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2 Approved For Release 200:1(13A4 -MC1&78B04560A002400010087^7 NP IC/R-633/64 August 1964 PHOTOGRAPHIC INTERPRETATION REPORT TRAINING AREA BREST, USSR BELORUSSIAN MC) Declass Review by NIMA/DOD NATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHIC INTERPRETATION CENTER Copy D7 7 Pages TOP SECRET GROUP I E Iddl / Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP78BO456OA002400010087-7 pprov TOP SECRET d For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP7 NPIC/R-633/64 This report is one in a series on Soviet Ground Force and logistic installations being prepared for a DIA/C1A Panel. The series is being coordinated, published and disseminated by NPIC. 'The photographic analysis is being performed by the NPIC Photographic Analysis Group, the CIA Photographic Intelligence Division (NPIC), and the Production Center 1Pic (DIA). The photographic analysis for this particular re- port was performed by the NPIC Photographic Analysis Group. In the interest of uniformity, the titles and letter designators for the facilities observed at these installations are identical with those appearing in the project requirement. When a specific facility is not observed both its title and letter designator are omitted in the report. 'Titles and letter designators for the various facilities are as follows: (A) railroad service, (B) road service, (C) landing strips, (D) administrative and troop housing areas, (E) storage areas, (L') am- munition storage areas, (G) POL storage areas, (II) other buildings and facilities, (J) equipment storage/maintenance areas, (K) athletic fields, (L) small arms firing ranges, (M) driver training areas, (N) tank/ assault gun firing ranges, (P) flat trajectory firing ranges, (Q) artillery emplacements (batteries), (R) infantry or combined arms field train- ing area or courses, (S) special training facilities, ('I') unidentified facilities or tracking activity. 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003T 5/ 4 : SECRET B04560A002400010087-7 Approved TOP SECRET TRAINING AREA (52-01N 023-44E) BREST, BRESTSKAYA OBLAST, USSR BELORUSSIAN MD 25X1 COMOR No: None 25X1 Railroad, double track Railroad, single track Road 23?45' -2- Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RIPP78BO456OA002400010087-7 i 24?00' 25X1 TOP SECRET Approve TOP SECRET vehicle driver training area containing one large closed-circuit course and five figure-8 courses, and a probable tracked-vehicle driver training course. There are also six tank/as- sault-gun firing ranges, two flat-trajectory firing ranges, two AAA battery emplacements, and four 6-gun field artillery battery emplace- inents. Two large combined-arms field train- ing areas were observed with three areas of unidentified activity present in the one near the west border. The area was covered b A training area (Figure 1) is located 9 kil- ometers (km) south-southeast of Brest (52-OON 023-41E), adjacent to the Brest Army Camp Southeast (AL-2). The training area is not rail served; however, a rail yard and station arc located adjacent to the southeast edge of the training area and 25 km southeast of Brest or the Brest-Kovel rail line. The rail-served Brest Army Camp Southeast, at the north end of the training area, may provide service for the training area. Road service is provided by the all-weather Brest-Kovel highway which passes through the northeast section of the training area, and the secondary Brest-Wlodawa highway which passes through the northwest section of the training area. The training area (Figure 2) covers ap- proximately 49,675 acres and extends 24 km along the long axis with an average width of 10 km. Most of the training facilities are situated on a linear series of sand dunes. Dense forest cover and peat bogs comprise the larger part of the area. Facilities in the training area in- clude a small bivouac area, a possible secured support area containing nine support buildings, two open vehicle/equipment parks, a wheeled- missions on all summer photography. An increase in acreage and degree of scarring on the west combined-arms field training area is clearly indicated on driver training courses and two of the six 4- position field artillery battery emplacements were first observed on coverage. The only winter activity o served is the utili- zation of four firing lanes on the tank/assault- Railroad Service A station and rail yard are located on the southeast edge of the training area and 25 km southeast of Brest on the double track Brest- Kovel rail line. Brest Army Barracks South- east, located at the north end of the training area, is rail served. Either or both of these facilities may serve the training area. Road Service The training area is bordered on the east by the all-weather Brest-Kovel highway and on the west by the secondary Brest-Wlodawa highway. Administrative and Troop Housing Area An undetermined number of possible tents are in a small bivouac area, Area D. Other Buildings Nine support buildings are located in Area H, a possibly secured support area connected by trails to the Brest-Wlodawa highway. Area JI is a 1,450- by 725-foot vehicle/ equipment park. Three probable rows of possible vehicles were observed on coverage. 