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Approved For Release~00/08/21 :CIA-RDP78-06215A000106~G~0002-3u ~ ~' ~?~'~~~
SUBJECT FY 1976 Curriculum
I approve the attached FY 1976 Curriculum as amended in
the covering memorandum from the Chairman of the Curriculum
Committee. I urge all Unit Chiefs to take immediate steps
to carry out the recommendations of this report. The Regis-
trar/OTR should use this document as a basic paper for
preparing OTR's contribution to the FY 1976 catalog.
Hltons o ' Kodr~,/gue
Director of Training
Approved For Release 2000/08/21 :CIA-RDP78-06215A000100030002-3
Approved For Release~~~~?-^C~I~~:DP#~~~S+A~~81Q~0002-3
7 February 1975
MEMORANDUM FOR: Members of the Curriculum Committee
SUBJECT 1976 Curriculum
1. The Curriculum Committee met .with the Director of
Training and Deputy Director of Training on 6 February to
discuss the FY 1976 Curriculum recommendations which were
developed in the November Conference. The Director
of Training approved the report with .the .following amendments
or changes:
a. We will drop the Managerial Grid at the end
of June or at such time as the Grid materials run out.
The Director of Training requested that Blake' and
- be informed of the fact that we are suspending
use of their materials.
b. The Director of Training understands that
the Advanced Operations course is under study and that
new proposals will be forthcoming.
c. A decision was made not to change the name of
the Countering Terrorist Tactics course at this time.
However, the other recommendations stand.
d. With regard to the Intelligence Information
Reports and Requirements course and the Intelligence
Infarmation Reports Familiarization cou the study
of whether to move these courses to the would
hinge mainly on whether a slot saving would be effected
by such a-move.
e. FTD should attempt to find a better name for
the Effective Writing course.
f. The Effective Briefing course should be handled
internally only if this results in a savings of funds.
Chairman, urriculum Committee
Approved For Release 2000/08/21 :CIA-RDP78-06215A000100030002-3
Approved -For Relea~2000/08/21 :CIA-RDP78-06215A0001 Qf~p30002-3
Caurse Name
iCaurse Objectives
Original kequirement
Course Audience
;student Maximum/Minimum
F'raposed Number of
Length of Course .
Xnstructor Personnel
Accounting Control
Students should be able to understand the
philosophy and mechanics of the Agency's accounting
system and be-able to develop and process accounting
transactions reflecting agency operations.
The Office of Finance policy to develop the
capabilities of Finance careerists to assist in the
mAnagement process. A continuing requirement and
valid for FY 76.
(1) Students are drawn from all Agency components
regardless of grade and working background;
(2) Number eligible for course - indeterminate.
: 16/72
Four - Nav Feb Apr June
Six days
Approved For Release 2000/08/21 :CIA-RDP78-06215A000100030002-3
Approved For Releas~000/08/21 :CIA-RDP78-Oti215A0001(~30002-3
Pxoposed Course for FY 197b
Course Name: Administration.Dix?ectorate Review: Trends and
Highlights .
bourse__O~b~'e~cti.ves: The Directorate of Administration careerist
rxttenc int- g tli~_s course should increase his. knowledge of cuxrent
activities, problems and trends in the Directorate az~.d its
various offices .
tJ~__~r~~i~~~l.-nal Requirement: This course began in 1966 as a means of
iupcla~ing Stzppoxt Directorate careerists on developments within
the Directorate. This requirement ,is_ still valid _for FY l.~_76.
Course Audience: The course is designed for DDA careerists in
grades GS-09 through GS-15 and senior secretaries GS-06 through
t;S-08. Personnel with less than two years experience with the
.Agency should not be enrolled in this course. Attendees, at the
co~:,~se ordinarily represent all the professional skills associ-
ated with the Administration Directorate. A limited slumber of
careerists from other Directorates are also invited to attend.
An estimate of the number of personnel e's.3.gible for this course
is approximately 4,500 ? 15 percent.
Student AZaximum/Minimtun: Class size should not be loss than
ZS ~,tu`c~ents nor more than 55 students .
Pro~~osed Number of Offerings: The course is offered four times
a yeax a.n June,. Ucto e~x', January and I~4arch.
Lent}i of Course: The course is four days, full time. Students
a.re expecte-~ to live ~ during the running of the course.
