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25X1 Approved For Release 2005/11/21 : CIA-RDP78BO5171A000500010 `~h s _,1~_c _ c card? ~ 'ieVe1 cy~?:?ent c``..ni Engi nee_ -- 1 ~. _J pp CS -1 Ls L.1 tom., l_.eL1ter L: C ("_'JY :1' csnou ___! Ies assig'neC to _ L by t 1e _~eroved G _ co ....: d ~on:.--y c c se ves' ~.. -' -_?? .. - y i.: .` -~_ ~_ On ~f :ti_.__. _.O ~v:= i__.~1 a^ tlVC_C~::Cli P GVyt iS on 3n i s : 7 I C' C ...,or advice .C- _ .__... _ tic _ e - oh - , _~ e_ _c~ncy L, _-o= --- ..c - T/4 _ i cd i1ce . s .,ore e : evC 'C C. 1i J 1, ..? ._..t w Declassification Review by NGA/DoD . Approved For Release 2005/11/21 : CIA-RDP78.B05171A000500010008-6 Approved For Release 2005/11/21 : CIA-RDP78BO5171A000500010008-6 it'(_'3.0`) eoncc:y)" s ~01 e l0iLa i ..c("U:,._;:I" 1.011 sys' cais .nd o dcv.oio?~ o.1t and pl-occdures necessary -Lo tho tion of those co nce{its _..31101 ' n chose obj ectivo--,s is the .'aim o? ena;~_i i12' CL_i- ei' to oe= i'orm more and be -it en work without si I1i_ica ni increases in manpower . Approved For Release 2005/11/21 : CIA-RDP7.8B05171A000500010008-6 Approved For Release 2005/11/21 : CIA-RDP78BO5171A000500010008-6 on-.,i1C-oi~ ii. :?nC_ L,r_ 1t?~ n - c", t6 c 3 Ci!L:_1'Od i 11TT1Li11 Ca_ _S L CS 11ivv__~ C C _cas os.:C:.,;S O he _T~: tC_';/ - plO .;at o .O :s such ac'.-:- e a O vs.1 Oli..:E y and ?C: ~c 1O 1' Q C1 so-nn ',l, O "-Jcn Oi new systems @. CC:'" c 1SOi1 o4-' the ac_h_f_'ON/e-.-rie_,-,_-_ n1.e i ' etIcL1v J L l7 - 11.111?' c; ; y f )='alam=Y? -'J v al idation C _.. ? 11: v12C~- .C _:; i _1.. test C1' 7 ~C1 l: C in vC _t' _ was EI'Le and C3 .V "'I'i GCS ' _nve:^ -toj^y. was 1 ied. This a- 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/11/21 : CIA-RDP78BO5171A000500010008-6 Approved For Release 2005111/21: CIA-RDP78BO5171A000500010008-6 se 'v~ is the basis for de elo ping an in-house al.i ;_ course to supplenlent .t' 11C Defense lrainillg c) .COI";~a'ral ? Ve tests to !"-0,) ure the per?orma.ucc o~ imagery analysts and p?10"i Ogre nl:il~^ti`1St5 were designed 1cI11inistercci; the results showed that imagery analysts could Illonsur:at ion tasks, which to .rec.uir e the services had 'prev iously been thought of a skilled photojrap .etr~st . . c!) A Technology, - i n on has been developed for gathering Check-()U- -Facility imagery analyst pe~forrnancc.data under cpntralled conditions. Plana During ^1? 1970 the development, of the suppicltlcnt.?ry 1.11-house tr i1~3 n g progr.rn should b.. completed Research opti c a l instruments on .visual per orrnance will be' 01 r"A ke in FY 1.971--73 the'ydevelopment 0? procedures euuii~rrielt} for eXploxtill"' -this type of` film. Dy 25X1 ..~ ucnLC ter n' osign .~ -s e poctcd to; be sup icielut1 im and detaalcc' Approved For Release 2005111/21 CIA-RDP78BO5171A00050001000.8-6 detern ne t e effect of the cower ehce angle of FY 1970 and 'completed in FY 1972. During rtilulllc~ll end ineering'r. aspect 0~ E Yp101~ 111,: will be e..r.arnine with a view to 25X1 sat isf'actorilyper~-'orn. a nu ber of Approved For Release 2005/11/21 : CIA-RDP78BO5171A000500010008-6 ~J_ aC! \ G: I tI _otl a ?G:.. II .1. .. ail, J 'Ov C C " s sinco 'i1any -,_ GL.S o. 1 . . . . . _ -_... cl-y 1rc 11un1 n-i.u e rface which ..