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.~,-~ Annroved For ReleasTer~Ob1/~~/~~IA-RDP78B04560A0008a~f~~-~~63 PHOTOGRAPHIC INTERPRETATION REPORT September 1963 JELGAVA MRBM LAUNCH COMPLEX, USSR Handle via TALENT -KEYHOLE Control Only This document contains classified information affecting The national security of the United States within the meaning of the espionage laws U. S. Code Title 18, Sections 793 and 794. The law prohibits its transmission or the revelation of its contents in any manner to an unauthorized parson, as well as its use in any manner prejudicial to the safety or interest of the United Stares or for the benefit of any foreign government to the detriment of the United States. It is to ba seen only by personnel especially indoctrinated and authorized to receive TALENT-KEYHOLE information. Its security must be maintained in accordance with KEYHOLE and TALENT regulations. NATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHIC INTERPRETATION CENTER E.~I~a d f e..~a,oa~?o a~a Approved For Release 2001/08/21 :CIA-RDP78B04560A00080001007 - ~ -~i~~~////////////////////////////////////////////~~~~ TOR SECRET Approved For Rele~s~P00~/CT$72'~:rCIA=1~~78B04560A000800010078-5 NPIC/R-223/63 JELGAVA MRBM LAUNCH COMPLEX, USSR 25X1 D 25X1A LAUNCH AREA NO 1 (TYPE II) COORDS: 56-35-~ 24-03-~ 25X1 D ASSOC AREAS: Launch Area No 2, 5 nrn to NNE. Launch Area No 3, 9.5 nm to ESE TDI NAME: Iecava Launch Site 1 LOCATION: 13.5 nm E of Jelgava Launch Site TERRAIN: Level VEGETATION: Wooded SECURITY: Single fence PADS: Four elongated pads (250' x 120') with 590' separation and oriented- One structure (size undetermined) is located inboard of each pad. READY BLDGS: Four drive-in type (210' x 55' ) CONTROL BLDGS: Two (165' x 55' ) Site Support Facility TECHNICAL SECTION: Loop road network 900' E of the launch site with two prob bldgs (size un- determined) positioned along the parallel roads. ADMINISTRATION & HOUSING SECTION: Lo- cated 1,800' NE of site. Two bldgs (180' x 40') and at least 11 other bldgs, the largest of which is approx 160' x 35'. No helicopter pad was observed. 25X9 Rail-to-Road Transfer Point MRBM complex rail transfer point, 3.2 nm from launch area. Road to launch area is improved. Other MRBM Activity Within 25 NM Radius of Launch Area Zagare MRBM Launch Complex is located approx 21 nm to the WSW. M1PS: AMS, N501-NO 35-10 USATC-200, ShecC 0153-22 25X1 D _ 1 _ Approved For Release 2001/08/21 :CIA-RDP78B04560A000800010078-5 TOP .SECRET RUFF Approved For Release Z0~?/08/~T `Cl1Z RDFr78B~4560A000800010078-5 25X1 D 25X1A LAUNCH AREA NO 2 (TYPE III cUUltus: 5e-3y-~ 2-~-r~H-~ 25X1 D .155UC ~\ttl~~\S; Launch :\r~?a \o I, SS11. I_.aunch Area ;~o .~, ~>..~ nm to tiL III V':A\7L: l~~cava Launch tiit~? 2 I.UC:I~I~IU\: f2 nm SI: of .I~?Icava t E_tthAI\: level \'}.(:11 .1 ClU\: \4ooded tiLCI ItI"C1': ~inQle fence I';11)~: Four e}oneated pads ~;2~0' x l U0') with 25X1 D Fyn' ~~paration and oriented- li t::\ )Y' E31.1 )C;S: Dour drive-in type (2iO' ~ ~S' CUV l IZUL. I3L.UGti: I Aso isiz~: undcterminod i LLC:EiAIU:1L SL?CTIUV~: Luop road nct~i~orky00' \L u~ ~h~? launch site with one _~oss Li}dti (130' x iJ~1 _ 7 _ 25X1 D :\I)\4ItiISTE~~1I IU\ ti fiOL;SING SECTION: Lo- ~ated 2,00' E\E of site. Six barracks-type i~ldgs (130' x 3S') and at least six other bldgs. \v helicopter pad vti?as observed. \11213\i complex rai transfer point, 2.1 nm SVIW of launch area. Road to launch area is improved. Other MRBM Activity Within 25 NM Radius of Launch Area 111P~: 1\I~, A.iUl 10 iii 10 ["~,1T('-_'00 Sh~~r~ 01:;3-?3 Approved For Release 2001/08/21 :CIA-RDP78B04560A000800010078-5 TOP SECRET RUFF Approved For Releas~eP200~T08/21 :CIA RDP78B04560A000800010078-5 25X9 NPIC/R-223/63 LAUNCH AREA NO 3 (TYPE IV) 25X1 D COORDS: 56-33-~ 24-20-~ 25X1 D 25X1A ASSOC AREAS: Launch Area No 1, 9.5 nm to WNW . Launch Area No 2, 9.5 nm to NW TDI NAME: Iecava Launch Site 3 LOCATION: 21.5 nm SE of Jelgava Launch Site TERRAIN: Level VEGETATION: Wooded SECURITY: Single fence ORIENTATION: COMPONENTS: ecured hardened launch site contains a mounded control bunker surrounded by a loop road. The road serves two launch silos 225' apart, a probable portal silo 260' N of the E launch silo, and an unidentified structure in the NW quarter. Each silo has a cover which appears to be in the closed position on the latest photog- raphy. ADMINISTRATION & HOUSING SECTION: Lo- cated 4,400' SE of site. Seven barracks-type bldgs (150' x 30' ), 4 bldgs (120' x 30' ), and at least 6 other bldgs the largest of which is 130' x 35'. No helicopter pad was observed. Rail-to-Road Transfer Point MRBM complex rail transfer point, 10nmNW of launch area. Road to launch area is improved. Other MRBM Activity Within 25 NM Radius of Launch Area MAPS: AMS, N501-NO 35-10 USATC-200, Sheet 0153-22 LAUNCH 1 UNIDENTIFIED SITE STRUCTURE CONTROL BUN KER- LAUNCH SILOS PROBABLE PORTAL SILO 25X1 D - 3 - Approved For Release 2001/08/21 :CIA-RDP78B04560A000800010078-5 TOP SECRET RUFF Approved For ReleaseT2~9~01/6'S/21R`CIA-RDP78B04560A000800010078-5 Approved For Release 2001/08/21 : ClA-RDP78B04560A000800010078-5 TOP SECRET