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Approved For asedUL02ATA S IAA- P78BO4767 10400100001-4 STATINTL Project No. p -00, 0 Project Title. .4 El ZOP Analyst- - Rec. 3 E-C . (`o J' 4~- Date Counp, Due Date, 6-C. (.1 !/.44 Ui+A / -010 R / R Declass Review by V For Release 2005/02/10 : CIA-RDP78BO4767A000400100001-4 11 Oct. 68 Approved Fo lease 2005/02/10 : CIA-RDP78B0476,&*000400100001-4 It is possible at this point to draw several conclusions regarding the use of a polarizer to penetrate atmospheric haze. Under suitable conditions the polarizer produces a substantial improvement in the contrast, edge sharpness and detail which is observed in a long range oblique photograph. The improvement is observed both in color'and in black-and-white photography using a No. 12 haze filter. The improvement in contrast is most dramatic when the following conditions 1. The atmosphere is clear and the dominant source of haze is Rayleigh or molecular scatter. While a polarizer is helpful on a haze day, the improvement is slight. Thus, a polarizer is primarily effective in making good photography much better. 2. The camera is pointed perpendicular to the sun and the sun elevation is low. However, a substantial im- provement also occurs when the sun angle is high in the case of a long range oblique. 3. Using a haze filter and polarizer the contrast enhance- ment becomes greater as the path length is increased. This is because Rayleigh scattering events are less frequent in the longer wavelength end of the optical spectrum. Thus, Rayleigh haze is significant only when looking through a long atmospheric path. Another observation which I believe will be of interest is that the resolution appears to be substantially improved by the use of a polarizer. Tnis occurs because the contrast of the optical image has been raised above the threshold of the particular lens-film combination. Thus, small detail which would otherwise be lost in the film gradularity becomes visible, not because the resolution is improved, but because the contrast is improved. In short, it has art now been demonstrated that a properly oriented polarizer, in- telligently used, will substantially increase the range, contrast, and resolution of an aerial photography. At this time the question of whether a polarizer should be used on a particular mission can only be answered on an individual basis. I am enclosing a Program outline which would result in a capability to plan future missions and design future systems on a sound engineering basis. While the pro- Approved For Release 2005/02/10 : CIA-RDP78BO4767A000400100001-4 Approved For lease 2005/02/10 : CIA-RDP78BO4767 00400100001-4 gram is large, a reduction in its scope would seriously limit its usefulness to future system designers and mission planners. I feel that the results obtained recently more than justify a program of this magnitude. STATINTL Sincerely. NR D: ps Approved For Release 2005/02/10 : CIA-RDP78BO4767A000400100001-4 Approved Fo; Release 2005/02/10 : CIA-RDP78BO476ZA000400100001-4 PROGRAM OUTLINE OBJECTIVES A. Establish Capability for Evaluating a Polarizer under Representative Mission and Environmental Conditions. B. Establish Guidelines for the Use of a Polarizer in Future Mission Planning and System. Design. II. AIRCRAFT INSTALLATION, CAMERAS AND INSTRUMENTATION A. Dual Camera Mount consisting of: 1. Stabilized and Servo Positioned from Vertical to the Horizon. 2. TV Monitor Pointing as a Optional Mode 3. Digital Readout of Orientation 4. Two 13" Petzval Lenses B. Camera Selection or Modification to Operate at Shutter Speeds Compatible with 3404. C. Polarimeter 1. Bore Sighted to Cameras on Stabilized Mount. 2. Digital Readout Meteorological Recording Camera for'Cloud Coverage 1. Nikon Fish Eye 2. Pointed Up E. Digital Data Logging System for 1. Aircraft Attitude (Heading, Pitch, Roll, Yaw) 2. Sun Position (or Time of Day and Coordinates) 3. Polarization 4. Camera Mount Orientation 5. Camera Frame Number F. Aircraft Must be Capable of Operational Altitudes G. Autopolarizer on One 13" Petzval Lens H. Automatically Controlled, Programmed Data Acquisition III. PROGRAM PLAN A. Design, Fabricate, Install, Checkout Data Acquisition System Approved For Release 2005/02/10 : CIA-RDP78BO4767A000400100001-4 Approved For lease 2005/02/10 : CIA-RDP78B0476W00400100001-4 B. Design and Execute Flight Test Program, including: 1. Representative Atmospheric Conditions (Requires Measurement and Classification) 2. Representative Altitudes 3. Representative Sun Elevations 4. Adequate Sampling of Lower Hemisphere, i. e. , The Space Below the Aircraft. 