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Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP78B04747A002800010001-0 DECLASS REVIEW by NIMA/DOD STATINTL Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP78B04747A002800010001-0 Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP78B04747A002800010001-0 HYDROMATIC LIQUID BEARING RM-135-65 June 19 6 5 STATINTL STAT Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP78B04747A002800010001-0 Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP78B04747A00280 010001 - STATINTL submits this report in compliance with Item 3. 1 of the Development Objectives of STATINTL Approved: Researc Manager STAT STAT Approved For Release 2002/09/031: CIA-RDP78B04747A002800010001-0 Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP78BO4747AO02800010001-0 STAT within the bearing itself (Assignment STAT Two approaches to the improvement of liquid bearings are feasible: the first is to improve the efficiency of the bearing to require lower horse- power input from a centrifugal pump, the second is to conceive a design in which an external pump and plumbing are eliminated by integrating a pump This assignment was issued to experimentally assess the state- of-the-art in liquid bearing research, design, and development and, if possible, improve existing concepts in preparation for a new generation of photographic processors. Such factors as efficiency, economy, simplicity, self-centering, elimination of guide flanges, and no necessity for format changes to accommodate different film widths were to be considered. To be given special attention were the advantages, if any, of slots over hole jets as a film cushion support. Approved For Release 2002/09/03 'blA-RDP78B04747A002800010001-0 Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP78BO4747AO02800010001-0 This final report compiles data obtained on an exhaustive series of tests on narrow liquid bearing prototype designs of single-slot, end- feed bearings of varying cross section and material of construction, as well as center-feed, self-centering bearings and end-feed tapered-slot self-centering bearings. Certain hydrodynamic relationships were estab- lished and a new concept of bearing design was evolved. To duplicate the "crown effect" of belt roller, self-adjusting tracking, a reverse crown, or "bow tie" pressure profile is necessary for hydraulic bearings. A bear- ing was designed, constructed, and tested which exhibited self-aligning features, imparted rotary motion to the film, and promised to be self- adjusting to changing load conditions at constant flow. While it appeared not to require guide flanges for operational stability, it did require format changes for different film widths. Thus, not all of the design objectives were achieved, but the advantages and shortcomings of the final design are discussed in detail. Approved For Release 2002/09/0311CIA-RDP78B04747A002800010001-0 STAT Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP78BO4747AO0280 1 INTRODUCTION 1-1 1.1 BEARING CONCEPT 1-1 1.2 PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVES 1-2 2 TECHNICAL DISCUSSION 2-1 2.1 EQUIPMENT AND INSTRUMENTATION 2-1 2.2 BEARING EXPERIMENTATION 2-1 2.2.1 Narrow Liquid Bearing Prototype 2-i 2.2.2 Liquid Bearing Slot Data 2-14 2.2.3 Self-Centering Liquid Bearings 2-27 2.2.4 Methacrylate End-Feed Self- Centering Liquid Bearing 2-34 3 SUMMATION OF FINDINGS 3-1 3.1 NARROW LIQUID BEARINGS 