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Approved For Release 1 01 : CIA-RDP78-0618OA000300110001-2
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Approved For Release 19M 99/01 : CIA-RDP78-06180A000300110001-2
Treatment and Diagnostic Procedures by
Physicians, CD/OMS ................ . 2-5
b. Screening Procedures, CD/OMS .................. 6
c. Treatment and Diagnostic Procedures,
Nursing Branch, OMS ............... .. 7-8
d. Immunization Program, CD/OMS ................. o 9-10
e. Standard Operating Procedure for Clinical
Overseas Medical Evacuation ................. 11
a. Standard Operating Procedure for Nurses
and Medical Technicians, S PD/OMS...... ..... 13-14
b. Psychiatric Selection Procedure for
Applicants ..................................
a. Psychiatric Selection Procedure for
Employees and Dependents......., . 18-19
b. Standard Operating Procedure for Headquarters
Psychiatric Emergencies ..................... 20-21
c. Standard Operating Procedure for Psychiatric
Overseas Medical Evacuation..........., . 22-23
d. Clinical Psychology Branch, Psychiatric Staff. 24-26
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1. The following sets forth and specifically
authorizes the performance of certain treatment and
diagnostic procedures undertaken by physicians of the
Clinical Division.
2. Certain diagnostic procedures are performed
within the Headquarters medical facility of the Clinical
Division, which carry with them some possibility of
untoward reaction by the patient or examinee.
3. These diagnostic examinations include intravenous
pyelography, the Master's test, proctoscopy, cholecysto-
graphy, upper and lower gastrointestinal radiography, and
the bromsulphalein test.
4. These tests will be performed under the auspices
of the Clinical Division only upon the written authori-
zation of a staff physician in each case. This authori-
zation will be made a permanent entry in the Subject's
medical file.
5. In authorizing these tests, staff physicians are
enjoined to assure themselves of the Subject's health
status with respect to all medical problems known or
specifically suspected, which would increase the chances
of an untoward reaction. Where such medical problems
exist or are reasonably suspected, the test must not be
performed in the Headquarters facility, and instead the
Subject will be referred out to the appropriate counsulting
6. Any exception to this policy will require authori-
zation by the Chief, Clinical Division or higher medical
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7. Specific tests:
a. IVP: In general, this test may be per-
formed in the Clinical Division under the same
circumstances and observing the same precautions
as is generally accepted medical practice in the
radiologist's private office. These conditions
must include the immediate availability of
oxygen for inhalation in the room, and an emer-
gency tray containing benadryl, adrenalin one
to one thousand, barbiturate, and steroid pre-
paration, all available for intravenous adminis-
The authorizing staff physician for this
test will review the patient's file and history
to assure himself of the specific indication for
the examination, and to determine that the
history is free of any indications of allergies
of any kind, especially to the contrast medium
itself, as well as to iodine or substances with
significant iodine content such as certain seafood.
Any patient with a history of pulmonary or cardio-
vascular allergic reactions, or of any known
history of allergic reaction to the dye itself,
should not be referred for IVP anywhere under
any circumstances. Patients with an allergic
history of any kind, however mild, will be re-
ferred to the radiological consultant for the
IVP, if it is essential to perform that test.
Under such circumstances, the radiologist will
be thoroughly briefed beforehand about the
allergic history.
The authorizing physician will also per-
sonally inform the patient in each case of the
possibility, however slight, of a serious untoward
reaction ("informed consent").
Where the test is performed in the Clinical
Division, the injection of the dye will be made
by either the internal consultant radiologist
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or a physician with extensive experience in
the administration of the dye for this test.
b. GI series: In authorizing these exami-
nations, staff physicians will consider the
Subject's general physical condition, and the
possibility of bowel perforation or other
untoward reaction which could be precipitated
by the manipulations of the procedure or by
the preparations for it. Where there is evi-
dence by history or current findings suggesting
an untoward possibility, the case must be dis-
cussed with the gastroenterologist and/or the
radiologist beforehand to determine how most
safely to proceed. Where there appears any
basis for an appreciably increased risk of
untoward event, the case should be referred out
for the examination.
c. Cholecystography: Oral cholecystography
may be performed in the Clinical Division, pro-
vided there exists no reason to expect untoward
reaction to the material to be ingested, and no
contraindication to the cathartic and/or enemas
prescribed in preparation.
