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Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 SECRET S66-29-713/1 COPY NO.._..__OF.__S..._COPIES December 8, 1966 Contracting Officer 4?ost office Box 6788 Fort Daris 'Station Washington, D.C. 20020 We are pie aced to submit this proposal in response to your RFP RD-5--57 dated. October 27, 196 3 . Our proposal package consists of 1) this letter of transmittal, 2) our technical proposal and 3) a cost breakdown. -)erform the proposed. effort on a cant-- lus-fixed--fees 25X1 A basis i which ineludes a fixed. fee of Delivery 25X11 of the final report will he made not later than. 12 months after receipt of authorization to proceed.. It is contemplated that any contract r(.-.,suiting from this proposal will contain terms and conditions compatible with a cos t--plus-freed fee type contract. Our proposal is valid. for a period of ninety (90) days after which we reserve the right to revise it due to changed. conditions. No royalties are contemplated in connection with this procurement. Should additional inform.tion be required. please do not hesitate to contact me. cc: 3 copies to Post Office Box 8031 Southwest Station min gton, D.C. 20021. Manager, Contracts Administrator NOTICE - THIS DOCUMENT / MATERIAL CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED SATES WhWN THE MEANING OF THE ESPIONAGE LAWS, TITLE 18, U.S.C., SECTIONS 793 AND 794. ITS TRANSMISSION OR THE REVELATION OF ITS CONTENTS IN ANY MANNER TO AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PROHIBITED BY LAW. Declass Review By NIMA/DOD EXCLUDED FROM AUTOMATIC SECRET DOWNGRADING AN UPI A PFft?ON Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 25X1 Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 Next 3 Page(s) In Document Denied Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 ~t .niw 1 1. Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 2. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 2.1. State of the Art . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2-1 2.2 Hyperaltitud.e Photography . . . . . . . . .. 2-1 2.3 Proposed Technique . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2 3. Technical Approach 3-1 3.1 Introduction . 3.2 General Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3-1 3.3 Controlled. Crop Plots .. 3-2 3.4 Photographic Specifications . . . . . . . .. 3-3 3.5 Visual Photointerpretation . . . . . . . . . 3-L 3.6 Microd.ensitometry .. 3-5 3.7 Quantitative Analysis . . . . . . . . . . .. 3-6 3.8 Crop Yield. Prediction . . . . . . . . . . .. 3-8 3.9 Predictive Techniques .. 3-11 4. J i.a Vementi or woric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1 5. Illustrations 5-1 Related. Experience Experience Organization Personnel Equipment SECRET Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 SLUKt I proposes to investigate what is believed. to be a unique technique for the identification of crop species and the estimation of crop vigor and potential yield. These techniques involve the correlation of visual photointerpretive data with quantitative data acquired. by microden- sitometric measurement of aerial photographs. This proposal is based. on tests conducted. by_ that indicate that different crops are imaged. on aerial photography in such a manner that micro- d.ensitometric traces produce unique and. recognizable signatures. It is expected. that further research will reveal that unique signatures will en- able a trained photointerpreter to establish the id.enti y' and. health of the crop at any particular time, and to estimate the probable yield. of the crop at harvest, from a correlation of photointerpretative and. d.ensitometric data. 25X1 0 proposes to perform this research by obtaining photointerpretative and d.ensitometric data from photographs of crops on which ground. data are known. If the concepts explained. in this proposal give evidence of feasibil- 25X1 ity, 0 will apply the findings of the initial research to photographs of crops on which ground. truth data are available, but which will not be examined. until the interpretation has been completed.. If, as is expected, the tech- niques described. herein correlate with the ground. data on crop species, 25X1 health, and. yield., 0 will extend the research to actual or simulated. hyperaltitud.e photography of domestic areas, and. will attempt to show that keys and. other reference materials can be compiled. that will enable a trained. photointerpreter to make the required. estimates and identifications without recourse to ground.d.ata. SECRET Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 2. INTRODUCTION 2.1 STATE OF THE ART 2.1.1 The estimation of crop health and. potential yield-by interpretation of aerial photographs is not a new concept. A high d.egree of accuracy has been achieved. in deriving such data from large scale, high resolution photo- e o us crops . Muc grapny or vario ma~1 on nanchromatic black-and-white photography. 2.1.2 Routine photointerpretation techniques have been used. for most of this work. That is, interpreters have relied. on their ability to identify different crops and to estimate their health by applying such clues as size, shape, texture and. tone and. by making full use of corollary information such as soil characteristics, rainfall data, and. past history of the agronomy in spectrazonal studies, computer programs the areas being studied.. In were written that assisted in t =e interpretation of the unique spectral Eth characteristics of various crops within narrow wavelength bands. 2.1.3 As stated. above, the photography used. in these experimental and. practical studies has been of large scale (often as large as 1:1,000) and. of correspondingly high ground. resolution. As a result, many species of plants could. be identified. by their shape or texture, by row spacing, and. by other relatively small details. Similarly, color photography has been obtained at low altitudes, where atmospheric conditions permit high fidelity color rendition, and. color differences could. be readily detected.. 2.2 HYPER.ALTITUDE PHOTOGRAPHY 2.2.1 Hyperaltitud.e photography is the primary, if not the only, source of current :intelligence on many denied areas. This photography has been exploited. very successfully to produce military and political intelligence. To date, the limitation imposed by scale, resolution, and. lack of inter- pretation techniques has precluded. the exploitation of this photography to obtain intelligence on agricultural activity in the d.enied areas. SECRET work done to date has been with photos f th h Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 SLL I r I 2.2.2 Imagery obtained. at scales ranging from 1:80,000 to 1:200,000 cannot, of course, provid.e the photointerpreter with the same degree of detailed. information available in large scale photography. The interpreter can no longer rely on such clues as the shape and. size of plants to identify or classify crops. However, other clues are available that give promise of providing valuable information. Among these are texture, tone, and. spectral response. Certain of these clues are detectable by visual examination of the photography. Others may require the application of relatively sophisticated. instrumentation to extract the necessary differentiations. A combination of visual interpretation and. instrumental data extraction offers the possibility of highly accurate determination of the identity and condition of agricultural crops. 