3-1 3.2 END-FEED LIQUID BEARINGS 3-1 3.3 SELF-CENTERING LIQUID BEARINGS 3-2 3.3.1 Liquid Bearing Design Procedure 3-2 A EQUIPMENT AND INSTRUMENTATION A-1 B PRESSURE GRADIENT CHARACTERISTICS B-1 Approved For Release 2002/09/0w CIA-RDP78BO4747AO02800010001-0 STAT Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP78BO4747AO02800010001-0 I STAT FIGURE ILLUSTRATIONS PAGE 2-1 Liquid Bearing Test Rack 2-2 2-2 Rotameter Calibration Chart 2-3 2-3 Friction Factors for Straight, Clean, Round Pipes 2-4 2-4 Vernier Depth Gage 2-5 2-5 Narrow Prototype Liquid Bearing 2-6 2-6 Narrow Prototype Liquid Bearing Pressure Profile (0.067" Slot) 2-7 2-7 Analysis of Pressure-Flow Relationship 2-11 2-8 Narrow Prototype Liquid Bearing with Cerrobend Plenum and Plastic Wedge 2-13 2-9 Narrow Prototype Liquid Bearing with Wide Slot 2-15 2-10 Five Stainless-Steel Bearings - All Slots 0.063 x 9-1/2 Inches 2-18 2-11 Pressure Profile for 1.000" I.D. Circular Stainless Bearing 2-19 2-12 Pressure Profile for 1.250" I.D. Circular Stainless Bearing 2-20 2-13 Pressure Profile for 1.500" I.D. Circular Stainless Bearing 2-21 2-14 Pressure Profile for 1.620" I.D. Circular Stainless Bearing 2-22 2-15 Pressure Profile for 1.875" I.D. Circular Stainless Bearing 2-23 2-16 Pressure vs. Flow for Experimental Bearings 2-24 2-17 Pressure Profile for 1.500" I.D. Circular Copper Bearing 2-28 2-18 Double-Plenum Center-Feed Copper Bearing 2-31 2-19 Pressure Profile of Center-Feed Copper Bearing 2-32 Approved For Release 2002/09/03 vCIA-RDP78B04747A002800010001-0 Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP78B04747A00280 - ? STAT ILLUSTRATIONS (Continued) 2-20 Logarithmic Slot Self-Centering Liquid Bearing 2-33 2-21 Methacrylate Self-Centering Bearing 2-35 2-22 Cutaway Showing Construction of Methacrylate Tapered-Slot, Self-Centering Bearing 2-36 2-23 Annular Velocity Versus Supported Weight - 9-1/2-Inch Film 2-40 2-24 Cushion Height at Constant Flow and Varying Weight - 9-1/2-Inch Film 2-41 2-25 Annular and Transverse Areas at Different Weight Loadings - 9-1/2-Inch Film 2-42 2-26 Pressure Profile for Tapered-Slot Liquid Bearing 9-1/2-Inch Width 2-45 2-27 Annular Velocity Versus Supported Weight - 6.6-Inch Film 2-49 2-28 Cushion Height at Constant Flow and Varying Weight - 6.6-Inch Film 2-50 2-29 Annular and Transverse Areas at Different Weight Loadings - 6.6-Inch Film 2-51 2-30 Pressure Profile for Tapered-Slot Bearing 6.6-Inch Width 2-52 Approved For Release 2002/09/03v CIA-RDP78B04747A002800010001-0 Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP78BO4747AO028 2-1 FLOWMETER CALIBRATION DATA AND REYNOLDS NUMBER CALCULATION 2-8 2-2 PRESSURE PROFILE MEASUREMENT DATA FOR NARROW PROTOTYPE LIQUID BEARINGS 2-9 2-3 WITH CERROBEND AND METHACRYLATE WEDGE IN PLENUM 2-9 2-4 PRESSURE PROFILE MEASUREMENT DATA FOR NARROW PROTOTYPE LIQUID BEARINGS 2-16 2-5 PRESSURE PROFILE MEASUREMENT DATA FOR NARROW PROTOTYPE LIQUID BEARINGS 2-16 2-6 PRESSURE PROFILE MEASUREMENT DATA FOR CIRCULAR CROSS-SECTION LIQUID BEARING 2-25 2-7 PRESSURE PROFILE MEASUREMENT DATA FOR CIRCULAR CROSS-SECTION LIQUID BEARING 2-25 2-8 PRESSURE PROFILE MEASUREMENT DATA FOR CIRCULAR CROSS-SECTION LIQUID BEARING 2-26 2-9 PRESSURE PROFILE MEASUREMENT DATA FOR CIRCULAR CROSS-SECTION LIQUID BEARING 2-26 2-10 PRESSURE PROFILE MEASUREMENT DATA FOR CIRCULAR CROSS-SECTION LIQUID BEARING 2-29 2-11 PRESSURE PROFILE MEASUREMENT DATA FOR CIRCULAR CROSS-SECTION LIQUID BEARING 2-29 2-12 