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? Approved For R~'ase ~Q~~/~~;1~78-O~J6A NATIONAL INTERDBPAbtTMEtiTAL BEMINAR on Problems of Development and Ynternal Defense Bvaluation by Participants of Session XVIII (Aprfl 5 - 30, 1965) 8u~-ary ~''. Details 3 R?ri:tc~ ~4 iEF'as ~i~3cura2FS4 ~+Y uiA Ices ~sai~rs:Ye:YtJ f>a9 '~` i~;t: 1~~+~r F~c~ ~?~'f~:#'stsat to ~R".lass C E9 cansu;na l:::a~*:s~~iG~~7 a. CIA I14YSf@iT ;{-7't Y;i3l1' C2ril:flil ui85f~111ad Pi ~$ ~ Q A9.ttrsril~ri Iii 7+x?2 p II on1 i aNltln~ o! CIA le 9~ Dkit~ O/ ."~- Mvisv~ar g.1.8.-~..~........ Narrative Excerpts LII4ITS1? dPFICIAL II88 Approved For Release 2000/06/06 :CIA-RDP78-06096A000400060001-1 Approved Fo'r Ruse ~$/~--~P78-O~J6A000400060001-1 - 2 - or~E: s From this, the largest session (92 participants) of the Seminar yet held, has emerged the most positive set of evaluations to date. The following is based upon the 83 completed questionnaires received by COB, Friday, April 30, the final day of the session. (Since riot all respondents replied to all parts of all questions, totals do not always add up to 83.) ~ There were no negative responses to the question "Ifs $re--or were to be Chief of Mission in one of the developing Gauntries, would you prefer that the members of your country team articipate in this_8em- inar before assuming their duties at your embassq?" Seventy-seven r p ied in the affirmative and one with a ?'yes-and-no" answer. Five felt the question was "not applicable" in their cases. ~d Nine out of ten respondents (73 "yes"--9 "no") felt that the right amount of time, proportionately, was devoted to each of the three malor themes of the 3emiaar. em There was, additionally, unusual unanimity of opinion among those whn replied in the .negative, with 5 opting for more on "Threat" and 4 for more on "Response", with none suggesting less in either case. wo Two recommended more on '7?evelopment Process" and one, less. S lda~?more than five per cent saw any of the four basin aspects of the Sem- inar~as ,sot having adequately-been covered by foru-a2 presentation, dis- cussions, and country tease sessions. Parenthetical numbers in the following represent affirmative-to-negative responses: wv Growing interdepartmental nature of U.S. foreign policy problems and programs {51-0); ee Development and coordination of policy and program implementation (78-4); oa Concept and operation of the Country Team (7$-4); ce Washington orgaaizati~n for overseas internal-defense (78-3). ? The role of AID was viewed as inadequately presented by eight respondents. The presentation of DOD'e role was ctiticised by six (but four of these were concerned with specific aspects). State received four critical votes and. USIA three {as well as one viewing the USIA role ag having been over-emphasized). LIMIT~??~'f' IC_II$S Approved For Release 2000/06/06 :CIA-RDP78-06096A000400060001-1 Approved For Ruse 2000/06/06 :CIA-RDP78-06'946A000400060001-1 LIMITED o~FICIAx. UsE -3- 5t Ninet -foux ex cent considered the Count Team Exercise "ver useful" or "useful",~ Three respondents considered it "not useful", and one "a waste of tiQa:t?. 'For the first time since the Seminar's inception, more respondents selected the "very useful" description tt-an any of the other three. ~ With only 2, 3, and 4 negative responses, respectively, the level, scope, and availability of reaaing_material were vi_e_wed as satisfactory. mo Thirteen specifically decried lack of time to do essential reading, 0o Five others recommended that the basic reading material be sent to particigaate as far as possible in advance of their attendance at the Seminar. ~ The field trip to Eglin and Bragg was viewed se "time well spent" by 65 respondents, with__11 negative reactions. Three participants dfd not make the trip. Four placed themselves in the "Bragg, yea; Eglin, no" category. ? Against a 5 through 1 scale, three case studies received average ratings between 3 (adequate) and 4 (superior}. One case study (The Congo} was rated at 4.5 (between superior and outstanding}. so Panels were decidedly not popular with the