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Approved For Release 2001/08/31 : R78-05941A000100030030-7 y Xtectcr for Suwon, e of Peraonnel Re 3rt nannCe 2S DEC 1968 udy of the pro -0,set'71 rt majority of the grade probLema have be rso1ved zd t eppers, at this time, that there ittle 3r no increase in average grade as a result of this reorganitation. Comiletion in earlySanuary ie expected. The neu ataffing complement for the tce as -ie resolve differences concerning 2. to de op a 1.1112 S National Photo at requirements for the grams. A policy paper and recruitment objectives attached) vhich are particularly helpful as this office ha t moot varied of ouch progrws. Att. Distribution: 0812 - AtLdrecsee 1 - 1G /11- D/Pers Subj File 1 D ers Chrono 5X1A OD/Pei 1: CIA-R be and admin YeA Robert Nattlea Babert V. Wattles Director of: Personnel f41A000100030030-7 25X1A Approved For Fisicas CIA-RDP78-05941A0041,100030030-7 NPIC COOPERATIVE EDUCA1214 PROGRN The Cooperative Education Program Co' tip) of NPIC is designa-d XJ ideatiff elnd cid ir the development of te4tanted college student) oh) are interested in rational security affairs &Mot& have potent.A. mot lonOsloe recruitment requirmenrcs of the Center, There m't wmgoriell a1 oaeticipatins students as determined by the prostwur% ot individual cokleges and universities. Thry are the Cooperative Studsnt who alternateo semesters of study amiwo6, end the Summer Intern wftv, io available to work only during the summer months, It is not intended that Co-op will nett all of the professioLaa pr Sonnel needs of NP1C since many of these are teo urgent or specialized CO-op Staffing. The Program is focused OA those critical areas ;cure in a shortage of experienced personnel ared a continuing personnel xeq vent. opplicanto are interviewed and screenod by the Tra%ning Ittiet1 , t reouirements4astablishei by the major cionimts of the Center 4to final selection euthority. Recruitment obj.ctivss are based upcn c. ricsitions in each occupation and anticipated attrition, Kimmel statr, of projected releirements is attached.) The respective componeras responsible tor developingat .pifor each student in ccommh:)01 with the Training Branch, for on-the-jOb utak ix IC and for cerefol evaluation of the individuals performance, *titA4 wfryw Cop prevides a mans to attract and develop oottmtial CALAIcr tatt,..rtt wa have the beat possible background for Center positions. There .7%.,1 141pli opportunity for in depth evaluation of students prior to the f;,nkl enployment decision. At the same time, participants are sainiag valuabto experience sad Can be provided assistance in relenting valuable courses of study. Duo to thezature of this Program, tbe investment lk traii1U14:,Jit? experience for each student, and the relationships with perticipntini schools, it .is imperative that every effOrt be made .to offer :mei' emo1o'r. mert to .those iudividuals who successful) mplete their plannao traiti4, Extract frumeereer SOTV10, Board Meeting 22 November 348 - 2 Review of....tiatx.Progina. The Board reviewed the attached (aboae) policy statement and recrolcoeft,.. Objectives fOr the KPIC Ceoperative Education Prbgram and TOCONIddka that they be ippraved. ? Approved For Release 2001/08/31 : Q1A4SPR78-05941A000100030030-7 SFr Approved For Release 2001/08/31 : CIA-RDP78-05941A000100030030-7 JLi avIrrxvias CrtivEdtcattan Pmgror, maid Total Corrowt MEd Stalest C.stegory Position* Vacancies Attrition Photo Intewrise Mathematic's*1,!7; ofes4 3 Prognisser Photo Mew* Phutogramsetazi _ Graphics. Editor Intel Anal Other 101AL 34 4 11 ??? Comp 3 IreeriZeCIP IBG TIM; PSC _ ? ??????? ?. Approved For Release 2001/68/31 : CIA-RDP78-05941A000100030030-7 G.02991en31 IC Approved For Release 200110:813173CIA-RDP78-05941A600100030030-7 