2.3 PROPOSED TECHNIQUE 2.3.1 It is suggested. that, even at the extremely small scales typical of hyperaltitud.e photography, different crops will exhibit different and. unique signatures. These signatures will result from the manner of planting sical characteristics h th ) y e p , (row crops versus broadcast or ground-cover crops of the plants themselves (broad. leaf versus narrow leaf; low versus high lants (differences in verd.ancy between differ f the l p or o growth), the co plants, and. between the same plants different climatic Condit p or at different times during the growing cycle), the presence or absence canals or other irrigation facilities, the types of soil suitable for growing specific crops, and. other clues. 2.3.2 It is immediately apparent that an interpreter working with hyper- altitud.e photography must rely on gross clues. If resolution of the order 25X1 of is the best that can be. expected, the clues must be discernible at this resolution. Visual inspection of photographs at this resolution should be adequate to differentiate between crop land. and. fallow or range land., and. to permit crop classification in broad. terms (small grain, corn, tuberous, leguminous, etc.) Texture created. by the manner of planting, shadows, or the characteristics of the plants may be detectable. Many agri- cultural practices typical of different crops may assist in their identification; these includ.e crop rotation, contouring, fallowing, plowing or other pre- seeding preparation, and. mulching and other post-emergence procedures. Al- though many of these identifiers may be individually small, their appearance in a large area will probably create unique and d.etectable textural or tonal differences. 2.3.3 In addition to clues revealed. by visual inspection of the imagery high magnification and possibly in stereo, it is highly probable that different crops will exhibit additional signature elements that can be d.etected. only by the analysis of microd.ensitometric measurements. It is this feature 25X1 that 0 suggests as being worthy of further exploration, on the basis of tests made in preparing this proposal. 0 has made microdensitometer traces 25X1 SECRET Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 of photographs of agricultural areas on medium (1:20,000) and. small (1:200,000) scale photographs. The traces exhibit different patterns, density amplitudes, and. density levels as the scanning spot moves from one crop to another. Figures 1,2, and 3 illustrate the results of these tests. 2.3.L1 The primary purpose of the proposed investigation is to develop methods for estimating the yield. of small grain crops. It is necessary, therefore, to establish the characteristics of the images of several dif- ferent species of crops to determine those that differentiate small grain crops from other crops. Additionally, it is necessary to establish the characteristics of imagery of small grain crops at various times during the growing period, and. in varying conditions of health/vigor. Ground data and other corollary information must be acquired at the same time that photography is acquired. in order that the results may be analyzed and. correlated.. 2.3.5 believes that the investigation proposed. herein will show that hyperaltitude photographs of extensive agricultural areas contain signatures that will permit the identification of crop species, and the estimation of crop vigor/health and. potential yield.. SECRET Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 121 M* wit I 3.1.1 proposes to investigate the extension of visual interpre- tation techniques to the exploitation of hyperaltitud.e photography for agricultural, information.; In addition, and. most important, proposes to augment the visual interpretation by the analysis of quantitative microd.ensitometric measurements of the photography in the expectation that strong correlations can be established that will permit trained. interpreters to estimate crop yield.s with a small percentage of error. The plan of investigation involves the following: 1. Acquisition of photographs of crops grown under controlled. conditions. 2. Laboratory manipulation of the photography to produce imagery simulating that acquired. at different altitudes and. with different ground. resolutions. 3. Visual interpretation of the photography. )a.. Microd.ensitometric measurement of the imagery. 5. Digitization of the d.ensitometric data. 6. Subjection of the digitized data to analysis of variances techniques using computer programs especially written for this purpose. 7. Correlation of the results of the visual interpretation and. the computer derived data to establish signatures for different species of plants, different health/vigor conditions, and. parameters for estimating crop yield.. 25X1 3.2.1 proposes to go from the known to the unknown. First, photography will be obtained. of different crops raised. in a controlled. environment; ground. truth data will be obtained concurrently. This photo- graphy will be subjected to the operations outlined, in the preceding para- graph. If the results of this phase of the investigation substantiate the feasibility of the proposed. treatment, photography will be obtained. of crops on which ground. data are available, but these data will not be used until the photography has been interpreted. visually and. analytically. The results SECRET Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 ~rC41'~i-C 1 of this "blind." test will then be compared to the ground. truth data to 25X1 further establish the validity of the procedures. Again assuming that the proposed. techniques are shown to be d, hywill peratte attempt tohoto-tude extrapolate these techniques to the exploitation rouno. graphy obtained under operational conditions over areas on which g truth data are available. The interpretative results obtained. in this phase will again be correlated with the ground truth data to establish the validity of the extrapolations, or to determine areas in which the tech- niques are deficient and subject to modification. 