participants. ~ Fifteen sAeakers were cited ag "outstanding" by ten per cent (eight respondents} or more of the respondent8, and one was cited as "unsatis- factory" by ten per cent or more. TieTQ: DBTAI $ uestion; If you are--or were to be--Chief of Mission in one of the developing countries, would you prefer that the members of your country team participate in thfa Seminar before assuming their duties at your embassy2 (If "no", please state reason(s) briefly.) YSS......?'7 LIMIT~BD OFF, ICIAL USE Approved For Release 2000/06/06 :CIA-RDP78-06096A000400060001-1 Approved For Re'~se ~~/~r; 1~~78-Ofi`~'96A000400060001-1 I i?ueatione Do you feel that the right amount of time,- pxoportionately, was devoted to each of the major themes of the Seminar (Developraernt Process, Threat, II.S. Response)? (If TMno", please indicate theme(s) to which you beliPVe more (or less) time should be devoted.) YES.,....73 NO...... 9 jk ~Ir p'ive recommended more on Threat and four, mare on Response, with none suggest- ing less in either case. Two respondents wanted wore on the Development Process, while one urged less. There were nine individual recommendations, such as one calling for more on economic development sad less on youth, one suggesting .more on "stability operations", and another recommending mare on communist objectives and techniques. uestion: Bearing in mind the purpose and objectivee of the Seminar as apecf~ fled in basic documents and directives which you have read and discussed, is it your opinion that the following were adequately covered by formal presentation, discussions, and Country Team sessions? {Where reply .has beers 11no", please indicate briefly where you think improvement fa needed.) YES NO a. The growing interdepartmental nature of U.S. foreign policy and programs ............................................... $1 0 b. The development and coordination of policy and program implementation ............................................. 7$ 4 c. The concept and operation of the Country Team .............. 7$ 4 d. The Washington organization for overseas internal defense... 7$ 3 ~e ~e No consensus emerged among those who replied in the negative as to where they thought improvement was needed. eation: If it was your impression that the role of any agency (agencies) or service{s) was either inadequately presented or, conversely, overemphasized, please identify same under appropriate heading, below. inadequately Presented Over- emphasized AID...,........ 8 0 non............. ~ l~ sTArs.,........ 4- o USIA........... 3 i# ~I, ............. d 0 L]~+tITSD fR-FICIAL IISB Approved For Release 2000/06/06 :CIA-RDP78-06096A000400060001-1 Approved For Ruse 2000/06/06 :CIA-RDP78-06D~GA000400060001-1 LIMITER OFFICIAL Uss ~ Of these, four specified certain areas, such as MAP and the attache system. One respondent felt that U.S. Army MAAGs and Advisors, U.S. Army Support Qroup Vietnam ~Beliborne and Com~ tined Operations), and U.S. Air Force Advisors and Liaison Officers and teams were inadequately presented, while Special forces and Air Commando Operations ware overemphasized. ~ Civic action specified ~ Stated "one too many lecture periods." f~uestioa; In terms of your own participation and contribution, as well as what qou gained from the experience, how would you rate the Country Team Exercise? (Bearing is mind the purpose and objectives of the Seminar as specified is basic documents and directives which you have read and discussed, what modifications--if any--do you think should be made in approach, co;uposi- tion of teams, selection of problems, or other aspects of the Country Team Exercise7) VEBY DSBFUL 2 3 3 USEFUL 5 2 6 Z 5 5 3 3 3 3 37 1~OT USEFUL 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 O 0 3 WASTE OF TIMB 1 0. 