(Sanitized) COURSES

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Approved For Release 200193c JWr q 210001-1 JOB NO. BOX NIO. ______---- FOLDER NO. TOTAL DiOOCS HEREIN _L_ COURSES 1962 - 1963 DOO REv DATE my ORIG COMP - ON // _ TYPE A ORIG CLASS S PAGES REV CLASS _S /_ JUST as NEXT REV"- AUTHI HR 70.2 August 1962 Approved Fcr Q01-1 Kul- f ts-W44; -U, 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/03/ 78-0637OA00020021 0001 -1 INDEX TO CONTENTS 25X1A 25X1A Course Administrative Procedures Anti-Communist Operations Budget and Finance Procedures Cable Refresher Communist Party Organization and Operations t/Conference Techniques Counterintelligence Familiarization Counterintelligence Operations 25X1A 4 25X1A 4 25X1A 5 Geography of the USSR Information Reports Familiarization Information Reporting, Reports and Requirements Instructor Training Intelligence Orientation (See Introduction to Intelli- 7 ence and, Introduction to Communism Intelligence Research (Maps and Photo Interpretation) 7 Approved For Release 2001/03/t!P78-06a70A000200210001-1 -UtNrs. Approved For Release 2001/03/30 :. CIA-RDP78-0637OA00020021 0001 -1 R'JE 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A Course Intelligence Research Techniques Intelligence Review Introduction to Communism Introduction to Intelligence KLJBARK Review Scientific and Technical Operations Liaison Operations Review Management supervision Typing for Professionals - Basic USSR Basic Country Survey USSR: Geography of (See Geography of the USSR) Writing Workshop - Basic Writing Workshop - Intermediate LANGUAGE TRAINING R E T Page 7 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 15 Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP78-0637OA00020021 0001 -1 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP78-0637OA00020021 0001 -1 Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP78-0637OA00020021 0001 -1 Approved For Release 2001/03/3978-06370A000200210001-1 3UDGET AND FINANCE PROCEDURES 2 Weeks hours) Prerequisite: Satisfactory empletion of Administrative Procedures or Phase II of Operations Support. For administrative assistants or administrative officers who main- tain budgetary, financial and property records at a Class B Station. Covers functions of the Comptroller and the Audit St fad, financial, budgetary and logistical responsibilities of the COS2 payments to contract personnel, tax returns, financial phases of project approvals, station funding, administrative plans, fiscal annexes, credit union, and theory of the cost-based budget. Theories developed in the lectures are applied in practical problems on foreign travel, Class B Accounting, and Type II-Field Property procedures. Scheduled: 1962 - 24 Sep, 3 Dec 1963 - 18 Feb, 29 Apr 'ABLE REFRESHER 1 Day hours) Course consists of four one-hour lectures, the objectives of which are to indicate how soundly organized and effectively phrased cables can save recipient's time and can reduce cable traffic, to illustrate how the writer's consideration for technical communication matters can reduce raffic, and to present up-to-date information on cable format. Scheduled: On request. COMMUNIST PARTY ORGANIZATION AND OPERATIONS 4 Weeks hours) Prerequisite: Completion of Intelligence Orientation Course (Phase II) or equivalent in headquarters or field experience. Provides information on organization and activities of Communist Parties outside the Sino-Soviet bloc. The course is introduced by a brief survey of the basic principles of Comimunist Party organization and the application and development of these principles through the history of the movement. This segment of instruction is followed by an intensive examination of the national and intermediate-level structure and activities (political, mass action, etc.) through which the CPs attempt to exploit their organizational assets to attain immediate and long-term ends. There Is an examination of inter-Party relations. Scheduled: 1962 - 1 Oct, 26 Nov 1963 - 11 Mar, 3 June Appg?xfLad For Release 2001/03/ , EDP78-063tOA'0`002002 tOOOt11 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP78-0637OA00020021 0001 -1 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP78-0637OA00020021 0001 -1 Approved For Release 2001/0 -'RDP78-06370A000200210001-1 25X1A Scheduled: 1962 - 22 Oct 1963 - 25 Feb EFFECTIVE SPEAKING 6 i6_iW 21i hours ) Covers principles of speaking as related to oral presentation of intelligence, including the selection and use of graphic aids. Students prepare short speeches for presentation before the class. Later in the course students give longer speeches