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CP'YR1HT CPYR1HT d F le SECRET CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY CIA-RDP78-06370A000100010011-3 THIS ISSUE: 3/01/2) .` } R 8 PART ONE Approved For Release 2002/01/29 : CIA-RDP78-0637OA000100010011-3 Approved For Release 2002/01/29 : CIA-RDP78-0637OA000100010011-3 SECRET Approved For Releaa"Q#2ii' {$% WRW7]0-106370A000100010011-3 OTR BULLETIN September 1967 CONTENTS President Johnson's Greeting on CIA's Twentieth Anniversary ii Vice President Humphrey's Remarks iii Bulletin Board 1 OTR Calendar 6 The Registrar Staff 18 Non-Agency Training 28 Interagency Training Programs 29 Other External Training Notes 35 Directory of Training Officers 38 Office of Training Directory 40 Approved For Release 2002h14249E'DIA-RDP78-06370A000100010011-3 CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY i Approved For Release &09#9 S %V4-&D& s630A000100010011-3 THE WHITE HOUSE WASH IN C7PON September 18, 1967 This is a day when you should all be proud -- especially those among you who have been a part of the Agency since its founding. Twenty years ago, this country had no broad-scale pro- fessional intelligence service worthy of the name. To- day, it has a strong and vital one -- the best in the world. Twenty years ago, you began with a vague assortment of functions and a varied assortment of people. Your purposes were not well understood inside the Government, and barely understood at all outside. Since that time, you have become a dedicated and disciplined core of professionals, with clearly defined responsibilities. Those responsibilities are vast and demanding. You give us information on which decisions affecting the course of history are made. Your product must be as perfect as is humanly possible -- though the material you must work with is far from perfect. You must keep pace with developments in a tremendously complex society, a society which, as your director, Mr. Helms, has said, "gropes for answers to challenges its founding fathers could never have conceived." You have built a solid foundation in these past twenty years. America relies on your constant dedication to the truth -- on your commitment to our democratic ideal. I believe our trust is well placed. This message from the President was read by Mr. Richard Helms, Director of Central Intelligence, at the 18 Sep- tember 1967 Annual Awards Ceremony which commemorated the twentieth anniversary of the Central Intelligence Agency. Vice President Humphrey, who attended the ceremony personally, also honored the Agency with warm words of congratulations; excerpts from his informal remarks appear on the next two pages. Approved For Release 2002/01/29;4hDP78-06370A000100010011-3 ii CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY SECRET Approved For Relea6eA20D1 1 C1 EM~06370A000100010011-3 EDITED EXCERPTS OF ADDRESS BY VICE PRESIDENT HUMPHREY ON 18 SEPTEMBER 1967 First, let me say that I am very pleased that we are commem- orating the 20th Anniversary of the Central Intelligence Agency. I'm particularly honored today to be included in your program. This Agency is a basic part of the defense and security structure of the Nation. It is as vital to the well-being of the American people and to the common defense of the Republic as the Department of Defense or the Department of State or indeed the combined forces of the Nation. Of all the agencies of Government that have developed professional competence, I know of none which has done a better job than the Central Intelligence Agency. I say that as one who has for several years, both in the United States Senate and now as Vice President, called upon your resource people, your experts, and your research facilities for information and guidance. When you consider that we've had a Central Intelligence Agency for just one generation, for twenty years, it's nothing short of remarkable that we have developed in this Nation the professional competence exemplified by the men and women in this auditorium today and by the Director and his top echelon staff. I salute you for it. You cannot expect in a free society to be immune from crit- icism. But remember that if you weren't being criticized you wouldn't be doing anything. The only people who are not criticized are those who are either so silent that they are competing with death itself or those who are doing nothing. But what you're doing is of vital importance. I underscore it: vital importance. I want you to know that we in Government do appreciate this and, what is more, the American people appreciate it. The American people feel better because there is a CIA. The American people know we need the Central Intelligence Agency. Some of our critics may not be so sure but, as Theodore Roosevelt once said, "You can test the common sense and the good judgment of the majority of the American people over and beyond that of any selected self-appointed minority. " I haven't any particularly prepared remarks for you except to express my appreciation and the appreciation of your President for your service beyond the call of duty. We have gained a much broader knowledge of the world because of you in this great Agency and I believe that the world is a better place for the people of this earth because there has been, is, and will continue to be a Central Intelligence Agency. We have as prime objectives to make a world of law and order and a world in which there is social justice. I sometimes think Approved For Release 2002/ MECIA-RDP78-0637OA000100010011-3 CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY iii SECRET Approved For Release 2D02tOt 2 LtAiRWM4&370A000100010011-3 Americans forget what their objectives are as individuals, as a people and as a Nation, in the hubbub of everyday life. We ought never to forget such lofty ideals and high objectives. To forget them is to lose the meaning of our daily work. We have stated them many, many times. Despite the fact that our country has been called upon to stand guard at many a rampart, and even now finds its men in battle, I am one of those people -- and I am sure you are -- who can proudly and honestly say that this Nation has done at least as much for the cause of peace, social justice and freedom in this world as any other Nation throughout the history of civilization. I don't think we ought to walk away from that high honor and that worthy objective just because some people are momentarily critics. I hope that each of you will continue to do your good work as you have, try to improve the quality of your activities, your research, your findings, your purpose and your professional life. We all know that we can do better. I know I can and I am sure you feel you can. The story of America is the story of individuals and generations saying they can do better than the day before or the week before. It's the story of a Nation that said it could do the impossible. Many people think that what we're trying to do now is impossible: to maintain our commitments abroad and to try to build the foundation of a better America and a great society at home. I don't think it's impossible at all. Sometimes I weary a bit of those who have such little faith and those who are so fearful. We can do what we need to do; if we can't do it, who do you think can? If we are unable to keep our commitments, who then will keep any commitments? If we are unable to maintain strong national security, who do you think then can afford to? If we, with a gross national product of almost 40% of the entire production of the world -- and that's what we had last year, 40% of the total GNP of the world, with less than 6% of the population -- if we can't afford to do what needs to be done, who do you think can afford it? So I say, we can do what we need to do. I think that we will overcome our problems by our resourcefulness, by our resources, by our knowledge, by our intelligence put to work, by working with others, and by doing what we know has to be done. And that's the story of the CIA. You've done what had to be clone because you knew it had to be done. You've had some failures. Who hasn't? The story of success is not a continuing dialogue or a serial of daily successes. It has some setbacks but what's impor- tant is the score at the end oif the game -- or at least from time to time as you take a look at it. I think your score is pretty good. Just don't rest on your laurels. Remember, as old Satchel Paige used to say, "If you look back you might find out somebody's gaining on you." So, look ahead, and you'll be all right! Approved For Release 2002/01/,20(: iOrRDP78-06370A000100010011-3 iv CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY SECRET Approved For Rel steel / X 1 1-E8-06370A0001 00010011-3 BULLETIN BOARD OTR Special attention is called to the addition of the COURSE following courses to the OTR Calendar during the SCHEDULE remaining months of 1967: Soviet Bloc Operations 25 Sep - 6 Oct China Familiarization 23 - 27 Oct Counterintelligence Familiarization 16 - 25 Oct Operational Interrogation 2 - 20 Oct Basic Country Survey:USSR 6 - 17 Nov Counterintelligence Operations 6 - 28 Nov Operations Support 13 Nov - 1 Dec Chiefs of Station Seminar 4 - 15 Dec Field Finance and Logistics 4 - 22 Dec One modification to note is the beginning date of the Senior Management Seminar, which is rescheduled to begin on Sunday, 29 October, although it will continue through Friday, 3 November, as previously announced. STATEMENT The need to fill in the objectives of training being OF requested in relation to each applicant, whether for TRAINING internal training (Form 73, item 11) or for external OBJECTIVES training (Form 136, item 30) cannot be overemphasized. The information supplied in this category has great bearing on the priority, if not the very enrollment, of employees seeking admission to internal courses, and no external training request will be considered unless there is a well-stated justification. The relationship of the desired training to the employee's present or anticipated assignment should be clearly explained in this block. Approved For Rele sAe1 p R~&.