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 As usual, mast complaints about the Country Team Problem centered around the need to produce a paper and work on problems concerning countries not those to which individuals ate assigned. One respondent made perhaps the beat sum- mation of Che latter, to date; ~ "Obviously, it would have been more useful. if the team problem concerned the country to which X am being assigned. I have no solution." At least two respondents mentioned the desirability of working. on specific problems within countries, rathar thaw broad, aver-all problems. As one put it: "The specific problem, which Team had, is very good. I think it more useful to concentrate oa certain aspects of a country than to try and develop a country plan as a whole." I~IM1'~8D DEFIC W. IISg II III IV V VII VIII I1C R TOTALS Approved For Release 2000/06/06 :CIA-RDP78-06096A000400060001-1 Approved For Reese ~(~/~~: F78-06'b~'6A000400060001-1 estion: Begirding the course reading material, would-you rate each of the following aspects as satisfactory (S) or unsatisfactory {Q)? {Please note any suggestions you may have with regard to course reading material.) S tT i,EpB;..... 78 2 SCOPB.... 75 3 AgAZI.ABILiR'Y.... 75 4 sr ~* Thirteen respondents said there was not enough time available to do required reading. Another five grobably felt the same way, reco~maending as they did that the unclassified reading notebook be seat to participants as far as possible in advance of .their arrival at the Seminar. There were several in- dividual suggestions, as well as words of coa~aeadation for the Library staff. uestion: Did you consider the field trip to Eglin and Bragg as spent? tIf "no", please state reason(s) briefly.) Y&5......65 NO......11 ~'Bra$g ~ yeis Sglia, no" 3 Did not go 4 ~r ~ ~r As usual, some respondents remarked upon what they saw as duplication of effort in the two places. ?wo commented adversely upon the expense involved in the trip. One suggested Chat the Seminar alternate visits to Fglin aid Bragg. Several of those who replied "yes'?, on the other head, reinforced their replies with adverbs such as "definitely:" estion: All things considered--e.g., content, presentation, relevance to theme of Seminar to be illustrated--what numerical rating would you give to each of the four case studies ($CALEL 5-outstanding; 4-sugerior; 3-adequate; 2-iasdequate; 1-unsatisfactory, should be dropped). (Comment, if any.) LII~[1T8D t$-BICIA~L Approved For Release 2000/06/06 :CIA-RDP78-06096A000400060001-1 Approved For Re~ase~~~ T< -Vr# ~C~ P78-06~96A000400060001-1 5 4 3 1 i raver e PHILIPpINBB 13 3b 25 5 3 3.6 VEttEZOBLA b 23 38 12 6 3. i yrlyrTg~/T}~uAND 12 36 27 8. 3 3.5 CQt~GO 57 20 2 l 3 4.5 ~~ There was a strong reaction against panels on the part of several respondents, uestioao In retrospect, are there any lectures and/or lecturers (including those who addressed afternoon Country Team sessions) you would care to cite as particularly unsatisfactory or as outstanding? Fifteen speakers were cited as outstanding by at least ten per cent (8 or more respondents). one was cited as unsatisfactory by more than 8 re- spondents; two more came close, however, with 7 negatives. particularly gratifying is the fact that, of the speakers considered out- . standing twos-addressing the Seminar for the first time--handled key lectures which have posed problems in the past; one concerned with re- sponse in connection With organized labor ~ and the other, with STATINTL STATINTL problems relating to the }youth sector - STATINTL STATINTL There were the usual diametrically opposed judgments. ~ for STATINTL example, was rated. "unsatisfactory" by 5 and ''outstanding" by 6. * While 27 rated- generally, as outstanding, another lb gave him this ratigg.for his Conga preaent.3tion and an addi- tional b did so for his other lecture. *+~ Five additional respondents cited as outstanding the speakers at Langley, in general. LII+fiZSD Of7~+'ICW. USA _.~... Approved For Release 2000/06/06 :CIA-RDP78-06096A000400060001-1 Approved For Ruse 2000/06/06 :CIA-Rp P78-061'!'~6A0004000 0001-1 LIMITED OFFICIAZ: U~uE ~ r THHLE: ItApRA SXCBF~P'TS Prom i]OA Partcipatitss I think the course very worth while eYen tho' I was under considerable pressure of time, language training, sad a sick wife. You worked me right to the limiC. _w?w_wwr..rrrrwwrwrw..rww rw~rr..rrrwMr~r~rrwrr_rr_wwrw_ww_..wwrwswwwwwwwwr~wwrwru.