Status of the DDS Historical Program, Last Half of FY 72 (1 Jan-30 June 72)
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June 30, 1972
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Approved F4;~L.Release 2UUS1aEIA-RDP78-061$-000300230003-7
30 June 1972
MEMORANDUM FOR: Chief, CIA Historical Staff
SUBJECT Status of the DDS Historical Program,
Last Half of FY 72 (1 Jan-30 June 72)
[~(! 77--
1. During the period in review, the Support Services his-
torical program has reached 70 percent completion -- 45 of the 70
histories planned have now been published (see Attachments A and C).
Ten DDS histories were disseminated between January and June 1972
(see Attachment B). Of the 25 histories remaining to be published,
almost 90 percent (23 histories) are in the final stages of re-
vision -- two, in fact, are back to the components for the signa-
tures of the Office Directors (see Attachment D). With hefex-
ceptions noted in Pars. 2-5, below, the catching-up phase the
DDS program will be completed by the end of the first quarter of
FY 73.
Over-all Review of Status of-Writers
2. Including Mn who completed the history of25X1A9a
Personnel Administration in April, there were three full-time writers
on the Support historical pro a am during the last six months of
25X1A9a FY 72 -- the other two being 25X1A9a
Mr. was responsible for the three Security histories which
were ppu fished in this reporting period, and he still has at leas X1A9a
one major revision (Personnel Security) to complete. Mr.
after completing some nine volumes of OTR history, spent a few wee s
doing some much needed editorial and rewriting jobs on DDS, DDI, aA 1A9a
?DCI papers; and for the past two months he has been assigned as a
full-time writer to the office of Medical Services. With Mr.
assignment to OMS, several of the OMS histories on the catching-up
period will be completed by the end of calendar 1972 -- this was a
25X1A9a doubtful prospect prior to Mr assignment. As this report
is being written, most of Mr. time is being spea:t on 25X1A9a
Project 5.040, Psychological Services.
3. Aside from the delay in OMS papers which has been noted
and the tying up some odds and ends on a few Logistics and Train-
ing histories now in final typing, the SSHO's only serious concern
regarding completion of component histories has to do with the
Office of Personnel. A revised version of the Honor and Merit
Awards report was requested in March 1972, .)ut the paper has not
yet come back to the Historical Staff for final review. The
Missing in Action history has not yet been seen in first draft,
25X1A9a and Mr. the author, has said that the draft is about
25X1A9a half completed. Mr.II recently told the SSHO that because of
the press of business in the retirement affairs/VIP office and
shortages of personnel in the office he has had practically no
time to work on the paper during the past six months. It is un-
fortunate that Personnel has failed to push on this paper, for it
appears to be one that would meet the Executive Director-Comptroller's
desire for activity-related histories.
4. In revising the history of the Planning and Construction
of the Headquarters Building, the SSHO has been researching Col.
White's Diary Notes for the 1952-63 period. Hopefully the organ-
ization and incorporation of these materials will be completed in
time to submit the paper to Col. White for review early in August.
Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-0618OA000300230003-7
Q rM IQ I; WE-;=
Approved F rRelease 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-0618000300230003-7
5. No writing has been done on the over-all history of the
DDS, but the search of the White Diary Notes re the Headquarters
Building has led to an additional accumulation of data on the DDS.
It should be recorded that processing of this material will re-
quire time, for the' ratio of the SSHO's extracts from the Diar
Notes runs about 1:6 or 1:7 greater than the number of items which
Col. White himself suggested for historical use. An optimistic
estimate would be that a first draft of the history of the DDS
would be ready for review by the Historical Staff in the early fall
of 1973.
Support Services Historical Officer
Approved For Release 200210 8-0618OA000300230003-7