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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/14: CIA-RDP781305707A000300010029-0 A? ? ? ? I ???? ? ihenj PRESENT: TCS-12829-62-1CH 18 July 1962 NATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHIC INTERPRETATION CENTER OPERATIONS BOARD TRANSCRIPT Acting Chrm. lir. Leroy Stolle Lt. Col. R. E. Saxon Lt. Col. George Eckert Lcdr P. J. Brunette Mr. Claeton Dalrymple Mr. Theodore Tate ITEM 1 - Approval of the minutes for the Ops Bd Mtg., 11 July 1962 asked for commenta on the minutes of the last meeting. 50X1 50X1 50X1 50X1 50X1 50X1 called attention to item 4 of the minutes and said he did not understand that we concurred in the recommendation that an MCI be pre- pared On all GRC missions. noted that the AF Element has submitted their opinion on 50X1 MCI production, but he would still like to have the opinions of the other NPIC detachments, i.e. should we prepare an MCI on all GRC mission; what sequence should the missions be worked, etc. Col. Saxon believes MCI should be prepared on all the missions. Lcdr Brunette believes each mission should be reviewed to see if it is feasible to prepare an MCI on sane. believes some judgment should be used on these as we use on80X1 the Cuban miatons. Mr. Eckert believes thismatter should be left to our judgment since we do not have the capability to prepare an MCI on all missions coming into the ,Center. ummtp, VIA Wirt TOP SECRET CHESS RUFF NOFORW:uninE nNLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/14: CIA-RDP78605707A000300010029-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/14: CIA-RDP78605707A000300010029-0 TOP SECRET CHESS RUFF or ? A TCS-12829-62-KH Col. Eckert said that Army would like to see an MCI on CRC 113, but not on GRC 1151 116 and 117. said he will discuss this with Mr. Lundahl and see what his opinion is on the matter. It may have to go back to the AOM since the matter reflects the requirements and needs Of the Community. He will let the Board members know before or at the next Ops Bd Meeting what will be done in this respect. The minutes were then approved with the omission of the word "all" in item 4. ITEM 2 - Review of Project Summary for the week ending 13 Jul 62 asked for comments on the project summary. Col. Eckert asked if this weekly summary is necesaary. 50X1 50X1 50X1 asked what the opinion of the Board is on this. He believes it would be more feasible to produce this summary on a monthly basis rather than a weekly basis. Lcdr Brunette agrees to produce it on a mbnthly basis as long as he can check with PAS on the current information. asked Mr. Stolle to prepare a short paper from time to time up-dating the summary, but to prepare the entire report on a monthly basis. noted that the Publications Division report covers most Of this information each week. asked if anyone did not get this report. Lcdr Brunette and the Air Force Element do not get copies, so asked report each week. 50X1 50X1 50X1 50X1 to see that all members of the Board get a copy of the 2 pp 50X1 Ilk OLE VIA TALENT- KnHOTZ CHANNEL TOP SECRET CHESS RUFF NOF0O-nr ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/14: CIA-RDP78605707A000300010029-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/14: CIA-RDP78B05707A000300010029-0 ta> TOP SECRET CHESS RUFe TCS-12829-62-KH The Board unanimously agreed to publieh the Project Summary Report -( on a monthly basis. ITEM 3 - New projects and proposed staffing asked if there were any comments on the new projects or 50X1 proposes staffing. Col. Eckert asked that the Army representative for JN 169-62 be listed on the agenda. He is Lt. Richard Plamondon. ITEM 4 - Projects assigned since the last Ops Ed mtg. Mr. Stolle asked that the last two JN numbers be reversed under item 4. NEW BUSINESS 50X1 that said that the Chairman of JN 57-62, project. The team recommends 50X1 that JN 148-62 DDI/BR-79/62 be deleted from this believes covert this requirement better. Since we wish to complete JN 57-62 50X1 recommends that this proposal be accepted, and recommends that it be included 50X1 in JN 148-62 if the Chairman of SN 57-62 agrees. The Board agreed to this, 50X1 and was asked to advise of the decision. 50X1 has a request from chairman of JN 96-62, stating 50X1 that this request has been completed in other projects and that only a memo is necessary to the requester. He askes that the project be cancelled. 