-w~.. It would have bean better if C?'s could Kaye each studied the country that the member is going to--belt that is nod possible. Ole the whole the speakers were superior and each tops in his field . -"`-------'~----wrwrww_..w.wrrwwwrwwwww?rw-w-----'..~..irw_.~_..w _..ww_.~--"_----_.._w...._.w~ This has been a very beneficial 4 weeks. _..ww_ww_wwrww?.wwwww_rw+..rwr~rw~.r~rrrrwwwwrwwwrwrrwww ?rw~wwwwrw-.rwwwwwwwwwrwwrw rr There was too muck ~(re.adiag/ prescribed 'for the time ~nrsilable. (*) . _w_w_r___wwrwwrww....wwwrrr?rr?rrr??rrww_wwwwww__ww_rrrwrrr_ww ww.+..w_-.rr?w_rwwrw-w~ The Country Team Problem concept is a little "far fetched" in th:t we were required to write, and judge, things which we reeky knew very little about. Further I was working on a Cout3.try to which I am not-going and therefore not intimately interested. __wrr__w rrwwwwwwrwr_w_ww wwrwwwwwrrrww wwwrrwrrwwrrwwr_wwwrw rwwww _r_r..w ~..__r_rwrww I was extremely impressed by the caliber of the students attendfng the Seminar, but I don't kaaer if their talents are being properly tapped. There should be an opportunity for an expression of opinion oa improvement, not of course content, but~opiaioas oa how to imgrove the counterinsurgency program itself . With time rived from the 8glia-Bragg trip, there could be a couple of hours for a slug-feat on "How to improve the Counterinsurgea cy Program", with the complete faculty as the Panel . ?r_ww.w____w___wwwwwww r_r__wwwwwrr.~w_rwwwwrrw__www_._+ww_www wwwwwwwww.__wr.rwww . The questioner needs a meaea of amplification is the lecture hall Well organized, interesting sad highly beneficial, '--------"---irwrwwwrwwwwrwrww---wwww_rwww w.'www._w_www..wiw ....-.?--?---"-'.------'w?-'. The PA system should be improved to prrnride a mesas of hearing questions L?rom the floor. The effectiveness of the course is degraded by the present system . The ,seminar is excellent and I am graceful, both for the associations it has afforded sad for the "leg upi0 it has given me for my forthcoming assignment. _w-----------------------w-----------wwww-------------?------------------------~ The sound system is the auditorium is unsatisfactory The importance of visual aids were overlooked is too many iristancea by lecturers . . . The amount of material is this course does sot warrant 4 weeks . . . www_..ww.rrwwrrww wwrww wwwwwrwwwwrw_www rwwwww_wwrr www r_wwrww_wwr.wwww____ww wrw This being. my second assignment as AirA I think it worth noting that, this time, I feel considerably nwre kaor~ledgable about what to expect, actions to take, etc., than for my previous job (195)}. Much of this is due to your course and the cross-fertilizatiate obtained from personal contacts in the class. Many thanks. The DOD presentation was impressive. Ia making an impressive the presentation failed to present adequately the more important but more mundane aspects of the military advisors Admittedly Y write from a position of bias Shavia bees as advis~o~r)) Approve~FbP'R~10~~'L$ZUUO~~id'6'.wC1~-KDP?8=060'9'8'Ati'0'~A~OD~UG00'UT'I"' _ _ _ _.. _ __ _ LIMITED OFFICIAL US8 Approved For Redpase 2000/06/06 :CIA-RDP78-O~d96A0004000600~1-1 LIMITED OFl~ICIAL USS - ` Uur group ,[Country Team/ pas well selected and all agencies were represented. T thought it was most worthwhile end that I have a better understanding of the country team concept and its operatiaa.(*) ----------------- r..-.~-r----.~--.. r..----....wr -.. r-!'----i-~.. w..rr~s----r-----rwa...r~rr or The War Game was an exeellmt vehicle for the testa study . .----r---------.--.~ r-----..-----.w.rnr..-r--err-.r-_r-....w--~-'~----r-------rwi_-r-..