4 FOTh tLLty Director for Support SUBJECT 01:%7iee a Personnel Report - 1. Endi The vork of' the task ;-orte establisbeKi to invent contract erliPl4yesSieareer agents_ is proceeding in very Satisfactory manner. By the end of boveMber, ales had been revie,de and 25X coaed --representing 8o% the estimated files involved. Edu.c tr. the 25X1 or Socurl for guidance on instructing certain ca-ops *bout their travel t and Jr.: southern seboae by oopmere:_al air. Security ofricials advised that it 14as not necensary ta f?prrbid them to use commercial air travel but, rather, to briei: each student nat tc, have on his person or in his luggage anythiug that v:yuld shau any connention 'with the Agency. Their cover story, 11 neste, uL be Each Agency Ice ,ith ea-ops has been,amked ta so briet: its exthern. 3. A" a* 4s; Reduction or the Clandestine Sorvices to BALM ling is alucet coripleted. The European Dillaiwa eta=-Cin iXpiG.Qflt t!as issued this veek. The Far East Divleion Staffing colvierient is under reviev but 1.1.1 take a feu vacks longer since maj r organizational changes 25X1A The Wan* al Communication' proposed c-.iu- 25X1A sJildattan of -All be subcItted to the Executive Director Comptroller shortty. AU o blems have nov been resolved. Approved For Release 2001/08/31 : CIA-R th:r t , 41A00 100030030-7 Approved For Release 2001/080.111VIRDP78-05941A000100030030-7 .cil" 470600 r by the Deputy Dirwtrn. A my procedure has been int& ltgence. In the i tee - rit an6 Certificates Matta:V.-on will be the karrropriate Deputy Director. The Director and Deputy Direct wilt tinue t.1, present Medal &minis ) to recipients. S. Wattles Direeto of Personnel," Distributi & 2 - Addressee 1 - Inspeetor General D/Pers Subject File D Pere Chrono 25X1A op/pers (16 Deeer Approved For Release 2001/08/31 cIA-R '4000100030030-7 25X1 C , 25X1C Approved For Release 2001/0g/1crrii?orRDP78-05941A000140030030-7 LaL Oalte of Personnel RepJrt reporting of S iS the culmination of over a year a, ? the Contract Personnel an field officers the .mientin this procedure in au1 T Accounts Divt- Mr. 1? are being. vo ?:)1h arlice o:r 'C 25X1A 2* AO0r1031m1:411100 0 Arlir Off ?4-413tear ervtent have been made vith the Departeent o:4* the Arm, to iMatiiy ;?Alciers heduled to leave the servic who have degrees an., hopefu1:1.y experience in some o. the mos', needed critical skills areas "mob as chenistry, electronic engineer- ing and Qpxter programming (mathermtieiens). These reeits 1-ere mat) in an et-fort to assist in the recruitment oi se table replacements Cor some of," ur critical skill employees for vhom the Director has authorised the requestirig temv>rary deferments until replacements van be peveured and trainee. ? ? V V ?. 2 -7, and 311 Ion ncT [IL llc Approved For Release*2001/08/31SE 78-05941A000100030030-7 25X1A tives 25X1A S ATSPEC STATSPEC At Mani concerning co-op transfer to the Uni College, r College diecussions leers held ulth eo their science and pre-eegineering students wbo4 11 ty ar South Florida or the University of Florida after two years. These stur.. ts would continue 4th us, f couree eater their transfer to UgF or UF from-Miani-Dade. A group meeting was conducted at SouthFlri mai re t the Co-op Department t1ti Four stwects were ttervieed' one being furnished with our application forma. While this trip, this cIidst Services Divis stni only one candidate at the University of Florida appears to be =I outstanding applicant the 5. giti arnifttttr POiltions d es Engineers in the have been rcvtewed ta determine it tbey . We home 4LI thet many or the positione tb nt reqUire prutesatone. engineering skill. with us and suitable staffing conplanent ea , Approved For Release 2001/08/31 : CIA-RDP78-05941A000100030030-7 ET 25X A 