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Approved For Releases" t03/04/17: CIA-RDP78Bd%*f1A000800040049-5 APPENDIX A - DETAILED TASK DESCRIPTIONS O RESEARCH CONTRACT FY-19 PHASE II Task 6 - Precise Mensuration Study Support (Stereo Mensuration Accuracy I Icontracts and Research on mensuration accuracy during past 25X1 during Phase I of the present contract has proven to be of valuable assistance to IEG/PIjD in its attempt to assign objective accuracy state- ments to published linear dimensions. The present study will extend this successful work into the soon-operational realm of stereo mensuration. It supports an in-house IEG/PHD detailed study on precise mensuration. The stereo mensuration accuracy portion has two major objectives: To assess P~ID of streo vs. mono height measurementsmensuration and to assign the relative accuracies accuracy statements 25X1 0 contribution to this effort was scheduled to end during uPhase I of the present contract, but data collection delays caused by work load and priorit considerations have forced postponement of manor 25X1 portion of the task to Phase II. During experimental plan was prepared which is now available for use byl 2 5X1 personnel who will be conducting the actual testing in PHD. 2 5X1 Approximately Dof Task 6 funding was expended on this effort. The remainder will be applied to the analysis sof the data results. m- 25X1 and on final documentation E e; ::] e this task successfully before Phase II of the present contract ends,, 25X1 0 will require the mensuration data for analysis no later than 1 May 1-970. IEG/PHD is currently.engaged in an effort to insure that this stip- ulation is met. (See pages 41-49, DK-400.) Task 11 - Equipment Design S t design support area have materially 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Phase I efforts in the equipmeg and recommending aided both ESD and RED in evaluating equipment prototypes design improvements for production models. The first Advanced 918 Light Table, for example, was found to require redesign because the speed control knob for its motorized film drive was placed too close to the film edge and seriously endangered the operator's fingers. In addition, excessive resistance to easy winding was discovered in the manual film advance mechanism. Appropriate modifications have been recommended and are being implemented in the design of future 918 models. Additional Phase I human engineering evaluation occurred for the Digitized Measuring Light Table, the Twin Stage On-Line PI Comparator, and the Advanced 1540 Light Table. A revision of standard specific Approved For Release 2 CIA-RDP78B0517a> oobitg 4y NIMA/DOD Approved For Release 2003/04/17 : CIA-RDP78BO 71A0008OOO4OO49-5 DB-1003, Operator Manual Requirements:) was also to completed, n,equincorporating r exploitation human factors principles aimed at increasing ator efficiency. Iluran engineering evaluation of RED developed interpretation equip- Phase II as required. Specific candidates for menu will continue during. such evaluation during Phase II will be the Image Comparison Microstereo P.rototype -//2 1540 Advanced Light Tables, the scope, the Scan and Search PI Station, and the Model II Advanced Rhomboids. In addition to this specific equipment development and evaluation support, Phase II will also include a pilot study of stereo mensuration pointing techniques. The results of this investigation will indiicat to current IEG/PHD whether or not it should be concerned about replacing lacing. method of pointing for stereo height measurements, which involves placing. a floating dot on the perceived upper and lower limits of a target. In- dications in the research literature are that greater accuracy may be attained through several alternative pointing methods. to the DK-400 discussion, however, PHD participation in Contrary this first stereo pointing techniques study will not be required. Hard- ware, manpower and computer program requirements to conduct the study in-house are'not feasible under PHD's heavy workload. Since this in- vestigation will only be preliminary in nature, it will be accomplished elsewhere, probably at the US Geological Survey, withCtrainedossoto- grammetrists using equipment as nearly similar to KPI's as ible. Should this pilot program uncover findings of significant concern, PHDi- personnel would then be.utilized to validate the results for NPIC appli- cation in a follow-on, in-house study. Also included in Phase II under the Small Project Support subtask of Task 11 -- will be an investigation of IAS' r request f ort the de elopment. of a special PI chair for use with direct vie-wing This study, not mentioned in DK-400, will define the specific, human engi- neering inadequacies of the currently-used, standard GSA office chairs and will recommend design improvements obtainable through either the develop- ment of a new chair or the purchase of an off-the-shelf model. Task 11 will further include a Human Facrs subtask o cited in DK-x+00. Support will be lent as appropriate (](on conducted by other NPIC contractors such as (one 25X1 0 on Digital image m Chip