-~_-- The National Interdepartmental Samiuar has been for ma a most broadening, enlightening sad positive experience. I intend to make recananendations along these lines to my spone4r. There are, however, two aspects which seem worthwhile for me to co~omaent, 3: While I consider the,~Country Team/ problem a useful practical exercise, is my judgement it is not a governing one. It could be cut ou# of the oourae with consequent savings of time. b. Assuming that the Country Team problem remains as an integral part of the would ba helpful if concrete guidance were offered oa organization for its execution A standard, albeit elastic guide for organization would, Ism sure, be a great help. STATINTL . .The visit to GIA which arranged to view and be briefed on equipment was interesting and informative. ao Recommend eithers (1) a short oral briefing (10-15 min) on 1st day of seminar of specific goal and recaemended method for aecomplishitag the goal, or (2) a written statement of the goal and desired method for accomplishing same Overall I feel that I gained from participating. STATINTL I consider the Seminar an outstanding course, which has been of major importance to me in preparing far my assignment to - Perhaps soliciting student comments after adequate time on station maybe besleficial to the faculty. _ --..---..--....--......r..r--.~--ww-..-r--..--..w..--------w---.~rrww-rr--..-rrrw..r--r-..-rwrr -r. I believe that as urgent effort should be made to improve the sound system in the auditorium and that floating microphones should be provrided persons asking questions to permit full participation by all members of the seminar. STATINTL --------------------?_-.-.--------------------------------------r I was very-~ch disappointed in the manner statement on the STATINTL ~'?ad in- (worthless) s-as alloired to stand without the school (at a later date) citing DOD's response to the GAO report . . . .-------------?r--..-~.-w,.-..e.._-rr-------?~---..r------rr.~-ww~-r-r..-~.-,.rwwr w....-----wso Course reading was extremely voluminous compared to the time available, especially for persons departing for foreign posts soon after course termination.(*) - -..r...n--------r..-----r-....w-w---.--ww-r..-w--w---rw--r-wr..---...-w-w--r..r-wr-rrw..--r-V This has been a well constructed and Est stimulating seminar. Without it, I would sot have been adequately prepared to eantribute in a meaningful way. to the Country Team effort in Vietnam. w..-~w.--r...-r..rr---.wr-ww----w--rw..--e----r-..w-wi.....-w.._wr..-..~-----w w....-w--------mss.. ?------r..rrrr..---..-.r----'------_-r....-r----..rr..rr-~--..-w..--r~.r -....-.~...-rr-.. -..wr.v-r- Prom STATE Particigants~ NIS is to be commended for development of library facilities and for selection Approved For Release- ,~ ? ~ ~ ~ ~ P78-06096A000400060001-1 Approved For Remise ~~J~i~-~P78-06`~J6A0004000600,p11-~ _ of efficient, courteous and diligent personnel. The NIS faculty's con- tributions ware excellent . I reco$aise that varying backgrounds produce varying reactions. My own experience has required working with other agencies. Even so, I would hope that other agencies and teamwork could emerge as almost unconscious byproduct benefits of a focussing on problems and problem areas and urge restructuring or creating course materials to this end I have enjoyed the course and value the experience. My aomwenta are intended to be constructive. It is an excellent course. I would suggest a more detailed discussion on private U.S. organizations' .role and ability to make a contribution in =elation with what is now or may become U.S. objective. I think State should be jacked up to provide tog level FSO's for the ? course. Aa occasional dud has an adverse impact far-beyond PER's appreciation when the country team concept is emphasized.(*) . 2., Considering Lhe physical sad soupd facilities available, there is some question in my mind as to the value of the seminars held. in the auditorium . 3. It would be helpful if the NIS could establish a procedure under which it reviewed published articles bearing ugon the subject ,[insurgency and counterinsurgency/ and is approgriate cases mailed copies of those articles to graduates of the NI3. More emphasis oa target areas, such ss youth, labor, peasants.(*) ..r...~~~..r.~~~~r~r~~~~~~~'.....~~rww..