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.~ T OPTIONAL FORM NO. 10 1Z rW 5010_104 Approved For .elease 2002ft A-RDP78-06096 800100020017-1 Memorandum TO : Director of Training ? Chief, Intelligence School suBJECT: Weekly Activities Report No. 13 1 7 June 1965 DATE: 8 June 1965 1. During the week of 1 June Chief IS received an informal request from II for a second running of the Intelligence Briefing course. There was also an explor- atory request from the Office of Security TLO for a special writing workshop for an OS component. Because of existing Intelligence School commitments, neither of these require- ments can be met during the summer months. Chief IS shall so inform the requestors. 2. The Chief of the Clerical Training Faculty has been told by "someone" in the office of Security that on or about .1 October 1965 the Clerical Training Faculty will move to a. new building at 19th and Lynn Streets in Rosslyn. Pending some sort of confirmation, we are treating this as just another rumor. Attachment: Reports Approved For Release 2002/O-RDP78 I/ lids I r(; n ~ vc L :"CE: ~Evt[LVER; ~l CLASS. CHANGED T4: TS 5 DOCUMENT NO. NO CHANGE IN CLASS. 0 i ] DECLASSIFIED ~3tslwi:; NO 19fiPlit ;Q904 8020017-1 Approved For'Release 2002/05/0 8-06090*&00100020017-1 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum 25X1 25X1A TO : Chief, Intelligence School FROM : Chief, Orientation Faculty SUBJECT: Weekly Activities Report No. 13 1 - 4 June 1965 Intelligence Orientation Preparations for 1.0. #78 are just about com- pleted, with 24 students enrolled as of this date. R. N.S.A. Briefing Program I met withi 25X1A the Agency's N.S.A. representative, on 4 June to dis- cuss the proposed N.S.A. Briefing Program. 5X1A told us that the audience would be composed of about 100 top N.S.A. officials (mostly GS-15's and above) and urged us to handle it with q.Q high a level of 25X1A speakers as possible. Deputy Director, N.S.A., has shown a personal. interest in the briefings and plans to attend them. which plans to discuss with this week. We submitted a tentative proposal consisting of five morof briefings over a five-week period, 25X1A Final determination of dates and content will probably be made later this week, after another dis- cussion with 3. CT Orientation We have laid out the first two-week Career Train- ing Orientation Course in rough draft form, and are in the process of coordinating it with other OTR elements. Dan Shumate has already had a number of discussions with regarding those portions of the former one-week Introduction to the Clandestine Services which should be retained in the new program. GROUP 1 Excluded from automatic) downgrading and ~ declassification .~ Approved Foriielease 2002/09'1' -RDP78-060900100020017-1 CONFIDENTIAL plans to visit in the near 25X1A future, to discuss our course in relationship to the Operations Familiarization Course, in order to avoid unnecessary overlapping. Lecture at American University Program presented the Agency lecture in the B.C.I.U. (Business Council for International Under- standing) Training Program at American University on 2 June. This was an extremely astute and attentive group. Although they had a natural interest and curiosity about the Agency's activities, there were no signs of the kind of hostility which apparently has cropped up I . l - ..._ -J-.. 2.- -..,...-;..... -enc+3nno L74t}1 th PCP program in preparation for an overseas tour. In attendance were 11 high -level American business- men and one businesswoman who are taking this four-week This course is now being given five times a year, tion about six years ago. and the Agency has been participating since its incep- Attendance at Orientation for Overseas attended this entire course on 1 and 2 25X1A June as an observer. In the event of 25X1A departure, he will probably be asked to take over the development and administration of this program. Approved For Release 200 Lut OPTIONAL FORM NO. 10 5010-104 Approved For'elease 2002/05/01 CIA-RDP78-06096400100020017-1 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum TO . Chief /Intelligence School FROM . Chief /Management Training Faculty SUBJECT: Weekly Activities Report #13 31 May - 4 June 1965 DATE: 7 June 1965 MANAGEMENT #90 The Management Training Faculty is at (this week conducting Management #90 with twenty students, none of whom are from the DDP. CT SUPPORT COURSE We have had a further conversation with of the Operations School regarding the use of the Managerial Grid in the CT Program. I is planning to visit our current Management Course. CONVERSATION WITHI At the urging ofi plans to be in New York on 14 June for the purpose of discussions on a number of impending programs. We have agreed to stage our Communications Exercise for about twenty-five Junior Officer Trainees at the DIA in A1ILnICt in racrtnnca to a rrrrn,c f from Approved For Release 2002/05/01 CIA-RDP78-06096A000100020017-t1r.1if urA I -Ming YC~1 -al~f~ iFL~~` OPTIONAL FORM NO. 10 1 . ylViq[l~-F/~l?- 5070-10" Approved For4Release 2002/05/ DP78-0609W00100020017-1 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum TO Chief, Intelligence School FROM : Chief, Clerical Training SUBJECT: Weekly Activities Report, No. 13 31 May - 4 June 1965 1. Number in Clerical Induction Trains : During the week of 24 - 2 May 1965, there were 15 trainees in Clerical Induction Training; of these 2 entered classes for the first time. 2. Number in Clerical Orientation Traini : During the week of 2 - 2 May 1 965., there were 5 trainees in Clerical Orientation Training. 