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Approved For Release 2006ADMINIU fl E7317A000100250001-6 INTERNAL USE ONLY 2 B MAR 1973 SUBJECT Destruction of Paper Copies After Microfilming 1. The Office of the DDS&T requests authority to destroy the following temporary records, described as the item indicated in Records Control Schedule 90-70, after they have been converted to an acceptable microfilm copy: Item 10B Chronological Files 2. The Office plan is to microfilm these records on 16 mm roll film. Agency recommended procedures for file preparation, filming, processing, and inspection will be followed, and the records destroyed only after the film is verified and found to be satisfactory. 3. As part of standard office procedure the DDS&T Registry plans to destroy the temporary paper copies of these records, and preserve a silver film original negative for the retention period indicated in the O/DDS&T Records Control Schedule. Work copies will be made from the master negative for Office use as necessary. Your approval for the disposal of these converted records is requested. Technical Advisor to the DDS&T Records Management Officer er Date" uip ecor s jnis r on icer Date T ADMINISTRATIVE or Release 20 11011" C ?7$-'07317A000100250001-6 Approved For Release 2006/10/31 : CIA-RDP78-07317AO00100250001-6 RECORDS MANAGEMENT PROGRAM RECORDS CONTROL SCHEDULE FOR THE DEPUTY DIRECTORISCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ADD/S&T, EOIDDIS&T, AND IMMEDIATE STAFFS FORM NO. 738 'p 3 ({I) 1 JUL 55 Approved For Release 2006/10/3t: IA-RDP78-07317A000100250001-6 Approved For Release 2006/10/31 : CIA-RDP78-07317AO00100250001-6 RECORDS DISPOSITION AUTHORITY Records Control Schedule 90-70 for the Deputy Director/ Science and Technology is approved and authority hereby given to implement the disposition instructions therein. Approvals: DDS&T Records Management Officer 8 Q CT 969 Approved For Release 2006/10/31 : CIA-RDP78-07317AO00100250001-6 Approved For Release 2006/10/31 CIA-R ?P78-07 1`TARYOU 1)0250001-6 RECORDS CONTROL SCHEDULE 90-70 OFFICE. DIVISION, BRANCH SIGNATURE 25X1 DEPUTY DIRECTOR FOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY A/DDS&T, EO/DDS&T, and IMMEDIATE STAFF. TIT E C/Adminis OCT 1969 ITEM NO. FILES IDENTIFICATION (TITLE, DESCRIPTION, ARRANGEMENT, AND INCLUSIVE DATES) VOLUME (CUBIC FT.) DISPOSITION INSTRUCTIONS 1 POLICY FILES 5..0 Permanent - Disposal not authorized in accor- Consists of correspondence, executive memo- dance with General Records Schedule 19-1. Cut randa, cables and studies which document the po- off at end of each calendar year; retain in licies, planning, and coordination of the DDS&T. current file area fortwo (2) years then trans- Also included are records that reflect the inter- fer to Archives and Records Center. nal organization and policies and directives is- sued in coordinating and directing the Offices within the DDS&T area. These files include (in- coming materials that have been circulated to the DDS&T and his immediate staff as well as copies of outgoing) correspondence, memoranda, etc., either initiated by the DDS&T and his immediate staff or originated by a component of DDS&T and forwarded for approval and signature of the DDS&T. The DDS&T Registry is the Office of Record for the maintenance of these files. These files are main- tained subjectively. Period covered: 1963-Present 2 SUBJECT FILES 18.0 A. Records pertinent to the general adminis- Temporary - Destroy after six (6) years in tration and operation of the DDS&T Immediate Offic e. accordance with General Records Schedule 19-9. These relate to such subjects as Budget, Logistics Cut off at end of each calendar year; retain Personnel, Security, Liaison, Foreign Travel, in current files area for two (2) years, then Training. The DDS&T Registry is the Office of Re- transfer to the Archives and Records Center. cord for these files. These files are maintained subjectively. Period covered: 1963 - Present I c _ ; FORM NO. 139 USE PREVIOUS i JAN 56 139 EDITIONS. Approved For Release 2006/10/31 : CIA-RDP78-07317AO00100250001-6 ITEM NO. vedNForiEetease 2OO6/1,O/34. C+A- D @7 17AO001002500mr sITION INSTRUCTIONS d B. Consists of copies of corresVo-hd nce an -22.0 Temporary - Cut off files at end of the calen- memoranda described in A and B above. These files dar year; place in inactive files for one (1) are maintained by the staffs within the O/DDS&T year and then forward to the DDS&T Registry for their convenience and to Administer their day- for screening and appropriate action. to-day activities. These files are filed by sub- ject. The DDS&T Registry is the centralized Office of Record for these