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Approved For Release 2000/05/08 Cl - P78-06202A000200030003 CONFIDE FAl 11FES196 MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Support SUBJECT : Integration of Directorates REFERENCE : DD/S Memo 6601548 dtd 28 Jan 66 to DTR same subj I. In compliance with the direction contained in the reference, this mernorandum presents a proposal for carrying out a program designed to improve Integration of Agency Directorates. 2. The Office of Training has requested each of the four Directorates to submit statements of desired areas to be covered in a series of briefings. Responses to these requests will be received by OTR by close of business on 17 February 1966. OTR will con- solidate these responses so that they will provide guidance to each Directorate in designing briefings for the other Directorates. 3. The objective of the progran, can beast be achieved by a series of 12 briefings in which each Directorate briefs each other Directorate, each briefing tailored to meet the needs of the Directorate being briefed. Each briefing should be three hours long, including ac period of time for questions and discussion. 4. It is suggested that the scheduling of the briefings -_ the frequency and sequence -- be worked out in a conference of the action officers of the four Directorates, with OTR assuming; the sponsibility of arranging the conference, submitting the results for approval, and making the necessary space and time arraugercients. Approved For Release 29 A MfADP7 GROUP I Excluded tram antamatia downgrading and namminnr 00030005-3 Approved For Release 2000/05/08: CIA-RDP78-06202A000200030005-3 I TIAL on 9 S. With your approval, OTR will go ahead with action to provide the individual Directorates with the consolidated substantive guidance during the week of 21 February, to call a conference of the action officers of the four Directorates during the week of 21 February, to announce an approved briefing schedule an soon as possible thereafter, and to prepare to begin the series of briefings. 6. Attached for your information is a descriptive listing of the OTR courses that now contain subject natter designed to pronxote closer integration of Agency Directorates. JOHN RIH.RSON John Richardson Director of Training Attachment: As stated above 25X1A OTR/IS/ (10 Feb 66) Distribution: Orig & 1 - Addressee 2 - O/DTR 1 - C/IS F q Approved For Release 2000/05/08 : 8I -06202A000200030005-3 Approved For Release 2000/~,,8 F78-06202A000200030005-3 OTR COURSES WHICH INCLUDE THE PRINCIPLE OF "INTEGRATION OF DIRECTORATES" Course No. of Total No. of Times Level or Type Course Objective Hours Given Per Year of Student Introduction to Intelligence 80 6 All professional Covers concepts of intelligence; people after EOD the intelligence agencies of the U. S. Government; the Agency's responsibility for collection, pro- duction, and dissemination of intelligence; and the function of the four Agency Directorates in meeting this responsibility. Conducted by Intelligence School Career Training Program Introduction to -Intelligence 80 4 CT's To develop understanding of the Intelligence Techniques 120 fundamental concepts of intel- ligence, of the role of the various intelligence agencies in Govern- ment, and of the function of the Directorates of CIA. Conducted by Intelligence School 4 CT's Instruction and practice in Approved For Release 2000/05/08 : CIA-RD - GROUP 1 Eacludad f?*, aufamati~,' dar!r;;,.and techniques used in the production of finished intelligence and the overt collection of intelligence information. Designed to acquaint all CT's -- including those who will later be DDP and DDS officers - - with the Agency's production effort. Conducted by Intelligence School 0200030005-3 Approved For Release 2Q j 5iO&-; - DP78-06202A000200030005-3 Career Training Program (C Level or Type CT's Course b'ett Designed to familiarize all CT's including those who will become DDI, DD6. and DDS&T officers with the functions of the case officer and with the programs and operations of the Clandestine Services. Conducted by operations Scho Prepares the Career Trainee for assignment as an intelligence officer in the DDI and DDS&T; includes farniliariaation with the collection and support functions of the DDP and the DDS. Conducted by Intelligence School operations 'FamiU ization Z40 4 CT's Intelligence Production 320 Clandestine Services Review 64 CS officers or CS officers who have recently returned from an overseas assign' anent as well as officers who sup- port the CS. Covers the organiz- ation and fiction of the four Directorates; PDP is treated t.A detail. Conducted by operations school Approved For Release 2000/05/08 ;_.CIA-RDP78-06202A000200030005-3 Approved For Release 2000/05/08 CIA-JRPP. 78-06202A000200030005-3 No. of Total No. of Tiniees vel or Type Hours Given Per Year of Student Chiefs of Station Seminar go Intelligence Research Techniques 160 2 or 3 Professional personnel of all Directorates; GS-13 level and up; 5-years in Agency Outgoing Chiefs and Chiefs of Base Intelligence reesedar analyst Course Objective A dissuasion of current and pro- spective challenges to the United- States is presented as a bads. ground against which intelligence. activities are directed. Includes a thorough review of the functions of all Agency Directorates. Conducted by Intelligence Scho-1 Designed for Chiefs of Station. Deputy Chiefs of Station, Chiefs of Base, and Support Chief a of certain overseas stations. (Includes a review of the inter- relationships of the Agency's Directorates. Conducted