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"}EMORANDUM FOR: .i 7P12 EG I 20. AEGIS Search SyStem xs JCLL. 10 were no all ac corelince with other re .cti nnsvocws NPIC per soi,nel. z7iere ex e were Last; Friday'una received from co:n11ents on a briefing by CRS on the. AEGIS Subject S arch system, in his presented ware 1i paper stated} ~ a group of seven. people in the Centc z,,,}lo Svezlti to headquarters to see a briefing on this did not like system on the 7 lth of y stern or feel that 1- t sent a copy of ad applzccoixan to the , , with the s report to asking him whether they concurru, :cement and if not or a report on IEG's obsorvationc, 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Declass Review by NGA Approved For Release 2004/02/11 : CIA-RDP78B05703A000300010031-8 Ap ?Xed For e 78ZV3A000300010031-8 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/02/11 : CIA-RDP78BO5703A000300010031-8 KU M I '%w I-OW Approved For Release 2004/02/11 : CIA-RDP78B05703A000300010031-8 IEG/OD-164/70 9 April 1970 MEMORANDUM FOR: Chief, Operations Division SUBJECT Views on the Aegis System 1. Limited use is being made of the Aegis System in the Imagery Exploitation Group because of a lack of familiarity with the system, problems in using it and possibly because of changing information needs. Several analysts are using the system and several more IEG analysts have heard the briefing on the system given at the Central Reference Service. Despite the limited usage and some complaints about the service, most agree that the system has considerable potential. 2. Several analysts of two divisions are making use of the system at varying intervals and degrees. The system initially produces refer- ences to documents (titles and numbers) rather than specific information itself. Afterwards, the system can in some cases produce the specific information. The analysts reported some inconvenience because they were unable to understand the codes used in the printout. One analyst said she asked for copies of the key to this code but was refused the book. The key is also said to show the number of times a given descriptor oc- curs in the system. This would enable an analyst to make a rough check as to whether any information existed under a given subject or not. Comment was made that support received under this system depended in part upon the work done by the supporting analyst at CRS. Some CRS analysts provide more service than others, sending both listings and copies of some of the documents themselves. Another shortcoming men- tioned was that the collection dates back only to 1967. Information dated prior to that time must be retrieved via other means. The system apparently uses several machine programs judging from the varying com- puter printouts received from CRS. CRS briefers were quoted as saying the system would furnish relevant references at the rate of about 44 percent, a relatively low figure. Nevertheless, documents useful in support of photo interpretation have been received. On the other hand, one analyst complained that she had been asked to come to CRS to review printouts of documents in order to narrow a search. Unfortunately, she did not have transportation to Headquarters. Another analyst complained about working through third parties in order to obtain the information she wanted but here again better understanding by both users and Head- quarters analysts could bring improvement. a ;,n aammatit, Approved For Release 20gtI CIA-RDP78B05703A000300010031-8 I and :Fa n M IXUM Approved For Release 2004/02/11 : CIA-RDP78BO5703A000300010031-8 IEG/OD-16470 9 April 1970 SUBJECT: Views on the Aegis System 3. IEG personnel who have heard the briefings on the Aegis System have been impressed with its potential. They like the idea of several reference services combined into one. Unfortunately the potential has not been achieved because of some of the difficulties already mentioned. Another obstacle is the lack of understanding by some of the people in the group of the capabilities and procedures for using the system. From my conversation with several analysts, I obtained the impression that there is no automated collateral alternative available to them. Selective information retrieval systems in our building are slow. A comment was also made that there is generally less use of collateral in the group now than before the reorganization. This could have a considerable impact on our future collateral information needs. 4. While comments on the Aegis System were mixed, there was agree- ment as to the value of the rapid scan machine, also demonstrated at CRS to IEG people. The ability of the rapid scan machine to quickly search our entire target brief file on the basis of few selective terms appears to have considerable value in the group. This machine makes possible for the user an opportunity to browse a large body of information (for example, our target brief file) and rapidly obtain relevant information. Analysts at OSR use the rapid scan machine as a means to obtain what they need from the target brief file and it could be used in similar fashion here. 5. In summary, the Aegis System offers promise but work needs to be done to improve understanding and service. We have attached with this memo a copy of the description of the Aegis System prepared by an IEG analyst who attended the briefing at Headquarters. Also included is his memorandum for the record describing the briefing. 25X1 Technical P ping Branch, OD IEG/NPIC Attachment: As stated Distribution: 1 - NPIC/IEG/OD 1 - NPIC/IEG Approved For Release 2Q W /p1 : CIA-RDP78BO5703A000300010031-8 S INW Approved For Release 2004/02/11-: CIA-RDP78B05703A000300010031-8 IEG/03?