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August 3, 1965
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Approved For Re e' 2001/0 C VRDP78-66202A0 00100002-9
Executive Director-Comptroller
Deputy Director for Plans
Chief, Historical Staff, O/DCI
Second Quarterly Report on the Clandestine Services
Historical. Program'- May through July 1965
1. The "Handbook for the Writing.of Clandestine Services
dures, technical help and direction to the writer.
.peerson'u ho is preparing a historical paper, whether it is a major
history or a monograph on a significant function or operation.
The Handbook'is intended as a guide and provides methods,.proce-
History" (Attachment H) has been prepared in its first draft. It
has been distributed to the Responsible Historical Officers (RHO)
and to the Records Management Officers (RMO) of all DDP divisions
and staffs, in explaining the interrelationships oi: the various
aspects af the CS historical program. I have given a copy of
Ir. Richard M. Helms' memorandum to "The Writers of Clandestine
Services History" (Attachment G) and a copy of the Handbook to each
2. The five indexes defined in Appendix A to the Handbook
~s ~~~ j ~~~
.Attachment D.
and procedures applied to each have been refined. The status of
this part of the CS program and the related work of the Clandestine.
Services Group of the Historical Staff (HS,'CSG) is summarized in
were set up.early'this year. In the past three months the format
3. ?Action has been taken on the Board's recommendations
make use of the abilities and experiences of 25 selected DDP
officers, who will be retiring by the end of 1966. Twelve of these
are now ,writing or participating in the writing of historical
papers, five are overseas and others have retired or will retire
'shortly and cannot be brought into the CS historical program. We
do not yet have any standard reportingsystem which feeds operational
details into a historical office for analysis and the preparation
of historical studies, as is done by the military, Neither has 25X1A
the Agency seen the value of acquiring accurate details on the
spot of ts activities on emergency situations such as the
as did the Department of,State in sending a main to the
it may be recorded, analysed,. interpreted and passed to others to
give foundation, depth and' prpfessionalism to our future endeavors.
and fromknowledgeable persons prior to their resignation or
retirement, what: rEmans of our doctrine and expertise, so that
scene to 'assemble essential records. Thus it is all the more
important to carefully extract from' still.existiug source documents
ff' meetings and individual consultations
the next three months and. It is Hope
the above requirements may be found.
4., Through sta
has?been possible for me to direct and assist in the produr`t i can
of 22 major Clandestine Services histories which are Bleu 01 pro-
cess. (Attachment A), and to plan for additional ones. At. the
same time 23 historical monographs on unique CS activities are in
the process of being written (Attachment B). To eliminate dupli-
cation of effort, and make existing chronological summaries or
reviews sequestered in files throughout the DDP available and of
benefit to others,,-extant reviews of historical import are being
identified and indexed. This is being done with the assistance
of the Responsible Historical Officers who hav(. requested the
aid of branch and desk chiefs in checking their files for such
papers (Attachment C)
3. The recording and evaluating of our efforts serve many
useful purposes as indicated in Chapter V of the Handbook. In
addition the work of the HS/CSG researchers produces valuable
leads and supporting background material which contribute to the
understanding and solution of problems of the rloment.. This work
has provided material for the DDP representati?.Je on "The Planning
Group," also documents have been located relative to the purposes
and activities of the FBI in Latin America. A project has been
initiated for the debriefing of returnees 25X1A
The DDP Representative and the HS/CSG consider the
presen istorical work to be of high current potential.
6. The CS historical program has made notable progress in
the past three months but debriefing assistance and editorial
and rewrite support are now required if the pzo:ram is to continue
its forward progress. The undersigned (aside from the three
research analysts who are primarily concerned with documentation
and the related indexes) may be able to organize and manage a
new program throughout the DDP and through ingenuity, conviction
and salesmanship engender across-the-board interest and partici-
pation from division and staff chiefs on down. However, time and
other factors make it impossible for me to carry out the con-
comitant work of debriefings and the final review and professional
treatment of historical papers being submitted. The various
aspects of this developing program will be closely watched. during
d that come solution to
DAP Repre,,entat.svc,
Historical Staff
Approved For Release 2001/08/31 CIA-FPP78-0
Approved For Rel a 2001/08/31 CIA-RDP78-06202A0 J' 92-.
V-A. Major Histories
vB. Historical Monographs
-C. Extant Reviews of Historical Import (Selected Examples)
~. Activities Report of the HS/CSG - February to July 1965,
Approved for Release 2001/08/31 CYA-ADP7'8-- A
Visual Aids to the development of the CS Historical program
Cover format for historical papers
Mr. Richard M. Helms' memorandum to "The Writers of
Clandestine Services History"
Handbook for the Writing of CS History
Approved For Release 2001/08/31 : CIA-RDP78-06202A000100100002-9
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0 B
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Approved For Release 2001/08/31 : CIA-RDP78-06202A000100100002-9
Approved FoWIease 2
29 July 1965
MEMORANDUM FOR: DDP Representative, Historical Staff
SUBJECT: Activities Report of the Clandestine Services
Group, Historical Staff (HS/CSG) - 1 February
to 31 July 1965
and discussed the HS/CSG research effort --
historical program with officers assigned at the various eche-
lons of the Records Management Program. In pursuit of our re-
search effort, liaison has been established with Agency elements
having related interests, i.e., DDP Systems Group, Publications
Control. - OPSER, Cable Secretariat, Executive Registry, Communi-
1. This memorandum reports the activities of the HS/CSG
during the period 1 February to 31 July 1965.
