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5010-1f, 4 Approved For Release 2002M3/Dl : CIA-RDP78-06096Ai1G~0100020003-6 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum Director of Training DATE: 14 September 1965 FROM : Chief, Intelligence School SUBJECT: Weekly Activities Report No. 27 25X1A 25X1A 7 - 13 September 1965 1. On 8 September Chief IS interviewed 25X1A a DDI careerist who is a possible rotational assignee to OTR. As of 14 September, Chief IS has not heard what decisionC 25X1A has made. 25X1A 2. On 8 September Chief IS met with to discuss the Intelligence School's continuation -- on a limited basis -- of the instructor. training. course formerly given by It was agreed that with the files of course material and that urgent requirements for the course would be met by Intelligence School instructors. 3. On 10 September Chief IS attended a meeting in the DDS conference room to discuss NPIC personnel recruiting problems. A report of. that meeting is being submitted to DTR today. 25X1A Attachment: Reports "'T N 10r. ^ {.'?~+'.'..`".~. ice:{L?~'~~7C.~ T7: T 80 All rH: L1- Approved For Release 2002/0 TIA ~E1DF-N~ OPTIONAL FOR M1f~IQp oved For Rg ease 2002/0 RDP78-06096AW0100020003-6 5010-IN F1~./ UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum 2bX1A 25X1A 25X1A Chief, Intelligence School DATE: 13 September 1965 FROM : Chief, Intelligence Production Faculty -SUBJECT: Weekly Activities Report No. 27 7 September - 10 September 1965 1. held discussions with the DD/S&T Training Officer last week regarding our preparation of a DD/S&T Handbook for use particularly in the IPC. He was advised that at present the offices of the DD/S&T are undergoing reorganization and it was not deemed advisable to proceed with a handbook at this time. The Office of Computer Services, Office of Research and Develop- ment, and the Special Projects Staff are the offices undergoing change. The Special Projects Staff is to become the Office of Special Projects. It is also possible that there may be a minor reorganization of the Office of Scientific Intelligence. A copy of the DCS Handbook was given to the DD/S&T Training officer who thought that at some future date they would want to participate in the preparation of a handbook. During the discussions it was learned that Chief Special Projects Staff had resigned and was replace Dr. Wheten, Director of DD/S&T, will also be leaving the Agency in the future (no date specified). He stated that he originally came to the Agency for three years with the option of remaining a fourth year; his three years were completed 1 June 1965. His replacement is to be on board 60 days before he leaves the Agency. 2. The last of the almost-back-to-back Intelligence Techniques Courses finished on Friday, and we now look forward to 25 October as the beginning of the Big Four Program. The support effort for the new program, such as rooms, publications, projectors, and carts, will be larger than for the previous one; and steps have been taken to gather in the needed resources. The staff members have been reorganized into four teams instead the usual three, and the leaders of Sections I through IV are 3. On Fridayl spoke in the Attache Course at DIS on the strategic intelligence process. As usual the question period surfaced interest in how CIA recruits its professional officers. Given the fact that the questioners are attaches, one wonders about the origins of such questions. Just professional interest? Approved For Release 2002/05/01 CIA-RDP06096A0001000200 Approved For lease 20W1C1A-RpP7 C 0100020003-6 Liffil - 4. On Friday we said farewell tol who transferred to a position in the Cartography Division of OBI, and t who has returned to ORR, as an assistant to chief of the Military-Economic Research Area. 5. met today with of the Office 25X1A of Security to review a draft of part of his book and to review his plans for completing this book. has a research 25X1A grant from Brookings Institution to write this book, which deals with sources of information for security investigators. He utilized our text on research planning in writing the terms of reference for this book and has checked with us as his work has progressed., 6. The Intermediate Writing Workshop began today with five students enrolled; Intelligence Research (Map and Photo Interpretation) started today with 13 students. Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : C P78-06096A000100020003-6 S U+.f OPTIONAL. FORM ' 5010-104 ForQelease 2002/05/01 Gr - ~l =1 96 300100020003-6 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum TO : Chief /Intelligence School : Chief/Management Training Faculty DATE: 13 September 1965 SUBJECT: Weekly.Activities Report No. 27 6 - 10 September 1965 SUPERVISION #89 Supervision Course #89 begins today, 13 September, in Room 701 of this building. There are twenty-four students enrolled in this course, as follows: 12 - DDI; 7 - DDS; 2 - DDP; 2 - DCI; 1 - DDS&T. MANAGEMENT #92 t enrollees for the next Management Course which starts ,L We note with satisfaction that there are already thirty- Monday, 27 September /3 a GA9Ui' ; Excledad from a:iiamafic Approved For Release 2001 ~1' q l!1f78-06096A000100020903 n~radln; 3t:d OPTIONAL PORM NO. 10 o+0-1 04 Approved For RIease 2002/0 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum RDP78-06096Pi 00100020003-6 TO :Chief, Intelligence School FROM :Chief, Orientation Faculty SUBJECT: Weekly Activities Report No. 27 7 10 September 1965 1. :Preparation for IOC #79 DATE: 13 September 1965 In completing preparations for IOC #79 beginning 13 September, a revision has now been made of the Staff Paper on "The Organization of CIA". This updates the last of the IOF Staff Papers which are made available to the 10 students. Room 803 has been made ready for 61 students-- the largest 10 class since the move to Glebe Road in 1963. 2. Special Lectures and Briefings a. On 8 September 1965 at the Defense Intelligence School in Anacostia, briefed a new class of 70 attache students and Defense Intelligence School students on the National Security Structure, emphasizing the Agency's responsibilities at. the NSC and intelligence community levels. b. On 9 September, lectured informally on CIA's role in the government structure to a group of about 20 AID Management Interns at New State. c. On 10 September, lectured on "Organi- zation, Mission, and Functions of CIA" to a group of 70 attache students and Defense Intelligence School students at the Defense Intelligence School at Anacostia. d. On 7 September, briefed individually one of a series of scientists whom DDS&T is using I- I A one-hour broad brush treatment of the intelli- gence community and CIA was given in the presence of the CIA case officer at a local motel. Both seemed satisfied with the briefing. Exclude dRVP--~ dor~~rgradia. aeaomd efic declass?~i_s;f.3~ Other such briefings will undoubtedly be forthcoming. Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP78-06096A000100020003-6 Approved For Release 2002 I' tIA-RDP78-06096)IW00100020003-6 3. Special Presentation at Newport, R.I. briefed 12 Agency e. On 10 September, latter indicated his desire to be a candidate for our next IR or 10 courses. Chief, IOF, willingly interrupted his New England vacation to lecture to a group of 119 Naval Reserve Officers at the Naval Justice School, Newport, R.I. on 31 August on "The Role of Intelligence Today". This group, mostly lawyers, was one of the most responsive and enthusiastic I have met, and the "Navy treatment" of guest speakers was at its usual :high level. Captain Paul McEntire, USN, Deputy Commandant of, the Naval Justice School, who served as my escort, had been a friend and classmate of Admiral Raborn at the Naval War College, and had nothing but the highest praise for our new Director. expressed their thanks to IOF and the 4. CT Orientation The draft schedule for the course beginning on 11 October has been completed, and the DDP portions of the course coordinated with Operations School and personnel. Approved For Release 200245/01 : CIA-RDP78-06096A000100020003-6 SE Taff---- OPTIONAL FORM NO. 10 5070-104 Approved Fo l 002/05/ :CIA-RDP - 900100020003-6 UNITED STATE, GOVE NMEeTNI -2 ENIL1 Memorandum Chief, Intelligence School Chief, Clerical Training DATE: 10 September 1965 SUBJECT: Weekly Activities Report, No. 27 7 - 10 September 1965 Typewriting 40 11 Shorthand 24 5 SET 5 Typewriting 3 Shorthand 2 Card Punch Operator Aptitude Test 0 L 1. Number in Clerical Induction Trainin : During the week of 30 August - 3 September 1 5, there were 4+7 trainees in Clerical Induction Training; of these 13 entered classes for the first time. 2. Number in Clerical Orientation Traini : During the week of 30 August - 3 September 1 965,, there were 31 trainees in Clerical Orientation Training. 3. Results of.Official Agency Testing Administered in Clerical Induction: Results of the tests administered to the entrance-on-duty employees for the week of 30 August - 3 September 1965 were as follows: Results of Official Agency Testing Administered to Applicants: The results of the tests administered to the clerical applicants for the week of 30 August - 3 September 1965 were as follows: Approved For Release 2002/, -R.08l9".0100020003-6 ~eclsssl icciion RET Approved For-Release 052/05/01 : CIA-RDP78-06096N000100020003-6 Weekly Activities Report, No. 27 7 -? 10 September 1965 5. Results of Official Agency Testing Administered by Clerical Refresher: The results of the tests administered to on-the-job Agency employees on 7 September 1965 were as follows: Typewriting 23 Shorthand 20 6. Personnel Notes: I who served as contract instructor in Clerical Training during this summer, left our employ on 10 September 1965. This fall she will be attending courses at Harvard University working toward her doctorate. Approved For Release 2002/05~,P7096A000100020003-6