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Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-05613A000300090001-5 ION 1 - SITE PREPMATION 1.1 General i uire awntsr The wry includes the clearing and grubbing witlhl the t floe limits sown, and the di osol of woo* materiel results thenfram. 102 Clewri r $rush and other vegetation toll be out off flush with, or below, *9 o&="T ground rue 1 foc* . Cy.v,.~cA-ex, yew -V'!t~ ~re4m ~ cl~wv,~+.~~ ~tJw-p4 a~ ~{'-c.m,, pax~y~fuas a~ tC- n5` 1.3 s Tree stumps shall be removed eantirely. Tree ;aI s and motteed ow" roots of rr li be grubbed out to a dew of not tarn than 60 on. below rho ^ " e r1. f ~' - e k finished akerode, for r and butfdings and w"Mopith of no loos than 30 .." I' for ear location.. 1.4 wogs and Debris shall not be ells of piling It up along the limits of the a Boa requ"i be ,bons. 1.4.1 i -Coobwtible wade and debris shall be gathered and disposed ..~...,...w......... director. 1.4.2 CowAw*IbI* waste and debris moll be gathered for bwnh , except that when pe ms wrilrg) by the Contracting Officer, lop, and 6%w ow" may be moved and disposed of without burning at locations cut of s4 ht of public vlerrw. tocatlon for 9WWg golf be either In the cleasrad area near the center or in od0vent open areas wears existing Press or other vegetation will not be harmed. 1t btians of the local fire authority shell be ooeehplled with regarding b+wning errp . "net stroll be kept under ca s t attendance until t ho firers have burned out or have been eattegui d. Ashos shall bef editparod oaf as tar non_ 'M r:rbeastibI. material. Pilvete P s Perhhrlstldn to dispas of waft and debris an priveft property *all be in writing. A copy of the grit shall be f#Iad with Contmetirg offic.r for approval. h.ndli : When earrhrtalons we not suhftbie for burning tlons and wad a*#*r a" Intorfel" with aerbsequant cons on,, such materiel it be moved to le tioni clear of co hectlo n oporvt and later rehendteed and burned or dlt- pored of at approved locations and tunes. ad of Section - Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-05613A000300090001-5 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-05613A000300090001-5 SECTION 2 - E"T ' 42K 2.1 General !te is the work includes the proriaitarrg of *cavotlon, fillksg pr rtng em bae ant areas, formation of embank- .. meats, preparation of des, construction of shoulders for roadways, c+ plot., in strict accordance with the, speclflcotlcns and applicable, daeawinps, and sweat to the torso and conditions of the castract. 2. 1.1 +ea#hor Limltatlens: Earthwork operations, mall be t*pended at any time w=M ary eults awatat be o tnsd an account of taM or other a ecatlsfeectory conditions of the field. 3.2 Apptloable Speci tca$ and Ste: 2.2.1 ASTM: (American Society fear Testing Materials, 1'16 Roca Strreet, kedeiphlo 3, Po . ) 0698-587 IMt dfs of teed' for moisture-density relations of s011, wing 5.5-lb. rummer cr4 12'4n. drop (tentative). 2.3 uI .ant: Aaayr su eta and properly raweintrxin.d type of squip t may- bee Equipment failing to achieve require nts specified "I be raced. 2.4 flan: 2.4. 1 Aeon for Structures shall conform to the dimensions end elevation wW= roc:;;; extend a sufficient dtstUnce k0m the s fUCkwe shown, to allow for placing and raaiaval of form, and for inspection, kept where cane r*te for structures is authorized to be deposited directly against extavoted saorfaces. When concrete is to rest of a surface other than rock, special core shall be token not to disturb the bottom of the excavation, and a avation to the final w we tev#T`s Tali not be made until Iva before the concrete is to be placed. 2.4.2 Sorrow Ex cavation shalt consist of approved material excavated from barrow area outs ae normal grading Urn Its for the completion of the embank- minis or for other purposes. Sorrow excavation shall be made only at designated locati , and within the harizeentot and vertical W alts as staked or directed. Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-05613A000300090001-5 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-05613A000300090001-5 Caankvdw shot) notify the Contracting Officer surf#tcientlyr in oth o rc* of the beginning of encaww *ion to wow that necessary teats can be *made. tb suitable daswterriaal o e-ed In barrow o evattams "it be e*ctudad from the, wok. All borrow pits sett be oponad up to arcposse the vi ttIcai face of warm strata of acceptable materiel to "in a uniform product. 1larraww pits shall be cued to repulo r tines and sheen be drained if p meticabiee and loft Ina neat and presentable condition with all stapes dressed usifarmly. 