ANNULAR VELOCITY, CUSHION HEIGHT, SUPPORTED WEIGHT 2-39 2-13 PRESSURE PROFILE MEASUREMENT DATA FOR TAPERED-SLOT LIQUID BEARING 2-46 2-14 PRESSURE PROFILE MEASUREMENT DATA FOR TAPERED-SLOT LIQUID BEARING 2-46 2-15 BEARING SLOT WIDTHS 2-47 2-16 ANNULAR VELOCITY, CUSHION HEIGHT, SUPPORTED WEIGHT 2-53 Approved For Release 2002/09/03VIA-RDP78B04747A002800010001-0 STAT Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP78BO4747AO0280 - STAT rR R - R R R --07 SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION 1. 1 BEARING CONCEPT Prior to the innovation of the air and liquid bearing concept, all commercial film processing units transported film on a series of rollers (similar to the setup of a paper mill) or sprocket gears that matched the perforations in standard types of perforated film. These conventional machines use a preponderance of driven rollers, each of which must be rotated at precisely the same speed as every other roller. If they are not, one of two problems develops. The first problem occurs when a variation of speed in the pressure roller groups in either the wet or dry end of the processing line causes the formation of a slack loop. This slack allows the film to slap against parts of the processor or to cohere and damage itself by abrasion. The second occurs when the film is suddenly shortened, which produces stretching, riffling, or even film breakage. With sprocket gears instead of rollers, the film can lose tracking or its perforations can be torn. Any of these conditions, including the normal slippage over a smooth roller, results in film damage, intolerable in certain aerial surveillance and other irreplaceable original negative films. The liquid and air bearing principle, conceived by was a significant contribution to the state-of-the-art. Its development has advanced film processor design and has resulted in a new generation of equipment. By providing a fluid cushion on each bearing in the wet end of the machine and an air cushion in the drier section, the film could literally be floated through the complete processing cycle contacting only its drive STAT Approved For Release 2002/09/031:-dIA-RDP78B04747A002800010001-0 Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP78B04747A00280 capstan and takeup spool. The supporting fluid cushion was created by ejecting jets of liquid from within a cylindrical plenum. These jets, by impinging on the film passing over the bearing, created a firm liquid layer in the annular space. The air bearing is similar in principle. Thus, in theory, the only frictional forces to which the film is subjected, are the intermolecular drag coefficients and liquid viscosity factors at the boundary interfaces. In practice, however, it proved nec- essary to provide film guide flanges at either end to control the effluent. Although these flanges were placed far enough apart to allow for the width of film being used, there was still considerable edge friction due to er- ratic film tracking along its multiple-bearing pathway in the processor. One of the serendipities of the design concept proved to be this: because the liquid creating the cushion in each stage of the processor (developer, stop bath, fixer. etc.) was the chemical solution itself, greater penetration of the emulsion was achieved, resulting in reduced time of contact. 