by Operations School Designed to increase the capability of the analyst to perform Intel- ligence research by increasing his knowledge of Agency-wide resources and assets. Conducted by Intelligence 50 Approved For Release 21 00/ U/08 : CIA-RDP78-06202A000200030005-3 Approved For Release 2000/05/08 : CIA-RDP78-06202A000200030005-3 Course Conference Techniques Effective Speaking Management Coursees Supervision Management No. of Total No. of Times Level or Type Course Objective Hours Given Per Year of Student Prof. s sional personnel of all Director- ates For employees wbo plan for and lead discussions and conferences. Discussion subjects are related to Agency-wide problems. Conducted by Intelligence School Professional personnel of all Director- ate s Covers principles of speaking as they relate to oral presentation. Subject matter of talks is rela' to Agency problems. Conducted by Intelligence School. GS-5 - GS-10 Personnel of all Directorates GS-11 - GS-14 Personnel of all Directorates For employees responsible for supervision at the first level. Covers problems in planning and directing the work of others. Conducted by Intelligence School Covers up-to-date practices and attitudes applied in planning. directing and managing the work of others. Conducted by Intelligence Sc GS-15 and above Personnel of all Directorates To fasxiliarize hig managers with current xnsanagexrne practices and procedures and to provide a review and re-ezw i tic of basic managerial concept Conducted by Intelligence School Approved For Release 200 78-06202A000200030005-3 A A F R 1 2000/051ia' 06202A0002000300 Course Mid-Career Executive Development pprove or a ease ourse tbiective No. of Total No. of Times Level carp Type of S Hour$ Given Per Year Selected For designated n idcareeriots . Covers the activities of all cosrrponents of the Agency and of the U. S. Government in its national and international setting. Conducted by Mid -Career and Senior Officer Staff Program for Agency C:=&dates at senior Officer Schools Miscellaneous Tutorial. Orientations for: NPIC and 25X1 A COMMO Senior To prepare senior Agency offi'" s+B rvi. i FETIA . Approved For Release 2000/05/08-: CIA-RDP78-06202A000200030005-3 or Agency for attendance at sen officials schools and colleges in such matters as Agency's role and functions- problems within the Intelligence Community, and the understanding of the Agency image in official circles. Conducted by Intelligence School Special orientations include discussion of interrelationships between the DirectOrates. Conducted by Intelligence School 1 ~1 7 Approved For Release 2000/05/08 : CIA-RDP78-06202A000200030005-3 CONFIDENTIAL ORANDUM FOR Deputy Director For Support SUBJECT 25X1A ation of Directorates Briefings 1. This memorandum respond to 7 February request, 25X1A telephoned to for suggestions of coverage in the proposed Integration of Directorates briefings. The coverage suggested by OTh components applies to all The possibility of Directorates giving QTR earliest possible notification of changes of substantive and area emphasis and commitment of assets, thus permitting anticipation of train- ing requirements. b. The possibility of Directorates projecting training require- menta in terms of numbers of people and types of training. The possibility of better distribution of OTR notices and bulletins throughout the Directorates. The possibility of establishing in each Directorate a eystemati mechanism to provide feedback after training, thus permitting OTR to maintain responsiveness to training requirement 3. All OTR components suggest that all Directorates should under- stand that the effectiveness and currency of the training effort depends to a great extent upon the systematic assignment of fully qualified. officers in the production and operational components to OTR for rotational tours of duty. efiQ iii ~ C4: i1 D viT John. Richardson Director of Training 25X1A Distribution- Orig & 1 - Addressee 2 - C)/TDTR. n 1 L / 1~ ;_xcluded from anfomaUe mmR /TS (9 Feb 66) C. Wit F 10E N T I A dnr:=radin and ~,, n.sisis.tion Approved For a ease 00/05/08 : CIA-RDP78-06202A0 00~ -3 Approved for Release 2000/0: Vow TrRf -06202A000200030005-3 .e- ORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Support SUBJECT : I egration of Directorate. ERENCE : Memo dtd 7 Dec 65 for ExDir-Con pt fn-. DD/S, same aub j 1. The Office of Training has been directed to implement the program to achieve closer Integration of Agency Directorates as in the attached reference rn em-orasndurr9. and approved by the Executive Director -CormptrolleerI a notation* on the memorandum. 2. To make the program responsive to needs, each of the four Directorates is asked to state (a) what its senior staff officers want to know about each of the other Directorates, (b) what the senior staff officers of each of the other Directorates should know about it, and (c) the number of its senior staff officers to be briefed by the her Directorates. 3. The Information may be sent directly to at ID-1617 Headquarters. OTR will consolidate the responses of the four Directorates. The consolidated information will be used by the Deputy Director for Support in reporting to the Director of Central elligeence on 15 February. Your action officer may reach by phone on 2326. John Richardson Director of Training Attachment: As stated above 25X1A Distribution: Orig & I - Addressee 2 - DDI 2 - DDP 2 - DDS&T 2 - O/ DTR 0TR/I5/111111111111111111~rihs (7Feb 1966) Approved For Release 2000/05cI 1 0620 Glio? 1 d iron automatic i01 O2bo 30005-3 25X1A 25X1A