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1 -~ -. - OPTIONAL FORM NO. 10 a5010-104 Approved Foelease UNITED STATES GOVERNMEN Memorandum provide a part-time program was agreed upon. That plan is out- lined in the current Weekl Activities Report of the Intelligence Production Faculty. Is acting as coordinator for the Intelligence School. DATE: 15 June 1965 1. On 7 June Chief IS met with Chief PPS an of NPIC to discuss the requested unclassified train- ing program for NPIC. A plan for the Intelligence School to of the Intelligence Briefing Course for could be met after 25X1A i September 1965. 2. On 8 June Chief IS calle TLO for I land told, him that requirement for a second running will brief DDTR on the program as soon as possible after his return from New York on 15 June. Training Faculty's cognizance of the PERT program. 3. On 9 June DDTR asked Chief IS about the Management 4. On 10 June Chief IS calledl TLO for the Office of Security and told him that the Office of Security's requirement for a special Writing Workshop Course will be met after 1 September 1965. 5. On 10 June Chief IS discussed withl the office space problem posed by the expansion of the Orientation and Briefing Faculty and the Intelligence Production Faculty. (The subsequently proposed relocation of the Management Training Faculty would solve this problem satisfactorily.) 6. On 10 June Mrs. Latham of the FSI faculty called Chief IS and asked about including in an FSI Handbook for wives a state- 25X1A ment concerning the Agency's overseas responsibilities. Chief IS has discussed this query with who will provide Mrs. Latham with the answer. ::)CUUMENI NO. -----, !') CHANGE IN CLASS. 0 -i DL-CLASSIFIED ? Director of Training FROM : Chief, Intelligence School SUBJECT: Weekly Activities Report No. 14 8 - 14 June 1965 1 - / roved For e 20 7 ~RIP6090MOO1 "s I 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A Approved For# elease 200 -RDP78-06090"00100020015-3 7. On 11 Junel tilled Chief IS and inquired about OTR's possible interest in an ORR 25X1A analyst. Both Chief IS and 0 have talked with0 25X1A and he appears to meet all of our requirements for assignment to the Intelligence Production Faculty. Chief IS told that we would be glad to see file, 25X1A t it we were to accept him he would have to come on u a rotational assignment. said that this would be difficult but if we F ething might be worked out. file is being sent to us. 8. As indicated in the current Weekly Activities Report of the Orientation and Briefing Faculty, staff work on the requested program of briefings for NSA is awaiting the decision of the Executive Director-Comptroller concerning the starting date and the availability of senior Agency officials. We are hoping to get a decision today, 15 June. 9. The reorganization of the functions of the Orientation and Briefing Officer has, in effect, been completed. The Intelligence Orientation Faculty, which will become the Orien- tation and Briefing Faculty, has absorbed these functions, and the briefing assignments are being carried out under the su er- vision of as directed by Chief IS. is acting as coordinating officer. Before 30 June Chlet-T will submit for DTR's approval a specific recommendation of the organization and the operational plan. Attachment: Reports Approved For Release 2002/0~ QIA='FDP78-06096A000100020015-3 Approved Fo lease 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-06090M00100020015-3 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum Chief, Intelligence School DATE: 14 June 1965 Chief, Orientation Faculty suBJECT: Weekly Activities Report No. 14 7 - 11 June 1965 No final commitment has yet been made on the starting date for the series of five N.S.A. briefings. We have been in touch with the Ex. Dir./Comptroller's Office regarding the possibility of Mr. Kirkpatrick presenting the first of these briefings on Wednesday, 23 June. However, because of the apparent desire of the new DCI to have all his senior people present at his staff meeting we are not certain that the 0930- 1200 schedule originally proposed by N.S.A. will be feasible. As soon as a final decision is made as to appropriate starting date and times, we will proceed to line up other speakers. 2. Introduction to Intelligence #78 This course begins today with an initial atten- dance of 15 students. Several from RID are enrolled and are expected to report to class on Tuesday or Wednesday. Represented are offices of the DDS&T, 3 components of DDP, and 4 of DDS. Only one student from DDI (ORR) is enrolled in this course. N.S.A. Briefings Special Lectures and Briefings a. On 10 June, briefed six naval officers, one marine officer and one senior civilian assigned to N.S.A. on the mission of CIA in the intelligence com- munity. The group was most enthusiastic about the briefing, and several expressed the opinion that N.S.A. should arrange these briefings earlier in their tour. All had been with N.S.A. a year or more. The briefing was held in the headquarters building. b. I presented a lecture on the Agency's overseas responsibilities to a group of about 75 FSR's and clerical personnel in the New State Building on 10 June. These were for the most part people going overseas for the first time. I think there is an important educational task to be performed here. Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-06096A000100020015-3 GROUP I Excluded from autamattc SMUT- downuading and P }N t f" E R I -- i A t deciassiSicaiien Approved For Qelease 2002 W A-RDP78-0609M000100020015-3 c. On 11 June, riefed the current group of about 25 AID officers on the Agency's intelligence 25X1A mission. I has informed us that this AID Orientation Course will be moving from the Civil Service Commission Building to a location with new and larger training facilities in July. 4. NPIC Briefing At the request of NPIC, we are developing a one-day unclassified briefing program for a group of uncleared employees, similar to that presented in 1963. We understand that this may be a recurring request during the summer months. The first program will be held next Monday, 21 June. Subjects covered will include the History of American Intelligence, NSC-USIB relationships and the role of CIA. 5. Personnel Developments a. We are most happy to have back with the Office of Training, and are particular Ay pleased that he will be working with this staff. With Paul's background and experience, he will be able to provide invaluable assistance to our training responsibilities. Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-06096A000100020015-3 OPTIONAL FORM NO. 10 p ,~ I 5010 '?' Approved For elease 2002/0. `-7. 'GSA-RDP78-0609' 000100020015-3 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum TO Chief /Intelligence School DATE: 14 June 1965 FROM : Acting Chief/Management Training Faculty suBJECT: Weekly Activities Report #14 7-11 June 1965 MANAGEMENT #90 This one-week live-in course at for the GS 11-14 level was completed on Friday afternoon, 11 June 1965. We lost one of our 20 students on Tuesday due to an emergency at home. The group, which included two PHD's, five Master's, and ten Bachelor's, was an extremely interesting one with which to work and considerable enthusiasm was generated. Three of the students are upcoming Midcareerists; one attended the second Midcareer Course. We were pleased to hav of the Operations School spend Wednesday with us. SUPERVISION #88 In view of limited registrations (8) for this course scheduled for the week of 21-25 June at 1000 Glebe, we have requested approval for cancellation. GROUP 1 I c Irru ntamaric 1 av rrac1ng and Approved For Release 2002/05/ U11 nR RDP78-06096A00010002 O a daclassiticaBan OPTIONAL. FORMIApp M10_104 roved FawRelease 200UMOF4CIA-RDP78-060 000100020015-3 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum TO Chief, Intelligence School DATE: 14 June 1965 Chief, Intelligence Production Faculty Weekly Activities Report No. 14 7 June - 11 June 1965 1. We have worked out an unclassified training program for NPIC which is to run from 21 June through 1 October. The program, which has been coordinated with the IOF and SIC, is as follows: 21 June Orientation by IOF 22 June Testing by A&E Staff 23 June-8 July Effective Writing 9 July-13 July Automatic DD/S&T, Data Processing, by OCS 14 July-5 Aug. International Communism 6 Aug.-13 Aug. Research Techniques 16 Aug.-16 Sept. Geography of the USSR 17 Sept.-l Oct. Effective Writing Except for the first two days the training will be given in the morning. NPIC will provide training during the afternoon. NPIC hopes to include Effective Briefing b will consult with NPIC on giving his regularly scheduled Map and ' Photo Interpretation Course on an unclassified basis in the afternoons from 13 September to 15 October. 2. NPIC was visited by the CT's in the Intel- ligence Production Course on June 9th. After receiving a general over-all briefing on NPIC, the students re- ceived a two-hour briefing and tour of the Photographic Intelligence Division. This is the component which provides the photographic interpretation support for CIA departmental requirements. Part of the two-hour presentation was a completely automated briefing with a wide variety of visual aids. After lunch, the CT's toured the Technical Intelligence Division, the Collateral Support Division, and the photo laboratory. The visit to NPIC was a full day of activity and even so not all of the Center can be seen in just one day. The students were impressed with the capabilities of NPIC and the amazing success of our reconnaissance activities. The OROUP I Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-06096 u d t 3 dalassitfc,tM SECRET Approved Fo?% elease 2002/f /qp~ IA-RDP78-0609000100020015-3 PAGE TWO - WEEKLY ACTIVITIES REPORT NO. 14 cep t on the same day. This is not the best way to quality of the instructors' work at its highest. capability, quality, and volume of our reconnaissance systems continues to improve and this can only result in a continued expansion of NPIC. 3. The expansion of our activities to include 52 days of unclassified training for NPIC imposes a burden on the instructors involved in CT Training. The only way three major courses can be run at the same time, - i.e., courses that involve several in- structors each, such as the Intelligence Techniques Course, the Intelligence Production Course, and the NPIC Unclassified Course, - is to have some instructors participating in several courses at different times k the Excluded from P utomatle dawngrading and declasslticatlen Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-06096A000100020015-3 SECRET Approved For4kelease 2002/05/02: CIA-RDP7 609A*000100020015-3 N FI E TJ 14 June 1965 MEMORANDUM FOR: Chief, Intelligence School SUBJECT: Weekly Activities Report #14 7 June - 11 June 1965 BRIEFINGS OF CIA PERSONNEL 1. CIA Introduction: On 7 June, 58 new employees. 25X1A 2. CIA Review: On 8 June, eight people. 25X1A gave this briefing for gave this briefing for only Approved For Release 2002/0 Orientation & Briefing Exal~e} f: y -6O9' 78- 6AO00 -1~ OPTIONAL FORM NO. 10 e0,0-, 0a Approved Forielease 2002/05/02. I - 8-060960100020015-3 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum TO : Chief, Intelligence School FROM : Chief, Clerical Training suBJECT: Weekly Activities Report, No. 14 7 - 11 June 1965 DATE: 11 June 1965 1. Number in Clerical Induction Trainin : During the week of 31 May - June 1965, there were 12 trainees in Clerical Induction Training; of these 6 entered classes for the first time. 2. Number in Clerical Orientation Trainin : During the week of 31 May - June 1-9-C5, ,there were no trainees in Clerical Orientation Training. 3. Results of Official Agency Testing Administered in Clerical Induction: Results of the tests administered to the entrance-on-duty employees for the week of 31 May - 4 June 1965 were as follows: Typewriting 8 2 Shorthand 3 3 4. Results of Official Agency Testing Administered to Applicants: The results of the tests administered to the clerical applicants for the week of 31 May - 4 June 1965 were as follows: SET 22 Typewriting 14 1 Shorthand 2 1 Card Punch Operator Aptitude Test Approved For Release 2002/05/02: c s EI w7j"It 4a downgrading and declassification Approved For$elease 2002/05/0. CIP78-06096000100020015-3 Weekly Activities Report, No. 14 7 - 11 June 1965 5. Personnel Notes: i on 5-June 1965. became the bride ofl 25X1A b, of this Faculty is enjoying a one-month tour in Europe. A Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-06096A000100020015-3 RFT