CONTRACT (Sanitized)TASK ORDER NO. 02(100,677)65-R

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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
November 11, 1965
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Approved For Release 2004/11/30 : CIA-RDP78B04777A000600040039-1 STAT U November 1965 Wae ton, D.C. Attentions Contracting officer L,overr at $ubjectx Cents :t Task Order .:o. W , )65-R Declass Review by NGA ; c o res a) hxotuty a -' iulated- i sht Film Viewing Tables 1965 Sont al;/- N srrat .v-4 Keport - October 'fro (2) co TAT Cent3 amen e fcirreardar quiresrwts herewith erncloaure a) in acco c under :[tern 4 of subject contract task order. By cope of t:is letter we are forwardin three (3) additional copies of the report to the Technical i epresentativee. Should you have a.*~ir questions or desi.r' Zurth- r inforeatiF--,r in this matter, ;lease teal free to contact the undersigned. Very truly yours$ 4. 1 Contract liepreeau vst ld c: Technical Representative (x/ena. (3)) Approved For Release 2004/11/30 : CIA-RDP78BO477OA000600040039-1 STAT Approved Ffelease 2004/11/30 : CIA-RDP78B0,A000600040039-1 PROTOTYPE MODUL TED-L :( ITT F MA VIWING TABLE'S STAT COMACT NOO TASK ORDER NOS, 02( ,00 3t6 J 7) b5."F? 1~on1:1 IVar~z-v a ItQ ort O~tob e~ 1~6~ This is the fourth of a e ez ies of monthly narrative reports on the ? development of two prototype modulated-light film vimwin; tables? ::itb these tables photogral-hic transparencies will be illuminated by a facet-moving spot of whoce intensity.will be automatically STAT varied to effect large-area aontr6*st compre ssiona This report covers the work performed by the to 22 October 1965o duri' the period from 22 September ?t . AO Current Status of ?:orko The, c.ectrical design and assembly of the prototype modulated-li1ht film view3 ; ambles have been completcd~ and system checkout is proceeding satisfactor ily0 System ? checkout of the first prototy a 'able,,. which includes operation of the flat-face kinescope,, opc ation'of the remote light-pickup assembly,, operation of the table-top cor,4 rol panel,, and final adjustment of the video circuitsb is n xi scheduled fob, compjetion by 26 14cvembero The mechanical de:s1Ln of the prototype *tables is approxba ately 80- percent completer. Detailed d:c~w: -;s of the film drive assembly,, lig t diffuser assembly, and piotcctiv a kinescope shield have been released to the machine s.hopso Firaei design of item to be riianufactured,, including the tilt and rot?atio8. mechanisms ? the counterbalanced microscope transport system,, tic td,6le. top and bottom assemblies,, and the remote sight-pickup assembl.P s is nou scheduled for completion by 5 NoaemToe Approved For Release 2004/11/30 : CIA-RDP78BO477OA000600040039-1 Approved F9elease 2004/11/30: CIA-RDP78B047000600040039-1 Approximately 80 percent of the its ins to be purchased, including parts for the tilt and rotation mechanisms 3 motors and controls for the film drive assemulya9 and jewels for the microscope transport (pantograph) system, have been specified and ordered. This task Is now scheduled for completion by y 14ovember0 All known major problems of an en l.necririg nature have been resolved0 The cover glass which will be laminated to the kinescopes to achieve flat-facing has been receiv edo The mold Tor costing i ,e HTV-6l silastic on the kinescopes has been completed. Fabrication of the flat-face kinescopes, beginning with test runs on available samples, is scheduled for completion during; the next monthly period, 0 Huge work loads on company and out.?.ide machine shops have resulted in unanticipated delays in the manufac-;,urIng of parts for the prototype tables. Hence the'final design of the main support struct4re, one of several critical items, is being influenced by expected delivery dates associated with possible fabrication processes, J30 Problem Areas Encountered. l Unanticipated delays In the n.snufacturing of critical parts, resulting from the huge work loa(Is on compL,ny and outside machine shops? have 'affected the sbhadiule of delivery of the prototype tables,, The revised schedule now indicates. delivery of Prototype I and Prototype II on 17 becerrsber i96y and. '14 January 1966, respectively, 20 Checkout of the prototype electronic systems revealed a need for minor modifica tion0 Hence circuits have been added to provide clamping and blanking (of the kinescope electron beam); their checkout will be performed durlnZ the next monthly peviodx, Approved For Release 2004/11/30 : CIA-RDP78BO477OA000600040039-1 Approved F,elease 2004/11/30: CIA-RDP78BO4A000600040039-1 Co Pro ?jec ;ed Work # 0 1 3 ei boo .thly Pere A revised achedule of milestones associated wit--'h the completion of the first prototype modu.lated,'li a.t- fi`m viewing ' ble has been prepared based upon expected delivery of purchased and manufeotured items: Com etion Spec 1ication of all purchased items Detailed design of all ~rkan ? ctu~ed items November . November Dell"7jery of all p ^ c as srd i amc 1t3 November ? Delivery of all auf a z: tuned items 19 November Final machining of all special parts 26 November Electrical system checkout 26 November E1ectrc?me nica? aFGembly and Integration 10 December Electro-mechsnical t-:st and quality checkout 16 December Delivery of Prototype I 17 December Delivery of Preliminary Operating Manual 17 December. Work projected for the next monthly period is based upon successful execution of this revised echedulea ? D O status of Fund Expenditures to End of ? onthl Pc r . od O Funds __ a.ww~..snv~7rn expanded at b -!eat-even level to 2L October 1965: July August, September Oetobe NO Dec. enta+ lblo n of Verbal Co nts and or_ t ,reeve nt s Durl . the Pe.led.o I. Each prototype modulated-light film viewing table will uti? l e a light plc p technique employi , ?e remote photomultiplier locat?:d approximately 15?? above the trork . g surface. Approved For Release 2004/11/30-: CIA-RDP78BO477OA000600040039-1 Approved .eiease 2004/11/30: CIA-RDP78BO40A000600040039-1 2 STAT 0 0 Each prototype table will feature a counterbalanced zoom 70 microscope,, unmodified save for provision for local light pickup 30 The prototype tables will not incorporate the design the es grouped (in e separate proposal submitted on I October 1965) under the titles: human engineering convenience items, operational Items, and dual film drive. Delivery of the first prototype table will occur on 17 December l965a and delivery of the second prototype table will occur on 14 January 19660 Approved For Release 2004/11/30 : CIA-RDP78BO477OA000600040039-1