6. Approved For Release 2001/08/31(;.piectilpf 78-05941A000100030030-7 IALAIL.1 A ule or Soncr Aar d Ceremonies for Deeember has been set up. Ceremonies will be held on the folloving days: 10 December - two estardees, 13 December - two svardoes, 18 Ducenher three maracas., end 23 Deeeeher .me emeretee- Alae, we 70140 tc schedule 4:cur ceremonies in Januar/1 7. ftaiSajtemligesst As of this responses to =r recent edvertiaement for contract emPaPrees for the co pr of the ad that appeeretT in the rt addition cf the Arerg rime is attached. - - ? Mobert S. Wattles Director of Personnel Att, Distribution: 0922 Addressee L- - DtPers Subj 1 - Iehrono nt 5X1A OD/Persj w (9 Dec 68) Approved For Release 2001/08/31STVA478-05941A000100030030-7 5X1C Approved For Release 2001/08/31 : CIA-RDP78-05941A000100030030-7 Approved For Release 2001/08/31 : CIA-RDP78-05941A000100030030-7 1. Approved For Release 2001/08/31 : 05941"A-0001000300307 1968 itei1ei Universi caplardent with with Professor a Chairraan Systems- to halite a =presentative.the- Cefice of Cooplirter Cervices talk t ertain faculty and stWent bo-(44- menbers neeruing some of oar apecial opter prohles. ge are in the pri>cess securth apjirite approvals Thr suth 4 diseussi The firat ?. op student from '414 American Univ. cherauttry major and viLl be tioatvied to the Technical Services bave sent letters to Iaat year s Interpretatiz.n Center sod ther Intel gence Directorate coa-ponents ng about their plans 2. CoE1art IC Cseser of 1969. 47; Approved For Release 2001/08/31:CI ejy5941A000100030030-7 25X1 ittm . uwevasiiiig ahd em etrr Approved For Release 2001/08/31cair4 EF78-059414000100030030-7 In Woltz Stattto In Study Statos nets Received; Is Process Under Consideration Ei3 GiV*13.0 el In Work Statw In Stu 4 $ PIZ ' Received ; In Procees Under Consi--Lora Yi PUS'. Given, 1.4ot Rye' d rt.tt70 Dtriutar ArtAnto In Work Status in SturAY Status ir's Received" In Process Under ConsiAer Pa's Given, Not ttec2d Approved For Release 2001/08/3 7 3 3 2 )4- Approved For Release 2001/08/31 CIA-RDP78705941A000100030030-7 Distribution: Q332 - Addressee - - DiPers Subj File 1 - ere Chroix) 25X1A ers nity (2 Dec 68) Approved For Release 2001/08/31 ,c-,cIA-RQR78-05941A000100030030-7 y 2 X1A 5X1A 5X1A Approved For Release 2001/08/31 : CIA P78-05941,A000100030030-7 2* on r for nnel hive reports W: ce1z the value on te sdestantive- wAIt in changes to in the distributio lists, tatting eortaemerrta reduced to BALPA expeditiously as possible %Ae expect to iaston shortly. It will involve a reduction Westernikosispherep Africa and been issued* Vi Cc A. Lon in Viet Approved For Release 2001/08/31 : CIA-RDP78-05941A000100030030-7 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/08/31 : CIARgili7a-Gir9414300100030030-7 3 n, otApcohs bit his national the South D Corrido 6. Ili...Lagoa): The Civil Service Commission has snnowed They effective January 1969, for the Blue Cross and ANNA 1o*itelftation ror 00aparisor4 we are also sbovini the rates for the .&jzc3r's plan s. the Assoeistion Benefit Plan. Current New $3489 4.98 9.50 12.16 3.72 9.30 11:it .76 8.314 Distribution: 012 Ad4reeee 1 - IG D/Pers Subj File 25X1A OD/Pers ntw (25 Nov 68) +1.09) +2.66) tf3 3.15 9.39 i:L.41 R(.:ber.t YiaVilea Bobert S. Wattles Director of Personnel Approved For Release 2001/08/31 :,CIA-RDP78-05941A000100030030-7 r:r. Approved For Release 2001/08/31 : CIA-RDP78-05941A000100030030-7 IMOZArAti Dtpei;, Dirmtor for Bayport SUBittyr 1 8 NOV 1958 ,P(e-rsoLuel Bop rt teak FteivE_ i Yr:fiber 1. Offline or imt.e.e. ..ropke -4* Co*lostrt: A uer stafUnget pry-oast/ far the 01-fir:,1 Fiv.zuee hos best received and Itelug it igiori:11$ tl Uwe:Lyethe xtemsive rreptiveti *at rain propow.1 discusse4tth Cf f 71v,aree tioin14 this whYrir,. piloi;reti2 