-72/70 27Feb-ruary 1970 e M}tn1OI1AN nUM TOR: Chief, Operations Division, IEC.; SUBJECT: Aegis Briefing, headquarters, 12 February 1970 2. Attachment hl is a resume of the initial investigation of Aegis conducted by LEG/O]). The following information was obtained during subject briefing of personnel: A. A demonstration was given of thel RSM I=C, a Rapid Search Machine which is capable of scanning text at the rate of 140,000 characters per second and printing output at the rate of 400 characters per second. A tape of EPIC target briefs on Soviet and European Satellite Country Ground Force Military in- stallations was searched against the keyword "FROG". We were shown how the machine could present complete "blips" or concentrate on the single word and 50 words adjacent thereto on either side of it in the text. Members of our touring party requested searches be made on two specific keywords and received the expected answers within a period of 1--2 minutes. The RSM has a number of special files to which it can respond, most of them furnished by other Agency components such as OCI and OSR. however, the AEGIS docu-- ment file of coded entries made since October 1967 is also avail- able for search. B. Open source foreign language publications are NOT subject coded as a matter of course. They are sent directly to area analysts who may select specific items of interest for coding and input into AEGIS. Biographic and installation files are still maintained in a manually retrieved, hard copy file. Approximately 3/5 of the personnel are engaged in -servicing biographic materials files, only 100 are available for other input to the system, which requires Information Services Group to be very selective in pro- cessing. Three to four hundred thousand information reports, translations, evaluated reports and. graphics arc coded into AEGIS yearly. - 25X1 Approved For Release 2004%02/_11: CIA-RDP78BO5703A000300010031-8 IEG/OD/72/70 27 February 1.970 SUBJECT.': Aegis Briefing, IIeadquarters, 12 Fcbruarj- 3.970 C. 0 suggest-cd that whenever NPIC analysts have some new area. of interest to explore, they might contact counterparts in Central Reference Service and arrange for special attention to documents relating to the subject. With such information inputted to AEGIS and capable of recall in most instances within a working day, it would prove most valuable for indepth research for third-- phase reports. it was explained that the 24 hour recall time was accepted as standard because AEGIS queries are run on evening shift and available consequently on the following morning. 3. NPIC personnel present: Technical Planning Branch, OD NPIC Attachment: a/s T)i..stribut.ion: 1 - NPIC/ILG/OD i%wv '"0011 Approved For Release 2004/02/11 : CIA-RDP78B05703A000300010031-8 IFG SYSTEMS SURVdY PACT SlIEST 10. PREPARED BY OPERATIONS DIVISION, 7.I G 1.9 February 1970 Aegis System Ol^)NIP/II;~Vrl_n1?},R The Aegis System was devised and is presently operated by the Central Reference Service (CP,S) /Information Services Group (ISG) and the Support Services Group (SSG), S YS `J.'ER1 l?'EATURE S The Aegis project is a "subject search system" which is replacing the Intellofax System, the Special Register SI machine runs, and the J.PI and which provides a listing and/or reference to current pertinent documents. The primary objective of developing the Aegis System was to provide a rapid "rechll" system of current intelligence materials. Previously, it was necessary to query Biographies, Graphics Register, Special Register, industrial Register, etc, for all material related to a specific query. The Aegis System is an attempt to automate all information into a single computerized system. At present, OSR, OSI, OCI, ODGI, SRS, DDP, OTR and NPIC have been utilizing Aegis for collateral references. Approved For Release 2004/02/14 : CIA-RDP78B05703A000300010031-8 INPUT--OUTPUT Intelligence Bathe- -ed by CRS is carefully indexed anc3./or coded and screened by Selection Officers before it is inputted into the com-- puter:. At present., there exists approximately ten (10) different formats which can be used depend_i-nq on the requesters' desires or needs. ,rte Recall is by "keyrwords" or by nvu d-ers or by a combination of both. (see attachment for 360 printout) SOFTWAPE It is pertinent to note that the selection of intelligence for input is much more refined than the previous systems. Much of the irrele- vant materials received by the agency are not inputted. The tests that have been conducted so far re the system indicate a 4426 accuracy recall on a first query. After analysis of the initial run by the selection officers the second runs have resulted in a 75% relevancy - figure which appears to satisfy requesters. The hardware utilized for this recall system presently consists of one IBM 360/50 computer (model 1) , which includes a 512 K memory, 2 channel selectors and 1 multiplex selector. The one 360/50 computer is currently satisfying the requests levied on the system. However, because the system is new and many analysts are novj aware of its capabilities, CRS envisages the need for a greater machine capability when more intelligence officers become acquainted with its capabilities. This system is presently being used sparingly by IEG personnel. Its existence is known by a few intelligence analysts who feel it will provide little information in support of our missions at this time. Those analysts desiring Aegis searches should contact PSG/Information Branch for search arrangements.