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Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 NOFORN OFFICE OF TRAINING EMERGENCY, CONTINGENCY, AND WAR PLAN NOFORN Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 S-E-C-R-E-T NOFORN OTR EMERGENCY, CONTINGENCY, AND WAR PLAN PREFACE INSTRUCTIONS TO RECIPIENTS Upon receipt of this plan all CIA elements concerned are requested to carefully review it in terms of the training factors relative to their war, contingency, and emergency planning and actions and submit amendments to the Office of Training. The planning approach followed herein is based on the premise that conservative, imaginative OTR component planning now to meet the Hot War training demands of the Agency simultaneously enhances OTR capabilities to meet current CIA training requirements. This plan is based on the best available current information con- cerning the scope and character of CIA wartime and contingency plan- ning and operations. The plan has been developed as far as it is believed feasible to do so within the information currently available. It will be reviewed annually or more often as required. In coordi- nation with the CIA operational and support components concerned, OTR will assist in the refinement or preparation of such additional annexes and appendixes as may be requested by the users. Your support is necessary to bring this plan more realistically into line with your foreseeable contingency and wartime training requirements and responsibilities. Preface S-E-C-R-E-T OTR War Plan 15 February 1960 NOFORN Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 NOFORN OTR EMERGENCY, CONTINGENCY, AND WAR PLAN CONTENTS P_ige 1. GENERAL . . . . . . . . . 1 a. Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 b. Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ? ? ? . . . . . . . 1 c. References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ? ? ? ? ? ? . . ? . 1 d. Situation . . . . . . . . . . . ? ? . . . . . . ? 1 e. Assumptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1 f. Concept of Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Estimated Student Loads . . . . . . . . . . . ? ? ? . 2 Training Relationships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ? 3 Training Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . ? ? ? ? ? 4 DD/P Area Division Responsibilities . . . . . . . . . . 4 Wartime Training Bases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Country Command Training Facilities. . . . . . . . . . 5 Procedure for Developing Overseas Training Programs and Facilities . . . . . . . . . . . . ? ? ? ? 6 g. Emergency Relocation Responsibilities . . . . . . . . . . . 6 h. Contingency Responsibilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ? 8 2. MISSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 a- General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 b. Continuing Mission Pre- and Post-War . . . . . . . . . . . 8 c. Emergency Mission . . . . . . . . . . . . . ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 9 d. Wartime Responsibility . . . . ? . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 e. Contingency Mission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 3. TASKS FOR OTR COMPONENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 a. General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 b. Intelligence School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Contents OTR War Plan 15 February 1960 - 1 - S-E-C-R-E-T NOFORN Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 Approved For Release 2000/09/08 5I~d-F fFT-06086A000100050014-2 C. d. e. g. h. )? X. Y. Operations School . . ? . . ? . . . . . . . 10 School of International Communism and the USSR . . . . . . 13 Language and Area School 13 . . . . . . . . . . Plans and Polic' Staff ? . . ? . . ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . lei Registrar Staff . . . . . ? . . . . . ? . . . 6 ..... 1 Assessment and Evaluation Staff . . . . . . . . . . . , 17Support Staff . 18~ unior Officer Training Program . . . . . . . .. . . 1 ci Tasks All OTR Components . . . . . . . . . . 19 Tasks, OTR School Chiefs . . . . . . . . . . . 22 4. ADMINISTRATION AND SUPPORT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 5. COMMAND, COORDINATION, AND COMMUNICATIONS . . . . . 23 Tab A: Definitions Tab B: References Tab C: Description of Annexes Tab D: Index of Courses Annex A: Training Appendix to CIA Global War Plan for Clandestine Operations Annex B: Intelligence School Appendix 1: Appendix 2: Appendix 3: Appendix 4: Appendix 5: Appendix 6: Intelligence Orientation Faculty Orientation and Briefing Officer Clerical Trainincr Faculty Intelligence Production Faculty Operations Support Faculty Management Training Faculty Annex C: Operations School Appendix 1: Appendix 2: Appendix 3: Appendix 4: Headquarters Training Overseas Training Covert Training Field Training Annex D: School of International Communism and, the USSR Contents OTR War Plan 15 Febrr gyo,gdc or Release 2000/e97g89Cc- t 78-06086A000100050014-2 NOF ORN Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 Appendix 2: OTR Vital Materials Program Appendix 3: Support Staff, Annex E: Language and Area School Annex F: Registrar Staff Appendix 1: Catalog of Wartime Courses (to be published) Annex G: Assessment and Evaluation Staff Annex H: Administration and Support Appendix 1: Personnel Tab A: OTR Peacetime and Wartime Personnel Requirements Tab B: OTR Organizational Chart Tab C: Overseas Training Base Planning Guide Tab A: Office Tab B: Security Branch Tab C: Tab D: Finance Branc Tab E: Personnel Branch Tab F: Supply Branch Tab G: Public Works Branch Tab H: Special Services Branch Tab I: Medical Tab J: Branch Tab K: Communications Branch Annex I: Planning Outline for Converting Peacetime Courses to Wartime Training -3- S-E-C-R-E-T NOFORN Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 Contents OTR War Plan 15 February 1960 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 NOFORN OTR EMERGENCY, CONTINGENCY, AND WAR PLAN 1. GENERAL. a. Purpose: This plan sets out the Office of Training's (OTR) missions and special provisions required to promote the continuation, intensification, and/or modification of training activities in the event of critical emergencies arising from internal or external developments which prevent the normal conduct of operations. Such contingency situations may range from limited emergencies or partial relocation up to and including all-out nuclear war. On D-day or when otherwise directed by the Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) , this plan will be activated in support of: (1) CIA Global War Plan for Clandestine Operations and/or; (2) CIA Emergency Relocation and Evacuation Plans and/or; (3) CIA Limited (Denied) Warfare Plans now in the process of being crystallized. b. Definitions: See Tab A. c. References: See Tab B. d. Situation: The analysis of the situation and the basis for assessment of probable developments are contained in pertinent military plans and esti- mates, Office of Current Intelligence Handbook Series, National Intelligence Estimates, and National Intelligence Surveys, and, therefore, will not be repeated here. e. Assumptions: (1) OTR will continue to conduct most of its tr i of staff employee: at the CIA national Headquarters site and one major These may be the present sites already selected, or alternate sites requ si- tioned through the Department of Defense after D-day. done at an alternate relocation site yet to be selected. Lg6A000100050014-2 ApIp cK eWlid'F 2Ashe 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-10'6( NOFORN OTR War Plan Approved For Release 2000/09/C I'ia--F78T 06086A000100050014-2 (3) Overseas training bases may have to be relocated because of nuclear contamination or other exigencies. An Overseas Training Base Planning Guide (Tab C to Appendix 1 to Annex 11) and descriptions of I., U.LL jx 4 to Annex C and Appendix 3 to Annex H) are attached to assist non-OTR components in planning overseas training facilities. f. Concept of Training: By preparing now for all-out nuclear war, OTR will develop the training capabilities to meet the requirements of any lesser contingency or emergency. (1) Estimated Student Loads: (a) Based on current monthly enrollments in OTR-conducted courses and over-all CIA plans and capacities for wartime expansion, it is estimated OTR requires the D-day capability to develop an accelerated staff training program to begin training approximately 25X9 M staff employees during the first three months of a major war. For planning purposes, it is assumed that at any one time this student 25X9A2 body of=will be divided between the four OTR Schools approximately 25X9A2 as follows: 25X1A6a 25X9A2 25X9A2 -(for refresher of employees alread support plans for , 25X9A2 to e Fess 25X9A2 repared logistical ?in the event all similar alternate OTR training activities are relocated at that base or site. (b) Based on the over-all CIA plan to augment its present staff 25X9A2 b a ! o t l x. I ppr ma e y within the first six months of a war, OTR instruction during the first three months after D-day will give priority to the training and selection of supplemental. training cadres to meet I)+90 through. D+180 training requirements divided between the four OTR Schools approximately as follows: Operatiii School -_ Intelligence School - When directed to do so, training, administrative, and support require- ments to support: this augmentation will be transmitted to the Depart- ment of Defense as D-day plus 90 requirements. If alerted in advance, closed-circuit TV systems could be requested to facilitate this OTR War Plan 15 February 1960 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 2000/09/O0O7J.APRDP78-06086A000100050014-2 Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 NOFORN instructional expansion. Provisions for closed TV circuits are included in the new building. TV equipment can be requisitioned when directed by DD/S. (2) Training Relationships: Subject to the limitations of present budget and T/O ceilings, OTR preparatory tasks will conform to the con- cepts of training and general phases of accomplishment set out in the CIA Global War Plan for Clandestine Operations Training Appendix attached as Annex A, this plan. (a) The Technical Services Staff (TSS) will conduct training in TSS skills and subjects for staff, agent, and U. S. military personnel. (Coordinate with OTR.) (b) The Office of Communications (O/C) will train staff and clandestine communications personnel, including those supplied by the Department of Defense. In the interest of over-all CIA economy and efficiency, O/C and OTR will examine the feasibility of estab- lishing one centralized OTR-O/C - staff training base either 25X1A 25X9A2 25X9A2 to be requisitioned dication of the C wartime training requirements, the O/C T/O envisions an increase of _ personnel which translates into a peak training load of approximately= students over a period of 16 months. If approved, this concept may necessitate the selec- tion of a separate domestic base for wartime covert traininc of Agent personnel. (c) All CIA components will determine and prepare their objec- tives and requirements for wartime training programs appropriate to their particular specialties as part of their own war and emergency plans. Where requested to do so, OTR will provide staff assistance and guidance in the preparation of such requirements. (d) Non-OTR CIA component-conducted training will be modified to meet wartime exigencies. CIA components contemplating component-- conducted training courses in wartime will prepare their own wartime plans,course outlines, lesson plans, training materials, and instruc- tors preparatory to D-day. (Coordinate with OTR.) OTR War Plan 15 February 1960 - 3 - S-E-C-R-E-T NOFORN Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 Approved For Release 2000/r PdiS-CC &i DIB78-06086A000100050014-2 (3) Training Requirements: Up to the limits of OTR capabilities, the Director of Training will consolidate and meet the requirements for 25X1A training at Headquarters and sites in support of clandestine operations and Headquarters activities as they are received from CIA components and the US Armed Forces. It is the responsibility of CIA operating components to forward to OTR as soon as possible their con.-- t.ingency and wartime training requirements reduced to planning factors of numbers of personnel, nationalities, objectives, and training materials or instructors required, etc. (See para. 3a(4) , Annex A, this plan.) (a) Where specific requirements for pre-D-day training are levied by the Armed Forces and approved by DD/P, they will con- tinue to be met by OTR on an ad hoc basis as they have been met: in the past. There remains the need to program these requirements on an annual basis. (b) The capabilities of OTR to give instruction preliminary to any emergency is a fluid and changing thing dependent largely on the work load and the number of instructors and training facilities available at the time in question. Since OTR's capabilities are already somewhat strained, specific traininci requirements should be programmed in advance and forwarded so as to reach OTR with a minimum of six months lead time. (c) As specific training requests are received from within CIA or the Armed Forces, they will. continue to be met in keeping with. the policy described above. If and when such requirements exceed present OTR capabilities, the CIA Deputy Directors concerned will have to choose what training is to be curtailed in preference to priority programs or provide additional manpower and funds for crash requirements necessitating any_ major expansion of training_ facilities. (4) DD /P Area Division Responsibility for Training Cadres and 2rograms: Training is an inherent responsibility of the DD/P chiefs of Station. OTR will not have the capacity to provide all of the training cadres required on a world-wide basis. This foreseeable deficiency can be met now by the operating divisions assigning linguistically qualified (or enrolled! in language training) personnel to OTR for special nstruction to provide training cadres specifically destined for the area C)TR War Plan 15 February 1960 Approved For Release 2000/09/0>4961jP78-06086A000100050014-2 Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CTA 7 -OF086A000100050014-2 N OF ORN in question. This training will take the form of special instruction in the subjects in which it is desired the cadre nuclei members acquire competence and whenever possible a brief assignment as an assistant instructor to gain practical instructional experience. Operating divisions. foreseeing the need to establish such training cadres should levy their specific requirements on OTR with a minimum of six months lead time. (a) War or other contingencies may require the Clandestine Services representatives in the field to devote a major portion of their efforts to extemporaneous training activities in order to stay in business and to exploit the operational opportunities presented by such contingencies. Where possible, DTR will provide qualified training officers to assist such training endeavors. Where this is not possible, operations field officials are responsible for the initiation of their own training programs. Insofar as possible, such training should conform with the training doctrine presented in the courses of the OTR Operations School. Communications, pouch facilities, and personnel being available, OTR will continue its support of foreign training programs in a manner similar to the support now provided by the Operations School Covert Training and Overseas Training (Appendix 2 to Annex C). DD/P area divisions should note that where the Overseas Training Branch of OTR serves as CIA's central index of foreign language translations of training materials, the translation of such foreign language material and forwarding it to OTR for inclusion in the central index is the respons bility of the user. (6) Country Command Training Facilities: Facilities for training in the country commands will be selected when directed by the operating component concerned. In the meantime, OTR will continue to assign TDY -5- OTR War Plan S-E-C-R-E-T 15 February 1960 Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-R,N$6A000100050014-2 Approved For Release 2000/09AS$ -d' #TfP7%-06086A000100050014-2 NO:FORN (7) Procedure for Developirg Overseas Training Programs and Facilities: Overseas training programs for indicenous nationals arid,/or the US Armed Forces will be developed in detail as specific requirements are levied on OTR. OTR instructors experienced, in managing this type of program are available and prototype training materials are being developed. Normally, major overseas training programs and bases will be developed as follows: (a) An OTR training cadre nuclei, usually two individuals, will proceed to the area as an advance detail to work out the details of the training program with the local operating officials. (b) Based on the recommendation of the local operations chief and the cadre nuclei, a training cadre of appropriate strength, instructional experience, and language qualifications will be brought in with pertinent prototype training materials to initiate the program. (c) This cadre, supplemented by DD/P area division oe ation with the area division concerned, will make a determination as to the PCS or subsequent reassignment of the OTR cadre personnel. (d) Once a theater training base is established, subsequent: cadre nuclei for country training commands in that theater will be provided by that base. (e) See Overseas Training Base Planning Guide, Tab C to Appendix 1 to Annex H, this p].ar.. ~,_ . Emergency Relocation Responsibilities: (1) QTR Suj port for Headquarters Relocation:: In the event of t:kireatened, imminent,, or actual enemy action deemed to make the OTR War Plan - 6 - 15 February 1960 S-E-C?-R-E-T Approved For Release 2000/09/(#p?DP78-06086A000100050014-2 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 national capital untenable or unsafe as the seat of the Federal Government, the Agency planning provides for the relocation of the Headquarters of the Central Intelligence Agency 25X1A6a Additionally, it is assumed that alternate site(s) will be selected where CIA can regroup and be reconstituted into an effective organization. The following personnel from OTR will report in the event of an 25X1A6a emergency: DTR, Chief, Plans and Policy Staff, and Secretary to DTR. These individuals are aware of their responsibilities with relation to this center and have been provided with Civil Defense credentials to enable them to travel during such an emergency. (2) OTR Relocation Center: In addition, certain key Headquarters OTR personnel will report to the OTR relocation center 25X1A6a These individuals (18 in number) are aware of their responsibility with relation to the OTR relocation center and also have been provided with Civil Defense credentials to enable them to travel during such an emergency. In the event of imminent enemy action with adequate early warning, other members of OTR will be given specific instructions for dispersal to in- clude practical arrangements for re-establishing contact. For planning purposes, all other OTR personnel than those already designated to go 25X1A6a 25X1A6a will be prepared to move or an alternate training site yet to be selected when directed to o so. o provision will 25X1A6a be made for the housing of families at either the relo- cation sites. Plans for families and dependents should be worked out by individual employees in keeping with instructions issued by the Office of Civil and Defense Mobilization. (3) Alternate Emergency Registration: If, because of nuclear con- tamination or other reason, neither the reloca- 25X1A6a tion center can be used, all OTR personnel will report to an of the ten CIA registration points described in Agency Notice OTR 25X1A Chiefs of Schools and Staffs are responsible for bringing Notice = 25X1A = to the attention of all individuals under their supervision once each year. The OTR Personnel Officer will incorporate this notice into a reading file to be read and initialed by all employees upon assignment or return to duty with OTR. (4) Detailed plans are reflected in the OTR Staff and School annexes attached hereto. OTR Support Staff will assist School Chiefs in the OTR War Plan - 7 - 15 February 1960 NOFORN Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 Approved For Release 2000/b9fO8G dAFRdP78-06086A000100050014-2 preparation of lists of vital training equipment, such as the number of language lab facilities,it would be necessary to have at the relocation sJ.te. (5) An emergency communications link for OTR use between 25X1A6a has been established. h, Contingency_ Responsibilities: To be developed as specific Agency policies for limited warfare and contingencies are clarified and training requirements are levied on OTR. With the exception of contingency force doctrine and contingency operations planning, instructors experienced in, managing the PM aspects of this type of program are available along with general prototype training materials. On request from the operating com- ponents, DTR will provide staff guidance and assistance in the preparation of training annexes for specific contingency plans and training support tailored to meet the situation and requirements presented in the individual plan. 2. MISSION. a. General: The wartime or other emergency mission of the Office of Training will be the extension and intensification of its present organization and activities. These are set out in CIA Regulation ~ dated 17 February 1956, published separately. The wartime and pre-D-clay mission of the Office of Training is set out in Appendix 6 to Annex E "Training" of the CIA Global War Pian for Clandestine Operations, 11. April 1959 (TOP SECRET), attached as Annex A to this plan. Emergency planning responsibilities of all CIA separately. 