lir. visited t:3,-.1 Soehestar Irlst4t-L '3 A- 25X1A Vohnolocr :test -week vitit rtpresentatives lintionni PtaTtOrearklie Int:2rpre tAion Center* PUrAge Itsolig end Specs. Analysis Cotter* :tmd. limigery Aufflysis Gf:.rvit*. -They grzutp of 2a studeuta and then cLInduated in4ivioeusl intervtuvit. Tim th lected to receive Personal History' Fit,A,etelits, 9cri$ 5=4"itipti 14,1000Tg Armsteittents made x us to iwve ats,:,44t it,c list a* t&t 1L1b1.4i hect.t,LOt fret-f_lft. atr f4t-,aplavr..4e4t. CSC Orrieizis bine. oreted t tixt tk,f*. this register the2 4,sL service ellgiilles vhos Stsits vs* to *ppolgt, ar. roreslarwtmerte ,r,1".-r80-.111te irelog,* It4ter ,..rry,rent "'Ina 25X1A liobilizrztits told ttilitiltry Personnel Itivisiora fAtterdiee, 6 '%tr.40 Persuusl Vetec Omter Opers4orso et &Nes/sr Air rem 3nts.e, kd*iWLMassa ou 12 NVCarkblzr 19e. The ow to Tovinr, it a :ghtlott ut ia-V.9.1tedt perorate/ troustrit. By =pisrAlizw, '.4tAte (primeri ::',.x.r3r..avitlan two enlistad ptioriftLnsth st=itg Us :2 It' cr,--Lly lex'?--1-Kte4 3s111/4 Air Approved For Release 2001/08/ DP BA0,?*1A000 00030030-7 citrii; aati Approved For Release 2001/08/31A: EURDP78-059410000100030030-7 prov r reaoie Laquiry capetiliVi a great deal of 'tenual rce:x6,E t..arenee vin e 31t me remote heibomrd device is achedulte for irate atiot in the Air /oleo Watch le l*t3 2$16,,,s. The expended dots boa. rertionee requirqu tlx weeks CzeTort to oode the inforoatica. lhis oodinglmm'ect completed shoat 27 ZoesIer 1966. Vialle ve do not anticipate an rarzpower a*-viogn at f! result of Vale iaprovemetttpiil bv el31 tr, receive irtormtion on tore , Xsatsrve Affair:4 )i ter General WillIemL Xhawitet, Orf2e..111 Chief cf Stm5T, Uhited ftates Artvrt *ill be the Emott speaker tor the JMMTC merttnG todny. Re will slet's aa the set ef -Challenge to Poser.- ftam-al KLovIt9r von the Assistant Divisian Casmasaer of the Mlnth Inrentrt prior to hie ;resent vatizraent ts Bacretary t* the Oeseret Staff. Ves%orAvardst Wee4 one h. &wart eases Yore reviewed .vnt .eppraved Qt ths. On meeting last vook., liasteen of those saves vere related to the Ni4 Zest Crisis ad 1'1,0% T- PLIt4 1141vel CPC totals reoehe4 313YC.6& or 1D6.5 percent of ....Atr payral dedqetleas were 4138,1414,46. rAr tctals reschet 7-13,7,5 eta 1,7ZA3 totals ra4ctctl 41V468502. Distribution: Addreste; IG /4:- DjPers Saject Pale re Chrupo 1 s Itebert S.., )Nattles. 24bert a4 Wattles Dlrestor of Personnel 25X1A a'Per$1111111111VL (3.8 lov Approved For Release 2001/08/3 -ApP78-05941A000100030030-7 5X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A A 1. Pz Approved For Release 2001/08 ft ne44-1t1DP78-059410600100030030-7 i:Ltj Office 'of ' for Support Aeport hu intervieved two dente will be consid D 8 1ioeer 1)68 As a follow up to our re Marie= University Mr. A. U. majoring in ahead. Both employment hy the Technical Services the emtry t Virginia Po November. While here Professor Szrith cuaeion iaith smpr1ate off itials on photo for both co-op sad sumer University Co-op Coordinator visitolbh% vent to the National Photographic Interpretation tudente and have a "Secret" briefing on the nature of their work. 2. Mia preeente,d to 4ilitax7 Personnel Division, at Or Sprinp Approved For Release 2001/08/31 SElen178-05941A000100030047 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/08*341:161 -RDP78-059411A000100030030-7 Distribution: A 25X1A The Red Cross B1,dbt1e vas at Headquarters on fi:ty,four persons reported to donate blood but deferred for various reasons. Ono hundred tuenty- Aisney personnel. Genera ServioimAdWanistration Headquarters area save three pints- and Bureau 01 r to our building to donate tvo pints. VO1 Bober L. Robert o - Director *;:i wattles Perstmanea -Pere BIlbject File Chrono aft (12 Nov 68) Approved For Release 2001/08/41 iRIMVP78-05941A000100030030-7 uiLif C, I 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/0818t..iJiM c.TLP78-05941.A0001000130030-7 NOV 1968 liEttrANDUM FOR: Iep'it Director for Support SUBJECT ICV 1:?1 Personnel Report Cori) lesent in line taf ins Complements lor WeeternUemisphere Arta Division ani troblens ire e ing to resolve. The revi Ctt csttr* is gimlet complete. 