2. During the first few months the HS/CSG identified and
located the documentary holdings of the Clandestine Services -
retired, retained and active. This was essential to the estab-
lishment of appropriate mechanisms for controlling; and retriev-
ing documents of historical value to the Clandestine Services.
This review was culminated in the development of series of
indexes for recording the location and cross-referencing the
content of selected documents. The ancillary procedures devel-
oped include the review of CS material prior to its destruction
by RID, Top Secret controls and cross references, safeguarding
references to sensitive documents, and Executive Registry
3. Parallel to this phase of the CS document research pro-
gram, the three HS/CSG research analysts participated with the
DDP Representative and other members of the Historical Staff,
O/DCI in the production of the initial ve=rsion of the "Handbook
for the Writing of Clandestine Services History." A guide book
of this type was required to assist the DDP Representative in
providing standards and direction to the writers of CS histor-
ical papers and in the management of the CS historical program.
4. Whereas the ultimate objectives of the Agency's Rec-
ords Management program and our historical document research
are pointed toward different goals, i.e., phased destruction vs
recall and use, we have in common the same body of CS documents
with which we must work. In consequence the undersigned met
d the overall CS
cations Records Management Office.
Apnmue F - 1/08/31: CIA-RDP38_06202A008100100002-9
Approved For kZeliease 2001/ftJ
5. The major task of HS/CSG is the exploitation of Clan-
destine Services records holdings, principally those which have
been retired or semi-retired (retained at Headquarters but not
in active use). In terms of collections, those retired by the
Directors of SSU, CIG and CIA; by the Assistant Directors of
OSO and OPC; by their executives and central files; and by
certain key officers of OPC, are under gradual examination. In
terms of the span of time, present research efforts are concen-
trated upon the period October 1945 to early 1952. The period
covers CIG, the establishment and tenure of SSU, and carries
through the merger of OSO and OPC. This effort has produced
5,200 references and cross references in the "Indt-x to Source
Documents." Parallel to this Index there is beinL,' developed a
CS Chronology including data on key assignments and on organi-
zational changes.
6. A locator listing of knowledgeable officers has been
established (Knowledgeable Persons Finder) to include persons
who have backgrounds in various facets of CS activities and who
through their responsibilities and experiences are potential
contributors to the Clandestine Services History. Also there
is a separate file of current and future writers of CS histor-
ical papers reflecting progress being made as well as projected
planning and agreements for future papers.
7. In another effort there has been established a Catalog
of CS Histories which identifies segments of CS history, now
extant. Here too will be cataloged those CS historical papers
now in process or in prospect. A record copy of each paper
cataloged is being set aside for a permanent DDP collection.
8. In terms of document retention the HS/CSG collection
of documents is limited to those papers which might be dis-
carded if we did not give them a permanent home or those docu-
ments subject to frequent demand. These holding:; continue to
remain small with a total count of only 159 documents at this
9. To date direct research assistance has been given, in
a small way, to writers of history. Likewise, we have found in
the course of our research certain historical documents which
have proved useful to policy makers in their consideration of
current problems.
Clandestine Services Group
Historical Staff
pp;Crf0rIease 2lA-RDP78-06202A000100100002-9
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Approved For Release 2001/08/31 : CIA-RDP78-06202A000100100002-9
Approved For Release 2001/08/31 : CIA-RDP78-06202A000100100002-9
Management of the CS Historical Program
Historical Board
P keprs a stat# e. s
}lrtxsrs~ Sft
Component Support and
Guidance, Outline Review
Coordination. &
Technical Assistance
Division and Staff
Records Management Officers
and Records Officers
Location, Identification, Indexing
and Recording of Papers and Peep'
I I ~I
Approved For Release 2001/08/31 : CIA-RDP78-06202A000100100002-9
Approved For Release 2001/08/31 : CIA-RDP78-06202A000100100002-9
Make Your Contribution to the Fabric of CS History
Approved For Release 2001/08/31 : CIA-RDP78-06202A000100100002-9
Approved For Release 2001/08/31 : CIA-RDP78-06202A000100100002-9
Assignment of task and
presentation of Handbook
for CS Historical Writers.
Preparation of a CS Historical Paper
Review Records Center holdings.
Check active files for
background material.
Approved For Release 2001/08/31 : CIA-RDP78-06202A000100100002-9
Approved For Release 2001/08/31 : CIA-RDP78-06202A000100100002-9
Check plan and outline with
DDP Representative, Historical
Consult with your RHO
Controlled finished
Historical papers -
Division or Staff
Copies to CS Historical Board
Finished paper catalogued:
author - content - location -
Approved For Release 2001/08/31 : CIA-RDP78-06202A000100100002-9
Approved For Release 2001/08/31 : CIA-RDP78-06202A000100100002-9
Approved For Release 2001/08/31 : CIA-RDP78-06202A000100100002-9
Approved For Ia4e 2001/08/31 : CIA-RDP78-06
CS Historical Paper
Controlled by :
Date prepared :
Written by
Approved For Release 2001/08/31 : CIA-RDP78-0q202A000100100002-9
Approved For*Iease 2001/08/31 : CIA-RDP78-062000100100002-9
1. This historical paper is a permanent part of the Clandestine Services
History, and may not be destroyed.
2. It is included in the "Catalog of CS Histories" maintained by the
Clandestine Services Group of the Historical Staff (HSICSG), O/DCI.
3. If this document is moved from the office of control appearing on
the front of this cover, the DD/P Representative, Historical Staff,
O/DCI, should be immediately notified of the new office of control.
Approved For Release 2001/08/31 : CIA-RDP78-06202A000100100002-9
6--65 2485 (13-36)