on topics related to their own responsibilities. Class critiques emphasize fine points of delivery, organization of content, proper use of graphic aids, and general effec- tiveness. Scheduled: 1962 - 10 Sep, 3 Dec 25X1 A 1963 - 11 Mar, 2 Dec Approved For Release 2001/0 ? I-~DPfV~ ~g' qpag1-3 a is Approved For Release 2001/03/3@ . ,1 78-0637OA000200210001-1 ;SHY OF THE USSR 7b'-Weeks "(72'__urs ) The objective of the course is to provide a geographic background and a detailed visual image of the USSR. The course deals with the physical and cultural geography of the USSR as a whole and with each gion in detail. Students work with maps and aerial and ground photo- ?sphs to provide the visual image of each region. In addition to ceding sections of selected textbooks, students read classified intelli- nceureports and use classified aerial and ground photographs. Films Scheduled: 1962 - 8 Oct 'ORMA'ION REPORTS FAMILIARIZATION 2 TWe-ki-TIZ hours) Primarily for intelligence and administrative assistants under ti?oneideration for assignment as junior reports officers or who have field lgnments involving responsibility for putting into final form both ch and cable information reports. Official format as applied to each of information report and some of the reasoning behind the develop- of such format are presented in lectures during the first two after- s. The rest of the time is for laboratory practice in which students prepare cables and pouch reports. Scheduled: 1962 - 8 Oct, 26 Nov 1963 - 4 Feb, 29 Apr 25X1A WORMATION REPORTING REPORTS AND REQUIREMENTS 3 Weks1 120 hours Prerequisite: Intelligence Orientation Course or equivalent in headquarters or field experience. For _ personnel whose responsibilities are directly associated -R.th reporting of intelligence and operations information. Lectures i Aroduce general principles and official policies and procedures. Prac- tical exercises cover the entire cycle of reporting; that is, getting a general requirement, collecting information, making an operations report, w:?-ting a raw information report, and putting the raw report into the finished form. Scheduled: 1962 - 10 Sept 1963 - 7 Jan, 25 Feb, 1 Apr, 3 June INSTRUCTOR TRAINING One Week (+40 hours) ?rerequisite: Present or anticipated assignment as an instructor. Course covers the basic principles of learning and teaching and their a 1 ca in ' age 6 S PT ___ A pro ed For e fease2D(TCW-RDP7 - 3 0M2~92'0 f01-1 y Approved For Release 2001/0 -,$DP78-06370A000200210001-1 INSTRUCTOR TRAINING (Cont.) segments of instruction and full courses. Students are given opportunity to prepare and present a lesson before members of the class and in pre- sentation use a method of instruction required of them in their assign- ment. These methods include lectures, demonstration, problem solving, practical exercises, discussions (conferences, panels, seminars), use of case studies, and role playing. Preparation and use of audio-visual aids are included. Scheduled on request INTJ a.LIGENCE ORIENTATION 3 Weeks 120 hours) (See Introduction to Intelligence and Introduction to Communism) INTELLIGENCE RESEARCH (MAPS AND PHOTO INTERPRETATION) 5 Weeks (50 hours) Comprehensive course in use of maps, aerial and ground photography for intelligence purposes. The first phase offers instruction in de- termining coordinates, time, direction, distance, military grids, terrain profiles, vegetation, and cultural features from maps. Explana- tion and use of map projections, scale, contours, marginal data, and map indexes are also included. The second phase provides a general introduction to photo interpretation. Students, working with vertical and oblique aerial photography and also ground photography, receive instruction and experience in stereoviewing, in orienting and plotting photography, and in the techniques and processes leading to the identi- fication and measurement of photographic images and the interpretation /f the images. Practical instruction.includes a flight and aw industrial ////// tour4 giving each student the opportunity to compare his photo inter- pretation analysis of the facility made from aerial photography with the actual installations on the ground. Scheduled: 1962 - 10 Sept 1963 - 1} Mar INTELLIGENCE RESEARCH TECHNIQUES or 6 Weeks (160 or 1 hours) Prerequisite: Minimum of six months' experience as an intelligence research analyst. Course is designed to increase the analyst's capability to perform intelligence research by increasing his proficiency in the use of re- search facilities and techniques. Each stage in the intelligence research process from the origination