2 erai4i ducation, PrVram the ratty o Fiorida on 26 Ito lable rr 1trvie their fix eels, Mr. istiy t nt American UI reit( Idro is it Merles= Unive has CQ 5tdents starting in their yeoz in the 0 partments f Physics Cheristrys and All spread the uord of our program and start referring tes to Up. ve been issued. There the Ci estino Services that t-c Star.t'ing Counlie:aent for ttmt 411 v161t University oTr totals are sited Prof ssor 3- :11014154 25X1A CO PO'. the Chem small 1r Serviee has been formed Approved For Release 2001/08/3cry511)78-05941A000100030030-7 Gnu? Eniut:=,1 iaT 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/08/3' /WP78-05941A000100030030-7 Da, the pm,: 1044te in the questionnaire survey -which is part or be :-uide revlev concernin3 the -evelowent, utilization and participation ti Oovern- ent of: young prolate nals. Particular attention .was Aid to the outline tr the renort ,,hich the Committee must prepare for deUvezy to theCiyfl ?vie Commission on 27 NoveMber 1)68. The action expected of Committee me berm was discussed and 4 general plan outlined for the Committee's The mxt meeting *All taut place on T November 1)63. Fund Drive; Combine/1 Federal CatarAtitai totals renehed $226 *resat :yar goal. 07 and POAS totals reached 41-123,1r).80. Fi tea payroll Ocanetiona t-ere $136 (.62.36. secnti Flu shots .?ere btaiet1 ;r to the Of lice 1_, Medical Services. Approved For Release 2001/08/31: CIA-RDP78-05941A000100030030-7 SECRET Approved For Release 2001/08/31 ? fil-Afig78-0594n000100030030-7 25 9 - ulAh 25 1A DI ribution: 0862 - Addressee - IG D/Pers Subject File D Pere Citron? 14 (4 Nov 68) Vsh ob 116bert S. Director W=.' he number t , 'Vkl,ttles attLe ?ersnnel Approved For Release 2001/08/31 : CIA-RDP78-05941A000100030030-7 SECRET 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/08/31 R: Deputy Director for Support ,78-05941A000100030030-7 2 8 OCT 1968 Wane or Personnel Bkport - Week Ending 25 1. Consultants: The annual consultant renewal exercise has been completed. Renewal documents for Fiscal Year 1969 were mailed to each consultant on 28 June 1)68. Upon their return the ccepleted Statements or luyment and Financial interest were forwarded to the Office ol the General Counsel for conflict of interest approval. Approved contracts or appointment documents were forwarded then to the Office of Finance. Of the 7 consultants involved this year, all have responded no with the exception of two individaals who are temporarily unavailable. 2.s'n.a.== Lieutenant? Co1onel...1111111111 Chief - Army Branch, Mobilization and Military Personnel Division visited on Friday, 148 October 1968, for the purpose of discussing the new Army Standardized Promotion System for Enlisted Personnel which beeame eifective on 1 August 1968. 3. Empiqymongt P for rocessing applicants for Interpretation Center vas ret 21 tober 196S responsibility ons in Nat,tonsl Photographic Division from WIC. During the period of build-up in EPIC, it was determined to be advantageous to all concerned to have EPIC do their own processing. Now that this period is over, it is appropriate to meld their employment processing eith the processing of all other Agency professionals. Ca.