~dE RRt78-06370A000100010011-31 SECRET Approved For Releaseca90 1 &RA W(3HP70A000100010011-3 TRAINING The success of the 25 July Conference of Training OFFICERS Officers points to the usefulness of this type of CONFERENCES meeting for assessing problems and clearing up questions related to training matters. Training Officers are reminded that, as with this general meeting for all Agency Training Officers, the Registrar Staff welcomes the opportunity to arrange such gatherings for groups of officers with training responsibilities within a directorate or other major component to discuss matters of more specific concern to them. Call the Registrar's office, extension- to discuss arrangements. ADP SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT PROCESS COURSE A third presentation of the ADP Systems Development Processing Course prepared for the Agency by ill be given 14 - 16 November in the Magazine Building. It is designed especially for users who seek a better understanding of the process and tasks of the systems development process, although it is appropriate also for systems analysts/ designers engaged in developing computer systems and for managers who need an overall orientation on the systems development process. A basic under- standing of what a computer is and what its capabilities are will be assumed, and OTR's ADP Orientation Course or its equivalent in experience is a prerequisite. Nominations for the ADP Systems Development Process Course are made by Senior Training Officers, using Form 136, "Request for Training at Non-Agency Facility. " Enrollment will be limited to forty. SECURITY The Admissions and Information Branch of the Registrar's REINDOC- office is arranging attendance at the Agency's third TRINATION Security Reindoctrination Program directly with PROGRAM Training Officers. Admission to the program will be by individual identification cards provided Training Officers by AIB. These identification cards will also be used to record attendance. Training Officers must meet AIB's quotas so as to insure capacity attendance at every presentation. Approved For Release 2002/01,639CRDP78-06370A000100010011-3 2 CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY SECRET Approved For ReleA M6i-F7i-06370A000100010011-3 NATIONAL INTERDEPART- MENTAL SEMINAR The next (34th) session of the National Interdepartmental Seminar on Problems of Development and Internal Defense will be 23 October - 17 November 1967. This seminar, conducted at the Foreign Service Institute for senior officials of various agencies of the Government, introduces the country-team concept in approaching the problems of modernizing societies beset by active or potential communist- inspired insurgency. Attendance at NIS is a pre- requisite to assignment of CS officers to key positions in underdeveloped countries. OTR's Chiefs of Station Seminar is scheduled for 9 - 20 October, which allows persons to attend both seminars without conflict. Other 1968 NIS dates are: 8 January - 2 February 26 February - 22 March 22 April - 17 May 25X1A 25X1 A ADDED Did you ever want to use an English-language film SOUND for a foreign-language audience, or vice versa? TRACKS If the film must retain its original sound track, ON FILMS consider having a magnetic sound stripe added. This is not as complicated nor as expensive as it might seem, and one can alter the stripe the same as is done with a tape produced on an ordinary audio tape recorder. A magnetic track can also be used to carry a critique. A film equipped with a magnetic stripe can be shown with its regular sound track, and then re-run with the sound coming from the magnetic track with a previously recorded critique. The Audio Aids Section of the Instructional Services Branch in OTR, extension-will be glad to assist in providing or altering magnetic sound stripes for films, which then can be used more extensively. TRAINING extension- is now the PERSONNEL Senior Training Officer of the Support Services. Others recently assuming responsibilities as Training Officers are: Please advise AIB/RS when new personnel assume Training Officer or Training Assistant activities. A telephone call is sufficient. 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release A 002 ER~ - DP&8Y06370A000100010011-33 SECRET Approved For Releas k01J2 IA1RtDPE?~SW6370A000100010011-3 LANGUAGE The Language School conducts language proficiency TESTING tests to provide the input for the Agency's Language SCHEDULE Qualifications Register. These tests are for employees who have claimed a foreign-language proficiency but have never been tested, and for employees with a tested proficiency at less than native level but whose test was more than three years ago. Tests are at Headquarters, unless otherwise specified, and may be scheduled by Training Officers on the following dates: Chinese: Oct 10, 24; Nov 7, 21; Dec 5, 19 French: Oct 10, 11, 12, 13, 24, 25, 26, 27; Nov 7, 8, 9, 21, 22, 24; Dec 5, 6, 7, 8, 19, 20, 21, 22 German: Oct 4, 6, 11, 13, 18, 20, 25, 27; Nov 1, 3, 8, 15, 17, 22, 29; Dec 1, 6, 8, 13, 15, 20, 21, 27, 29 Greek: Oct 5; Nov 2; Dec 7 Italian: Oct 4, 18; Nov 8, 22; Dec 6, 20 Japanese: Oct 12, 26; Nov 9, 30; Dec 7, 21 Polish: Oct 5, 19; Nov 16; Dec 14 Russian: Oct 6, 20; Nov 3, 10; Dec 1, 15, 29 Spanish: Oct 3, 10, 17, 24, 31; Nov 7, 14, 21, 28; Dec 5, 12, 19 (Arlington Towers) Oct 5, 12, 19, 26; Nov 2, 9, 16, 30; Dec 7, 14, 21, 28 Other Language Tests Upon Request Approved For Release 2002/0i'/1fRe1'-RDP78-06370A000100010011-3 4 CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY SECRET Approved For Releas j0 l J & t D .r 6370A000100010011-3 CLERICAL COURSES TRAINING AND OTR's refresher courses in typewriting and shorthand TESTING will be given: 16 October - 9 November 20 November - 15 December Before employees take either course, or both, they are required to take pretests, which are given by the Clerical Training Faculty (CTF). The results are used to determine the level of the course the employee should take. Typing : 11 October, 15 November Shorthand: 12 October, 16 November Submission of a Form 73 to AIB/RS for refresher training is all that is required to initiate testing. Training Officers are notified directly by CTF as to time and place to report for tests. The CTF gives the Agency's tests in typewriting and shorthand to employees who want to qualify as typists and stenographers. Training Officers or Personnel Officers arrange registration directly with the CTF, extension Qualification tests in both typewriting and shorthand are given on the same morning, type- writing at 9 a. m. and shorthand at 10:30 a. m. CTF notifies Training Officers or Personnel Officers of results of the tests. Tests will be given on: 25 September, 9 October, 30 October, 13 November, 4 December, 18 December Applicants report to Room 416, Ames Building. Approved For Release 2002/6 1A-RDP78-06370A000100010011-3 CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY 5 SECRET Approved For Relea O / % f Jj -()6370A000100010011-3 OTR CALENDAR SEPTEMBER S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 ADP Orientation 19 - 21 Sep CIA Review 12 Sep Clerical Refresher 11 Sep - 6 Oct Counterintelligence Operations 5 - 22 Sep Field Finance and Logistics 11 29 Sep Information Reporting, Reports, and Requirements 11 29 Sep Introduction to Communism 11 22 Sep 25 Sep - 6 Oct Introduction to Intelligence 11 - 22 Sep JCS-DIA Orientation 26 - 27 Sep Management (GS-11 - 14) 25 - 29 Sep Map and Photo Interpretation 6 - 22 Sep Operations, Phase I (for CS CTs) 25 Sep - 22 Dec Operations Familiarization (Tuea) 5 - 29 Sep Operations Support 11 - 29 Sep Orientation for Overseas 6 7 Sep Soviet Bloc Operations 25 Sep - 6 Oct Support Services Review: Trends and Highlights 12 - 15 Sep Writing Workshop (Basic) 19 Sep - 12 Oct Writing Workshop (Intermediate) 18 Sep - 1I Oct Approved For Release 2002/0fY??;RusiA-RDP78-06370A000100010011-3 6 CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY SECRET Approved For ReleastUI IMMAZ6Q 1 &- 6370A000100010011-3 OCTOBER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Administrative Procedures ADP Orientation Advanced Management (Planning) Chiefs of Station Seminar China Familiarization CIA Review Clandestine Scientific and Technical Operations CS Records I (for CS CTs) CS Records I (for non-CTs) CS Records II (for non-CTs) Clerical Refresher Counterintelligence Familiarization Field Finance and Logistics Information Reports Familiarization Intelligence Production (for CTs) Introduction to Communism Introduction to Intelligence Management (GS-11 - 14) Midcareer Executive Development Course O erations, Phase II (for CS CTs) Orientation for erseas Project USEFUL Senior Management Seminar Supervision Support Services (for CTs) Support Services Review: Trends and Highlights Vietnam Orientation 31 Oct - 2 Nov 15 - 20 Oct 9 - 20 Oct 23 - 27 Oct 10 Oct 9 - 20 Oct 5 - 6 Oct 23, 25, 27 Oct 30 Oct - 3 Nov 16 Oct - 9 Nov 16 - 2!Oct 2 - 20 Oct 16 - 20 Oct 23 - 27 Oct 9 Oct - 8 Dec 23 Oct - 3 Nov 9 - 20 Oct (Sun) 29 Oct - 3 (Sun) 8 Oct - 17 9 Oct - 8 Dec 2 - 20 Oct 3 - 4 Oct 2 - 6 Oct (Sun) 29 Oct - 3 2 - 6 Oct 9 Oct - 1 Dec 10 - 13 Oct 9 - 13 Oct Nov Nov Approved For Release 2002/0$$19$PA-RDP78-06370A000100010011-3 CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY 7 SECRET Approved For Releasel2002/O AClA6W M Q6370A000100010011-3 NOVEMBER S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Advanced Management (Planning) Basic Country Survey: USSR CIA Review Clerical Refresher Counterintelligence Operations Information Reporting, Reports, and Requirements Intelligence Review Introduction to Communism Introduction to Intelligence Managerial Grid (GS-14s ) Operations Support Orientation for Overseas Supervision Vietnam Orientation (Sun) 26 Nov - 1 Dec 6 - 17 Nov 14 Nov 20 Nov - 15 Dec 6 - 24 Nov 13 Nov - 1 Dec 27 Nov 8 Dec 27 Nov - 8 Dec 6 - 17 Nov (Sun) 12 - 17 Nov 13 Nov - 1 Dec 1-2Nov 27 Nov - 1 Dec 3, 6 - 9 Nov Approved For Release 2002/04 91 JA-RDP78-06370A000100010011-3 8 CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY SECRET Approved For Relea2t/iOM9,I.,CkDRZM6370A000100010011-3 DECEMBER