3.2.2 The primary objective of this study is to develop a method for predicting the yield. of exportable crops. The most important of these are the small grains, and especially wheat. Although it is possible that the techniques proposed herein may enabler the interspretertto d oper-that 25X1 entiate between the small grain species, of the investigation be limited to differentiating small grains from other crops, and. to determining methods of predicting the yield of wheat Assuming successful results under this limitation, be undertaken. permit finer crop identification and yield. prediction may 3.3 CONTROLLED CROP PLOTS 0 25X1 3.3.1 After lengthy consideration has concluded.that it is not (such as might be available feasible to attempt to use existing photography in the files of the Department of Agriculture) to conduct this investigation. Although it is known that many federal, state, and. educational organizations conduct carefully controlled agricultural experimentation and. maintain exact and. detailed data on such experiments, it is believed test the sitesacquisitionwould. of existing photography of crops at such experimental that satisfy the requirements of this investigation would. be difficult, if not impossible. therefore has based. this proposal on the assumption that the 3.3.2 sponsoring organization can obtain the cooperation of a federal, stateeducational. agricultural experimentation station in providing target plots. lo The requirement is for the planting of six plots, each approximately one mile in length and one-fourth mile in width, preferrably in juxtaposition. The crops are to be as follows: Plot 1: Wheat, nurtured throughout the growing season by standard agricultural procedures. ~. t Plot 2: Wheat of the same seed batch, allowed. to grow without human attention. Plot 3: Wheat of the same seed batch, to be infected by some disease or otherwise damaged at some point or points during the growing cycle. 3-2 SECRET 25X1 Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78B04747A000400020013-8 SEGKLT Plot la.: Corn or sorghum, nurtured. by normal procedures. Plot 5: Beets or soybeans, nurtured. by normal procedures. Plot 6: One half devoted. to a mixture of wheat, barley and. millet; one half devoted. to barley; both to be nurtured by normal procedures. 3.3.3 These plots will be photographed at specific intervals during the growing cycle (see paragraph 3.4 below). At the same time, ground. truth data on the conditions in each plot will be acquired.. These data will include soil conditions (moisture content, pH, nitrate content, etc.), state of health/vigor of the crop, nature and extent of disease of damaged crops, and. estimates of the potential yield of the wheat crops. Ad.ditionally, photographs of each crop will be taken from the ground., using the same types of film that are used. in the air. The data normally maintained by the agricultural station, including climatological and. other general informa- tion, will be mad.e available for this investigation. Spectroscopic measure- ments of the crops at several locations within each plot will be mad.e. 3.3.4 At harvest, the actual yield of each wheat plot will be determined.. The predicted yield.s will be compared. to actual yields, and any differences will be analyzed to d.etermine causes and corrective measures. 3.L. PHOTOGRAPHIC SPECIFICATIONS 3.1.1 Photography of the control plots will be made on panchromatic black-and-white film through the normally used, minus blue filters. A minimum time interval wa be allowed between the two types of photography; ideally, they will be made on the same flight and. within a 30-minute period. 3.1.3 Photography will be obtained. at three times during the growing cycle. The first mission will be flown when the crop in Plot 1 is between 1 and. 12 feet in height. The second. mission will be approximately one month later, when the crop has attained its maximum height and. is beginning to develop its spikes. The third. flight will be made just prior to harvest- ing the crop on Plot 1. Two other flights will acquire supplementary data: a mission just after the crop is planted to record. cultivation patterns, and. a flight after harvest to provid.e information that will aid. in differ- entiating between harvested. and. unharvested fields. SFCRFT Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78B04747A000400020013-8 Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 25X1 resolutions of 3.4.4 The photography will be d.egrad.ed. in the laboratory to simulate the scale, resolution, and. tonal qualities typical of operational hyper- altitud.e photography. The degradation will be attained. by photographically copying the original film at reduced scales; if necessary, the effects of haze will be simulated.b degrading the focus or by use of a haze simulation 25X1 technique d.evi.sed by for other experimental work in high-altitud.e simulation? Degradation will produce imagery with approximate ground. 3.4.5 Photography will be accomplished. between the hours of 1000 and 1400 in to coincide approximately with engineering photography obtained. at hyperaltitude by operational systems. 3.1..6 Gray scale and. color patch targets will be placed at the control plots to permit evaluation of the sensitometry of the processed. photography. The d.ata obtained from this control process will be used. in correcting the d.ensitometer readings daring the computer operations. 3.4.7 It is expected. that the feasibility of the procedures proposed. herein will be adequately demonstrated. in time to permit the acquisition of photography of uncontrolled. crops during the month preceding harvest. The area to be photographed. will be typified. by large areas devoted. to wheat and. other small grains, with areas of corn and. other crops interspersed. 25X1 throughout. Both panchromatic photography will be obtained. on flight lines that will be selected. in accordance with crop condition data to be obtained. from the Department of Agriculture or other agricultural control agencies. The purpose will be to obtain simulated. high altitude photography depicting different species of crops, and. espe- cially different health/vigor conditions in the wheat crop. If possible, actual operational photography will be obtained. of the same area, at approx- imately the same time, to provide further corroborative information. 3.4.8 Assuming th2t the interpretation of the photography obtained. as in the preceding paragraph continues to substantiate the feasibility of the proposed techniques, the holdings of the sponsor will be researched to locate hyperaltitude photography of d.omestic areas devoted. to small grain crops. Crop yield data will then be acquired. from federal or state agricul- tural agencies. The hyperaltitude photography will be interpreted in accordance with the proposed techniques, and. the results correlated. with the actual yield. d.ata. 3.5 VISUAL PHOTOINTERPRETATION 3.5.1 Determination of the health/vigor of the crop is of major concern in this investigation, because this factor will be used as the scheme to correlate image-d.erived data with crop yield.. Measurements of soil fertil- ity, knowledge of the type and. quantity of fertilizer applied., soil moisture, 3-4 SECRET Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 pH, and temperature, and other physical elements will not be applicable to the hyperaltitud.e photography. It is therefore necessary to design a system which will account for such factors, but which will not be directly concerned. with recognizing or measuring them. 3.5.2 The visual photointerpretation will be accomplished monocularly and. stereoscopically. Various viewing devices will used, including 25X1 binocular mirror stereoscopes, zoom stereosco es an variable magn- 25X1 ification rear projection viewer, and a stereocomparator. The interpreters will attempt to accomplish the following data extraction: 1. Delineation of areas of cultivated ground. exhibiting similar textures, similar tones, and, similar cultivation patterns. 2. Detection of diseased. or damaged. crops. 3. Cataloging of differences in appearance between different crops, and. between different conditions in the same crop. 4. Cataloging the differences in appearance resulting from degradation of the same imagery. Estimation of the stage of maturity of the crops. 