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solo-io approved For Rel We 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-06096A006Mi00030005-3 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT -1AL Nrl Memorandum TO Acting Director of Training 1 Chief, Intelligence School DATE: 7 December 1965 SUBJECT: Weekly; Activities Report No. 39 ;30 wvu - c c I Cf 6 1. On 1 December I audited the current intelligence briefings given by the CT's in the Intelligence Production Course. The briefings were filmed, and the finished sound films will be used as a critique device on 13 December. I shall conduct that critique session. 25X1A 2. On 2 Decembe who will soon take 25X1A over as Special Assistant to the Director for Public Affairs, met wit and me in my office to discuss briefing problems that affect both OTR and the Public Affairs office. 25X1A I feel that in this meeting we established an excellent working relationship wit nd his staff. 3. The Management Training Faculty is at0 this week giving the Management Course for 38 students, and no report from that Faculty is submitted this week. All activities will be covered in next week's report. Attachment: Reports DOCUMENT NO. NO CHANGE: IN CLASS. Q C DE(` ASSlEtE D CLASS. . CHANGED 10. TS S NEXT PEVIEW DATE:..- AA'P~ CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2002/05/0 78-0 9U.-OOOi 0Ot 0005-3 r ~ OPTIONAL FORM NO. 10 J I54 5010-1o-Approved For Rele a 2002/05/02: `1 -RDP78-06096A009 0030005-3 `UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum TO : Chief, Intelligence School FROM : Chief, Orientation and Briefing Faculty SUBJECT: Weekly Activities Report No. 39 29 November - 3 December 1965 :L. Intelligence Orientation IOC #80 ended on 3 December. A preliminary scanning of final test scores suggests that of 38 (down one from the initial 39 because of illness) performed reasonably well despite the loss of a day out for Thanksgiving. More than a third of the class rated "Excellent" even without any adjustments which may be decided on after the effect of the day off is assessed. 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 2. Special Intelligence Orientation for NPIC Final preparations were completed this week for a special part-time two-week orientation for selected em lo ees at NPIC to begin today, 6 December. Mr. U is handling details of course administration. :3. Special ITC for Office of Communications Preparations continued this past week on the special course for nine OC instructors to take place at on 14-17 December. issued advance reading materials to the students via OC's training officer. 4. Special Briefings Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-06096A000100030005-3 Excluded trem ?ntomatic do , *:a~in, and Approved For Rele 2002/05/02 CONFIDUV I INS b. On 29 November at Headquarters, briefed 50 new Agency personnel in the CIA Introduction on the significance of intelligence and the mission and functions of the Agency. c. On 29 November at New State, briefed a larger class than usual of Foreign Service officers and clericals headed for overseas assignments. (Mrs. Betty L. Neuhart has replaced Miss Nancy Hudson, now retired, as the new chairman of this course.) d. On 30 November at Headquarters, gave an Agency organizational briefing to Ambassador W. P. Jones, who is leaving soon for Malawi. Ambassador Jones was accompanied by Mr. Ekern from INR and by OCR Liaison Officer Since the Ambassador had recently heard Col. White's Agency briefing at the Inter-Departmental Seminar, the briefing time was largely devoted to a question and answer session. e. On 1 December at Headquarters, briefed Ambassador John H. Burns, new Chief of Mission in Tanzania, on significant developments within the NSC and USIB, as well as within the Agency in particular. The Ambassador, who said that some people felt he was assigned to "Tarzania", was accompanied b Mr. Ekern from INR and OCR Liaison Officer f. On 3 December at American University, briefed 10 businessmen attending the B.C.I.U. Training Program on the Agency's mission and respon- sibilities. The group, like previous ones, was most articulate, friendly, and cordial. Ambassador Randall, who directs this program, feels that our presentation is one of the most vital and important of the series of briefings given to these senior business executives by various government agencies. * Business Council for International Understanding. Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-06096A000100030005-3 SEC ~-Z ?PT`?"A~f~~~id For Relse 2002/05/02 : 8-06096A0000030005-3 W10--'. UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum : Chief, Intelligence School DATE: 6 Dec 1965 FROM : Chief, Intelligence Production Faculty SUBJECT: Weekly Activities Report No. 39 29 November - 3 December 1965 .1. The Intelligence Production Course CT's had a hectic, crowded week between 29 November and 3 December. On Monday they were welcomed to the Office of Current Intelligence by its Di- 25X1/ Roth of these men gave excellent presentations, with the emphasis on the "hard line" of work and sweat. On Tuesday OCI presented a round of speakers covering its production process, its alerting function, and its tie-in with the CIA Operations Center. The day was concluded by the usual and productive session of the CT's with former CT's who have been on the job in OCI for varying lengths of time. Later in the week the students went to the country desks and produced a weekly article on very short notice. These articles were all critiqued on the Vu-Graph on Friday. Meantime, the students had also been preparing a briefing in which they critiqued the current intelligence production of the community on specific problems, on the basis of the production on those problems and against specific requirements in the assign- ment. These briefings were filmed -- a high point for the students -- and they will be critiqued on briefing performance by at a later date. To round off the week, and the Analysis Workshop phase of the Course, the students were assigned topics for a round-table seminar discussion on 6 December of the "Aspects of Analysis," a treatment in terms of techniques. All in all, the students had a rather busy week. 0) lectured"the Strategic Intelligence Course at DIS on the Strategic Intelligence Process, Unlike previous classes in this course the students included analysts as well as collectors. The combination appears to be stimulating because both collectors and analysts asked more than the usual number of questions. The collectors wanted to know more about the requirements problem, and the analysts, interestingly enough, seemed to be concerned about the increasing importance of the computer in intelligence. Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : Um 8-06096A000100030005 Approved For ReIL a 2002/05/02 =DP78-06096A00QJV0030005-3 CONF1DENTk 25X1A 25X1A I of NPIC to discuss the content of e proposed Intelligence Research (Techniques) tailored to the needs of NPIC analysts in the Collateral Support Division. A draft schedule has been prepared for a two-week full-time course which will include intelligence writing, Russian transliteration, and work on research facilities of value to the Division. The first running of this course is scheduled for 10 to 21 January. 25X1A 5. The IPF was happy to welcomel as a new instructor. He reported for on 6 December, and was assigned 25X1A the responsibility for both IPC and ITC. Approved For Release 2002/05/02...,: G1 RDP78-06096A000100030005- dai~nirs~?n and O Cln"IfiG,Y 16D OPTIONAL FORM NO. 10 5010-107 MAY'ZWW For Release 2002/05/02: CIA-RDP78-06096A009400030005-3 GSA OVgd Memorandum $'_` UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Chief, Intelligence School Chief, Clerical Training DATE: 3 December 1965 SUBJECT: Weekly Activities Report, No. 39 29 November - 3 December 1965 1. Number in Clerical Induction Trainin : During the week of 22 - 26 November 19 5, there were 35 trainees in Clerical Induction Training; of these 11 entered classes for the first time. 2. Number in Clerical Orientation Training: During the week of 22 - 26 November 1965, there were 2 trainees in Clerical Orientation Training. 3. Results of Official Agency Testing Administered in Clerical Induction: Results of the tests administered to the entrance-on-duty employees for the week of 22 - 26 November 1965 were as follows: Tested Passed Typewriting Shorthand 4. Results of Official Agency Testing Administered to Applicants: The results of the tests administered to the clerical applicants for the week of 22 - 26 November 1965 were as follows: Tested Passed SET Typewriting Shorthand Card Punch Operator Aptitude Test GROUP I Excluded from automatic downgrading and declassification Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-06096A000100030005-3 Buy U.S. Savings Bonds Regularly on the Payroll Savings Plan Approved For Rase 2002/05/0 CIA-DP7 -06096ADGfii100030005-3 ONFIDENTIAL Weekly Activities Report, No. 39 29 November 3 December 1965 5. Cancellation of Clerical Refresher Training: Because of, insufficient enrollment it was decided to cancel the Clerical Refresher Training classes during the period of 22 November - 17 December 1965. Notification was given to appropriate offices. Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-06096A000100030005-3