S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 ADP Orientation 12 - 14 Dec Chiefs of Station Seminar 4 - 15 Dec CIA Review 12 Dec CS Records I 4, 6, 8 Dec CS Records II 11 - 15 Dec CS Records III 18 - 19 Dec Field Finance and Logistics 4 - 22 Dec Information Reports Familiarization 11 - 15 Dec 18 - 22 Dec Management (GS-11 - 14) 4 - 8 Dec Orientation to Intelligence (for CTs) 11 - 22 Dec Support Services Review: Trends and Highlights 5 - 8 Dec Vietnam Orientation 11 - 15 Dec Approved For Release 2002/A-RDP78-06370A000100010011-3 CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY 9 SECRE Approved For Releasse12A09/9i/ I ~8 6370A000100010011-3 Administrative Procedures (1 wk - all day) For clerical employees who support the CS at headquarters. Covers the organization, functions, procedures, and regu- lations of the Agency. Emphasis is on the CS. For users and potential users (not senior managers or ADP specialists) of computer services within the Agency. A general orientation on automatic data processing is provided. Grade level GS- 14 and below. Advanced Management (Planning) (1 wk - all day) For senior officers of the Agency. The accent will be on concepts of planning, directing, and controlling. It will include an orientation in programming. For employees whose work requires a basic and comprehensive knowledge of the Soviet Union. A brief study of Tzarist Russia and developments since the Communist seizure of power. Challenge of Worldwide Communism (3 wks - -all day) For Career Trainees. The historical development of the USSR and Communist China is reviewed, together with an examination of the doctrine, organization, and operations of the communist movement throughout the world. Chiefs of Station Seminar (Z wks - all day) For chiefs of small and medium-sized stations, deputy chiefs of stations, and chiefs of bases. Focus is on the person -of the Chief of Station and his administrative and operational responsibilities. Enrollment limited to 18. Approved For Release 2002/0k j2 iq4-RDP78-06370A000100010011-3 10 CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY SECRET Approved For ReleasZI20021 A2L CIAc DP I8J6370A000100010011-3 China Familiarization (1 wk - all day) For professional employees. Covers survey of mainland China's geography, history, economic factors, and its role in foreign affairs. Provides introduction to the Chinese language, including pronunciation. CIA Review (1 1/2 hrs - morning) For all returnees from the field. Covers recent developments affecting the Agency's organization and mission at the NSC, USIB, and Agency levels. Includes the security reindoctrina- tion lecture. Clandestine Scientific and Technical Operations (2 wks - all day) For middle-grade and senior officers of the CS and DDS&T. Covers collection responsibilities of the CS in S&T operations, fundamentals of guided missiles, biological and chemical warfare, and use of nuclear power. Field trips. Enrollment limited to 20. Clandestine Services Records I (Introduction) (3 days - M W F - part time) For all levels of CS personnel. The CS Records System: input, maintenance and retrieval methods, and the disposition, disposal and destruction of records. A prerequisite for CS Records II and III and to CI Familiarization, CI Support and CI Operations. Enrollment limited to 40. Clandestine Services Records II (Biographic Research) (1 wk - part time) For all levels of CS personnel. Principles, techniques and specific procedures used in exploiting the records of the Agency and other resources for biographic information. Enrollment limited to 25. Clandestine Services Records III (Records Officers Briefing) (2 days - part time) Completion of this course is one of the requirements to qualify as a CS Records Officer. A review of operational factors and relationships upon which decisions are made to destroy or retain CS operations records; to amend, index or file elements; or to desensitize documents or files. Enrollment limited to 20. Approved For Release 2002/G1a7YHtkCIIA-RDP78-06370A000100010011-3 CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY 11 SECRET Approved For Release? 4 P A~ P p 370A000100010011-3 Clerical Refresher (4 wks - morning) For clerical employees seeking to improve accuracy and to develop speed in either shorthand or typewriting. Separate instruction may be taken in either skill. Counterintelligence Familiarization (8 days - all day) For Agency personnel who need knowledge of the essential elements of counterintelligence but who are not expected to be CI operations officers, and for personnel who will support CI operations. Covers both U. S. and Agency policy and doctrine for Cl, as well as basic tactics. Enrollment limited to 20. Counterintelligence Operations (3 wks - all day) For CS officers who will plan, manage, and engage in CI operations in the field or who will guide and support CI programs and operations in the field from Headquarters. Emphasis is placed on the identification and selection of Cl targets and the organization and implementation of CI operations in the field. Enrollment limited to 10. Field Finance and Logistics (3 wks - all day) For operational support assistants and support officers re- quired to maintain budgetary, financial, and property records at a Class B, C, Type IL o r Type III Station. Information Reporting, Reports, and Requirements (3 wks - all day) For CS employees required to report intelligence information. Covers official policies and procedures for completing a report as well as practical exercises. Enrollment limited to 10. Information Reports Familiarization (1 wk - all day) For CS employees assigned as junior reports officers or those assigned to type CS reports and intelligence cables. Enrollment limited to eight. Approved For Release 2002/0 9FCIA-RDP78-06370A000100010011-3 12 CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY Approved For Releas SECRE I, T 370A000100010011-3 X194g#4'yliAlr Intelligence Production (9 wks - all day) For Career Trainees. Provides specific training in and familiarization with various techniques and skills required to produce intelligence. Intelligence Review (2 wks - all day) For middle-grade and senior officers who have been in the Agency at least five years. Covers the Agency's development under the central intelligence concept, recent organizational developments to meet current and future responsibilities, changes in functions of the intelligence community, problems of coordination, and future trends in intelligence. Intelligence Techniques (3 wks - all day) For Career Trainees. Provides instruction and practice in Agency techniques used in the production of finished intelligence. Introduction to Communism (2 wks - all day) For professional employees at EOD. Covers historical development of the USSR and Communist China and the doctrine, organization and operations of the Communist movement. (Part II of Intelligence Orientation Course.) Introduction to Intelligence (2 wks - all day) For professional employees at EOD. Covers concepts of intelligence, the intelligence agencies of the U. S. Government, and the Agency's responsibility for collection, production, and dissemination of intelligence. Includes discussion of the fundamentals of American beliefs and practices. (Part I of Intelligence Orientation Course. ) JCS-DIA Orientation (2 days - all day) A semi-annual orientation on CIA by the Agency's senior officials for selected officers and civilians of the JCS, DIA, and the military services. Approved For Release 2002/0$$J' W -RDP78-06370A000100010011-3 CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY 13 SECRET Approved For Releasec2(k0 I@I FgAO37OA000100010011-3 Management (1 wk - all day) For officers in Grades GS- 11 through GS- 14. Examines current thinking in managerial style as it relates to communication, employee motivation, and work performance. Exercises in team-action problem-solving are used through- out to provide students an opportunity to apply the concepts and principles covered. Managerial Grid (1 wk - all day) For selected middle-level officers.. The Managerial Grid concept of classifying leadership and managerial styles is examined. Personal managerial styles are analyzed through team and individual exercises designed to permit the under- standing of the managerial -styles of others to serve as a means of diagnosing problems which prevent effectiveness at any organizational level. Priority will be given to individuals whose supervisors have completed the Grid. Map and Photo Interpretation (8 days - all day) For Agency employees who need to develop ability to exploit maps used in intelligence and to perform simple photo interpretation tasks, using relatively simple and readily available field and office equipment. Midcareer Executive Development (6 wks - all day - 240 hrs) For designated midcareerists. Covers the activities of components of the Agency, the U. S. Government in its international setting, and problems of management, also includes the Managerial Grid. Admission requires Training Selection Board action. Operations,Phase I (13 wks - all day) 25X1 A For Career Trainees who are preparing for careers as case officers. Covers fundamentals of CS activities, emphasizing tradecraft techniques, agent handling, reporting, project management, and Fl, Cl, and CA objectives. Non- CTs are enrolled on-a priority-need basis. Approved For Release 2002/OgMAE A-RDP78-06370A000100010011-3 14 CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY Approved For Relea8?A2QA~ I-qg8206370A000100010011-3 25X1 A Operations Familiarization (4 wks - all day) For Career Trainees and for CS and non-CS officers whose responsibilities in support of operations require adequate familiarization with functions of the case officer and with the programs and operations of the Clandestine Services. Operations Support (3 wks - all day) For CS employees with assignments overseas which will require their supporting the operational activities of CS officers in the field. Covers name checks, dispatch and cable writing, records maintenance, operational expenses, travel claims, and tradecraft familiarization. Enrollment