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25X1A Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-06096A000100030007-1 Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-06096A000100030007-1 UrIIQNAL - NU. IV 5010-704Approved For Remorse 2002/ 2'':t'PK-RDP78-06096AOWt0030007-1 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT OFFICE OF FINANCE PILOT PROJECT LThe early part of the week was concerned largely with ? preparation for the Grid (Phase I) program for the last group from the Office of Finance On Thursday afternoon/ 34 Office of Finance personnel between grades GS-'K5 and GS-15 arrived a~and beganTthe program which lasted until mid-afternoon on Monday, 22 November. The instruction went well and generated considerable enthusiasm. Mr. Fuchs was on hand the first day to help kick off the program. Plans are being made to continue with the Phase II effort in depth in January 1966. MOVE TO MAGAZINE BUILDING Memorandum CONFI~E~TIAL TO : Chief/Intelligence School DATE: 22 November 1965 Chief/Management Training Faculty SUBJECT: Weekly Activities Report No. 37 15 -- 19 November 1965 has been kept quite busy with room-layout and furniture problems connected with our upcoming move to the Magazine Building. PERSONNEL NOTES has been on the sick list since 15 November with a virus attack. Her illness was particularly unfortunate in that it prevented her attendance at the Office of Finance Grid course, for which she had already completed all the pre-work. Approved For Release 2002/05/02 ,, CIA-RDP78-06096A00010003`0 07-1 17 550110-I?"Hpproved For Rel&we 2002/05/ UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum Chief, Intelligence School FROM : Chief, Intelligence Production Faculty SUBJECT: Weekly Activities Report No. 37 15 November - 19 November 1965 1. recently visited the Cartography Division of OBI to familiarize themselves with one of the "wave of the future" application of computers to the making of maps. The Cartography Division now provides support to NSA as well as to our own Office of Communications, OSI, FMSAC, and others who have need for rather exotic maps and charts, useful for communications, intercept, or space-tracking operations, Preparing such maps and charts in the past has been a grinding operation by a man with desk calculator and pad and pencil, who then had to transform the numbers into graphic results. The process might take up to a month of full-time work. Now, the Cartography Division, using programs prepared in the office of Computer Services and a data-plotter in the Office of Special Activities, can prepare the grid framework for these maps and charts in an average time of 3 to 4 hours, with a completed map in as little as 2 or 3 days. The system has great flexibility, in that it can be used for various projections and at various scales up to the limiting size of the data-plotter (about 5x6 feet). The Cartography Division hopes to procure and have in operation soon a data-plotter that will draw lines rather than merely plot points as the present one does. Exchange of programs goes on between the Cartography Division and the U.S. Navy Oceanographic Office. 2. The CT's of the Production Course spent last Monday in DDS&T. of Dr. Wheelon's office had offered to set up briefings on each of the components of the DDS&T. 025X1A led off with an excellent introduction, fulfilling our request that he give an overall view of the "philosophy" and goals of scientific intelligence in the Agency. The rest of the day, however, was disappointing. While the speakers avoided the mission-organization-function approach, they overlapped con- siderably in their talks and spent too much time on substance rather than on the why and how of scientific intelligence and its relation to other forms of intelligence and other parts of the Agency. I uis open to suggestions and we hope to have a better series of talks during the next course. Approved For Relea411 _-6-06096A000100030007-1 XCeRt i :' aat~ClBiIC and Approved For Relese 20021652-,,IA-RDP78-06096A000030007-1 3. The CT's in the Intelligence Production Course spent Tuesday through Friday of last week on the subject of Basic Intelligence. The first half of this training was an intense short course on maps which all of the CTs needed greatly. Their performance on the final comprehensive map exercise demonstrated considerable improvement in the techniques of using and interpreting maps. On Thursday and Friday the CTs visited the Office of Basic Intelligence. Mr. Brammell, Director of Basic Intelligence, briefed the students on the present overall activities of OBI, and on some of the current problems of obtaining basic intelligence on the underdeveloped and remote areas of the world. The students then visited three of the Divisions of OBI where they had the opportunity to talk with individual analysts in each Division. This gave the CT's a good appreciation of the present data base and basic intelligence production in the world area of their interest. 46. I spent the weekend at I I where there was an informal observance of the 10th anniversary of the Studies in Intelligence. I was glad to see that the Studies are now such a solid part of CIA, and that the caliber of the leadership is still as high as it was, despite the fact that the Board has lost the abilities of Lyman Kirkpatrick. Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RQP78-06096A0001000300 '.P tET: OPTION L roRM Nb. 1U 50101 pproved For ReIb a 2002/05/02 : RBJ78-06096A006+FC10030007-1 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum rO : Chief, Intelligence School DATE: 22 November 1965 FROM : Chief, Orientation and Briefing Faculty SUBJECT: Weekly Activities Report No. 37 15 - 19 November 1965 1. Intelligence Orientation This course, beginning on 22 November in Room 503, has an enrollment of 39 students. 2. Special I.O. for NPIC The third special abbreviated I.O. course for NPIC personnel is scheduled to begin on a part-time basis at NPIC headquarters on 6 December. Lectures will be given entirely by OTR personnel. estimate 3. Special Lectures and Briefings a. I presented the CIA Introduction to 27 new employees at Headquarters on 15 November. b.1 j presented a special version of the same program for a group of eight Commo technicians on 17 November. They were unable to attend the regular Mnnr9av hri -fi nn Approved For Release 2002/05/0 kdff P78-06096A000100030007-1 GROUP 1 Excluded trim automatic duw ^raulag and d.cl_ssiiisailoa Approved For ReI se 2002/05/02 `` AA P78-06096A00 0030007-1 4. Attendance at DIA Briefing epresented the OBF at a comprehensive two-day brie ing on DIA organization and responsibilities held at Anacostia on 16-17 November. Gen. Carroll and most of the senior DIA officials participated. is circulating a memo for the record on the brie ings, which he considered thorough and generally well-handled. 5. 'Visit to Air War College On 15-16 November, visited the Air War ~t't' 'Colle e Maxwell Field, Alabama at the invitation of pne of our Agency students there.? One purpose of the visit was to discuss with some of the staff instructors the possibility of providing Agency speakers for a new segment of the curriculum on Science and Technology being introduced next Spring. We- apped--Q,ut fay tentative program involving Dr. Wheelon and some of our senior DDS&T people, which will be discussed withi later this week "a% s.. ,n ~ A ` Another purpose of the visit was to determine the effectiveness of our three-day orientation course in 25X1A preparing peoplgafor War College assignments. All three I r &1- LG;i. 4 11. 11 GA L 01 G 1 VG /A. QA Q11 Ga~1rC .L L 111. U.L Q11.7J.- tion from the desk to the War College atmosphere and that information gained and suggestions made were most valuable. Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-06096A000100030007-1 Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : _. 78-0M6A00Q160030007-1 The Director of Central Intelligence 4i-ad appeared before the War College last month and had made a most favorable impression. Both o 4r Agency students and several instructors with whom' alked made unsolicited remarks about this, particularly his adeptness during the question period and the frankness of his remarks. There was little evidence that the A.W.C. is using programmed learning to any extent. Their use of closed circuit TV in seminar situations is a start in this direction. They are, however, considering an offer from IBM to computerize much of their instruction and administration, which, if adopted, could be a "pace setter" for other schools of this type. 6. Miscellaneous On 18 Novemberl attended the Inter-Agency Area Round Table at FSI. These monthly inter-agency meetings often provide valuable information of use in the Orientation for Overseas course. Approved For Release 2002/05/02 CIA-RDP78-06096A000100030007-1 ~~?. H OPTIONAL FORM NO. 10 5010-107 MAY lGA GSA.jtgd For ReleAye 2002/05102 : C UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum TO : Chief, Intelligence School DATE: 19 November 1965 Chief, Clerical Training SUBJECT: Weekly Activities Report, No. 37 15 - 19 November 1965 SET 16 Typewriting 7 5 Shorthand 4 2 Card Punch Operator Aptitude Test 0 A000409030007-1 GROUP I Excluded from auftnaUc dawn r aIng and daclt*i1`1Ca'il0i1 Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-06096A000100030007-1 Buy U.S. Savings Bonds Regularly on the Payroll Savings Plan 1. Number in Clerical Induction Traini : During the week of 8 - 12 November 1965, there were 9 trainees in clerical Induction. Training; of these 21 entered classes for the first time. 2. Number in Clerical Orientation Training: During the week of 8 12 November 1965, there were 20 trainees in Clerical Orientation Training. 3. Results of Official Agency Testing Administered in Clerical Induction: Results of the tests administered to the entrance-on-duty employees for the week of 8 - 12 November 1965 were as follows: Typewriting 18 4 Shorthand 11 5 11 Results of Official Agency Testing Administered to Applicants: The results of the tests administered to the clerical applicants for the week of 8 - 12 November 1965 were as follows: Approved For Re1ase 2002/05/O P78-006096AOW-00030007-1 Weekly Activities Report, No. 37 15 - 19 November 1965 F UN TI 5. Results of Official Agency Testing Administered by Clerical Refresher: The results of the tests administered to on-the-job Agency employees on 15 and 16 November 1965 were as follows: Typewriting Shorthand 7 0 15 1 6. Clerical Refresher Program 150 Completed on 12 November 1965: In this Refresher Training Program, students were enrolled from the following components: DDP, 4; DDS, 2. The total number of students was 6. qualified commercial teacher, entered on duty in a provisional status on 15 November 1965. She will attend Clerical Induction classes preparatory to serving on the Clerical Training Faculty as an instructor. 7. Personnel Note: who is a Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-06096A000100030007-1 2