1). Continuing Mission Pre- and Post-War: "The Director of Training is responsible for the coordination, technical supervision, review, and support of all Agency training activities, foreign and domestic. His responsibility with regard to the training of other than staff employees, staff and contract agents, and representatives of foreign intelligence services, (except as specifically provided for in this plan) will be only for such cases or programs of this type as are referred to him by the Deputy Director concerned. " (CIA, 25X1A Regulation- page 21.) OTR War Plan 15 February 1960 S-E-C-?R-E-T 25X1A NOFORN Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 Next 4 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 Approved For Release 2000/09Os &ARRbPP8-06086A000100050014-2 basic area knowledge and courses in foreign languages for the directed and voluntary language training programs of the Agency. (See Annex E.) (b) Conduct continuing inventories and surveys of the status of language proficiency of Agency employees with a view to identifying short-supply skills in order that appropriate pre-D-day language courses may be offered now. (c) Maintain lists of selected and security-cleared language instructors and native speakers to meet emergency demands. (d) Prepare to shift emphasis from general basic area knowledge courses to the specific Agency issuances applying to the area to which the student is to be assigned. (e) Comply with paragraphs 3x and 3y cf this plan. (2) Wartime, or Sooner if Directed: Chief, LAS will: (a) Discontinue voluntary language training for the duration of the emergency and where the operational component concerned desires, transfer voluntary language students to directed language training courses. (b) Reassign instructors to their wartime tasks. (c) Comply with Wartime Tasks, paragraphs 3x and 3y of this plan. f. Plans and Policy Staff PS : (1) Preparatory Actions: Chief, PPS will: (a) Maintain the over-all OOTR war and emergency plan. (b) Review OTR component war and emergency plans to verify: (1) That the plan is in support of a CIA-approved :requirement. OTR War Plan - 14 ,- 15 February 1960 S-E-C-R-E--T Approved For Release 2000/09%F@RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 Approved For Release 2000/09/D8E GCYk-WTi~7T8-06086AO00100050014-2 (2) Wartimete, or Sooner if Directed: Chief, PPS will: (a) Assist DTR in the implementation and execution of this plan. (b) Expand. instructional techniques training to meet the increased demands for instructors. (c) Support the training of instructor personnel assigned to foreign field training activities in coordination with Chief, Operations School. (d) Assist DTR exercise technical supervision of foreign field training activities. 1. Registrar Staff (Annex F): (1) Preparatory Actions: Chief, Registrar Staff will: (a) Provide information, registration, processing, and records services in support of emergency training conducted or sponsored by the Office of Training; review and monitor internal training con- ducted by Headquarters components other than the Office of Training; and approve and arrange training of Agency personnel at non-CIA facilities in the United States arid overseas to insure efficient over- all CIA training support of emergency, contingency, and wartime plans and activities. (b) Maintain current flexible emergency plans for providing Registrar support of wartime training. (See Annex F) (c) In coordination with OTR School Chiefs, prepare an OTR Catalog of Tentative Wartime Training Courses to be made an appendix to this plan. (d) Comply with Preparatory Tasks, paragraph 3x of this plan. (2) Wartime, or Sooner if Directed: Chief, Registrar Staff will: (a) Implement the plans presented in Annex F of this plan. OTR War Plan 15 February 1960 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 2000/09MU11DP78-06086A000100050014-2 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 NOFORN (b) Maintain such vital statistics as will be essential to the post-war activities of CIA. (c) Comply with Wartime Tasks, paragraph 3x of this plan. h. Assessment and Evaluation Staff &E Annex GJ: (1) Preparatory Actions: Chief, A&E will: (a) Maintain current flexible plans to provide A&E support of wartime training (see Annex G) . (b) Be prepared to develop and interpret evaluations of student performance in emergency and wartime courses of instruction. (c) Perform testing and psychological assessments of Agency employees and others as requested to determine their abilities, limitations, potentialities, and adaptability to emergency situations. (d) Maintain the necessary liaison with Armed Forces and other psychologists to keep continually current on the over-all state of the art of psychological services in the support of crisis situations. (e) Within present capabilities, support the PPS Educational Specialist as requested. (f) With the prior authorization of DTR in each case, render psychological operational assistance to DD/P as requested. (Coordi- nate with PPS.) (g) Comply with Preparatory Tasks, paragraph 3x of this plan. (2) Wartime, or Sooner if Directed: Chief, A&E will: (a) Perform agent assessments and provide other support to operational projects as requested. (b) Comply with Wartime Tasks, paragraph 3x of this plan. - 17 - OTR War Plan 15 February 1960 S-E-C-R-E-T NOFORN. Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 Approved For Release 2000/09/b$~6A=fkDP71-06086A000100050014-2 i . Support Staff (Annex H): (1) Preparatory Actions: The Executive Officer (XO/TR) will: (a) Provide administrative and support assistance to the OTR Schools and Staffs in the completion and execution of their emergency plans. (b) In cooperation with. the Agency components having primary responsibility, coordinate with other Government agencies those OTR support arrangements pertinent to wartime activities involving such other agencies. (c) Prepare in coordination with the Agency components having primary responsibility, emergency and wartime plans to provide administrative services to OTR elements in the general field of personnel,, budget and fiscal, space, supply, transportation, reproduction, etc. (d) Maintain the OTR Emergency Relocation Plan in a current status and, see that all key individuals know their part in the plan. (e) Prepare and maintain Annex H, the Administrative and Support Annex to this plan, and appropriate appendixes to include: Appendix 1: Personnel Appendix 2: O'TFt Vital Materials Program Appendix 3: Support Staff, (f) Comply with Peacetime tasks, para. 3y, this plan. (2) Wartime Actions: XO/TR will: (a) Plan for and operate Headquarters training facilities. (b) Effect the emergency relocation of OTR personnel and material when directed to do so. (c) Comply with Wartime tasks, all OT.F, components, para. 3x. OTR War Plan S-E-C--R-E-T 15 Febr,Appyo,O6 For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 NOFO:RN S- Cc-R-E-T Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 NOFORN j . junior Officer Training Program OTP) (1) Preparatory Actions: Chief, JOTP will: (a) Encourage JOT's to keep up their military reserve status. (b) Prepare plans for the cancellation and shelving of the regular JOTP for the duration of a major national emergency. Spot and identify to appropriate Agency component JOT's having unusual wartime qualifications or aptitudes for contingency task force assignment. Spot and identify to OTR Personnel Officer JOT's having teaching experience or aptitudes. (c) Assist PO/OTR prepare plans for the reassignment of JOTP Staff Officers to wartime training and/or operational roles appropriate to their respective CIA experience. (d) Prepare plans for the re-establishment of the JOTP Staff at the end of the emergency and for resumption of the Program. (e) Comply with Tasks Applicable All OTR Components, para. 3x. (2) Wartime, or Sooner if Directed: Chief, JOTP will: (a) Implement the plans canceling the JOT Program. (b) Comply with Wartime Tasks Applicable All OTR Components. (3) Post-War: Resume the program when directed to do so. x. Tasks for All OTR Components: (1) Implementation/Instruction to OTR Component Chiefs. (a) Implicit in the war planning policies promulgated by DTR is the concept of continually improving OTR capabilities to meet wartime responsibilities. This plan establishes the broad bases for further detailed planning as firm and specific training require- ments are levied on OTR. OTR War Plan S-E-C-R-E-T 15 Feb provedr orRelease 2000/09/08 : CIA-R 1g W 86A000100050014-2 Ap Approved For Release 2000/09/ . CRA-kDF7W-06086A000100050014-2 (b) Upon receipt of this plan all OTR elements will, as rapidly as the pressure of current operations permit, undertake the necessary preparatory activities and additional planning to support the emergency Cold and Hot War training missions of OTR. If firm training require- ments are lacking, preparatory action for effecting emergency and wartime training activities will be undertaken as fully as possible on the basis of a continual inventory of OT:R current capabilities and conservative, realistic estimates of how those capabilities may best be redeployed and. expanded to support CIA's war and emergency missions. (2) Preparatory Actions: Chiefs, all OTR Schools and Staffs will: (a) Prepare: and have available at all times emergency plans coordinated within CIA and with such other Federal Government agencies as may be required to provide for the orderly continuation of OTR operations in the event of a global war, emergency, or disaster. These plans will include provisions for the: 1. Automatic assignment of responsibilities. 2. Protection of OTR personnel. 3?. Safeguarding of OTR installations and property. 4.. The security of documents and information with particular attention to instructional materials. (b) See that subordinates are delegated adequate authority to carry out their wartime responsibilities and objectives but that appropriate limitations of their authority are defined in writing and clearly understood. (c) Review and appraise regularly and systematically the effectiveness of war planning activities within their unit to see that OTR emergency policies are observed and to see that prompt corrective action. is taken as needed. -20- OTR War Plan S-E-C.-R-E-T 15 February 1960 NOFORN Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78 0 086A000100050014-2 (d) Make continuing study of changes and capabilities or situ- ations and revise emergency plans to provide for future contingencies and submit such plans to PPS for DTR approval. (e) Prepare and maintain such supplemental plans and files as may be necessary to insure the continuing ability to comply promptly with this plan. (f) In coordination with the OTR Area Records Officer, select and identify all materials (documents, tapes, films, training aids, etc.) considered vital to the emergency and war plans of the Office of Training. Develop a vital materials deposit schedule from this identification which will require each Staff, School, and faculty to assume responsibility for the current deposit and maintenance of these materials. To insure an effective program, duplicate copies will be deposited, one with the Agency relocation center and the other at (See Appendix 2 to Annex H) (g) See that all training publications, manuals, and other training materials are regularly and promptly amended to reflect changes in Agency policy and doctrine or other factors effecting Agency emergency operations. (h) Be prepared to submit progress reports when directed on all activities accomplished that further this plan. (3) Wartime, or Sooner if Directed: Chiefs, all OTR components will: (a) Supervise the emergency relocation of their units. (b) Implement all appropriate portions of their war and emergency plan. (4) Post-war Preparatory Activities: Chiefs, all OTR components wi.ii: (a) When directed to do so by DTR prepare for conversion to ities training of staff employees who will occupy non- OTR War Plan S-E-C-R-E-T Aj*r5Q fedFR a 2000/09/08 : CIA-RR 86A000100050014-2 Approved For Release 2000/09/08S-TiRBP'8JW06086A000100050014-2 Tasks, All OTR School Chiefs: (1) Preparatory Actions: All OTR School chiefs will: (a) Develop basic plans and programs for contingency training and prepare, and/or acquire standard wartime training materials and provide curricula for use in wartime and store course schedules, syllabuses, lectures, outlines, lesson plans, and/or tape recordings of actual instruction, and training aids at (b) Support Chief, Operations School, in the conduct of special training programs to prepare U. S. military personnel in those clandestine operations for which they have a wartime responsibility as agreed upon between DD/P and the military service. (c) Assist Registrar Staff in the preparation of a catalog of wartime training courses. (d) Cooperate closely with other Agency Divisions and Staffs to obtain the assistance of I:echnically qualified Agency personnel whenever necessary in preparing or presenting emergency training material. (e) Prepare _OTR faculty members to teach all subjects now presented by guest lecturers either through competence in the field or through the use of 'suitable substitutes such as recorded lectures, training films, written materials, etc. In the case of highly technical subjects presented by TSS and OC, coordinate with the Office in question to insure they can provide substitute instructors. (f) Discontinue appropriate courses and reassign the instructors to other duties written into your war plans, (g) Train substitute instructors to take over all courses up to a minimum of four such instructors for each wartime course to staff four Clandestine Services training cadres immediately after D-day. (h) Cross--train instructors to provide maximum instructional flexibility. U) Assist PO/TR in maintaining a current record of instructional and language skills of all instructors assie-ned to your School by - 22 - OTR WftlBddved For Release 2000/09T8.-OAEi$$-06086A000100050014-2 15 February 1960 NOPORN Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : S-E-C-R-E-T CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 identifying potential instructors within current student bodies and forwarding their names to PO/TR for inclusion in the OTR potential instructor cadre file. (j) Forward to Chief, Overseas Training, Operations School, copies of all newly developed training materials suitable for emergency, contingency, or wartime clandestine services training. (2) Wartime, or Sooner if Directed: All OTR School Chiefs will implement appropriate portions of this plan. 4. ADMINISTRATION AND SUPPORT. a. Responsibility for administration and support planning is as assigned in paragraphs 3 i and x. b. For guidance and detail concerning war and emergency administrative and support matters, see Annex H - Administration and Support. 5. COMMAND COORDINATION AND COMMUNICATIONS. a. Command: OTR wartime headquarters will remain in its present site until relocation is directed. DDTR will assume command in the event DTR is a casualty and thereafter the senior officer present for duty. In the event of relocation, the Director of Training will be located at the CIA wartime:: head- quarters at or in or near Washington, D. C. under the DD/S. The bulk of OTR,stateside personnel will be located at or an alternate 25X1A6a site to be designated. DDTR will assume command of when relo- 25X1A6a cation to that site is effected. b. Coordination: (1) Effective streamline coordination is essential within the Agency and with armed forces components levying training requirements on OTR. The focal point for this coordination with the Agency operating components will continue to be the CIA office and division Training Officers. The focal point for coordination of armed forces requirements will be Chief, FI/DDP. Where advisable, OTR School and Staff components will assign additional officers to this liaison coordination function. OTR liaison carried on - 23 - OTR War Plan S-E-C-R-E-T 15 February 1960 ~I~ Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-F 9lF>3= 86A000100050014-2 r. _ Approved For Release 2000/09/8 ECfA-hD~7W-06086A000100050014-2 NOFORN with Department of Defense, Department of State, civilian universities and colleges, and consultants is presented in OTR component plans, Annexes B to K. (2) Training is considered an integral part of plans and operations. Therefore, the wartime responsibility in the field commands for the staff supervision of training activities will be assigned to the organization element responsible for plans and operations. c. Communications: (1) As outlined in the CIA (global War Plan, the Office of Communi- cations will provide communications support to Agency elements located within the continental limits of the United States. OTR's .initial wartime communications requirements can be handled by existing communications ?5X1A6n r_ _.... . t on ca i s of other ZI training sites are known, additional communications planning will be completed to provide needed coverage, based upon priorities assigned to the individual training projects. OTR's communications requirements overseas will be covered by the arrangements described in existing communications annexes to the various global, area, contingency and country war plans. It is presumed that OTR elements will be located within a reasonable distance from other CIA elements or bases for logistical and administrative purposes. Such positioning of the training commands will simplify needed communications support, since the communications facilities established for the supporting CIA element will be adequate for the needs of other CIA components in the area. For details concerning 25X1A6a communication plan, see Tab K to Appendix 3 to Annex H. (2) XO/TR, will insure the existance, immediate availability, and ,rapacity for expansion of communications links between OTR components. (3) OTR overseas communications will have to conform to such expansion and streamlining of communications as takes place within the ')D/P area divisions,. Where possible, synopsis type reports between OTR and its field representatives will be used. 25X1A6a (4) Chief, or his substitute or senior survivor will prepare a communication for DTR to present to DCI outlining OTR's capabilities after relocation. OTR War Plan S-E-C-R-E-T 15 February 1960 Approved For Release 2000/09/ QR l'-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 Approved For Release 2000/09/08 :IA-&&-06086A000100050014-2 NOFORN (5) If possible, a memorandum of instructions will be forwarded to each component in sufficient time to insure effective changeover to wartime conditions. APPROVED: EMU_ Matthew Baird Director of Training 14 MAR 1960 - 25 - OTR War Plan 6 S-E-C-R-E-T ApprovedFF'orrAN eyrie 2800/09/08 : CIA-FM M86A000100050014-2 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 OTR EMERGENCY, CONTINGENCY, AND WAR PLAN TAB A DEFINITIONS TRAINING CADRE: That key group of instructors and support personnel necessary to perform essential duties in the formation, administration, and training of additional personnel to completely staff a training unit. OTR will assist in the creation and maintenance of such training cadres as are requested by the line elements of the Agency. TRAINING DOCTRINE: Doctrine is principles and policies applicable to a subject which have been developed through experience or theory that represent the best available thought and indicate and guide but do not bind in practice. It is the responsibility of the operating components to develop and forward to OTR such doctrine as they desire taught to their personnel. TRAINING MATERIALS AND AIDS: Include manuals, guides to instruction, lesson plans, illustrative examples, background and basic studies, bibliog- raphies, films, graphic aids and checklists provided by OTR. Ordnance, cameras and special devices and communications training equipment are pro- vided by the office of primary responsibility. TRAINING REQUIREMENT: Specific statement of training needs prepared by the responsible operating component. Concrete request levied on OTR for training of a fixed number of individuals at a specified time to attain definite training objectives desired by the operating component (see Planning Factors, para. 3a(4), Annex A, this plan). Tab A to OTR War Plan 15 February 1960 Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 Next 3 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 Approved For Release 2000/09M ? JS- ffP7TB-06086A000100050014-2 D. SCHOOL OF INTERNATIONAL COMMUNISM: This annex presents OTR plans for the emergency and wartime training of the Agency in international communism, anti-Communist operations, and area knowledge of the USSR. E. LANGUAGE AND AREA SCHOOL: This annex presents OTR specific ,plans for the emergency and wartime training in foreign languages and basic area knowledge. F. REGISTRAR STAFF: This annex presents OTR's specific plans for the enrollment of students in wartime training overseas and over-all CIA training support of emergency, contingency, and wartime training activities, to include a catalog of wartime courses to be published. G. ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION STAFF: This annex provides support for the testing and evaluation of student: and Agency-wide pre-employment intelligence, aptitude, and personality tests to determine suitability for wartime and emergency job assignments, as well as agent assessment and other clandestine operational support services. H. ADMINISTRATION AND SUPPORT: This annex provides general emergency and wartime administrative and support services for OTR Head- quarters and domestic field training activities and guidance for the admiinistra- t:ion and support of overseas training installations. ... PLANNING OUTLINE FOR CONVERTING PEACETIME COURSES TO WARTIME INSTRUCTION: This annex provides a format to assist the individual instructor in preparing plans to insure the continuation of his activities in the event of critical emergencies. TabC to -2 - OTR War Plan 15 February 1960 S-E-C-R.-E-T Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 Next 4 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 TAB Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 Next 7 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 TAB Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : LIAR&P786&A000100050014-2 NOFORN (2) Be prepared to staff the T/O with civilian or military employees, or both. (3) Implement all appropriate portions of the OTR Emergency, Contingency and War Plan. (4) Comply with Wartime Tasks, paragraphs 3X and 3Y of the OTR Emergency, Contingency and War Plan. 4. ADMINISTRATION AND SUPPORT, Chief, Intelligence School will comply with OTR Support Staff wal and emergency instruction on budget matters, security matters, records manage- ment, and emergency evacuation programs. 5. COMMAND, COORDINATION. AND COMMUNICATIONS. a. The Intelligence School will remain in its present site until relocation is directed. b. Intelligence School instructors will continue liaison with Agency Train- ing Liaison Officers, and with DD/I and DD/P intelligence analysts; Chief, Intelligence School will continue liaison with key Agency and USIB personnel. APPROVED: Chief, Intelligence School 15 February_ 1960 _ - 3 - Annex B to OTR War Plan S-E-C-R-E-T 15 February 1960 Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : NOFORN CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 NOFORN OTR EMERGENCY, CONTINGENCY, AND WAR PLAN APPENDDC 1 TO ANNEX B INTELLIGENCE ORIENTATION FACULTY 1. INTELLIGENCE ORIENTATION COURSE. a. Course Description: Intelligence Orientation is given at Headquarters in two phases of two weeks (80 hours) each, Introduction to Intelligence and Introduction to Communism. Introduction to Intelligence is the first phase. Its objective is to explain the concept of national intelligence, the structure and responsibilities of the intelligence community and the mission, organiza- tion and function of CIA. Prerequisites of the course are Top Secret clearance and professional status, usually GS-7 and above. Enrollment is limited to 80 students. b. Preparatory Action: (1) General: OTR has the capability to continue Introduction to Intelligence as currently presented at Headquarters in peace or limited war or at any location, except for the exhibits, in conjunction with other Headquarters elements of the Agency. The program will remain essentially the same since the course will continue to present latest mission and organizational structure of the intelligence community and the Agency. (2) Organization: The faculty consists of a Chief, a Deputy Chief, a Course Supervisor and three other instructors in addition to two clerical personnel. The course is taught by lecture, seminars and reading. Most lecturers come from Agency components. c. Responsibility: OTR has a continuing responsibility to provide an orientation program for new employees on the organization, mission and func- tion of the community and CIA. It is assumed that Intelligence Orientation will continue as currently organized and presented in the foreseeable future. A limited war should not affect course content or manner of presentation but enrollment would probably increase. Appendix 1 to Annex B OTR War Plan 15 February 1960 - 1 - S-E-C-R-E-T NOFORN Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 Approved For Release 2000/09 -&A PT8-06086A000100050014-2 d. Wartime Action: In the event of an increase of enrollment over current capacity (80) an additional instructor for each additional 20 students would be required. In the event of a major emergency the course would be reduced in content to the extent that could be handled by the faculty through lecture and seminars. In the absence of the Chief, responsibility for the Orientation Faculty will be assumed by the Deputy Chief, and for him by the Course Supervisor. Each instructor is familiar with the work of at least one other instructor and can substitute for him in an emergency. Lectures of guest speakers are taped and transcribed. Copies of the tapes and a complete student kit have been deposited with Vital Materials. Copies of the transcribed lectures, when completed, will also be deposited with Vital Materials. 2. INTELLIGENCE REFRESHER COURSES. a. Course Description: Intelligence Refresher Courses-are designed for elements of the Agency whose personnel are ineligible or unable to attend the 10 courses or who need to review the: current situation in the intelligence community. The course objective is to review the background and current organization and mission of the intelligence community, emphasizing CIA and its responsibilities and to provide a brief orientation on the current status and objectives of international communism. The course is given as required to such Agency components as the Signal Center and Logistics (P.$D) . The enrollment is limited to 25 students and the course, presented at various Headquarters locations, runs for 18 hours, part time. b. Preparatory Action: OTR has the capability to continue Intelligence Refresher courses as required in peace or limited war. The objectives will remain the same. The Staff instructors give all lectures and lead discussions. c. Wartime Action: In the event of a major emergency the Refresher courses would be discontinued to permit concentration on the Intelligence Orientation Course. 3. EXHIBITS PRESENTED IN CONJUNCTION WITH INTELLIGENCE ORIENTATION COURSE. Intelligence Products Exhibit and Support Exhibit are given at Headquarters near the end of the Intelligence Orientation course. In the event of a major Appendix I to Annex B OTR War Plan .15 February 1960 .. 2 - S-E-C-R--E-T NOFORN Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-R&78 06086A000100050014-2 emergency, both exhibits would probably be eliminated from the Intelligence Orientation course. APPROVED: Chief, Intelligence Orientation Faculty 15 February 1969__ Appendix 1 to Annex B OTR War Plan 15 February 1960 - 3 - S-E-C-R-E-T NOFORN Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 OTR EMERGENCY, CONTINGENCY, AND WAR PLAN APPENDIX 2 TO ANNEX B ORIENTATION AND BRIEFING OFFICER 1. MISSION. a. To brief CIA personnel, dependents of CIA personnel, intelligence community personnel, senior U. S. officials, and senior foreign officials on one or more of the following topics: the intelligence process; the intelli- gence community and the NSC; the mission, functions, and organization of CIA. b. To plan and coordinate briefings of senior U. S. officials; to plan and coordinate Agency speaker participation in external courses. 2. BRIEFINGS NOW GIVEN. Briefings by the OTR Briefing Officer are all on the same subject but adapted to the need-to-know, the level of sophistication, and the interests of each audience. a. Briefings of CIA Personnel: (1) CIA Introduction (2) CIA Review (3) CIA Refresher b. Briefings of Dependents of CIA Personnel: (1) Dependents Briefing (2) JOT Wives Briefing c. Briefings of Intelligence Community Personnel: (1) Departmental Briefing Appendix .2 to - 1 - Annex B QTR War Plano S-E-C-R-E-T e 2000/09/08: CIA-RQ$%bb6A000100050014-2 0 pprover Releas Approved For Release 2000/098 (9A-1&7T8-06086A000100050014-2 (2) Briefings in State, USIA, NSA, and military courses d.. VIP Briefings: (:1) Briefings of Senior U. S. Officials (2) Briefings of Senior Foreign Officials 3. PREPARATORY ACTION. a. All regularly scheduled briefings have recently been taped. b. A :folder on. each program has been prepared. The folders contain all pertinent correspondence and a guide sheet on each program indicating scope of the briefing, type of audience, and whatever else may be necessary for an understanding of a particular program. A second briefing officer is ready to substitute for the OTR Briefing Of:ricer in case of emergency. 4. WARTIME ACTION. a. General: If a major shooting war should come, personnel ceilings in CI/1 and in other intelligence agencies would undoubtedly be lifted. There would be a considerable :increase in briefing requirements--particularly of EO D' s, intelligence community personnel, and senior U. S. and foreign officials. b. Organization: The present T/O consists of one briefing officer, one training assistant, and one clerk-steno. Wartime requirements would in all likelihood necessitate the addition of one other briefing officer here. Programs: Increased requirements would probably necessitate dropping the Dependents Briefing and the CIA Review. Outside engagements may also have to be limited to those courses in which it is most important to convey the CIA message. Emphasis would be on EOD's, selected intelligence community personnel, senior U. S. officials, and senior foreign officials. Appendix 2 to Annex B OTIt War Plan 15 February 1960 Orientation and Briefing Officer 15 February 1960 S-E-C--R-E-T Date Approved For Release 2000/09/@SORDP78-06086A000100050014-2 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 OTR EMERGENCY, CONTINGENCY, AND WAR PLAN APPENDIX 3 TO ANNEX B CLERICAL TRAINING FACULTY 1. MISSION. Clerical Training has the responsibility of determining and meeting Clerical Training needs throughout the Agency. It must train uncleared clerical personnel who are awaiting job assignment; orient cleared clerical personnel just prior to job assignment; and train on-duty clerical personnel in job-related courses in shorthand, typewriting, and English. Clerical Training is also res?onsible for administering the shorthand and typewriting tests to (a) entrance-on-duty clerical employees; (b) Agency applicants; and (c) on-duty Agency clerical personnel. 2. CLERICAL INDUCTION TRAINING. a. Course Description: The Clerical Induction Training is deeigned to prepare new clerical employees for effective Agency service through the pro- vision of refresher-type instruction in shorthand, typewriting, filing, English, and geography. One week is allotted for the shorthand, typewriting, filing, and English classes; two weeks for geography. The average length of each class is 1 1/4 hours each day. Clerical Induction Training also has the responsibility for administering shorthand and typewriting tests to all entrance- on-duty Agency clerical personnel and all clerical applicants. b. Preparatory Actions: (1) Organization: The course is staffed by chief instructor (GS-9), two instructors (GS-7), and one training assistant (GS-5). (2) General Requirements: The staff will prepare a complete set of lesson plans to which will be attached copies of the training ands used in conjunction with each plan. These will be sent to each Office of Appendix 3 to Annex B OTR War Plan 15 February 1960 -1- S-E-C-R-E-T NOFORN Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 Approved For Release 2000/g /b$C 1 P78-06086A000100050014-2 Training Vital Documents Repository. A complete set of the tests used in official testing of EOD's and applicants would also be sent to the Repositories. (3) Personnel Requirements: One additional instructor and one additional training assistant would need to be trained to take over work during the peakload period of approximately 90 days each year and be available for full-time assignment in event of an emergency. (4) Responsibilities: To prepare for wartime requirements, the course staff will maintain files of current training materials, will keep current the lesson plans, and will conduct a study of developments in the field of skill-subject teaching in order to be able to present this type of training most effectively and in the shortest span of time. c.. Wartime Action: It is anticipated that a wartime situation would involve: (1) the addition of extra shorthand and typewriting classes because of the employment of clerical employees who would not have used their skills for a number of years; (2) the acceleration and intensification of the training to prepare personnel for the assumption of clerical duties in the shortest possible time; (3) the cancellation of courses that might be considered "extra," for example, one English class and the filing class. 3. CLERICAL ORIENTATION TRAINING. a.. Course Description: The Clerical Orientation program is designed for the purpose of orienting all new Agency clerical personnel to the Agency. It familiarizes new clericals with the Agency organization, issuances, mailing methods, headquarters logistics procedures, time and attendance records, telephone techniques, on--the-job security precautions, Agency correspondence, and job performance standards. Appendix 3 to - 2 - Annex B OTIR War Plan S-E-C-R-E-T 15 February 1960 NOFORN Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 b. Preparatory Action: (1) Organization: It is planned to constantly evaluate and redesign the orientation program in accordance with changes in Agency procedures, policies, and needs; however, generally speaking, there will be no major changes until D-day. The staff consists of one GS-9 and one G.3-7 instructor, the former acting as Chief of the Section. (2) General Requirement-1. Lesson plans will be prepared a.-id will include complete lectures on all of the subjects covered; training aids used; and methodology followed. Copies of these will be deposited in each of the Office of Training Vital Documents Repositories. (3) Personnel Requirements: There would be planned training of additional instructors for the carrying on of this program, probably through a systematized pattern of in-service training or staff rotation within Clerical Training. c. Wartime Action: This type of planning is dependent on the following fundamentals: (1) how much orientation time could be allotted from heavy workload schedules; (2) the amount and kind of previous job experience the entering clericals already possess; and (3) the obvious necessity of revamping orientation course content in accordance with changes in Agency policies and requirements. It would, it seems certain, be essential to provide accelerated, intensified training for the purpose of orientation. To do this, an additional in?;tructcr would need to be assigned to the program. Note paragraph (1) under b. 4. CLERICAL REFRESHER TRAINING. a. Course Description: (1) The Clerical Training Refresher program includes three classes in the review of Gregg shorthand (three levels of proficiency required. Appendix 3 to Annex B 3 OTR War Plan 15 February 1960 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 2000/09/08: CIA-RDW80RO86A000100050014-2 S-E-C-R--EE Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : d~lA-RDPTT 78-06086A000100050014-2 for entrance); two classes in typewriting review; and a class in English usage review. It is offered to on-duty Agency clerical personnel. (2) Clerical Refresher Training Is also responsible for administering the Agency qualifications tests in shorthand and typewriting to on-duty Agency clerical employees. 1). Preparatory Action: (1) Organization: The staff consists of one chief instructor, GS-9, and one instructor, GS-7. With no major changes in course offerings or content, two instructors can handle this program. If Clerical Refresher Iraining is required to assume the responsibility of training professional personnel in typewriting and/or shorthand in order to better meet the needs related to increased workload and a clerical shortage, then it would be necessary to train one additional staff instructor. (2) General Requirements: Complete lesson plans will be prepared >n each subject taught. Accompanying the lesson plans will be training a -ids and textbooks. Complete sets will be sent to the Office of Training Vital Documents Repositories. Also submitted will be copies of the Official shorthand and typewriting tests for the Agency on-duty qualifica- tions testing. (c . Wartime Action: In the event of war, the course offerings in Clerical Refresher Training could be radically changed: (1) Reduced to the offering of shorthand dictation and a review of typewriting techniques only. (2) Enlarged to offer additional on-the-job training to clerical employees in shorthand, typewriting, English, and correspondence, (3) Enlarged to offer basic training in shorthand and/or typewriting for Agency professional personnel. Space requirements are governed by our need to train both uncleared and cleared personnel and by the fact that adequate classroom space for installation of equipment such as typewriters is essential. Appendix 3 to Annex B OTF. War Plan 15 February 1960 APPROVED: Chief, Clerical Training 15 February 1960___ NOFORN Date Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 NOFORN OTR EMERGENCY, CONTINGENCY, AND WAR PLAN APPENDIX 4 TO ANNEX B INTELLIGENCE PRODUCTION FACULTY 1. MISSION. To furnish instruction, administration, and support in the following courses: Intelligence Production, Skills Familiarization, Intelligence Research (Tech- niques), Intelligence Research (Maps) , Intelligence Interviewing, Writing Workshops'--I (Basic), II (Intermediate), III (Advanced) --Effective Writing i Effective Speaking, Conference Techniques, OO/C Professional Indoctrination, CD Refresher, CD/00 Field Chiefs' Meeting, 25X1A 2. INTELLIGENCE PRODUCTION COURSE. a. Course Description: The Intelligence Production course has for its objective instruction in the production techniques used in the DD/I area. Major blocs of instruction cover techniques in intelligence research, geographic intelligence, current intelligence, intelligence interviewing and intelligence briefing, The prerequisites of the course are Top Secret clearance, ;;ompltion of the Skills Familiarization course, and participation in the JOT Program. Enrollment ranges from 10 to 75 students. The course is given at Headquarters for twelve weeks, 480 hours. b. Preparatory Actions: (1) General: The staff will prepare a set of course materials to be sent to the Office of Training Vital Documents Repository; will ensure the availability of two instructors for each phase of the course; and will prepare to take over the briefings given by DD/I component representatives and by guest specialists. If pressed, the regular instructors could take over all phases now allocated to outside speakers. (2) Organization: The course is staffed by a chief instructor (G$-15) , three instructors (GS-14, GS-13, GS-12), and some 20 outside speakers. Appendix 4 to - 1 - Annex B OTR War Plan S-E-C-R-E-T 15 February 1960 NOFORN Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 Approved For Release 2000/09708 6ARDP78-06086A000100050014-2 NOFORN (3) Responsibilities: To get ready for wartime requirements the course staff will maintain files of current training materials on DD/I production techniques. A notebook, copies of the syllabus and schedules, and a set of the course handouts will be deposited in the Office of Training Vital Documents Repository. (4) Personnel Reauirements: The staff will be brought up to its normal strength of five instructors by the assignment of an expert in photo interpretation. (5) Support : The film branch should deposit copies of "The Story of Copper," "Appraising the Natural Environment, " "Introduction to Map Projections, " and "Modern Methods of Topographic Mapping" at the Vital Documents Repository. (6) Coordination: To ensure the course's responsiveness to DD/I needs, coordination will be maintained with all DD/I components. c . Wartime Action: The course will be opened to non-JOT's and expanded to Include order-of--battle and photographic interpretation. An instructor familiar with order-of-battle techniques will be required. An accelerated version of the course would not be desirable because of the availability of the Skills Familiarization course. 