System Evaluation} and pages 70- 75, DK-400). Approved For Release 2003/0447. ,-1A,-RDP78BO5171A000800040049-5 Approved_For Release 2003/0411 7-=dA-RDP78B 11 A000800040049-5 Now, 25X1 Task 10 in DK-400, support for NPIC's Technology Integration and Checkout Facility (TICOF), will be incorporated in Task 11 during Phase II. rimary TICOF role will be to design operational evalua- tion test plans as required. Equipment candidates during Phase II for TICOF operational suitability testing will be the Twin Stage On-Line Comparator and the Image Comparison Microstereoscope (not mentioned in DK-400). The Wide Field, High Power Anamorphic Stereo Viewer discussed in DK-400 will not be available for evaluation due to contractual fabri= cation postponement. (See pages 66-69, DK-400). Task 12 - Technology Research- Microscope Design Criteria Field of View 25X1 Convergence Angle Many Center personnel have suggested that a larger microscope field of view would aid PI'S in their use of contextual image cues during identifi- cation and analysis of targets. To fulfill this anticipated requirement for an increased field of view, RED is currently developing the prototype Wide Field High Power Stereo Viewer. This instrument will be capable of render- ing up to a 700 usable field of view for PITS. This size reflects current optics capabilities but not necessarily optimum PI performance. Objective specification of a maximum field for production models is required, how- ever, since the technical difficulties and consequent costs of producing wide field of view optics increase rapidly as the field increases. The Field of View Study discussed in DK-400 will be planned but not performed during Phase II since, due to a substantial delay in the delivery of the Wide Field High Power Anamorphic Stereo Viewer, no testing instru- ment for the study will be available until shortly after completion of the present contract. Simulation of the Wide Field optics has been considered, but judged virtually impossible given other critical requirements for the investigation. As a consequence, a thorough experimental design will be developed during Phase II so that the required study may be performed as soon after the Wide-Field Viewer's arrival as possible. The study, when performed, will use NPIC interpreters and operational imagery to investigate whether or not an optimum microstereoscope field of view can be determined objectively. The study planning effort here will be aimed at the goal of establishing a rational the field of view required for inclusion in future PI microstereoscopes. It will also be directed at evaluating objectively the validity of the prototype instru- ment. PI performance will be gauged by 0 Hunting and Reasoning Interpretation tests (developed under a previous contract), and the collected data analyzed to check any effects on PI performance efficiency attributable to different fields of view. Approved For Release 2003/04/17: CIA-RDP78BO5171A000800040049-5 25X1 Approved FQ,,Release, '4Oa:I /17': CIA-RDP78BO5 7OA000800040049-5 In addition to. the above planning effort, Task 12 will continue the Convergence Angle Study begun in Phase I, an activity not mentioned in DK-400 under Phase II. Phase I'sipreliminary results showed that excessive microstereoscope convergence angles have a significant deleterious effect on some observers. This effect, a rapid fluctuation in the viewer's visual accommodation (focus) has been illustrated only with a small number of sub- jects and only through a physiological measure. A validation experiment using more subjects and employing a dynamic visual performance measure is now required to refine the data already collected. Furthermore, data for a 71? convergence angle (typical of the Zoom 240) should be added to the 15? angle results obtained in the Phase I "worst case"study. Objective specification of optical design parameters for NPIC equipment continues to be an elusive goal for RED. The above Microscope Design Criteria Studies, however, will significantly advance this important objective. (See pages 76-79, DK-400). Task 13 Edge Identification Training (Pointing Accuracy Improvement) 9c1 1 I I 25X1 personnel cap- abilities. It will extend an on-going IEG/PHD program for testing new photogra mietrists on comparator use with known-dimension operational imagery. This task is based upon the demonstrated existence of mensuration per- formance deficiencies in inexperienced comparator operators. Both IEG/PHD an~ have clearly identified these deficiencies through objective testing on operational imagery. A pointing accuracy improvement program is now required by IEG to promote the rapid achievement of operationally acceptable levels of mensuration performance by new personnel. This need, is becoming ever more acute with the advent of interpreter mensuration. Task 13's training product is planned to be equally applicable to PI's as well as photogrammetrists. Precise image edge identification and reti-, cle placement are among the most critical human elements in the entire men- suration process. The training package to be developed here will promote