3 ?~rarr~- laar-= melons Carried below the Indicaated, 3 . ow spi c dired shall be refilled to the proper grade with suitable material co ed thXroughly, .ecspt that In MWN0ticns for Wino the concrete shall be eked to the b0l"00, of the saccavetlons; all additional work of this nature, well be, of the trawctor*s car e. 2.6 Surma Dro s To"mMY dfQIM a d drone ditches shalt be ir- Chad --- ..? h ff e ect t a as riecowary ntertapt at divert surface water that May or condition of the walk. 3.7 Fitt!.. t and i ;kfitllags 2.7.1 Material shah co*' of suitable eked aaccwrratad material or borrow of aotllr'?"snn` ,""' -at, or other approved maateriaals, and s"I be fee of roots, woad, scams mow lot, other vegetable matter and refus. Moisture content Omit be such that proper motion will b* Maine. 2.7.2 $ockfitl for Structures shall be placed, as far a? proct le, as of car uat art rases. flll1ng against concrete shall be done, by when directed. $ockfUl shalt be placed In horizontal ky.vs~ not rare than 15 cm.. thick with each laeyrar thoroughly and evenly ca tea. * 2.7.3 J W tQ rtes and shell be placed In horizontal ie'lr*rs Of not more than 15 00. for thew u of pro Cass section, each toyer to be I ougbIyr compacted and rolled before placing the next layer. fill for natures It be tinted and proven to have, offelnsd a soil bearing capacity of not hest dreamt 2,000 AS? (10 tons/wmwu , or to a degree, of compaction of not lies than of maximum density. 2.7.4 Dog" of radians Union otherwise specified, the upper 15 Go.. layer of all w t a n awyrsdstructurars Omit be compacted to a density of not less than 95% and of a im Im density respectively. All o 0w fills alt be 2-2 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-05613A000300090001-5 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-05613A000300090001-5 compoded to a density of anal less than M, of amzl d wltp. The ranalanwm density as herein rimed it be detershwd In mica with thee roqalre- s of ASTM Dailpnatlon D 6ft-t11', A+ Mhod OD O. 2,# of leribaraikm+aant Amos 2.i1. i table Serial wIhfn the top 15 cm. of the woo an Which raba dr a- mint is to be` ;MZ ;GI be rid before the embankment Is begin. fiats or Motes belaw the W191001 ground surface dulll be badafill ad ma s all he c.mpectasd flush with the adjacent round Is, 2.9 Faenaeatlon of fmbcn*nwntt 2.9.1 terhel shall consist of suulteble awXwocd matelot or borrow of earth, saved, VW7 ar other waled materials, and shod be free from organic m al and other objectionable matterr. the maximum size particle far we in fill "I 00 exceed tare-thi d the compacted rewr thickness. MMMwM 2.9.2 Grande Conatrol; The llamas and grad. shall be rs1ebIWrd by the contractor and tawil be intained by aei wars at grade stakes placed in lanes oratled to the center lines of the area to be paved and spaced so that string lines my be fetched behwe,en "as. s. All limas and Veda will be checked by On Contracting Offiace, but such a will not relie,e the cent raactor of full re"KWildlitya- for the correct- brankaaaents strait be fared of suitable materials placed in I layers of net mare that 15 CM. in cars cted depth for the th0 er s. sectlcn. ting layers shalt be placed In the deepest portion Layers shalt be caWrwted a praalmatrly- parallel to th. finished 2.9.4 ire Content. Wetting or drying of the material and Manipulation to irc*e arefra oistursr content thio hoot the layer it be ftcomplIshod as n'om'. Tould the a tel be too VA* to permit pruner 40"" flan, or fell. kg, all %Wk an Oil portions of the embankment thus a affected shalt be delayed % AM the Ime riaai has dried to the r eq-bad moisture content. 2-3 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-05613A000300090001-5 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-05613A000300090001-5 2..9.5 C ion: bsch tayw shell be compacted to not loos than go aa*isss of aped moisture *&*o, amt tJtcp 15 ext. *-A be co" tod to not less than 'i ps nt, 2.10 15 ca. of the WWmode as shall be 2.10.3 Sam 0 loa dill be shod to lh., VW* end cro section, and IM top 15 Co. of the .,bade S M11 be compacted to not I*" then 95 t of , h*M d+ ,r 0061A W at optim moist **;;W. SubqmwU compaction smell be .*tsended to Include an o for a distance of at co. WW 30 beyond o se of the c the dersianotod for ple"want of ban cove materiel. 2.10.4 MOWWO Corte: Wetting or drybQ of the moot ki and manipulation to saw* a ;;Wu* cadent still be accomplished as saeceewy, 2x,10.5 Toleros ces The finished compacted spar O will be blue tapped by the C or at fee: than 20 adw tervals along bath ate Any drs,$otion true grad. In excess of 1.5 cm. shall be cam by loosening, ad or materiar , reshaping and recamp t , 2.11 Shoulder Censtssrctlon for . : 3r;ouldasrs shall be c+aers>rturct.d with ""ab a as a ssac9 tie, mercury vapor *Ad of i.