Intravenous cholecystography will be re-
ferred out in each case.
d. Proctoscopy: These examinations may be
performed in the clinical Division, subject to
the same authorization and precautions required
for GI series.
e. Cardiac fluoroscopy: Where this exami-
nation will include a barium swallow, the
authorizing staff physician will consider the
possibility of esophageal varices or other
pathology, which might constitute an increased
risk of untoward event.
f. Master's test: This examination will
require the presence of a physician throughout
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the procedure. Where there are particular
indications of heart disease constituting
increased risk of untoward event during the
test, the case will be referred to the cardiolo-
gist before deciding how to proceed.
g. BSP: In cases where there are indi-
cations of any allergy, this test will not
be performed in the Clinical Division. Such
cases will be referred out, or liver function
assessed in other ways.
8. Treatment:
Physicians of the Clinical Division will prescribe
or'administer in the dispensary whatever immediate
treatment is required in emergency cases. Physicians
may also prescribe and administer treatment as indicated
in non-emergency cases where other appropriate medical
attention is not promptly available, and where to delay
treatment would clearly not be in the best interest of
the patient's welfare. Otherwise, patients will be re-
ferred to a private physician for medical management.
The minor ills and minor injuries may be properly
treated on a short term basis in the dispensary, bearing
in mind that job related illnesses or injuries (BEC cases)
should be referred to the nearest medical facility ap-
proved by the BEC even for first treatment to be in the
best position to assure their maximum benefits under that
On very rare occasions, physicians may receive re-
quests to make house calls on behalf of employees. in
general, it is almost always in the best interest of the
patient to advise and assist the patient in getting to a
hospital or private physician instead. Under very rare
circumstances of security or life threatening emergencies,
it may be appropriate to make such a house call. Before
doing so, however, physicians must first discuss the pro-
position with the chief, Clinical Division, or higher
medical authority in the office of Medical Services where
time permits.
Approved For Release 1959/09/01 : CIA-RDP78-06180A000300110001-2
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1. The following sets forth the authorization and
provides certain guidelines for those standard labora-
tory procedures in which there is some possibility of
untoward patient reaction.
2. Medical technician personnel assigned to the
laboratory are authorized to perform venepuncture for the
purpose only of withdrawing of blood for testing. Pro-
cedures involving the injection of any material will be
performed only by physicians employed by the office of
Medical Services.
3. Venepuncture is not to be performed by summer
4. Medical technician personnel of the Laboratory are
authorized to dispense to patients the radioactive material,
as prescribed by the consulting clinical pathologist, used
in performing the protein bound iodine and thyroid scan
test performed in his laboratory.
5. Untoward reactions to venepuncture can occur.
Fainting, an unexpected bleeding tendency, major diffi-
culty in finding the vein, and a very rare thrombo-
phlebitis may be anticipated. Any of these untoward
events are to be brought to the attention of a medical
officer as promptly as circumstances warrant. Fainting
should be brought to the attention of a physician im-
mediately. Medical technicians should not hesitate to
request a physician's advice or assistance in dealing with
a particularly difficult venepuncture.
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Approved For Releasee /01 : CIA-RDP78-0618OA000300110001-2
1. The following sets forth and specifically
authorizes the performance of certain treatment and
diagnostic procedures by nursing personnel of the Nursing
2. The dispensing of certain non-prescription sub-
stances by nursing personnel, without prior approval of
a physician employed by the office of Medical Services is
authorized. These substances are as itemized currently
in the Nursing Manual of the Nursing Branch. All other
medications may be dispensed to the patients by nursing
personnel only upon the specific direction, or the prior
approval of a staff medical officer, or in an emergency,
other physicians employed by the office of medical Ser-
vices, who may be present at the time.
3. Immunizations, usually tetanus toxoid booster,
may be administered by nursing personnel, but only with
prior authorization by a medical officer in each case.