5. Close Coordination with the Customer to Insure a Relevant Program C. Generation of Computer Program to Reduce, Analyze, and Present Digital Data in Summary Form D. Data Reduction and Analysis 1. Engineering Analysig - Correlation of Polarization with Photographic and Atmospheric Data. 2. Qualitative Analysis - PI Analysis of Selected Photographs. E. Rapid, Specific Evaluation of Polarizer for Specific Mission and System Requirements 1. Performed at Customer's Request 2. Emphasis - Quick Response IV. DATA PRESENTATION AND FINAL RESULTS A. I13o-Enhancement Charts for Geometric, Atmospheric, and Sun Conditions B. Computerized Mission, System Analysis C. Atmospheric Measurement and Classification Procedures. Approved For Release 2005/02/10 : CIA-RDP78B04767A000400100001-4 Approved Forplease 2005/02/10 : CIA-RDP78B04700400100001-4 COMPARISON OF PHOTOGRAPHY ACQUIRED WITH AND WITHOUT POLARIZING FILTERS The photography resulting from the test runs was examined with the considera- tion that the tests were conducted to determine if polarizers can improve the extrac- tion of intelligence information from photography by photo interpreters. Generally speaking all of the photography taken with the combination of a polarizer and filter had greater edge sharpness, contrast and color rendition, where color was used, than any other photography acquired in the tests. Identification of small objects such as air- craft and vehicles, especially in upper half of the format was definitely enhanced by the imagery acquired with the polarizer. Recognizing that in most cases photo interpreters do not work with the original negative contact duplicate positives as well as the original negatives of the black-and- white photography were examined for information content. Each set of D.P. Is, com- prised of photography acquired with and without the polarizer, was reproduced with a single exposure setting and identical chemistry. The results showed that although " there was a resolution loss the polarized imagery retained the superior edge sharp- ness and contrast. Comparison of the,sets of photography was somewhat hampered because only one camera was available. Minor time variations in photo acquisition and scene dis- placement in the format occurred in each set compared. Two cameras mounted side by side permitting simultaneous exposures would provide a more precise comparison. The polarized imagery from each set of photography was examined first for selection of targets for comments. The polarized imagery was then compared to the other imagery. The slant range to the imagery in the center of the format is approximately 15 NM in all cases. Thus the cross format scale at the center is approximately 1:85,000. The results of the comparisons are as follows: a) Roll 7, run 5, color imagery was acquired through a polarizer and 2E filter. The sun is approximately 90? to the camera look angle at a high elevation. Run 5 is compared to the nonpolarized imagery obtained through 2E and 0. 6 ND filters Approved For Release 2005/02/10 xCIA-RDP78B04767A000400100001-4 Approved Forjiease 2005/02/10 : CIA-RDP78B0476W00400100001-4 on run 6, roll 7. B-52 and C-135 aircraft at Kirtland AFB present no identification problems in the polarized imagery. On the nonpolarized imagery these aircraft are difficult to impossible to identify by type. The aircraft are located in the lower part of the upper third of the format. In this portion of the format edges on the polarized imagery are well defined, contrast is good and color rendition is good. By comparison the edges on the nonpolarized imagery are fuzzy, contrast is low and color rendition is poor. The Sandia weapons storage site is imaged at the extreme edge of the oblique on the nonpolarized imagery and near the edge on the polarized imagery. Tunnel en- trances into the mountain and buildings near them are easily defined and measurable on the polarized imagery. The nonpolarized imagery reveals that the tunnel entrances are barely discernible and the nearby buildings are poorly defined. Mensuration would be extremely difficult. Comparison of rows of vehicles parked in and around an oval track located in the upper third of the format was made. The polarized imagery, by virtue of superior contrast and color rendition, permitted a more definitive vehicle count although count- ing the vehicles was difficult. Examination of the lower half of the format revealed that ventilators and stacks on building roofs were easily discernible on the polarized imagery while on the non- polarized imagery many of these were not resolved. The same was true of windows in buildings. b) Roll 7, run 7, color imagery was acquired through a polarizer. The sun is approximately 900 to the camera look angle at a high elevation. Run 7 is com- pared to the nonpolarized imagery obtained through a 0. 