3. SKILLS FAMILIARIZATION COURSE. Course Description: One objective of the Skills Familiarization course is the same as the Intelligence Production course--instruction in production techniques. The briefness of the Skills Familiarization course, however, requires a more superficial and a less extensive approach to DD/I production techniques than that used in the IP course. The other objective is instruction in the techniques used by the case officer in foreign intelligence, psychological- paramilitary, and counterintelligence elements of DD/P. The prerequisites are Top Secret clearance, completion of the Intelligence Orientation course (or equivalent in Headquarters or Field experience) , and participation in the JOT Program. Enrollment ranges from 10 to 75 students. The course is given at Headquarters for five weeks, 200 hours. Instruction in Clandestine Services techniques occupies 44 of the 200 hours. Appendix 4 to Annex 13 OTR War Plan 15 February 1960 - 2 - S-E-C-R-E-T NOFORN Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 b. Preparatory Actions: It is planned to carry on the course without change until D-day. c. Wartime Action: In the event of a major emergency, a streamlined version of the five-week course will be made available on a part-time basis. The same subject matter will be retained, but the presentation will be compressed. 4. INTELLIGENCE RESEARCH (TECHNIQUES) COURSE. a. Course Description: The Intelligence Research (Techniques) course has for its objective the training of DD/I intelligence analysts in each stage of the research process. The student carries out a research project on a do- it-yourself basis. The prerequisites of the course are Top Secret clearance and at least six months' experience as an intelligence research Enrollment ranges from 6 to 12 students. The course is given at Headquarters for six weeks, 144 hours. b. Preparatory Actions: (1) General: A seven-volume study, "Intelligence Research Techniques and Facilities, " has been prepared by the course instructor on the basis of lectures, research in collection and analytic techniques, and practical experience. The study is used to minimize the time formerly allocated for lectures on research techniques and facilities. If pressed, the regular instructor could take over all phases now allocated to outside speakers and specialists. (2) Organization: The course is staffed by a chief instructor (GS-14) and some 20 outside speakers and specialists. (3) Responsibilities: The instructor will up-date "Intelligence Research Techniques and Facilities." The study, copies of the syllabus- schedule, and a set of exercises and instructions will be deposited in the Office of Training Vital Documents Repository. (4) Personnel Requirements: One staff instructor will be trained to act as an alternate to the chief instructor. Appendix 4 to Annex B OTR War Plan 15 February 1960 -3- S-B-C-R-E-T NOFORN Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 Approved For Release 2000/09/O FA=1 D07W-06086A000100050014-2 (5) Coordination: The instructor will maintain close liaison with DD/I research components in order to keep pace with new techniques and organizational changes. c. Wartime Action: The objective and methods of the course will remain the same during wartime. More emphasis, however, will be placed upon research techniques applicable to military activity. Enrollment could be expanded to 25 students. 5. INTELLIGENCE RESEARCH (MAPS) COURSE. a.. Course Description: The Intelligence Research (Maps) course has for it, objective instruction in the use of maps for intelligence purposes, The course includes map projections, military grids and geographic coordinates, terrain analysis, and aerial photos. The prerequisite of the course is GS-7 and above. Enrollment ranges from 6 to 9 students, The course is given at HE~adquarters for three weeks, 27 hours. b. Preparator-r Actions: (].) General: The staff will prepare a set of course materials to be sent to the Office of Training Vital Documents Repository and will ensure the availability of two instructors for the course. (2) Organization: The chief instructor will retire from CIA in October. A member of the staff has been assiuned as his replacement, and a new instructor competent in mapping techniques will be added to the staff this year. (3) Responsibilities: Files of map materials suitable for training purposes will be maintained. The instructor in this course will contact all production components whose analysts need training in the use of maps and attempt to anticipate the training needs which would become particularly acute in wartime. (4) Personnel Requirements: One staff instructor will be available as an alternate to the chief instructor. Appendix 4 to - 4 - Annex B OTR War Plan S-E-C-R-E-T 15 February 1960 NOFORN Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 (5) Support: The film branch should deposit copies of "Appraising the Natural Environment," "Introduction to Map Projections," "Modern Methods of Topographic Mapping," "Elevations and Contours, " "Con- ventional Signs and Symbols," and "Photo Intelligence Techniques" at the Vital Documents Repository. (6) Coordination: Liaison will be maintained with PIC and GRA/ORR. c. Wartime Action: War will make analysts acutely aware of thf'ir lack of expertise in the use of maps. The course will, therefore, be required to meet a double need: that of analysts who need more training in the use of maps and that of analysts who need an elementary understanding of photo interpretation. The two instructors, who will be available later this year, will teach two versions of the Intelligence Research (Maps) course that are tailored to meet these needs. The structure of the present course has sufficient flexibility to adjust to these conditions. Enrollment could be expanded to 25 students. 6. INTELLIGENCE INTERVIEWING COURSE. a. Course Description: The Intelligence Interviewing course is designed for analysts and has for its objective instruction and practice in the basic elements of the collection of intelligence through the interview technique. The student is instructed in the procedures for the preparation, conduct, and closing of an interview. The prerequisites of the course are GS-7 - 11 and college-level course in public speaking or the Effective Speaking course. Enrollment ranges from 5 to 8 students. The course is given at Headquarters for four weeks, 16 hours. b. Preparatory Actions: It is planned to carry on the course without change until D-day. c. Wartime Action: Intelligence collection by interviewing will probably increase under wartime conditions through PW's and others and training of analysts and neophyte collection officers in interviewing techniques will probably require the basic approach used in this course. Enrollment could be expanded to 20 students per class. Appendix 4 to - 5 - Annex B OTR War Plan S-E-C-R-E-T 15 February 1960 NOFORN Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 Approved For Release 2000/090 8' &1A iPi8-06086A000100050014-2 7. (JURSES TO BE DISCONTINUED. The following courses will be discontinued and the instructors reassigned as follows: a. Writing Workshops and Effective Writing personnel to practical reports courses. b. Effective Speaking and Conference Techniques instructors will join thE~ staff of the PPS Educational Techniques Specialist. 8. OO/C'PROFESSIONAL INDOCTRINATION. ci. Course Description: The purpose of the OO/C Professional Indoctri- nation course is to orient new contact specialists and case officers to the mission and function of the to teach the elements of reports 25X1A8a writing, and to identify ante gence objectives and priorities. The prerequisites of the course are Top Secret clearance, Intelligence Orientation, and assignment to oo/C. Enrollment is one or more as needed. The course is given at Head- quarters for two weeks, 80 hours. d? Preparatory Actions: The provides the instructors and determines the format. and content: of the course. The IP Faculty contributes administrative support and expects no appreciable change in the format and content of the course. Wartime Action: No basic change in the course is expected under war- time conditions. The course is sometimes given on a tutorial basis and, there- fore, could be carried out under a variety of conditions. 9 . CG/OO FIELD CHIEFS' MEETING. cl. Course Description: The purpose of the Field Chiefs' Meeting is to bring together on an annual basis all field chiefs for a discussion of current activities of the division and for a review of division procedures. The pre- requisites of the course are Top Secret clearance and ELINT clearance. Enrollment is 17 field chiefs. The course is given at Headquarters and for 6 - 10 days, 48 - 64 hours. Appendix 4 to - 6 - Annex B OTR War Plan S-E-C?-R-E-T 15 February 1960 NOFORN 25X1a Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 NOFORN b. Preparatory Action: The determines the format and content of the meeting. The IP Faculty contributes administrative support and expects no appreciable change in the format and content of the course. c. Wartime Action: No basic change in the course is expected under wartime conditions. 10. MEETING. a. Course Description: The purpose of the Meeting 25X1A is to provide a forum for a discussion of the operational, collection, and management problems involved in running a resident agency. The prerequisite of the course is Top Secret clearance. Enrollment is 16 . The 25X1A course is given at Headquarters every two years for 5 - 10 days, 40 60 hours. 25X1A8a b. Preparatory Action: The determines the format and content of the meeting. The IP Faculty contributes administrative support and expects no appreciable change in the format and content of the course. c. Wartime Action: No basic change in the course is expected under wartime conditions. APPROVED: Chief, Intelligence Production Faculty 15 February 1960 - Date Appendix 4 to - 7 - Annex B OTR War Plan S-E-C-R-E-T 15 February 1960 SRNN Approved For Release 2000/09/08: CIA-RD =Q6D86A000100050014-2 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 Approved For Release 2000/09/v8 6K-Wt 8-06086A000100050014-2 NOFORN (3) Responsibilities: To get ready for wartime requirements the staff will maintain files of current lecture materials, verbatim scripts, student kits and visual aids. (4) Personnel Requirements: The staff should be brought to its authorized strength of nine instructors prior to any rotation of present instructors. Members of the Operations Support Faculty are currently presenting lectures in five courses in addition to the three courses presented on a regular schedule by this faculty. (5) Technical Services SuplLort:_ As currently constituted, the tvvo-hour session presentation by a TSS representative would be helpful but not essential. TSS has been requested to provide verbatim scripts for this coverage. At this time tape recordings are on file. (6) Other: The film branch of OTR should deposit copies of the films used with Vital Records OTR. Those used in the Operations Support Course on a regular basis are: "The Other Hat, " "Surveillance, " "Agent Acquisi- tion" (I through VIII), "The Two-Headed Spy, " "House on 92nd Street, " "Walk East on Beacon, " "Personal Meeting" and "Operation Overglow. " (7) Language Requirements: There are no language requirements. (8) Coordination: Coordination with the DD/I, DD/S and DD/P would be necessary in any emergency situation. It can be anticipated that under wartime conditions, many Agency regulations and instructions Would be changed or modified. These revisions, in turn, would spark changes in the material covered in each of the three courses. Therefore, provision should be made for a channel of communication which would keep the Faculty apprised of changes as they are made effective. c. Wartime Action: It is anticipated that the wartime functions of Operations Support will be considerably accelerated. It is unlikely that the current prerequisites would be modified since the security and course considera- tions will remain the same as long as the objectives are static. Under emergency conditions it might be not only desirable but necessary that coverage be given in defensive measures in the technical field. This would necessarily be handled Appendix 5 to - 2 - Annex B OTR War Plan S-E-C-R-E-T 15 February 1960 NOFORN Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 ss E-C R-E-T Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 by specialists on a guest lecture basis. The current staff could handle all other subjects. There are four non-OTR designees among the nine instructors and if recalled by their Career Boards, replacements would be needed. The Operations Support and Administrative Procedures courses are conducted alternately in the same classroom. In event there is a requirement to run these courses concurrently an additional classroom would be needed. 3. ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES COURSE, a. Course Description: The Administrative Procedures Course has for its objective instruction in Agency functions and responsibilities with emphasis on the support procedures required in the offices of the DD/P. Practice problems based on Headquarters and Field situations are employed during the course. Emphasis is placed on those DD/P field procedures that will be the responsibility of the Administrative Assistant at the Class B Station. The prerequisite of the course is Top Secret clearance. The course is given at Headquarters for three weeks full time - 120 hours. The minimum enrollment is 10 and the maximum is 50 students. b. Vreparatory Action: (1) General: A complete set of course materials is on file in OTR Vital Records Repository, which includes a sample student kit and photographs of visual aids. The regular instructor can present all lectures and eliminate the three guest speakers if necessary. (2) Organization: The Operations Support Faculty, as described in the Operations Support Course paper, conducts the Administrative Procedures Course. (3) Coordination: The coordination is the same as the aforesaid in the Operations Support Course. c. Wartime Action: In general the objectives of the Administrative Procedures Course would remain much as they are. The course could be reduced by two days. If the basic finance lectures were eliminated, a further reduction of two days could be considered. Appendix 5 to - 3 - Annex B OTR War Plan S-E-C-R-E-T 15 February 1960 NOFORN Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 Approved For Release 2000/09tbg~-69-06086A000100050014-2 4. BUDGET AND FINANCE PROCEDURES COURSE. a.. Course Description: The Budget and Finance course has for its objective instruction in the maintenance of financial and property records at a Class B Station including financial records required on both staff and agent personnel. The prerequisites of the course are Top Secret clearance and completion of the Operations Support or Administrative Procedures Course. The course is for two weeks full time - 80 hours. The enrollment is from 5 to 15 students. b. PreparatorvAction: (1) General: Lecture materials have been prepared by the instructors and forwarded to the Office of Training Vital Documents Repository. (2) Organization: The course is staffed by one finance instructor and assistant, in addition to three Operations Support Faculty members and four guest speakers. (3) Responsibilities; To get ready for wartime requirements `the course Staff will maintain files of current Budget and Finance training materials. (4) Personnel Requirements: The current instructors are capable of meeting the course requirements? (5) Coordination: To ensure course relation to the needs of the Comptroller's office and the field station. Coordination will be main- tained with the Comptroller and divisions as required. t Wartime Action: The only basic change in wartime functions would be the possibility of the current finance instructors' transfer to active duty stations and being sent to the field. In this event there would be two alternatives: preferably a trained finance replacement, or the training of a staff instructor in finance subjects. The course could be shortened by three days it the Comptroller agreed to the elimination of instruction in certain of the budgetary subjects. Appendix 5 to -4- Annex B OTR War Plan S-E-C-R-E-T 15 February 1960 NOFORN Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 As this course is run concurrently with the Administrative Procedures Course, a classroom is needed. The space is used alternately with the Operations School's running of the Clandestine Services Liaison Course. APPROVED: Chief, Operations Support Faculty 15 February 1960 Date Appendix 5 to Annex B OTR War Plan 15 February 1960 - 5 - S-E-C-R-E-T NOFORN Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 NOFORN OTR EMERGENCY, CONTINGENCY, AND WAR PLAN APPENDIX 6 TO ANNEX B MANAGEMENT TRAINING FACULTY 1. MISSION. To conduct courses in first-level supervision and in applied management. a. Course Descriptions: (1) The Supervision Course is designed to familiarize the first-level supervisor with his responsibilities for planning, communicating, training and discipline. Particular emphasis is placed on problems of person-to- person relationships. (2) Supervision in Research and Analysis has the same content directed toward the situation where the student has research and analysis tasks as the major portion of his assignment while responsible for project guidance. (3) Special Supervision is designed on request to impart supervisory training in specialized situations or components. (4) The Management Course has as its objective the improvement of management practices of personnel at a level higher than first-line supervision. The method used is to examine the various management problems of the students in relation to others in the group and in theory. (5) The Survey of Supervision and Management is for non-supervisory personnel wherein emphasis is given to current theories, concepts and practices in supervision and management, particularly with respect to communication, coordination and person-to-person relationship. q. (6) The Management Conference is presented to meet the n( eds of any Agency component for management training which cannot be met satisfactorily by the regularly scheduled presentations of the Management Course. Appendix 6 to - 1 - Annex B OTR War Plan S-E-C-R-E-T 15 February 1960 Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-7'}086A000100050014-2 Approved For Release 2000/09/081 ?'t1 P7T8-06086A000100050014-2 2. PREPARATORY ACTION. a. General: The courses as now given should be discontinued in the event of war or general emergency. The steps to be taken now in order to prepare for the wartime program are as follows: (1) Begin the preparation of the self-training element of the program. (2) Check leads for the results to date of the various experiments in the gaming technique. (3) Initiate a program to encourage instructors of other OTR courses to attend the management courses. (4) Identify possible future instructors among persons not now carrying an ST designation. b. Organization: The present T/O consists of the following positions: Faculty Chief GS-15 Senior Instructors (2) GS-14 Clerk-Typist GS-5 c. Responsibility; Upon approval by the Director of Training and Chief, Intelligence School, the preparatory actions proposed herein would become the responsibility of the Management Faculty. d. Personnel Requirements: The preparatory actions indicated here can be carried out with the present Faculty. It will be necessary to keep the present T/O filled. e. Administration: The major administrative problem is the identifica- tion of Vital Materials deposits insofar as the proposed program is concerned. E. Stockpiling: The stockpiling of reading kits, books, pamphlets, etc. is not recommended on the assumption that reproduction in quantity of the Vital Materials can be accomplished when necessary. q. Coordination: In addition to keeping abreast of developments in the professional field, coordination with the Plans and Policy Staff, OTR and the GTR Vital Materials Officer is required, so that preparatory actions may be kept in harmony with Agency war planning policy. Appendix 6 to - 2 - Annex B OTR War Plan S-E-C-R-E-T 15 Fe1A prvvdA br Release 2000/09/08 pP78-06086A000100050014-2 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 NOFORN 3. WARTIME ACTION. a. General: The pattern of mobilization planning is based on time phases which essentially consist of 'making do' with what you have for the first ninety days. Personnel augmentation from civilian and military sources takes effect in the second ninety days. It is assumed, therefore, that the full resources of the Intelligence School would be concerned during the influx period with orientation and introductory briefings. The plan of the Management Faculty is therefore to initiate gradual development, in concert with the over-all requirement, of a three-fold, job-oriented manage- ment training program more closely in line with the wartime requirement of the Agency. As now given, our courses are 'people-oriented' as befits the peacetime nature of the management problem and the long-range types of motivation prevailing in a normal work situation. In times of national emergency there will be distinct changes in type and intensity of motivations, in the controls available to management in the handling of personnel, and in the nature of the organization structure. There will be dispersal of physical and personnel assets and accompanying decentralization of authority. These are the reasons why we recommend abolishment of the present courses and their post D-day replacement by a three-part program which will develop gradually from a small scale to a large scale effort in the following fashion: (1) Development of a self-training element to satisfy the require- ments of managers who cannot attend formal training courses because of pressure of time and job requirements, or who have already attended management courses and have a continuing interest in the development of the profession. (2) Activation of a functionally related classroom training element to meet the requirements of managers and potential managers who have not taken any formal management training but who can reasonably be expected to take other OTR-conducted courses. (3) The inauguration of a management war game element for meet the requirements of managers who have had some formal management training and who require or desire familiarization with broad managerial problems, orientation to wartime problems of management in an, intelli- gence organization, and practice in the application of management skills in a job-oriented situation. Appendix 6 to Annex B OTR War Plan 15 February 1960 - 3 - S-E-C-R-E-T NOFORN Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 Approved For Release 2000/09i 8E C9A"R*7T8-06086A000100050014-2 (4) The Management Training Faculty has prepared and, will maintain in its files specific plans for the implementation of these three managerial training programs. APPROVED: Chief, Management Training Faculty 15 February) 9 60 Date Appendix 6 to Annex B OTR War Plan 15 February 1960 -4- S-E-C-R-E-T NOFORN Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 TAB Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78- 6086A000100050014-2 including foreign language resumes of training films, graphic aids, films and film strips and photographs of models and mock-ups. (5) make arrangements, similar to those with TRSTA, to continually acquire copies of instructional materials developed by other Agency components conducting clandestine training. (6) Provide managerial supervision and guidance of the emergency tasks delegated to the Operations School faculties in the following appendixes: Appendix 1: Headquarters Training Appendix 2: Overseas Training Appendix 3: Covert Training Appendix 4: Field Training, (7) Comply with paragraphs 3X and Y, Tasks Applicable to All OTR Components and School Chiefs. b. Wartime or Sooner if Directed: Chief, Operations School will implement appropriate portion of the OTR Emergency, Contingency and War Plan and super- vise the implementation of the wartime actions delegated to the Operations School faculties in Appendixes 1 to 4 of this plan. 4. SUPPORT. See Annex H, OTR Emergency, Contingency and War Plan. 5. COMMAND AND COMMUNICATIONS. a. Command Relationship: Deputy Director of Training will assume command 25X1A6a of if OTR relocation to that site is directed. b. Communications: (1) An emergency wartime communications link has been established 25X1A6a between the Agency emergency relocation center. Annex C to OTR War Plan 15 February 1960 -3 - S-E-C-R-E-T NOFORN Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 Approved For Release 2000/05%0 'CIT.