Mass immunizations, such as the influenza program, may
be administered by nursing personnel without prior medi-
cal officer approval in each case, observing the current
precautions of requiring the individuals' written state-
ments of allergy status, when duck embryo vaccines or
others of similar allergenic characteristics are used.
When an immunization of any kind is administered, a medi-
cal officer must be readily available and on the premises
in the event of an untoward reaction. Reports of any
untoward reaction suggesting allergic or anaphylactic
response, paralysis, high fever, or a serious illness
of any kind must be brought immediately to the attention
of the Chief, Clinical Division, his Deputy, or in their
immediate unavailability, the medical officer or physician
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otherwise who can most quickly be contacted. In the event
of any untoward reaction, the patient or other responsible
principals involved are to be assured that medical, officers
and all others of the office of Medical Services are pre-
pared to advise or assist in whatever way may be necessary
to insure the prompt availability of whatever medical
attention may be indicated.
4. The tine test and other intradermal testing for
tuberculosis may be performed by nursing branch personnel,
but requires medical officer's authorization in each case.
5. Ear lavage may be performed by nursing personnel
as authorized in each case by a medical officer, who is
expected to see the patient before and immediately after
the lavage is performed. Allegation could be made of an
otitis media precipitated by this procedure.
6. Nursing personnel are authorized to remove
sutures from minor lacerations, where there is no evi-
dence of complication, and when previously authorized
in each case by a medical officer.
7. Nursing personnel are authorized to perform the
test for intraocular pressure, following the procedure
prescribed by the consulting ophthalmologist, without
prior authorization by a medical officer otherwise in
each case. Diathermy treatment may be administered by
nursing personnel only with the authorization of a staff
medical officer in each case.
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1. The following sets forth the written authori-
zation and certain guidelines for action for the
implementation of the Immunization Program by the Clini-
cal Division.
2. The Immunization Branch, Clinical Division will
provide and administer the necessary immunizations for
international travel for employees traveling on official
3. In addition to the immunizations required for
foreign travel, certain other immunizations will be
offered as may be deemed advisable by the Chief, Clinical
4. These immunizations will be administered by the
nursing or medical technician staff as may be assigned to
the Immunization Branch. They will only be administered
when a medical officer of the staff of the office of Medi-
cal Services is immediately available to render assistance
in the event of untoward reaction.
5. In the event of untoward reaction, a medical
officer will be notified immediately, and his action
requested. During working hours, should an untoward
reaction be reported as occurring with an employee while
in the Headquarters Building or grounds, the employee is
to be brought immediately to the Headquarters Dispensary
for a staff physician's immediate attention. After
working hours, and upon receipt of such a report, the
patient, or other principal involved, will be advised to
contact a physician in the most expeditious manner ap-
propriate to the circumstances. Where reports of untoward
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reactions contain any suggestion of allergic-anaphylactic
response, the matter is to be reported immediately to the
appropriate medical officer on duty or on call for his
assessment of the situation, and whatever action he judges
indicated for the patient's best welfare.
6. The following specific immunizations, as of the
present date are authorized for administration by the
Immunization Branch:
Yellow fever, smallpox vaccination, typhoid,
typhoid-paratyphoid, cholera, typhus, tetanus
toxoid, plague, poliomyelitis (oral, trivalent),
rabies (duck embryo inactivated virus), and gamma
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1. Information is received at headquarters from
the field outlining a specific problem.
2. CD reviews the available data concerning the
possible evacuee, formulates a tentative recommendation
and advises the FSS of that position. Concurrence by
the Deputy Director of Medical Services, or his designee,
is required when medical evacuation to headquarters is
The recommendation by CD will include advice about
the need for an escort and the need for the presence
of a responsible next of kin if appropriate.
3. In the event of the actual evacuation, which
remains a command, not medical, decision, CD is informed
of the itinerary by FSS.
4. A Clinical Division representative is assigned
to meet the evacuee on arrival at headquarters. The CD
will make arrangements for hospitalization, or consulta-
tion by CD physicians or consultants as appropriate.