1.2 PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVES In view of the state-of-the-art briefly outlined in the preceding section, the objectives of this facet of the research program became clear. Improve mechanical efficiency and reduce horsepower requirements while increasing cushion stability. Eliminate guide flanges by designing a self- centering bearing. Develop a bearing that, in ideal configuration, would not require format changes to accommodate different widths of film. Es- tablish design criteria so that bearing performance could be predicted before fabrication. STAT Approved For Release 2002/09/0,1.QlA-RDP78B04747A002800010001-0 Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP78B04747A0028 - SECTION 2 TECHNICAL DISCUSSION 2: 1 EQUIPMENT AND INSTRUMENTATION The details of assembly and adjunctive mensuration devices for the liquid bearing test. rack (Figure 2-1) are presented in Appendix A. One significant change was made in the test apparatus between the issuance of the February Interim Report and this final paper. The closed-circuit re- circulatory system illustrated introduced cyclic time fluctuations because of the pump design and its proximity to the liquid bearing under test. Rather than designing and building a pulse-smoothing device for insertion in the line, the problem was largely eliminated by connecting the munici- pal water faucet outlet directly to the flowmeter inlet. This meant, of course, that the tank drain had to be opened during a test run to prevent overflow and that the possibility of tempering the water temperature was eliminated. However, the flow was greatly stabilized. A new sensing pitot probe was built consisting of an 0.008-inch inside-diameter steel capillary tube mounted in a 1/4-inch thin-wall tube. The device was further improved by providing a tee at its outlet to prevent having to bleed air bubbles from the long plastic hose connecting it to the inclined manometer. This refinement greatly facilitated rapid measure- ment of static pressures in the three slots during testing. 2.2 BEARING EXPERIMENTATION 2.2.1 Narrow Liquid Bearing Prototype The first series of experiments was performed on an experimental stainless-steel bearing (Figures 2-5, 2-6, and Table 2-2). Its overall length was 13.9 inches and the inside diameter of its throat was 1.0 inch. (Continued page 2-10) Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP78B04747A002800010001-0 STAT Approved For Release 2002/09/03 CIA-RDP78B04747A002800p0001 0 Approved For Release 2002/09/0.1- lA-RDP78B04747A002800010001-0 STAT Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP78BO4747AO02800010001-0 Cl) N MO o vo -D ~ cn x D ; D rm -4 mp pm z v~ mm -r z mN (A ~ P - rr o M r1 r-1 r-i N H'o N N N N O O 0 1 Lf) -10 CT Ln r-i (.0 r-1 rn O O O O P S2 r1 N Lf) (o W I- 0 Cl, 0 U) -O W J ii Pn a w 0 V) W JddL 3 LLJ ow _) (0wN0 o3z-i N v o "Zr c0 CC) CO '-1 (f) 1 O h C] (C) r) (.D co h O O co co (o r1 r-i h -4 . N CO C}) Co (D N. co O U 00 ?-i mot' CO Lf) N h Lf Lf) N 0) Co LO h 00 r--1 O Lf) (.0 N Co LO O 0) (O C) Ll) O O Co (O h CO N r-1 N CO r-i M CO N r-1 CO Co h N. N. r 4 . . . . 1 Co CO h co N C'? I -I '-1 St, 'IV CI-3 Ln ri N. N co CO N. N Co LO N. 0) r N rs ~t O 0) (.D r1 Lo r--1 N LO M CD N ~1 CO h N r-1 (O V h (D U cf' --i (o N r-1 LO ri LO U) N et (o co 0) Co CV 1V 0) M Co Co C) CO 0) LO N d" (O O 07 M .-1 CD Lf) M h N. N. co Co L" r-1 'S? C) LO ? N mot' o O O 'V3 CV CO r1 O LO d' L!) M co (9 -4 ri Ell (D N V' (O O O 0) co Co O N. C) M M C)) (. CO C7 ct' (O OD C) N T ' M .7 O Lf) U) O N T Co O O LO N CO r1 O co Iw LI) LO N. h (O O N et' (0 O O Lf) r-a .