~ 0C. z :1e._cy an _d qua_i ty oi L? i~ a ery a. n cerpreta c_ -- o o = ecogni zed in adv nce o f ac cua' extip r?_once Approved For Release 2005/11/21 CIA-RDP78B05171A000500010008-6 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/11/21 : CIA-RDP78B05171A000500010008-6 ( , , ((a) 1 t.1.1.L'Gll7 a five-`)e la-? p o] ectio]1 F:pj)" 02! li., the funci:ic_is of the ii, : ery analyst and col late1-a1 Si-sportt officer were analyzed to dctci'riinc possible areas of appllca':)i1:ity for nu tomation of manual ope raitions . In the future, photogrraphic imagery may well be supplemented for analysis purposes by line-scan imagery (ca th?.o .e ray tube). An elementary study was undertaken to determine the level of resolution of line-sca n imag ezy, as compared with photographic iiik.g-ery, deemed necessary for exploitation by the imagery analyst. (,~1 A reviewwi, of articles pertaining to imagery ery e; ploi- tftion research was conducted, and those relevant to Center operations abstracted. Contacts were. estab- ea t?.' e~.lrch and with indur ~tri~_;1 and governmental rma~c~t-~.J development facilities for the purpose of obtaining, on human factor s information pertinent a continain basis,, to exuloitation equlnment design. The PI. C1t11~i?i1ent human Engineering Design Guide, a sui~anary of physiological and engineering information applicable to the design of imagery exploitation hardi%rare, was updated by inclusion of specific' sections pertaining to acoustics and. comparators. ( Recent studies have indicated that the convergence angle of mtii.cros tereoscope eyepieces might influence visual performance; preliminary research was undertaken to determine the effect of the convergence angle of optical instruments on visual performance. Approved For Release 2005/11/21 : CIA-RDP78BO5171A000500010008-6 Approved For Release 2005/11/21 : CIA-RDP78BO5171A000500010008-6 ? - 3 u 't cnc_ _ y s C y YY e _7"i t o ie sew i cLi~ C?Ci ive No 0ctiv ' ? To :~centi1y and evaluate the uni clue o ve in.~oi'Y::" ion e ~~ ac i a le i om o unconventional image= y and de terming e qu ity c~ 1'y needed to meet ;C ouire=..en" S foi this mice Y ion. -n i Y 1937D a Pro, ect was _n_ i Lea to toy the:: r, \: 7 is C e._ C caondi lj g ound tru L1 _'P_LG_'m 7 GY7. _his ~G \i' _ CO 'L1 to ground truth with the y G l : iiiC C and provide c! . a. w.aich. s;iculd enable CG'. c oas to be C_ awn as to ,he additive of complementary which an could provide, as comp ed i ck _ GJiii ~C magery . In-house studies on th e ge ce value c _-'l S 3)u ing PY 1971 and 19 7'2, the s Q_. S continue with mnnhasi s on various select FT y-;Des and on the 1eVel of i esolution needed' to GC'tti ai Ulu ;:?~' :/ -r ~t SL. a'~ t LG f'e^.Su / /t-ti S'-(/''~?T f OI (~ C~ c T'~ ~T ,UZ ~.r'_, _ 1 ^H'Y 1J ~ 7 i G e i6 ~U f Sll? _ y C::: _. c wt C 1i1 be di-rect-ecd k' r 7Sli_ G _ r?G facto '; "=~O"^~ ,T_~~ be C-~i^Cn ~C dad e zr y~_ .. CU Cf per C ens raid c 1 C" TO _'=11 a _ C se- accaa' CSr ^ '.re ---d adia~ L .,u at -1- on of- n Ulf f nai, a-- ---,:?d 4%~C+T.'k-'7 / G'7 2 r .~f: G -C-y; -~-._, ..