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Publication Date: 
September 23, 1966
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Approved For elease 2005/05/02 : CIA-RDP78BO477OA001900020008-3 In Reply Refer To: T3774-65 9965-3302 23 September 1966 Post Office Box 8031 Southwest Station Washington, D.C. 20024 Reference: 1) Report 65-184, Amendment to Advanced Rear Projection Viewer, July, 1966 2) dated 11 August 1966 Enclosure: Amendment to Advanced Rear Projection Viewer dated 23 September 1966 (4 copies) Subject: Request For Proposal No. ED-12-66 "Advanced Rear Projection Viewer" I submits herein our firm fixed price proposal for the addi- tion o an automatic film threading device and millimeter mensuration in the "Y" axis to the Advanced Rear Projection Viewer. The technical description of this change is presented in the enclosure, which super- sedes in Reference 1) document submitted by the Reference 2) letter. firm fixed price for this addition is~ This price STAT is additive to our proposal previously submitted. All other terms and conditions of the reference letter remain unchanged. Supervisor, AWB: gc Declass Review by NGA. STAT STAT STAT Approved For Release 2005/05/02 : CIA-RDP78BO477OA001900020008-3 Approved Fo elease 2005/05/02 : CIA-RDP78BO47Z, 001900020008-3 065-184 STAT 9965-3302 STAT STAT 23 September 1966 Approved For Release 2005/05/02 : CIA-RDP78BO477OA001900020008-3 Approved For Release 2005/05/02 : CIA-RDP78B04770A001900020008-3 This amendment describes additions to the Advanced Rear Projection Viewer which consist of an automatic film threading device, X-Y axes millimeter counters and displays, and an internal maintenance light. This supersedes the amendment dated STAT July 1966 (refer to 65-184 dated December 1965). The film threading device, which facilitates film loading in the Advanced Rear Projection Viewer, consists of the following (see illustration): 1. A linear potentiometer located at the supply (feed) reel 2. A special take-up reel constructed with one fixed flange and one movable flange 3. A ball lead screw and nut which positions the movable flange on the take-up reel 4. A dc motor which drives the ball lead screw 5. A rotary potentiometer 6. A duty cycle amplifier 7. Forty-eight inches of 70-mm, 0.006-inch-thick mylar leader affixed to the take-up reel hub. Operational Description The reel of film to be viewed is placed on the supply side of the transport by the operator. The end of the film is attached with tape to the permanent mylar leader and the reel locking arm clamps the reel securely in place. The wiper of the linear potentiometer is attached to the reel locking arm and its position causes the dc motor, at the take-up reel, to drive the ball lead screw until the rotary potentio- meter is nulled with the linear potentiometer at the supply reel. The movable flange is automatically positioned on the take-up reel for the proper width of film being used. When the reel locking arm is unlocked during the film loading operation, the movable flange is automatically positioned for the widest film (9 1/2 inches). Approved For Release 2005/05/02 : CIA-RDP78B04770A001900020008-3 Approved Foelease 2005/05/02: CIA-RDP78B047;V001900020008-3 NOTE: FILM TRANSPORT STRUCTURE OMITTED FOR CLARITY. REFER TO FIGURE 3-12. LINEAR POTENTIOMETER I65-184 RADIAL MULTI-TURN POTENTIOMETER REEL HUB RECESSED FOR LEADER AUTOMATIC FILM THREADING DEVICE 2 Approved For Release 2005/05/02 : CIA-RDP78BO477OA001900020008-3 Approved Fo lease 2005/05/02 : CIA-RDP78BO47 001900020008-3 The positioning of the movable flange on the take-up reel (the opening between the flanges) is commensurated with the tolerances allowable by AF Standard 51C17848, "Spools, Aerial Film." The hub of the take-up spool is recessed to allow the mylar leader to be wound flush with the outside of the reel core, which prevents the film from winding at a taper. The mylar leader has a tensile strength of 25,000 psi. Based upon projected use, the mylar leader is expected to last the. life of the viewer. However, if inadvertently damaged, the leader is detachable for replacement. The counter system for the Advanced Rear Projection Viewer enables the operator to measure, in 1-mm increments, film distances in both axes to an accuracy of 0.5 mm in 40 inches. Each axis consists of a rotary photoelectric pulser and an electronic counter indicator mounted on a control panel. Mensuration input along the film is provided by a film driven metering roller, which, in turn, drives one of the rotary pulsers. Input for the mensuration across the film is provided by the ball lead screw which translates the film transport. The rotary pulser is coupled to the lead screw. The mensuration system along the film will be provided in lieu of the footage STAT counter defined in l165-184, page 3-15. Detailed Description Metering Roller - Y Axis Counter The low inertia roller, with its circumference being equal to 120 mm provides input for the associated Photoelectric Rotary Pulser. The direction sensing pulse.r is driven directly by the metering roller shaft. Each revolution provides 120 signal pulses for the Y axis electronic counter indicator. 3 Approved For Release 2005/05/02 : CIA-RDP78BO477OA001900020008-3 Approved Fo;Welease 2005/05/02 : CIA-RDP78BO470001900020008-3 Ball Lead Screw - X Axis Counter The rotary pulser is driven directly by the table translating ball lead screw, having a 5-mm lead, and provides five signal pulses per revolution for the X axis electronic counter indicator. The up-down counters consist of electronic components which accept the pulses from the rotary photoelectric pulsers and indicate the accumulated count on a 5-digit and sign (plus or minus) display. A pushbutton zero-reset will be located on the control panel adjacent to each indicator. The Advanced Rear Projection Viewer features a completely sealed enclosure, with slightly positive internal pressure achieved by filtered air. An internal light is turned on each time the front access door is opened for film loading or viewer maintenance. 4 Approved For Release 2005/05/02 : CIA-RDP78BO477OA001900020008-3