documents. Period covered: 1963 - Present 3 PROJECT FILE 11.0 A. This file consists of copies of Director- Temporary - Destroy after three (3) years in ate projects which serve as informational and re- accordance with General Records Schedule 19-10 erence purposes for the DDS&T. Contents of these Cut off at end of the calendar year; hold for files are arranged categorically as follows: an additional two (2) years or send to the ~I` Missions and Functions, Requirements, Evaluations, DDS&T Registry for disposition. Screen file Funding, Personnel, Security, and Status Reports. for possible transfer to the Office responsi- Filed primarily by project name and functional ca- ble for the projects. Destroy remainder of tegory thereunder. The DDS&T Registry is the Offic e files. of Record for these files. Period covered: 1963 - Present 4 BACKGROUND AND REFERENCE FILE 142.0 Temporary - Disposal authorized in accordance Consists of correspondence, memoranda, scien- with General Records Schedule 19-14. Screen tific and technical publications, Bureau of the file periodically and destroy materials no Budget circulars, cost accounting procedures, "per- longer needed for reference purposes or in- sonal collections" of Staff personnel used for back corporate into subject ?iles as appropriate. ground purposes in their day-to-day operations. These files are maintained variously. Period Covere : Current, FORM NO. 139a USE PREVIOUS I JAN 56 EDITIONS. RECORDS CONTROL SCHEDULE - CONTINUATION SHEET Approved For Release 2006/10/31 : CIA-RDP78-07317AO00100250001-6 14 JAN. 19721 Approved For Release 2006/10/3 78-07317A000100250001-6 DD/S&T 123-72 13 January 1972 MEMORANDUM FOR: CIA Records Administration Officer SUBJECT : Destruction of Paper Copies After Microfilming 1. The Office of the DD/S&T requests authority to destroy the following permanent records, described as the item indicated in Records Control Schedule 90-70, after they have been con- verted to an acceptable microform copy: Item 5A - Boards, Committees, and Panels (R&D Coordination Board files on the Agency R&D Program Call) 2. The Office plan is to put these records on microfiche. Agency recommended procedures for file preparations, filming, processing, and inspection will be followed. The records will be destroyed only after the microfiche has been verified and found to be acceptable. 3. As part of standard office procedures, the Office of the DD/S&T plans to destroy the temporary paper copies of these records, and preserve a silver film copy for the retention period indicated in the Office of the DD/S&T Records Control Schedule. Work copies will be made from these master micro- fiche for the Office and the R&D Coordination Board's use as necessary. Your approval for the disposal of these converted records is requested. DD/S&T Records Management Officer UEA Records /Id ministration Officer Date ET GROUP 7 EXCIL' 1, from autommrrc downgrading: and deslAS fixation Approved For Release 2006/10/31 CIA-RDP78-07317AO00100250001-6 ITEM NO. A; viedWcfrllketeme 200 :1?D/31 --CIA- Dfrb7BmD7 17AO0010025000 sITION INSTRUCTIONS 5 BOARDS, COMMITTEES, AND PANELS. 18.0 Consists of copies of agenda, minutes of meetings, reports, memoranda for the record, and related papers pertaining to various committees on which members of the DDS&T have interest or par- ticipate as members. Included are the following: Suggestion Awards Committee, Personnel Advisory Board, Safety Committee, Scientific Intelligence Committee, GMAIC, Science and Technology Board, CIA Records Management Board, ExCom, etc. These files are maintained by committee. Period covered 1967 - Present A. Committees on which the DDS&T serves as Permanent - Disposal not authorized in accor- Executive Secretary or has been designated as the dance with General Records Schedule 19-2a. Office of Record. Hold indefinitely in current files area. When no longer needed for reference, research, or operational purposes, screen and retire to the Archives and Records Center. B. Committees on which the DDS&T Represen- Temporary - Disposal authorized in accordance tative serves only as a member or material is with General Records Schedule 19-2b. Destroy maintained for interest only. when committee dissolves or when material is no longer needed. 