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Approved For R,se 20021061?^?1t. AQa6300010022-7 --f 7 May 1971 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Training SUBJECT: Weekly Activities Report No. 18 3 - 7 May 1971 1, GS-14, MPS, is scheduled to attend the DODCI Intermediate Executive Course starting 10 May. 2. The Office of Strategic Research forwarded us a copy of a letter from the Department of Army's Management System Support Agency. The letter describes a training program concerning Strategic Weapons Exchange Models. It will be held at Fort Myer starting 2 June. The program will be divided into three courses that will be given in a continuous sequence. The instruction will consist of an eight day Operations Research/ Systems Analyst/ Programmer Course, a five day Strategic Analyst Course, and a one day or less Executive Planner's Orientation Course. AIR is sending the letter and course outline to all Senior Training Officers for information and indication of interest. 3. We have five people enrolled in the Radar Signal Processing and Clutter Course to be held May 17 - 21 in Silver Spring: we also have three persons on the waiting list. In addition, OCS, enrolled himself; the Form 136, Request for Training at a Non-Agency Facility, is on its way. I OC, in Facsimile - Where it is - Where it's going, 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 4 Interesting external enrollments this week: 9 - 11 May in Boston; OL, in AMA's Pollution Control in the Seventies -- Monitoring and Analysis, 19 - 21 May; OCI, in The New Left: an International Overview, 7 - 10 June, at the Foreign Service 25X1A9a Approved For Release 2002/06/1 Z downgrading and declassilicali:n, SECRET ? Approved For Rase 2002/06/17 : CIA-RDP78-06363ANW300010022-7 Institute; four NPIC employees in Compilers and Operating Systems, 7 - 10 June, at the University of Maryland. 25X1A9a 5.1 - CRS, one of the Agency's nominees for the Armed Forces Staff College session beginning in August told us that he will be on leave during the Senior Officer Orientation Course, 28 - 30 June, and will probably ask to be excused from the course. He attended the Advanced Intelligence Seminar in March of this year. 25X1A9a 6. OF, will be the Agency's second representative at the Federal Executive Institute's "Residential Program in Executive Education. " I NPIC, 25X1A9a was already enrolled in this eight-week program. The Agency and Mr are recipients of a "windfall," since his 25X1A9a slot in the program was secured, cost free, as a result of cancellations by other agencies. The only expenses incurred by the Agency in connection wit attendance at 25X1A9a this $3, 250 program will be per diem and travel costs -- less than $200. 7. A former Career Trainee who will be going overseas visited the Instructor Training Branch 8. At the request of I I ITB provided copies of four books, and information on publisher and cost for four others, which will be given to a member of All of the books deal with training and instructional systems. 25X1A9a 9. joined the Instructor Training Branch on 5 May. He will be assisting Iwith his workshops and his work with the Office of Communications and others in 25X1A9a the improvement of instruction. Approved For Release 2002/06/17 : CCIA-RDP78-06363A000300010022-7 SEGhl S Approved For Rase 2002/06/17 : DP78-06363A~p300010022-7 only, are connected by telephone line to a information. Some of the terminals are connected to a computer in I and can be used for classified and unclassified information; others, for unclassified material computer in Ohio. These terminals are used by the Information Science Center to process the results of the exercise conducted as part of the "Information Science course. 25X1A6a in Support of Intelligence Functions" 11.I I spent two days with several members of the staff editing a course of instruction which was developed for a systems approach. net 25X1A9a with) fice of Communications. The Office of Communications is requesting, through the DDS, that the Office of Training prepare a manual and train those persons who will be typing cables on the new forms being prepared for use with the Optical Character Reader being developed for the Office of Communications. The Office of Communications will assist us in the initial stages to develop instructor proficiency. a. This system requires the use of an IBM Selectric typewriter with a specific type font. If OTR is to teach this, it will be necessary to purchase a typewriter for each student for the size class we intend to teach. These typewriters cost $450 each. It becomes mandatory for the operating divisions which don't already have this particular typewriter to purchase them also. b. Since a special typewriter is required, it probably would be more efficient to have selected persons in each branch type cables. This makes it difficult to determine the number of people that we will have to train, and we don't have any means of making this determination. c. Each student should also have a grid to check the accuracy of the alignment of the cable she has typed. The typewritten letters must fit precisely in the blocks of the grid if the machine is to accept the cable. Any slight misalignment will cause the Optical Character Reader to reject the cable. The grids cost $5. 00 each. d. A rough estimate of time for this instruction is between one and two days, full time. In looking over the material, parts of it can be done via Program Assisted Instruction. It will be necessary to have an instructor Approved For Release 2002/06/17 : CIA-RDP78-06363A000300010022-7 SECRET Approved For Rase 2002/06/1T.~g4 78-06363AQ49300010022-7 present during the PAI portion of the instruction as well as the practice portion of the course. Since trained in the new procedure, no accurate estimate can be made as to (1) the best way to teach the material, or (2) how much should be programmed. indicated that Commo will be ready to accept this cable format in the fall of this year. have not been the installation of any more white boards nd with 25X1A6d the hope that we can get green, magnetic, aluminum bordered they are an instructor's nightmare. The best boards according to school designers and other experts are dark green in color such as those installed at I sa this to forestall 13. White blackboards may be a decorator's dream but boards for our new classrooms. 14. at 30 mechanical responders designed by grew too large for Don to fulfill on weekends. The demand 25X1A9a Instructional Support Staff Approved For Release 2002/06/1 has his facilities making