limited to 30. Orientation for Overseas (2 days - all day) For employees (and dependents) assigned to an overseas post for the first time. Covers the Agency's mission and functions, security, cover, legal and medical advice; and effective working relationships with people of other cultures. Orientation to Intelligence (2 wks - all day) For Career Trainees. Introduces the concepts of intelligence, the structure of the U. S. intelligence community and its relationship to the policy level of Government, and the responsibilities of the Agency for collection, production, and di ssemination of intelligence. Project USEFUL (1 wk - all day) For U. S. military officers (field grade and above.) and civilians in the military (GS- 13 and above). Includes functions and capabilities of the Agency to support the m ilitary and the support CIA requires of the military. Approved For Release 2002/0~TA-RDP78-06370A000100010011-3 CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY SECRET Approved For Release Q'QQ2I@'7=1Bk04ACJAt 9Rj$hO,6370A000100010011-3 Senior Management Seminar (1 wk - all day - starts Sunday p. m. ) For GS- 15s and above. Features the Managerial Grid. Selection by Senior Training Officers. Conducted by contract instructor. Soviet Bloc Operations (2 wks - all day) For CS officers and intelligence assistants. Provides an orientation on the special nature of the Soviet Bloc as a CS to rget. Required for those preparing for field assignments in which substantial time will be devoted to the Soviet Bloc to rget. Headquarters employees engaged in activities against the Soviet Bloc will be admitted on a space-available basis. Supervision (1 wk - all day) For employees in grades GS-5 through GS-10 who have supervisory responsibilities. Explores current thinking on the role of the supervisor in terms of personal behavior, responsibility for subordinates, and organizational and individual needs. Provides materials and a setting for experiencing and examining interteam and intrateam skills and activities. Support Services (8 wks - all day) For Career Trainees assigned in the Support Services. Acquaints students with organization and mission of various Support Services components. Emphasis is on training for field assignments. Includes the Grid. Support Services Review: Trends and Highlights (3 1/2 days - For professional Support Services employees GS-9 through GS-15. Emphasizes significant trends and developments within the Agency's support activities, and includes presen- tations on ADP, records management, and planning, pro- gramming, and budgeting. Vietnam Orientation (1 wk - all day) For senior and middle-grade officers of the CS and for junior CS officers whose work is directly related to the Agency's role in Vietnam. A familiarization on the Agency's mission, doctrine and programs in the area, with a view to increasing capabilities for planning, supporting, and conducting operations. 25X1 A Approved For Release 2002/014R9 jP1?-RDP78-06370A000100010011-3 16 CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY SECRET Approved For ReleaeeA2002f.2142&L A D B 06370A000100010011-3 Writing Workshop (Basic) (4 wks - morning - Tues & Thurs) For professional employees. (Non-professionals may attend under certain circumstances. ) Covers basic principles of grammar and rhetoric, and elements of sentence construction and paragraph structure. Writing Workshop (Intermediate) (4 wks - morning - Mon & Wed) For professional employees. (Non-professionals may attend under certain circumstances. ) Covers principles of good writing, including clarity, accuracy, and logic. Approved For Release 2002 1 1 'bIA-RDP78-06370A000100010011-3 CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY 17 SECRET Approved For Release =02t0'i'A22NKM PM4W70A000100010011-3 OTR as a Support Organization: The Registrar Staff, as presently organized, is the result of fifteen years or more or maturation and refinement based upon the Office of Training's continuing efforts to serve the Agency economically and effectively. Changes in Agency training require- ments, philosophy, and doctrine have influenced the development of what in essence is a staff with six major functional areas: Admissions, Information, Records, External Training, Programmed Assisted Instruction, and the Training Selection Board. The operational necessity of a registrar within the Office of Training was apparent in 1951, the first full year that OTR existed. In fact, a registrar was one of the positions in OTR's original administrative office. In May 1957 a Registrar Branch was formed as a separate component in the Support Staff of the Office of Training. It was organized because of the need to consolidate a variety of administrative functions related to instructional support, to create a central repository of information and a point of contact for obtaining information on training, and to centralize enrollment in Agency-supported training. The Registration Section and the Approved For Release 2002/011 c A RDP78-06370A000100010011-3 18 CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY SECRET Approved For Relea-20iJ27RA#05A1CFAIIS-106370A000100010011-3 Processing Section of the Administration Branch of OTR's Support Staff formed the nucleus of the new branch. To the existing responsibilities for maintaining training records, arranging admission to OTR's courses, and processing external training requests were added the functions of informing Agency employees about training available to them, monitoring training within the Agency conducted by other components of the Agency, ascertaining training requirements within the Agency and notifying OTR School Chiefs of these requirements, representing the Director of Training at Government and non-Government training conferences and programs, evaluating non-CIA training and training facilities, reviewing and approving requests for external training, and preparing reports on many facets of training. Early in 1958 the Registrar Branch became a Staff in the Office of Training with the additional tasks of maintaining the OTR history and initiating and reviewing Agency regulations which involve training. As a Staff it was divided into four functional components -- Information, Registration, Processing, and Standards. In 1960 it was reorganized to consolidate three of the four functions into two branches -- Admissions and Information Branch and External Training Branch -- in order to streamline its activities, accommodate the increase in requirements levied upon the Staff, and coordinate its work. Since 1960, the Registrar Staff has acquired further responsibilities, including a counseling service and developing the Off-Campus Program for CIA. The Executive Secretariat of the Training Selection Board was incor- porated into the Registrar Staff in 1966, and in July 1967 the Registrar was assigned the management of the programmed learning effort of the Agency. The Registrar Staff, with its complement of twenty-one, thus acts for the Office of Training in a manner similar in part to that in which a registrar serves a university. Although lines of action often cut across the six functional areas and the two branches of the Registrar Staff, its activities can be considered in three catagories. The following pages of this issue will describe the first category, the Admissions and Information Branch. The other two categories, the External Training Branch and other functions of the office of the Registrar, taken collectively, but notably those which pertain to the Training Selection Board, Programmed Assisted Instruction, Counseling, and the Off-Campus Program, will be treated in the October issue of the OTR Bulletin. Approved For Relea8?A29R?'iWAi 1~tl7jP6370A000100010011-3 19 SECRET Approved For Release 29O l`?I&AUfIE)P9'WIA'9370A000100010011-3 ADMISSIONS AND INFORMATION BRANCH Three of the functional areas for which the office of the Registrar is responsible, to the degree that they can be compart- nientalized, fall within the sphere of the Admissions and Information Branch (AIB). The Branch is charged with specific responsibility for providing information on training available to Agency personnel; it has administrative responsibility for enrolling employees in training provided internally by the Office of Training; it manages certain of the Agency's records with regard to training, and it is the exclusive channel for input and retrieval of data in connection with the computerized Agency Training Record. The nature and scope of the responsibility for providing information is reflected in the fact that some ten thousand items of information concerning training possibilities pass through the Registrar Staff each year. The magnitude of the admissions activity is apparent from the fact that more than 7, 000 applications for internal training were processed in FY 1967. The scale of the records activity is suggested by the fact that 16, 600 entries were necessary to keep the Agency Training Record current in FY 1967. The nine members of the Admissions and Information Branch who perform the services associated with these activities maintain close contact with other members of the Registrar Staff, and, in fact, with the officers and staff of all the components of the Office of Training. Also, as with most of the Registrar Staff's relations with the various elements of the Agency, the members of the Branch work with and through the Training Officers and Training Assistants located in each of the Offices. Staffs, Divisions, and other major components. Thus, AIB is a two-way channel through which training Approved For Release 2002/0f/29RCfA-RDP78-06370A000100010011-3 20 CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY SECRET Approved For Releas kt 1Abl - oPF>-'66370A000100010011-3 services available both within and outside the Agency are made known to Agency personnel and through which Agency personnel are actually enrolled in the Agency's own training facilities. At the same time AIB performs auxiliary functions of assuring that provisions for assessing and recording the overall achievement of the Agency's training effort are fulfilled. Information