& Approved For Release 2001/08/31 ? CIA-RDP78-05941A000100030030- :.f2!!1 25X1A 25X11 Approved For Release 2001/08 .r IA- DP78-05841A000100030030-7 catalogued in order to permit an even core in assist us further In planning recruitment/place cataloguing will begin effective today. Corbtroe4.7424teral 9aaPalip Drive: Comb tali as of the close of businees 2,Oci 6. A apP $203, 12.23 124,182.86 11,13.76 10,744.1) fol ows: are being finalized and the pins ordered tor the presentat on of Longevity Rabies-6 for Federal Service. 7 7, Robert S. Wa.ttlea, bort 8= Wattle* tor w' Personnel Distribution: - Addressee 1 - 10 - EVPers Subj File i...ilomeraChrono 25X1A OD/Persi, mtv (23 Oct 68) Approved For Release 2001/08/31 :CIA-q,EAD f1e41A000100030030-7 , Approved For Release 2001/08/31 : MIA-REWF8-05941A0001000300307 2 1 OCT 1968 1,04011ANDUI4 FOR: Deputy Director .or support 11933.0XT Pe:caramel Report - 'Week Eliding to' October 5X1A 2. Cooperative gdueatipn Pro_grari: The accbester Institute Techuataa 5X1A has aakef. ? to come on caw= the Nieek 11 November t talk to co-cp eantlitlates.- This is one the schools here vo talk, trd the students In a group bore coniflucting intervieve. . . ? : ?,:.:...,...:, ;,, rl) Approved For Release 2001/08/31;..qlAy P78-05941A000100030030-7 '''' ..,::'''.'_ rtr.Prt Approved For Release 2001/08/34:itik, DP78-05841A000100030030-7 The Uaiversity E ath Florida has asked us- on cep us sometime bek3re- 13 :December. rear t.he _-..:1:zst -time they have 8;I:vern us:- perries-ion to have a gveep ;x,.eting tth andidatee. 3. -1 The eost sipithicant item Last ee% the incident at Puraue Universtty in thich alter a -talt-in group stthients mace an agreement totale the University to ?swat Reeruiter to eamy :_,ut hit intervies vithout inter.erence. 14. Comb ned Federal Carnaisal.22_?ivet As 317 the close ), businese 2.6 eletobers ace. totals had reacher:, 44/1612, 28 or 6T.7 ?ercent 6341. Total Troll de.luctions 1.ere $ 3,135.1_6. EAF totals were 437,5-JA2.2 - =1 PEAS tdtals were 44,376.14. 5. Loan Chahge - ott.Vnivn: The Credit Union Board et" Directors meentLy approved akit2striente to eignature loan p-ilicy anif the peri.)d oi rawnent )r certain types i bane. Sueh adjust-meats1-,ere made j-Q0eible by meant changes in the Federal Credit Union Lau. a. The alirtie,'LLT. 1.-.1tan generally available to a p-e-z,her oi taw Credit Union on his signature (unsecured eithout collateral) is $1,500.00. The only exception is for members uhose Agency employ- ment is one year or less; i or them, the maximum siiplatixre loan remains at r..)u. b. 10143 tern loans may be approve4 by the Credit Corttee -Lith a roper:lent period oi up to ten yews consistent with the statutory provisiDns that such 103ZUS are secured loans and are riot tor consumer items, such as arpliances and el*thing. Approved For Release 2001/08/31 : Clik-,RRP7805941A000100030030-7 La 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/08/31 : IJ .-05941A000100030030-7 Acceptable collateral or such loans bes t tnc.1,ude coaakers and 12ust consist oi real property, nag table secrit1e., or trailers, boatel anil airplanes yhich are Lully inammi and have Cequate value fa the term of the loan. Loess for pay t vacation expenses tioa,ther n-1 yt a ;X: the Credit Co departure ircira the five- ribution: - Addressee I - 10 D/Pers Subject File 1 - D/Fers Chrono 25X1A OD/Per2111111111Intw (21 Oct 68) lenses milw nA, exceed uneral expenses. AlLell .n are ur suob a nature as to maturity limitation. jeA Robert S., dattlea Robert S. Wattles Director- or Personne Approved For Release 2001/08/31 : CIA-RDP78-05941A000100030030-7 Approved Fel-Release 2001/08/1ECIMP78-0594.1A000100030030-7 MattrItalii POR: Jtery,mxty Director r Support LUSTIY,51' 14 OCT 1968 Oc-ice a, 2ersomel Report -W uink;U -3ctohor oo-reratlye Education.: During the At peek, Ar 25X1A Isterviee.7 eleven candidates at the University el"' Missouri at L.1.1.a. slk -,ire setectexi r eiaploraent nrow.7casing. At Georaa Tech ,,ourteen students Idere interyielLed eight a. 14hom 's.,e are intarestec. o5nsidering far -s:1::--Loyoent. 