-F -PT78-06086A000100050014-2 (2) Plans will be prepared for the expansion of air-ground com.muni- 25X1A6a cations at in wartime. APPROVED: Chief, Operations School 15 February 1960 Date Annex C to OTR War Plan 15 February 1960 Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 Next 4 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 Approved For Release 2000/0g/7Ti-1D178-06086A000100050014-2 personnel with basic sciences involved, and to teach the methods and the techniques to be used in collection of scientific and technical information. The prerequisites of the course are Top Secret clearance and completion of the Operations course. Enrollment is 25 students in a class. The course is given at Headquarters for four weeks, 160 hours. b. Preparatory Actions: (1) General: The chief instructor will prepare for storage in the Vital Documents repositories at two kits containing course description, lectures, training aids, reading material and books. Preparations will be made, too, for obtaining the necessary military specialist personnel to teach the technical parts of the course. (2) Organization: The chief instructor is the only Office of Training officer on the course teaching staff. About 50 speakers from the Office Of Scientific Information and from the Clandestine Services do most of the lecturing. (3) Responsibilities: To gel: reedy for wartime, the chief instructor will prepare for whatever changes in emphasis in the course may be necessary. Probably more emphasis will be put on weapons hardware and Tess on research in weapons development. (4:) Personnel Requirements: One instructor besides the chief instructor (GS-12 or 13) is needed to help prepare lecture outlines and student hand- books. (5) Administrative: Arrangements should be made to recall previous instructors to help in. the wartime expansion of the course. The course material kits will be sent to (6) Com"municat:ions Support: Communications equipment will be r.ieeded, for demonstration purposes. Rapid obsolescence of such equipment, however, makes stockpiling useless.. (7) Other ,Support: Use of a large number of films and slides in the course makes necessary the OTR film section's extensive support. A complete list of films and slides will. be given to the section. Appendix 1 to Annex C - 6 - OTIR War Plan 1.5 February 1960 S-E-C-R-Ii-T NOFORLV Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 Next 10 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 Approved For Release 2000/0 9 :'&1ARF PT8-06086A000100050014-2 e. Administrative: (1) Budget: Funds should be provided for the reproduction of material on the basis of a stepped-up production schedule to meet emergency needs. (2) Vital Documents: In anticipation of possible serious dis- location of activities, this office has selected documents produced or edited by it which provide as complete as possible a coverage of agent training,. and has arranged for such documents to be maintained at OTR's Vital Documents Repository at Field Training Base and at the location. We have also established a central record, by station, of all such documents sent overseas since 1 January 1957 and are bringing this record up to date at six--month intervals. Copies of this record are stored at the training emergency repositories. 1. Stockpiling. It is assumed that facilities for the rapid reproduction of documents will be available at Vital Records Repositories. g. Communications Support: No support requirements are anticipated beyond possible advisory support in connection with the preparation of documents where appropriate. ii. TSS Support: See g above. :i? Other: Advisory support from other Agency components, such as CI Staff:, will be required from time to time in the production of training materials related to their particular specialities. j. Language Requirements: Where translations of training material have been prepared by OTR or made available by field stations or desks, they have been forwarded to the Vital Documents Repository. This office, however, assumes no responsibility for providing foreign-language material, the burden of translation resting with the user. Coordination: Continuous coordination with the Clandestine Services is planned to assure that priorities are adjusted in accordance with changing situations. Appendix 2 to Annex C S-E-C-R-E-T OTR War Plan 15 February 1960 NOO 'N Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : C A-kBP78-06086A000100050014-2 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 4. WARTIME ACTION. It is not anticipated that war or other serious emergency would cause a substantive alteration of the responsibilities of this office. Planning in expectation of dislocation of activities can be undertaken only to the extent of ensuring that each office member knows where to go in conditions Df emergency, and that facilities for reproduction of training material exist at the Relocation Center. Chief, Overseas Training Appendix 2 to Annex C OTR War Plan 15 February 1960 - 5 - S-E-C-R-E-T NOFORN Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 Next 2 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 Approved For Release 2000/0986 E1ARR6Pf8-06086A000100050014-2 Covert Training is now in the process of revising, codifying, collating, anJ organizing all of its material. This includes the creation of lesson plans where appropriate. The target date for the completion of final drafts of all materials for each of the topics, identified in the "Prototype Schedules," is 1 March 1960. The total program should be finished by 1 April 1960. Copies of materials (as appropriate) will be stored with the Vital Documents Center. Chief, Covert Training :'gyp pendix 3 to An.aex C S-E-C-R- E-T 0TR War Plan 15 February 1960 Approved For Release 2000/09/08N(dIPA 78-06086A000100050014-2 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 Next 5 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 c. Responsibility: Activity Action (1) Selection of training materials Course Chief concerned for emergency training kits. (2) Reassignment of qualified Chief, Field Training instructors to other staffs. (3) Reorientation of present courses Chief, Field Training by to reflect emergency requirements. direction of Chief, Operations School d. Personnel Requirements: Additional personnel needed to have pre-D- day capability total eighteen. Of these, eight are staff instructors, six military instructors, two technical specialists and two clerical. e. Administrative: (1) All courses are providing copies of training materials for vital records storage. (2) Prepare budget estimate to provide for pre-D-day capability. f. Stockpiling: See separate plans attached. g. Communications Support: Included in Support Staff plan. h. TSS Support: TSS provides personnel as instructors in Sabotage and Audio training in addition to logistical support of peculiar items and budgetary support for testing. i. Other Support: Clandestine Services provides personnel for instructor staffs. J. Coordination: With Operations School, DD/P Staffs, Department of Defense agencies on unconventional warfare training. Appendix 4 to - 7 - Annex C OTR War Plan 15 February 1960 Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : S-E-C-R-E-T NOFORN CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 Approved For Release 2000/0g/D~-Tk-1T78-06086A000100050014-2 Wj~RTIME ACTION. a, For planning purposes, it is considered that Field Training will be rec,uired to handle a greatly increased student load with emphasis on para- mi:.itary subjects and field work. Area limitations will most likely result In stE.ggered schedules in order to train the maximum numbers in an integrated program. Certain training such as maritime will necessarily be conducted. elsewhere. Also using air transportation, comprehensive problems may well be run in more suitable areas as part of scheduled instruction. o. Most pressing need will be for qualified instructors in all aspects of PM activities to augment the present staff. Chief, Field Training 15 February 1960 Date Appendix 4 to Annex C OTEt War Plan 15 February 1960 Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 Next 6 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 OTR EMERGENCY, CONTINGENCY, AND WAR PLAN TAB B TO APPENDIX 4 TO ANNEX C AUDIO OPERATIONS TRAINING 1. MISSION. Audio Operations Training (AOT) is responsible for presentation of the following courses: a. Audio Surveillance Management Course SMC).: (1) Objective: Provide training in casing, planning, implementing, and managing of positive audio surveillance operations, and to familiarize the student with the various types of equipment used. (2) Prerequisites: Top Secret clearance. (3) Enrollment: 8 - 12. (4) Duration: 4 weeks. b. Audio Countermeasures Course CC : (1) Objective: Provide training in audio surveillance countermeasures procedures and techniques in detecting hostile audio installations. ,(2) Prerequisites: Top Secret clearance. (3) Enrollment: 6 - 12. (4) Duration: 4 weeks. c. Support to Other Courses: In addition to the two courses described above, the same staff provides training support to other OTR courses, as follows: Tab B to Appendix 4 Annex C OTR War Plan 15 February 1960 -1- S-E-C-R-E-T NOFORN Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 Approved For Release 2000/0~0 &A f5$5'8-06086A000100050014-2 (1) Audio Surveillance: 22 hours of audio surveillance management and one hour of A/S countermeasures instruction is given to the OC and i hours to the OFC. (2) One hour of A/S managemen., and one hour of A/S countermeasures is provided to the CI course at headquarters. (3) 16 hours of audio surveillance management and countermeasures instruction will be given in the new Case Officer Refresher course in November 1959. (4) 24 hours of photography is provided the OC, and one hour of photo instruction is given in the OFC. (5) 24 hours of training in Secret Writing is provided the OC and one hour in the OFC. 25X1A (6) 24 hours of training in is provided the OC. (7) An additional four hours of instruction is given both in the OC and OFC covering Agent Authentication, CI Aspects of Documentation,, Concealment Devices, and TSS Support to PP Operations. (8) It is also planned that the following commitments be fulfilled by the AOT: (a) A "two-day package" (9 1/2 hours) ASMC/ACC presentation be incorporated in the CI Course at headquarters and that this "t~vo- day package" become standard training for all case officers who ;nave not had previous audio surveillance training. (b) 24 hours of instruction may be included in. the next OC. 2. PREPARATORY ACTION. ii. General: (1) Present facilities and establishment for providing audio urveillance management and countermeasures training could handle Tab L3 to Appendix 4 - 2 - Annex C OTE War Plan S-E-C-R-E-T 15 :'ebruary 1960 Approved For Release 2000/09/Q$?RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 NOFORN approximately 240 students per year as compared to our present maximum enrollment of 96 per year, if the need arises. (a) Our present commitments call for a maximum enrollment of 12 students in both the ACC and ASMC. Our schedules allow for a four-week course followed by a two-week break between courses, and classes could be increased to 20 students, thus taking full advantage of the 20 workbenches presently installed in the main classroom. In summary, we would have 12 classes per year, 20 students in each class, totaling 240 students, as compared to our present 96. (b) Our field problem facilities would have to be expar ded only slightly. Requisitioning of two additional houses such as No. 4 and No. 29, in addition to our present facilities, would suffice to properly conduct all the field problems for both tle ASMC and ACC. (c) In the event of war, it is believed that a proportionately greater requirement would be levied for personnel trained in counter- measures than in audio management. If this be the case, we could easily schedule 8 ACC courses and 4 ASMC courses per year, since the staff and facilities required are equally suited to both courses. (d) The support furnished by AOT to other courses wound be in proportion to the stepped up activity in each respective course. (2) In addition to office and regular classrooms the following special facilities are available: (a) Classrooms: (1) Photo instruction, capacity - 30. O S/W instruction, maximum - 24. Contains tables and fume hood. (3) Fully equipped work benches and cabinets, capacity - 2-J). (4) Envelope opening instruction, capacity - 20. Tab B to Appendix 4 - 3 - Annex C OTR War Plan S-E-C-R-E-T 15 February 1960 NOFORN Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 Approved For Release 2000/0970S7eIK=RD78-06086A000100050014-2 NOFORN (b) Laboratories: (1) Photo Lab, size 12' x 27, Used in conjunction with 3-7B Classroom, capacity--4 students at a time. W Audio Lab, complete with test and demonstration benches, storage cabinets and shelves, capacity--20. (c) Field Problem Facilities: (1) A unique village comprised of 8 cinder block "one-room houses, " two old farm houses in good repair, and one cinder block water closet building with separate facilities for men and women. (2J A modern building with 14 rooms of varied types of construction to simulate rooms found in overseas installations. The building also has an attic accessible by an outside stairway, a reinforced concrete wall and ceiling, and outside areas suitable for pipe pushing and wire laying. (3) A large two-story building of frame construction that had formerly served as a local school. It is in good repair. (4) Two old dilapidated buildings that serve as 'Listening posts. b. Organization: In order to meet our present commitments, we have the T/t) listed below: 1 Chief, AOT. 1 Chief Instructor, ACC. 1 Chief Instructor, ASMC. 3 Instructors (Includes S/W and Photo). 1 Stock Clerk/Maintenance Officer. 1 Secretary. ThE! present: heavy commitments on the above listed staff leaves us most vulnerable in the event of illness or unavoidable transfer. We have no reserves at present. Tab B to Appendix 4 - 4 - Ann sx C OTR War Plan S-E-C-R-E-T 15 February 1960 NOFORN Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : ClA-RDP78-06086AO00100050014-2 NOFORN c. Personnel Requirements: The additional people needed to have a pre-D-day capability are as follows: On board: 2 Instructors with FI Case Officer experience and back- ground. 3 Instructors with a technical background in audio surveillance. 1 Instructor with S/W and Photography background. 1 Administrative Assistant. Standby Reserve: 2 TSS background instructors. d. Administrative: (1) Assignment of qualified personnel. (2) Budgeting of funds to permit approximately a 40% increase in equipment on hand. e. Stockpiling: (1) Equipment presently available and in use: (a) Audio Equipment: (1) Recorders: Revere 24 Ampex-601 7 Ampex-601-2 3 M ag ne corder- Binaural 1 Magnecorder-Single 6 EM 1 6 Minifon 8 Ampex 350 Console Model Recorder 1 Tab B to Appendix 4 _ 5 - Annex C OTR War Plan 15 February 1960 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 Next 2 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CTA R_78-k086A000100050014-2 (3) Expendable: (Student and darkroom use), Film, paper, chemicals. Enough on hand to train 50 students in Basic Photo, omitting instruction in print processing. (f) Documentation, Concealment, Non-Explosive Devices: Sufficient training aid materials to present two-hour lecture on these topics. (2) Additional Equipment Required: (a) The telephone system equipment now on hand would suffice for any size class we might be required to handle. The audio equip- ment for demonstration purposes is also adequate. It would be necessary only to provide some additional tools, wire, paints, and other expendable materials. (b) It would be difficult to estimate the non-audio equipment necessary since that would be dependent upon the requirements levied in support of other courses. (c) Little stockpiling would be required other than increasing supplies on hand for practical problems from our present capability of handling 12 students to permit handling 20. f. TSS Support: The close support of TSS would be required in order to release materials, equipment, and personnel as indicated in the preceding paragraphs. g. Coordination: Close coordination would be required between AOT, OTR, and TSS. 3. WARTIME ACTION. The wartime function of this section would be fulfilled if the steps outlined in the Preparatory Action were carried out. Tab B to Appendix 4 Annex C - 9 - OTR War Plan 15 February 1960 S-E-C-R-E-T NOFORN Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 Next 4 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 Approved For Release 2000/09/684'R't-06086A000100050014-2 c. Personnel Requirements: Additional people needed to have a pre.-D-day capability: (1) One full-time secretary. (2) Two additional full-time instructors in order to release three TSS staff representatives for full-time testing operations. (3) Train. at least 30 new recruits as replacements for present staff and as cadre for D-day emergency. Consideration must be given to safety factor above. Current staff limits the student body to 25 members. To train 50 students requires 4 additional instructors; to train 101) students would require a total staff of twenty including one secretary and two range officers. d. Administrative: (1) Proportionate budget increase necessary to handle increased student load. (2) Suitable lesson plans and outlines are being provided for vital documents storage. e. Stockpilinq_ (1) The following tools and'. expendable supplies are required and presently available: (a) Range tools Quantity Hammer, claw 6 Mallet, wooden or plastic 6 Screwdriver, small 6 Screwdriver, medium 3 Screwdriver, large 2 Pliers, slip joint, 6" 3 Pliers, diagonal cutting, 5" 6 Pliers, lineman's sidecutting, 6" 4 Pliers, needle nose, 5" 4 Pliers, needle nose, 6" 4 Tab C to Appendix 4 Annex C - 6 - OTR War Plan 15 February 1960 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 NOFORN 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 Next 7 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 NOFORN 3. WARTIME ACTION. The CFA staff sees its wartime activity much the same as stated in the preparatory phase. The greatest change expected is the increase in number of operational teams to be trained, both staff and action agent types. Tab D to Appendix 4 - 5 - Annex C OTR War Plan S-E-C-R-E-T 15 February 1960 NOFORN Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA R&78-&6G86A000100050014-2 NOFORN OTR EMERGENCY, CONTINGENCY, AND WAR PLAN TAB E TO APPENDIX 4 TO ANNEX C TRAINING AIDS UNIT 1. MISSION OR RESPONSIBILITY. The Training Aids Unit (TAU) supports all Field Training activities with audio/visual aids, including graphic charts, projection slides of all types, models, photography, tape recordings, training films, library and language laboratory. 