- r : _ 4- It wOtt r eat ,Mated suitable for o atkn on 190 l -- yc e ovesion for lac casing to the required position. Fiodii is shcait be dad. ferrous metal parts shalt be zinccoated end aluminum per shall fixed except for weather proof enclosed reflectors. 28.17 PD elboam& shall be of the decal-front safety anfereemkrg to the. Under- writaes' e itcrteree inc., standard for Panelbo girds Provided with the size, and number of circuits as indicated an dawingr. Matra shall be arranged for a grad, solidneeutroi system. sec es emit be of steel having a zinc- coated and enameled finish. Ponei-girds shalt be the outeraawtis circuit breaker type, orml strait conform to W-P-115x. Circuit breakers tali conform to r-C-375c. 2s, _ p Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-05613A000300090001-5 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-05613A000300090001-5 2 a. IS Tr+nsfaarm s shall conform to specification W-T-631a, to t tir l 121#04cal c ctur+es Association, St a:rds for Tr sfamers, p icottans r:ax. TRI STI, and to the Assertion Standards Association, American rtrandords for Transformers. Reeg laters, and reactors, publications rears. C57 and cog. 1. 28.19 Mars and motor control aqu pme t: 2Is. l~ . I Motors shall conform to specification CC-t `"-. and CC- -54ib for ctl integral horsepower motors respectively. Motors not covered the foregoing sprci cotiaass spoil conform to the Amerlcan Mtn lotion ftondords publication: ling h%ochinery, publication No. C50. ,erne tlt urraent motors shot I be wound for a froquasn of a .' cycles per second . 33.19.2 Motor Controllers: }tats for o -c induction motors shall conform to s, scification and to the rNuiremonts of the 'Notional Electrical x t a faa tureors :' ssociation Publication ICI entitled ""tGrd s for industrial C,a retroi ". Starters owl I be Ownua l or magnetic, across-lino or reduced VOW S, ar ce inotlon type as indicated. Starters shoal provide thermal overload protection for the for means of hsa teas and overload devices, or by tharmco?tatic elements embedded in the rotor windings. verturrwnt prot*c- tcan shall be provided for oil three phases of 3-phase motors. Heater elements - far sorter overload devices shall be selected cad furnished based an the name pla to current rating of the motor. In addition, for ste~rten with tear-adjust is over-current devices, one sot of space heater having a ratio ;pro fmotely 2 1 meter tt the heaters Installed in the starter shall be furnished with each starter. Magnetic starter colts control relays shark be rated for 6C-cycle service. S" *'f Assures shall be of the t" indicated and shale be suitable for the location where Installed. 'ie. IV.2. I Starter Control Devices shall be provided as Indicated. If not otherwise spec ed, meet a starter s Intended for manual control shall be provided with cover- rated start-step posh buttons wired to provide under- voltage protection. 9oeters controlled from Interlock circuits or on -off *ontrel devices such as prime switches end float switches shall be Provided with a canror-nvaunted on-oof- utomotlc switch. Start, including mwwoi starters, controlling motors or devices not visible from the controller loca- tions or otherwise arranged such that It is net readily apparent from the cm- troller location whether or not the motor Is running or the mice energized, shall lie a carer-acunted red pilot light wired to be lighted when the controller Is closed. At contractors option, devices resluirerd by this ice' jr*j* may be mounted In a she mol t. of the *me t" as the ema- ciated starter or controller, looted with the starter in Bees of berg cov er- ted as specified. Sanitized - Approved For Release *CIA-RDP78-05613AO00300090001-5 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-05613A000300090001-5 28.1p.2..2 Combinastian torrtets X11 be the circuit-breaker type. The _ oprero#ins bwWfo of "m dlk~ ~ device In combInati provided with a Moom for padlocking In the *bff" Positions, and *ee11 be interlo A ed with the door or cover of the starter to prat opening door or saver unles the switch or circuit bracket is in the off mitten. 20.20 Fungus Control for Electric Components: The equipment shall be .MA Ir..11Y 111/~II II..~MA~III.11 treated to ;Z tt ! ieatwre ass ,d below. 28.20.1 J arrlals and Components which we lrrehaently LvWA resistant or we preeMcta~r gr heraeretlc seating need not be treated. 