50X1 recommends that he make copiesof this memo for the SIOs as well as for asked 50X1 50X1 the requester. The Board agreed to both recommendations, and Col Saxon to see that the extra copiesEre.nade. recommended that JN 157-62, selection of briefing boards 50X1 :for CRC 115 be cancelled unless someone has an urgent requirement for these boards. Lcdr Brunette agreed, but would like to be notified When the material will =ILE VIA TALENT- be available. TOP SECRET CHESS RITITNORA KEYHOLE CHANNELS 3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/14: CIA-RDP78B05707R0003-00610029-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/14 : CIA-RDP78B05707A000300010029-0 ?%/10P SECRET CHESS RUFF oui-lp The Board agreed to,CancelliJN 157-62, and Lcdr Brunette Yhen the material'is ready. Col. Eckert asked if DIA should levy their boards on Army or to 'the Operations Officer. ? TCS-:12829-62-KH agreed to notify 50X1 requirements for briefing said he believes they should come tib him, so Col. Eckert 50X1 they call. for SAC. inwhich is fairly agreed to refer DIA to the Ops Officer the next time Col. Saxon asked when JN 19-62 completed Mr. Tate noted that another xequirement has come similar to JN 19-62) and it has been recommended that these two projects be joined. However, he believes this will, delay, completion of. JN 19-62, and recommends instead that this new project be joink with two other dmilar projects so that JN 19-62.can be completed asap, 50X1 The Board agreed with this recommendation. 50X1 then asked. to Check On the progress Of JN 19-62. Col. Saxon asked about distribution of Dupes from the framing camera.' said these:yere included in the COMOR minutes Of a past 50X1 meeting, and read them as follows: NPIC 1 DP, 1 DN SAC 1 DP ARMY 1 DP,, 1 DN PACAF 1 DP FTD 1 DP British 1 DP Navy 2 DP, 1 DN ACIC 1 DP Col. Saxon objects to ACIC getting their dupes last and cannot understand why NPIC gets theirs first. explained what action weqake on these dupes. 50X1 HAIIDLE VIA TALENT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy AppTrOoviedSEfoCrRREeTleCaj:;eE2S0113/08/14 : CIA-RDP78B057-007:0140030-0-010029-0 ? OE NOFORR KEYHOLE CHANNELS Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/14: CIA-RDP78B05707A000300010029-0 ? IIP TCS-12829-62-KH Col.. Saxon Said he wOuld like to table a requirement that the Air Force be affOrded a listing telling them what is in process at the plant and when 50X1 this material will be here. He asked that see that a consolidated list be submitted to Air Force. said he can give the Air Force Element a sterilized copy 50X1 of the message we send to EK on this subjeCt. Col. Saxon then asked what we are going to do with the GRC material, as he would like a schedule on this as well. said he does not know when the film is coming down from 50X1 the plant so he cannot provide a schedule on it. He asked Col. Saxon to check the boards in Office since they contain the most current iiifor-50X1 mation on the mission schedules. He can then provide AF with a schedule on the GRC missions once they have arrived at the Center. A discussion ensued on this natter. Col. Saxon insisted nn something to give them some idea of what the Center plant to do on GRC missions. He believes a consolidation of the material on the boards may be sufficient, but he pointed out that he'need6 this information amailable at all times, So he can answer any questions asked him re witxt our plans to process'various missions. explained that DIA wants GRC 119 and GRC 113 worked in that5?X1 order. This decision was expressed at the ADCOM as well as at the Ops Bd. last week. pointed Out that we also need information on certain Pro- jects that Air Force is handling such as Bow Tie:, etc. 50X1 '1ALIIIT- KEYHOLE CHANNELS TOP SECRET CHESS RIJF/ViciFORlis, 0 N'L X Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/14: CIA-RDP78B05707A000300010029-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/14 : CIA-RDP78605707A000300010029-0 or 14...110P SECRET CHESS nun \id TCS-12829-62-KH reminded Col. Saxon that we have not received the infonna- 50X1 tion on the last 201 shot. Col. Saxon said we have a man working with the Air Force, Mr. Scoville, who ihould have provided us with this information. Col. Saxon asked about our instructions to EIC to handle the CRC material, so o get a copy of our last instructions to them. He then read the cable to the Board, and agreed to give a copy of this type cable to Saxon each time we send one to EK. He noted that each time a new mission is flown we send a new cable of instructions for processing. Col. Eckert brought up the matter of number of aallbeg copies of dupes made on the Ka missions, and said he would be glad to reduce the Array distri- than if the others would do the same. .aid this is a matter for the COMOR. The meeting adjourned at 1457. 6 KEYHOLE CHANNELS ONLY 50X1 50X1 TOP SFriprm NOFORN Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/14: CIA-RDP78605707A000300010029-0