2. PREPARATORY ACTION. a. General: TAU is able to support present Field Training programs with the equipment and facilities at hand. However, to prepare for D-day, additional personnel and facilities are needed. Also TAU cannot proceed on preparation of emergency training aids until the training staffs levy requirements. As part of pre-D-day preparation, the Unit is constantly reviewing new equipment and techniques with a view toward better and faster service to the staffs. b. Organization: The present T/O calls for a chief, one exhibits tech- nician, two illustrators, a librarian, a visual information specialist, a photographer and an electronics technician. The present chief is also the exhibits technician. c. Personnel Requirements: In order to have a pre-D-day capability, the staff requires an exhibits technician, an illustrator and a reproduction specialist. d. Administrative: (1) Prepare budget estimate to provide for additional equipment and supplies. (2) Prepare and maintain a file of negatives covering all graphic aids of possible value. Tab E to Appendix 4 S-E-C-R-E-T Annex C OTR War Plan NOFORN 15 February 1960 Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 Approved For Release 2000/09w-6I7- RgPP8-06086A000100050014-2 e. Stockpiling: (1) Equipment presently available meets pre-D-day requirements. This includes 6 16mm movie projectors, 20 units of still projection equip- ment, one 16mm movie camera, 7 still cameras of various types, 16 tape recorders, including permanent lecture recording installation. (2) An inventory of approximately 200 training films is available - also meets pre-D-day requirements. (3) Graphic and model shops are adequate. 1. Other Support: TAU receives support from OTR Library in maintaining files and bibliography of pertinent source and training publications; from OTR/LAS for student language training; from Graphics Register, OCR through ISB/OTR for obtaining required films not currently in our inventory. g. Coordination: TAU coordinates with the training staffs concerning requirements and with other Agency graphic shops for exchange of new develop- ments and techniques. 3. WARTIME ACTION. a. General: It is expected that wartime requirements will demand con- siderable expansion of the TAU personnel and facilities. Although some aids will most likely be acquired from the military forces, most will be designed and tailored to Agency training. The unit will most likely be called upon to produce a quantity and variety of training aids for inclusion in instructor kits. ~. Personnel Requirements: The present T/O should be augmented by 3 illustrators, an exhibits technician, one photographer, 2 reproduction specialists and one clerical. c;. Stockpiling: For wartime requirements, general equipment will be proportionate to the student load. In addition, adequate portable reproduction equipment such as multilith and ozalid will be necessary. Tab E to Appendix 4 - 2 - Annex C OTR War Plan S-E-C-R-E-T 15 February 1960 NOFORN Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 TAB Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 Next 7 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 NOFORN (4) Personnel Requirements. See (2) above. TDY instructors will be recalled from rotational assignment, if feasible, for reassignment to SIC staff . 6. TUTORIAL TRAINING. a. Objective: To participate in tutorial training programs for U. S. nationals and foreign nationals sponsored by Agency components. b. Preparatory Actions: (1) General. The most obvious requirements to improve SIC's capa- bilities for this function are: (a) more highly developed special area competence and (b) more foreign language flexibility. The designation of area responsibilities under planning for Anti-Communist Operations will aid in meeting requirement (a) . Requirement (b) is being accomplished in part through study of Russian by two staff members. In addition, there is a dormant capability in French, Spanish, and German, which should be stimulated. Chief, SIC, will assign as part of normal duties additional language training when feasible. Apart from these deficiencies SIC staff is sufficiently competent across the board in the Communism fie_d so that most staff members are individually capable of handling complet,~ tutorial training programs. Therefore, with present T/O SIC is capable of con- ducting up to six such programs concurrently. (2) Organization. No additional requirements at this time. (3) Responsibility. No additional action is required at this time. One SIC staff member is responsible for planning and coordination of tutorial programs, and Chief, SIC, is responsible for the preparation of foreign-language materials to be used in support of tutorials, as well as for deposit of such materials in OTR's vital materials program. (4) Personnel Requirements. No additional requirements at this time. All SIC instructors assigned to formal courses of instruction also partici- pate in tutorial programs. c. Wartime Action: Basically, this function will remain the same as in peacetime. Expansion of SIC's T/O will accommodate additional require- ments for this type of training. Annex D OTR War Plan 15 February 1960 -9- S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 Approved For Release 2000/09'70-9'- 6AZR 7P~8-06086A000100050014-2 7. NON AGENCY TRAINING. a. Objective: To support non-Agency programs in the field of International Communism conducted by Department of State, USIA, ICA, and the various military departments. .b. Preparatory Actions: (1) General. No special preparatory action is needed. S:[C supports I::hese programs as its staff capabilites and Agency responsibilities permit. It is anticipated that as SIC staff develops greater specialized area competence more support could be provided for the military departments. In addition, more emphasis will be given in SIC's Agency courses to the Subject of Communist guerrilla warfare doctrine and techniques, thus preparing for a further contribution to the military in wartime. Wartime Action: (1) General. SIC will, if required, continue and expand its program it the Strategic: Intelligence School, and will continue to provide speakers, as requested, to other military components. However, if the Foreign Service Institute of the Department of State should continue its Communist programs at present intervals, SIG's participation will be curtailed? Department of State should assume support of its own program. In addition, SIC will be prepared to expand its assistance in the tutorial training of military groups as required. (2) Organizatiorn. It is assumed that with the expansion of SIC's as required for Agency purposes staff personnel of SIC will be avail- a.ble for the types of non-Agency programs specified in (1) above. APPROVED: Chief, SIC 15 February 1960 Date Annex D - 10 - OTR War Plan 15 February 1960 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 NOFORN Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 TAB Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 NOFORN OTR EMERGENCY, CONTINGENCY, AND WAR PLAN ANNEX E LANGUAGE AND AREA SCHOOL 1. MISSION. The Mission of the Language and Area School is to provide language and area training to meet the requirements of the Agency. This is accomplished either by providing the actual instruction or by determining where, either within the government or in the academic field, the desired training can best be ac- complished, by setting the necessary standards of instruction and accomplish- ment and, in coordination with the Registrar, arranging for the provision of such training. 2. PREPARATORY ACTION. a. General: (1) Preparation for emergency language and area training involves a determination of the present language and area capabilities of Agency personnel. Insofar as area capabilities are concerned, no systematic testing or other study of the area knowledge and specialization of Agency personnel has been made. The Office of Personnel has information avail- able from which a limited and preliminary determination of area competence is now being undertaken. (2) Insofar as language capabilities are concerned, the Language Development Program has given us a basis for a preliminary determination of Agency resources. As of 31 August 1959, of language 25X9A2 proficiency have been made. The claims have been tested in only 25X9A2 cases. Steps are now being taken to expedite the language proficiency testing of all Agency personnel who claim such proficiency. b. Organization: The present LAS T/O is adequate to meet all emergencies short of war, provided that all slots are filled and three (3) clerk-typists added. c. Responsibility: Annex E to OTR War Plan - 1 - 15 February 1960 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-0F086A000100050014-2 Approved For Release 2000/k8$9Ck-kDTP78-06086A000100050014-2 Activity Action Liaison with other Government C/LAS Agencies on language and area training Determination of essential languages and maintenance of state of readiness for training DC/LT Same for area training DC/AT Coordination of School activities to maintain effectiveness DC/PRA du Personnel Re ug -ir'ernents: Three (3) clerk-typists. e ? Language and Area Requirements: (1) LAS has the present capability for instruction in the following languages:, French Uzbek German. Persian Spanish Arabic Italian Chinese Swedish Japanese Dutch Finnish Czech Romanian Russian Greek Polish Hungarian Bulgarian Afrikans (2) LAS has in addition a reservoir of trained instructors for the follow- ing additional languages: Arabic Portuguese Armenian Turkish (3) Untrained instructors are available for: Danish Hebrew Hungarian Latvian Serbo-Croatian Slovak Annex oved For Release 2000/09/08': lA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 OTR Warf-an S-E-C-R-E--T 15 February 1960 NOFORN S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 (4) LAS has a present capability for instruction in the following areas: Western Europe (United Kingdom, France, West Germany, Benelux, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Scandinavia, Greece, Austria, Switzerland) Eastern Europe (East Germany, Finland, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Albania, Bulgaria, Romania) Middle East (Morroco, Tunisia, Libya, United Arab Republic, Israel, Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Arabian States, Sudan) Africa south of the Sahara (to a limited extent) South Asia (India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Ceylon) Southeast Asia (Burma, Thailand, Malaya and Singapore, Indonesia, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam; North and South, Philippines) East Asia (China, PRC and KMT, Japan, Korea, Ryukyus, Russia in Asia) (5) The Las language laboratories and tape reproducing facilities are capable of handling all normal and most emergency demands short of a war situation. Tapes now on hand are sufficient to meet anticipated demands short of war. In the event of an enforced move to another or to other. sites, all equipment, installations, tapes and materials are sufficiently portable to present no serious problem. (6) In view of the fact that the foregoing recitation of capabilities for language and area instruction indicates deficiencies in areas that might become critical (such as Central Asia or the Indian sub-Continent) it is recommended that the Agency war planning staff make a periodic determination of those areas considered most likely to become critical in the event of war. Such determination would then be used by LAS to establish and maintain capabilities adequate to discharge its wartime responsibilities. Annex E to S-E-C-R-E-T OTR War Plan 15 February 1960 Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RbT86A000100050014-2 Approved For Release 2000/09/08 ECI-iDi7i-06086A000100050014-2 NOFORN f. Coordination: The advent of war will require careful coordination of all governmental training activities, utilizing both existing governmental facilities and academic facilities. LAS has established and will maintain the fullest possible coordination with all governmental language and area training establishments. The Language and Area Roundtables will prepare plans for formalization of their functions and establishment of working staffs to discharge their coordination responsibilities in the event of war. 3. WARTIME ACTION. a. General: (1) From D-day on, the function of the Language and Area. School will be to supervise and direct all language and area training for the Agency, setting the standards for instruction, selecting the facilities within the continental United States or overseas, and providing the necessary coordi- nation with other federal agencies. It is not envisaged that the School staff and contract instructors will engage in mass training themselves, except in those instances and with those languages where immediate and rapid action is called for. It is anticipated that language laboratory facilities will be increased, as Will the tape library, in order I:o provide refresher training for Agency personnel who already have a language proficiency. (2) The specific mission of the Language and Area School, in time of war i s: - -r- - (a) To conduct intensive limited objective language training (1 - 3 months FZ~ to equip operational personnel with adequate but minimum capacity for verbal communication requirements for move- ment and maneuvers among foreign peoples in those areas made critical by the war. (b) Ta_ arrange intensive "language officer" training from 5 to 24 months duration for operational personnel equipped for inter- national staff, Liaison, instructional and PW-interrogation assignments., (c) To conduct Operational Country-People Familiarization to provide basic information essential for traveling, living and operating Annex E to OTR War Plan S-E-C-R-E-T 15 February 196 Approved .Q or Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 NOFORN S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 NOFORN effectively among specific foreign peoples (2 weeks FT) and with foreign peoples (4 - 8 weeks FT). (d) If required, to conduct or supervise intensive English language training for key indigenous personnel involved in joint operations with Agency personnel. (e) To conduct or supervise the conduct of intensive language and area training in preparation for belligerent or post-belligerent occupational assignment of Agency personnel. (3) All other training now conducted or contemplated by OTk/LAS will be discontinued and other training will be introduced only as unanticipated requirements and school capabilities permit. b. Organization: The present T/O, with the addition of a military section (see d below), four (4) electronic technicians, and one (1) full-time librarian should be adequate to discharge LAS's wartime responsibilities. The Military Section will operate under DC/PRA, c. Responsibility The Deputy Chiefs for Language Training and Area Training will be responsible under C/LAS for discharging their several responsi- bilities. The senior deputy will take over as C/LAS in the event of the death or incapacity of C/LAS. d. Personnel Requirements: Civilian: Four (4) Electronics technicians, GS-9 One (1) Librarian, GS-9 Military: One (1) commissioned officer (major or equivalent) One (1) non-commissioned officer (chief yeoman or equivalent) Four (4) enlisted men (Pfc.), 2 with communication training, 2 with clerical training e. Administrative: (1) Language laboratory facilities should be tripled. This will involve additional duplicating units and shop equipment as well. Annex E to OTR War Plan S-E-C-R-E-T 15 provedr'Por Relggease 2000/09/08: CIA-RT ,6A000100050014-2 Ap Approved For Release 2000/OS%08Ik-FSIT78-06086A000100050014-2 NOFORN (2) The vital documents and records preservation program now being undertaken will suffice. f. Language and Area_ Re In the event of war, it is anticipated that. (1) various segments of the Agency will be dispersed from Washington; and (2) the demands for language and area training will increase immeasurably. In accordance with the proposals hereinbefore stated, the Language and Area School will devote its energies to emergency short-time instruction in languages and for areas made critical by belligerent operations, while at the same time directing and supervising in coordination with other governmental agencies the utilization of academic and other language and area training facilities to meet large-scale Agency language and area requirements. That is to say, the ba.sic wartime function of LAS should be to direct, coordinate and supervise rather than to engage in actual instruction. It will at the same time provide and maintain adequate language laboratory facilities for refresher training, including the provision of language tapes. APPROVED: Chief, Language and Area. School _-- Date Annex E to OTR War Plan 15 February 1960 S-E-C-R-E-T NOFORN Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 TAB 1 Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIAARDPT8 U6Q8WA000100050014-2 OTR EMERGENCY, CONTINGENCY AND WAR PLAN ANNEX F REGISTRAR STAFF 1. PEACETIME COLD WAR PREPARATORY ACTION. Chief, Registrar Staff will: a. Prepare to effect the reorganization of the Registrar Staff to meet its wartime role, as indicated in the chart below. (Branches) Secretary External Training #1 #2 Standards Notes: #1: currently Registration Section: redesignated #2: currently Processing Branch: redesignated b. In coordination with C/LAS, prepare to modify, in part, the implementa- tion of the Language Development Program as here outlined: (1) Terminate cash awards for language proficiency whether for "achievement" or "maintenance. " (2) Maintain a list of approved facilities at which Agency employees can undergo language training to meet the augmented emergency require- ments for such training. Annex F to OTR War Plan S-E-C-R-E-T Ap13FmFeIL9@ 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 NOFORN Registrar Deputy Registrar Registration Approved For Release 2000/sJ/$8? 78-06086A000100050014-2 c. Prepare to effect the modification of the external training program to meet emergency/wartime needs of CIA as outlined in the following plan: (1) An emergency/wartime situation will produce drastic changes in the type of requirements for external training and a heavy augmentation in the number of requirements. (2) Long-range academic training requirements will not be levied for the period of the emergency. (3) To the extent that the senior staff colleges (e.g., The National War College) offer quotas to the Agency in such courses as may be con- ducted during the period of the emergency, the Registrar Staff will continue to Clive administrative support to those Agency personnel selected to participate in those senior staff college courses. (4) It is expected that training facilities conducted by the Armed Forces will be utilized by CIA for certain special operations. Augmented training requirements levied within the Agency will be met by RS/'TR by development of its Department of Defense contacts, keeping the latter informed of the type, scope, and number of expected training requirements. d. In the emergency, the enrollment in QTR-conducted courses will be greatly increased, thereby increasing the registration activities of RS/TR. The present manning of the Registration Section are, it is estimated, capable of up to 50 per cent augmentation of the! current monthly enrollments and training reports distribution. It is estimated that a 50 per cent increase in enrollments and training reports distribution will be reached within four months of the onset of the emergency, which will require additional personnel (one clerk-typist) in the Registration Branch? e. Maintain current mechanized records of OTR training undergone by CIA personnel to facilitate the selection of personnel for contingency task forces. or other emergency assignment or reassignment. f. In coordination with OTR School Chiefs, maintain an OTR catalog of tentative emergency training courses (Appendix 1 to Annex F, published separately) . Annex F to OTR War Plan 15 February 1960 Approved For Release 2000/09%W~ RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 NOFORN g. Maintain records of emergency required external training undergone in languages, and paramilitary training. h. Maintain records of training afforded to Armed Forces personnel result- ing from specific training requirements levied upon CIA/TR by the Armed Forces. i. Keep OTR regulations continually and currently revised so Lhat they will present the going organization, activities, and policies of DTI' as of the emergency period (by coordination with PPS/TR and XO/TR). 