26.2 0.2 Circuit elements, not caaaaarared an to o W which have a - - twra rise of not m cwre than 75 degrees F when operating of full lead, "I be coated with a fungus-reeistont varnish conforming to ilitorRy- !,p. cifi- cotion 'IL-V-A173i), type I or type It at the oa~ is a ion. The of treatment shell be In occordonce with hUllfory Specification -19 6. Circuit elements include cable aid wire. 28.21 Via; : Emlaoswres of electrical equip, starters,, control stations i or locations as directed, it be provided with a suitable noaWlato or stencilled legend identifying the uiipmer:t or function wv*e. The coiaa ccadiaeg and ma king requirements of the Notional Eiocklceal Code shall be roared to. Central circuit wiring exalt be color-cadod to aacccar- cs with the edotlcns of ties IPCEA. Where, more than Berea control-circuit conducterrs occupy one conduit or wlwryr, each shofl be i arstificd with suitable label of an all resistant material indicating the wire fir, or terminal number to which caorrnsected. Each wire well home the same identification at both ands,, and no two wires shoo#I have t se a identification. 1+em aWicable, wire identification shall be indicated on the appropriate wiring or control dia,prs. Wiring and sect ng outdo th. building, or for fvturo use, at wa hos. Is not otherwise readily apparent, shall be tagged or marked at with a suitable Peraeeoeent-type Identification WNW. Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-05613A000300090001-5 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-05613A000300090001-5 26.22 unaaolsc All lnstaliatian4nstructlon leaflets, pw% instrucaet ~,, wiring similar lit ture peeked with equip' merit or Vii. obtained by contractor for all equipment and devices in- stalled in the foccility, shall be arse feed by the contractor, bound meetly In a substantial folder or cover, and emitted to the Contracting Officer prior to performing the acceptance tests for the completed facility. Each brochure or leaflet shell be marked to indicate the building, contract rwenba, and location where installed. In addition, for Installations requiring fferlf?in- stallewd control connections between a number of devices (except conventional on-off switches or single .start-step pushbutton ti.) contractor well prepare or cause to be prepared an interconnecting wiring diagrom at dioo ` s indiaacrting equipment terminals, to inal and wires , and wire and rautirng as Installed. 't'here control Wwoms Involving a coor- dinated sequence of funatione by on operator for start-up,, imtdown or Maintenance, are, Installed, contractor shall furnish a scheme of operation and coordinated op sting instructions. Thee instruction should be prepared by the manufacturer of the major equipment or control item. When so directed, contractor malt provide ane copy of these Instructions, in English and the Iocal language, framed under Stan and mounted as directed. One copy of these instructions and all related wiring dim,. shop drawings, and interconnecting dieag rams, shall be bound with Instruction leaflets aft. as specified In the far ing. 28.23 wire and Cable Color Cade shall be used to identify shoe different as o owsi A Block 6 treed C slue N white S Green On wire si 08 and larger, a 1" wide colored tape band shall be applied to each conductor In lieu of colored insulation. The twee band shall be used to Identify the conductors in panels, outlets, junction bomcs and swite rboards. Apply one band at this conduit entrance and ne band of the cable terminal. 2 - 10 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-05613A000300090001-5 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-05613A000300090001-5 2 8.24 Teestst After the lnte rior wiring system Installation Is completed, the, Contractor shall cwt an operating too for amoral. The s 1 t sPioll be demonstrated to operate in eecondance with the requirements of this specification. The test shalt be performed In the pnoence of the Can- tr a sting Offlaw or his authorized representative. Th# Contractor shall furnish all irestrieearets and personnel required for the, tats, a the Geweernniont will furnish the necessary electric power. 