6 ND filter on run 8, roll 7. The B-52 and C-135 aircraft in this case are again easily identifiable on the polarized imagery. Additionally engine pods are recognizable on the aircraft. The aircraft are difficult to identify by type on the nonpolarized imagery and the engine pods are not recognizable. The aircraft are imaged in the middle portion of the for- mat. Hangars and fueling trucks also imaged in this section of the format are notable. Vents on the hangar roofs are clearly visible on the polarized imagery but cannot be 2 Approved For Release 2005/02/10 : CIA-RDP78B04767A000400100001-4 Approved For$Wease 2005/02/10 : CIA-RDP78B0476W00400100001-4 seen on the nonpolarized imagery. The fueling trucks are readily identifiable on the polarized imagery and cannot be identified on the other imagery. In this portion of the format edge sharpness and contrast on the polarized imagery is good. Color ren- dition is poor. Edge sharpness on the nonpolarized photography is fair, contrast and color rendition is poor. The weapons storage site is imaged on the upper third of the format in both types of photography. Again the tunnel entrances are easily identifiable on the polarized imagery. The edges of buildings are sharp and windows in the headquarters building are discernible. Mensuration of structures and tunnel entrances could be accomplished with relative ease. On the nonpolarized imagery the tunnel entrances are identifiable. The windows in the headquarters building cannot be discerned. Edges of buildings and tunnel entrances are soft which would complicate pointing for mensuration purposes. A railroad marshaling yard is imaged near the middle of the lower half of the format. A rail car count is easily performed and some of the cars can be identified by type on the polarized imagery. Vehicle counts in nearby parking lots can be made without difficulty. An accurate rail car count could not be performed on the nonpolar- ized imagery and identification by type was virtually impossible. Vehicle counts in the adjacent parking lots were difficult to impracticable to accomplish. Here edge sharpness and contrast were good on the polarized imagery while color rendition was poor. The edges and contrast on the nonpolarized imagery were fair and color rendi- tion poor. c) Roll 10, run 2, color imagery was acquired through polarizer and 2E filter. The sun is approximately 90' to the camera look angle at a low elevation. Run 2 is compared to the nonpolarized imagery obtained through 2E and 0. 6 ND fil- ters on run 4, roll 10. The rail cars in the marshaling yard in the center of Albuquerque can be counted on the polarized imagery with relative ease but cannot be identified by type. A car count on the nonpolarized photography is difficult and of questionable accuracy. The rail cars cannot be typed. The marshaling yard imagery is located in the middle Approved For Release 2005/02/10 3CIA-RDP78B04767A000400100001-4 Approved For lease 2005/02/10 : CIA-RDP78B0476700400100001-4 of the format. Contrast and color rendition are good to fair on the polarized photog- raphy and the edge sharpness is fair to poor. The unpolarized imagery is poor in color rendition and edge sharpness, contrast is fair to poor. A tank farm and parking lot are imaged in the upper section of the middle third of the format. The tank diameters and heights can be readily measured on the polar- ized photography. The edges of the tanks that are in shadow on the nonpolarized pho- tography are extremely difficult to define thus hampering any attempts at mensuration. The vehicles in the nearby parking lot can be accurately counted on the polarized pho- tography whereas this cannot be accomplished on the nonpolarized imagery. In the lower third of the format roof ventilators, stacks and windows in buildings are very difficult to define on the polarized imagery. 