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May 24, 1971
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PDF icon CIA-RDP78-06363A000300010007-4.pdf149.83 KB
24 May 1971 COURSE ACTIVITIES 1. SIWA's Most Productive Week This may have been SIWA's busiest week with six courses running simultaneously -- IWA AIS IPC USSR Surve Briefing, and L.A. Seminar 25X1A9a -- this with0 i and at NIS. 25X1A9a 25X1A6a 2. Advanced Intelligence Seminar The1I phase of the Advanced Intelligence Seminar ended on 19 May with a buffet luncheon and his panel were guests of honor. wo very pro stable evenings were 25X1A9a spent with Jack Maury. 3. Latin American Seminar Approved For Relgase 2002/06/17: CIA-RDP78-06363AGOD300010007-4 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Training SUBJECT . Weekly Report of School of Intelligence and World Affairs No. 20, 14 - 20 May 1971 25X1A6a The Continuing Latin American Seminar had two excellent speakers, on 18 May, for the final meeting in the present series. delved into his experiences, during several years 0 in presenting an analysis of the political situation that resulted in the military take over 25X1A in early 1964. His evaluation of I political mores and of the con- duct of the military leaders in power since 1964 provided the basis for a 25X1A discussion of future prospects 25X1A 25X1A The Seminar was also fortunate in obtaining Dr. Thomas Merrick, one of AID's ablest demographers, just before he takes off for a two-year tour in for the F,prd Foundation. Dr. Merrick made good use of graphs in 25X1A9a' 25X,1 Aga demonstrating the complexities of Odemographic problems. 4. Intelligence Briefing Course Intelligence Briefing #5-71 began on 19 May with the ideal total of eight registrants from five components -- FE, IRS, NPIC, OCI, and OS. For the first time sincel took over this course two years ago, an officer has been enrolled because he needs the targeted briefing skills on an overseas assignment. will depart shortly for 0 where he will serve as the DDI Representative. 25X1A6a Approved For Release 2002/06/17 : CIA-RDP78-06363A000300010007-4 Approved For Re4pse 2002/06/17 : CIA-RDP78-06363AOQ9300010007-4 USSR Survey 25X1A9a 25X1A9a A major breakthrough was registered in the USSR Country Survey course. I I requested now with the Operations School, p to in one of the sessions. Dave took part in the session, but additionally, invited f SB Division to appear and 25X1A6a was approved and accepted. For several years SB Division had refused to allow any o its personnel with such experience to appear in our courses. This is a great improvement in the situation and the course should benefit from this change in SB Division's position. 25X1A9a BRIEFING ACTIVITIES 1. On 17 May, at Headquarters, on CIA and the Intelligence Community, for 2. On 19 May, at State, 16 FSO's on CIA. The group consisted of officers in mid-career who have just been assigned to INR. David Mark, Deputy Director for Regional Research, was in attendance. He is running the orientation, this is the second one, and it is planned to have one about every six months. All presentations, except for the one on CIA, are handled by INR officers. OTHER ACTIVITIES 1. Training Officers Conference - Annual Institute 25X1A9a I __1 attended the Annual Institute of the TOC at Ft. McNair on 14 May. Both report that the all-day institute was a stimulating experience because of the calibre of the speakers and the topical coverage. A nationally recognized authority on anthropology and social behavior, Dr. Ethel Alpenfels led off the program. Her address on the "Impact of Cultural Trends on Organizational Behavior" was a penetrating survey of important aspects of our natural behavior. The luncheon speaker, Mr. James Beck, Deputy Director of the Federal Executive Institute, is the newly desig- nated Director of the Bureau of Training, CSC, vice Kenneth Mulligan. The highlight of the afternoon was an address and stimulating question/answer session lasting several hours with Dr. David K. Berlo, Chairman of the Depart- ment of Communication at Michigan State University and a leading authority in communication research and presentation. Each of these speakers represent good possibilities for guest lecturers in our senior courses. 2. Area Roundtable Planning Discussions Five members of the Inter-agency Roundtable for Area Training have had two informal discussions of proposals which might usefully be put forward at the unusual joint meeting of the Area and Language Roundtables scheduled for 27 May. As a result, the area group will propose creation of a joint standing committee of the two Roundtables which can evaluate some of th