They are also expecte 1:o attend t}ze evening sessx.ons that are
an integral pa ~~,t/~/of: the c~jaurse. ~? STATINTL
_~~ a'.~ ~~~ ~ ~
i lad#~'-r~D 7,~-06~~}5~40b~~10~'b~$0~02-3
Approved For Releas~000/08/21 :CIA-RDP78-06215A00010~'i0002-3
:Instructor Personnel- Devoted to the Course: Effica.ent sTATwTL
=running of the course rec}wires assistance to the
Chairman in the form of a co-chairman or training assist-
ant. The C}lairnra.n should devote three weeks per class in
the planning, administering and wrapping up of the running.
Tf the assistant to the Chairman is a professional, the.
total devoted to courses amounts to approximately one-third
(1/3) of a man-year annually. 1~bout one-sixth of a man-year
ref clerical time is spent on the course.
~~~ t'~;t_~..
'i'.A,i,~..):i,,',.'i..i'a1.1-~~ 4n. ?*: .ice-
Approved For Release 2000/0%21 : CIA-RDP78-06215A000100030002-3
Approved For Releas~,,,2000/08/21 :CIA-RDP78-06215A00010~30002-3
Pxoposed Course for FY~1976
Course Name: Administration Directorate Survey
Caurse Objectives: The Career Trainee completing this course
s7iotx understancT in considerable detail the missions of the
various elements of the Directorate af. Administration and
haw they support the Agency in the conduct of its various
activities. .
O:rigi.~xal P~equirement : The course yeas designed specifically to
mc:e~ t i-} e spec~.a needs of Career Tr. ainees and provide them with
e.Kposure to the DDA.? Originall}T, Career Trainees were enrolled.
in the. then I~ianagement and Services Review: Trends? and highlights
course. Tn early 1974, however, the then DDM~S indicated his
views in a course that consisted primarily of DDA careerists
with much mare Agency experience than the Career Trai.ne~s . -The
f:i.rst running of the Administration Directorate Survey Caurse
was held in August 1974 in the Chamber of Commerce Building.
Course Azzdience: Participants in this course i,rould ~be limited
sci~.e~y to areer Trainees .
Student Maximum/Minimum: Each running would consist of an
entire class, pro a y about 4O students.
Proposed Number of Runnings : i~a runnings pex ye ax, on?; in
l~~y a~ic once in eptem er.
Length of Course : Three days , full time .
Instructor. Personnel Devoted. to the Course: Tlie first running
cii ~~~ie caiirse require ai~out 14~haurs af: plann.izzg, preparation
? vvr C.~G~c ~ w~'^--
Approved For Release 2000/08/21 : ClA-RD~78-06~'~5A'0'Ob'~0v~0~0v~2~=~
L ADhtII~XS:~~;:.;i'.tVi: ~- Ii~Ta~,k~4I, USi~ Oivi
Approved For Release.2000/08/21 :CIA-RDP78-06215A000109830002-3
and administrative time on the part of the Course Chairman.
Subsequea~.t runnings may reduce the amount of time required
but a reasonable estimate would be approximately one-sixth
(]./6) of a man-year of instructor. time devoted to this pro-
gram. Clerical time required for this course is negligible.
T, .. ~ c~j'~ ~. .1. VJr '"' .~.l.~u:.a .:.~l..l lJai~ `~::i ~~ :~~
Approved For Release 20(~1"0~'/~'?J: ~f~-RDP78-06215A000100030002-3
Approved .For Releas#q,~000/08/21 :CIA-RDP78-06215A00011~i!l30002-3
Course Name
Course Objectives
Administrative Procedures (Part I)
Upon completion of the first part of the
course students will be able to:
1. Describe the origins of the Central Intelli-
gence Agency and its role in the United States
2. Describe the organizational relationships of
each Agency Directorate;
3. Identify major tasks of the DDO as authorized by
~ 1 cC~
National Security Council directives;
4. Use wards and terms from the Glossary of Opera-
tional Terminology;
5. Define code designations as"a means of security
in correspondence;
6. PrE~pare correspondence for the field in the
presr~ribed format;
7. Prepare claims for domestic ternporary ~ du~ry travel
and rniscellar~eous expenditures.
Part II - DDO Students will remain an additional day -
and learn to:
1. Marne the three. official files of the DUO, and,
in general terms, describe the mat-~rials placed in
the files; ?
2. Describe the records responsibilities in-the DDO
of the originator of operational correspondence and
the Information Services Group;
3. Describe the correlation of the Main Index to nae~:
tracing and to the official files of the LIDO Record
System. , , ,
Original Requirement Qegan in 1g~~7 and was a part of the Intelligence
School of OT(t, At the time i t r~1as a four ~ti~eek caursc
(Three ~veelc Administrative Course and one ti~reek Staff
Indoctrination Course).
