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NPIC ROUTING SLIP Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/19: CIA-RDP78B05708A000100090003-1 FROM: TO INITIALS IMTE DATE: DI R / 61 C DEP/DIR ,2 .- EXEC/DIR ASST FOR OPS 1/ ik 31141 I ...7; 11 ASST FOR ADMIN ...--- 047 a , ASST FOR P&D CH/CSD CH/PSD CH/PD CH/T ID CH/PAD SIO/CIA (PID) SIO/ARMY SI 0/NAVY SIO/AF LO/DIA LO/NSA REMARKS: Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/19: CIA-RDP78B05708A000100090003-1 (OVER) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/19: CIA-RDP78B05708A000100090003-1 SECRET USIB-M-320 15 April 1964 UNITED STATES INTELLIGENCE BOARD MEMORANDUM FOR THE UNITED STATES INTELLIGENCE BOARD SUBJECT : Draft Minutes of the 15 April USIB Meeting The attached draft minutes of the 15 April Intelligence Board meeting will be considered at the next regular Board meeting. A Special Annex to these minutes is being circulated through special channels. Attachment SECRET JAMES S. LAY, JR Executive Secret GROUP 1 Excluded from automatic downgrading and declassification sit 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/19: CIA-RDP78B05708A000100090003-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/19: CIA-RDP78B05708A000100090003-1 SECRET USIB-M-320 15 April 1964 UNITED STATES INTELLIGENCE BOARD Minutes of Three-hundred-twentieth Meeting United States Intelligence Board USIB Conference Room Central Intelligence Agency, at 1030 hours, 15 April 1964 Director of Central Intelligence John A. McCone Presiding MEMBERS PRESENT ?Lieutenant General Marshall S. Carter, Deputy Director of Central Intelligence Mr. Thomas L. Hughes, Director of Intelligence and Research, Department of State Lieutenant General Joseph F. Carroll, Director, Defense Intelligence Agency Dr. Louis W. Tordella, Acting Director, National Security Agency Mr. Harry S. Traynor, Atomic Energy Commission representative to USIB Mr. William 0. Cregar, acting for Federal Bureau of Investigation representative to USIB SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/19: CIA-RDP78B05708A000100090003-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/19: CIA-RDP78B05708A000100090003-1 (.3 SECRET USIB -M- 320 15 April 1964 1. USIB-D-41.14/113 (CCPC- D-4/64), 9 March 1964 (USIB-D-41. 14/124, 8 April, Limited Distribution thru restricted channels; USIB-D-41. 13/8, 14 April, Limited Distribution through special channels) (An account of USIB discussion and action on this item is contained in USIB-D-41. 14/129 (CCPC-D-6/64), 17 April, Limited Distribution through restricted channels and USIB-D-41. 13/9 (COMOR- D-25/89), 17 April 1964, Limited Distribution through restricted channels.) 2. USIB-D-41.14/l25 (COMOR- D-25/86), 10 April 1964 (Limited distribution through restricted channels) (A report of USIB action on the subject document is contained in USIB -D- 41. 14/128 (COMOR-D -25/ 88), 15 April, Limited Distribution through restricted channels.) 3. Approval of Minutes 8 April Meeting (USIB-M-319, including Annex distributed through special channels; and records of action in USIB-D-41. 14/124 and USIB-D-41. 14/123, Limited Distribution through restricted channels) Approved as circulated, including the referenced documents. 4. Watch Report No. 712 Approved as amended. - 2 - SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/19: CIA-RDP78B05708A000100090003-1 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/19: CIA-RDP78B05708A000100090003-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/19: CIA-RDP78B05708A000100090003-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/19: CIA-RDP78B05708A000100090003-1 SE GRE1' USIB-M-320 15 April 1964 7. Post-Mortem on SNIE 14.3-64, "The Outlook for North Vietnam" (Memorandum for USIB, 8 April; USIB-M-315, 4 March, Item 6) The Acting Chairman of the Board of National Estimates (BNE) opened the discussion on this Post-Mortem, which had been remanded by USIB to the BNE at the 4 March Board meeting. Mr. Smith pointed out that, as directed by the Board, this Post-Mortem is focused solely on gaps in information with no discussion of collection or analysis. The Board concurred in minor changes suggested by the DIA Member. Mr. Hughes questioned where he should send comments by State's analysts which concern the processing and exploiting of material which is available from North Vietnam, since such matters appear to go beyond the collection problems of concern to the Critical Collection Problems Committee (CCPC). There followed a discussion concerning the handling of collection and analysis problems stemming from the intelligence gaps identified in this and future Post-Mortems. The discussion centered on whether the CCPC was the appropriate committee to assume responsibility not only for collection problems but also for processing and analysis problems. The Chairman expressed the view that CCPC should be the Board's facility for seeing that the community is closing as many gaps as possible. The Board then: a. Approved the Post-Mortem on SNIE 14.3-64 as amended. b. As contemplated in the 4 March USIB meeting, referred this Post-Mortem to the CCPC for recommendations concerning collection actions to overcome the deficiencies. c. Noted that State's comments on the subject Post-Mortem, which concern processing and exploitation of available material from North Vietnam, would be circulated to USIB members. d. Directed the Board of National Estimates to review the overall problem of Post-Mortems and submit recommendations for USIB consideration at a future meeting as to how they can be made more useful. - 4 - SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/19: CIA-RDP78605708A000100090003-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/19: CIA-RDP78B05708A000100090003-1 SECRET USIB-M-320 15 April 1964 8. Terms of Reference for NIEs and-SNIE s (USIB-D-13. 