6. CAREER MANAGEMENT FILES 2.0 Consists of correspondence, memoranda, Career Board meeting agenda, minutes and actions as well as personnel profiles and case files of all key Officials presently employed in the DDS&T. This file also includes applicant case files that are being considered for future employment in key po- sitions with the DDS&T. The Office of Record is the Chief, Administrative Support Staff, DDS&T. A. Career Board Material. Permanent - Disposal not authorized in accor- These files are maintained subjectively. dance with General Records Schedule 19-2a. Period covered: 196+ - Present Hold inde?initely in current files area. When no longer needed for reference purposes, scree and retire to the Records Center in one (1) cubic foot lots. FORM N56 139a EDITIONS10U5 I JAN RECORDS CONTROL SCHEDULE -CONTINUATION SHEET I413 Approved For Release 2006/10/31 : CIA-RDP78-07317AO00100250001-6 ITEM NO. F4v froF Ft*1u&Be 200 II OV31 : Ch - DPo7i$ii73 7A0001002500 oS I T I ON INSTRUCTIONS B. Personnel and Applicant case files Temporary - Hold indefinitely in the Office of These files are maintained alphabetical) Record until termination of active status plus by name. Period covered: 1963 - Present 6 months, Screen and destroy or forward to gaining Office. 7 PERSONNEL FILES 17.0 A. Subject File: Temporary - Cut off at end of,l year, hold for Consists of copies of correspondence and 1 year destroy material no longer needed and memoranda maintained for administering the person- send remainder to DDS&T Registry for further nel program in DDS&T. The following subjects are disposition. included in the file: Agency training records, fitness reports, tables of organization, employee relations, language evaluations, recruitment, etc. Period covered: 1966 - Present B. Personnel Soft Files: Temporary - Upon reassignment of personnel, Consists of folders on each person with- forward to the gaining Office. Upon separa- in the ODDS&T. These files contain copies of all tion, hold for six (6) months, then screen requests for personnel actions, fitness reports, file to exclude official record material which biographic data, and other related personnel infor will be transmitted to the Office of Personnel mation. These files are used for administrative Folder; destroy balance of material. and reference purposes and the content is essen- tially duplicated in the Official Personnel Folder. Period covered: Continuous C. Applicants File: Temporary - Transfer successful applicant ma- Consists of copies of personal history terial to employee --ile upon EOD. Destroy statements (PHS), if available, notes and comments unsuccessful or cancelled applicant file of interviewer, and other related documents neces- immediately. sary in processing an applicant. Period covered: Continuous D. Training Reference File: Temporary - Destroy when rescinded, super- Consists of copies of OTR catalogs, co- seded or no longer needed for reference pur- pies of scientific and development pro- poses. grams in colleges and universities and other ref- erence materials used in administering the trainin program in DDS&T. p p FORM NO. USE PREVIOUS I RECORDS CONTROL SCHEDULE -CONTINUATION SHEET (41) Approved For Release 2006/10/31 : CIA-RDP78-07317AO00100250001-6 AI~~br-Rgre 2006,11- 113-17-~g E. Consultants' File: Consists of correspondence, memoranda, etc., on individuals employed as consultants with DDS&T. These files contain personnel actions, per sonal history statements, rate of pay, hours of work, copy of contract and related information. Period covered: 1963 - Present BUDGET AND FINANCE FILES A. Subject Files: Consists of documents which reflect the preparation and submission of budget estimates, Congressional budget hearings, project funding, allotment authorizations, materials and operating budgets for all DDS&T components, and budget back- ground information. These files are maintained subjectively. Period covered: 1964 - Present B. Allotment Files: These files reflect the fiscal operation of the DDS&T. Included in file are requisitions for property, travel obligations and property, issues. These files are maintained numerically by cost center number. Period covered: 1967 - Presen C. Unvouchered Allotment Control Records: Consists of original of allotment contro ledger account record to reflect unvouchered obli- gations and property requisitions. These files are maintained by account number. Period covered: 1967 - Present D. Travel File: Consists of case files on personnel who have performed official travel. These files in- clude request for travel, advance of funds, offici travel order, copies of travel voucher, and other related material. These files are maintained al- phabetically by name. Period covered: 1967-Presen I OSITION INSTRUCTIONS Temporary Hold in Office area one (1) year. after termination of consultant contract. Screen and transfer material not previously forwarded to Office of Personnel for filing in the Official Personnel file, 24.o Temporary - Disposal authorized in accordance with General Records Schedule 5-4. Cut off at end of each