--1 N (.0 ' m CD co I,, 1 (O O h O . -- 1 N Ct' Q0 CO O Ltd N r-1 ,-4 (D N CO (0 "W 00 Cl) d'' (D CO N. CO Co N N V (.0 co C) LO rt .-I N (0 co N. h rt LO 0) Lam. (D ?--i 1 N ~t ( O O O Lf) E-, Co (D (7) Co O Ct' Lf) Lf7 M h CT r1 . N IC (D co C 1t' rt --1 Co M Lf7 'CI Lf) N mot' LID 0) '1' N. to h r?-1 N I (Z co C) d ri r< r--1 E ? d' (O 0) LID (D O M LID 0) CO CO N. C) O N C CO CO O N LO r-1 ---1 -4 O N C) O O CD r, o (.D O "Z3, CO 11, Co H( r-1 O r1 N N Co N N N N N N ("I O 0) O O h Lf) CO 0 Lt a i CO O et h ri 'i Ln I N Co M Co T Lf) ~ O 0 0 O O h ~ a, 10, Co Ct LID (fl (D Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP78BO4747AO02800010001-0 Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP78BO4747AO02800010001-0 STAT was varied. The nominal inside diameters were 1.000, 1.250, 1.500, 1.620, and 1.875 inches (Figure 2-10). The material was welded and drawn tubing selected because it is less expensive than the seamless and polished type and is normally stocked in raw stores STATINTL These were "run-of-the-shop" jobs and no particular stress was placed upon dressing the milled slots after machining. Pressure profiles were measured on each bearing and then graphed (Figures 2-11, 2-12, 2-13, 2-14, and 2-15, and Tables 2-5, 2-6, 2-7, 2-8, and 2-9). The construction material, the machine finish of the slot, and the position of the seam relative to the slot appeared to be much more critical parameters than was supposed. When the empirical data obtained on all bearings were grouped on one graph, the differences became appar- ent (Figure 2-16). The most and the least satisfactory bearings from the standpoint of economy of fluid flow were the two narrow prototypes discussed in Sec- tion 2.2. 1. However, since the effective area available for the cushion support of film was only 47 and 42 percent respectively for these bearings, the results should not be misinterpreted. The five experimental stainless- steel bearings were grouped rather closely and differed mainly in their effective support areas. The fact that the curve for the 1.620 inch inside diameter bearing falls to the left of those for the 1.500 and the 1.875 inch inside diameter bearings supports the statement concerning the critical nature of some of the parameters. The 1.500 inch inside diameter copper bearing discussed in Sub- section 2.2.3 following, proved to be the most satisfactory compromise among the parameters. (Continued page 2-27) Approved For Release 2002/09/CVS-:1c lA-RDP78B04747A0028000-10001-0 vvv I vvv I -U-1 liji!IIIIIIIIIIIII li!!iiiii!illllllllll 111111 ill i 1!1111 jiii~i !!I 11 11!111~ Approved For Release 2002/09/03 CIA-RDP78BO4747AO02800010001-0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 DOWNSTREAM POINT OF MEASUREMENT Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP78BO4747AO02800010001-0 6.75 PSI -' - .065'- WALL STAINLESS TUBE (WELDED AND DRAWN) INSIDE DIAMETER= 1 000" . SLOT WIDTH =.063? WATER TEMP=22.40-22.80?C 14.1 6.O PSI 12.0 5 0 PSI 9.85 4.0 PSI 3.0 PSI 8.1 /0000, 6.5 2.0 PSI 4.3 LO PSI 2.25 8 9 9.5 UPSTREAM 9 Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP78BO4747AO02800010001-0 .065"-WALL STAINLESS TUBE (WELDED AND DRAWN) INSIDE DIAMETER= 1.250"- SLOT WIDTH :.063" WATER TEMP : 20.9-22.8?C I I 6.0 PSI 12.0 9.8 4.0 PSI 8.1 3.0 PSI 64 2.0 PSI 4.35 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 POINT OF