~w~~~~rr~~~r~w~~~r~~~r~~...._~i~~~~~~~~~r~rs~.r...o . . Physical facilities not is keeping with importance of course or investment in officer time. Coordinator and faculty to be eoagra?nnlated oa building a very valuable course, which will undoubtedly be further improved as time goes oa. Generally sgeakiag many of the topics presented about developing countries are made to seem to apply only to developing nations. Actually the patterns apply to all countries including the U. S. . A leas doctrinaire and _ more flexible citation of charaeteristias with a,[ undecipherable word / of emphasis would be more meaningful . ..~~~~r~.~~~w~~~~~s~~~~~~~..~~~~r~r~~~~~~~~~.. ~~asa More time should be made availably for reading, and for discussion of what is read . (*) I suggest that the Ills staff be used to explain the basic organisation sad mission of their organisations. Speakers frosa the eaeacies should Chen relate .these points to the subject of the seminar I am somewhat concerned that the subject of insurgency and counterinsurgency i,s falling into a steadily hardening pattern. especially among the military concerned with the subject. Haximwr~ flexibility and greater willia~aess to entertain new LIMITED OFFICIAL tISB Approved For Release 2000/06/06 :CIA-RDP78-06096A000400060001-1 Approved For Regis ~2~OOT,OEDO~~~~~i~ ~ ,pP78-06~~6A0004000600Q11~ 1_ and, perhaps, heretical ideas are necessary. prerequisites to combatting the kind of pr~~blem we are dealing with. It does not lend itself to a doctrinnaire approach. This was a very satisfying and interesting experience for me. Although administration is and has been my specialty in the Foreign Service, my absorption with broad political, ~conomic and social problems has been brought into very sharp and we~.l defined focus through the mechanism of this seminar. r-?ww.....r .rrr-..r-rrr~rr-rrr-rr~wrr-rw~.-rwr..rr~.-rwrrrrwrwrrr-w r?wrr?..w.r-..r wwrwr w?www?,.rr-?.~..v?rar?rr~.?r?rir?rr?r~.Or??r?rr-~r..r..rrrrrrrrr-wr??r~. ?.wrrr--???r..? yrom USIA Participants On balance, I think the course is worthwhile. In general, however, I would say that when top speakers are not available, it would be better to devote the time to reading. ....wwrwr?w..r-.........?r..r~..~rrrrrrrr?wrrwr-wrrr....rr...a sr~.~rw r..rsww ww ..r rw e-~.. s~ This has been an extremely useful course Co me, one which has given me e much clearer insight to insurgency problems confronting the U?S. generally STATINTL and, specifically that in _ the country to which I have been assigned. P.3. One technical point--PA system in auditorium needs cons iderable_improvement Too much time devoted to CT assignments of groblem country--for those not assigned to that country . My criticisms, as will be noted, are minor. I think the faculty and the coordinator are to be congratulated fot the general level of excel~~ence of the course. .....wwr....rwrrwsrrrwrrrw..rrrrwrrtrr-?.+r?rrrrwrwrw--rrowr-rwrwas-~.?rrrwwawswrrw+ 2. Seminar is a must for as officer going overseas. It should come early enough in his leave in the US or training so that he doesn't have ton many other distractions such ass Agency checkout; shipanent of effects, etc. 3. The PA system needs attention. . Not enough emphasis on follow-up, in the field, of activities purported to fulfil policy. (+~} I would like to commend the director and staff for the excellent manageme~at of all aspects of the seminar. In addition to the high so-called academic level of the course, the sessions were kept lively and, with minor exceptions, highly stimulating as well as interesting. Special mention should be made of the instructors and the librarians who ,gave ~ the fullest passible assistance and cooperation. LIMITED OFFICIAL ilSE Approved For Release 2000/06/06 :CIA-RDP78-06096A000400060001-1 Approved For Relse 2000/06/06 :CIA-RDP78-060~A000400060001-1 LIMITED OFFICIAL USIA - 12 - STATINTL STATINTL i tiluught / the growing interdepartmental nature of U.S. foreign policy ~rublews and programs/ was especially well covered.. (*) My many "affirmative'~~~checks on the preceding pages faithfully reflect my belief that the NIS is well worth the not inconsiderable effort and expense it must cost . In general, and despite some of the critical comments noted before, I consider the course well organized. i felt that it would have profited by greater exposure to people recently returned from the field . I would like to suggest more opportunity for small group discussion of the topics of the day's lectures . Although I' Nave felt at times that the amount Iof reading? was excessive, and 8t other times that the scope was, too broad, now, at .the end of the Seminar, I sm convinced that-the reading requirements are satisfactory as they are.