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- Approved For Release 200'1/08/31 : CIA-RDP78-06 70A00010
PRC Action No. DD/P-12-61
SUBJECT: Operational Programs of the Clandestine Services
for Fiscal Year 1961 -- Summary Action
Executwe rde ?is .Y
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To formalize approval of the individual Operational Programs of
the Clandestine Services for FY 1961.
a. As provided for in Agency Regulations and established procedures,
the programs of most major components of the Clandestine Services have been
reviewed and approved by the PRC and are subject to final approval by the
Director of Central Intelligence. That portion of DD/P activities and require-
ments which was not a specific subject of PRC review is comprised of the
b. Prior to the review of the programs, the Deputy Director (Plans)
briefed the Committee on a number of key considerations which enter into a
general revision of the criteria, procedures and ultimate goal of a revised
program-planning system to be employed by the Clandestine Services. The
new format reflects an initial step wherein:
(1) More emphasis is to be placed upon the programs (and
less upon projects) as instruments of management and control,
for purposes of providing policy guidance, defining operational
targets and priorities, and for the allocation of attention (human
resources and accessibility to targets).
(2) While the programs have been prepared to conform
generally with the corresponding amounts of funds contained in
mrQV6ed FOI` Kefeuse:4uu H-K f\b U11
Approved For Release 2001/0
PI C Action No. DD/P-12-61
the revised Congressional Budget, less emphasis is placed upon
the programs as documents to govern the allocation of funds.
They are submitted to the PRC with no implication that there will
not be subsequent adjustments of and/or within these totals.
(3) In summary, the revised program system is being
designed to provide better control at the top, in broader cat-
egories which, nevertheless, do set limits to freedom of action
down the line while leaving, within those limits, decisions as
to details to the operating levels.
c. Pursuant to the above, extensive substantive staff-work has been
completed at appropriate echelons within the DD/P area and is reflected in
the finished programs submitted to the Committee for review. In order for
the total DD/P requirement for funds to conform with the limitations of the
monetary ceiling imposed by the Congressional Budget, over-ceiling require-
ments have been set aside at the DD/P level as items for further examination
and possible subsequent program adjustments. The subject of overages is
therefore not presented as a matter for PRC action at this time and no over-
ages are contained in this action.
d. Under the precedent of the action taken by the PRC and approved
by the DCI on the DD/P programs for fiscal years 1959 and 1960, it is
recommended that the FY 1961 programs also be approved upon a total DD/P
basis, by summary action, and not upon a division-by-division basis. The
following figures illustrate the financial magnitude of total DD/P require-
ments, as of 1 July 1960, within the limitations of the Congressional Budget:
Activities reviewed by the PRC
(see attached schedule)
Activities not reviewed by the PRC
(para 2 a, above)
Total DD/P requirement
It is proposed that the nine (9) operational programs of the DD/P for
FY 1961 be approved, for planning purposes, as submitted to the PRC in the
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PRC Action No. DD/P-12-61
total amount of subject to the control of these programs, by
the DD/P, within the limitations of the FY 1961 funds made available to him
for the activities of the Clandestine Services.
a. The response of the Committee to the introductory briefing by
the DD/P (Para 2 b, above) was favorable. The opinion was expressed that
the new format (of the programs) constituted a workable presentation.
b. During the period 28 April - 2 June 1960, formal PRC meetings
were held to review the programs of the following DD/P components: AF,
WE, SR, WE, NE, 10, EE, TS, and FE. The Committee was in agreement
in approval of all of the above, as presented, with the exception of the WH
c. It was the opinion of the Committee that action (by the Committee)
on the WH program should be deferred, pending resolution of certain questions
revolving around: (1) An adjustment of the program to include provision of
funds for the continuation of specific activities which had been presented by
the Chief, WE, as "overages", for which supplemental funds would be required;
and (2) a collateral consideration, by the DD/P, on possible upward revision
of the WH monetary ceiling for program planning so as to conform precisely
with the amount contained in the Congressional Budget for the WH Division.
d. The questions posed by the Committee on the WH program have
since been resolved. Through internal adjustment of priorities and alloca-
tions, within the planning ceiling of an easement of the WH
Q'overage" problem has been effected. Therefore, the DD/P has elected to
leave his allocation of monetary ceilings firm, as cited in column D I of the
attached summary schedule.
e. For the record, an 10 Division "overage" in the amount of
for the project was discussed. Inasmuch as this item 25X1A2d1
was separately approved by the DCI as a supplemental requirement
(ER 60-4917) and was also contained in the recently approved FY 1961 DD/P
Approved For Release 2001/A-RDI 7$,e,006
A to,
Operating Budget, it is not reflected in the programmed totals shown in this
PRC Action No. DD/P-12-61
action. Otherwise, there is precise agreement between th
figure shown in para 2 d (above) and the approved FY 1961 DD/P Operating
B udget.
It is recommended that the Director of Central Intelligence approve
subject action in the amount o as proposed in paragraph 3 25X1A1a
Approved For Release 2001/0
DP7+8'0657o ogoi oo0.2( 0p5j +?
Deputy Director (Intelli~e1ice) Deputy Director, Central Intelligence
1 AUG 19&I
Deputy Direc or Support
Deputy Direc or Support)
?7 SEP 1960
3 SEP 1960
pproved For Release 2001/08 DP78t6' i 6 NO T l