? 0{~erati ons Di recto?^ate tiroul d have to determine i f t8ri
requirerrrent is still valid.
1 ~~ V
~ ~~~ ~
~ '3
Approved For Release 2000/08/21 :CIA-RDP78-06215A000100030002-3
Approved For Releas~000/08/21 :CIA-RDP78-06215A00010~pD~30002-3
Course Audience 1. Mainly DDO; some DDI, DDS&T & DDA;
GS--03 - GS--07; C]erks, Typists,
2. Unknown
Student Maximum/h1inimum : 20 Max/10 Min
Length of Course Faur days
Instructor Personnel .75 man-year
Approved For Release 2000/08/21 :CIA-RDP78-06215A000100030002-3
Approved For Relea000/08/21 :CIA-RDP78=06215A00010OD~30002-3
Proposed Course for FY 1976
Course Name: Advanced Intelligence Seminar
Course Objectives:
Starting with a b rief overview of significant develop-
rnents and problems facing CIA and its place in the Intelligence
Connnunity, members of the Advanced Intelligence Seminar should:
r>o caurses in FY 76.
Caur:;e~ Audience
Any employee requiring ]~owledge of infoz-~nation systems for
management applications. i~,ajority of students have come from
the A}.idit Sta:Cf, Office of Logistics, Office of finance, Comptroller,
Office: of PPB, Dffice of- Persorulel, and one external seat for each of
NSA ar~.d DIA, without grade limitation, Normally 14-15 Agency emT~l.oyecs
per offering.
Studez;t T1axi.mum/Mini.mum: 20/12
I~r~~o::ed Number of Offcrin~s: September 1975
March J.97(a
T~ength of Course: Four weeks.
lnstrtzctor Personnel Devoted to Eac}z Present~i~tian of t]ze Course;
. d.
~.5 man years
~ ~~ -- /~
~ri~~+~~"f~'i R~~a`se 2000~8/7'M :`~Cl'~4-RDP78-06215A000100030002-3
Approved For Releas~000/08/21 :CIA-RDP78-06215A00010~0002-3
Proposed Course for T~Y 76
Course Objectives:
Each participant. will be able to:
I.. Apply systems concepts to moderately co~uplex problems in
v~~agery anal.ys is .
2. Apply computer library progr~nns to imagery analysis problems.
.._..3. Use a remote terma.nal in a t:ime-sharing computer system in
?performing basic and specific progrananing technic{ues.
4. Explain systems problems and ufie technical terms and
nornenclature with sufficient skill to connnunicate e:Cfectively
with experienced. systems 1?rofessionals. .
Original Rec{ui.rement:
Discussions kiith imagery analy:~is groups began in 1972.
After a senior IAS officer completed the Functian.s course,
form? joint pJ.anning ivas initiates; at: the rcc{uest of IAS.
'1'}ie ~~ourse tivas first presented to L1S oi:Cicers only in April
1974, and, at their rec{uest, was repca.~:ecl. iii July 1974 with
some :attendees from NFTC as well as IAS.
. Course Audience: Imagery anal}fsts :+.n CIA, NPIC,
the rn~_litary services and related o;~g~u~i.zations .
Stud~.nt R4axinnml/i~li.nimwn: 25/12
Pxo~~osed Number of Offerings:
Len~t~h O:f Course : 'l~ao weeks .
Iasi:ructor Personnel }_)cvoted to Each Presentation of the Course:
0.3 man }fears
~~ ~
~ ~a.o~
Apfproved For Release 2000/08/21 :CIA-RDP78-06215A000100030002-3
Approved For Releas~000/08/21 :CIA-RDP78-06215A00010~~0002-3
' Proposed Course for FY 76
Course Objectives:
Each participant will be able to:
1.. Identify and define informatian science problems in his
pxofessional field.
2. apply the methodology and f.ecllxliques of information science
to salve actual, logically synthesized, intelligence problems on the
' 3. Use the terminology and basic techniques of infannation scielice
sa that he can consult intelligently w~i_th Infoinnation Science professionals
on more advanced problems and requirements.
4. Pursue the development of their. okm and their agencies'
information science capabilities. '
Or. a.ginal Requir. ement:
The course originated i.n 1965 in response to a xecommen~la~~.ion of the
Fxesident.'s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Boarcl.
Phis course is open to professional intelligence officers
throughout the Intell.i.gerlce Conunvni.ty.
