staff representatives to pass out materials and discuss procedures. The Drive runs until the end of March. c. Overtime continued to increase during February reflecting greater inputs to the Center during the month. A total of 10,833 hours of overtime were worked during two pay periods in February as contrasted with 9,062 hours in January and 7,014 hours in December. As a result of a policy directive from Mr. Kirkpatrick calling for a 25 per cent reduction in overtime use, the Budget & Fiscal Branch made several studies and analyses of overtime usage in the Center as the first step in supporting the Executive Director in formulating a revised overtime policy for NPIC. 50X1 50X1 50X1 50X1 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/30: CIA-RDP78B05708A000700020001-4 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/12/30 : CIA-RDP78B05708A000700020001-4 U (I)) 3. LOGISTICS a. In response to an Agency directive, contract actions proposed for the last quarter of the Fiscal Year were reviewed with Division and Staff Chiefs and a schedule of these actions was forwarded to the Procurement Division on 3 March 1964. The review showed that major proposed fourth quarter contract actions totaled is for R&D items. The most significant factor of this review was the fact that Center components are planning to prepare and forward 31 major contract actions during the month of April alone. Based on past experience this will be an exceedingly difficult objective to attain. c. An improvement in the Center's supply and requisition system was achieved in February by the establishment of a more effective follow- up system. In order to insure timely delivery of supplies and equipment and to inform requisitioning offices of the status of overdue items, procedures were established in the Logistics Branch setting deadlines for follow-up action and scheduling regular reviews of outstanding requisitions. d. Planning and preparation for various alterations and renovation programs in the building continued to take a large amount of time of Logistics Branch personnel responsible for coordinating the many activities involved. The major alteration package which has been in the works for nearly a year has reached the point where contract negotiations by GSA are getting underway after final funding approval was received from the DD/S for the $153,000 package. A second major alteration program to provide for the installation of a high speed electronic plotter in TID has passed the planning stage and necessary paper work has been forwarded to the DD/S via the DD/I. This project will cost $20,000 and has an estimated completion date of 1 August. The third alteration program currently in the planning stage involves fourth floor renovations to accommodate recent changes in the PD, CSD, and P&DS areas. On the sixth floor" planning is underway with Mr. Taylor, Chief, GSA, Anacostia Group Forces, to replace all windows with thermo glass this summer. This should provide a final solution to the condensation problem. 50X1 50X1 50X1 4. PERSONNEL a. During the month of February, NPIC acquired 9 new em loyees and lost 9 employees to maintain a total on-duty strength of Eighteen 50X1 additional cases were placed in process during this perioa making a total of 56 applicants currently in process. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/30: CIA-RDP78B05708A000700020001-4 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/12/30 : CIA-RDP78B05708A000700020001-4 L.) c:77,777 b. In order to provide necessary management control during this period of uncertainty regarding NPIC's staffing authorization, temporary internal ceilings were developed for each of the Center components in keeping with the total temporary ceiling of The temporary ceilings 50X1 for each Division and Staff were approved by the Executive Director and memoranda were prepared notifying each component of its temporary ceiling. c. A summary of the first Competetive Evaluation Review of the Career Service Board was prepared and forwarded to the Office of the Director. The first stage of competetive evaluations of all GS-13 personnel is currently underway. d. As part of the program to provide employee services to Center personnel, representatives of the Personnel Branch secured background information on the credit union facility of the Naval Weapons Plant. This information was distributed to employees by an NPIC notice which set forth the procedures by which government employees in the Building may use this facility. In addition, Staff and Division chiefs were advised that Building 213 employees in grades GS-12 and above are entitled to use the facilities of the Navy Officer's Club at lunch time. Each component has been solicited for a list of their employees who qualify and are interested in using the Club. e. During February, 26 new employees attended the NPIC Indoctrination Course and 59 persons who recently entered on duty attended the Director's Briefing. The next running of the NPIC Indoctrination Course is tentatively scheduled for April. 5. SECURITY a. At the direction of (BSO/CIA), the Director, NPIC, and 50X1 Commanding Officer, DIA/NPIC, were briefed by the Chief, Security Branch on an important development involving the security of an operational project for which a number of NPIC personnel hold a clearance. The Security Branch then arranged a meeting of all NPIC persons holding this clearance to enable the Director, NPIC, to give required instructions and guidance. Of the 154 cleared NPIC personnel, 148 attended the Director's briefing, and the remaining 6 who were not able to attend were briefed the following day. b. During February, extensive efforts were made in converting the Security Branch clearance records to IBM. Completion of the input phase of this project is expected in early March and will materially improve the timeliness and accuracy of Security Branch records. An example of how the IBM system will work was demonstrated in convening the special briefing mentioned in the above paragraph. In a little over 10 minutes an IBM printed runout was obtained which listed all the current NPIC holders of the particular operational clearance involved, making it possible to promptly convene the special briefing. 