fiscal year; retain for two (2) additional fiscal years then destroy. Temporary - Disposal authorized in accordance with General Records Schedule 7-4b. Cut off at end of each fiscal year; retain two (2) additional years then destroy. Temporary - Disposal authorized in accordance with General Records Schedule 7-4b. Cut off at end of each fiscal year; retain for two (2) additional years then destroy. Temporary - Disposal authorized in accordance with General Records Schedule 9-3b, Destroy after two (2) years. Screen file annually; de stroy materials two (2) years old. R I jAn 56 NO. 139a EDITIONSIOUS RECORDS CONTROL SCHEDULE -CONTINUATION SHEET (41) Approved For Release 2006/10/31 : CIA-RDP78-07317A000100250001-6 ITEM NO. A 6v ' ff or RGtiga e 200611 1 I - DR 73 17A000100250001s6os I T ION INSTRUCTIONS E. Budget Reference Files: Temporary - Destroy when revised, superseded Consists of Bureau of the Budget circu- or of no further reference value. lars, cost accounting procedures, and budgetary instructional manuals used for guidance in the administration of budget and fiscal operations. F. CIA/AF Programs and Budget File: Temporary - Cut off at end of each fiscal year Consists of correspondence, budget sub- retain in office at least two (2) additional missions, program plans, authorization of funds, fiscal years and retire to the Archives and and background information on projects and program Records Center. Destroy after 25 years in the conducted jointly by the CIA and the USAF. The Archives and Records Center. DDS&T is the Office of Record for this material an it is maintained by the Comptroller Staff. Period covered:1963 - Present 9 SECURITY FILES 8.0 A. Security Subject Files: Temporary - Screen files annually. Destroy Consists of correspondence, memoranda, when cw? years old. reports and related material pertaining to the security activities of the DDS&T. These files in- clude requests for special badge and clearances, requests for project information, security direc- tives, liaison, security violations, cover, emer- gency planning, and other related security material . The Office of Record for these files is the Office of Security. Filed alphabetically by subject. Period covered: 1965 - Present B. Personnel Security Files: Temporary - Upon transfer or separation of Consists of case files for employees of employee, screen and forward material not pre- theDDS&T. These files contain security clear- viously forwarded to the Office of Security. ances, briefings, debriefings, memos of understand- Destroy the remainder. ing, etc. Filed alphabetically by surname. Period covered: 1965 - Present i JAN FORM NO. USE PREVIOUS RECORDS CONTROL SCHEDULE -CONTINUATION SHEET (41) Approved For Release 2006/10/31 : CIA-RDP78-07317AO00100250001-6 ITEM NO. d MedNFrcrrlRellease 2006/1.,/31 _ CIA- DDI8M67 17A00010025OO r s IT ION INSTRUCTIONS C. Company Security Files: Temporary - Hold for one (1) year after ter- Consists of case files for all companies urination of contract; then destroy. that have contracts with DDS&T for purposes of re- search and development. These files include secu- rity clearances, inspection reports, certification clearance information, etc., and are usually dupli cated in the Office of Security.- Filed alphabe- tically by name of company. Period covered: 1965- 1969 10 CHRONOLOGICAL FILE 12.0 Consists of extra copies of all correspondent and memoranda originated by the DDS&T and his staf . In addition, this file includes copies of outgoing correspondence and memoranda originated for signa- ture, approval, or concurrence of the DDS&T. Thes files are maintained for ready reference and con- venience. The official file is maintained by the DDS&T Registry. Filed chronologically by date. Period covered: A. Chrono file through 1963 Permanent - Disposal not authorized in accor- dance with General Records Schedule 19-1. Re- tire files dated through 1963 to the Archives and Records Center. B. Chrono files subsequent to 1963 Temporary - Cut off at end of each calendar ye retain in current files area for two (2) addi- tional years and then transfer to the Archives and Records Center. Destroy after 10 years in the Archives and Records Center. C. Chrono files held by the DDS&T and his Temporary - Cut off at end of each calendar staff for convenience purposes. The official file year; retain in current file area an additions copy is maintained by the DDS&T Registry. year then destroy. i JAN FORM NO. USE PREVIOUS RECORDS CONTROL SCHEDULE -CONTINUATION SHEET Approved For Release 2006/10/31 : CIA-RDP78-07317AO00100250001-6 ITEM NO. A v"WarIIR@1efte2006/10/3*-:- TA : 7 17A000100250001s6osITION INSTRUCTIONS 11 REGULATORY