3. Results of Official Agency Testing Administered in Clerical Induction: Results of the tests administered to the entrance-on-duty employees for the week of 24 28 May 1965 were as follows: Typewriting 6 2 Shorthand 3 0 4, Results of Official Agency Testing Administered to Applicants: The results of the tests administered to the clerical applicants for the week of 24+ - 28 May 1965 were as follows: SET Typewriting Shorthand Card Punch Operator Aptitude Test 25 18' 10 DATE: 4 June 1965 Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA- SECRET 1, returned to duty Monday after com- pleting the 14-week Advanced Intelligence Course given at the Defense Intelligence School in Anacostia. This course is extremely valuable for CIA personnel who have a need to know about DOD intelligence organizations and proceedures. On the whole, there is suprisingly little knowledge of this subject, even among some of the CIA personnel who work with DOD frequently. The need for greater knowledge of DOD intelligence activities, how- ever, is obvious because they include more than three- fourths of all the intelligence personnel in US intelli- gence agencies, and their budget is also probably more than three-fourths of the intelligence community total. One of the major handicaps under which the course operated was that at least half of the students had only top secret clearances; therefore, the course could not give adequate answers as to why there are so many people in intelligence, and why the intelligence budget is so high in DOD. Another important gap in the course was that relatively little time was devoted to CIA. Quite a number of students commented on this gap and recommend- ed that considerably more time be given to briefings on CIA and its activities. At graduation on Friday the students were given OPTIONAL FORM NO. 10 5010-104 Approved Fo*Release 2002/05 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT EFRDP78-06091W000100020017-1 Memorandum ~ONFIpkNJ,qL TO : Chief, Intelligence School DATE: 7 June 65 FROM : Chief, Intelligence Production Faculty SUBJECT: Weekly Activities Report No. 13 31. May - 4 June 1965 a beautiful diploma that included the colorful embossed seal of the DIS. ~ - J~~BAiQS~r~ SC.!) (' rill-r% App~ePl~o~~ifi~05~d1thClilf7the areas. processes were the DD/SET, including the Office of Sci- entific Intelligence and the use of computers in Intel- ligence. The familiar pattern was followed: visits to the plants; meetings with the people producing the in- telligence; individual interviews; and seminar discussions 2. The Career Trainees in IPC had a busy, instruc- tive, and interesting week covering everything from Pro- gram planning to the Capabilities of Collection Programs. Sandwiched in between these extremes of the production Approved For lease 2002. a A-RDP78-06096*J00100020017-1 3. After less than 30 days on the job to gain experience, had to take over the complete responsibility for the administrative func- tioning of the Office because of the leave-absence of Pam is doing an excellent job -- quietly and. e iciently handling 'the course support work plus the administrative and secretarial chores. GROUP 1 Excluded from automatic Approved For Release 2002/05 Approved For'lielease 2002/OWVRDP78-0609640i00100020017-1 7 June 1965 MEMORANDUM FOR: Chief, Intelligence School SUBJECT: Weekly Activities Report #13 1 June - 4 June 1965 BRIEFING OF CIA PERSONNEL The monthly Orientation for Overseas was given on 1 and 2 June for the fifth time, again byl Total enrollment was over 40, of whom 39 attended. Of this number, 15 were dependent wives. The "Ladies Session" pointing up logistical problems, with attendance billed as optional on the second afternoon, drew l4 of the women enrolled. The panel in charge of this session consisted of returned from Europe last fall, and returned from the Middle East last winter. This wasl second contribution; it was the fourth for the other two ladies. class. The "Ladies Session" has been strongly approved by both registrants and panel members each time we have run the course. advises that the discussion in these sessions keeps coming back to the specifics of the particular country and post of destination. Though we try to build a panel with resources of personal experience in all the world regions to which ladies are being assigned, it is some- times embarrassing to "sell" a returnee from a region with which only one or two registrants are concerned. We find, however, that such persons can be given substitute help in the form of leads to returnee wives or bachelor ladies. Furthermore, related basic themes are handled 'by on a global basis at the closing session of the full considers ideal for this purpose. I D E IIAL Ori tation & Briefing Officer "i. F We much appreciate the assistancel has begun to render in managing the files from which hand-out kits are drawn, on personal ,adaptation themes and the area of destination. 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 2002/051a ; 14-RDT618mW 098A1 aC1100020017-1 dOMC:~ ~ il~w k ~~