1/15, 10 April) The Chairman reported that he requested BNE to produce this paper as a result of the discussion at the 8 April Board meeting concerning the terms of reference for SNIE 36-2-64. The discussion at this meeting had centered on the narrowness of the terms of reference for this estimate (USIB-M-319, Item 8). The State Member concurred in the subject paper, but expressed the hope that the paper did not mean that every estimate had to be balanced from the viewpoint of policy consideration. He added that estimates with relatively narrow terms of reference often are useful to policy makers. Mr. McCone stated that the subject paper would not solve all such problems, but that it should help to achieve an early review and agreement among USIB Members on terms of reference. He agreed that the paper did not mean that the terms of reference on every estimate had to be very broad. The Board then concurred in the subject paper as amended. 9. Arab Reactions to Certain US Aid to Israel (SNIE 36-2-64; USIB-M-319, Item 8) Mr. Abbot Smith reported that this estimate had been revised in accordance with the discussion of the terms of reference for this SNIE at the 8 April USIB meeting. After a brief discussion the Board approved SNIE 36-2-64 as amended. No member raised objection to release of this estimate to USIA. 10. SNIE on Nasser's Policies and Prospects The Acting Chairman of BNE reported on the Secretary of State's request for a SNIE on Nasser's policies and prospects. The Board agreed that a SNIE should be undertaken to assess Nasser's position, probable courses of action, and the likelihood of problems arising which might cause serious deterioration of US-UAR relations. SECRET - 5 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/19: CIA-RDP78B05708A000100090003-1 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/19: CIA-RDP78B05708A000100090003-1 SECRET USIB-M- 320 15 April 1964 11. USIB-S-13. 5/10, 26 March (Limited Distribution through special channels) (USIB action on the subject document is contained in the Special Annex to these minutes, distributed through special channels.) Executive Session 12. Designation of Chairman, Critical Collection Problems Committee (CCPC) (DCID 2/2, Paragraph 4) After convening the Board in executive session at 1230, the Chairman said that he had been giving a lot of thought to the appointment of a new Chairman, CCPC, including discussion with General Strong regarding the time required for this position. Mr. McCone said that he would like CCPC to be used in a different way than in the past.',,,, He thought CCPC could become one of the primary committees to assist the Board in dealing with problems such as those considered in Items 1 and 7 today. Such problems would include not only a follow-up on Post Mortems but also on Priority National Intelligence Objectives (PNI0s). Hence, there would be an interplay in this work between CCPC and Mr. Bros& Staff. The Chairman therefore proposed to designate Major General John M. Reynolds of Mr. Bross' Staff as Chairman, CCPC. In making this designation, Mr. McCone explained that it was not intended that Mr. Bross would be interposed between the CCPC and USIB Members, since General Reynolds would be acting individually as Chairman, CCPC, in addition to his duties with Mr. Bross' Staff. General Reynolds may require some staff to assist him as Chairman, CCPC, but this will be determined on the basis of experience. General Carroll said that, when this appointment had first, been mentioned to him, there were two points which had concerned him. The first was whether this would alter the purpose for which General Reynolds was assigned to Mr. Bross' Staff; the second was whether, as Chairman, Critical Collection Problems Committee, General - 6 - SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/19: CIA-RDP78B05708A000100090003-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/19: CIA-RDP78B05708A000100090003-1 SECRET USIB-M-320 15 April 1964 Reynolds would report to Mr. Bross rather than to USIB. Since these points had been cleared up as explained by Mr. McCone, General Carroll indicated his concurrence with the designation by the DCI of General Reynolds as Chairman, CCPC. There being no objection by other Board Members, Mr. McCone said that he would make General Reynold's appointment effective as of this date.* Adjournment: 1235 JAMES S. LAY, JR Executive Secreta y 50X1 SECRETARY'S NOTES 50 2. USIB-D-41.17/32 (COMOR- D-34/18), 30 March 1964 (Limited Distribution through restricted channels) The USIB, as of 11 April 1964, approved the COMOR recom- mendation in paragraph 2. of subject document. Copies of the statement in its final USIB-approved form have been circulated as the attachment to USIB-D-41.17/33 (COMOR-D-34/19) Limited Distribution. *A memorandum from the Director of Central Intelligence designating General Reynolds as Chairman, CCPC subsequently circulated to USIB as USIB-D-64. 3/2. SECRET - 7 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/19: CIA-RDP78B05708A000100090003-1 X1 Declassified in *Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/19: CIA-RDP78B05708A000100090003-1 SECRET USIB-M-320 15 April 1964 3. USIB-D-41.14/127 (COMOR- D-24/130), 13 April 1964 (Limited Distribution through restricted channels) The USIB, as of 11 April 1964, approved the COMOR recom- mendations as circulated in paragraph 6. of the attachment to the subject document, which was transmitted for information and guidance of all concerned. 8 JAMES S. LAY, J Executive Secret SECRET 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/19: CIA-RDP78B05708A000100090003-1