29.25 Substitutions: IF any substitutions of materials or a i-pment specified and/or ore c3;wmd necessary by the contrs+ctor, cooperative details of such Pobstlhrtton shalt be su Itted as soon as practicable, mW within 3t dot's after award of the contract, to the Contracting Officer Fear approval. In addition, the contractor shall furnish proof, satisfactory to the Contracting Officer, that Item identical to those pry as substitutions or. In current use and performing sotlsfactorily to similar Installations. No such rAstitu- tiam shall be mode without the prior a specific written a royal of the Contracting dicer. - End of lSOCtlan- Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-05613A000300090001-5 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-05613A000300090001-5 ECT N 29 FUEL TANKS AND PIPING 29.1 eanaral: The contract drowlnpe indict atee the "twit and QWWQl aerr+canpae- mont aah fuel tanks and piping systems. If any departures are necessary details of such departures and the reasons therefor shall be shitted as soon as practicable for approval. No such departures shall be mWe with- aut prior writt.n approval. `lee dimensions of the equip t space are as Indicated. lecpelpraeant and piping orraw ecraeret shall provide ate and acceptable clearances for entry, servicing and maintenance - 29.1.1 Sid Products: The material and equipment to be furnished under this s# an ;ZFl be the s andard product of a re blc monu- foct rer. Where two or more units of the *am class of equipment era es- quireed, thaw units shall be products of a single manufacture however, comp nt its of the system need not be the products of the son* ae u- iocture r. 2'9.1.2 ataerlcls and E,uipiIM!tt tlchedulo: Before purchase of any materials IIIIiII~IArMI.IiIB 1 ^ lI~IIIIlii YiiliiMI~ or equipmeent, a pan and elevatiar of We equipment spaces showing the proposed pip and equipment together with a complete schedule of the viatmial proposed for illation I I be submit, for approval. The schedule shall Include catalogues, performance ddg'ta, cuts, die rams, *ow- in4e and s h o Ow descriptive, data as may be required. in the ova* any Iteas of material contained In the schedule or the plan and eleevOlons of the equipment spaces, fall to comply with the specification requirements, its or lay out arrangement may be rejected. 29.2 Materials and f i is The following materials and equipment "111 conform to the respective specification and other requireawft specified below: 29.2.1 PI : Federal Specification WW-P b, type 1, ca~alinp as ere er specified'. 29.2.2 ittin : Federal Specifications W -f"-521d(l), act as required to mock ad cent piping. 29.2.3 Union: Federal Specifications W-U-531a, class as reeg *od to match adjacent piping. 29.2.4 Seel Plates aced LhceMt Federal Specification -S- 1aee(i) Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-05613A000300090001-5 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-05613A000300090001-5 29.2.5 Steel Sh.ets: Federal specification .S-6330, Composition, con. cllti e o 9 an a itad #o P +re Om use 29.2.6 LeadExpars;on Sleeves: Specification FF- 1-136(1), type 4425, of required sites. 29.2.7cmwst Federal Specifications FF-S-t t lb, round head Galvanized at brass and raeaRrlr~z.. 2903 Pl ai and Fitts t Oil fill, oil scalp & return,, and sounding pipe shall be standard wee t rcra steel pipe with 150 psi malleable iron fittings. Vent pipe shall be OWWMd weight galvanized steal pipe with galvanised Malleable Ir+cen fittings. 29.4 Fuel Off St a Tanks shall have capacities as indicated. The tanks shall be eaanst atecan J n leed In accordance with Pamphlet No. 31 of the NVU except as otherwise, Indicated, and "it be approved and labeled by the Underwriters' L boretories, Inc. The tanks shall be provided with all pipe can- nections, including oit-Mill, suction, return, vent, soundl g and e47Il-burg con- nections. Tank age rods calibrated to Indicated gallons of oil content for each inch of depth sheep be furnished. The rod shall be of a suitable ham or brass. The tank "it be supported on a ecrt? bore and anchored by steel reads with adjustable deevi,ces. Tank shell shall be not lees than 3/16-4rwwch (6 mm.) thick. 29.5 Ckaani and Palntirsf Tanks: The exterior surfaces shall be prepared for pain" by 'Sir tt~t or sand ng. Prior rural of oil, greme and other foreign matter by solvents or mechanical means will not be ftWl,ed, provided that k"* l i o c ean ng ea ne oce an the complete removal of mill scale, rust, nd e ,.w.. 4s a su ae. CW uniform appearance. Tanks shall be painted in accordance with Section: field b-1 i t ng. 50 29.6 Accessories: Tanks shall be fitt.d with two manholes nest lass than minis ter in dia tear. a les II have a belted cover and gasket. All tanks shall be provided with fill, suction and return pipes, vent pipe action, screened gooseneck or tee vent, and g stick ? Fill pipes, shall extend to within 5-Inch" (12.7 am.) of the rhea bottom of the tanks and to not brew than 6-Inch (15 cm.) above the trucks. Fill and sounding caps shall be watertight, and fill cap shall be fitted with reawyabi, strainer. Suction pipe shall extend to within 3-Inch., (7.6 cm.) of the bottom of the tank. pipe aonnections rrhall be as indicated on the drawings or as marl lr.d by project specifications. pipe connere tions shall be s9-2 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-05613A000300090001-5 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-05613A000300090001-5 29.7 Tests: Upon completion of the installation, the knits shall be prosw'c tested at ice the wonting prowire of the system. Minimum pressure writ be psi by hypostatic test. All looks shall be wmdo tight. 