8.. Correlation of the ground. photographs with the aerial photo- graphs, and. of the spectrometer data with the color film imagery. 9.. -Detection of agricultural practices associated. with crop species. 3.6 MCCRODENSITOMETRY 3.6.1 The major premise upon which the proposed. technique is based. is that analysis of microdensitometric measurements of the imagery will pro- vide data on variations in density that will correlate with differences between crop species, crop health/vigor, and crop maturity, and that these data can be used. to predict crop yield. The validity of this premise has been demonstrated in Figures 1,2, and. 3. The traces made across different 3-5 SECRET Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 stLi uw 1 crops and fields differ in visual appearance, in amplitude, and. in average density level. These differences are believed to be re- peatable, and to provide visual and. analytical clues to the identity and condition of the imaged. crops. 3.6.2 microd.ensitometer will be used. to produce the density traces. As illustrated in Figures 1, 2, and 3, different visual appearances result when the X-Y ratio is varied. The scale of the photography also affects visual appearance. Because the visual appearance of,.the traces is expected to provide a valuable crop ident- ification clue, 0 will experimentally determine the optimum combination for producing visually interpretable traces. 3.6.3 The most important application of the densitometric data will be in the statistical analysis of variances in density as described in paragraph 3.7 below. To provide an adequate quantity of data, at least three traces will be made of the photographs of each plot. A roximately 25X1 150 density readings will be made of each trace, using a Corn- parator. The number of readings will be the same for each plot; the X-axis intervals will vary according to the X-Y ratio of the trace. 3.7 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS 3.7.1 Basic assumptions. The technique described in this proposal is based on=e assumptions listed below: :L. Densitometric measurements will exhibit differences attributable to differences in the reflectivity of crop species. 2. Densitometric measurements will exhibit differences attributable to differences in the reflectivity of crops of different health/vigor. 3. Densitometric measurements will exhibit differences attributable to changes in the reflectivity of a crop during its growth cycle. Li.. Densitometric measurements will exhibit differences in reflectivity caused by cultivation characteristics. 3-6 SECRET Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 St(; Fit T 5. The measured. differences resulting from assumptions 1, 2, 3, and 4 are unique. 6. The measured. differences resulting from assumtions 1, 2, 3, and. 4 will correlate with crop yields. It is the purpose of the investigation proposed. herein to ascertain the validity of these assumptions and., to develop operational techniques and. reference materials for the estimation of crop yield.s from subjective and. objective data derived. from visual and densito- metric interpretative procedures. 3.7.2 The computer program that will be written for this investi- gation will be designed. to extract the d.ensitometric information con- tained. in the sample-to-sample differences for any number of samples, while at the same time suppressing the d.ensity-to-d.ensity differences that are the same for all samples. The computer-assisted. techniques are described, below. 3.7.3 Density Matrix. In the quantitative analysis program, the density measurements will become the elements of a matrix: D11 D12 D13 . . . D1j D21 D22 D23 . . . D2j D31 D32 D33 . . . D3j Dil Di2 Di3 . Dij The matrix represents the d.ensity measurements of I objects in i samples. The first row contains the densities for j different measurements in the first sample. Each sucessive row through i con- tains i measurements of each of the sucessive samples. Comparisons between samples can be mad.e by d.etermining the differences between rows of the matrix. These results may be of any or all possible sample combinations. The positive and/or negative characteristics from sample-to-sample may be investigated.. Results of the sample-to-sample differences will assist in "scrubbing" the data of blund.ers in density measurements caused by dirt or faultly processing of the film. Differences between samples from variations caused. by changes in sun angle or crop moisture SECRET Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 SLGKET condition may be d.etected at this point in the analysis. The effective range of the density scale between samples is indicated. 3.7.1. Density Deviation Matrix. Since the sample densities measured, from the photo image are relative to one another rather than absolute, the density matrix is used to create a deviation matrix. For each sample (matrix row) the average is computed. and subtracted. from each measured. density (object). 1 n DVij = Dij - n 2 Dij j =1 Positive and. negative values will occur in the deviation matrix and. the sum of the values will equal zero. The difference between any two values in a sample (row) still has the same value as the differ- ence between corresponding elements in the density matrix. 3.7.5 Variance, Covariance, and. Correlation. The variability among the e ements of a sample (row) in t e deviation matrix furnishes an indication of the information recorded in that sample with respect to the image interrrogated. The mean sum of the squares of the devi- ation matrix the sum of squares is computed. by: 2 n 2 Si = E DVij j=1 and. the variance by, 1 n 2 Cli = n E DV i j j=1 It is anticipated. that d.ensities of one sample will correlate highly with d.ensities from another sample in the same category (example, vigorous/healthy grain plot). The (product-moment) correlation coefficient (R) between two samples (rows) is computed by, i n COVIm = n E DV; -j DVm; j=l Rim COVim (E DVij Z DVmj)z 3-8 SECRFT Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA_-RDP78_BO4747A000400020013-8 NU Kt 1 If two samples (rows) are perfectly correlated., the corre- lation coefficient is unity. The correlation between samples is ,A KPH as the coefficient becomes less than unity. A strong corre- A/e lation indicates the similarity of measurements between samples. A correlation significantly less than one ind.icates that the measure- ment to measurement densities are greatly different. The anticipated correlations for the small grain crops at the test control site are as follows: 1. A strong correlation between sample data within the grain species. The strongest correlations will be in the healthy/vigorous plots and less strong in the stunted. 2. A weak correlation between sample data of between- species groups. Health/vigor crop characteristics are anticipated. to have little effect. 