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. ' I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/29 : CIA-RDP78B05167A000800020015-9 -nr9 FOE.: Deputy Director/L-itelligeace SUBJ-,-2C ReLstionship of NPIC to Other Dr/1 Offices 1:C.5.3269-63. 9 :41.ay 1963 1. In the reference recommendations for rnodifyinw procedures for lakseling briefing boards at NPIC werl inacie as a first stop in considering Lilo larger question of NEIC relatiorui with the re.--raioA;er of the DOI area. In this meviorandum we exatriine some other say:ccts and make recommendations for modification of existing uracticee. Representatives from ORR. OCL and OSI participated in this review. 2: The questions to which we address ourselves in this memo- randum are: a. NPIC response to DDI tweeds for photo bsterprstation4 b. priorities and requirements for photo interpretation at NPIC, and e. the division of effort between DDI analysts and NPIC photo interpreters. BACKGROUND 3, The successes of overhead reconnaissance programs have incr ea jt., tn. quaaitity and quality of photographic source materials available for analysis dramatically in recent years. In rr.any critical intelligence problems photography has come to provide the ..717 \ I %.,; ? ? ;20 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/29: CIA-RDP78B05167A000800020015-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/29: CIA-RDP78B05167A000800020015-9 - ? r?r/j SECRET SUBJECT: Relationship of NPIC to Other DD/I Offices major hard evidence. while in other areas it adds significantly to Laforrt.ation available from other sources. Moreover, photography prucriatta to play an *wen srgates role in the future as the an..osat at photography inczeases and the quality I:ripsaw.., as hatter aealytical technifrate are developed, and as additional DDI analysts are clear/ed. In =stay areas DDI capabilities for using Ph?taiirePhY have not ice-pt pace with collectiost prozrerne and could fall even further behind. It is limperatiws that measurea be taken to brosden the availabtlity of anti 'prove oar capability ior using photographic source aAatariale. NPIC Response to DI Needs for Photo Interpr.otation 4. Over the past throe years NPIC has prodded outstanding support to the substantive offices of the DDI en a *umber of the highest priority intelligence problems e. g.. deployment and Cuba. Al the same time, however. limited PI strength has often prevenued NPIC from falfilling other DLI requirements on a timely basis including many concerniag such high priority matters as the missile test reaps, the britlibi an Mini programs. atomic energy production and Communist China weapons priegrams. Failures to receive adequate PI support en a timely basis have prevented effective scheduling of all-source research programs in the other offices of the DDI and have inhibited exploratory research. even on priority problems. he areas of lower priority. where all?sourc analysis is also required, the situation has been eve* worse. 5. The greatly increased PI strength and the new organisational structure at NPIC promise to relieve the above situation' considerably La the 41111.1 future. Is addition the freeing of MD from the former cornmitraeut to provide P1 support to the "mat:loser effort should permit & much more effective management at PID resources in support of Agency programs. 6. We believe it important to achieve mere widespread use of photography in the day?to..4ay work of DDI anslystst A wider 2 ???-? 1 0, I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/29: CIA-RDP78B05167A000800020015-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/29 : CIA-RDP78B05167A000800020015-9 SEC cT St:i3JC..T: Relationship of NFIC to Other DEVI Offices "natioa of oto pale source materials and =mg. iidditionalasts -anal elementary *to r* very 1?eneficiai in Pus respect. ?tuck &rola** wovid improve the vassal level of competence in hanZiag photographic smart* materials and permit a more affective coroirtunication 11,4411M1113% PI and analyst. It also mak* umsocessary the burdeningof NPIC with topmast 17 for simple photo reading. ? 7. The physical separation between Headquartore Building and Buildiag 213.. 