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Approved For Release 2005/11/21 : cR&05171A000500010018-5 DRAFT NPIC TSSG/RED/SRB: 25X1 December 1969 In support of, or as a follow-up to, the research and develop- ment program, R&ED must increase its internal ADP activities. Con- tained herein are only those ADP requirements or functions which we propose can be most efficiently accomplished and most readily justified within TSSG operations. Additional ADP requirements more directly related to Center operations will be levied on PSG/AID for their support. 1. The major ADP functions to be performed within R&ED will be to provide computer systems analysis, software and software maintenance, in direct support of the R&D program. The major program areas to be supported are Image Analysis and Manipulation, Imagery Information Technology, and Additionally, support will 25X1 be required for the selection, integration, and use of small special purpose computers incorporated on equipment developed under several of the R&D programs. The Agency objectives against which these programs are directed and additional detail concerning the programs are contained in the R&D Annex. The planned schedule of work (FY 72-76), in each of these program areas is as follows: Image Manipulation - by FY-72, the feasibility and utility of image manipulation will be established and work will concentrate on the expansion of the image manipulation techniques and the develop- Declassification Review by NGA/DoD Approved For Release 2005/11/21 : CIA-RDP78BO5171A O fi%W&I SECRET downgrading end dedauhtlcdtten Approved For Release 2005/11/21 Ux-g;B05171AO00500010018-5 ment of an operational Automated Image Manipulation System. The major thrusts and progress will be a function of the R&D effort. Functionally, the Image Manipulation process requires an ADP system with a large core and memory, and a noninterruptive processing cycle of a rela- tively long duration for the manipulation of masses of data. A fully automated system may require near continuous Central Processing Unit time in an operational mode. The alternative to providing a computer primarily for image analysis and manipulation use is to provide con- tract support or effect a time-sharing arrangement with the 4+94 computer. The time-sharing alternative is under consideration, but there are a number of problems associated with this approach which will probably negate it as a long-term solution. The most serious of which is the probably insufficient machine time availability coupled with marginal core and memory capacity. The alternative of using contractual resources would be prohibitively expensive. Also associated with this task is the need for programming and system analysis personnel. Here again, the alternative is to use AID resources which are already heavily committed to non-R&D production requirements. If the necessary hard- ware and personnel resources are allocated, the risk will be low. Image Analysis,- by FY-72, higher quality 25X1 black and white emulsion will be in operational use requiring more sophisticated image analysis techniques than those currently in use. Extensive use of microdens4ometric techniques will be used requiring the reduction of masses of data and personnel for software production and maintenance. The image analysis effort is closely aligned with -2- Approved For Release 2005/11/21: CIA-RDP78BO5171A000500010018-5 SECRET Approved For Release 2005/1 11'-:' X-RbP78B05171A000500010018-5 the image manipulation effort and, therefore, is subject to the same alternatives and considerations. Included also in this area are ADP supporting services required for analyzing unconventional imagery and processing filters through holographic or other hybrid techniques. As with image manipulation, the risk will be very low if the necessary hardware and personnel resources are allocated. Imagery Information Technology - the major function to be performed will be to provide system analysis and software support to the R&D efforts to be undertaken in this program area. The major thrust will be to achieve more automation in the material handling and reporting processes. The objective of these efforts will be to provide more timely and efficient support to the PI while holding manpower require- ments and cost to a minimum. The alternative would be to obtain the services contractually. 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/11/21: CIA-RDP78BO5171A000500010018-5 SECRET F Approved For Release 2005/11/21 : C A-R 8B05171A000500010018-5 taming this system design and analysis knowledge within TSSG, we can perform a coordinating and consulting service to other ADP- related components of the Center. 2. The ADP related resources required by R&ED will gradually increase from the present level to a plateau by mid-FY/73, excluding any accelerated signal processing requirements such as would be necessary I assumed that it is R&ED's responsibility to establish the requirements and justify the necessary expanded ADP equipment and services, and that AID will be responsible for the operation, space, supporting services, maintenance, etc., for the expanded ADP facility. It will, however, be necessary for R&ED to maintain a small ADP unit, working in close coordination with AID, to perform the necessary system design analysis and programming considerations in support of the R&D effort. By FY-73, the R&ED ADP unit will have a sufficient workload to warrant approximately 16 hours a week machine time in support of the R&D program. This machine time will have to be arranged in such a manner to allow the R&ED personnel ready access to the AID computer complex without undue interruption by operational requirements. Initially, IBM 360/50 support will have to be obtained at ORD/DDS&T or 0CS/DDS&T until approximately mid-FY/73, when it will be necessary to procure a 360 system, or its equivalent. The estimated monthly rental cost on a suitable 360 system will range from ~nitially to approximately 25X1 II during FY-76. A breakdown of R&ED resource requirements by Fiscal -4- Approved For Release 2005/11/21: CIA-RDP78BO5171A000500010018-5 "CRET In preparing this resources summary, it is Approved For Release 2005/11/2 LOIA-R[ P78B05171A000500010018-5 a. Personnel FY-70 One A DP Applications Supervisor GS-14 One C omp uter Science Specialist GS-13 FY-71 As ab ove, plus one Mathematician GS-13 FY-72 As ab ove, plus one Computer Programmer GS-12 FY-73 thru FY-76 (Total R&ED Compl4ment - 6 people)* One ADP Applications Manager GS-15 One Computer Science Specialist GS-14 Two Mathematicians GS-13 Two Programmers GS-12 b. Contracts FY-70 - none FY-71 - none FY-72 - for work required to format software and incorporate special subroutines for operational use Company unknown. FY-73 thru FY-76 - none anticipated. c. Space Requirements FY-70 200 sq.ft. FY-71 280 sq.ft. FY-72 360 sq.ft. FY-73 thru FY-76 550 sq.ft *Note: With the projected expanded ADP facility in FY-73, it will be necessary for R&ED to reorient and slightly expand their com- pl ment of personnel. Approved For Release 2005/11/21: CIA-RDP78B05171A000500010018-5 Approved For Release 2005/11/21: CIA-RDP78BO5171A000500010018-5 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/11/21: CIA-RDP78BO5171A000500010018-5