Student Maximtun/Mi.nimum: 35/15
O.AO man years
~~~~1,~~ _ i~~
~; 'cam ~~-- _ ~- ~~?~
~ ~ r
Fra~osed~ Nurnbcr of O:C-ferings:
October 1975
January 1.976
May 1976
Length of. Course: Four weeks.
Instructor Personnel llevoted to Each Present-.at.i.olt of the Cotu~se:
Approved For Release 2000/08/21 :CIA-RDP78-06215A000100030002-3
Approved for Releasq.,~000/08/21 :CIA-RDP78-06215A00010~30002-3
? Prorosecl Course for FY 76
Tiach participant wi11 be able to explain: ?, .~
1?. The e]_emc.itary use of computer terminals and. the application
of computer pxogr~~Ii~~s to management, support, anal intelligence problems.
2. l~orecasting, probability, c}eC1s1.0I1 trees, COTrelat7.oll. aIld
regression analysis, network analysis, linear progra~r~Iiing, resource
allocation, }'ERT, decision-making, and other systematic methods of
``' ?C;ourse Objectives:
T}ii.s course serves all agencies of the Inte].].igence Comml.uz:it.y although
it is }?rimarily designed for personnel. of CIA, DIA, NSA, and In~~c:lligence
Officers from the Army, Navy, and Air Force. Pri.orif:y in accepting students
is given to senior officers GS-14 and. above and military enui.va:lents.
T}7e course is al~propri.at.e for officers f>^om a7.1 offices of C.I:A ,and other.
agencies, and is applicable to those iv}io work in Suzy ftulctianal or .
professional area including intelligence, operations, support, mana.gement,~
OT aC}If11.I1lstratlon. '
' 3. The roles of the manager, the user, and systems professionals
~'_in defining, developing, anal utilizing i~~foi~nation. systems.
~, Ration:a.]. approaches to the analysis of problems and the
.decision-making tasks of his organization. ?
Original Rec~enlcla: ~.
Tl~e need for this course iaa.s p?rceived by the ISTIi i_n ]_972
and the course t~ias a part of the original program of Information
~Scien~_e courses approved by the Executive Director/Comptroller..
'T'he course has been offered tlvice anntlal.].y since, and has been
:heavil,y over-subscribed for each of#erinp;.
analysis and management science.
St.Ud.Gllt 1.1ax7.IlltAll/1`'S1I17I11LIn1: 30/12
ProLscd Number of Offerin;s:
October 1975
February 7.976
Len ;t}i o:C Course: One tiveck.
Instructor }'er,~onnel Devotccl to Each }~reselltat`ian of the Course :
0.13 man years
;~ c~
ice -
u.~ - ~'~
x$/21 : CIA-RDP78-06215A000100030002-3
Approved For Releas~.2000/08/21 :CIA-RDP78-06215g00016~30002-3
? Proposed.. Course for,I1' 76
Course Objectives:
Each participalit will be~able to:
1. Identify the capabi_litics, limitations, and applications
of systematic methods of. analysis in management, support, operations,
admi.ni.stratioii, and the collection and production ,of intelligence.
2. Use a computer terniTial to a.ppl.y the tenni.nology and basic
fieclzni.ques of management science, in si.mp].e .applications in his oia~i
3. Use? the termi_nolagy anct basic t"ec}an.i_ques of informa.ti.on science
to conununi.cate effectively and collaborate ~vit.h systems professioi7als on
more difficult pxobl.ems anal requirements.
4. .App1.y a wider range of rational choices in the analysis of
problems a~zd in the decision-malting tasks of his argani.zation.
C-rigi.na]. Requirement:
The need for a two-week course to acquire a basic capability i.n the
application of I~lanagement Science leas frequently been cited try students
an the one-week Information Science for AIa1Zt~I;ers I course, and b;j pot.ential
customers. A two-week course iti7as proposed i.n 1974, and approved by the
C:urriculun Commitee. 771e course was offered ~:wicc in 1974, was aver-
s,ubsori.bcd, and was most successful..
Cour. se Ailclience
This course serves all agencies of the Intelligence Commw~ii:y
although it is primarily designed f-or persoru~iel of CI:A, I)IA, NC'fA,
and Intelligence Of.:C:iccrs fx?om the Army, Navy, and. Ai.r farce.
Studnts are mai.n7.y GS-11 and above. 'The course i s ~.ppropriate for officers
from all offices of CTA and oth.cr agencies, and is applicable to~those
who woi-Ic in any fuiictionaJ. or professional ~~rca i~ic.ludinn 1Tli:elllgollce,
operations, st~~port, management, or aclmi.nistration. ~ e /~ .` r.,
t5t.udent 1~Saximcmi/Minimum: 30/12
1?z-o~osecl Ntmiber of Offers :
_Le~~tJi off Course.: 'Il,~o ~ti~ecks.