12 miles or as much as aer hour each way in mon. uah hour ic presents a number at soverirofttaciss to ta ? .ctive use photography in DDI analysis. This. imbeds: a. An absence of PI support oa many individual intelligence problems of current intelligence iator?st oa which time is not available for .consulting at Building 113 or for travel of a Pito Headquarters. b. A failure of DDI analysts to get &sewers to the many simple but relevant PI questions Irkich (I) do not warrant tke effort to place and service them in the iormal requirements system. or (2) are aot of oufficieme priority to be Imbibed formally but could be handled sapoditiously through simple couraltaties with the P. ? 4. The diffteulty of achieving close PI/analyst cooperation Ag_ involving 440111111111 to Ike files of the DDI analyst since the only adeqaate work space is in Building an. d. The difficulty. nodes these conditions. ef educatiag more DDI analysts to the potential usefulaess of photography IffP and asqualatiag Pro with DDI iatallipace problem*. S. The establiehment at ileadquarters of a relieve the above difficulties at r ? coot tilliaalliairladould. fact. result La a more rational us* of PI assets. Such 3 , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/29: CIA-RDP78B05167A000800020015-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/29: CIA-RDP78B05167A000800020015-9 - MI577 _ - Relationship of NPIC to Other DDI Offices a group would expand upon the excellent reference services formerly provided by the NPIC Liaison Staff. Skills and experience Item each of the breaches of PID would be required and manning should be is a rotational basis in order to prevent the Pre frons getting out of to.hch wick ?asildiag1 13 and tr? expos: es many :Vs as possible Se DDI intelliprica problems. The contingent would require mdficient mint and woritin ? to perform electively and rliMim. access to pa ograp y aa4 reproduction services at NPIC. Priorities sad Req reisaSs fir Photo lat.rpsotszl.a 9. The growth el photography as an intelligence tool will continue N. to exert pressure on PI resources sad aneessitate continued use of priorities in the handling el reqtdrements despite planned increases La PI strength. Priorities for "national" requirements are determined by the ADCOM. main a weighting system to resolve conflicting deadlines. DDI deadlines. &tames. have eedflPsed swiss this sYstlim but on the whole it has 'worked. There is no formal system-for setablishing priorities en requirements handled by PID; theite haveXpeb been assigned by PID or. in special eases, determined through aregotistione between PID and the originating *nice*. This precedure may prove unworkable with the increase in requirements that the operation of the Special Center will undoubtedly generate. The formation el the Intelligence Action Guidance Staff gives the Directorate el Intelligence for tie first time a central body for resolving priecitieedpi?? es requirements for pirate interpretation. NPIC Iteportina 10. /ty virtue of both training and esperionee the PI peesessee a set et unbind. skill* which are invaluable to intelligence. Stated most simply, those include the ability to measure objects and distances from photography and to iiimitify by IMO el photographic koyo costal& type* of object* and features not recesitisable by the general analyst. Through long exposure to intelligence problem*. 4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/29 : CIA-RDP78B05167A000800020015-9 L I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/29: CIA-RDP78B05167A000800020015-9 7, OF 7.'7 SUDJ.SC rs Ralatioaship el NPIC to Other 1).141 Oitites rr.any PI'. have developed, as 111141. considerable sehetaative knowledge in certain Aside and their *pistons are often satiated by DI amaysts. Occasioaally. however, NPIC reporting how included judgments which go beyond photo interpretation. While thee* judgmeats frequently have bees correct, Wry have :nasty times been made without cossultation with compeasate having designated reepeneilailitles in these Gelds. It steak appear to be la the beet interests a the intelligence canowity dist jalvnents beyond NPIC's responsibility net appear in its reporting. We are el the ?piano, bewevor. that NPIC :opera** has improved so sigaillcantly in this respect ia the last few atseiths that as ream- le meadatiea need sow be made es this points itouglyet/P1 RojetioaithiSti U. Photepaphy Ls wet egieetively expiated than* a dare * snorting relatisaship between analyst sad P1. thilartunately. very IOW DDI analysts have slow working relationship* with the Pra at the present ante. In sane cases, as awe* esispetitive relatiesm to the s to have little saw el ? skip saistii. The a resalt. the DW mayflueib. aiaaswm to hie itequiremeat La the term ad aaAMEN report ea whisk he has set beta cosselied. 