3. It is further anticipated that strong correlation of the within species samples will be evidenced. in data samples from the first and second. flights. )4. For data samples from the third flight, the expected. result is a general weakening of all previously strong correlations. The correlation coefficient has an add.ed significance. If its value is squared. (R2), it is a measure of the fraction of the var- iance of one sample (row) which can be predicted., based. upon the variability of another sample(row). (1-R2) gives a measure of the fraction of the variance in each sample(row) not accounted. by the other. 3.7.6 Control Test Evaluation. After each of the photographic missions has been flown an. EF-e7ata have been reduced to density graphs, d.ensity matrix sample differences, and. variance and. correlation coefficients, an evaluation of the effectiveness of the interpretative procedure must be made. First, the differences exhibited. between d.ensity matrix samples must be significant between crop species. The greater these differences the more successful the interpretation. Second, note must be made of all correlation coefficients near unity; these should. be the within-species coefficients. Slightly less strong correlations should. occur within the species as based upon lack of vigor. Third, for all of the significant correlations identified, it should be determined. how much of the variance for each sample may be predicted. Fourth, the results of the test must be consistent from mission to mission. Consistency of the results determines the measure of success achieved. SECRET Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78B04747A000400020013-8 ,titG LT 3.7.7 As described. above, the original photography of the con- trol plots will be produce imagery at different ground. resolutions. For each set of imagery, densitometer readings will be made and. subjected. to the procedure described. above. The resulting correlation coefficients will represent correlations between the control site measurements on the original photography and. the measure- ments on the first degraded imagery. Subsequently derived. coefficients will be between successive degradation steps. At some point, if this procedure is carried out sufficiently far, a correlation will cease to exist. However, when the final correlation is made between d.e- gradation steps, a coefficient will be computed. between the final step and. the control test measurements. At this point, it will be possible to determine how much of the predicted control test statistical variance is lost when predicting the degraded step variance. It is expected that the prediction (1-R2) will remain ov 50% of a2 for those samples. dekov 3.8 CROP YIELD PREDICTION 3.8.1 During the test period, crop yields from the control plots will not be known until after the photographic data have been reduced.. Therefore estimates of the yield from plots 1,2,3, and 6 will be made by the agricultural station or agent responsible for the control test site. Estimates will be made at the time of each photographic mission. The accuracy of these on-site predictions (as compared. to actual yield at harvest) will give insight into what may be expected from the photo- graphic assessments. The grain yield. data from the test site will provide only one yield. per-acre figure for each species plot. This is inadequate for establishing yield. levels to be incorporated into a predictive scheme. Supplementary yield. data are a requisite. 3.8.2 These supplemental data will be acquired. by photographing uncontrolled crops (see paragraph 3.1.8 above) and. making on-site estimates of crop health/vigor and. potential yield. concurrently with the photography. The imagery will be treated in the same manner as that from the controlled plots, and the results will be evaluated to establish correspondence with earlier experimental data. A sufficient number of samplings will be made to assure statistical accuracy. Density curves and. correlation coefficients will be established, between these supplemental data and. the control test data. The acutal yield of the photographed. areas will be determined. at harvest; actual yield. figures will be compared to estimated. yield figures obtained at the time of photography, and. techniques will be d.eveloped.for converting photointerpretative and. variation analysis data to crop yield predictions. 3-10 SECRET Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78B04747A000400020013-8 Approved For Release 2007/09/07,, : CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 Vt ;i t I 3.8.3 Final validation of the techniques for crop yield prediction will be made by applying them to actual hyperaltitude photography. It is proposed. that the files of domestic photography held. by the sponsor will be researched to identify frames that include photography of wheat crops at the three times specified in paragraph 3.4.3 (at 'a crop height of about 1 - 12 feet, at the time when the crop has achieved its maximum height and. is beginning to spike, and immediately before harvest). This photography will be interpreted. as described above. Actual yield figures will be obtained. and compared. with the predicted. yield figures derived from each set of photography. The correlation between predicted and. actual yield figures will validate the proposed, techniques, and./or will suggest modifications and adjustments that will permit their use for the intend.ed. purpose. 3.9 PREDICITIVE TECHNIQUES 3.9.1 The quantitative analysis procedures described. above will generate, numerical values that will represent the nature and degree of similarities and. differences between reflectivities of different crop species, different health/vigor conditions, and. different states of maturity. These values, in conjunction with visual photointer- pretative data, are expected. to prove the validity of the assumptions made in paragraph 3.7.1. 25X1 3.9.2 In its final report, ~ will describe the methods by which small grain crops can be differentiated. from other crops, and. by which the yield of the small grain crops can be estimated. at various times during the growing cycle. The report will include reproductions of imagery acquired. during the investigation and. of microdensitometer traces made from the imagery. It will also include documentation on the computer programs that will be developed for the analysis of variations and. the numerical data derived by operation of the programs. SECRET Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 ~-t1r.Kt 1 4. STATEMENT OF WORK 25X1 Corporation will supply the necessary personnel, facilities, services, and materials to accomplish the following tasks. Task 1. Arrange for the establishment and. maintenance of control crop plots. Task 2. Acquire aerial photography of the control plots and of uncontrolled crops. Degrade the photography to simulate hyperaltitude photography. Task 3. Perform visual interpretation of the photography and. report on information pertaining to crop identification and the estimation of crop health/vigor and. potential yield.. Task Li.. Make microd.ensitometer traces of the photography. Convert the densitometer traces to digital data. Task 5. Prepare computer programs for analyzing the var- iations in density represented by the numerical values derived. in Task L. Task 6. Compute correlation coefficients and. other numerical Task 7. Analyse the photointerpretative and. quantitative data to establish methodology for identifying crop species and. for estimating crop health/vigor, maturity, and. potential yield. of small grain crops. Task 8. Prepare a report describing the investigation and the methodo-developed, in Task 7. The investigation will require approximately nine calendar months. It is anticipated that Task 1 will be initiated. in March 1967. The remaining tasks will be accomplished as photography of the control plots is acquired.; it is estimated. that the photo missions will be flown in the period. May - August 1967. 