Pocember 1975 ~t
~~' a ~
Apr i.l 19 / G ~
'~ ~~ ~d
Instructor 1?ersonnel T?cvoted t.o 1?ach I'rescnt,ati on_ of .the Course:
U. ZS m`'llexc rs,z:e zlo subsi.ant~.vc cll:!n~cs izi t:Ile cauxsc.:l, czar. 1s tll~>:e
t!zly ~rogased cll!3.06nZ15A000100030002-3,
r L r t , i ~ j
Approved For Released-000/08/21, :CIA-RDP78-06215A00010Q~0002-3
couxsrr n~rnx~r:c~
CO~~'ONL~t17'S? SE3tVEDz Records Officex appainteQS, GS-07 and abovQ wl.th
' a minimum of four years with the I)0 desigzzated by
t.ho vsrious I+0 cieslc and ats.ff unizo.
WOI~.I: 3?];TtF0~S1~I7 )3Y STUDI.2ixS: All ettzdenta ~lxe crpected to perform the
duticc of a unit records ofticcr ~.n addition to their
- - - - ..
NO t.A~:3:'-fUi/2;0 1?i7Ni`~itJM .
AilR~il3lalt QT' O~rEI:iNGS:
T.3~1dG'T.II 0~ CQUF,SE Olze clay, f:u1.I t~.z~~
COt31dSh' NA'~4}
QR:{G I1't~L_
3.'our. k~iericnce hae 311ptdzl that thi:3 inunbar of
otter7~n~s laalrlnce>; the snnual los:~ in unit recozds
afS3.ccrra through reaiga~~1L-ioli ox overseas assi~nrlentws
.., ~CSo
Qpers.tiona~. It~:cards ~axid_3~eslc Qx3.enta.ticin
cotzr:3c is a razcrc:quiUite:~
This Hoarse tsas c~?eated to laro~tide 1?0 careor tx~lincem c~*~,L-',.1
rC'.CC7YCl^u ~nStl'1?Ctii~Zly C~~.I1.L,`G' Il0 ot11El:r 7:CCQ)'d3 ~n.^at3"itGtiOZI :,?)..~".
ava6lable 3.x1 t13G.~Y' cw-r~.cuZun. xts present pux-l5ose i.s t:~racold:
to ~~repazca t~lze st.udc~nt #or ht:: I7p :1.SZ.tc~rira :l~zriunu~r:nt; and i.o
? pr. at*~.dc unifc~x-r~~ xc~corcla tzainin~ tox~ tl3o 33UU, L?o taiiich tibia
CbUI:Sl: AUI77:FSt~.CL:
3~0 career tY; A'~.ZiCG4
AEA r.11~~- tlp Llrb provS.ded ~.tt the CT pl?n~am. Tize
~avcrr~ge ha3 lacezi ].2 ritudentet 1?c:r cozlrflc.
tltTriX31R 03' Ol?3"I.1,T",dGS.: taut
I.1:1.G111 03? COI11;S1~: Qne ~rcek /~ ~ ~(,~cL~~l/ ..-~ /
Approved For Release 2000/08/211? j~1.1\~I~tDp~8~Q6215A000100030002-3
1:1.er 1 ..r..... rt
Approved Fob- Releas000/08/21 :CIA-RDp78-06215A00010~p-30002-3
Sn nl~ ~.r3*
Apr~~. _ .
GS 7,?.V);L (AvcraJ e)
` ? .Tuna
Recc+rd~ & 17e.~?~ O~:t.r.~~t:~L-3.on
` ~lli;;llrf t:
}'ebr l'-pry
~.-9 (S).
(4 )
3 ryas'. 3.5 y-xs. (1.~)
:~. 3 rare. .. 20 yrs.. (1)
2 sao;~~. .> .?G yrs. (3)
).GSS t:harr one year
Approved For Release 2000/08/21 :CIA-RDP78-b~~'l5Ab'~OTd0030i}02-3 ,..
LEt;C.'TY.~ OF SE%~IICE ~lverat'~
3.--25 (3)
3 tans. ~ .22 yrs. (4)
1-22 (2)
. ~3 ~:os. - 3,9 yrs. t~.)
.~ :~
'Approved For Releas~000/08/21 :CIA-RDp78-06215A00010~Q,p~0002-3
Proposed Course for FY 76
Course Name:
Operations Support Courses (OSC) -- Recommend name of course be changed to
Operations Familiarization Course (OFC)
Course Objectives: .
