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??k Wft4a For Release 20~f 1/07/1 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum TO Director. of Training THRU t Chief, operations School, OTR DATE: 20 June 1962 FROM : Chief, Training Assistance Staff, operations School SUBJECT: Weekly Activity Report #24 14 - 20 June 1962 25X1A9a 25X1A9a A. SIGNIFICANT ITEMS: None to report. B. OTHER ITEMS: 1. MERCHANTS OF DEATHt has been enlisted to help us gather materials on successful and unsuccessful assassination attempts for Dee has attacked this with her usual enthusiasm, but we have warned her that George's time limits preclude his examining material peripheral to the main issue -- how it was done. Eva has had to have her nose pried out of one book which, though perhaps not especially helpful to George, is suitably bloody for her guerrilla-whetted tastes. 2. COOPERATION IN LATIN AMERICA: 3. STATIC DISPLAYt When it turned out that our material was edged out of last Thursday's show for lack of space, Eva used the excuse -06084A0003000Q9018-1 Approved For Release 2001/07/12 :106084A000300020018-1 Approved For Release 2001/47J12 : CIA-I f T4A00030002001 25X1A9a 25X1C12b 25X1A9a to collect it from the display room as a means of seeing the final lay-out. The im ressive array gave her an idea which was duly relayed to - that our material would fit most logically into the display as adjuncts to the hardwar containers, parachutes TlTpr.~Tuug was o convey Tnls suggestion to To date we have heard no more so we assume that a er last Thursdayts performance everybody is reclin- ing exhausted on his laurels for the nonce. 4. CA WRITES AGAIN: On iL June we were visited by Miss of 25X1A9a CA_ who had been assigned to gather background material for a paper to be written by one of her. colleagues. It had not been made clear to her (or at least she wasntt able to make it clear to us) precisely what was to be covered. The general purport seemed to be the Communist modus operandi in penetrating and eventually taking over a country. We lent her four items (one overt, one an FI report, and even a CA study), with the hope that if they were not of ultimate use they might at least offer her a clue for her further collection efforts. 5. HELP TO to see us on 15 June, to reques raining material for a panish-speaking security service-type trainee. We started him off with the Spanish Tradecraft Guide and Glossary, and are in the process of having reproduced some other items of which we had only single copies. The girls have typed three of them on ditto so that we will not again run out of copies, since these items seem to be in demand for a number of projects. 6. FT OPERATIONAL STUInES: of the FT Staff, who is in charge of writing the FI studies replacing the old Operational Aids, has asked our help in assembling background material for a study he is about to embark on concerning agent handling. We have lent him a number of papers and have made available lesson plans for his study here in the office. Jerry being a man of ability and serious purpose as well as an old friend, we always try to do our best for him -- particularly since he is always grateful and always lets us have his worth-while end products. Approved For Release 2001/07/12: CIA- 7 84A000300020018-1 11) H El Approved For Release 2001 /12 : CIA-RDPT W'/O030002004&1 7. SPECIAL FORCES, FORT BRAGG: Last week called me concerning an informal request from Fort Bragg for an Agency lecturer to talk to a group of U.S. and "Allied" officers on Communist internal security. According to Lou, the lecture is now scheduled for 1 August. It was clear that Lou was most anxious that the individual chosen be from OTR, so I suggested he direct a memorandum to the DTR. I assured him that it would receive sympathetic consideration, although= instructors are in great demand. I suggested he get his request in as soon as possible. On Monday Lou brought a draft of his memo down for comments. During the conversation he said Fort Bragg planned to send a formal, written invitation and I said this too should be directed to the DTR. Lou thinks Fort Bragg will probably submit a request for a lecturer in the field of counter-insurgency for this same program and he plans to follow the same procedures as in the other request. I suggested that when his memorandum is ready, he might wish to take it to the DTR or the DDTR personally at which time he could discuss Fort Braggts requirements in more detail. Incidentally, Louts contacts have not involved all give and no get. His latest contribution to our lore, a recherche' document entitled "Background Information on Natural Animal Odorants and Artificial Musks," has, appropriately, gone to the dogs We had a chance to talk at some length with Carl during his TDY visit on his activities in the Vietnamese hinterland. Carlts refreshingly realistic appraisal of the operational situation in that troubled land would have made an excellent lecture in the recent Counter-Insurgency Course if he had been available at the time. The extent of fragmentation in Viet Nam, which has not been fully grasped by U.S. planning Approved For Release 2001/07/12: CIA-R A000300020018-1 Approved For Release 2001/0,2 : CIA-RDP 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 0030002001W1 level echelons, is exemplified by Carl's problems in conducting training for a group composed of tribal elements speaking nine different dialects. Carl is the onl A en in his area, his staff being composed of personnel. He reports that they are doing ain.e o an an present no problems of professional jealousy. 10. WHY WE LIKE OUR WORK DEPT.: The Chief of Station not onl has 25X1A6a contributed a rare item with a dispatch 25X1A6c acknowledging receipt of training materia s, but has embellished it with comments -- to the effect that the selection is very comprehensive and deemed to be of con- siderable value in his efforts to train the local intelligence service. ll. TRAINING 14ATERIALS FORWARDED: a. One copy of The Annals of the American Academ of Political and Social Science on loan to Miss 5X1A9a CA Staff, and one copy of Sel pers and Publications on Counter-insurgency to Miss for her retention; ZM1A9a copy of Internal Defense of t e Less Developed World and one copy of Elements of U.S. Strateg to Deal with Wars of National Liberation to Mr. for his usg5X1A9a at Headquarters; twenty-five copies of Elements of U.S. Strate to Deal with Wars of National Liberation to Mr. for use in the State Department's C-I Course; one copy of a bibliography on C-I to Station for use at the Regional Training Support Office; b. Glossaries: One copy of the Counter-insur ency Glossary to Mr _... for Mr. 25X1A9a retention; three copies o the Spanish Glossary to Mr. CC/OS; three co ies of th ary of Operational Terminology to Miss for use at Headquarters; c. Tradecraft: Two copies of the S anish versi f p on o 25X1A9a the Guide to Mr. - eleven selected papers covering various aspects of tradecraft on loan to Mr. F225X1A9a Staff; - 4 - Approved For Release 2001/07/12 : CIA-RDP8-06084A000300020018-1 SECRET Approved For Release 2001/07/12 : CIA-RDP78-06084A0003000200 -l SECRET 25X1A9a 25X1A9a e. Communism: One coy of the draft of the Handbook on Communism to Mr. for his review; one copy on loan to Miss one copy of an Information Report on Communist training on loan to Miss - 25X1A9a 25X1A6a f. - Station Trainin Program: Single copies of fifty-two papers covering tradecraft, counter-intelligence and reporting, two copies each of two case studies and single 25X1A6a copies of nine papers containing training notes were sent 25X1A9a toStation for the use of Mr. twelve 25X1A9a 25X1A8a copies eac of three case studies, a glossary and four training problems were also sent for the use of the trainees; g. Cooperatives: Six overt pamphlets to Mr. Robert 25X1A9a Approved For Release 2001/07/12 : CIA-RDP78-06084A000300020018-1