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP7 B04560A002400010087-7 TOP SECRET Approved TOP SECRET For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RD Area J2 is a 725- by 150-foot vehicle/equip- ment park. Two probable rows of possible ve- Driver Training Areas Area Ml is a wheeled-vehicle driver train- ing area. Five figure-8 courses and a rectan- gular closed-circuit driver training course are located in the area. Heavier scarring is present 5X1- NPIC/R-633/64 three at 175 degrees 25X1 left. Two firing lanes were active on =1snow coverage. Extensive scarring is observed on ranges NI-6 during summer months. was observed as indicated. Flat-Trajectory Firing Ranges Winter activity Area P1 is a 4,000-foot range* with two moving target runs,** one 85 degrees right. 25X1 25X1 25X1 sions. The figure-8 courses were first ob- served on~hotography. Area M2 is a probable tracked-vehicle driver training course composed of two parts. The northern part is a closed-circuit mesh pattern located in a sand dune area. The southern part is an elongated oval-shaped course located on flat terrain. Heavy scarring is present on all summer photography. Tank/Assault-Gun Firing Ranges Area Ni is a 1,300-foot range* with three 1,100-foot firing lanes and two moving target runs, ** Area N2 is a 3,900-foot range with three 2,500-foot lanes and six moving targets, one I one 90 degrees left, three 20 degrees right, Two firing lanes were active snow coverage. Area N3 is a 3,900-foot range with three 2,300-foot lanes and three moving targets, one 90 degrees right, one 5 degrees right, and one 85 degrees left. Area N4 is a 4,300-foot range with two 1,800-foot lanes and four moving targets, one 180 degrees, Ijne 135 degrees right, Area N5 is a 4,300-foot range with three 2,500-foot lanes and one moving target F Area N6 is a 3,900-foot range with three 2,000-foot lanes and four moving targets, one Area P2 is a 2?600-foot range with seven moving target runs, one 90 degrees right, one 100 degrees right, one 100 degrees left, two 45 degrees left, one 40 degrees left, and one 80 degrees right. Extensive ground scarring is observed in both areas on all summer photography. Artillery Emplacements (Batteries) Area Q1 contains four 6-gun field artillery emplacements. All emplacements (A, B, C & D) appear active. Area Q2 contains two 6-gun AAA sites. Emplacement Q2A appears active, but emplace- ment Q2B is probably abandoned. Area Q3 contains six 4-gun field artillery emplacements. Emplacements Q3A and Q3B appear active. Emplacements Q3C and Q3D are possibly abandoned and emplacements Q3E and Q3F are probably abandoned. The latter two were first observed on coverage. 25X1 Infantry or Combined-Arms Field Training Area or Courses Extensive scarring and personnel trenches are observed on summer photography in Area R1. I Extent and ~ degree of scarring is greater mer photography. Extensive scarring and personnel trenches are observed on all summer photography in Area R2. *The length of a range is the maximum distance from the static firing line to the moving target runs. **The angle of the moving target run is the angle formed by the target run and a perpendicular line from the static fir- ing line to the target run at the control house position. 25X1 25X1 Approved For Releas o p 03/05/14: CIA SEC R FT Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-R 60A002400010087-7 TOP SECRET- Approved For Release 2owiffiliEC"I K-'--'R 25X1 25X1 25X1 TOP SECRET Appro NPIC/R-633/64 Unidentified Facilities or Tracking Activity Two sets of parallel linear ground scars 4,500 and 4, 000 feet long are located on the west side of the combined-arms field training area (Area Tl ). The longer set has six ground scars and the shorter has five. Nine radiating linear ground scars ema- nating from a personnel trench extend from the west edge into the center of the combined-arms field training area (Area T2). This scarring was added Five radiating linear ground scars ema- nating from a personnel trench extend from the west edge of the center of the combined-arms field training area (Area T3). This scarring was added DIA. 1-1-63, Installation List, Soviet Ground Forces, 1 Oct 63 (SECRET/ 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP 8B04560A002400010087-7 TOP SECRET TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP78B04560A002400010087-7 Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP78B04560A002400010087-7 TOP SECRET