To provide Directorate of Operations personnel and selected personnel
from. other Agency components, who are preparing far their first averseas
assignment, witYi a. basic understanding of how to assist DO officers in the
.field in the conduct of Station/Base operational activities.
Original Requirement:
The original requirement to train DO personnel going averseas to
? assist in the conduct of field operation activities is still valid for
FY 7G.
Course Audience: '
1. Primarily Directorate of Operations personnel going overseas
far the first time as Operations Support Assistants with a grade, range
of GS-04 to GS-07.
2. Unknown number of Agency personnel eligible for the coc:rse.
Student Maximum/Pi3.nimum:
Maximum --- 24
Minimum ~-- 10
Proposed Number. of Offerings:
Six -- Starting in
Lend of Course
Three weeks
September, November, January,~February, April, and
.InsY.ructor Personnel Devoted to tl~e Course:
Three man years
Approved For Release 2000/08/21 :CIA-RDP78-06215A000100030002-3
Approved For Releas~000/08/21 :CIA-RDP78-06215A000101i~30002-3
Course Name Orientation & Office Skills Program
t;ourse Objectives The first day the student will be able to knotiv
the Organization of the Agency and the general
administrative procedures applicable to clerical
en;playees. The second day stenos and typists will
become familiar with Agency memoranda, cables,
dispatches and basic telephone procedures.
Original Requirement
Course Audience
Student Maximum/h'iinimum
Proposed Number of
Length of Course
Stated in Agency regulations
-(couriers to stenos);
2. Determined by the level of recruitment by the
Office of ~'erson.nel.
All C1 eri cal
15 h9ax/$ Min
3`0 h1ax/8 Min
(July thraugh.June at the request of the Office of
Persarmel providing they meet minimum student require-?
ment for enrol lment.~..normally about 40 times/year.
W, 4 - & hours (~ hours if there are na assignments
to .DUO; 5 hours ?i f a:~si gnments
~rnclucte DDO)
.75 man-year
Sp a .G,~c _ is
ql~/~ dP,.aw~ _ is ~c~P z.
~i~ dL~.N~~ _ iso
lstNP d.QP~ vadl _ slaoN.sz
Approved For Release 2000/08/21 :CIA-RDP78-06215A000100030002-3
Approved For Releas~000/08/21 :CIA-RDP78-06215A00010~30002-3
Course Name Practical Supervision for OC Careerist
Course Objectives At end of course, students should be able to:
1. Communicate more effectively;
? 2. Improve their delegation habits;
3. Implement the Agency's performance evaluation
program in their spheres of responsibility.
Original Requirement Memo Director of Communications to Director of
Training, subject, courses in Writing and Supervision
for OC personnel dated 20 June 1972.
Course Audience OC Staff Co~~munications~and OC Engineering Divisions
GS-08 through GS-13,~pecifically designed for
overseas field commo station personnel. Several
hundred potential?students.
Student t~faxi mum/h1i n i mum 12/8
Proposed Number of Eight -ten runnings per year
Offerings .
Length of Course. Four day course - Tues through Fri (Eight hours)
Instructor Personnel .4 man-year
~iu~ - 3~ ~+~
~~~ ~~
1 2~e~ ~. ~ 38~
ice! c~cu e~ - ~/ , ~fiZ
~~~c~ ~~~'~u, ~ ~6 3.68
Approved For Release 2000/08/21 :CIA-RDP78-06215A000100030002-3
. nnr~tztaxsar,,~~az~.1 ~. r.:aa::.~nr, us>r ozvx~Y
Approved- For Releas00/08/21 :CIA-RDP78=06215A000108f~30002-3
' Proposed Course for FY 1976
Course Name : Preparing for Overseas Assignment
Phase I - Overseas Service far CTA
Personnel attending this phase axe expected to:
a. Gain a Bette c rStanding of cover.
we~icTiaCIllsempl~ty and 1e~a1 problems.
` ~ .~_ ogees iniglit -encounter
during service abroad; and
be Acquire a limited feeling for important
cultural d.,f~'_e.~ei,?,~es which may be en-
count~erect in working and Living among
foreigners .
Original- Reglii.rement: 'There were tj,to predecessor courses to
ti^~c-~c~urreii.l; cuurseiio~a being. offered, i'he fiz~st was an
".Americans Abroad Oxi_entat9.on" course which was offered to
I~ e 2 10'~~~.~~~.~~~I!"~8~~:~:9.~'~AQ1~~~$~Rp2-3
Approved For Releas?~000/08/21 :CIA-RDP78-06215A00010AG~0002-3
staff employees and spouses from 1959 to 1965. This course
was superseded by the "Orientation for Overseas" course.