'Except for a few isolated cases it is not possible to define ventilators, stacks and windows in the nonpolarized pho- tography. The scene at the top portion of the format is a flat desert beyond mountains. Several roads, a power trace and what is probably a small building are visible in the polarized imagery. The power trace is very indistinct to not visible in some areas' on the nonpolarized imagery. The roads are barely recognizable and the probable structure is not identifiable. d) Roll 8-y run 3, black-and-white imagery was acquired through a polarizer and a No. 12 filter. The sun is approximately 90? to the camera look angle at a high elevation. Run 3 is compared to the nonpolarized imagery obtained through No. 12 and 0. 6 ND filters on run 4, roll 8. Kirtland AFB is visible on the photography in the upper half of the format. Examination of the polarized original negative reveals that B-52 and C-135 aircraft are easily identifiable by type and that engine pods are clearly visible. Vents on the hangar roofs are easy to see and fueling trucks are identifiable. Contrast and edge sharpness are good. The duplicate positive from the polarized negative permit iden- tification of the B-52 and C-135 aircraft and engine pods are distinguishable. The fueling trucks can be identified and the hangar roof vents are visible. Edge sharpness remains good but the contrast is somewhat reduced. The nonpolarized original nega- Approved For Release 2005/02/1: CIA-RDP78BO4767A000400100001-4 Approved Foriplease 2005/02/10 : CIA-RDP78B047600400100001-4 tive permits identification of the B-52 and C-135 aircraft but only some engine pods are identifiable. The fueling trucks can be seen. A few of the hangar roof vents are 1. last. Edges are soft and contrast is fair. The duplicate positive from the nonpolarized original negative permits identification of B-52 and C-135 aircraft. Engine pods and fueling trucks are not identifiable. Some vents on the hangar roof can be seen. Edges are quite soft and contrast is fair. The Sandia weapons storage site is imaged on the upper third of the format. The polarized original negative has good contrast and permits easy identification of tunnel entrances and defines building edges well. Windows in the headquarters building can be seen. On the duplicate positive edge definition is slightly reduced and the windows in the headquarters building are lost. The tunnel entrances on the nonpolarized origi- nal imagery are difficult to see and building edges are fuzzy. The headquarters build- ing is barely discernible among the trees. Contrast is fair to poor. The nonpolarized duplicate positive permits approximately the same level of information extraction ex- cept that the headquarters building cannot be defined. Examination of the lower third of the format on the polarized imagery reveals that roof vents, stacks and windows can be readily seen on the original negative. These items are visible on the duplicate positive. These same images are marginally identifiable on the nonpolarized original negative and, with a few exceptions, lost on the duplicate positive. e) Roll 12, run 2, black-and-white imagery was acquired through a polarizer and a No. 12 filter. The sun is approximately 900 to the camera look angle at a low elevation. Run 2 is compared to the nonpolarized imagery obtained through No. 12 and 0. 6 ND filters on run 3, roll 12. The rolling stock in the marshaling yard in the center of Albuquerque can be easily counted and some of the rail cars identified by type on the polarized original negative. The scene is slightly above format center. Edge sharpness is fair and contrast is good. The,car count is difficult on the polarized duplicate positive and identification by type is not practicable. Edge sharpness and contrast are considered fair. The nonpolarized original negative permits the same level of identification as Approved For Release 2005/02/10 PCIA-RDP78B04767A000400100001-4 Approved Foriholease 2005/02/10 : CIA-RDP78BO4767, 900400100001-4 the polarized duplicate positive. Edge sharpness is fair and contrast is fair to poor. A rail car count on the duplicate positive is difficult to impracticable. Roof vents, stacks and building windows imaged on the lower third of the format are seen without difficulty in both the polarized original negative and the duplicate positive. Edge sharpness and contrast is good. Many of the building windows and some vents and stacks are lost on the nonpolarized original negative and duplicate positive. 'Edge sharpness and contrast are considered fair. Mensuration of tanks in a tank farm imaged at the bottom of the upper third of the format can be accomplished on the polarized original negative and duplicate posi- tive with confidence. Tank edges in the shadows on negative and positive nonpolarized photography are difficult to define. Vehicles lined up in rows in a nearby parking lot can be counted with accuracy on the negative and positive polarized imagery. This cannot be accomplished on the nonpolarized imagery. 