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Publication Date: 
May 17, 1965
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Approved?FQr Release 20E) A-RDP78-06096A000400030011-3 17 May 1965 NEMORMO FOR: Director of Training SUBJECT : Proposed Schedule of Courses for FY 1966, Headquarters Training, Operations School 1. 1 request your approval of the proposed schedule of courses for Fl 1966 to be conducted by the Headquarters Training Branch, Operations School. 2. The attached schedule has been coordinated with C/AI8/R/Tlt for roots space. Following your approval I will submit the schedule to the DOP/TRO for his concurrence. C/Al8/R/TR is interested in obtaining approvals and concurrences as soon as possible so that the tours* schedule can be published for the cuatneur ce 7onents. 3. The proposed schedule is contingent on filling existing vacancies in Headquarters Training as well as obtaining qualified replacements for personnel who will be rotating out of HT during the cooing year. The existing vacancies requiring the feast urgent attention are a chief instructor for the CI Operations Course and 25X1A CI Course and an assistant instructor for the Support Services uurw. Chief,, tea Attachment: As indicated ns" c' 'ooI fff'rector o ref n ng Ap roved For Release 2002/0 L ~', ", N ri bNT1 EN, GROUP I Excluded from automatic DP78-06096A00040003 01 earadtng and saltication Approved For Release 2002/05/02,CIA-RDP78-06096A009400030011-3 Revision: 17 May 1+5 School Proposed Schedule of Courses PY 1966 Clan Chiefs of Station Seminar (Hq) fl/T 4 October - 22 October 31 January - 18 February 9 y- 27 May ervices (11q 4 1000 Glebe) P/T Globe 1st-4th1 fq Sth-8th WriiM?IrAM-11~ 25 October 2S April - *ecords officers (f) titT 30 Au It - 3 September IS November - 19 Novenber 28 February - 4 March 16 May - 20 Hay Clandestine Seaices game Check () p/T 7 September - 13 September I November - S November 29 November - 3 'Doe 3 January - 7 January 14 February - 18 February - 11 March - I5 April Review 14 Sept r - 23 September 27 June - 1 July te~`itttelli ca a paailiariuation (1000 Glob 20 September ? 1 October 15 November - 26 November 17 January - 28 January 21 March I April 25 April - 4 May 6 June - 17 June Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : Approved For Release 2002/05/02 cauqu: eli oarat3an4 (1000 Globe # 1 ` 4 October - 22 October 31 January - I8 February 4 April - 22 April Ay-27 May 0 IS Maw 6 June - 24 Juno Covert Action ratitna4 (Hq) 27 September - IS October 24 January w It February g .may - 27 May 25X1 AI, VT Inter tion rats Tutorial (1000 Glebe) /'T Glebe) P/T July - 16 July my - 23 July IS Octal 18 October - 22 October 6 December - 10 December 13 member - 17 l ce. 7 February - 11 February 14 February - 13 February 28 Marc 7-13may 16y-20 Approved F,or.. Re~F~e a (1~ 5/02~fi 8-06096A000400030011-3 Approved For Release 2002/05/02;QIA-RDP78-06096A0004400030011-3 - 26 November - 2 holidays AUvccd xstioas Soninar (Hq) PIT 11 October - 22 October 7 Pebrary - 1S February 11 April 22 April (?) PIT :ob ruexry - 19 March - I holiday ical.2porations (q) P /T 29 ,y-29J ury -* 22 April - 1 July y- 27y a Globe) P/i `.irtaar (1000 Globe) P/T CO.-FAL' 'P "~ ~' App 2002/05/02: CIA-RDP78-06096A000400030011-3 QS 9e,/ Approved r Release 200IA-RDP78-06WA000400030011-3 i6$ jff 10,65 M oa M FOR: Director of Training U 3JEC''z y.iic6idL'ts$L M17f i Caxief, CI 3taf't Prot'. otao4 Clandestine serv icos C.I. I Training Courae Uet randu for #D/P/T r'from Chiei, CI/4&A, dated 8 Decezber 164, subject draft 'ro +aal for Clancio: tine rvices C.I. Training courage 1. At the January 25, U 6 $ $ meeting of the C?l.audet4tiue ; orv1co Training Board, the proposal contained in rofr r ance aou;vrar-duuu way considered. Tae Board approvod the prppo al ?iuciple agreeir J t3 at sucd a training course should initiated at the earliest date podeible. 2. Daring . d .a cu ion of the prop al the Ward reached c crtain c:oa alttt: ioi a: a. kilo recogni ia& that I is a basic C.I. tool, this u :ill is also ne e4bary in of aer pet - of C.S. oporat of . The cour a c:oa-- tent 4hould reflect thIi fact. and increase the number later as feauibio. z. tddre eee ;are reque ted to designate officers from w, e r t bpeotive oomponants to be responsible for the further 1yeioprent of this trans course, The D /,P/TRO is -repared to av~ai4t Executive tcrut4ry, Clandestine 1ervloes Training Dog rd CONFIDENT b. The need for a capable officer to be a si ;aed Chief Inafiruct+r is paraauut, c. It is believed that the proposal to pre:3,emt Vas course six tizaes during C ,Y. 19;45 to be overly a b .tious, X osaoca should pian ou three ruuzinj6ti, Ori & i - DTf 2 -- C/C 1 1 : - CI/TRO roveO-f o.. Pjg j,,PQQ" ,0510 PJA 1 - C/OPSER 2 - Ex.. 1Sec:/C.S.Tr. 2d.. 0400030011-3 25$1A i 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-06096A000400030011-3 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-06096A000400030011-3 . Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CI& 6096AOT0400030011-3 deliberate aim of developing and testing the content, method, and time required to achieve the end most desired by the Clandestine Services. Chief, Operations Schap /TR Approved For Release 2002/05/0271 'FrP784QO96A000400030011-3 Approved Foi Release 29R2'Sf8!, A-RDP78-060WA000400030011-3 AGENDA Clandestine Services Training Board Meeting No. 2 I. Minutes of meeting No. l 2. Executive Secretary's Report Basic PM Course -~Proposal for revision (ITEM No. 'kj, Meeting No. 1) Proposed Cl Course V"- ~--- (Copy *1 proposal attached) andus to Executive Secretary/C. S. Board, Subject: Proposal for a Two_ Year JOT Training Program (Copy attached) App W,\fM se 20W AS702 : CIA-R0P78-06096A000400030011-3 25)1A