standardization of operator pointing techniques and will help reduce the significant differences currently found among measurement Pointing accuracy improvement training-will be required of all future mensuration personnel whose performance is shown not to meet some minimally acceptable standard level to be established by. PH D. Certification of an individual for operational mensuration activity will occur only after he has fulfilled such an accuracy requirement. Contrary to DK-400; Task 13 will not involve heavy participation by IEG/PHD. Measurements to be used in the training will be drawn from the data collected in 0 25X 1 1968 mensuration study and Task 6 of the present Approved For Release 20,03/04/17 : CIA-RDP78BO5'171A000800040049-5 Approver Release 20031644PIt: CIA-RDP78B671A000800040049-5 contract. Thus the collection of new data in PRE will be avoided. RED will assist 0 in the assembly of operational materials for the training package. PID's only direct involvement in this task will be through periodic consultation and through operational suitability eval- uation of the final training package submitted. (will be employed as a training technology consultant on this task. (See pages 80-86, DK-400). Task 14 - Target Recognition Training for Area Specialists - A pilot training package is to be developed for the generalist inter- pretation function to include instruction on scanning techniques, but em- phasizing instruction on the target knowledge required of generalists during their target identification activity. The task will be accomplished in direct response to the Phase I results obtained from Tasks 7 and 8, "Validation of Area Specialist Performance" and "Assessment of PI Target Knowledge" respectively. The results of these two studies have demon- strated to IEG that current generalist PI performance is clearly in need of improvement. Task 7's objective was to demonstrate whether or not PI scanning ability improved from 1967 to 1969 in response to IEG's reorganization - emphasizing geographic area rather than target specialization among inter- preters. The results of the Task 7 study indicated that some PI performance improvement occurred through the reorganization, but that acceptable search performance was still far from being achieved. The need for generalist training appeared evident. Task 8's objective was to define the specific operational targets most frequently mis-identified by generalists. IEG has since prioritized the Task 8 target knowledge test results in terms of target importance. These rankings, along with a further analysis of Task 7's Hunt Test re- sults for frequently-missed gross target signatures, will insure that an efficient training program is designed to reduce the Center's most press- ing readout deficiencies. Such training is expected to promote consistent, high level performance among, interpreters and will be designed to help correct individual as well as group deficiencies in target reporting by area specialists. During the early stages of Task 14, IEG will choose 20-30 targets for training examples. Specific training content and methodology will be determined through discussions among Boeing scientists, IEG, RED, NPIC Approved For Release 200/04/17 :. CIA-RDP78BO5171A000800040049-5 25X1 Approved Rj&WRelease 2003/04/17 : CIA-RDP78B05A000800040049-5 F Training Branch, and Off ' Course personnel. will be a special Uainj g technology consu tan- to on this task. pate in the final training package eve opmert. (See pages 87-91, DK-.x+00). Task 15 _ State-of-the-Art Studies Phase I efforts in the state-of-the art area have resulted in such products as-special literature reviews,of research on line-scan imagery exploitation and real-time imagery transmission. These documents will aid NPIC in planning for future acquisition system exploitation require- ments. Phase I also included updating of the Human Engineering Design Guide with new sections on the acoustical environment and on mensuration comparator design. This document continues to be an invaluable source of compiled design data for use by imagery exploitation equipment devel- opers throughout the Intelligence Community. Monitoring of past and current developments in the field of imagery interpretation research will continue in Phase II, although at a de- creasing level of effort since a firm data base of information has already been assembled. Evaluation will be made of non NPIC-sponsored research results for their relevance to Center requirements. Special attention will be paid to unconventional imagery interpretation techniques as well as to electronic collateral display advances. Moreover, a specific literature search will be conducted on unaided stereoscopic displays, a topic not spelled out in DK-)+00, but one of growing NPIC concern, as the need in- creases for PI stereo viewing in an unencumbered, rear or front projection mode. Finally, the Human Engineering Design Guide will be revised and updated based upon any newly available information. (See pages 2- DK-2+oo) . 9 95, Approved For Release 2003/04/17 : CIA-RDP78BO5171A000800040049-5 25X1 25X1 25X1