MEASUREMENT Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP78BO4747AO02800010001-0 9 9.5 Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP78BO4747AO02800010001-0 X 10 Z) U It w LL O g U) W U z z 8 W IY to w IY 7 a. 065"-WALL STAINLESS TUBE (WELDED AND DRAWN) INSIDE DIAMETER =1 500" . SLOT WIDTH =.063" WATER TEMP = 20.9-22.2?C 6.0 PSI II.!5 5.0 PSI 9.2 4.0 PSI 73 3.0 PSI 6.0 2.0 PSI 3.95 1.0 PSI 2.25 0 I DOWNSTREAM Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP78BO4747AO02800010001-0 9.5 UPSTREAM r 10 U lY W L5 U- 0 9 (/) W U z z 8 w U) w Cr 7 CL Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP78BO4747AO02800010001-0 .065"-WALL STAINLESS TUBE (WELDED AND DRAWN) IN ' SIDE DIAMETER=1 620 ; . SLOT WIDTH :.063" WATER TEMP 23.6-25.050C 6.0 PSI - 10.25 9.15 5.0 PSI 4. PSI 7.55 3.0 PSI - 5.8 2.0 PS I - 3.85 1.0 PSI 2.25 0 DOWNSTREAM Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP78BO4747AO02800010001-0 9.5 UPSTREAM Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP78BO4747AO02800010001-0 .065"-WALL STAINLESS TUBE (WELDED AND DRAWN) ITN SIDE DIAMETER = I 7 " -- --- .8 5 SLOT WIDTH 063' WATER TEMP = 22 7 -23.4?C 6O PSI 12.2 5.0 PSI 98 4 0 PSI 8.3- 3OPS1 645 2 0 PSI 4 1.0 PSI 24 0 I 2 3 4 5 6 DOWNSTREAM POINT OF MEASUREMENT Approved For Release 2002/69/03 : CIA-RDP78BO4747AO02800010001-0 9 9.5 UPSTREAM N (n N (n ro X D x n x z O z O r 0)r 0)O w _ m w m ~t '-1 I U) V) :0 U) ~n -nom m m-i me m -n ,, m e m m? m C) -tz m)z ( O m < G7 _I G) -1 D m < < m In mz X D D O In m m D D n n 4N O 0 O 0 -0 0 - STAT Approved For Release 2002109103 m VA-KUI-f8t:sOV74fAO028000 1000 M C I ) - in - (n - cn z 71 r- N -J n O O O M O O N --1 O cn --I m w o C (0 o a c4 ~ ~I \ \ \ (n m pprove o C o z m(n - N z cn - cn - T r cn r D rn?o O~ OO OO co = tD cO _ m (n N t ) U) N D P. -z x xD n ? M 0 oz on > O N a, r Oo t'Z o o ? rn (A -V = W -mm t -I ) Cn t m omm M p -I ~c m C t0 m me 0T m CO m - () CO I z n m -1 D n -1G-) -1z m G7 < < n z Lo r~ "0 0) co LO C) 00 Lr) Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP78BO4747AO02800010001-0 z U z :drCO F- a F- ~nLL z X _j a F- (Zi -U J C r C0 L,_: cn Z LO Co Co N N i LO N 11 O I ,-~ j a CO{ 0), M O ?t t.r) ! r-i O O) Cl m! U_ Lf) If T' , Co CD -0 1 CD E` U7 Lr) M CDj N- LOI Co O co (D 1 0) M ` C!) cD ! da ct 00 n; O) O O)} (- LI U); CD 1 C0 O 1 LL C: 00 tf) cn H to C'- ~t ! t N N- O) O Li% Z -- 3 c O CD n - 0) O zaf(0 ID .-L, C) J z ~ r. -{} (0' C~ V! Ni CO Lo; N N Lr) L~ Cb O ! MI 0) Oi Lr) CO O mi (.0 CA O d In n, (0 C) 00 N ! ~3' - Lf) N Co I co ,~ N ! CT ) d" 4 f N Co v) , I! Co C7 1 Co Co O , Lr)' N ' Lf)' r-t N O OI c) ?--I ra t--~ CJi '- i tom. v); .' V' N Oi Co Co C) O' COI Cam O M O Ho O O! C) O! Lf); LO N M Lr n; i -~ t CO OI LO! Lr) ..t O' r-4 C) ?' CD O)! N' d' CO O ! N' Co; Co Nj N Co N 17'I .-tI O7 LO, LO 00 } O? CO N -I N M co' co; O O C); Oj O' O ~_~ N~M~d' tI) , C0 1 I I.1 u.; Lii -. JL)F- GO LL n N co -zr Mi CV rt co NI (D U) O Co CI" j 4N- to (n ri CS) ,--t Co CS)! 