12. la maw lack et a close Plisaolyst rebotiesthip has asitsibated* to inadequate trespasses to ressioranents? Thor. are? bowman oeveral operating precedes*. that amid be adopted would easiessage closer rapport between asalyol sad Pia Thee* lash& charging the originatiag analyst with more earatel preptarstisa ad sequiresseats sad hided** Ike PI es die istalliorese problem bolded A, his requiremeat. The Pt. ea the other band, ditiaLt loop the analyst latermed a. any oisaitleaat seine* sad ceased* with Nag es as ealtLes or imports reseltiag beat wrk ea his requireseste RECOhthiLNDATIOldi. Si. la the !atom* at tardiest** the CIA capability for piredissing tatellisecee dim* ? mare produative workiag relatteaokip between C:=77717..:71* 14 I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/29: CIA-RDP78B05167A000800020015-9 ,?" Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/29: CIA-RDP78B05167A000800020015-9 LWiL SUILIMCT: Relationship of ?WIC $o Other DD/I Office* NPIC and the remainder of the Directorate et Intelligence the following recommendations are raadet b. PID should establish maintain a well.equIpped outpost st Headquarters. This emstiageatirt would (1) sumo co immediate iatelligence problems OA Ivhich there is set sufficient time to consult Zreildiag 213; (2) service simple PI requests which do ast warrant encumberieg the formal recdremeata system or travelling to niailding-1131 (3) provide the work location for intelligence projects requiring a eloae P1/analyst working relatioaship involving ready maces* to DM working LU. s; and (4) serve an a snediunt for edueatiag yr. to DDI Intelligence problems and empanding the use by DDI aaalyste ef photographic move material in their analytical projects. The ? should trial pereostaer =SI17. Nsaigestiteoa. aestiagoat raea4 have 7complete access to plhetagraphic materials sad seprodectio? services at )(PIC. The aloe, eempooitioa and ape rations of the ceatiapat should be reviewed at the end of six months. e. should reach its plumed depastaaestal etvaagth level et Pr estutiamings de$. jhabutp.. farther strenathened if this level proves inadequate to meet ? , Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/29: CIA-RDP78B05167A000800020015-9 50X1 111 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/29: CIA-RDP78B05167A000800020015-9 of NPIC to Mho.: D.D/I Officito DDI raquizarAsata PID assets should he employed War:tartly Ar? 4ia support et Ito CIA and should Le ittaaaferred to "satioaal" projects saly under the most urgent circumstances. "The latolligence Action Guidaace Staff should servo as the action agent for the ether offices of DDI La levying requirements on MPIC. The respoasibilities of the Staff in this capacity should Laclede: (I) tasaring that all DDI requirements Eft. uniform standards el clarity and campletesess. have ?immutable and appropriate deadlines and have been coordiss.ted azneas the appropriate DDI *Mum (2) designating rwydrements to be serviced by PIDe (3) recommandiag priorities oa DDI.oubmitted "national" requirements for the CIA member of the, Advisory Committee (ADCO)); (4) establishiag relative priorities for PID in the event of competing DDI require:nuts; and (5) providing a requirements representative at NPICip s. PID should notify the DDI Action Staff and the originating*. DDI analyst as soca as it ks apparent that &twills** cannot he met. PW v? crutibility.lazirme44,a4ikes4?wit____ 41 satisual element at IkiPLC) is unable to f. The DDI analyst shavad be responsible for briefiag sh. assigned Pre ea any DDI requirameate "statelier a. well A ? -- involviag niers than 24.1Ioure482.14 time and concussing oa 'disclosure of his requiresneitt. The PI should be responsible Ur hasping the analyst informed of SEMI Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/29: CIA-RDP78B05167A000800020015-9 L I.11 II Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/29: CIA-RDP78B05167A000800020015-9 I! I ; any significant rand** bola work ea bis rotairsawat aad for consvitiag Iviik him ketosis goastal dissemination of this* results, g. ralatioaship hotwoos NPIC aad iko other DU *Mess. as well as the satire kaadliag of photographic source illatoriala, should ha ro?osasabsod at Oho aid od Diaroster &duties - 50X1 a,t watt Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/29: CIA-RDP78B05167A000800020015-9 _