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Approved For ReleaseQl1 x-RDP78-05787A000200010080-5 FILE: RPFS 1 31 December 1956 MEMMORA11DU4 FOR: Chief/Operations School Assistant Chief for Field Training SUBJECT: Weekly Activities Report #, Operations School , 25X1A6a 21+-30 December 1956. SIGNIFICANT ITEMS : 25X1A9a The Deputy Director Central Intelligence, Lieutenant General C.P. Cabell, arrived t 1140 hours, Z( Decemoer Ly:~o anu uc ,." -u u..6 1 h s 7cember 1956. The DDCI was given an informal briefing r o t u 3 5 25X1A6a a on erations School training activities by D/AF/OS. General Cabell during his visit. O1AER ACTIVITIES: /15X1 A Office ofAPIOS '5X1A 25X1A9a 1. The Chief, Counter Intelligence Staff; Deputy Chief, Counter Intelli- gence Staff; and Deputy Chief, Western Hemisphere Division were here from 27 through 29 December 1950. and D/AF/OS escorted these gentle- 25X1A9a men during thei 2. Most of the Field Training Staff accepted the opportunity for taking annual leave auring this week. No students were here, hence, no training activities were conducted. Courses .rations Familiarization Course 1. The staff spent what was salvaged for working time from the Christmas week in putting the finishing touches on OFC #6 and doing some administrative preparation for OFC P. 2. OFC #6 student evaluations were completed, approved oy AF/OS and sent to the typist. Following this, the student critiques were examined and the course report written. The critiques were the most favoraole ever received from an OFC class. FCONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 8109 TCIA-RDP78-05787A000200010080-5 Approved For Rele RCIA-RDP78-05787A000200010080-5 31 Decemtjer 1956 CONFIDEkTIAT 2rations Familiarization Course - Continued 25X1A6a 3. One of the few changes contemplated for the next running, the rewriting of the _ Station RMD, was accomplished during the reporting period. 4. Certain administrative work in connection with OF'C #7 also was 11 completed: all support memoranda were typed and sent forward, and the schedule and reading list were sent for stenciling. 25X1A9a period the j. The staff was grateful to have during the reporting pservices or Mrs. who helped greatly in getting the typing work done. Units Assessment and Evaluation 1. In accordance with a request made some time ago by AF/OS, suggested revisions in the CC Student Critique Form were worked out. 2. Statistical work for basing OFC grades on comparisons across several classes, instead of just within one class, was completed for one of the four OFC grade areas: CMT. This analysis reveals differences, though not large ones, among OPC classes, both in average score on CMT and in "spread" about that average. It also reveals that in the CMT area OFC #6 was the class most like the average of several classes, with OFC #5 a close second. PERSONNI L, NOTES: 25X1A9a Mr. 23 December 1956. returned from an overseas TDY training assigmsent on Assistant Chief for Field Tra.nzng Approved For ReleaS .).l-NA-RDP78-05787A000200010080-5