1 OO tf 0 N; ~) CO O N 1' j CO; 00 O) N N N i 0) Co M -4 CD 0) t.r) co r-i I N d C0 CD Co '-t CO '-4 O Lr) (,0 co CO Co Ct' N M ! CO C5) O 00 N Ct O i C` Q) N ri N O C)) Co O Lo -~ I \ d' Co O: C) N- O ,-t 1 1 N Ct" CD Cb O) N -I -1 NI Co CO co co V O)! Co O) N Co CO CO 0) N N r-t U-) Lf) O CO CO I CI Co d' LDj CO O 1 N I l O N I U) M I L") Ln C Lr) ~ M M I O I M N I C C: OD N \ N I C:)! C) C) ' Co j ci' V' O I d'' d co ,r, N ter ! tLO; oD O N -t 1 L) 0) t,7 1 Co: O CO Co x' CO: 00 1 1 CO CO r I Lf) Co Co V V i U)' " OI M N I -10, C0 1 co ; O! N Cod CO, N ~~ ray Lf) "I" N I d' CD C0 6)~I N f ; ri { N r4 Ll- I O rt CJ)I CD I r mot' CO M Co d' LD` M, 0) C') I r? LO. c0 (-D O --4! ~S V I Lr) V' CD ce) N d'; CO co CD Co N O LI) N- . CD; L- I Co CO; 00 O: N 11 -4 --- } --- . _ co col N ~+ cN I Lf) ~f ` N . N ct I O i Ck) M: C ' ` ~ t I : r M M r7 Lf) N ' h ; COI [~ (D N . ri M M ~f ! CD, CO (0 N Q0 CbI ' 0) I t! t LO CO ? N ~ (01 ~--t M ! N M NI ri) O NI C0 O. H N: M M '4 Lf), (D, N d COI CO! 0)i - M ?-1' IZ31 i Co: b' MU HO `NI N C)' C'`) co, c) ' 1 I N IN NII N' Co Co T CD O' CX). ~t Mj CO O .I ?I I rn N V- - CO co CO Ct i , O~ O; OI O O ri U) ri Co I M j S1 ( U) CO 1 W C2 1 Approved For Release 2002/09/03 CIA-RDP78BO4747AO02800010001-0 -f N, Go. O) C)) U.) Lam: t\ f17 N- Co O: I OO -- Co O) Lfl CD n, O7 O Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP78BO4747AO02800 2.2.3 Self-Centering Liquid Bearings In the list of experimental objectives, one important aim was to produce a liquid or air bearing that would tend to keep the film centered while it travelled through the processor, regardless of minor bearing mis- aligmments. In the ideal configuration embodying this principle, the edge guides would be eliminated. To attain this objective, a simple, single-slot bearing was built from smooth, polished copper. Its length was 20-1/4 inches; the inside diameter was 1.500 inches ?.005 inch, and the slot was 9-1/2 inches by 0.063 inch. The pressure profile was carefully measured (Figure 2-17) and Table 2-10) and the bearing was modified as discussed below. Many years ago most machine tools were belt-driven by a series of overhead pulleys connected to a central power source. These pulleys were cylindrical, with a slight crown to keep the belts centered. Apply- ing this principle directly to the liquid bearing problem, a unit was prod- uced whose maximum liquid pressure was at the center. This was done by utilizing the parabolic principle previously discovered with the narrow bearings (see Figure 2-7). By selecting a tube of such size that is inter- nal cross-sectional area was equal to the annular area between its outside diameter and the inside diameter of the main bearing tube, the objective was accomplished. When the smaller tube was mounted on a solid bulk- head located midway on the slot and water was injected in one end, fluid flowing in the annular area formed a parabola toward the center, while fluid flowing through the inner pipe was forced to reverse its direction at the downstream end, forming a second parabola which met the first one at the center. The combined flow created a high-pressure area at the center of the slot and its waterfall pattern was extremely symmetrical. STAT (Continued page 2 -3 0) Approved For Release 2002/09/073-27lA-RDP78B04747A002800010001-0 r cr 10 n u Ir W L5 U - 0 9 U7 W U Z Z 8 W N x 7 CL Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP78B04747A0a2800010001= THIN WALL COPPER TUBING I N SIDE DIAMETER = 1.500 SLOT WIDTH =.063" WATER TEMP. 21.35 - 22.90?C 7.0 PSI 13.65- 6.0 PSI -- 11.7 /N Z' __ _-? __ _ __ __ 9.9 4.0 PSI 8.1 3.0 PS I 6.05 2.0 PSI - .3 1.0 PSI - 2 55 . 0 I DOWNSTREAM Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP78BO4747AO02800010001-0 9.5 UPSTREAM Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP78B04747A00280001000r4,-0.' 0 z Wy J LrV 2 ' N LO CO I-q -4 O IT O N C113 CD CD IT CD IN CS] m NI NI M Co -4 co d'