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V t Approeid For Release 2005/07/4CIA-RDP78B04770A0 NPI TING SLIP FROM: tfs-A DATE: FOR YOUR Declass Review by NGA. TO INITIALS DATE DI R DE P/DIR EX EC/DI R ASST FOR OPS 41111S -T FOR ADMIN X tV-Sig S''' V OT FOR P&D V CH iCSD CH/PSD CH/PD CH/T ID C //AP AD C) V 0/CIA (PID) SIO/ARMY SIO/NAVY 0/AF LO/DIA LO/NSA REMARKS: ,fkkri, , Pi _eli - _... bil-L-.4. -,?*. 712- ,05144A- Approved For Rele WIC/A6itirl; 1 4.4 ? 6 2 1 ""4"a - /Cernd..44".4 "Lan .4.44 - n(OVER) NPIC?FM 30 (REV 11 ) 012 Ap SENDER WILL CHECK CLASS! ? TION TOP A D BO TOM UNCLASSIFIED C IDENTIAL SECRET CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY OFFICIAL ROUTING SLIP TO NAME AND ADDRESS DATE INIT LS 6 Mov/N 41 , i 4 , vie 1 ViA l . i iiii ? ,% Vil il 1 . AC ON DIRECT REPLY PREPARE REPLY APPROVAL DISPATCH RECOMMENDATION COMMENT FILE RETURN INFORMATION SIGNATURE ifCONCURRENCE Remarks: IIIFOLD HERE TO RETURN TO SENDER NAME. DATE ADD keFROM: cISA 9 ro d free dielenser200070 (41.1cooniciatuvriAntsupwAS021kOft05 FORM NO. 2-61 z. 037 Use previous editions (40) U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1961 0-587282 012 Approved For ase 2cefRETIARDP78BO477O1O29O0050012-4 P5/0 - 145/64 5 May 1964 MEMORANDUM TO: Assistant for Administration, NPIC ATTENTION FROM SUBJECT REFERENCES Memorandum P5/0 - 112/64 and PS/0 - 136/64 Chief, Logistics Branch, AS Chief, CIA/PID (NPIC) Justification for Purchase of 3 Teletype Units 1. Installation of Teletype units connecting PID and the first and third floor film vaults will be utilized to expedite the handling of film requests and are expected to yield a sub- stantial savings in time, both of PID analysts and film vault personnel, over the present burdensome system. This is of particular consequence due to the large numbers of requests involved. During the past year, for example, PTD personnel laced the film vaults which, as indicated in amorandum PS 0_7_112/64i involved 32,983 cans of film. In addition, iEeir use wia?e-liminate the error rate and security considerations which are inherent when the required alphanumeric information is transmitted orally. 2. It is anticipated that in the future, when programming permits, these Teletype units will be linked through the Univac 490 to permit real-time accession to film availibility and location information - thus further increasing their justification. 3. This request has been coordinated through of the Plans and Development Staff, who will initilte installation actions and establish operating procedures. ENCLOSURES: 1 - Memorandum PS/0 - 112/ 1 - Memorandum PS/0 - 136/ 1 - Form 88, No. 5500/7225/64 DISTRIBUTION: Orig. & 1 - Addressee 1 - OSS Subject 1 - OSS Chrono 1 - PS Chrono Approved For Release 20051'E' OklyDP78B04770A002900050012-4 GROUP 1 Excluded from automatic, downgrading and declassification Approved Foelease 2005/W146A1A-RDP786047110002900050012-4 PS-112/64 10 April 19614. MORAN= FOR: Assistant for Plans and Development FROM : Chief, CIA/PID (VP10) SUBJECT : installation of Remote-Writing Equipment ATTACHMENT Brochure.On Victor Electro.Xriter 1. One of the most valuable resaarccs Of the CIA/Photographic intelligence Division is its corps of hir7hly skilled photo interpreters. As the work load on these interpreters inc7fe,,,,z, ror rapidly than ve are able to hire and train new personnel$ we are inersin:.;177 concerneL vith making the most efficient use of every- hour or the', irtreter'stirfew those taSks vhich he alone ean (10, and relegating mechanical and technical fUnctions to lover grade personnel or to automation. 2. One Such araa of eoncez.a ir, in i;ne orel,ring and procuring of film from the fi1airau1tf.1 on the first and tnird Zioor Turins the past year the following orders have been filled for PID 'rk..1:rsonn.1 L't th.i third floor vault or in the _ first flonr film file: ? ? srame "I /7?,?,6),0- -' ,C4Av4-17- -ral factors'should he kept in:simi in interpreting the data given in the _.2.e table, n.11:lber c,f_orders NUnber oP cans of film / April /98::;, t.r.A; ilay 51a. june 1127 July August,-,% d-, Septer Oetdbar ?, _ ,),,'.) , Nov 258 DeceLb-:r 26o Januiy 1954 524 Febrazy 423 March 240 o 0 0 11)09 4377 009 2700 3030 3030 3343 1760 1861 2349 3/14 1801 -.