of a research topic to writing a skeleton report is covered. Students apply this knowledge to a re- search project assigned to them by their supervisors. Classwork is Approved For Release 2001 P 06370A00020021na ? Pge1- Approved For Release 2001/03/3?1i$f78-06370A000200210001-1 F IGENCE RESEARCH TECBNIQUES (Cont.) =konducted through reading assignments, diseussi as,\e l written assign- ments and exercises. Discussions emphasize the philosophy of intelligence research, terms of reference, filing systems, repositories of intelligence information, collection programs, analyst's control of his inbox, methods of applying the analytical process to both quantitative and nonquantita- i-live data, and the mechanics of producing a report. Written assignments .,re given on terms of reference for projects, project work schedules,, s-equirements for collection of intelligence information, prepos s-for report which summarizes progress on the student's research to usi Scheduled: l96a - 21. Sept ,NT_ELLIGENCE REVIEW 2 `Meeks hours) Prerequisites: Intelligence Orientation Course or five years in KUBARK. - ?the world--aftuati.on__ys rese aSaiae hint igem actin-:ties, saw?di acted. Intelligence objec- tives and requirements and the current status of the intelligence,ao are reviewed. Broad categories are those of collection, communications, (issemination, research, and production. KUBARK's development and its present organization are followed by a review of the development and functioning of the intelligence ca=unity and the current problems of coordination. .Scheduled: ct962 - 1 Oct 1963 - 8 Apr INTRODUCTION TO COMMUNISM 2 Weeks- hours j!_ Provides professional employees with an introduction to the doctrine, organization and operations of the Communist movement. Covers an intro- duction to historical background, development, and organization of the USSR and China. Concludes with a summary of the current status and objectives of the movement. NOTE: As the second phase of the three-week course on Intelligence Orientation, this course is required for all intelligence officers and other officer personnel concerned with the support of KUBARK activities. Scheduled: 1962 - 24 Sept, 13 Nov 1963 - 21 Jan, 25 Mar, 6 May, 17 June Page 8 S" C-RN) Approved For Release 2001/03/30 CIA- RDP78-06370A000200210001-1 Approved For Release 2001/0q/;QC_.~DP78-06370A000200210001-1 IN1RODUCTI02N TO INTELLIGENCE One Week hours) This is the first ek5 of the 4ntel1igence Orientation. The course is designed (mil) to develop understanding of the fundamental concepts of intelligence, the importance of intelligence in the national security framework, and its present responsibilities in support of national policy; (2) to develop understanding of the role of the various intelligence agencies, their interrelationships, and responsibilities within the intelligence community; and (3) to define and describe the functions of KUBARK. Scheduled: 1962 - 17'Sept, 5 Nov 1963 - 14 Jan, 18 Mar, 29 Apr, 10 June BARK REVIEW _..F_s 25X1A This is a monthly briefing designed for all overseas returnees not immediately taking the Review. Covers highlights in KUBARK's development within the past two years, stressing (1) current status of KUBARK'a relationships with - the President's Board, and the Congress; (2) the current organizational structure of KUBARK including personnel and organizational trends. Scheduled: Once a month. 1962 - 10 Jul, 14 Aug, 11 Sept, 9 Oct, 13 Nov, 11 Dec 1963 - 8 Jan, 12 Feb, 12 Mar, 9 Apr, 14 May, 11 June 25X1A 1963 - 15 Apr Approved For Release 2001/0 :-c I R - Page 9 fi~flQD~00210001-1 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/03/ -R _ P78-06370A000200210001-1 5X1A 25X1A MPSAGEMSM 2 Weeks (ko hours) Prerequisite: Present or anticipated managerial assignment, i.e., one involving the management of super- visors or other managers. The objective is to familiarize managers with the practical aspects o management which can be applied in KUBARK. The underlying assnmp- tion of the course is that management development is a process of growth an the Job and that the cross-fertilization of leads that occur in the course will aid that process of growth. The course aims to (1) help the manager to better understand his problems" not providing answers but by providing an environment wherein his problems are examined in relation t others; (2) provide a related series of concepts drawn from both K iARK experience and management theory against which the manager may d For Release 2001/03 'AB,.,t DP78-06370A000200210001-1 Approved For Release 2001/0' & frj f- 78-06370A000200210001-1 check