6 Approved For Release 2005/02/10 : CIA-RDP78BO4767A000400100001-4 Approved For,le@1IIQ$811300400100001-4 STATINTL TARGET IDENTIFICATION Albuquerque, New Mexico AIMING POINT LATITUDE _ LONGITUDE AIRCRAFT PILOT TARGET ALTITUDE5000 DATE 10 Sept. 68 WEATHER Clear Vis 60 mi MOUNT handheld CAMERA KS67 Run Identifier Run 1 Roll 1 Run 2 Roll 1 Run 3 Roll 1 Run 4 Roll 1 Po arizer Oblinit Angle *180? N/A *130? N/A Camera No. 032 032 032 032 Magazine No. 032 032 032 032 Lens No. 003 003 003 ? 003 Focal Len h 13" 13" 13" 13" Film Type SO-121 SO-121 SO-121 SO-121 Emulsion No. 32-2 32-2 32-2 .32-2 Barometric Altitude 22000 22000 22000 22000 Air Speed Knots Aircraft Heading 85K 295 85K 295 85K 215 85K 165 Drift Correction Sun An gle Time-Start 205 1337 205 1341 215 1426 165 1231 Time-End 1338 1342 1427 1232 Exposure-Start 001 025 044 077 Exposures-End Shutter Speed 022 1/1000 040 1/1000 074 1/1000 114 1/1000 Aperture 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 Filter 2E + Pol 2E + .6ND 2E + Pol 2E+. 6ND Incident Li ht Ground V /H Interval runaway runaway runaway runaway *1 and 3 with polarizer Runs 3 and 4 are 90? to sun Runs 1, 2 and 3 on Set. 10 Approved For Retealse 2005/02/10 : CIA-RDP78BO4767A000400100001-4 un on ep . Approved Forfease 2005/02/10: CIA-RDP78B047600400100001-4 PHOTOGRAPHIC FLIGHT LOG TARGET IDENTIFICATION Albuquerque AIMING POINT LATITUDE TARGET ALTITUDE 5000' DATE 10 Sept. 68 LONGITUDE WEATHER Clear Vis 60 mi AIRCRAFT Porter MOUNT handheld CAMERA KS67 PILOT Run Identifier Run l Roll 2 Run 2 Roll 2 Run 3 Roll 2 Run 4 Roll 2 Run 5 Roll 2 OPbo iqui~ erAn le *1800 N/A N/A *140? N/A Camera No. 032 032 032 032 032 Magazine No. 059 059 059 059 059 Lens No. 003 003 003 003 003 Focal Len h 13" 13" 13" 13" 13" Film Type S0230 S0230 S0230 S0230 50230 Emulsion No. 12-2 12-2 12-2 12-2 12-2 Barometric Altitude 22000 22000 22000 22000 22000 Air Speed Knots 85K 85K 85K 85K 85F Aircraft Heading 295 295 295 165 165 Drift Correction Sun Angle 205 205 205 165 165 Time-Start 1348 1354 1357 1237 1240 Time-End 1349 1355 1358 1238 1241 Exposure-Start 062 088 103 115 144 Exposures-End 071 100 112 141 171 Shutter Specd 1/500 1/500 1/500 1/500 1/500 Aperture f3.5 f3.5 f3.5 f3.5 f3.5 Filter No. 12+Pol No. 12 + .90ND .60ND No. 12+Pol .9ND Incident Light(Ground) V /H Interval Runaway runawa -runaway runaway runaway Exp. 73-87 No good ) misfired accidentally runs 1,2&3 on Sept. 10 *Runs 1 and 4 with polarizer Run 6 Ro112 N/A 032 059 003 13" S0230 12-2 22000 85K 165 165 1243 1244 1/500 f3.5 No. 12+ .6ND ApproEe~1= Or F~egos , 2605/01/10: CIA-RDP78B04767A000 '$ a t. 11 duns i-6 ona90? to sun Approved For ea &Q IAQ ~01.A FRjRgI67 00400100001-4 TARGET IDENTIFICATION Albuquerque, N. Mex. AIMING POINT Downtown LATITUDE TARGET ALTITUDE 5000 DATE 10 Sept. 68 LONGITUDE WEATHER Clear Vis 60 mi AIRCRAFT 187H MOUNT handheld CAMERA KS67 PILOT STATINTL polarizer C bIituttyAngie Focal Length Film Type Air Speed Kno Sun Angle Time-End Exposure-Star Exposures-En Shutter Speed Aperture Incident Light(Ground) V/H Rum-- Roll 3 032 1/1000 Run Roll 3 N/A Run 3 Roll 3 .1/1000 1 1/1000 runaway I runaway I runaway Run 4 Roll 3 N/A 1/1000 Runs 1 and 3 with polarizer Runs 3 and 4 are 90? to sun Approved For Release 2005/02/10 : CIA-RDP78BO4767A000400100001-4 Approved For Iea WQWWJi2AAAbMff0T 00400100001-4 TARGET IDENTIFICATION Albuquerque, New Mex. AIMING POINT LATITUDE TARGET ALTITUDE 5000 DATE11 Sept. 68 LONGITUDE WEATHER Clear vis 60 mi + AIRCRAFT 187H MOUNT handheld CAMERA KS67 PILOT Run Identifier Run Boll 4 un Boll 4 Run 3 Roll 4 Run Roll 4 Cbigwty e *1700 N/A *115? N/A Camera No. 032 032 032 032 Magazine No. 082 082 082 082 Lens No. 003 003 003. 003 Focal Len h 13" 13" 13" 13" Film Type S0121 S0121 S0121 S0121 Emulsion No. 32-2 32-2 32-2 32-2 Barometric Altitude 22000 22000 22000 22000 Air Speed Knots 85 85 85 85 Aircraft Heading 180 180 100 100 Drift Correction Sun Angle 90 90 100 100 Time-Start 0838 0840 0911 0914 Time-End 0839 0841 0912 0915 Exposure-Start 001 039 076 114 Exposures-End 036& 074 111 142 Shutter Speed 1/500 .1/500 1/500 1/500 Aperture 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 Filter 2E + Pol 2E + 0. 6ND 2E + Pol 2E + 0. 