- Tr= P 0 '''''""4-1."1111,u nutomatic S rgr it 1----- . . Approved For Release 2005/07/13 : CIA-RDP78B04770A002900050012-4 ? ? 1 Approved Foir?jease 2005/07/13 :CIA-RDP7813047.002900050012-4 SS (a) On 25 June 1963, l'7.0 ettablished its ma fili files for recent missions. This tended to decrease the reliance on the =in files. (b) The vas a emethat laver rate or nev missions during ? the end. of 1963 and ths first months of 1964. (s) The fire irx the vertical vaultintateliz..,ted. the third. floor vault for a portion of March 1964, thus requiring analysts to deal. directly vith the first floor, . 30,. The average time for an .analyst to biallt troti Pr) to the third floor ? vault, a distance of apprmiroat41y 300 feet, place his order and return is on the order?of ton or fifteen minutes. This travel is usually. accomplished Vdico for each olqer placed: once to place, the order oria again to pick IAD the order then notified. Frequently there is additional. travel required then the film materiel requestzKI initially cannot be sunplied, wail the analyst tuist request a second choice of material. For ezraple, an analyst mmy require 14 cans of film for a project. He 1T.ay obtain enly 9 of these on the first request and have to make several additional trips, to.7e,ct all the coverage required, 4.. The fir E.1;iv.:..:n in (2) ricilEt. mr,ax.Je,rao .82 orders per zurith for PID a1ffi4nr.et5. tt-0 trips pvr ::.$.1.1A a. rilriliarA of ten minutes por trip, this give..1 .r:71. cv,:rrege of 161 ran hours per month cc rid in traveling back and for`,.-4:. to =trait and pick up fi1i01-ydors. In reality? due to unforeseen dels,ye, in :-2.1,-'zina for material, the tn is even gr.eater than this. 5., Conoiam-ation b en (.tvi:m to various means to cut clam On this timcs.....0071SIXOirra 'process. P'....acirz of orders by telephone ic unaccepblo because of the orisor rate in tramr:::.ttinz alphsztazzrie zaterial orally. A sttEZested .11,isthoa is the instr,..,..V:t...tion t.rriting equimmt such -as the Telescriber or Victor 31--ctro):;.:.r ayata.L.,. Pr) ane., in the film vaults. Use of a transceiver type unit u1 r?::. vritten record of the order. The system would have adv.:F.it...3.:;or.?; sa.-cpya the vault1..lerscone1 since the unit 'would not wed. to c3.y attI ana porsormel could be engaged in filling I.:A:LI..? other orders 'were being received. S. 'Et is .requc.:sted that the -Plano =ADevelOn.Yaent Ztaff investiEate and ..? infL.-',...f..ate the installatien of a rmote 'writing sysV41 of the type described, ) and the first and ththl floor film vaults, The system rr,:v be tried oat on a temporary basis before pezmanent instarlation it made to determine the opt:inn-1 placement of the units and tie tiype.s of forms to be ordered. for the tranaccivers., :'.?0tribution: Orig. 83, I . Addressee 1 . PS/Chreno 1 . 00/Chrono 1 . OSS/Subject Filo -Approvettktaithrease 200s10/113 : eiA-RD 78604770A002900050012-4 25 Approved Foreease 2 ?TIA-RDP78BOL07602909.05,0012-4 ? PS/0 0- 136/64 1 Nay 1964 nERO111.:Mtin TO: Asa ? qt far Maas an,41 awe aktuont, NPIC A, 17;;;;:Ctli LIZZECT. ch1Q46 wimp (MC) 11:-:lnett for Illataliatioa o Ca=unleutiana Link 14w(ica 11:0 uaa the rzet ead Third Moor Fi1m Vault*. rzezmva 1,1z=orwldIxat 1:12/0 1. Itm-ntif,tir.t,lon.:: via,12.o to the. roferermod =nor:till= ha bt Iti rrob2cfm ir.I.o.r:32.1t Li the type of rtrz.ata\- :;:-,,:itit:::?,-,rcrtar.-43:11,1a134,, Ina; tallation Elnd 4.-.0zwilev.zrx,a0 or---Ltntioa ara racar.manaed Iirocurat.tent acici tyre O3, i4:!,10 10r.Cle 4itaVoircld "1,1 ?ii:scdt.tt:micxx or :Tow: ctaffle it 1-iaz tilt; czni.rv:,211,t octzt-cat to nA)..v.nt for Of oraera la, tile T4. :letz,Te r_p_tla; tea*. 441atLT,:!2,.=::tyraJuaLL te _lart,c4;`-...471 PID trd tbe 1,14,,rzt Ana-. VaktItts---latILttL VItat natura thk L,1 be a thsee it4ta at/v:1z* tAo.tioile or th Ilabrac ?araite? DT.:::T.RrArnar ; e4i - Cubjact OCL! Clirano OhroTta ciA/rD/ossips/ Approved For Release 2deECRETA-RDP78B04770A002900050012-4