2. EMERGENCY, CONTINGENCY, WARTIME, OR AS DIRECTED. a. Effect the emergency reorganization of the Registrar Staff. b. Eliminate those special functions of the Registrar Staff not essential during the period of emergency. c. Intensify the monitoring of component-conducted training of the Agency to insure that minimum performance levels of training proficiency and security are not lost because of the pressure of the emergency. d. Expedite the following functions: (1) Reporting course registration to the respective OTR Schools. (2) Preparing class rosters, distributing training reports, and maintaining mechanized records of OTR training undergone by CIA personnel. e. Disseminate a current catalog of emergency training courses to all regular addressees and have available additional catalogs for issuance to other Government agencies as directed by DTR in coordination with DD/P. f. Issue Special Bulletins to keep all Agency elements informed of modifi- cations and expansion in the Office of Training. g. Expedite and give priority to external training requests pertaining to the emergency effort. Annex F to OTR War Plan 15 February 1960 NOFORN Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 Approved For Release 2000f9 7D> IAF1 P78-06086A000100050014-2 ha Maintain such records and statistics as will be useful in reforming the post-emergency training activities of CIA. i. Comply with Wartime Tasks, All OTR Components, paragraph 3X. APPROVED: Chief, Registrar Staff 15 February 1960 Date Annex F to OTR War Plan S-E-C-R--E-T 15 February 1960 Approved For Release 2000/0NIDWCGM-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 TAB Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 Approved For Release 2000/09/08 :CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 NOFORN OTR EMERGENCY, CONTINGENCY, AND WAR PLAN ANNEX G ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION STAFF 1. GENERAL MISSION. To provide psychological services to the Office of Training and to the Agency as outlined below. a. Psychological assessment activities: (1) Objective: To relate information gained from testing, int,rviewing, and other psychological techniques to problems of selection, assignment, handling, and career planning for agent and staff personnel. (a) Special groups here are the JOT's and contract agent personnel. (2) Location: (a) Headquarters (b) Safehouses or hotels in the continental United States (c) (d) (3) Intensive assessments: Performed on agent and staff personnel for the purpose of determining individual abilities, attitudes, interests, motivation, and personal stability for different types of operational and non-operational assignments. (4) Testin Services: (a) Professional applicant testing now conducted in nation- wide centers and at Headquarters. Annex G to OTR War Plan S-E-C-R-E-T 15 February 1960 Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA- $&bW086A000100050014-2 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 NOFORN (3) General consultation services on the application of psychological techniques or knowledge to any Clandestine Services problems as appropriate. (4) OTR/AES services may be used in the briefing of liaison, services on the use of psychological services, e.g., selection, handling and training. 2. PREPARATORY ACTION. a. Psychological assessment activities: (1) General: To prepare for a needed expansion of assessment activities during a war, the following actions should be undertaken at the present time: (a) Spotting and clearance of civilian specialists who would be asked to accept staff assignments in event of emergency. Several consultant and contract employees of the A&E Staff would fall into this category. Whenever possible, individuals in this status should be given an initial one-week orientation program if their current relationship with the Agency has not already permitted them to receive this type of training. (b) Making arrangements with the military for a specified number of psychologists to be assigned to the A&E Staff come D-day. One or two assessment psychologists, company grade officers, should be assigned to the A&E Staff in the immediate future on twc-year tours. (c) Points (a) and (b) combined will make possible staffing of four training centers, in addition to Headquarters, with a cadre of some skill in applying Agency-oriented assessment techniques. (d) Preparations should be made for rapid screening of people, both at Headquarters and the training stations. The psychological testing devices and assessment techniques available, and the experienced staff of assessment psychologists should permit A&E sufficient flexibility to provide appropriate assessment programs to whatever criteria for selection become available under emergency Annex G to OTR War Plan 15 February 1960 - 3 - S-E-C-R-E-T NOFORN Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 S-E- R E T Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : C1A-RDPT8-06086A000100050014-2 conditions. The screening program at Headquarters should be mechanized to the maximum degree. To an extent, this is already being planned for in converting A&E research and testing processes to automatic data processing machines. Those at training stations will have to be designed to be operated by hand methods. (e) Field assessment techniques should be developed for use, particularly in the assessment of those going on a PM type mission. The type of field performance tests described in the OSS Assessment of Men would probably be used. (i Copies of assessment information on Agency' personnel are being maintained in a safe repository under the vital materials program. Sufficient testing material and manuals of directions will also be kept in a safe repository under the vital materials program. Chief 1 Assessment Branch. 13 Research and Testing 6 to 8 Clerical Staff 5 (Note: Training support positions listed under 2b(2:), below.) (3) Responsibil y: Activity Preparation for conducting professional assessments Annex G to OTR War Plan 15 February 1960 (g) Assessment procedures applicable to non-English-speaking indigenous personnel will continue to be developed. At present such a program is being developed by A&E Staff members on _ and at Headquarters. (2) Orc. anization: The recently proposed T/O of the A&E Staff will be sufficient for the preparatory period. Included in this T/O are the following positions which provide for or support assessment services: Action By C/A:B NOFORN Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78 0 086A000100050014-2 This decentralized plan will be tried over the next year to see if it can be effectively implemented. It is possible that once the educa- tional support activities have become well integrated into the various training programs of the schools that the training support specialists could be effectively used if they were located within one unit as in the past. The advantage of a decentralized arrangement is that it prices the responsibility for educational services directly with the Plans and Policy Staff and with the school chiefs rather than with a technical staff such as A&E. (2) Organization: Present training support assignments are as follows: (a) Plans and Policy Staff: One senior psychologist and one slot vacancy for a senior psychologist. (b) Intelligence School: One senior psychologist. (c) Operations School : One senior psychologist. (d) A&E Staff: Two senior psychologists and one slot vacancy for a senior psychologist. (e) Two senior psychologists. (3) Responsibility: Outlined in paragraph (1) above. (4) Personnel recruirements: (a) Staff employees: Eight. (b) Military on detail to CIA: One company grade training specialist to be assigned on two-year tour. (c) CIA civilians (standby): Eight educational specialists. (Note: Although a civilian staff 5tandby7will be considered, it may be possible that the type of educational support required by OTR training courses during the hot-war period would be provided best by military educational specialists. This remains to be worked out.) Annex G to OTR War Plan 15 February 1960 S-E-C-R-E-T NOFORN Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 Approved For Release 2000/09A8~ZCY.Q'8-06086A000100050014-2 NOFORN (5) Administrative: No special requirements. (6) Stock ip ling: No special requirements. (7) Lang (age Requirements;, None foreseen at this time. (8) Coordination: During the next year while training support activities are being reorganized and reoriented, there must be a close coordination between PPS, the schools, and the A&E Staff. 3. WARTIME ACTION. a. Psychological assessment activities: (1) General: The assessment function will be intensified and expanded under wartime conditions. It will be modified in the following respects: (a) Provision for rapid screening of new personnel will need to be met, both in the field and at Headquarters. At Headquarters there must be available psychological testing information in usable form for screening purposes. (b) There will be a greater emphasis in the field on the assess- ment for critical assignments. (c) The greater emphasis on. PM type activities will require special field procedures, perhaps more like those used by OSS to aid in selection for such assignments. (d) The assessment function will be more closely integrated with the training evaluation function, especially for those courses which have as their objective the preparation of men for exceedingly hazardous assignments. In sum, the assessment procedures will be simultaneously altered in two directions. First, in the direction of streamlining testing procedures for rapid screening, and secondly, the development of even more intensive scrutiny for those individuals being trained for hazardous assignments. Insofar as time demands reduce the thoroughness of the training, the assessment function will become more and more important. Annex G to OTR War Plan S-E-C-R-E-T 15 February 1960 NOFORI Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA- DP78-06086A000100050014-2 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 Approved For Release 2000/09178E.-iAP78-06086A000100050014-2 (c) Requisition from military: 21 senior psychologists, 12 junior psychologists, 12 male clerks, and 4 typists. (5) Administrative: No special requirements. (6) Stockpiling:: A sufficient supply of testing material must be on hand for a month's operation of the field stations. (7) Communications support:: No special requirements. (8) TSS support;: Installation of one-way mirrors and sound equip- ment as required for testing and assessment purposes. (9) Other support: None required. (10) Language requirements: One psychologist at each base should have at least moderate command of a foreign language of most genera]. use in the area his base is located. (11) Coordination: Close coordination will be required with OT:R schools, and with those familiar with the activities for which people are being assessed and trained. b. Training support junctions: (1) General: Training support functions will differ, in that there will be more direct application of what has been developed prior to D-day, and less developmental activity. There will be an increase of individualized work with any new instructors that are brought into Training. Evaluation procedures will be more oriented towards assessment. They will be more concerned with field exercises in the training for PM activities. l (2) Organizations (a) Headquarters Chief, A&E Deputy Chief, A&E, for field operations 1. -Since rapid training may become a major activity of OTR, special. attention should be given to methods which maximize efficiency. An OTR nex G to - 1.0R ~- War Plan 15 F'ebr or Release 2000I98? ClA- DP78T -06086A000100050014-2 15 ~l Y9~~ NOFORN 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 Approved For Release 2000/0W2> :8L,9~RP~8-06086A000100050014-2 (5) Administrative: No special requirements. (6) Stools ilinc Material needed for instructor training and for implementation of evaluation procedures. (7) Communications support: No special ones required. (8) TSS su ort. No special ones required. (9) Other support: Nothing special required. (10) Language requirements: One training support psychologist at each field station should have moderate familiarity 'with the language of most general use in the area. (11) Coordination: Major coordination will be with OTR schools. c. Other Psyc.hologi!cal Services: (1) General: The general availability of consultation regarding psychological problems faced by OTR and the Agency will probably not change much from peacetime to wartime. It would appear, however, that there will be more demand for af;sistance in training PW interrogators, or in training those liable to capture in special psychological techniques which may assist in resisting interrogation. In general consultation and in such fields as interrogation, AES should have aboard six additional. I:)sychologists who can be drawn from. the CIA civilians (standby) . Chief, Assessment & Evaluation Staff 15 February_ 1960 Date Annex G to OTR War Plan 15 February 1960 - 12 - S-E-C-?R-E-T NOFORN Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 TAB Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 NOFORN OTR EMERGENCY, CONTINGENCY, AND WAR PLAN ANNEX H ADMINISTRATION AND SUPPORT 1. GENERAL. a. Purpose: The purpose of this plan is to define the support structure required and assign responsibilities to the OTR administrative components in order to support OTR responsibilities and activities in time of emergency. b. Assumptions: (1) Present planning is based on the assumption that training now conducted in Washington will, for the most part, continue although on an expanded basis, particularly in Clerical Training and the Intelligence Orientation Course. Should it be impossible to continue to operate in the Washington area, we will take action to obtain suitable facilities in whatever new Headquarters area is selected. (2) If training can be continued in Washington, we assume that all classroom facilities and the 500-man auditorium in the new Agency building, as well as classrooms available in other buildings occupied by the Agency at the time of an emergency, will be available to OTR. (3) Current budget and personnel ceiling limitations negate any extensive preparatory measures at this time, beyond the planning stage. 2. PLANNING CONCEPT. a. The administrative and support structure of OTR is divided into two general areas, namely, support to headquarters training and support to training conducted at Indirect support is also provided to the Operations School in the use of safe sites for covert training in the Washington and New York areas. b. Since support problems in the two main areas of activity are different, separate plans have been developed for each. The two plans have been coordinated 15 February 1960 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 NOFORN Annex H to OTR War Plan Approved For Release 2000/09/0%-FClit-T YI TX06086A000100050014-2 NOFORN 25X1A6a in order to insure adequate support training as well as to Headquarters training under emergency conditions. The plan for expansion 25X1A6a of support activities is outlined in Appendix 3 to this Annex. The following comments relate to training conducted at headquarters. 3. SUPPORT STAFF TASKS. a. Office of the Chief: (1) In addition to the Chief, this office now includes a Security Officer, Motion Picture Script Writer, Area Records Officer and Secretary. Under emergency conditions, a Deputy Chief would be needed to assist in handling the increased administrative load. Also, the increase in OTR 25X1A6a staff and the ex a i i p ns on n activities would require the addition of a Security Assistant to insure expeditious handling of security problems and adequate headquarters support to the Sec,,rit n..~ h t nc ncreased value in handling volume training, a second script writer , preferably with Agency experience, should be added in order to speed up script preparation. Production personnel and. facilities would be increased through use of outside contracts. This over-all increase in personnel in the Office of the Chief, would require an additional secretary. (2) In an emergency, the Area Records Officer would be concerned primarily with vital materials. The plan for a Vital Materials Program is outlined in Appendix 2 to this Annex. b. Personnel Branch: The over--all program for expansion of the OTR staff as well as development and implementatwon of other personnel programs are included in Appendix 1 to this Annex. This expansion will require increasing the present staff of 8 in this Branch by 5 persons, including 2 civilian and 1 military Personnel Officer and 2 Personnel Clerk-Stenos. Expansion plans will be coordinated with the Office of Personnel. c. Budget and Fiscal Branch: (1) The increase in financial requirements will be developed in coordination with the Comptroller's office after sufficient detail regarding training programs has been prepared to permit making cost estimates. No Annex H to OTR War Plan 15 February 1960 Approved For Release 2000/09/08 PCIA-P78-06086A000100050014-2 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 NOFORN funds have so far been budgeted for taking preparatory action in acquiring material and equipment. When OTR is directed to take such action, funding arrangements will be made with the Comptroller. (2) In order to handle the increase in workload, particularly that resulting from an increase in the amount and type of allotments a--,-id obligations, the present staff of 4 in this Branch must be increased by 1 Fiscal Accountant Assistant and 1 Fiscal Accountant Clerk. d. Supply and Services Branch: All of the activities of this Branch will increase sharply under emergency conditions. Some preparatory plaru have been included in the various School annexes, appendixes and tabs. Detailed plans and requirements will be developed in coordination with the Off ice of Logistics. Based on preliminary estimates of workload, the present staff of 10 in this Branch will be augmented by 6, including 1 Property and Supply Assistant, 1 Transportation Assistant (due primarily to increase in volume of 25X1A6a travel between Headquarters and , 1 Courier, 1 Clerk-Typist, and 2 Reproduction Clerks. e. Instructional Services Branch: Increases in volume of training and development of new courses will mean a significant increase in requirements in the audio-visual field. Greater production and use of motion pictures, as well as possible operation of closed-circuit TV systems in training programs, will require the addition of 7 persons to the present staff of 15 in this Branch, including a Training Aids Officer in the Office of the Chief, 1 Electronics Technician and 2 Projectionists in the Audio Aids Section and 2 Illustrator- General and 1 Secretary-Typist in the Visual Aids Section. The expansion in motion picture production will also require the use of additional personnel and facilities under contract. The key to the rate of this expansion will be the availability of a competent, Agency experienced script writer. f . Security: Security activities will also increase in times of national emergency. Primary areas of concern will be the implementation of active and passive measures to preserve the security of OTR activities, expediting the wartime security clearance of new OTR employees, and information of such censorship measures as the emergency situation may require. -3- Annex H to S-E-C-R-E-T OTR War Plan 15 February 1960 NOFORN Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 Approved For Release 2000/090' -Rg08-06086A000100050014-2 g. Other Activities: (1) The only other areas in which support to training is required are medical and communications. Preliminary plans for expansion in these activities have been included in Appendix 3 to this Annex, since require- 25X1A6a ments exist only at . These plans will be further coordinated with the Medical Staff and the Office of Communications. (2) When OTR programs and schedules have been worked out in greater detail, it may be necessary to levy a requirement on the Commercial Staff (or its successor) for an airplane of larger than DC-3 capacity for travel to APPROVED: Executive Officer, OIR .l5 February 1960 _ Date Annex H to S-E-C-R-E-T OTR War Plan 15 Feb ircvp Mr Release 2000/09/0* MpP78-06086A000100050014-2 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 NOFORN OTR EMERGENCY, CONTINGENCY, AND WAR PLAN APPENDIX 1 TO ANNEX H PERSONNEL 1. GENERAL. a. Purpose: This Appendix establishes guidelines for the peacetime planning of general emergency requirements and for utilization of U. S. civilian and military personnel by the Office of Training. b. Assumptions: The Central Intelligence Agency, as a civilian agency of the Government, will continue to be manned at headquarters primarily by civilians. However, where operations are to be conducted in support of military, an appreciable increase may be made in military personnel. c. Special Considerations: For planning purposes, personnel are categorized as regular force and mobilization reserve. The composition and planned utilization of these categories will be as follows: (1) Regular Force: The regular force consists of personnel on duty with the Agency at the time of an emergency, including detailed military personnel. This force constitutes the M-day authorization and the great majority of these persons will remain in their current assignments. There are two general exceptions to this rule: (a) Employee reservists who will be reassigned to fill a military requirement within the Agency or released to the parent military service. (b) Civilian employees whose positions are affected by reorganization or evacuation. This group consists mostly cf personnel assigned overseas who are not designated as "key civilians." Some personnel at headquarters will have mobilization assignments different from their current assignments. (2) Mobilization Reserve: In addition to the regular force, personnel required in the event of mobilization will come from two sources during the M-day plus six months mobilization period. Appendix 1 to - 1 Annex H OTR War Plan S-E-C-R-E-T JWrlo t%F t;bse 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 NOFORN Approved For Release 2000/091%8 6 -1 8-06086A000100050014-2 (a) By agreement with the military departments, that portion of Agency military requirements which cannot be met by military personnel presently detailed to the Agency or by Category" 1 employee reservists, will. be filled by the armed forces from their reserve rosters. (Category 1 employee reservists are CIA civilian employees with. military reservist status who are to be ordered to active military duty and assigned to CIA to fill an authorized military mobilization requirement in the Agency.) (b) Former employees of the Agency and other civilian personnel who express a willingness to serve and who possess required occu- pational skills may be appointed to a civilian reserve program pro- vided they are not members of a ready reserve component of the military forces. The civilian reserve will consist of the Executive Roster and the standby reserve. The former will include only those individuals qualified to participate in an executive capacity in grades ranging from GS-l5 and up. The latter category will include only those individuals who can contribute specialized skills or abilities in such fields as communications, electronics, and technical Services. 