6ND Incident Light(Ground) V H Interval runaway runaway runaway runaway Remarks: Runs 1 and 3 with polarizer. Runs 3 and 4 are 90? to sunline Approved For Release 2005/02/10 : CIA-RDP78B04767A000400100001-4 Approved For T1rleae Q05I02/10 : CIA-RDP78B0476700400100001-4 VOT GRAPHIC FLIGHT LOG TARGET IDENTIFICATION Albuquerque, New Mex. AIMING POINT LATITUDE TARGET ALTITUDE 5000 DATE 11 Sept. 68 LONGITUDE WEATHER Clear Vis. 60 mi AIRCRAFT 18711 MOUNT handheld CAMERA KS67 STATINTL PILOT Run Identifier ppo--larizer Ob iq it-y-Angle Camera No. Magazine No. Lens No. Focal Length Film Type Emulsion No. Barometric Al Air Speed Kno ng Aircraft Heacli Drift Correcti Sun Angle Tim e- Start Time-End Exposure-Star Exposures-En Shutter Sp Aperture Run 2 Roll 5 Roll 5 N/A 032 85 180 1/500 Incident Light(Ground) V/H 1/500 Run 3 Roll 5 003 Run4 Roll 5 N/A 12-2 0921 1/500 1 1/500 3.5 1 3.5 l' No.12+Pol No. 12+0. 6NIj runaway I runaway Runs 1 and 3 with polarizer Approved For Release 2005/02/10 : CIA-RDP78B04767A000400100001-4 Runs 3 and 4 are 900 to sun Approved For# eas . 1 ;1 A-F?Fjfl Af'ff 0400100001-4 TARGET IDENTIFICATION Albuquerque, N.Mex. AIMING POINT LATITUDE, TARGET ALTITUDE 5000 DATE 11 Sept. 68 LONGITUDE WEATHER Clear Vis 60 mi + AIRCRAFT 187H MOUNT handheld CAMERA KS67 STATINTL PILOT --- F- - [- Run Identifier Parizer Otrli n -An ~e Run 1 Roll 6 *1750 Run 2 Roll 6 N/A Run 3 - Roll 6 *1150 - Run 4 Roll 6 N/A - - -- Camera No. 032 032 032 032 Ma azine No. 034 034 034 034 Lens No. 003 003 003? 003 Focal Length 13" 13" 13" 13" Film e 3400 3400 3400 3400 Emulsion No. 122-14 122-14 122-14 122-14 Barometric Altitude 22000 22000 22000 22000 Air Speed Knots 85 85 85 85 Aircraft Heading 185 185 100 100 Drift Correction Sun Angle 95 95 100 100 Time-Start 0854 0856 0905 0907 Time-End 0855 0857 0906 0908 Exposure-Start 001 035 069 103 Exposures-End 032 066 100 131 Shutter Speed 1/500 1/500 1/500 1/500 Aperture 3.5 3.5 3.5 Filter o.12+Pol E .6N No.12+Pol N o.12+0.6N Incident Light(Ground) V /H Interval runaway runaway runaway runaway Remarks: Runs 3 and 4 9011 to sun line Approved For Release 2005/02/10 : CIA-RDP78B04767A000400100001-4 Runs 1 and 3 with polarizer Approved For IaspljAE1,~pM8-Rg7>Q7~0400100001-4 TARGET IDENTIFICATION AIMING POINT LATITUDE LONGITUDE AIRCRAFT 187H PILOT Run Identifier ol1arizer. ObHq~lty` ;l e Camera No. Magazine No. Lens No. Focal Length Film Type Emulsion No. Albuquerque, New Mex. high anle. TARGET ALTITUDE 5000 _ DATE 13 Sept. 68 WEATHER Clear Vis. 60 Mi + MOUNT hand held Bun 1 Run 2 Roll? Roll7 NA 032 082 Run 3 Run 4 Roll 7 Roll 7 *1800 032 082 N/A S0121 32-1 Barometric Alti Air Speed Knots Aircraft Head in Drift Correction Sun Ankle 180 Time-Start 1325 8 132 Time-End 1326 1 1329 E_ xposuro-Start Exposures-End 020 89 Shutter Sneed 1/1000 1/1000 1/1000 000 1 /1 Aperture Incident Li V/H Interval gt(Ground) with sun line. Remarks: Polarizer CAMERA KS67 STATINTL Approved For Release 2005/02/10 : CIA-RDP78BO4767A000400100001-4 Approved For lease 2005/02/10 : CIA-RDP78BO476 000400100001-4 PHOTOGRAPHIC FLIGHT LOG TARGET IDENTIFICATION Albuquerque New Mex. AIMING POINT Downtown High Angle LATITUDE TARGET ALTITUDE 5000 DATE 13 Sept. 68 LONGITUDE WEATHER Clear Vis. 60 Mi + AIRCRAFT 187H MOUNT hand held CAMERA KS67 PILOT STATINTL Run Identifier Run 5 Roll 7 Run 6 Roll 7 Run 7 Roll 7 Run 8 Roll 7 lolarizer Obhguity-ale *1350 N/A *1350 N/A Camera No. 032 032 032 032 Magazine No. 082 082 082 082 Lens No. 003 003 003 003 Focal Len th 13" 13" 13" 13" Film Type S0121 50121 S0121 50121 Emulsion No. 32-1 32-1 32-1 32-1 Barometric Altitude 22000 22000 22000 22000 Air Speed Knots 85 85 85. 85 Aircraft Heading 192 192 192 192 Drift Correction Sun Angle 192 192 192 192 Time-Start 1411 1413 1415 1417 Time-End 1412 1414 1416 1418 Exposure-Start 092 121 150 178 Exposures-End 118 147 175 203 Shutter Speed 1/1000 1/1000 1/1000 1/1000 Aperture 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 Filter 2E+Pol 2E+.6ND polarizes .6ND Incident Light(Ground) V /H Interval runaway runaway runaway runaway Remarks: po Approved Fc eulteasee2005/02/10 : CIA-RDP78BO4767A000400100001-4 Approved For ease 2005/02/10: CIA-RDP78B04760400100001-4 PHOTOGRAPHIC FLIGHT LOG TARGET IDENTIFICATION Albuquerque, New Mex. AIMING POINT Downtown High Angle LATITUDE TARGET ALTITUDE 5000 DATE 13 Sept .. LONGITUDE WEATHER Clear Vis. 60 mi + AIRCRAFT 187H MOUNT handheld CAMERA KS6'1 PILOT ST Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Run 4 Run Identifier Roll 8 Roll 8 Roll 8 Roll 8 -~ Polaizer Obliqut -An 'le *1800 N/A *1350 N/A Camera No. 032 032 032 032 Magazine No. 059 059 059 059 Lens No. 003 003 003 003 Focal Length 13" 13" 13" 13" Film Type S0230 S0230 S0230 S0230 Emulsion No. 12-2 12-2 12-2 12-2 Barometric Altitude 22000 22000 22000 22000 Air Speed Knots 85 85 85 85 Aircraft Heading 275 275 190 190 Drift Correction Sun Angle 185 185 190 190 Time-Start 1-34 1 An 1407 Time-End - 1337 1341 1408 Exposure-Start 001 028 059 088 Exposures-End 025 055 113 Shutter Speed .1/500 1/500 1/500 1/500 Aperture 35 5 35 -. Filter o. 12+Po1 No. 12+. 