25X1A 14r. -.?as at Georgia Tech the co...op ice receivez:t m letter -rzu41. stuierit tiwirs utw rte. eo*-OPing Vital MAC m the Se7teber I 63. The student eapressed the gmateat 4241,tilt411.4.4r thc eLe b c rLz ith ar41 the %Ay the Meee:pr hae han(llekr; his 1.1-r,lepItcnt uaecess. The Georgia Tech iaivere ,.???!Itmouti at this as Ye luas been asket1 by the aczerative Education ACAM- 25X1A tion, the :orn:i"castorial society oping, 1,-4, serve ;ra their Goverrint Activlties Cummittee, Civil Service Sub-vevaittq tie are co1sideria6 the .casibility D, hie acee7t1ng such aa 2. Coehins,:i : As a: the close oi business l ber, Coobiacd PedsAal Caapaign totals had reecho.: 41,,8,167..it2 or 45 percent o; our goal, BAP totals %Awe $4,T6f.T6 and PEAS tatals S4a1J7.60. Total leyrr 1.:Ieductins W.. we rt* * 25X1A 3. Foca. Service mb eix: Our preposal that the Agency aeit use 4,f. the csc Fedetui BervVm Eirtlite3. has been klprovoa by the. Director. Ve are aov develo:jug i;Iemeatation procedures -ftr- distribution the eYibIec. Approved For Release 2001/08/31 : pARpg78-05941A000100030030-7L ? Will: 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/08/31 : CISTe7t15941A000100030030-7 Ibution: - Addrossee 1 - 10 - D/Pera SukTile OD/Pera 14. Oct 63) have , riej, llobert 6, ikat41.90 li:rbort. E. att. i Dire,7.1r.or o Pers:mrtel Approved For Release 2001/08/ I1DP78-05941A000100030030-7 25X1A 5X1A L. Approved For Release 2001/08/31 Deputy Director or Suppo 78-05841A000100030030-7 7 Oa 196. Prnne1 Report - Week - 4 Cictober *08 As t this date, ith the assistance of the General Services Adz nistra tion, has not-,ound new permanent oi ice space ler iis recruitment activities. We are planning on bringing him to H concerning his recruitment territory, and lated matters-. 2. Cooperative Educ (17 eaeibi Program Coordinator i' or National Photogra this week or cone tion reLocation o his oitice viewed :our excellent candidates, at Drexel. for the OTC e ? the Co n Center, program. J:or have submitted mai employment applications. In addition, Mr. locuss 1 the Agnney's program vith forty freshoen, majoring in physics, rtering Drexel's co-op program duriag their 3. Exercise OXG#XELe .6.8 The As sxercise onore year-. 66 wai 25X1A 25X1A take place Iluriag the :eriad 17 through 25 October 1968. MX, 25X1A has. been designated as the Support Services contact officer - 25X1A Ill be one of the Watch Officers with Cta Sergeant rving as one o the vetch teem clerk-typists. CqmsuiltantW The quarterly report on consultante has been Cor,darde(i. to each :efelber o the Director's Executive Committee, This report is current an o 30 Septeeber 1)66. It lists all on-board consultants by name and com- ponent as as those eAlsultants in. process. DU? 1 Rd from at Approved For Release 2001/08/31: lAi-R/78-05941A000100030030-7 irSk Approved For Release 2001/08/31 : CIA-RDP78-05941A000100030030-7 13 L. ctued ederal Campaign: As the Le at business 3 October, the CrC total reached ?254.45 or 23 percent )f our goal. ZAP totals $2,162 and ?SAS totals 42,383.84. 5. Longevity Avards Ceremonies: In addition to ccedue.t shovingo the avards i1zr in the AuUtorium on 10 lloving components have requested the Alm Central_ Reference Lervice T October )66 CiIice or Basic Geograohic 14 October 1-,68 Intelligence Technical Services Division 16 October 1)68 is/ Robert S. Wattles Robert S. Watties Director oi Personnel Distribution: 0A2 - Addressee 1 - IG D/Pers Subj File , 1 - D ers Chrono 5X1A OD/Pers mtu- (7 Oct 68) Approved For Release 2001/08/31 : CAA.ROTPIF -05941A000100030030-7 C