on training as it applies to functions within the Registrar Staff is information on courses or other types of instructional programs given by the Office of Training or by other components of the Agency and at facilities outside the Agency. The character of the information varies, but generally it consists not only of the what, when, where, and by whom courses or programs are given, but also of procedures for participation in the training. It involves evaluations concerning the suitability of courses for meeting individual or group requirements, the comparability of alternative courses or programs, and the costs of training. Information on the Agency's internal training is obtained in various ways. There are formal announcements of opportunities ranging from one-hour briefings to forty-week courses. There are observations on OTR courses by instructors, School Chiefs, and the Director of Training himself, through reports, memoranda, briefings, conferences, and even informal personal and telephone calls. Information on courses and programs offered by Agency components other than OTR is usually supplied by Training Officers. As for non-Agency training, the OTR Registrar receives a variety of announcements and correspondence from numerous sources. There are brochures from the Civil Service Commission on training available at other Federal agencies; announcements by the Department of Defense and related service schools; bulletins and catalogs from academic institutions and commercial schools; and the myriad announcements of periodic or unique forms of training such as may be given at conventions, conferences, institutes and similar gatherings held by many non-Government -- and even Government -- facilities. AIB carries on a large correspondence to maintain its file of catalogs from some 400 colleges and universities and other material on training opportunities. The Registrar, on behalf of the Agency, is a member in the American Management Association, the American Society for Training and Development, the Adult Education Association, SECRET Approved For Releast,49-?f,/g ~I f f370A000100010011-3 Q zl SECRET Approved For Release i%ingti"A- P%g-hf370A000100010011-3 and The National Society for Programmed Instruction, and receives the announcements and publications of these organizations. In addition, the Registrar subscribes to such publications as the "Journal of the National Education Association, " "The Civil Service Journal, " "American Education, " "World Convention Dates, " and the like, and purchases books to support its training information responsibilities -- books that include "Lovejoy's College Guide, " "Handbook on International Study: For U. S. Nationals, " "Handbook on International Study: For Foreign Nationals, " "American Trade School Directory, " and "Scholarships, Fellowships, and Loans. " Correlative to collecting information on training is its dissem- ination throughout the Agency. Publications prepared by AIB are the vehicles for redistributing the great bulk of information. The OTR Bulletin carries information in which there is widespread interest. It appears eight to ten times a year and is the publication on which Training Officers can rely in keeping up to date on training matters. Special Bulletins are issued to draw particular attention to an instructional program or other activity, to a new procedure, or to a course made available on short notice. These are distributed on a selective basis, with a courtesy copy of each being sent to every Training Officer for informational purposes and additional copies to components where particular interest in the subject matter is anticipated and action is expected. Memoranda and releases of lists such as the monthly series of lectures at the National War College and the Industrial College of the Armed Forces are other devices used by AIB to publicize information it receives. The Branch also publishes the OTR Schedule of Courses -- usually a six-month projection of courses conducted by the Office of Training, and, at periodic intervals, the OTR Catalog, which describes training offered not only by the Office of Training and by other Agency com- ponents but also at selected external facilities. Many of the announcements received by the Registrar Staff are in sufficient quantities to permit distribution of copies directly to the Training Officers serving units that are interested in specific types of training; other announcements are copied, summarized, or otherwise refined before being relayed to Training Officers. In some instances, the substance of announcements is conveyed by telephone. Orientations and conferences conducted by the Registrar are an additional means of transmitting information to Training Officers. Orientation sessions for all Training Officers wherein OTR officers outline the functions and services of each School and Staff in the 22 Approved For Releas8A092/, ~ ~A-RDP78-0637OA000100010011-3 USE ONLY SECRET CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY Approved For Release 2002/01/29 : CIA-RDP78-0637OA000100010011-3 Office of Training are scheduled as frequently as practical. Corre- sponding sessions bring together the Training Assistants to receive a more general orientation on OTR as well as detailed information from members of the Registrar Staff on procedures for participating in training. Similar avenues of information exchange are Training Officers Conferences at which Agency Training Officers in general or officers involved in training within a single component meet with OTR officers to discuss problems of mutual concern and interest. These gatherings are significant means not only for disseminating information to training personnel but for determining from them their requirements for assistance from the Office of Training. Although the informational resources and services of the Registrar Staff are primarily to serve the Agency through Training Officers and Training Assistants, they are available to all Agency employees who need information or guidance related to their professional develop- ment. To fulfill the Registrar's role in advising Agency personnel on internal and external training, therefore, the Admissions and Information Branch serves in a threefold capacity of collection agent, repository, and channel for the dissemination of information on the broadest range of opportunities for training Agency employees, and on the procedures related to participating in that training. A large part of this task is accomplished through established patterns, but a substantial portion has to be, done on an ad hoc basis. Although success in fulfilling this role depends heavily on the judgment and experience of the members of the Registrar Staff, it rests also on the judgment of others in OTR and on the responsiveness of Training Officers and their Training Assistants throughout the Agency. The administrative details connected with the attendance of employees in OTR courses for which the Admissions and Information Branch of the Registrar Staff has responsibility extend beyond what might normally be expected to fall within the admissions function. The processing of applications and the enrollment of employees in courses is the major activity in this area of endeavor, but associated with it, too, is the actual scheduling of classes and the assignment of classrooms. All of these activities, although necessarily conducted in consultation with the instructors and administrative staffs of the five OTR schools on the one hand and the Training Officers and Training Assistants within individual Agency components on the other, impinge upon but are still quite apart from the organization and presentation of the classwork itself. With the exception of a very few courses for selected employees, AIB handles enrollments for all OTR courses, and,in some instances, presentations by Agency components other than OTR or by non-Agency consultants whose services have been arranged on a contract basis. Approved For Release 2002/01 /16; l -RDP78-06370A000100010011-3 23 CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY i~tTESF_ICRET Approved For Release 202/01/9 &IX-*R1-(f6370A000100010011-3 Agency Form 73, "Request for Internal Training, " is in almost every case the employee's application for training conducted by the Agency and is consequently the primary document in AIB's admissions activity. For OTR's courses the Form 73 should be submitted by the Training Officer before the beginning of training, preferably, as soon as the need for training is relatively certain. Receipt of this form in duplicate -- the Registrar's Copy and the Instructor's Copy -- signals AIB to action. The full enrollment process, from checking the applicant's qualifications through entering the name on the course roster and providing the Training Officer with the final instructions for the employee's attendance, is then performed by AIB. In addition to its being the primary document in arranging for participation in training, the Form 73 is important to instructors in gauging the scope and pace of their instruction. The information on this form serves a dual purpose. It is used by AIB to determine the qualifications and priority status of the applicant, which not only assures proper consideration to the deserving candidate but also prevents the insufficiently qualified person from being embarrassed by finding himself in a situation in which he is over his depth. Instructors use this information to mold portions of their courses to the needs and experience of the students, not only concentrating more heavily on areas in which there are obvious gaps in the experience of the particular group of students but also drawing on the more experienced students in developing the less experienced. Much valuable time is lost if instructors are obliged to wait until the first day of the course to obtain this information from the students themselves. The administrative responsibility of the Admissions and Information Branch in relation to arranging for the training of employees in OTR courses or facilities does not end with enrollment. The responsibility continues in a liaison role serving both instructors and Training Officers. Withdrawal from classes, leave problems, and the like are handled by the Branch. Further, it is through AIB that the instructor's Training Report, the official report on an employee's completion, failure to complete, or his withdrawal from an OTR course, is sent to the Office of Personnel for inclusion in the individual's official file and to Training Officers for the information of the employee and for inclusion in the office files. It is AIB that must insure that every individual on the class roster is accounted for and that the report includes the form of certification required, either a confirmation of attendance, an adjectival evaluation of the student's performance, or a description of his performance in the course. The report serves also as a basic document con- tributing information for the Agency Training Record. 