his own methods; (3) develop a recognition that management problems are parallel throughout KUBARK; (4) orient managers toward an understand- ing of the relationships between management and substantive activities in Kt1BARK. MANAGEME TJ.' (Cont.) Scheduled: 1962 - 10 Sept, 14 Oct (Sunday) for GS-14 up 3 Dec for GS-11 to -13 1963 - 4 Feb, 15 Apr for GS-14 up 4 Mar, 10 June for GUS-11 to -13 OPERATIONS FAMILIARIZATION 6 Weeks (240 hours) Prerequisite: Intelligence Orientation Course or equivalent in headqu=trters or field experience. For operations personnel and other officers whose responsibilities in support of operations require familiarization with case officer functions and operational programs. The purpose of the course is to give basic understanding of the fundamentals of clandestine operations and a familiarization with basic techniques and methods of operation used by the field case officer. Scheduled: 1962 - 17 Sept 1963 - 11 Mar 25X1 25X1A 25X1 Ann 0211yd Approved For Release 200NI7N7r 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP78-0637OA00020021 0001 -1 Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP78-0637OA00020021 0001 -1 Approved For Release 2001 /03 .SG4 F 78-06370A000200210001-1 SUPERVISION 2 Weeks (40 hours) Familiarizes first-level supervisors with the responsibilities and characteristics of first-level,supervision. Particular emphasis is on problems of person-to-person relationships as the supervisor meets them in his responsibilities for planning, cczmnunicating, training and C7') disciplining. Selected aspects of organization, leadership, and control are also examined. Presentations are offered at the GS-5 through GS-9 and the GS-10 and above levels so that supervisors in each group level can work together. Scheduled: 1962 - 24 Sept GS-11 - 12 .9 29 Oct (GS-?5'- 9) 1963 - 25 M a r (GS-11 - 12 , 14 Jan, 6 May (GS-5 - 9) TYPING FOR PRQFESSIONALS - BASIC 6 Weeks - 30 hours 25X1A The objectives are for professional personnel to learn the type- writer keyboard and to acquire as much speed and accuracy as possible. Cy,fz'-, Lectures and demonstrations are given to introduce the keyboard and to teach correct typing techniques and typing shortcuts. The student applies this instruction on exercises, problems, and timed writing. Scheduled on request 25X1A Approved For Release 2001 /0' RDPfBG &Wl g0f91 Approved For Release 2001 /03/39 # Ij[3JP78-06370A000200210001-1 25X1A > : B. SIC '; t i'E.Y SURVEY Je-Qii' or 10 Weeks personnel whose work requires a basic and comprehensive edge o the Soviet Union. The course includes a brief study of t Ru.Esia, with an emphasis on conditions which led to revolution, on significant developments within the USSR since the Communist jzure of power. Major emphasis is on current conditions and develop- ,.7,-in - oolltical, economic, geographic, social, and military. Se hedui.ed: 1962 - 29 Oct '963 23 Apr, 29 Oct Geography of See Geogaraih of the USSR 1 1_I:NG WORKSHOP - B fSIC I~ek: !, 2t ho i T Brief review of the basic principles of grammar and rhetoric with a.sls on elements of sentence and paragraph structure. A greater .J-r-` of the course time is spent in writing exercises and in the instruc- ana.lys1s and critique of a student's writing. Scheduled 1962 - 10 Sept `95 - 5 Feb, 13 May W I'TING WORKSH(fl' - INTERMEDIATE ___.+ I ekay 2$_gours Prerequ1s5te: Satisfactory completion of Writing Workshop (Basic) -yr tested writing competence. Study and practice of the principles of good intelligence writing. S-a.- sees clarity and accuracy of written expression and logical structure i.k written composition. For a greater part of the course the student p)-aeticea composition and the instructor analyzes the student's work. Scheduled : 1962 - 20 Nov 1,963 - 12 Mar Aoyyd For Release 2001/03 / CIA-- RDP78-06.37PA0pp2Q0?1p01-1 Approved For Release 2001/03/ , P78-06370A000200210001-1 LANGUAGE TRAINING Language courses range from orientations to comprehensive study, full-time and part-time, at the basic and the intermediate levels. The length of full-time basic courses varies from 20 - 48 weeks. Instruction is approximately 10 weeks for the intermediate level. Part-time courses are conducted two hours a day, three to five days a'week, and usually run 30 to 40 weeks. There is a non-duty hours program in which classes meet five hours a week, mornings or evenings, for twenty weeks. This is the Voluntary Language Training Program, conducted on a semester basis, beginning in March and September each year. Tutorial instruction may also be provided. e ~ rA103 F~P78-06370A0O 0 10001-1 Approved _ 15" f