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0 0 IC IMAGE.PROCF'zSING Approved For Release 2001/0(Y: -RDP78B04747A0QQi 000 .. Prepared by Declass Review, NIMA/DoD 1. PHOTOCHROMIC COATINGS A. Immediate visibility (no development). B. Reversible (prints a transparency either as a positive or a negative). C. High resolution and D. Ease of handling (no special precautions required). E. Colored state optimum for humans. V. Writing produced by near UV. G. Erasing achieved with green light after pre-coloring with near UV. H. Filter (colored) control by con- filters ( (e.g. . green - trast, red - no contrast). 1. Low sensitivity, thus must be used with light sources and optical systems compatible with sensitivity. They cannot be put in cameras for taking pictures (productsti Kn alvar J. Useful life of approximately.1,000 UV exposures. II. APPLICATION TO THE PHOTOGRAPHIC DARKROOM USING STANDARD EQUIPMENT A. Photochromic masking - provides a means for making either a positive or negative mask of the original transparency: can .be contact or projection printed to a green sensitive emulsion, 1. Contrast suppression- a positive is made of the negative (in register with it) by passing UV light through the negative prior to printing. The sandwich is then used .as the printing transparency. 2. Contrast enhancement to - here forming the is colored by UV prior g the photographic negative and .the image isformed as a nega- tiveby erasing illumination. The combination is then printed. 3. Edge enhancement - this can be accomplished by placing different spacers in ;the sandwich and/or controlling the specula.rity of the illumination. B. PhotQchromic Reversible Print Paper l.. Sensitize by.heat (2 hour). 2. Color by UV and'erase with green. 3. Fix by heat. 4. Sensitive for ' hour. 5. Uncolored regions can be resensitized and colored by a repetition of the process. Approved For Release 2001/07/30 : CIA-RDP78BO4747A000100070008-6 Approved For Release 2001/07/30 : CIA-RDP78B04747A00Q0070008-6 III. IMAGE PROCE>SING BY PHOTO-INTERPRETERS A. Present operational equipment - today this is primarily electronic image processing through television. techniques. This provides: 1. Brightness control .2. Contrast control a.. Enhancement b. Compression C. Slicing and expansion 3. Signal. processing through filtering, delay and shaping to optimize the system transfer function for particular operations. 4. Operations can be controlled by the operator (dynamic control). 5. By application of computers complex analysis can be performed rapidly. 6. Costly equipment. 7. Reduced lines per field as compared to optical resolution. 8. Scanning problems exist for optimum results. B. Desireable Objective - Optical Analog of the TV Image Processor 1. Optical communication theory leads to same transfer function approach to optical systems as is used for electronic systems and analogous image processing (for linear systems). 2. Some effects are very simple to obtain by spatial operations within optical systems. 3. In,past, effects were principally used in phase contrast .microscopy and Schleirin optical systems, but analytical techniques have been much more cumbersome than those used in electronics. 4. Fairly simple-to apply results of research in electrical filter theory. to predict resultant imagery by. analogous techniques in the optical case. 5., System is amenable to mathematical analysis and includes present capabilities in general. Can determine what.user does to get best image for a given situation. 6. User can develop a feel.for.spatial filtering. 7. Compatible for both manual. and automatic image evaluation and manipulation. C. Processing with Non - Coherent Optical Viewers 1. Low pass filtering by. aperture control possible. a. Grain and fine detail can be minimized by stopping down. 1. Projection lens - brightness loss occurs by reducing aperture. 2. Eyeball `pinhole),- internal. feedback. tends to overcome brightness loss. b. One dimensional filtering can-give some very interest- ing effects. A slit near the eyeball is quite effect- ive. Approved For Release 2001/07/30 : CIA-RDP78BO4747A000100070008-6 A -ovved. fio~ gas &d O1/07/30: CIA-RDP78B04747AOO0100070008-6 C. Slits in colored transparency,also of interest, but attention must be paid to intensity level. 2, W negative masking (dodging) a Use of a dodging mask in the viewer allows variable masking effects 1. Variable :distance between mask.and original (defocus of mask) 2. Relief by misregistration. b. Use of flicker effects to emphasize detail by rapidly varying defocus and misregistra.tionin.2a. C. Can relay image of mask into object-transparency and smear this image to give controlled edge en- hancement. 3. Multiple image production a. An optical viewer can be considered an. infinite number of projectors in parallel all focusing simultaneously on the screen (with the identical transparency as an input). b. Analysis of-what can be done then is simple as it amounts to considering,what can be done with a number of projectors working add in- tensities at the screen (with no registration problem). C. A practical means of achieving the multiple channels is to place an opaque ,mask with ,a number of holes in it over the projection lens 1. Each can have its direction, color, optical path., intensity and aperture varied inde- pendently. 