24 Approved For Release 2002/0FdA-RDP78-06370A000100010011-3 CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY SECRET Approved For Relea?g&,2@0: 1i1t( LCD -RDFQ Y06370A000100010011-3 Another of AIB's responsibilities begins perhaps even before the enrollment process. This is the coordinating of the schedule of OTR's courses and the assigning of classrooms for the courses. Schedules are submitted to AIB by School Chiefs, and from these AIB prepares a master schedule, taking into consideration not only required sequences of training and availability of instructors, but also the capacity, equipment, and location of the classrooms themselves. The administrative aspects of the responsibility of the Admissions and Information Branch of the Registrar Staff for organizing training for Agency employees, therefore, center in the admissions process. Tangential to this, however, are activities which involve coordinating class scheduling and assigning classrooms, as well as assuring the completeness and accuracy of records. In all these functions, AIB is a point of contact which requires immediate communication either with instructors and School Chiefs, with Training Officers and their Assistants, or with both. The records unit of the Admissions and Information Branch deals with data which serve a variety of ends, but for purposes of description they might be classed as those used temporarily in relation to the admission and actual training process, and those used to record information for statistical purposes or for officially recording the training completed by Agency employees, it being understood that some records fall into both classes. Although many of the temporary records are intraoffice work papers, at the same time they are the means by which the staff in AIB can answer the numerous questions raised by supervisors throughout the Agency during the time personnel are in a training status. These records also contribute to the training reports which must be prepared by instructors. Most prominent among the temporary type of record is the Agency Form 73, "Request for Internal Training, " which serves in essence as the main item of AIB's locator file on individuals while attending OTR's courses as well as the basis for all manner of statistical information for periodic or ad hoc reports on Agency training activities. The diverse function and special significance of Form 73 have been treated in the Admissions section of this article. Approved For Release 2002/8112~9tE IA-RDP78-06370A000100010011-3 CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY 25 Approved For Releaseel309 A T D$ 46370A000100010011-3 Another central record is the class roster for each OTR course. Prepared from the Form 73, the roster is the administrative guide for the instructor as well as the permanent record on the students in each running of a course. The roster is a record that, having served temporarily as a work paper, is also archival. Of a somewhat similar nature is the semi-annual record which shows the number of employees completing courses. This is a factual presentation arranged by course and by OTR School, and contributes to both calendar year and fiscal year statistical compilations. The Admissions and Information Branch is the repository for the Language Proficiency Record, the cumulative file in which is recorded the foreign-language proficiency of each Agency employee. This record shows the results of the Agency's official language proficiency tests, as well as the date of such tests, for every employee who has been tested by OTR's Language School. The Agency Training Record (ATR), the official, permanent record of training taken by Agency employees under Agency auspices, whether through CIA's own facilities or at non-Agency facilities, is a major concern of AIB's records unit. This record or file is actually a mechanized data system maintained by the Office of Computer Services, but the updating of the input is the responsibility of AIB, and the Branch is the only channel through which recorded information may be retrieved. The ATR had its beginnings in 1958 when first steps were taken by OTR to transfer information on courses completed by Agency employees from manual records to punch cards for application to the Agency's computer equipment. At the time, only information on selected courses or programs -- principally those given by OTR -- was mechanized. In intervening years, information on courses conducted by other components of the Agency and those non-Agency programs attended by employees under Agency sponsorship was added to the file. Recently, this information was realigned for programming on the Agency's new IBM 360 equipment. The permanent file contains data on the training of all employees who at one time or another completed a course -- something in excess of 100, 000 entries. The document as it is produced as a computer run semiannually for use in the office of the Registrar and for distribution to Training Officers, however, contains line entries on only those employees officially on duty with the Agency -- approximately 75, 000 lines. The ATR is regularly produced in Approved For Release 2002/01/MRVA-RDP78-06370A000100010011-3 26 CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY SECRET Approved For Relt}sel?M p,t -$pE 8-06370A000100010011-3 four formats: one is alphabetical by name of employee, showing the titles and dates of courses he has completed; the second presents the same data, again listing employees alphabetically, but according to the Office, Division, or Staff to which the individual is assigned; the third presents the same data but lists employees by service designation, indicating also the office of assignment; and the fourth is a listing of course titles, internal and external, and the names of employees having completed each course. The first and fourth formats are designed especially for use by the office of the Registrar, and the others are for Training Officers and Personnel Officers. Supplemental information from the System is utilized by the Registrar Staff to provide statistical and other data on a more current basis. The most recent issue of the ATR marks a new departure. It is being reduced as a working document so that only training taken within the most recent seven full years appears. Data for such a period are considered sufficient to meet the normal requirements of users. The full file remains available for retrieval should it be needed, however. The ATR, in a very real sense, is the culmination of the records efforts of the Branch. Many of the supplementary records AIB compiles, while serving specific ends of their own, are also designed to serve ultimately as computer input. Basic media are the two Agency forms: Form 73 "Request for Internal Training, and Form 136 "Request for Training at non-Agency Facility." These forms are complemented by instructors' end-of-course reports, by reports submitted by individual employees who have completed training, and by other associated papers in serving as input. Since the accuracy and quality of the ATR must depend on the quality and promptness of input, it is essential that the basic forms be filled out completely and carefully. The records function of AIB, therefore, as with the information and admissions functions, relies heavily on the cooperation and communicativeness of the Training Officers and Training Assistants throughout the Agency. Approved For Release 2002/818tFCCIA-RDP78-06370A000100010011-3 CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY 27 SECRET Approved For Release 0? j?R iAA Wj 370A000100010011-3 NON-AGENCY TRAINING This section of the OTR Bulletin contains information on non-CIA courses or programs related to career develop- ment of CIA employees. Attendance may be sponsored by the Agency or it may be self-sponsored. The Training Of- ficer must be consulted on Agency-sponsored training. Agency Sponsorship: A Form 136, "Request for Training at Non-Agency Facility" (revised effective June 1966), is sent to the Registrar's office, External Training Branch, by the Training Officer. For overt employees, the completed form is sent directly to ETB. For non- overt applicants, the form is sent first to DDP/OPSER/ CCS. No formal steps toward registration should be taken prior to OTR approval. 25X1 A Self-sponsorship: According t para c(12), an employee who takes a non- gency course at his own expense is re- quired to send a written request for approval through administrative channels to the Director of Security. The request will include the subject(s) to be studied, the name and address of the school, the full name(s) of the instructor(s), and the dates and hours of in- struction. 