The FSS coordinates the medical evacuation with the
appropriate operating component and the CD.
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1. During the screening phase of a physical evalua-
tion, while administering immunizations, or providing
emergency or health room services, nurses and medical
technicians assigned to the Ames Medical Facility come
in direct contact with patients. The following sets
forth the standard medical procedures to be accomplished
by these personnel. Other standard medical procedures
may be accomplished when specifically requested by a
staff or authorized physician.
2. Authorized procedures which are part of the
screening phase of a physical evaluation include routine
chest X-ray, audiometry, electrocardiogram and venepuncture
for the collection of venous blood for serology, hematology
and blood chemistries. Laboratory or radiologic procedures
requiring the intravenous injection or ingestion of con-
trast material are not done at this facility. For special
evaluations the test for intraocular pressure, following
the procedure described by the consulting ophthalmologist,
is authorized.
3. Untoward reactions to venepuncture can occur.
Fainting, an unexpected bleeding tendency, major diffi-
culty in finding the vein, and a very rare thrombophlebitis
may be anticipated. Any of these untoward events are to
be brought to the attention of a medical officer as promptly
as circumstances warrant. Fainting should be brought to
the attention of a physician immediately. Medical tech-
nicians should not hesitate to request a physician's advice
or assistance in dealing with a particularly difficult
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4. As a part of the overseas processing service,
immunizations are provided for dependents and occasionally
employees who may be embarking on official international
travel. Administration of immunizations listed on the
"Current Immunization Schedule" is authorized. This
schedule will be kept up to date by the Chief Nurse,
Ames Medical Facility and reviewed at least quarterly
by Chief, Selection Processing Division. Untoward
reactions will be immediately reported to a staff physi-
cian and emergency procedures instituted if necessary.
5. Health Room services are provided for employees
on duty during working hours at the facility. Dispensing
of non-prescription medications as set forth in the office
of Medical Services Nursing Manual is authorized. Emer-
gency medical services may be provided within the capa-
bility of the medical personnel on duty. All other
diagnostic or treatment procedures require specific
authorization by a staff physician.
Approved For Release 1999,109/01 : CIA-RDP78-06180A000300110001-2
Approved For Releases1pP/01 : CIA-RDP78-06180A000300110001-2
1. In order to maintain high psychiatric standards
all applicants are required to undergo screening and
selection procedures developed by the Psychiatric Staff.
2. All applicants complete a Medical History form
which is reviewed for any pertinent psychiatric informa-
tion. All applicants must also complete the Personal
Index, a psychiatric history form which provides exten-
sive biographic information. (Reemployment applicants
complete appropriate pages of the Reassignment Inventory
and a cover sheet to update their original Personal Index.)
This index is carefully screened by the psychometrist
and if indicated refers the applicant for a screening
interview with a psychologist or a psychiatric interview
with a psychiatrist who may be either a psychiatric
selection consultant or a member of the staff.
3. The psychiatric report of interview is reviewed
by a professional staff member and the appropriate dis-
position forwarded. This may take the form of an un-
qualified approval for the proposed assignment; a
restricted approval, limiting the subject to a Headquarters
duty, sometimes for a minimum of one year; or a recommenda-
tion for a disqualification which is forwarded through
appropriate channels for further professional and adminis-
trative review to the Director of Medical Services or his
designate for concurrence.
4. The disqualified applicant who is on board is
routinely seen for a dispositional interview to inform
him of the basis for his disqualification.
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5. in certain problematic cases, liaison with the
appropriate office and/or coordination with the Applicant
Review Panel is carried out. Comprehensive psychological
testing may also be requested to assist in arriving in a
final decision.
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Approved For Release 1S 999/009/01 : CIA-RDP78-06180A000300110001-2
1. The Psychiatric Staff does not routinely screen
or interview all employees and dependents who are pro-
posed for overseas assignments but only those employees
and dependents who have been previously identified as
being of interest to the Psychiatric Staff. In addition,
employees and dependents may come to the attention of the
Psychiatric Staff as a result of their Medical History
Forms and other sources of information, such as the over-
seas Candidate Review Panel. Because of the unique
requirements of their overseas assignments, certain groups
of employees and/or dependents (for example, those desig-
nated for duty under a special project at an isolated
post) routinely undergo the screening and selection pro-
cedures established by the Psychiatric Staff.