2. Can allow user to "tune up" system by ad- justing each bundle for best results at a given object. d. Some interesting effects are possible, ultimate value to the PI is unknowfn. Flicker, can be used here ,as well. 4. Photochromic applications in non-coherent optical systems a.. Primarily useful to realize masks, sharp or un- sharp, positive or negative, from the input- trans-parency. b. These masks can be viewed . as a single transparency as well (with contrast manipulation,.. if desired). C. Optimum brightness efficiency calls for eyepiece viewing (deliver all photos to the user's eye). 5. Non-coherent systems are linear for intensity only, i.e. I aF 'e 0 where I is intensity at image place and is the transfer function. This is a, severe limitation and leads one to coherent systems. where both phase and amplitude can be controlled to provide great flexibility in.image processing. D. Image Processing with Coherent optical Viewers 1. The Fraunhofer diffraction plane provides means for insertion of spatial filters r 3 Approved For Release 2001/07/30 : CIA-RDP78B04747A000100070008-6 Approved For Release 2001/07/30: CIA-RDP78B04747A 0 100070008-6 III. D. 1 (coated) a. Essentially the optics of single . slit. diffraction experiment taught in,freshman..physics. b. By moving object back from lens we~obtain.a real image at the image plane beyond the diffraction plane. c. With this basic setup,.we:.can engage in some fairly sophisticated spatial filtering operations. 2. The 'Fourier relationship between the object?plane,dif- fract.ion..plane and image plane .a.. Image can be represented mathematically,asthe product of the .object and various transfer functions in the system. the two dimensional b. The variables are~{ and Fourier spatial.transformsof the various compo- nents-within the system. c. Since the optical analog of the time-frequency relationship in electronics exists,.this system allows-similar-linear operations,.but .in,space rather than in time. 3. Operations on the object transparency diffraction pattern are angularly related (quadrature),to the original detail. a. one dimensional operations can allow use of a slit source b. Two dimensional operations require a point source A. operations possible with fixed density?masks. a. Low pass filtering. b. High pass filtering. C. Band pass filtering. d. Comb filters. .e. Sine -wave filters. f. Shifting functions. 5. Operations with photochromic.masks for density control give dynamic capabilities to the-user. .a.. Can rival TV in.ease of control. b. Can provide-some functions not .realizable electri. cally. c. Phase control is more difficult. 6. Photochromic applications to coherent systems a. Photochromic operations . at the object-plane,.;such as dodging. and unsharp.masking.,:.are,still feasible. b. The operator larneecontrol a dynamicbfashion at the diffraction p c. Brightness feedback allows adaptation level to remain .constant. IV. GOALS OF IMAGE PROCESSING SYSTEMS A. To provide interpreter with numerous enhancement capabilities for finding signal (pattern)'in noise (background). 1. In a non-dynamic situation,. the interpreter should at least be able to call out the change (in terms of how processed in the lab) to get a required result. Approved For Release 2001/07/30 : CIA-RDP78B04747A000100070008-6 Approved For Release 2001/07/30 : CIA-RDP78BO4747AO 0 01 0070008-6 IV. A. 1 (contw.rd) a. He should be able to call out a specific density range to be compressed or expanded. b. Photochromic image processing allows this without much trial and error. 2. The more ideal case will allow the P1 to interest with the image in terms of dynamic image operation. Flicker could be of special use here. B. To allow interpreter to completely eliminate enhancement 1. Enhancement means distortion in most respects and after the initial contact and evaluation a more de- tailed study might well call for the non-enhanced image, except possibly for contrast correction. With an available means for contrast amplification at fine detail (no distortion), this would probably receive great use. 2. Negative enhancement, or overeliminating enhancement (image inversion) in a sense, should also be useful in certain situations. C. The over-all goal, to optimize the system for visual in- spection, means we must make use of every technique avail- able, i.e., flicker, color, enhancement, suppression, pattern filters, etc. We feel photochromic coatings pro- vide a means for achieving the desired effects. Background References Carlson, C. 0., Grafton, D. A., Tauber, A. S., "The Photochromic Micro- Image Memory," presented at the Symposium on Large Capacity Memory Tech- niques for Computing Systems, May 1961. Sponsored by Information Systems Branch of Office of Naval Research. t3of optical processes." Elias, P. and Grey, D. S., "Fourier Treatment JOSA, Vol. 42, No. 2 (Feb. 1952), pP O'Neill, E. L., "Spatial Filtering in Optics." IRE Transactions on information Theory, Vol. IT-2, No. 2 (June 1956), pp. 56 - 65. porter, A. B., "On the Diffraction Theory of Microscopic Vision." philosophical Magazine, Vol. II (1906), p. 154. Approved For Release 2001/07/30 : CIA-RDP78BO4747A000100070008-6