25X1A For additional information on the courses outlined in this sec- tion of the OTR Bulletin or on other external courses, call AIB/ RS/TR, extensioriIIIII& For information on registration, call ETB/RS/TR, extens Approved For Release 2002/011'LT-RDP78-06370A000100010011-3 28 CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY SECRET Approved For Releaaei 2 i1t/R9, .tom-R E88-06370A000100010011-3 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT FOR OPERATING EXECUTIVES 1 - 3 November 1900 E Street, N. W. This three-day program relates financial management systems to overall planning and control systems. It covers modern financial management techniques, the use of quantitative data for program control, and the general nature of executive and congressional fi- nancial controls. There are extensive preparatory readings. For officers in grade GS- 14 or above other than those primarily concerned with financial management. Cost: $135. THE MANAGER'S ROLE IN EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT 6 - 8 November 1900 E Street, N. W. The Federal manager is introduced to concepts and principles which will enable him to understand the learning and training process, and to utilize these concepts and principles both in self-development and in the development of his subordinates. For managers in grade GS-13 or above. Cost: $85. INTRODUCTION TO SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING IN GOVERNMENT 6 - 8 November 1900 E Street, N. W. This is a three-day program designed to give junior level scientists and engineers an opportunity to gain a perspective on their roles and that of their professionals within the Federal structure. Subjects examined include Federal policy on science and engineering, the impact of governmental programs on our society, and an overview of the nature, diversity, and organization of Government research and development. For scientists and engineers in grades GS-5 through GS-11, especially those who have been in Federal service less than three years. Cost: $45. THE ROLE OF THE MANAGER IN STAFFING 7 - 9 November 1900 E Street, N. W. Federal examining, recruitment, and selection procedures are considered from the point of view of those who are not personnel officers; personnel measurement techniques are discussed in terms of their value to the manager; current developments in qualifications standards, job design, and manpower utilization are examined. For supervisors and managers in grade GS-9 or above. Cost: $85. Approved For Release 20029I$g'IA-RDP78-06370A000100010011-3 CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY 29 SECRET Approved For Releas IAOPR/ A9I6 g , ?6370A000100010011-3 Civil Service Commission (cunt) TECHNIQUES AND METHODS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH 8, 9, 15, 16 November 1900 E Street, N. W. This course meets in two two-day sessions. Its objective is to develop a practical understanding of such basic operations research concepts as inventory theory, replacement theory, queuing theory, simulation, cost-benefit analysis, and linear programming. There are homework assignments. A familiarity with basic algebra is essential to effective participation and attendance at the three-day Operations Research Orientation is helpful. For full-time employees in grade GS-9 or above. Cost: $140. MANAGEMENT INSTITUTE FOR SUPERVISORY SCIENTISTS AND ENGINEERS 9 - 13 October The special nature of the managerial job in R&S organizations is examined by identifying the motivational characteristics of technical personnel, by discussing the impact of organizational structure on the productivity of scientific and engineering groups, and by exploring the leadership patterns best designed to release and accelerate creativity. Topics include the flexibilities of the Federal personnel system in managing scientists and engineers, career development concepts, and the administrative and financial practices which permit the most effective direction and control of technical projects. For GS- 12s- 14s who are presently filling, or being trained to assume, supervisory and mangerial positions in research and development activities. Cost: $85. WORKSHOP IN EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY FOR CONTRACT COMPLIANCE SPECIALISTS 13 - 17 November 1900 E Street, N. W. To train persons who conduct reviews to determine whether recipients of Federal funds are adhering to the civil rights requirements of respective agencies. Special consideration is given to problems of implementing the equal employment policy of the Government in situations involving a contract between a Federal agency and a private organization or private industry. This training is done in conjunction with the Office of Federal Contract Compliance. Cost: $110. Approved For Release 2002/01/QftcckkrRDP78-06370A000100010011-3 30 CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY SECRET Approved For Rel@eggel M UQ 4 8-06370A000100010011-3 Civil Service Commission (cont) EXECUTIVE ORIENTATION IN PPB 15 - 17 November 1900 E Street, N. W. This three-day program provides an introduction to the fundamental principles underlying the planning, programming, and budgeting system. It is intended to explain what PPBS is, its underlying economic principles, the general methods and techniques used, what the President and the Bureau of the Budget want to achieve through PPBS, and recent experience in nondefense agencies in using the system. For managers and staff specialists in grade GS-14 or above. Cost: $50. EXECUTIVE SEMINAR IN STATISTICAL SCIENCE FOR MANAGEMENT 16 - 17 November 1900 E Street, N. W. This two-day seminar is designed to afford Federal officials a better appreciation of the potential contributions of the science of statistics to improved management and decision-making. The most useful and frequently used statistical principles and techniques of fact-finding and data analysis are stressed. Topics will include: Methods of quantifying management and operational problems; basic principles and concepts of statistics; probability sampling; quality control; regression analysis; and pitfalls and misuses of statistics. For GS- 15s and above. Cost: $75. POSITION MANAGEMENT 20 - 22 November 1900 E Street, N. W. This program establishes a systematic approach to position manage- ment through the study of the organization, groupings, and assignment of duties in accordance with effective procedures and technology. It emphasizes the team approach, and priority is given to nominations from agencies which nominate a team of employees representing specialists in budgeting, classification, management analysis, and related functions. For persons with responsibility in position manage- ment who have well-rounded backgrounds in their field. Cost: $85. ADVANCED STAFFING AND PLACEMENT 27 November - 1 December 1900 E Street, N. W. This five-day program reviews the subject areas comprising the staffing function, with emphasis on current policies and concerns and on the contributions of the behavioral sciences to the assessment of human abilities. Career staffing concepts and the responsibilities of staffing specialists in the achievement of an agency's mission are considered. For personnel specialists in grades GS-9 through GS-13. Cost: $110. Approved For Release 2002 @R]t fIA-RDP78-0637OA000100010011-3 CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY 31 Approved For Releasp,?O a*gT -g637OA000100010011-3 Civil Service Commission (cont) EXECUTIVE WORKSHOP IN ADP SYSTEMS ANALYSIS 27 - 29 November 1900 E Street, N. W. Participants will learn by practice how a systems analyst handles the design of a computer application from the first step of problem definition through the phases of project scheduling, systems analysis, systems design, program design, program production, development of man/machine interfaces, systems testing,, and systems implemen- tation. Prior attendance at an Executive Seminar in ADP or equivalent knowledge, although not absolutely essential, will be helpful. For executives, GS- 15 and above, who want and need to have a fuller understanding of the basic concepts and techniques of digital computer systems analysis. Cost: $135. MANAGEMENT OF SCIENTIFIC AND ENGINEERING ORGANIZATIONS 27 November - 1 December 1900 E Street, N. W. This institute is designed to increase awareness of the nature and scope of management responsibility and to suggest ways the tech- nically trained executive can perform more effectively in his role as manager and administrator. Topics covered are: Management planning for science and e nginee ring.prog rams; formulating and administering scienc-e and engineering budgets; direction and develop- ment of human resources: communications requirements of modern science and technology; management of internal resources and contract programs; behavioral science research, development, and other technical programs. For science and engineering executives at grade GS-15 and above. Cost: $150. PROGRAMMED INSTRUCTION: APPLICATIONS FOR GOVERNMENT TRAINING 27 November - i December 1900 E Street, N. W. This five-day program provides an orientation toward the principles, methods, techniques, capabilities, and limitations of programmed instruction, through coverage of psychological bases and characteristics of programmed instruction, identification of training needs that can be effectively met with programmed instruction, programming methods and techniques, and related topics. Participants will prepare a short unit of programmed instruction. For employee development officers and specialists responsible for allocating training resources. Cost: $150. Approved For Release 2002/011c.iQWRDP78-06370A000100010011-3 32 CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY SECRET Approved For Re ? M9T1AJjF'4A R78-06370A000100010011-3 Civil Service Commission (cont) PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES OF AUDITING IN THE ADP SYSTEMS ENVIRONMENT 27 November - 15 December 1900 E Street, N. W. This three-week program is designed to provide participants with an understanding of the impact of ADP on auditing. It will enable auditors to communicate meaningfully with ADP specialists encountered on the job by familiarizing them with the techniques and methods which are generally applicable to the audit of ADP systems. For auditors who have at least one year's Federal experience and are in grade GS-9 or above. Cost: $160. ADVANCED SECRETARIAL TECHNIQUES 15 - 16 November 1900 E Street, N. W. This two-day seminar is designed for secretaries, administrative assistants, staff assistants, and administrative aides, GS-7 or above, who perform secretarial duties and act as office managers or