:[n March 197[, the course was reorganized and renamed
Preparing for Overseas Assignment. As now structured, it
is divided into t~vo phases. 1'he first phase, lasting two
clays, is a general orientation to overseas living for
Agency emplayees and spouses going abroad for the f~.~?st
Time. The second phase, covering one and one-half-days,
Course Atldience : Course participants are from all Director. aces
~~n cover a wi e range of skills.` It is open to adult depen-
dents of staff employees going overseas for the first time
under Agency auspices. T}Iere is no good estimate of the
number of personnel eligible for this course. .
Student Maximum/Minimum: The minimum number of studcnt:s~per
course running i e g~ (8) and the maximum is thirty (30) .
I'xaposed Number o'f Of fering~Sixer_ye_as`~, one each i.n Ju1y,
:~ pte
~ m~er~, ~ ovem er, {e~ruary, ~Cp~ril and June .
Length of Course : Three and ane-half days, full time .
Instructor Personnel Devoted to the Course: Approximately
erne- -oust ai a man-year 1's-cTevote~c ~to Tie running of this
course. About one-twelfth of a man-year iIi clerical time
a_s required for this course.
.AI71.~I~`77Sa.^?':il~';" Tr*-~?"?~ tiT~ ttS p~<
Approved For Release 2000/08/21 :CIA-RDP78-06215Q~00'I ~003~~02-3
Approved For Releas~OOO/08/21 :CIA-RDP78-O6215AOOO16~G8`3OOO2-3
Course Name The Project Officer in the Contract Cycle
Course Objectives : After taking the course, scientists, engineers, and
other technical personnel will be able to participate
more efficiently and more effectively in the contracting
process, particularly in contracting far research,
development, and engineering,~pecifically, those ~,~ho
' have taken the course:
1. Will have a basic understandingQFthe legal authorities
policies, and procedures under which the Agency does
its contracting;
2. Will have a basic understanding of the Agency's
organization far contracting;
3. Will understand their role in the contracting cycle,
particularly as it~relates to the other members of the
contracting tea-n; .
'4. 4di11 understand the basic legal considerations
and practical techniques involved in:
a. selecting sources;
b. preparing the request for proposal (R~P};
c. evaluating RFC's;
d, negotiating and awarding a contr~~ct;
e. monitoring a contract wring its performance
phase, and
f. terminating or settling a contract.
5. Wi11 have {rnowledge which should m.~l:e them mere
effective in dealing with both Agenc;~ and contractor
personnel durir-g the contract cycle in obtaining
contracts t~ahich produce the desired result within
cast constraints. .
Original Requirement The then DD/f~tivas direcf.ed "to develop a contract
management training program for techni~:.al officers"
in a memo (DD/A 70-3776 dtd 11 Sept 1970) from the
Cxecutive Director-Cornptrol1er. This directive ~das
for-,rarded to DTR by the DD/A i n a memo (UU/A 703901)
dated 24 Sept 1970. ~ ,~
prov~For Re ease 2000/08/21 :CIA-RDP78-O6215AOOO1OOO3OOO2-3
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The requirement will remain valid as long as there
are technical personnel who have not taken the course.
Course Audience
Components served are:
DDS8;T, DD/A, DD/0, DD/I, 0/DCT
Average grade of attendees: GS-12/13
Functional categories of attendees: engineers,
scientists, technicians, auditors, procurement
officers, and administrative personnel connected
with R,D, & E activities.
Student Maximum/l~linimum :26/15
Proposed Number of
Three per year .(Oct Doc Feb)
Length of Course :,One week, Full-time
Instructor Personnel 0.3 man-year
Approved For Release 2000/08/21 :CIA-RDP78-06215A000100030002-3
Approved For Releas~00/08/21 :CIA-RDP78-06215A000106D~80002-3
Course Name Records Disposition Seminar
Course Objectives Upon completion of this course, student should
know how to:
1) conduct a file survey for disposition
2) prepare a records retirement schedule
for periodic disposition of records;
r _. ~ v _ . _ ,... _ _ _ _ : _, . _... , _ _ , _ ._ 3) . retire ~i nacti ve records to the Records
Center, fallo4~ring proper procedures;
' 4) transfer~recards of historic value to
the Archives for "permanent retention."
Original Requirement 1) Federal Records Act of 1950;
2) CIA Ileadquarters Regulatiar~ STATINTL
3) CIA Records Training Program (paper from
Chief Support Services Staff to 1a^ting
Director of Training dated 23 Feb 1912).