6N No. 12+Pol No. 12+. 6ND Incident Light(Ground) V H Interval runaway runaway runawa y runaway a ATINTL Remarks: Run 3 and 4 are 90? to sun line. Approved For Release 2005/02/10 : CIA-RDP78B04767A000400100001-4 Approved For WeaM~~ 1A0PIiIC FLIGHT LOG 00400100001-4 TARGET IDENTIFICATION Albuquerque, New Mex. AIMING POINT DOwnto %6n High Angle LATITUDE TARGET ALTITUDE 5000 DATE 13 Sept. 68 LONGITUDE WEATHER Clear Vis 60 mi + AIRCRAFT 187H MOUNT handheld CAMERA KS67 PILOT STATI NTL Run Identifier Run 1 Roll 9 Run 2 Roll 9 Run 3 Roll 9 Run 4 Roll 9 Polarizer Obhriui e *1800 N/A *1360 N/A Camera No. 032 032 032 032 Magazine No. 034 034 034 034 Lens No. 003 003 003 003 Focal Len h 13" 13" 13" 13" Film Type 3400 3400 3400 3400 Emulsion No. 122-14 122-14 122-14 122-14 Barometric Altitude 22000 22000 22000 22000 Air Speed Knots 85 85 85 85 Aircraft Heading 277 277 190 190 Drift Correction Sun Angle 187 187 190 190 Time-Start 1344 1347 1358 1400 Time-End 1345 1348 1359 1401 Exposure-Start 001 025 056 084 Exposures-End 022 054 081 110 Shutter Speed 1/1000 1/1000 1/1000 1/1000 Aperture 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 Filter No. 12+Pol No. 12+. 6ND No. 12+Pol No. 12+. 6N Incident Light(Ground) V /H Interval runaway runaway runaway runaway Runs 3 and 4 are 90? to sunline. Approved For Release 2005/02/10 : CIA-RDP78B04767A000400100001-4 Approved For l(easeJWd&W2 ` -:JA-VtbPQb1db 0400100001-4 TARGET IDENTIFICATION Albuquerque, New Mex. AIMING POINT Downtown low angle. LATITUDE TARGET ALTITUDE 5000 DATE 13 Sept. 68 LONGITUDE WEATHER Clear Vis. 60Mi + AIRCRAFT 187H MOUNT hand held CAMERA KS67 PILOT 6 TATINTL Run Identifier Obiigirity-Angle Camera No. Magazine No. Focal Length Film Type Emulsion No. Barometric Altitude Air Speed Knots Aircraft Headin Drift Correction Sun Angle Time-End Exposure-Start Exposures-End Shutter Speed Aperture V H Remarks: ht Ground un un un un Roll 10 Roll 10 FRoll 10 Roll 10 1722 1/500 1724 .1/500 N/A 003 N/A 1/500 3.5 1 3.5 runaway 4 runaway - - t- 1/500 Approved For Release 2005/02/10: CIA-RDP78B04767A000400100001-4 Approved For ea 5RIOPI~ A- PG711T0 600400100001-4 TARGET IDENTIFICATION Albuquerque, New Mex. AIMING POINT Downtown Low Angle LATITUDE TARGET ALTITUDE 5000 DATE 13 Sept. 68 LONGITUDE WEATHER Clear Vis 60 mi + AIRCRAFT 187H MOUNT hand held CAMERA KS67 PILOT STATINTL Run Identifier Run 5 Roll 10 Run 6 Roll 10 Run 7 Roll 10 Run 8 Roll 10 polarizer OlThautty- A, -e *1050 *105 N/A N/A Camera No. 032 032 032 032 Ma zine No. 082 082 082 082 Lens No. 003 003 003 003 Focal Length 13" 13" 13" 13" Film lype S0121 S0121 S0121 S0121 Emulsion No. 32--1 32-1 32-1 32-1 Barometric Altitude 22000 22000 22000 22000 Air Speed Knots 85 85 85 85 Aircraft Heading 247 247 247 247 Drift Correction Sun Angle 247 247 247 247 Time-Start 1733 1736 1738 1741 Time-End 1734 1737 1739 1742 Exposure-Start 107 127 153 183 Exposures-End 125 150 180 210 Shutter Speed 1/500 1/500 1/500 1/500 Aperture 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 Filter Polarizer Polarizer .6ND .6ND Incident Light(Ground) V H Interval runawa runaway runaway runaway Remarks: Runs 5, 6, 7 and 8 magazine malfunction Approved For Release 2005/02/10 : CIA-RDP78BO4767A000400100001-4 Approved For%OeasWMDWMIW.I(ICA-RDREB'0 , W00400100001-4 TARGET IDENTIFICATION Albuquerque, New Mex. AIMING POINT LATITUDE _ Low sun angle. TARGET ALTITUDE 5000 DATE 13 Sept. 68 LONGITUDE WEATHER AIRCRAFT STATINTL PILOT Clear Vis. 60 Mi + 18711 MOUNT hand held CAMERA KS67 Run Identifier Run 1 Roll 11 Run 2 Roll 11 Run 3 Roll 11 Run 4 Roll 11 popIarizer Qb1tgn2 le *105 *105 N/A N/A Camera No. 032 032 032 032 Ma azine No. 059 059 059 059 Lens No. 003 003 003 003 Focal Len h 13" 13" 13" 13" Film Type S0230 S0230 S0230 S0230 Emulsion No. 12-2 12-2 12-2 12-2 Barometric Altitude 22000 22000 22000 22000 Air Speed Knots 85 85 85 85 Aircraft Heading 247 247 247 247 Drift Correction Sun Angle 247 247 247 247 Time-Start 1743 1746 1.749 1751 Time-End 1744 1747 1750 1752 Exposure-Start 001 037 064 088 Exposures-End 034 061 085 107 Shutter Speed 1/500 1/500 1/500 1/500 Aperture 5 3.5 3.5 3.5 Filter ol H2~P No.12A-Pol No. 12+.6ND No. 12+.6N Incident Light(Ground) V H Interval