principal personal assistants to Federal Executives. It brings to the secretary's attention new ideas and practices that might be beneficial in maintaining a productive, progressive office. Because of its popularity, admission to this course has been strictly limited. Cost: $90. FIELD WORK PROGRAM IN ADP SYSTEMS ANALYSIS 29 November - 24 January (Wednesdays) 1900 E Street, N. W. This program supplements Civil Service Commission ADP courses, primarily the ADP Systems Analysis Seminar, which is a prerequisite. It is an advanced course to provide a more extensive understanding or a fuller working knowledge of systems analysis and design than other courses offer. It is designed to provide an actual opportunity to engage in ADP systems study. An adequate knowledge of ADP concepts and terminology is absolutely essential. It is necessary for participants to accomplish substantial amounts of study between the weekly sessions. For persons serving in management fields or programs at the GS-9 level and above, and who are preparing for or affected by ADP systems. Cost: $125. Approved For Release 20051 ORS;TCIA-RDP78-06370A000100010011-3 CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY 33 SECRET Approved For Release C2Qq/1QN%14ILAW70A000100010011-3 Civil Service Commission (cont) This is a comprehensive four-week, two-part basic training program in the ADP Systems Development Process. The objective is to teach programmers and others with programming experience the fundamental concepts and skills of computer systems analysis for management- oriented applications. The goal is to produce "junior" analysts who can do systems work under the minimal guidance of experienced analysts. The course is divided into a one-week phase, Basic Concepts, and a three-week phase, Advanced Applications. The first phase defines the requirements of the job and how these requirements fit into the total systems development process. From a broad look at the whole process, the participant is drawn to the identification of specific techniques and their use by the analyst. Emphasis is on the relation- ship of the analyst to the "user, " to management, to programming functions, and to data processing operations. The second phase trains the new analyst in the basic skills and techniques of the art. Case problems are related to lecture points which bring out specific systems design techniques, following the general sequence presented in the first phase. For computer specialists, digital computer programmers preparing for systems analysis work, newly assigned systems analysts with program- ming experience, or others with programming experience who need a working knowledge of systems analysis techniques. The course may be taken as a whole, or either phase may be taken separately. Prompt enrollment is encouraged.. Cost: Entire course, $500; Phase I only, $160; Phase II only, $375. Dates: Phase I, Basic Concepts, 9 - 13 October Phase TI, Advanced Applications, 27 November - 15 December Approved For Release 2002/01/Z:4$1DP78-06370A000100010011-3 34 CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY SECRET Approved For ReleasPA2IIA2ffi1MLMA4.2DF1'dM6370A000100010011-3 Civil Service Commission (cont) PLANNING, PROGRAMING, BUDGETING SEMINAR A three-week residential course, this program is designed to provide the participant with a grasp of the underlying economic base of PPBS, a working knowledge of the structure and functioning of PPBS, and an introduction to quantitative approaches to management planning and control. There are precourse reading requirements and there are evening sessions. This course is intended for those directly involved in the PPBS operation -- programmers and budget people -- as well as for line managers at middle and upper levels who will use the system as an aid to decision-making. It will not prepare individuals to perform economic or quantitative analysis, and no economics or mathematics background is required for successful participation. Cost: $330, for tuition only. In cooperation with the University of Virginia: 9 - 27 October 1967; 8 - 26 January 1968; 29 April - 17 May 1968 In cooperation with the University of Maryland: 5 - 23 February 1968; 4 - 22 March 1968; 8 - 26 April 1968; 20 May - 7 June 1968 AUDIO- The American Society for Training and Development VISUAL and the National Audio-Visual Association are holding INSTITUTE their Fourth Annual Audio-Visual Institute 12 - 17 November 1967' at Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana. The five-day program is designed especially for personnel involved in the design and preparation of audio-visual aids and for personnel in the training and management development field. The theme is effective communication. Cost: $225 for ASTD members; $260 for non-ASTD members. Approved For Release 2002MbV~g fIA-RDP78-0637OA000100010011-3 CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY 35 SECRET Approved For Release (?PQq/,QW?tkqLAZW-I:?46i37OAOOO1 00010011-3 CEIR SEMINARS SYSTEMS 18 - 20 October TELE VISION SUPERVISORY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS An advanced seminar for all levels of technical and administrative management with project planning and control responsibilities. The major subject is the development, dissemination, and utilization of appropriate project information. The manager's role and management techniques are covered. Cost: $195 for the first student, $175 for each additional. DOCUMENT RETRIEVAL AND DISPLAY TECHNIQUES 25 - 27 October The Executive House, Washington, D. C. All phases of the use of microfilms for document retrieval systems are examined in this seminar, which is designed for management, systems, and data processing specialists who are preparing for the use of such devices. Major subjects include retrieval hardware, readers, printers, remote devices media transmission, and interfacing retrieval equipment with computers. Cost: $195 for the first student, $175 for each additional. WETA-TV, Channel 26, in cooperation with the Virginia State Chamber of Commerce, is introducing two Supervisory Development Programs on 3 and 5 October 1967. In each case, the full program includes a workshop at which a "conference leader" is expected to attend; he, in turn, would then preside over groups of supervisors during their discussions following each television presentation. Each course runs for eight weeks, one 30-minute lesson each week. 1. Supervisory Self-Development is designed to help individual first-line supervisors to assess accurately and improve their own performance in specific work areas, using tested human relations techniques. Registration fee is $15 for all participants. The television presentations begin on Thursday, 5 October, at 4 p. m. The 23 November program will be given on Friday, 24 November. Approved For Release 2002/01/2tcQ?RDP78-06370A000100010011-3 CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY SECRET Approved For ReleWst 0727Ot12 : Ui 1 3-06370A000100010011-3 ADVANCED PROGRAM IN GOVERNMENTAL STUDIES, UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA II. Job Instruction Training is intended to teach supervisors how to teach, by utilizing modern behavioral science concepts. Registration fee is $20 for all participants. The television presentations begin on Tuesday, 3 October, at 4 p.m. Participation in neither program will be sponsored, but the television presentations are open to anyone who can avail themselves of them. Two Fall 1967 courses offered at the Washington, D. C. , center for the University of Oklahoma's Advanced Program in Governmental Studies are: 13 - 18 November Problems in Public Administration (Political Science 317) 11 - 16 December Problems of Communism (Political Science 361) These are full-time, intensive study sessions in which individuals may enroll for two hours of graduate credit, or for no credit. Those enrolling for credit must be admitted to the University and the Graduate College. Enrollments must be submitted at least one month in advance. Cost is $112 for each course. Additional information on these courses, and on the University's program by which a master's degree may be earned with a minimum of residence, may in the OTR Registrar's 25X1A Approved For ReleasseI2 0 / Ii USE oDP7Y8-0637OA000100010011-3 37 Approved For Release 2002/01/29 : CIA-RDP78-06370A000100010011-3 Directory of Training Officers 25X1A OIDCI 7E-07 IA DDI 2E-52 D DP 3C-29 DDS& T 6E- 38 DDS GB-37 z z z H M > Y DCI O/IG H H Inspection Staff 7D-49 C tt1 Audit Staff 1201 Key t=i 0 General Counsel 7D-07 O Cable Secretariat O/PPB 1A-53 6E-25 r ONE 7E-62 25X1 A O/ DDI 2E-52 CRS 2E-61 DCS 912 Key STATSPE1 1005 Key IAS NPIC 25X1 A Approved For Release 2002/01/29 : CIA-RDP78-06370A000100010011-3 Approved For Release 2002/01/29 : CIA-RDP78-0637OA000100010011-3 25X1 A 25X1A OBGI 1001 Magazine OCI OER, OSR 6G- 29 4F- 19 4F- 19 Administration GB-37 Communications GD-09 Finance Logistics 1211 Key 1215 D Ames Medical 1D-4044 Personnel 5E-56 Security 4E-71 n H Training 839, 1000 Glebe DDS& T FMSAG 1A-35 z H OCS 2E29 cc ~cn OE L ORD 2F- 39 611 Ames z n OSA 5B-2806 ~ H rn OSI 6F-36 [ Ln Cli OSP 5G-03 til 0 0 z t-I z t. Approved For Release 2002/01/29 : CIA-RDP78-0637OA000100010011-3 Approved For Release 2002/01/29 : CIA-RDP78-0637OA000100010011-3 )1 A Office Training 25X1A O/DTR SCHOOLS Director of Training Deputy Director of Training Intelligence International Communism Language John Richardson Rm 819, Glebe Rm 819, Glebe Rm 711, Glebe Rm 639, Glebe 2107 Washington Bldg z 7d tT1 Operations Annex, Rm 620, Arl Towers Glebe z tr1 Support Rm 632, Glebe STAFFS Career Training Program Rm 743, Glebe En M 0 Plans and Policy Rm 807, Glebe z Registrar Rzn 839, Glebe Deputy Registrar* Rm 839, Glebe Admission, Information & Records Rm. 832, Glebe External Training Rm 835, Glebe Support Rm 820, Glebe *Also Executive Secretary, Training Selection Board Approved For Release 2002/01/29 : CIA-RDP78-0637OA000100010011-3 SECRET CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY Approved For Release 2002/01/29 : CIA-RDP78-06370A000100010011-3 Approved For Release 2009/ /Af A ERDPL7r8-06370A000100010011-3