2. Those employees and dependents identified as re-
quiring evaluation by the Psychiatric Staff are given a
Reassignment Inventory in order to provide up-to-date
information since the original completion of the Personal
Index. If they have never completed a Personal Index, or
if they filled out an old form prior to 1959, they are
given a choice as to completion of a form or an individual
interview. The psychiatric file and forms are carefully
screened by the psychometrist and if indicated refers the
individual for a screening interview with a psychologist
or a psychiatric interview with a psychiatrist who may be
either a psychiatric selection consultant or a member of
the staff.
3. The psychiatric report of interview is reviewed
by a professional staff member and the appropriate dis-
position forwarded. This may take the form of approval
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for the proposed assignment or a recommendation for
disqualification, which, in the case of an employee, is
forwarded through channels for further professional and
administrative review and eventually to the Director of
Medical Services or his designate for concurrence. In
the event a dependent is not emotionally suitable for
residence abroad, the recommendation is forwarded through
channels to the Director of Medical Services or his desig-
nate. If he concurs in the recommendation, the division
is so advised. As Medical office cannot disqualify a
dependent, the decision as to whether or not to act on
the Psychiatric Staff recommendation rests with the divi-
4. The disqualified employee or dependent who has
been found not emotionally suitable for residence abroad
is routinely seen by a staff member for a dispositional
interview in order to advise the individual of the basis
for the disqualification or recommendation against resi-
dence abroad.
5. In certain problematic cases, liaison with the
appropriate office and/or coordination with the overseas
Candidate Review Panel is carried out. Comprehensive
psychological testing may also be requested to assist at
arriving at a final decision.
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Approved For Releas09/01 : CIA-RDP78-06180A000300110001-2
1. The subject and his problem are identified to
PS by the subject, his division, or his family.
2. In the event that the subject is on duty at the
time of the emergency, he is seen by a staff psychiatrist
as soon as possible, preferably in OMS offices, for an
immediate appraisal of his status on which immediate
recommendations can be made.
3. Usually with an emergency, hospitalization is
recommended (which includes a recommendation to the
division that the subject be placed on sick leave). PS
facilitates the hospitalization by arranging for it
through a cleared private psychiatrist and participates
to the extent of escorting the subject to the hospital
if necessary. Depending on the subject's situation and
antecedent history, attempts are made to coordinate this
step with the subject's personal physicians. The subject's
immediate family is also contacted if appropriate.
4. In event of the subject's refusal to accept
hospitalization, alternate courses are discussed with him.
He is reminded that OMS can advise that he remain on sick
leave until he can demonstrate his medical qualifications
to return to work.
5. If he is uncooperative and incompetent to make
his own decisions, PS can recommend legal commitment as
the next appropriate step to the next of kin or as a step
to be taken by the Agency if the condition warrants that
drastic an action, in which case coordination with the
division, General Counsel, and the appropriate local court
is the mode of procedure. With commitment the procedure
of paragraph 3 is still used.
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6. In event that the subject is not on duty, he is
advised to proceed to a private evaluation and treatment
facility designated by PS. If not already aware, OS is
informed (although OS is frequently the first to know of
the emergency), and the OS "flying squad" may be called
upon to facilitate the handling of the case.
7. When a subject becomes an emergency in an off
duty status, the staff psychiatrist participates in an
advisory role with the subject, the family, responsible
Agency officials, and the private attending physician as
appropriate in order to facilitate the needed medical
care in the most prompt fashion. At times the Medical
Action Group (MAG) may also be called upon to assist.
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1. A communication is received in headquarters
stating the specific problem.
2. PS reviews the available data concerning the
possible evacuee, formulates a tentative recommendation,
and advises the FSS of that position. Concurrence by the
Deputy Director of Medical Services, or his designee, is
required when medical evacuation to headquarters is
recommended. The recommendation will include advice
about the need for an escort and the need for presence
of a responsible next of kin if appropriate.
