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Document Release Date:
May 10, 2001
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Publication Date:
April 24, 1957
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: Chief, PPS
DATE: 24 April 1957
FROM : Chief, LAS
SUBJECT: '? eekly Activities Report j'17
None to report.
1. Through the generosity of FE, a Korean native speaker will
spend about two weeks making recordings for our collection.
2. Arrangements with the PSI have been completed for a special
non-scheduled intensive Hungarian course to meet a "crash" EE require-
ment for two students. Course will run from 3 June to Christmas.
This relieves us of need to employ a contract native speaker.
3. We have notified NEA and SE of five intensive, full-time
surnner courses in Arabic, Persian and Turkish at SAIS.
ii. C,~FE and his imminent replacement,
came in to discuss in brow and long-range terms language training.
Several new and -potentially useful ideas were discussed related to both 25X1A9a
110 and 0/S training.
5. - of the 1,hnagement Staff has been given responsibility
for doing staff study dealing with staff requirements arising out of the25X1A9a
out-of-hours language progra.-. IIe and have had one extensive
,general conversat-on, to be continued ne wee .
6. Because of the heavy QRP docket for the regular scheduled
meetings on the fourth Thursday of the month (seventeen persons),
held panels for three candidates for Indonesian,
t o for DAIS and one for Portuguese during the third week. The In-
donesian panel was especially profitably and may lead to considerably
advantageous modification of the original plan proposed by L.
7. Vhat first appeared to be obsessional destruction of a Russian-
made xall map was reported to DDTR and to Security. An investigation
ensured and the case was closed with conclusion that destruction was
"an act of God," so to speak.
8. We now are trying to locate non-OTR staff employees to serve
as instructors for the after-hours courses in French, German and Polish.
Approved For Release 2001/07/30 : CIA-RDP78JOff 8VAN9'69;100040013-7
Approve4Por Release 2009/0
9. _ course on Free Europe started this week, with 22 stu-
dents present of the 25 enrolled. Curriculum has been given a major
overhaul to allow more time for utrate gic problems of the four leading
nations of the area, and for class discussions. Across-the-board
treatment of regional problems has been tightened without sacrificing
essentials. As an experimental assessment device and shock thera-pr,
a 30-minute factual quiz (copies attached) largely on the contemporary
scene, was given the first day. Performance is considered poor:
average score, 61;'fo; highest, 89%; lowest, 291. All the students are
presently working on some aspect of Western Europe.
10. Arrangements were made during this period for private tutoring
in Swedish for a member of tiiE, This is the second member of ,rE,U tot 1A6a
be given outside private leseons in Swedish during the past three months.
11. Both the Graphic Aids Section and are to be corn--
mended for their 100% support on updating various charts for this
introductory "survey of Strategic Problems in the Free Europe course.
12. We again are having difficulty maintaining before-hours cov-
erage of the Lab. Two mornings this week the lab has not been attended.25X1A9a
;:'e *ere not given prior notice in order to make emergency plans ourselves.
13. We are exploring the suitability and availability of a possible
Swahili instructor known to us in the Washington area with a view to be-
coning able to offer Swahili instruction. 25X1A9a
M. of FDD and_ of LAS net with the man respon- 25X1A9a
sible for development of a Kazakh dictionary and granriiiar. Both agreed
possession of the end result was worth the estimated cost, Possibilities
for final arrangements now are being ewplored.
15. In expectation of gaining the as an external
Language Training Center by early summer, we have decided against a
return tc Our tentative plan is to take the Russian group to
the for from four to six weeks at a time that will not
interfere wl en atively planned use during the summer by courses
in French, German, Spanish, Chinese and Japanese.
16. A meeting was held on Thursday, 18 April, for all contract
instructors. to introduce them to
and also assisted in the discussion z 1R a
of the special personnel problems o this group. has
been working with the Personnel and Finance Offices on these problems
over the past fetir weeks. While the problems of special passes remains
unsolved, it is felt that much otherwise has been accomplished in
clarifying the status of this group.
17. The first East European evening course will be Second-Year
Polish, for which four requests have been received.
2 X1a
Approved For Release 2001/07/30 : CI -0100040013-7
Approve' Por Release 2001/07/3 IAr 8~A00010004001`
18, The Polish Ne:as2aper Reader, prepared byQhas been
delivered to the printer, who will reproduce it by e o i-set process.