2. MISSION AND GENERAL PHASES OF ACCOMPLISHMENT. a. Peacetime and Preparatory Responsibilities: Personnel Officer (PO/TR) (1) Maintain a roster, on a continuing basis, to identify qualified potential instructors for the headquarters wartime training organization. (2) Identify Agency personnel having training competence or a potential training competence but serving in other capacities. (3) Prepare wartime tables of organization. (4) Maintain current records of the instructor skills and language abilities of all OTR instructors. (5) Make tentative mobilization assignments to wartime training cadres of OTR personnel, when directed to do so by the DTR. Appendix 1 to Annex H OTR War Plan 15 February 1960 Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 (6) Coordinate with the Director of Personnel in determining the availability of qualified personnel from elsewhere in the Agency for mobilization training requirements and report those who will be surplus to OTR needs at time of mobilization. b. Wartime Responsibilities: The PO/TR, when directed by the DTR, will activate the Wartime Table of Organization by: (1) Reassigning key personnel to their mobilization assignments. (2) Recruiting against all civilian and military vacancies. (3) Identify those persons having training skills now stationed overseas and who can fill a particular training requirement. 3. MOBILIZATION MANPOWER REQUIREMENTS. a. Headquarters and U. S. Field: (1) The Office of Training peacetime and wartime personnel requirements. (See Tab A) (2) The present authorized strength employees includes the following: Civilian* Militate Officers Trades Clericals Officers Enlisted (WB) Hq. U. S. Field Total OTR.. (Civilian). Appendix 1 to - 3 - Annex H OTR War Plan S-E-C-R-E-T 15 February 1960 NOFORN Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 Approved For Release 2000/09/v8~. SA-! i Pi8-06086A000100050014-2 (3) The wartime Table of Organization will require a total strength Civilian* Officers Trades Clericals (WB) Hq. 25X9A2 U. S. Field (2) The quantity of positions allocated are based upon OTR and CIA experience factors in conducting paramilitary contingency force and wartime training to support FI, CI, CE, PP and PM operations. Administrative and Support positions are also shown to assist the respectiye support offices of the DD/S in planning their staffing and manpower requirements. Personnel Officer, OTR Appendix 1 to - 4 - 15 February 1960 Annex H -- - OTR War Plan S-E-C-R-E-T Date 15 Feb a , E or Release 2000/09/08: CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 NOFORN Total OTR.. (Civilian). Military Officers Enlisted *Civilian Officers include Professional and Technical personnel in grades GS-07 and above. Clericals include Administrative Assistant and Training Assistant, and Secretary-Stenographer positions at all grades, and all other positions of grades GS-06 and below. (4) The Office of Training Organization Chart. (See Tab B) b. Overseas: An overseas Training Base Planning Guide is shown in Tab C. Training positions take into consideration the following: (1) The majority of the training personnel assigned will be in a military capacity and drawn from known Agency military reservists or obtained from the Department of Defense. Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 Next 56 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 NOFORN OTR EMERGENCY, CONTINGENCY, AND WAR PLAN APPENDIX 2 TO ANNEX H OTR VITAL MATERIALS PROGRAM 1. GENERAL. a. Vital Materials Defined: Vital Materials are those selected record materials and equipment which are essential to the continued operation of OTR in an emergency and the destruction of which would constitute a serious or irreplaceable loss. b. Objective of the Program: The primary objective of the Vital Materials Program is to store in a safe place (Repository) and in immediately usable form, all materials needed to re-establish and continue operations of the Agency in the event of national emergency or disaster. c. Repositories: The Office of Training will send Vital Materials to the Agency Relocation Center and also to OTR's Field Training Base. d. Vital Materials Deposit Schedule: The Vital Materials Deposit Schedule is an approved listing of all materials considered essential to the fulfillment of OTR's emergency or wartime mission. This schedule authorizes the transfer and disposition instructions for OTR Vital Materials. The master copy of this schedule is maintained by the Area Records Officer, OTR. 2. AUTHORITY. 25X1A a. CIA Regulation ~ Central Intelligence Agency Regulation provides that records essential to emergency operations of the Agency shall be promptly and currently deposited at a relocation site. 25X1A b. OTR Regulation ~ Office of Training Regulation = provides for the Administration of the Program within the Office of Training. - 1 - Appendix 2 to Annex H S-E-C-R-E-T OTR War Plan 15 February 1960 NOFORN Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 Approved For Release 2000/09/08' ErJ RRPr8T06086A000100050014-2 NOFORN 3. RESPONSIBILITY. a. Staff and School Chiefs: Each Staff and School Chief is responsible for the supervision of this program within his unit. He will designate a senior officer or officers to carry out the program in his component or subordinate components. The names of the designees will be given to the Area Records Officer, OTR. .b. Designated Officers: Designated officers will: (1) Determine from his component emergency, contingency and wartime responsibilities the records needed to fulfill his Vital Documents responsi- bilities. In making this determ:inat:ion, records not produced or maintained by the Office of Training should be evaluated as well as those records produced or maintained in OTR. (2) Submit list of records considered as vital materials to the Area Records Officer. (3) Develop a Vital Materials Deposit Schedule in coordination with the Area Records Officer, OTR. (4) Assure the current deposit of materials, and effect periodic reviews to determine currency of the VM Deposit Schedule. (5) Maintain necessary records of material placed in the Repositories. c. Area Records Officer, OTR: The Area Records Officer will: (1) Coordinate the Vital Materials Program in OTR. Act as liaison officer with Staff and Schools. (2) Develop and maintain a Vital Materials Deposit Schedule in coordination with designated VM Officers. (3) Compile and submit to the CIA Vital Materials Officer, for review :and approval, the Vital Materials Deposit Schedule for OTR. (4) Coordinate reproduction of copies of documents where necessary. Appendix 2 to Annex H S-E-C-R-E-T OTR War Plan 15 February 1960 ~R Approved For Release 2000/09/dNEaR-UDP78-06086A000100050014-2 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 NOFORN (5) Coordinate the transmission of Vital Materials to the Repositories. (6) Maintain necessary records of OTR materials placed in the Repositories. (7) Periodically review the program to assure that the VM Deposit Schedule and materials placed in the Repositories are current. (8) Act as liaison officer with the Records Management Staff. (9) During an emergency, serves as the "Control Point" Officer. The duties will be liaison between OTR and the Repositories, the Repro- duction Shop and other components for securing records and control of reproduction requirements and other duties as assigned. 4. DEPOSIT PROCEDURES. a. Staff and School designees will take the following steps for depositing Vital Materials: (1) Use the Vital Materials Deposit Schedule as a guide to select, prepare, and identify Vital Materials authorized for transfer to the Repositories. (2) Prepare CIA Form #620 "Vital Materials Transfer Slip" (L parts) as appropriate. Each Staff and School has been assigned an identifying code to be used in depositing Vital Materials. All materials intended for deposit at OTR's Field Training Base will be suffixed by an "A. " (3) Distribute copies of Form #620 "Vital Materials Transfer Slip" as follows: *yellow and blue - accompany deposit. pink - send to CIA VM Officer through ARO/OTR. white - retain in office as reference and control copy. * Signed yellow copy will be returned to ARO from Repositories as official receipt of material. Appendix 2 to S-E-C-R-E-T Annex H OTR War Plan 15 February 1960 NOFORN Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 Approved For Release 2000/09/t8 ECIA-I DA7W-06086A000100050014-2 (4) Send deposits to Repositories through the ARO/OTR. (5) Maintain a consolidated control inventory of material in both ,Repositories. Periodically send an updated copy to each Repository. b. The Area Records Officer will take the following steps in depositing Vital Materials: (1) Receives Vital Materials to be deposited. (2) Reviews the "Deposits" for compliance with schedules and procedures and to keep abreast of the Program. (3) Transfers direct to Repositories. 5. WITHDRAWALS. In thos e cases where it will be necessary to withdraw material, arrange- merit; will be made through the ARO/OTR. APPROVED: Area Records Officer, OTR 15 February 1960 Date Appendix 2 to Annex H S-E-C-R-E-T OTR War Plan 15 Febr yo4d ~or Release 2000/09/0W IA P78-06086A000100050014-2 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 NOFORN OTR EMERGENCY, CONTINGENCY, AND WAR PLAN APPENDIX 3 TO ANNEX H SUPPORT STAFF, a. Purpose: The purpose of this plan as outlined in the attachad tabs is to define the support structure required and assign responsibilities to the various branches in order to support an intensified, expanded or accelerated 25X1A6a training program in time of emergency. The organization and 25X1A6a responsibilities of the training staff, are shown in Appendix 4 to Annex C. b. Assumptions: 25X1A 25X1A6a 25X9 (2) will be the primary headquarters for the Office of Training in the event the Washington, D. C. area is evacuated. (3) The Base must be prepared to handle in addition to its present staff approximately-trainees on a continuing basis and approxi- mately- additional instructional and support personnel. In the event a greater or lesser number of trainees are envisioned by Headquarters, corresponding increases or decreases should be made in the wartime structure. (5) There will be a need for compartmentation of groups being trained, thereby requiring a series of smaller self-contained sites as opposed to large sites. Appendix 3 to Annex H OTR War Plan 15 February 1960 -1- S-E-C-R-E-T NOFORN Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 25X1C Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 Next 4 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 Approved For Release 2000/0f'0g-';~17R8-06086A000100050014-2 Office of the Chief of Training: 1 Chief of Training GS - 15/16 1 Secretary GS - 07 Tab A to Appendix 3 - 4 Annex H OTR War Plan S-E-C-R-E-T 15 February 1960 NOIFORN Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 25X9A2 Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 Next 11 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 (1) Fuel: Present Storage Type Fuel Capacity Consumption Wartime Storage Per Month Requirements _. Gasoline 80 act 5, 000 gal. No. 1 Fuel Oil (Space Heaters) 500 gal. No. 2 Fuel Oil (Quarters) 6,000 gal. No. 5 Fuel Oil (Boilers) 20,000 gal. Gasoline 110 oct. 3,000 (mobile) (Aviation) 5, 000 gal. 15,000 gal. 500 gal. 2, 000 gal. 12,000 gal. 20, 000 gal. during winter 20,000 gal. 40,000 gal. No monthly rate 10, 000 gal. determined; however, 3,000 gal, will support 150 hours flying time. (2) Transportation: Vehicle Number on Hand Wartime Sedan, 2-4 door, 5-passenger 10 15 Station Wagon, 2-4 door, 6-8 passenger 3 15 Carryall, 2-4 door, 6-8 passenger 3 6 Ambulance, Metropolitan, 3/4 ton 1 2 Truck, Ambulance, 3/4 ton, 4x4 1 3 Bus, 16-passenger 2 2 Bus, 24-passenger 1 6 Bus, 50-60 passenger 1 3 Truck, 1/4-ton, 4x4 8 25 Truck, 1/4-ton, 4x4 w/TIFA fog machine mtd. 1 2 Truck, pick-up, 3/4 ton 18 20 Truck, pick-up, 1/2 ton 2 3 -3- Tab F to Appendix 3 Annex H OTR War Plan 15 February 1960 S-E-C-R-E-T NOFORN Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 Approved For Release 2000/09/%8EZ&A-P7T8-06086A000100050014-2 'Vehicle Number on Hand Wartime Truck, pick-up, 1/2 ton., 4x4 1 6 Truck, utility maintenance, 3/4 ton 2 4 Truck, cargo, 3/4 ton, 4x4 5 20 Truck, panel, 1 ton 3 10 Truck, panel, 1/2 ton (explosives carrier) 3 5 Truck, panel, 1 ton, audio and photo, special purpose 1 2 Truck, stake, 1 1/2 ton 2 5 Truck, dump, 1 1/2 ton 1 2 Truck, tanker, 10 ton (3,000 gal. aircraft refueler) 1 3 Truck, van, 2 1/2 ton (explosives carrier) 1 3 Truck, stake, 2 ton, 4x2, commercial type 2 4 Truck, cargo, 2 1/2 ton, 6x6, w/A-Frame mounted 1 2 Truck, 2 1/2 ton, w/winch, 3 yd. dump, 4x4 (commercial type) 1 3 Trailer, 1/4 ton 1 2 Truck, fire, 1/4 ton, 4x4, (Willys-Howe) 1 4 Rangers Trailer, fire, 1/4 ton (Willys-Howe) 1 4 Truck, fire, crash--tank-brush, pumper, 4x4 2 4 Truck, fire, pumper 1 3 Scooter, two-wheel (Cushman) 1 0 Tractor, Chalmers Model B 0 3 Tractor, International Farmall, Super A 2 4 Tractor, International Farmall, Super M 1 2 Tractor, International Farmall, Model 100 1 2 Air Compressor, Leroy Asir Master, Model 1056 (mounted on trailer) 1 4 Roller, road patch., Littleford, Model 155 1 2 Generator, diesel, Ready-Power 37.5 KVA (mounted on trailer) 1 5 Road Maintainer, Huber, w/attachments and :10 ft. blade, Model 1A. 1 3 Tractor, Crawler, International, w/front end loader, Model T-9 1 2 Generator, Lister Blackstone, KVA 6.25, Model D-226F7, 85 H.P. , (mounted on trailer) 1 3 Pump, water, 700 GPM, (mounted on trailer) 1 3 Tank--Trailer, 200 gal. 0 4 Trailer, tilt-top, flat bed, 10 ton capacity 1 3 Tab F to Appendix 3 - 4 - Annex H OTR War Plan S-E-C-R-E-T 66 15 Fe lrpuparroved9For Release 2000/09/08 NOjftOW78-06086AO00100050014-2 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 NOFORN le Number on Hand Vehi Wartime c Trailer, welder, Hobart ARC Welder, type T-118-502 1 Tractor, Case, 1943, w/mower attachment 1 Caterpillar Grader, road motorized DED, tandem drive, 10 ft. mold board w/scarifier 1 Caterpillar Tractor, crawler type D-6, DED, drawbar pull 1 Crane, Hercules, mobile, 35 ft. boom, gasoline engine, truck mounted 1 Tractor, Ferguson, gasoline 172 engine, w/live power takeoff and front-end loader, auger type post hole digger, snow bucket and plow mold board 1 Truck, International, 1952, 2 1/2 ton dump, w/tandem axle 0 Caterpillar Tractor D-4, w/front-end loader 1 Tab F to Appendix 3 - 5 - Annex H 8-E-pCFp-R--EE~ii-T pOTR Waaz~y Pla qgBse 2000/09/08: CIA-F&FP-O '686A000100050014-2 AV~e 25X1C Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 Next 15 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 TAB Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 NOFORN OTR EMERGENCY, CONTINGENCY, AND WAR PLAN PLANNING OUTLINE FOR CONVERTING PEACETIME COURSES TO WARTIME INSTRUCTION 1. MISSION (statement of). 2. PREPARATORY ACTION. a. General b. Organization c. Responsibilities d. Personnel Requirements e. Administrative f . Stockpiling g. Communications Support h. Technical Support i . Other Support j . Language Requirements k. Coordination 3. WARTIME ACTION. a. General b. Organization c. Responsibilities d. Personnel Requirements Annex I to OTR War Plan S-E-C-R-E-T ApprpyeA E e?ggp?000/09/08 : CIA-RDP $ TA000100050014-2 Approved For Release 20~0~98R CIATRDP78-06086A000100050014-2 e. Administrative f. Stockpiling g. Communications Support h. Technical Support i . Other Support j . Language Requirements k. Coordination 1. MISSION OR RESPONSIBILITY. Prepare a separate statement outlining each major functional activity of your office broken down section by section, faculty by faculty, or course by course. In the latter case, give a brief course description such as the subject headings of the OTR Course Catalog, i . e . : Title Objective Prerequisites Enrollment Duration Location 2. PREPARATORY ACTIONS. (Actions to be taken now prior to emergency with deadline dates and fixed or continuing responsibilities for accomplishment, where need be.) a. General: A brief synopsis giving your concept, or even educated guess, of what, if anything, needs to be done to prepare prior to D-Day (now) to provide in wartime instructors and training materials for the continuance or expansion of this activity as may be required by CIA commanders and by clandestine military Annex I to OTR War Plan 15 February 1960 S-E-C-R-?E-T Approved For Release 2000/ j4-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 NOFORN support operations. If you feel you have adequate capacity now, :3tate no action required. If you feel an activity would be discontinued aft('r a major emergency, don't use this elaborate treatment. List functions to be discon- tinued separately with your recommendations for an alternate emergency-duty assignment where necessary for the people now concerned with thL. function which you feel would be postponed. b. Organization: A T/O of what you now have doing the job. c. Responsibility: Fix and delegate authorities as required. For example: Activity Action By Selection of training materials for To be designated by emergency training kits. School Chief concerned. d. Personnel Requirements: Any additional people needed to have a pre- D-day capability, civilian and/or military. e. Administrative: Any special considerations or procedures; such things as: Movement overseas or recall of OTR careerists from rotational assignments. Budget, if required. Vital documents and records preservation. Other pertinent considerations which occur to you. f . Stockpiling: Logistic considerations; for example, portable base requirements, training aids and kits. g. Communications Support (if required) h. TSS Support (if required) i . Other Support: (For example, sufficient OSI lecturers for an accelerated S&T Course.) Annex I to - 3 OTR War Plan 15 February 1960 S-E-CLR-E-T Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 Approved For Release 20tT076/gfA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 j . Languac, a Requirements: OTR present linguistic capability and wartime requirement to support accelerated training programs in the likeliest areas of operations. k. Coordination: Statement of major coordinations required; for example, Ops School with Clandestine Services, Executive Officer with Department of Navy, technical training with TSS, Communications with OC. Unconventional warfare training to be conducted by the U. S. Armed Forces or at Armed Forces establishments. 3. WARTIME ACTION. The purpose of this section is to set: out the additional means you. think you will need to continue your own function and expand to meet the wartime demands of CIA and military demands. a. General: A general statement of how you think the activity will contrast With the peacetime function. In general, you can probably say the wartime function will be the same as the peacetime function with the exception of so and so. Review the current objectives, prerequisites, enrollment, and duration of the course. Modify them to complete the instruction as rapidly as possible while still maintaining what you feel will be minimum acceptable training and security standards. b. Organization: A T/O showing what you believe you need to do the job as you envision it after D-day. c. Responsibility: Fix and delegate authorities as required. Include who will take over if Chief is a casualty? d. Personnel Requirements: This should take the form of breaking down your war time T/O into total wartime requirements for: Civilian employees by grade and job title. Military employees by rank and MOS (military operational specialty). e to k: The explanations of Wartime Requirements e to k are essentially the same as explained for the Preparatory phase plus your estimate of the increase in support facilities or activities required. after D-day. Annex I to OTR War Plan 15 February 1960 Approved For Release 2000 C)RI IA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2 SECRET NOFORN SECRET NOFORN Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06086A000100050014-2