ISSUANCES A. DDS&T Issuances: Permanent - Disposal is not authorized in ac- Consists of complete sets of DDS&T In- cordance with General Records Schedule 16-1 structions and Notices which constitute the DDS&T . Retain in Office area indefinetely. Send a records set. Maintained by the,Registry as the copy of each issuance to the Archives and Re- Office of Record. cords Center for historical purposes. B. Regulatory Issuances Files: Temporary - Destroy when revised or superseded Consists of copies of Agency Regulations, , or no longer needed for reference purposes. Notices, and Handbooks, extra copies of DDS&T No- tices and Instructions and other notices received from various Agency components. These are main- tained by staff employees for working & information purposes. 12 CONTRACTS MANAGEMENT SUBJECT FILE 4.0 Temporary - Retain in the Office of Record un- Consists of correspondence, memoranda, and til termination of the contract plus an addi- documents used by the Senior Contracting Officer tional six (6) months. Screen and transfer for the DDS&T to administer the contracting pro- files to the DDS&T Registry for final disposi- gram in the Directorate. Some of the subjects in tion. these files are: Delegations of authority, Con- tractors, Training facilities, Legislation, Pro- jects, Universities, and Meetings. The Procure- ment Management Staff is the Office of Record for this Material. These files are maintained subjec- tively. Period covered: 1964 - Present 13 LOGISTICS FILE 2.0 Temporary - Destroy when two (2) years old. A. Subjects Files: Cut off at end of calendar year, transfer to i t Consists of correspondence, memoranda nac ive file in Office area, hold one (1) , and related form records pertaining to the supply year and destroy. and services function of the DDS&T. This file in- '~`?'" cludes the following subjects: Buildings and Grounds Communications, Equipment and Supplies, Requisi- , tions for publications, and other related records. Period covered: 1967 - Present FORM I NO. USE 56 139a EDITIONS. IOUS RECORDS CONTROL SCHEDULE -CONTINUATION SHEET (4+) Approved For Release 2006/10/31 : CIA-RDP78-07317AO00100250001-6 ITEM NO .1 n\j6ealDFvriRisd"6A - LUME DI B. Logistical Reference File:'"`''` Consists of copies of brochures, catalogs and manuals used as reference in the procurement ofi equipment and supplies. II UNITED STATES INTELLIGENCE BOARD FILE Consists of copies of USIB documents retained for reference of the DDS&T and his staff. These files include copies of the following series: A, AM, C, D, M, S, and SC. These are filed by appro- priate series and sub-committees. The record copy of these files are kept in the USIB. The DDS&T copies are maintained-in the DDS&T Registry. Period covered: 1968 - Present CABLE FILES Consists of extra copies of all incoming and outgoing cables received by the DDS&T from the DCI cable Secretariat, OSA, OSP, and the Special Cen- ter. These cables are used for purposes of infor- mation and reference. These files are maintained by the DDS&T Registry. Filed by cable type & chro- nologically thereunder. Period covered: Current INTELLIGENCE PUBLICATIONS FILES Consists of correspondence, memoranda, docu- ments, publications, etc., of particular interest to the DDS&T and his staff. Some of the publica- tions included in the collection are selected NIETs and SNIE's, material from DIA, IDA, RAND, and other sources. This file is maintained by the DDS&T Registry. Period covered: 1966 - Present 6.o SPOSITION INSTRUCTIONS Temporary - Destroy when revised supersed d , e , or no longer needed for references purposes. Temporary - Destroy when no longer needed for Temporary - Destroy when cables are : months Temporary - Destroy when revised. superseded on - --~ ge~ needed for reference purposes. F JAN M NO 139a EDIT IONSIOU3 FOR RECORDS CONTROL SCHEDULE ? CONTINUATION SHEET Approved For Release 2006/10/31 : CIA-RDP78-07317AO00100250001-6 ITEM NO. , t { OV"Fd r Retome 2006/1 3.1._:-.C.IA- D 73 17A00010025000ns6os I T ION INSTRUCTIONS 17 DOCUN'A]T CONTROL AND RECEIPT FILES e. 6.0 Consists of records that reflect the receipt, routing and disposition for all records logged and or controlled, either received or dispatched by the DDS&T Registry for the DDS&T and his staff. A. Top Secret and Registered Document Files: Permanent - Disposal not authorized. Cut off Consists of Forms 36 and 1225 used to at end of each calendar year; retain in cur- record the receipt, routing and disposition of all rent files area until no longer needed for T.S. and Registered documents received or dispatch quick reference; and transfer to Records Cen- ed by the ODDS&T. ter for use as a locator and index file for