11 April. 11r.-ofF'DD served on the panel for the oral test.
20. on u April, _ gave a two-hour lecture on the Languages
of the Indian Sub-Continent as part of 1s. - area course on the 25X1A9a
Indian Sub-Continent. 2{1A9a
21. on 0 and 9 April, went to FSI to hear prof. John.
Carroll of Harvard discuss problems of language ;prof. c;.el.cy testing.
In this connection he made the acquaintance of Dr. Salomon Trevino,
who is now in charge of language proficiency testing for FSI.
22. Dr. Trevino came to consult- on 17 April. There was
a full sharing of views and plans. This will be a continuing liaison; 25X1A9a
Dr. Trevino is eager to cooperate fully in developing the testing pro-
\gran for the greatest benefit of both agencies.
23. On 11 and 15 April, - attended meetings of the Committee
on Language Development. At the first of these meetings, he reported
on the current status of the testing program. 25X1A9a
24. On 15 Aril met with (OT ),- (Forms 11anage-25 1 9a
ae~1t Staff)., and Office of the Cortroller) for further discuss. n
of the new forms to be used for reporting proficiency test results.1a'a
25. -finished his work on the revision of the chart showing 25X1a'9a
v1 a
The Spanish test was given for seven people on 18 April,
27. entered Alter eed Hospital on 22 Al-r.,11 25X1A9a
to 'lave an operation to correct a knee ailment.
28. The following courses are now in progress:
Elementary Arabic Reading Q hours per week)
Basic Intensive Chinese (40 hours per ,Tee7-)
7L,ter-aediate Chinese (11an(tarin) () hours per week)
Semi-intensive Elementary Spoken French (I) (10 hours per week)
Semi-intensive Elementary Spoken French (II) (10 hours per week)
intermediate Spoken French (I) (6 hours per :Tee})
Intermediate Spoken French (II) (6 hours per week)
Elementary German Reading (6 hours per week)
German Applied Translation (ii- hours per week)
Semi-intensive Spoken German (1) (10 hours per week)
intensive W11-Time German (40 hours per week)
19. The regular Norwegian test was given for three people on
1; it 1, E7 -n P- "
Approved For Release 2001/07/30: CIA-E bP? M6 000100040013-7
_ Approv'or Release 2001/01/3
78A00010004001- 7-
I Elementary Greek (I) (5 hours per week )
Intermediate Greek (7' hours per wee ~)
rasic Intensive Japanese (1o hours per week)
Elementary Japanese I & I-A (6 3/'11. hours per week)
Intermediate Japanese II & II-A (6 hours per Leek)
l dvanced Jwoanese III & III-A (6 hours per week)
P'asic Intensive l err an (I+0 hours per wee`:)
lementq ry Persian Reading-Even~* gs (li- hours per week)
Elementary Persian-Evenings (6 hours per week)
Intensive Polish (40 hours per week)
Economic Russian Reading (II) (6 hours per week)
Scientific Russian Reading (II) (6 hours per Teek)
Short Course in Russian Reading ('t- hours ser
u,sciEu1 r`u L1iar.L utlorn (2 ??ours her ;Tee:: )
Shorrc Course i,.i Elementary Russian (II) (4 sio rs pes weep: )
Basic Intensive RLAssian (40 Lours per wee-)
Intee,rated Russian Prograu (II) (o Liours per weer')
Ele,aentar,, Spoken Danish (I)--Class ^. (10 hours per week)
Piementury S?ooken Spanish (I)--Mass P (10 hours prr GTee~)
interiaediate Spo ken Snariish- (I) (u hours per week)
Intensive kill-Time Spanish (O hours per wee_ )
Element pry Spoken Turkish (5 hours per week)
Re iona1 Survey: East Asia ((r hours per weer )
Rconal Survey: Indian Sliu-Continent (o hours per wee -: )
:ireo?lai Survvcy: iiussi a in Asia (4 hours ,)er wTee'k. )
-:E.ona;,l ` irvey: free Europe ('( hours per week)
Special Le 'ing or. i.Iiddle ;ast for Com mo Personnel (12 hours total)
TU L: 38 courses
Approved For Release 2001/07/30: CIA-F'ZDF[? 78-05194 1 L0140013-7