(*) I'm deeply appreciative of the opportunity to have this course. Only wish I'd had it before I left for - in 1962 I do think there were too many encroachments on our time far reading, but realize this is no excuse for not caveriag all of it . I would not have missed the.S_minar for the world; a great part of what i learned in it will materially affect my approach to the job I am under- taking in - From AID 'Participants: I suggest Chat members of the faculty of 1~I3 be introduced by another member with a short biographical sketch prior to addressing the seminar. While admitting the existence of the biographical data covering members of the faculty the garticipaats in the seminar shouldn't be expected to remember the details as each faculty member. ` I am completely amased (sad horrified) at the sesistaace to the-use of the word "Capitalism" as a mechanism to prooote US self interest is the developing countries. I wish to express the feeling generated in me during this seminar of the generally high level of th~a faculty sad special lecturers as well as the quality and interest-provoking content of tha course If possible it is my recommendation that AID be induced to broaden its use of the seminar for its sen~lor personnel and to make it a mandatory course for all such personnel . LIMITED OFFICIAL USB Approved For Release 2000/06/06 :CIA-RDP78-06096A000400060001-1 Approved For Ruse 2000/06/06 :CIA-RDP78-06~6A000400060001-1 LIMITED OFFICIAL pSE -13- The Seminar would be improved if much more time and attention and care were given to probing for issues and problems. These shrald be generated by both the students and the faculty advisors is advance of platform presentations. Same examples of problems are: Why AID is Onder a Claud... Recognition vs. Non-Recognition of Military Dictatorahips...The Compromise between Security and Freedom (*) In the future I shall be afar more enthusiastic booster of NIS than I have been in the past. It is a very, very valuable operation. I have my own strong op,t-ians expressed on the preceding pages x~.garding areas of emphasis and quality of speakers. Sowevsr, if not one word or speaker were changed-- I should highly recommend the course to aayozte in a key slot in Washingtr~n or overseas I would like particularly to commend the !-SIA technique of following formal guest and faculty lectures with a panel of students. These panels provided me a Matter feQl for the USIS operations than the formal lectures. I would like to see AID employ the same technique . There can be no question but what the course is worthwhile, sad I suspect the by products have aluwst equal value with the basic purpose of the course-- the broadening experience of assa+eiatio~- sad dialogue with people outside sae's own agency and field of competence, a view fa depth of the other agencies' operations, about which most of us know only by hearsay .I have heard proposals that the course be shortened; I would vote the other way, either extend it or trim dawn the present curriculum .Please fight the Battle of the gadget and get some mikes oa the floor of-the auditorium . . I think t~tf.:~ seminar is one of the finest training exercises I have ever attended undez government spoasarship.'`''The~semiaar is especially valuable in presenting the satire country team appraoch to the problems being studied I should think that every Ambassador would appreciate having the key members of his country teas- attend .Chia course. / Recommend / seminar work of oountry team, based on the case method. I should like to sse 2. The importance of thin course given more proueineace--value--importaaace, by AID officials 3, More .time spent inn "team work". I felt tf-at I worked on a segment of the problem . I came to the NIS as a rank novice and xhile I cannot suggest that I feel confident as a CI tacticiaa?