3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/30: CIA-RDP78B05708A000700020001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/30: CIA-RDP78B05708A000700020001-4 f (Th c. The Security Branch gave extensive support to the P&DS for two meetings held in Building 213 in February. One involved a Bidders' Conference which was attended by representatives from 16 commercial concerns interested in submitting bids on a prospective NPIC contract and the second involved support of the Joint Procurement Meeting held in the Main Briefing Room on 27-28 February. Security certifications were obtained and detailed briefings given to 61 representatives from 11 different government agencies and 13 representatives from 8 commercial concerns. d. On the fifth of February an announced fire drill was conducted in Building 213 to test the building evacuation procedures. This fire drill was put to good use on 20 February when a fire in an electric motor in the vertical vault conveyor system necessitated the evacuation of the building. This "live" experience indicated the need for improvement in the building evacuation plan as well as changes in certain of the alarm procedures. Security Branch is working with Staff and Division representatives, the CIA Safety Officer and the District of Columbia Fire Department to make necessary changes. e. During February, 4 internal security violations and one Agency violation were discovered and investigated by Security Branch personnel. Reports were submitted in each case to the Executive Director, NPIC, and the Director of Security, CIA, for action or information as appropriate. 6. TRAINING a. As a first step in developing a management/supervision training program, arrangements were completed with the Office of Training for a special running of the Management Training Course. Fourteen candidates have been nominated from within the Center including 2 from PD, 2 from PSD, 3 from CSD, 4 from CIA/PID, 2 from TID and 1 from P&DS. The original plan to conduct a part-time course at Building 213 was changed at the suggestion of the Chief, Management Training, OTR, to a full time one-week course away from the office. Representatives from other components of the Agency will also attend this course. b. The special Card Punch Operating training course given in Building 213 utilizing the new PerceptoScope was completed. Six new employees were given 80 hours of instruction as card punch operators utilizing instructors from CSD. The course was considered to be very satisfactory and interest has been expressed in this training program by the Office of Computer Services. c. This month marks the first anniversary of the Voluntary Language Program at Building 213. In recent discussions with representatives of the Language and Area School, OTR, the students from NPIC were singled out as being unique in the high levels they have maintained in their motivation and performance in the program. Enrollment for the next twenty-week instructional period now stands at 25 necessitating three sections for the program including two beginning sections and one intermediate section. 1. 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/30: CIA-RDP78B05708A000700020001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for R?erea'-ser-2.-013/12/30 : CIA-RDP78B05708A000700020001-4 50X1 d. together with of POS, visited the Rome Air 50X1 Development Center to review the first draft of an Infrared Interpretation Manual prepared by H.R.B. Singer Company under contract to the Air Force. The Manual deals with limited examples of industrial targets and counter- insurgency targets with some attention to the metrics of infrared. The Air Force has been requested to provide NPIC with 10 copies of the Manual which will be used primarily as an educational device for PI's. 5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/30: CIA-RDP78B05708A000700020001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/30: CIA-RDP78B05708A000700020001-4 R Next 3 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/30: CIA-RDP78B05708A000700020001-4 50X1 _ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/30: CIA-RDP78B05708A000700020001-4 uppm.. NATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHIC INTERPRETATION CENTER MONTHLY TRAINING REPORT February 1564 Na. of People by Component Total TYPES OF TRAINING OPS AS P&DS PSD CSD: PD TID PID PAG DIA NPIC ? a.m.= voar..? OTR Courses Oa O. 1 - 6 NPIC-Conducted Courses 4 1 1 5 16 On-Site Training Programs - 1 - 1 External Training - 1 10 SECRFT - - - - 7 7 55 9 2 100 2 4 5 - 13 10 10 6 - - 37. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/30: CIA-RDP78B05708A000700020001-4 GROUP 1 Excluded from automatic downgrading and declassification 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/30: CIA-RDP78B05708A000700020001-4 R Next 1 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/30: CIA-RDP78B05708A000700020001-4 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/12/30 : CIA-RDP78B05708A000700020001-4 TRAVEL STATUS REPORT February 1964 Travel Orders (Domestic): Total 42 Division AS P&DS NO. of Trips Purpose 6 Invitee 1 Training 1 Research and Development 15 Research and Development PID 2 Training 1 Research and Development Professional Society Ops CSD TID 1 Research and Development ?1 1 Operational Support EOD 1 Personnel Recruitment 1 EOD 8 Operational Support 1 Research and Development Travel Orders (Foreign): Total 4 PSD PID PAG 2 Operational Support 1 Operational Support 1 Operational Support VAMT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/30: CIA-RDP78B05708A000700020001-4 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/12/30 : CIA-RDP78B05708A000700020001-4 777-rUTITC CI CI PART III SELECTED WORKLOAD DATA Monthly Feb Feb Average 1964 1968 for CY 63 1. Personnel a. Number of Files Received Applicant Files 41 149 -109 CIA Employee Files 11 34 23 Total 52 7-757 132 b. Number of Interviews 25 116 96 c. Number Placed in Process 18 85 48 d. Number of Career Service Board 3 4 3+ Meetings 2. Security a. Number of Visitors Processed 598 913 925 CIA 154 356 328 Military 226 202 246 Commercial 169 240 249 Other 49 115 102 b. Number of Requests for Clearances 115 85 71 c. Number of Security Briefings 39 39 67 d. Number of Security Violations 5 7 5 3. Logistics a. Number of Requisitions Processed 166 128 146 b. Number of Line Items 586 600 639 c. Equipment Service Requests 33 28 30 d. e. Building Service Requests Supply Room Issues 107 105 127 Requisitions 171 167 230 Line Items 1,172 1,614 1,256 4. General Administrative Regulatory Issuances Disseminated 23 CIA- 18 NPIC - 5 [ 1 -tr'-------,---1 crz, i ----7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/30: CIA-RDP78B05708A000700020001-4