4-1 SECRET Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 Z01M It I The scale of the photo negative from which these densitometer traces were made is 1:5,000. Points A, B, C, and. D as indicated on the enlarged photo correspond to the same points respectively along the traces as represented. in Figures 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, and 1.6. A change in the ratio of the density trace represents an exaggeration in the X direction. This expands the length of the trace; the magnitude of the gray scale (Y direction) is not affected. by a ratio change. Figure 1.2. This trace illustrates density patterns, amplitudes, and levels derived from the imagery of three different crops. Figure 1.3. Represents a ratio of 1:10 between the photo negative and the density trace. It indicates a step in the scale exaggeration, and provides more detailed. density information than the corresponding portion of Figure 1.2. Figures 1.4, 1.5, and. 1.6. Represent a ratio of 1:20 between the photo negative and. the density trace. They indicate more clearly the density differences and. allow digitalization of the density measurements. 5-1 SECRET Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 BEST COPY AVAILABLE Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 L k t u t_ u E [ t. L L t t Z Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 FILM: B&W 1 AIVCH 0 AUC RATIO: 1:5 m . ioiilf iiijjpi'~100~111 ilwem~ uM A TA mmi, Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 i u L L E t ! R E a Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 FILM: BBr1 PANCHROMATIC RATIO: 1:10 "A Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 FILM: B&W PANCHROMATIC RATIO: 1:20 t t !. L u u L. L l- Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 FIGURE 1. .4 Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 m FILM: B&W PANCHROMATIC RATIO: 1:20 I r s L 1 L. t 1 Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 FIGURE 1.5 Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 a IY k t L C E Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 FILM: B&W PA1Vc`ttt 0iiiiiC RATIO: 1:20 A FIGURE 1.6 Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 Z01MORL I The scale of the photo negative from which these densitometer traces were made is approximately 1:150,000. Points A, B, C, D, E, and. F as indicated. on the enlarged. photo represent the same points respectively on the trace. Figure 2.2. Expresses a ratio of 1:4 between the photo sample and. the density trace. The trace illustrates clearly those fields which are similar, the abrupt changes caused by field. boundaries, streams and. slopes. 5-2 SECRET Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 BEST COPY; AVAILABLE Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 _4 ~Irmw l ' 11 a Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 LA v` Ww ww, b 91, U) 0 M m mmi r t t i l t L e IL Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 FILM: B&W PANCIMOMATIC RATIO: 1:4 Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 ~. l L U 1 l 1 1 l 4 L l l 1 l Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 FILM: B&W PANCHROMATIC RATIO: 1:4 FIGURE 2.2 (con't) Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 25X1 Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 BbST COPY AVAILABLE Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 25X1 Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 Next 3 Page(s) In Document Denied Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 organization. Under the terms of its charter, the center offers contract services based on special capabilities in photogrammetry, geodesy, remote sensor record analysis, photointerpretation, and photographic reproduction. Specifically, the center is manned and equipped to provide services and pro- ducts based on the following: Analysis and interpretation of photographic and other remote reconnaissance sensor records. Development and improvement of data extraction and handling techniques. Preparation of specifications for the design of image analysis and interpretation equipment. Analysis of photogrammetric and geodetic problems inherent in the exploration of the earth, the moon, and the planets from various types of platforms. Performing systems analysis to develop specific analytical solutions and equipment performance specifications. Testing of such solutions and equipments. 25X1 Calibration and testing of manufactured photogrammetric and photointerpretation equipment and technology. Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 frame photography obtained simultaneously, with emphasis on cartographic applications. Calibration and operational testing of =produced panoramic rectifying printers. formed in 1957 in response to critical needs for advancing the state of the art in information technology. In meeting its extensive contractual obligations to the Government, industry, and the military, =has made substantial contributions to the fulfillment of national needs, and has established itself as a leader in the country's photo-optical and information handling industry. Center is a part, is primarily engaged in design and development programs for both military and nonmilitary customers. The scientists and engineers of this group work as project teams, and apply their knowledge of many scientific and engineering disciplines to the expeditious and economic solution of systems and equipment design problems. personnel were responsible for the first successful panoramic photography from the air and, since that time, the majority of programs undertaken by the group have been directed toward the development of photographic systems and their related ground handling equipments. broad background in the field of information technology includes such major advances as: Development of the world's largest photographic lenses and cameras First concept and design of television viewfinders for pilots Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 Pioneering in the application of information theory to optical systems First accurate tracking of a manmade satellite (Sputnik) Research into human factors relating to photo interpretation; design and construction of advanced photointerpretation viewing devices Development of optical electronic image enhancement techniques Development of photographic rectifying printers for panoramic photos Integration of multisensor equipment in advanced reconnaissance systems occupies over 1 million square feet of floor space at locations throughout the country. These facilities are devoted to the company's engineering, research, fabrication, marketing, and administrative operations. Net sales and income from contracts exceeded 25X1 Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 During its first two years of operation, the participated in a wide variety of projects involving the application of scientific, engineering, and technical skills in the general area of exploiting the data contained in remote sensor systems. Most of these projects have been direct or indirect contributions to work on Government contracts; some have been in-house efforts aimed at increasing the capabilities of 0 and of the in specific technical and scientific areas. The following pages briefly describe some of the major projects undertaken by the Center since its establishment. Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 1. In cooperation with U. S. Army GIMRADA and the American Society of Photogrammetry, an analysis of the comparative value of panchromatic, conventional color aerial photography for the interpretation of vegetation, soil types, cultural features, and drainage. 2. Under contract with the National Park Service, Department of the Interior, an investigation into the optimum film-filter combina- tion, photographic scale, and interpretation techniques for archeological exploration by aerial photographic reconnaissance. 3. Under contract with a Department of Defense agency, a study of the photographic parameters for an optimum target system for tactical aerial reconnaissance. 4. As a sub-contractor on a Government contract, a study of the present and future state-of-the-science in aerial color and spectrazonal photography as an intelligence collection system, and of techniques and equipment required to exploit the imagery from such systems. Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 5. Under contract to a Government agency, studies of the relationships between panoramic and frame photography obtained simultaneously, with emphasis on cartographic applications. 6. Under contract to the Defense Intelligence Agency, compilation of a glossary of terms used in mapping, charting, and geodesy. 7. Participation in a study performed by =under a Government contract on the feasibility and design of a survivable reconnaissance data processing facility. 8. As a company-sponsored effort, experimentation and investigation into methods of detecting, identifying, and determining the extent of water pollution and sources of pollution by interpretation of photo- graphy obtained with various film-filter combinations. 9. Under contract to a Government agency, performance of an engineering test and evaluation of anL__~produced rectifying printer. 10. Under various Government contracts, and in support of= engineering and design staffs, participation in and contributions to the design of photo-optical systems produced or proposed by the company, with emphasis on the incorporation of optical and geometric parameters to assure the utility of the imagery in satisfying various reconnaissance and cartographic requirements. Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 11. Under a Government contract, the development of a mathematical model and associated data processing programs for an advanced reconnaissance -mapping system. 12. Under contract to a Government agency, the provision of consultant services in an evaluation of the utility of certain orbital mechanics computer programs. 13. As a speculative effort, development of a training course to assist a Government agency in overcoming a serious shortage of image interpreters. 14. Under various Government contracts, operation of precision mensuration equipment to calibrate and provide error compensation 25X1 data for produced photo-optical systems. . Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 25X1 Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Denied Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 A major asset of the is the unique qualifi- cations of the scientists, engineers, and technicians who compose the staff. These people have been selected because of their special qualifications in the military and civilian uses of aerial and space photography for intelligence, cartographic, and commercial purposes. Management plans for the Center call for a steady increase in the number of employees to a total of 100 or more. Candidates for employment are carefully screened to assure that they meet the Center's high standards of professional competency and integrity. Many of the staff possess advanced degrees in disciplines germane to the Center's operations; many are former military officers and enlisted men with long years of experience in the acquisition and exploitation of remote sensor imagery for intelligence and cartographic purposes. The Center is certified at the SECRET level; many of the employees have been cleared at higher levels. Brief biographies of key staff members are presented in the following 00 Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 25X1 Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 Next 8 Page(s) In Document Denied Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 EQUIPMENT STK-1 Stereocomparator 880 Monocomparators age Plane Digitizer IBM 526 Key Punches on-line to the above Multi-width Variable Magnification Rear Projection Viewer Zoom 70 Stereomicroscopes irror Stereoscopes with Stereometer Microdensitometer Compensating Polar Planimeter Quantalog Color Densitometer Model F-10 Densichron V-184 10 x 10 Projection Printer Holzworth 10 x 20 Contact Printer Transflow Continuous Film Processor latemaster and Lithographic Press Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 :~c~ s 4a~f (DATE) BE US10-101 MAY FORM ED. U NO. 101 WHICH REPLACES I AUG 5 54 Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 25X1 L Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 4.1 Project Management 25X1 This proposed study program will be under the cognizance of the 0 ,, ;a ~1ho+1~P 25X1 25X1 coror Government, the contract.would full support of appropriate operating elemenps of e management as well as the company Successful completion of a program such as proposed here requires a complete understanding of the problem and a management concept which is sensitive to the progress of the program from the standpoint of the fiscal lender time point of view as well as technical accomplishments, d ca an s while being responsive to guidance provided by the Contracting Officers technical representative. =has, from its inception, employed a strong program manager concept. Upon the award of a contract, a project manager is assigned. Dependent upon the size and scope of the task, technical and administrative personnel as well as security and other support personnel are assigned. In the case of smaller tasks, aprogram manager is assigned and support is provided as required. In either of the two instances, the assigned manager has full responsibility and is provided complete access to that level of management required to resolve problems in an effective and timely manner. of the staff will be assigned 25X1 as program manager of this contract. Oth or ke personnel that will be 25X1 involved throughout the proposed study are The program management and principal contributors to this program are listed below: Contributor Hours Percent of total program 1000 18 350 6 150 3 500 9 500 9 500 9 A functional diagram of the proposed project team is presented on the following page. Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 1-9 Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78B04747A000400020013-8 PROGRAM MANAGEMENT Program Manager 25X1 Photo Data Reduction Analytics Evaluation Data Processing Photo Interpretation F Photo Laboratory Data Quantification Densitometry i i Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78B04747A000400020013-8 a_,q 25X1 Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 Next 4 Page(s) In Document Denied Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 March 14, 1987 Plans and Development Staff tat & M Streets S. E. Washington, D. C. Dear Jim; The enclosures submitted herein are in response to your request at our meeting of March 8, 1987, and your subsequent request by telephone on March 10, 1967. These materials cover the four basic subjects, namely -~aphy Acquisition 2. Agronomy Consultant 8. Test Control Site 4. Elucidation of Photographic Degradation Process. sincerely, 25X1 lamer, Technical Operations DKM:lsp Enclosures Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 .AMts tioq of RMAKES& has a a rrelatlvna rrdbudes oar respective tre nefts. Ctrao a1 an-upmeue of to etanc l w the uttlizatIon of their aircraft, crews a R it to employ of photography. aerial cameras Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 based upon the project requirements, the need for a consultant to ensure the timely and accurate recording of ground data at the control area site is evident. The consultant tentatively engaged: rimental Stations ensures the cooperation of the entire orpnizatton. Assistance In gathering soil moisture readings and throughout the program, and in placing the color and targets will be assured. Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 25X1 Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 he to rauhip a' Eroce+! As stated in the proposal, the original p,' be flown at 5,400 feet and result In 1;10,000 scale imagery approximately one foot ground resolution. 'als photography will be further reduced to approximate 1:50,000 scale with ft ground resolution and 14-100.000 scale with 10 foot resolution. f aing # hniques may be used if warranted. dUmastons with the sponsor, laze is considered to ficant problem warranting farther axis, atmospheric attenuation will be simulatedby procedures phmw of the work will be under the direction of d by The attenuation of light though a neutral density filter will result pherlo simulation. There is no absolute certainly that the ill result In completely satisfactory approximations onsl conditions. Therefore, as -ted In the proposal, the a: wr'a files should be searched to find examples of the saute or of coverage to compare the degraded with the operational a aclosure 5 briefly discusses the problem of atmospheric Obnalatlon. Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 E' NC LOSUEE 5 derable thought has been given to the laboratory of the photography in order to simulate the appearan of the grcui c scene from above the atmosphere. The atmosphere surrounding the earth presents a problem since it has a distorting tone reprwkction. This distortion takes thre main forms: (t) a reduction in the overall of the ss ne a geometric deformation caused by imaging through a nonhomo- media in, and (3) a blue vesting of concern in color photography. high attitude vertical photograp ,y, njit reduction is the more, serious. A clean atmosphere is composed largely of bltrvgeu and ocygen s molecules, with trace amounts of several other gases. These molecules are much smaller than the mean wavelength of visible li tht. An atmosphere composed only of gas molecules is termed tmoephe . atmosphere also contains larger particles whose size proximate or exceed the wavelength of light; e.g. , water particles, industrial bypro cts! pollen and similar Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 particles are called ?Mb particles' , and an mosp rc containing them be termed a : Mie atmosphere. ? The major" of Mie particles art restricted to the tower regtws of atmosphere ends at approximately 30, 000 feet. Although some dust 1)44 feet), and a predominantly dayleigh atmosphere exists alp For photographic rpoees, the effective scatter: Bring of light appear to be negligible. have been coed above this aptitude, their contribution to the to be made to direct?y simulate actual atmospheric ha e. Instead, the *Weal effects produced by haze on lighting and tone reproduction a: elated. Atmospher bred here; (1) the downward G,~'at ht through tr here Blow c effects to (2) the give an apparent serial of a ground scene as viewed from above the atmosphere. ;pass?:d as .1 - l ighllght brightness of the sr :c rL iov tight brightness of the scene atmospheric transmission atmospheric brightness Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 d scattering of light by particles In the atn s the a aunt of tight r ived in the shadowed arcas, thereby Increasing the shadow detail visibility, but at the same tin. - reducin, the ground scene cast (sun to shadow illumination mtlo). Vari on and manip .itatlon of the illumination syn photographic degradation process, should provide for any desired vartatton of this ratio by altering the intensity of the su and the silght. 'fhe upward scattering of light into the camera has an effect cut to uniformly fogging the film. of shadow detail is reduced. This effect is simulated by caking the exposure through a uniformly illuminated beam splitter. The Illumination is controlled so that a wide raW of haze levels The attenuation of light through transmission losses can acted by using the positive through a neutral density pftlter d ahead of the beam sputter. A diagram n of a device for accomplishing this is shown on the hallowing page. Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 Lens transfer characteristics Photoflood hazelight Photoflood (sunlight) Transmittance of glass (atmosphere attenuation) Setup for laboratory correlation studies Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78BO4747A000400020013-8 Approved For Release 2007/09/07 P1 x 64 L04 :4 1 C~0-u^9 3 REMEMBER, THE ATTACHED DOCUMENT IS CLASSIFIED AND - must be stored in an approved storage container whenever it is not under your personal surveillance. must never be transferred to, or its contents discussed with, anyone not known by you to possess both an adequate clearance and a need to know. may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written approval of Document Control. may be transmitted outside the facility only after recording at, and in the manner prescribed by Document Control. CHECK FOR THE FOLLOWING: 25X1 Does this document have an=Classified Document Receipt attached? Is the last signature on the receipt yours? Is the log number written on the top, right-hand corner of the face of the document? Is each page properly classified? Is the subject or title followed by its own classification? Has the Espionage Notation been affixed at least once on the document? Has the document been assigned an automatic, time-phased downgrading and declassi- fication grouping? IF ANY OF THE FOREGOING QUESTIONS ARE ANSWERED IN THE NEGATIVE, PLEASE CONTACT DOCUMENT CONTROL IN ORDER THAT THE DEFICIENCY MAY BE RECTIFIED. Pi :(Iq ON:% i Approved For Release 2007/09/07: CIA-RDP78B04747A000400020013-8