This requirement is valid through FY 1976.
Course Audiences Representation from all Agency componEants and DCIU,~:~:,
Grade span GS-03 through GS-14.
Student Maximum/Minimum: 30/15
Proposed Number of Four Seminars per year (Extra sessions when necessary)
Length of Course One day, >?ull-time
~o~i cu @~- ~ ~R ~ ~ 7Z
~S~~uti ~.~F ~ , _ ~ 3.3~
Approved For Release 2000/08/21 :CIA-RDP78-06215A000100030002-3
Approved For Release.~000/08/21 :CIA-RDP78-06215A00010GD~0002-3~
Course Name Records Manayement Survey Seminar (i3eing Developed)
Course Objectives Upon completion of this course, the student
? should:
Do's and don't of conducting a survey;
c, preparation of the final report on the
d, follow-up on actions recommended.
Original Requirement 1) Federal.Records Act of 1950;
2) Agency Headquarters Regulation-
1) knaar the proper techniques to follow in
conducting a records management survey of
files in his organization, including:
a. planning for a survey (defining
authority, scope, time schedule, etc.);
3) Report of Agency Training contained in memo
from Chief, Support Services .Staff to Acting
Chief, Office of Training.
CouY~se Audiences Representatives from all Agency corr,ponents
and DCT area. Grade GS-07 through GS-14.
Stuc?ent Maximum/Minimum 25/15
Pra~~osed Number of Four per year
LenSth of Course
Four hours, 1/2 days
Tnstructor Personnel Contractor
SeG,d~.~,/ Yr~,w - ~F ~ .
ue,~ ~. - ~sJ~u
A roved Release 2000/08/21 :CIA-RDP78-06215A000100030002-3
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Approved For Release 2000/08/21 :CIA-RDP78-06215A000100030002-3
~/isi~~l~~;:~Mi f i S'..
Approved For Releases.2000/08/1 : CIA-RDP78-06215A00010~930002-3
All Al;ency personnel going overseas are eligible including
those scheduled far "A" areas of the world (considered non-
hazardous pasts) although for them attendance. is not mandatary.
The maximum number of students that can be conveniently
accommodlted is 40; uxinimum number lD, although classes. have
been conducted in the past with greater and lesser numbers.
Tutorial sessions are conducted for Non-Official Cover (NOC;
personnel where an ir;.dividual is :;cheduled to depart for over-
seas prior to the next regular ROC running.
PItOPOSF.D NU~fEER OI' OFI!IsR1:NG5: Scheduled sessions are hall bi-weekly, on
alternate Wednesdays, 2G times per year. Tutorial sessions
are conducted as necessary. During calendar year 1973, 38
tutor~.al or "unscheduled" sessions were held with 149. students
,_, attending..
LENGTH OI' COUP.SE: One day,. from 0900-1~3D.
INSTRUCTOR PERSONN~:>; DIaVUTFD TO THE COtiRS);: One-half of a man year.
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Approved For Release 2000/08/21 :CIA-RDP78-06215A000100030002-3
Approved For Release.2000/08/21 :CIA-RDP78-06215A0001 d8~30Q02-3
Course Name Survey of Financial Management
+Course Objectives Student should be able to better understanding the
Agency's Financial Management Process.
Original Requirement The Office of Finance policy to develop the
capabilities of Finance careerists to assist in the
? management process. A continuing requirement and
valid for FY 76.
Course Audi er,;,e
(1} Students are drawn from all Agency components
regardless of grade and working background;
(2) .Number ~el i gi bl e for course .-, .i ncietermi Hate. _
?.Student Maximum/Minimum: 50/15
Proposed Number of Offerings: Two -- Sept & Jan
Length of Course Three days
Instructor Personnel : ~~~ man-years
~~ l'~.
i~l~~-~. - gD~
~,,, cy~P~,B--- ~ , _ ~ 1, 8s
Approved For Release 2000/08/21 :CIA-RDP78-06215A000100030002-3
Approved For Releacr~?2000/08/21 :.CIA-RDP78-06215A0001`991)30002-3
Proposed Course for FY 76
Caurse Objectives:
Each participant wi11 be~able to:
1. Identify i.n t:erznr of his current on-.the-job responsibilities;
the contents, usefulness, and limitatioizs of the major intelligence
]z.andl.ing systems in the Intelligence Community.
2. tlse a computer terminal for storage and. retrieval, and the
;appli.cation o~ these skills to intelligence tasks.