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Publication Date: 
March 14, 1962
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PDF icon CIA-RDP78-06084A000300010013-7.pdf94.86 KB
Approved For Release X8/1 ; 'CIA 1 8-Oi-B084A000i0010013-7 Office Memorandum ? UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT TO Acting Director of Training THRU : Chief, Operations School FROM : Acting Chief, leadquarters Training suBJECT: Weekly Activities Report No. 10 8 - 14 March 1962 DATE: 14 March 1962 I. SIQ3JFIGAHT ITEM Nothing to report. II. OTHER ITEM Information Reporting, Reports and Requirements (IRRR): Two stu- dents, one from EE and the other from NE joined on 12 March the present course which is in its third meek. One is coi]ating the training be- gun in a previous course that was interrupted by sickness. The other is preparing for a field assignment. 25X1A9a Information Rewrts Familiarization IRF): Miss is continuing her tutorial training in IR. Clandestine Services Course No. 19 25X1A9a ended 9 March. Despite scheduling problems, Mrs. chief instruc- tor, feels that the course was very successful and well received by the students. A course report is in preparation. Counterintelligence A. Familiarization: Mr. has been working with 25X1A9a Mr. on the turning over of course materials, all of which has been organized into clearly marked folders according to sched- ule chronology. Tape recordings of all lectures have been marked and chronologically organized. A tape recording was made of each subject folder discussed so that Mr. would have the bene25X1A9a 25X1A9a fit of Mr. s cometlents. Tutorial instruction is being given to NE Division. of 25X1A9a B. Operations: Course No. 43 is in its third and final week and encountering less scheduling difficulties than in the previous two weeks. Approved For Release - 4A000300010013-7 Approved For Releas,E;,20 fRP 8440003,010013-7 SUBJECT: Weekly Activities Report No. 10 Records Officers Course: Course No. 7 began on 13 March with 14 students enrolled. Covert Action Operations: Arrangements are almost completed for Course No. 5k, scheduled to begin 26 March. The course will be held at Langley in room ID27. Mr. - of the CA Staff has agreed to provide us with vault facilities for securing student materials. He feels that he will also be able to provide Mr. with such adminis- trative support as may be required. This will prove most helpful since there are no facilities yet available for our own training assistants. This course will have the distinction of being the first one to be held at the new building. 25X1A9a Scientific and Technical Operations: Mr. are present at Cape Canaveral. They return arc . III. AINISTRATION 25X1A9a Mr. - has been reassigned to Covert Training. Dr. returned 12 March from sick leave. 25X1A9a Mrs. - tools three hours sick leave 13 March. Approved For Release 2001/08/10 :CIA-RDP78-0608y4A000300010013-7