3. In the event of the actual evacuation which
remains a command, not medical, decision, PS is informed
of the itinerary by FSS.
4. A staff psychiatrist is assigned to meet the
evacuee on arrival at headquarters. The FSS coordinates
the medical evacuation with the appropriate operating
component and the PS. This includes arranging for
necessary finances for hospitalization and for an escort
known to the evacuee for help in identifying the evacuee
at his arrival point.
5. At the point of arrival, the staff psychiatrist
meets the evacuee, introduces himself to the evacuee as
a psychiatrist and does a preliminary evaluation.
6. The staff psychiatrist then makes his recommenda-
tions for the next step in the treatment of the evacuee,
and with his cooperation starts to carry out the recommenda-
tion, such as hospitalization, headquarters PS office
followup, outpatient referral to a private psychiatrist,
and so forth.
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7. In event of the evacuee's refusal to follow
recommendations, the staff psychiatrist uses his own
judgment with respect to the amount of suasion he brings
to bear which can vary from a graceful retreat to the
initiation of commitment proceedings under appropriate
law of the local jurisdiction. (For such an action much
additional consultation with next of kin, responsible
Agency personnel, General Counsel, and the local court is
8. In all cases, the staff psychiatrist works in a
consulting and advisory capacity, recommending and
facilitating a responsible transfer of treatment responsi-
bility without assuming a treatment responsibility himself.
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1. Psychological Examination
a. Subject is referred for psychological
examination by a psychiatrist;
b. Subject is clinically introduced to the
testing phase of the exam by a psychologist;
c. Subject completes the professionally
assigned paper-and-pencil tests in an Agency
medical facility under the supervision of a
d. Subject is clinically evaluated by a
psychologist upon completion of the written
phase of the examination;
e. The Report of Psychological Examination
is transmitted verbally and in writing to the
referring psychiatrist only;
f. The completed tests are classified SECRET
and are confidentially maintained by the psycholo-
gist. Periodically, they are retired to Archives
where they are securely kept for 75 years as medi-
cal records and Agency property;
g. Subject's revelations upon psychological
examination are treated with medical confidence
but are not considered as privileged information
(subject to subject's control of professional
use and dissemination).
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2. Psychological Research
a. Psychological research is initiated
and conducted in support of ongoing psychiatric
activities and interests, and as such, is coordi-
nated with and approved by C/PS.
b. Psychological research is principally
divided into specific substantive and test
development projects.
c. Substantive psychological research con-
sists of relevant statistical inquiries into the
dynamic factors of professional endeavors, e.g.,
Psychiatric Screening and Selection.
d. To conduct substantive research, valid
and reliable tests are constructed and standardized.
The test development projects provide adequate
diagnostic and research tests to support psychia-
tric activities and substantive research projects.
e. Substantive and test development research
projects involve statistical manipulation of group
data only. (Individuals are not studied per se.)
f. The identities and characteristics of those
individuals who comprise the experimental and control
groups are confidentially secured by use of OMS file
numbers and coded quantification of personal character-
g. These quantified data are maintained in com-
puterized form by the Office of Computer Services
and are controlled by OCS security regulations and
procedures and the Clinical Psychology Branch.
3. Medical and/or Psychiatric Care
a. The Psychologist does not engage in what
is professionally or otherwise considered to be
medical or psychiatric treatment of a Subject;
Approved For Release 1n9109/01 : CIA-RDP78-06180A000300110001-2
Approved For ReIea i9 .f09/01 : CIA-RDP78-0618OA000300110001-2
b. The Psychologist does not prescribe for
the treatment of a Subject, nor does the Psycholo-
gist admit or recommend any Subject to a treat-
ment facility such as a hospital, clinic, or other
form of treatment;
C. The Psychologist does not assume any primary
responsibility or authority for the Subject's treat-
ment, management, or care.
Approved For Release-1999/09/01 : CIA-RDP78-0618OA000300110001-2
Approved For Release 1999/09/ RDP78-06180A000300110001-2
Approved For Release 1999/09/01 a WOMDP78-06180A000300110001-2