-them is no question but that my attitudes and concern re CI matters have bees materially hsighteaaed. Course is good and from all reports, continues to improve. This writer found it to be a meaningful experience The following items are suggested; . 2) Movies were must valuable sad schedule almaid be fined sad not sub acted to sa many switches ?in time 5) l4ove course to STATINl STATINTL ~ thus permitting cos~preasion . into a three-peek schedule utilising the two weekends, reasalviag the particLpsots fros their residual office concerns 6) Substitute one hair of case study time for a Congressional staff panel . -..r-..-....--------r--..-..~.?..-----w--..r..--?..?---..?..--..?-----w.---?..-------.--..---..-- Approved For Release ~$:-~~~P78-06096A000400060001-1 ? ' Approved For Re~eise [6/o~+~C~4 ~P78-06~6A00040006000~-4_ From OA Participantas Rather than the long gneativn periods after each lactate, I believe it would serve a greater pnrgose for these lecturers to hold smaller semina~cs (e.g., 20 students). Obviously sat as many students could benefit but a few would gain amore m~eaaingful insight into the problems involved. The afternoon speakers helpted to f1i1 this dap. , ..~rrr..r r..w-rrrrrr Recommend that a safe be placed iII each country team room and require each student to secure all materials is this cabinet. This would make security duty officers' job much easier . -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Siacerely believe that, as a consequence of garticipat3x:g is the NIS, I have a much broader and sounder oanceptioa of the caunteriasurgeacy effort and of the role of the country teaim in this effort. . This 1s as excellent course, with higher quality of substantive content than any other course I have taken, It should be required for all Country Team personnel in developing countries. a. I would garticularly commend your Library and Typing Staffs. Their support was excellent. b. I missed the use of the teaching device common to-War. Colleges--the-use of smaller discussion groups which would "bull session" the morning's presentations sad the day's readings c. My principal criticism lies is my experiaace with the Gauntry Team Bxercise. I did not feel that its contribution justified its use. sad that as a result, the part it should play in aiding students to understand the concept sad opera- tion of a Country Temoa was not accomplished (4) I regret that I must attack what I lcaow to be a "sacred caw" of the NI3. I beliave_that you must either reconsider the antize program ,(Country Teals Exercise/, or perhaps examine your faculty controls on the committee activities. While several lectures contributed to the country team concept I believe a wrap-up was needed with special emphasis oa the role of the ambassador (*) . .More group discussion within the CT's would seem desirable. These should be guided but oa all subjects, sot just the team prablem, There was a wealth of exile=lance and knowledge in mq team but I had little time to pick much up. NIS instructors should be seiacted for their ability to teach. Several were not strong in this area, Critiques are always somewhat negative. I would like to point out how vary fine I feel this course is and how valuable I found it. Keep up the good work. I enjoyed the Seminar and feel that it was of considerable benefit to me. Ia fact it is unfortunate that all representatives of the various agencies concerned cannot attend the Seminar print to overseas assignments. Perhaps my greatest criticism is of the accoustics of the lecture room . . (*)Excerpta marked by asterisk have been takes from sections of questionnaires other than last part reserved for narrative comment; this has bean done in cases where participant did net append narrative caram~nt but did have significant .observation(s) included in response to some specific q~aeatian. Approved For Release 2000/06/06 :CIA-RDP78-060960~~~Q~6~~~~ LIrQTBn OFFICIAL vs~