runaway runaway run way runaway Approved For Release 2005/02/10 CIA-RDP78BO4767A000400100001-4 Approved F el~fs8la( 0A,1 G,C j MFPM*A000400100001-4 TARGET IDENTIFICATION Albuquerque, New Mex. AIMING POINT LATITUDE _ LONGITUDE _ AIRCRAFT STATINTL PILOT Downtown low sun angle. TARGET ALTITUDE 5000 DATE 13 Sept. 68 WEATHER Clear Vis. 60 Mi + MOUNT CAMERA KS67 - Run 1 tifier Roll 12 Id Run 2 Roll 12 Run 3 Roll 12 Run Roll 12 en Run po arizer *105? *105? N/A N/A No 032 032 032 032 . Camera No i 034 034 034 034 . Magaz ne Lens No. h l Le 003 13" 003 13" 003 131' 003 1311 ngt Foca e T Fil 3400 3400 3400 3400 yp m No i l E 122-14 122-14 122-14 122-14 . on s mu Barometric Altitude 22000 22000 22000 22000 d Knots S A 85 85 85 85 pee ir Aircraft Heading rection ift C 249 249 249 249 or Dr le A S 249 249 249 249 n un -Start Ti 1754 1757 1759 1802 me -End Ti 1755 1758 1800 1803 . me Ex osure-Start Exposures-End Shutter Sneed 001 030 1 500 033 057 1500 060 082 1/500 085 111 1/500 Aperture Filter Incident Light(Ground 3.5 No.12+Po1 3.5 No.12+Pol 3,5 No.12+.6ND 3.5 No.12+.6ND V/H Interval runaway runaway runaway, rrunaway Remarks: Approved For Release 2005/02/10 : CIA-RDP78BO4767A000400100001-4 Approved For Relea 2005/02/10 : CIA-RDP78BO4767A000$ 100001-4 1 !? OjI f - - x'19- - 0 F, a'e7 riz- le r... /',Y) c e)m m e n J4 ty r__. _ 1) STAT Approved For Release 2005/02/10 : CIA-RDP78BO4767A000400100001-4 JF'Ya leol, 4P A. STATINTL 4-,*1; eo./Y,A f c EYce,6FRt .. Approved For Releas 005/02/10 : CIA-RDP78BO4767A0004 I00001-4 -_ne - W901 --lep- c-)q et_, ---~ 0 e. !"!7 2 c r4ao 7?A Approved For Release 2005/02/10: CIA-RDP78B04767A000400100001-4. -to L Approved For Relea 2005/02/10 : CIA-RDP78BO4767A0004&0100001-4 97 I)/a - - OS5- '//) / 5 cam i,: ~ Y-41 /~e j - -7""/ J r a ! d YD Xr~ / ! /1e -Approved For Release-2005/02/10: CIA-RDP78BO4767A000400100001-4 Approved For Releas@02005/02/10 : CIA-RDP78BO4767A000 100001-4 4-1 2. C /q Y t z -e 1 ly l~, -c2_Ct? mod. --- Approved For Release 2005/02/10 : CIA-RDP78B04767A000400100001-4_ Approved For Releava*2005/02/10: CIA-RDP78B04767A000 100001-4 11--e - 71 1/ Q_ 3 ! I ~> 4' f e _ Approved For Release 2005/02/10: CIA-RDP78BO4767A000400100001-4 _ Approved For Relea 2005/02/10: CIA-RDP78BO4767A000QQ100001-4 1,4 af_ . 75? C _ , 6/' for ifr l 6F o-7 7/cst7 ~,-e-' /X. 1af 1_znj_,_4I -9 -_f1/- Approved For-Release 2005/02/10 : CIA-RDP78B04767A0004001.00001-4 2" Approved For Releas"005/02/10 : CIA-RDP78BO4767A000400100001-4 Impe STAT Approved For Release 2005/02/10 : CIA-RDP78BO4767A000400100001-4 pproved foeleasl005(02/10:CIA-R9P78B0476/7A000400001-4 1 okn m,eo7-a of U'?p 'oVj a!1 Foy m5-*- r, zer 0,1 A 7 tAn aperyAllmkv~ - Approved For Release 200.5/02/10: CIA-RDP78B04767A000400100001-4 e _ _, Q W?f-e fieviM, Approved For Relea 005/02/10.: CIA-RDP78BO4767A0004 100001-4 p)119h45 j efc. F/OWE,, _J2 r- A Approved For Release 2065/02/10: CIA-RDP7>-BO 1 domes A,P fA;~7 -T Approved For Releasao2005/02/10 : CIA-RDP78B04767A0004W100001-4 d Gte,5 fens 56t G r-~ 7~6 -s.2 /c7 1- ..r-- Approved-For-Release-2005/02/10: CIA-RDP78B0476.7A000400100001-4 Approved For lease 2005/02/10 : CIA-RDP78B047G 000400100001-4 N t A 1'7-~ I'f7 c j & V)---A~c Y- - - - d- xli Approved For Relea 005/02/10 : CIA-RDP78BO4767A000 100001-4 ,/-~7 C~ 10 f- f- -c er ~ ,::2 r i / e? r -- e_Qr-iz.- r /W J, P~ Litm- if l I Approved For Release 2005/02/10 : CIA-RDP78BO4767AO00400100001-4 Approved For Relea-c005/02/10: CIA-RDP78BO4767A0004QP100001-4 7 t ___ c, IQr i s -/ wj- e s e7 p r joy r art ~'. e l rZ:.er QI qr. i a -Pr- r'stos C- d r c~ d ye s l o - fes Iqrte.. pproved For Release 2005/02/10 : CIA-RDP78BO4767A000400100001-4 0 -1. Approved For Release 2005/02/10 : CIA-RDP78BO4767A000400100001-4 pproved For Release 2005/02/10 : CIA-RDP78B04767A00f40.0100001-4 STATINTL j,7STATI NTL Approved For Release 2005102/10 CIA-RDP78B04767AO0040010001-4--- Wrovd?'cff F Relea e~~005/02 AO : CIA-RE3 >~ 67dOb 0 0001-4 Co ~- 4-- NO /0- bpi .-/ Approved For Release 2005/02/10 : CIA-RDP78BO4767A000400100001-4 App( ed For Relpa a 20 2/10: CIA-RDP78BO4767A000400100001-4 \\C) (.-(- q- (9 s rH ZIJ-0i/-,&-z Approved For Release 2005/02/10 : CIA-RDP78BO4767A000400100001-4 Approved For Release 2005/02/10 : CIA-RDP78BO4767A000400100001-4 K D o t_C_ Z 9 (,) P 0 (,- (bQ I F- i~ q-, ~) C) I -Z- w_o C Approved For Release 2005/02/10 : CIA-RDP78BO4767A000400100001-4 Approved For Release 2005/02/10 : CIA-RDP78BO4767A000400100001-4 I\j 1~ d~L 3 l.vqoSS L4 to - 0 r) --/ Approved For Release 2005/02/10 : CIA-RDP78BO4767A000400100001-4