retired or sensitive files. B. Incoming Mail Control Files: Permanent - Disposal not authorized. Same in- Consists of two (2) copies of form 238 structions as outlined in item 16A above. which reflects the receipt, internal routing and disposition of all materials necessitating the pre paration of this mail control form. One (1) copy of this is filed alphabetically by source and the other is filed by control number. Period covered: 1962 - Present C. Courier Receipt File: Temporary - Destroy after 3 months. Consists of Forms 240 and 240A used for 5f transmitting Top Secret and collateral mail. File chronologically by date. D. CIA Document Receipt File: Temporary - Disposal authorized in accordance Consists of original copy of CIA Document with General Records Schedule 18-3. Destroy receipt file, Form 615, prepared for all classified after 2 years. documents dispatched from this office. These re- ceipts bear the recipients signature or his desig- nee. These documents are filed Period covered: 1967 - Present FORM 1 NO. USE 56 139a EDITIONg10Ug RECORDS CONTROL SCHEDULE -CONTINUATION SHEET (41) Approved For Release 2006/10/31 : CIA-RDP78-07317AO00100250001-6 ITEM NO. rsoMe Arl ( e - A DR &O7 17AO001002500.U' SITION INSTRUCTIONS 18.,.. CRYPTIC REFERENCE FILE .2 Temporary - Destroy when revised, superseded, or no longer needed for reference. Consists of two (2) separate 3X5 card files. One file contains the true name and the other file ILLEGIB is either crypto or pseudo. They are used in con- junction with two (2) notebooks for purposes Of cross reference. 19 PLANS AND PROGRAMS FILE 4.0 Temporary - Cut off at the end of each fiscal HI .. year; retain an additional two (2) fiscal year This file consists of correspondence and do- screen and transfer to the DDS&T Registry for cumentation relating to the administration of the final disposition. planning and programming of the DDS&T in its ex- penditure and manpower utilization. Subjects that may be found in this file are; Submissions to the Agency Program Call, Appropriations, Contracts, Projects, Briefing Material, Plans & Programs Re- ports, Contract Proposal Evaluation reviews, etc. The Plans & Programs Branch/Comptroller Staff maintains this file and is the DDS&T Office of Re- cord. Period covered: 1965 - Present 20 CONTRACT INFORMATION SYSTEM FILE 8.0 Temporary - Hold indefinitely in the Office area until material is superseded, revised or This file contains current information on the no longer needed. Transfer, when appropriate, status of all R&D contracts performed by external to the DDS&T Registry for final disposition. contractors for the DDS&T, TSD/DDP, OC/DDS, and NPIC/DDI. The output of this information appears on computer listings. This file also contains the input information and other material that relates ILLEGIB to the activity, e.g., contract data input sheets, project data code sheets, instructions, procedures, etc. Period covered: 1965 - Present 21 PRELIMINARY MISSION REPORTS 4.0 These are reports on certain type missions that are compiled by the Directorate of Science and Technology for the 303 Committee. Period covered: 1964 - Present FORM NO. 139a EDITIONS!DUS RECORDS CONTROL SCHEDULE - CONTINUATION SHEET (41) Approved For Release 2006/10/31 : CIA-RDP78-07317AO00100250001-6 E -1 1AUUU1 t{0ITION INSTRUCTIONS FILES IDENTIFICATION A. History File: One (1) copy of each report will be set aside for archival purposes. B. Extra Copies: These copies will be used for supple- mental distribution and ready reference for the DDS&T. 1. Supplemental Distribution - For purposes of control, distribu- tion of this report will be done by the O/DDS&T. Ten (10) copies of each report will be set aside for this activity. 2. Reference File - One (1) copy of each report is to be filed in the Registry for ready ref- erence purposes for the O/DDS&T. FORM NO. + 9 a USE PREVIOUS I JAN 56 39 EDITIONS. Permanent - Disposal not authorized in accor- dance with General Records Schedule 19-7. Upon release, send a copy of the report to the Archives and Record Center for placement in the DDS&T History File. Temporary - Destruction by the Records Center is not authorized. Two (2) years after deposit in the Center, the number of copies of each report is to be reduced to five (5). The co- pies in excess of five (5) are to be returned to the DDS&T Registry for destruction. All copies of these reports are to be destroyed seven (7) years from publication date. Temporary - Destroy after three (3) years. Cut off at end of each calendar year; hold for two (2) years, then destroy. RECORDS CONTROL SCHEDULE - CONTINUATION SHEET Approved For Release 2006/10/31 : CIA-RDP78-07317AO00100250001-6