29.8 Wastitutions: If any sUbS tholOns of materials or equipment -cified and/* shown are t necessary by the Contractor, comparative d.tiats of each m bstt- tuti*n salt be a sittmed es soon as rctic le, and within 30 days after award of the contract, to the Contracting Officer for approval, in addition, the Contractor shall furnish proof, satisfactory to the nttactir Officer, that Items identical to those proposed as substitutions or. in current use and performing satisfactorily in similar installations. No such substitutions shall be mode without the prior and specific written approval of the Officm. Ad of Section 29- Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-05613A000300090001-5 ? Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-05613A000300090001-5 SECTION 31 - WATER STORAGE TAN ELEVATED 31.1 General ice irerrwents: The w includes the providinn of on elevated water tank, ..t* In strict accordance with the specifications and " applicable drawings and subJoct to the terms and conditions of the contract. 31.2 Tank shall be welded construction of 3/16 steel plate body and 1 Ind s teat. cover with a capacity aQ 0 flocs, connected as drawn. Fittings,, valves and appurtenances dull be provided as indicated. Connecting piping shall be standard weight galvoniz.d steel pipes. 31.2.1 Float Volvo# shall be bran body, brass mounted valves suitable for the applicatl ;;=. - 31.2.2 Steel Ladder shall be constructed of 1 1/4 by 2-4ncur steel flat bar and 5/8-1;;; round stool bet rungs, drilled sand wended to the flat bars, spaced of 30 centimeters on center. The flat bees "it be welded to the side of the steel tank. .3 Tower shalt be constructed as shown, closely finerd, accurately set to the required lines and levels, and shalt be bolted and nailed in a thorough manner with bolts and nails of ample size. Materials and wort+manshlp shall be in accordance with Section entitled Carpentry. Concrete footings for tt a tower shall be in accordance with Section entitled Concrete for Structures. 31.4 PeInti of the water storage tank shall be In accordance with the section entttt - e ainting. 31.5 Cleaning and Testing: After erection, the Interior of the tank shalt cleaned an filled with wad, and demonstrated to be watertight. - End of Section - 31-1 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-05613A000300090001-5 ` Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-05613A000300090001-5 SECTION 32 -FIELD PAINTING 32.1 General Re uireeaer tss The wart includes the providing of field painting car leteb, In r ict accord neae with the specifications and the applicable drawings, sand subject to the term and condition of the contract. 32.2 Applicable Speclficotions and Standards: 32.2.1 Federal Specificotlonsz TT-F-2)(2) Paint; cruet-water, powder, white and tints (for Interior and exterior on). TT.P-25a(l) Primer, point, exterior (under-coot for wood, ready-i,dxed, white and tints). TT-P-29(1) Point, latex lose, interior, flat white and tints. TT-P-51d Paint, oil, 1erlar, flat, white and tints. TT-P-86a Point; red-lead base, ready-mixed. TT-P-102(2) Point (Hansom-tea-zinc, and oil, exterior, ready-mixed, whiter and liSht tints). TT-P-641b Prier, point; zinc a ust - zinc oxide (for galvanized surfaces). 32.3 Materials: 32.3.1 Peru for Ferrous 1etcls shall be rah-laud Bose point confair to Specification c. 46 to 32.3.2 Varnish for Natural Wood Finish ill conform to F+eade,Ol Specification TT-V-12 a: . 32.3.3 Primer for Exterior wood $urfaras shall Conform to Federal Spectflaativn T 8 . -25a . w1f A .~ hall c t d - ease vaeaa o Fe eral aPW9#T#QW1 n V 1 "P- II). 32-1 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-05613A000300090001-5 ? Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-05613A000300090001-5 32.3.5 interior Oil Paint shall conform to Federal Specification TT-P.-,51d. 32.3.6 Primer for t iwanlzed Surfaces shall conform to Federal Specification TT-P-649. 32.3.7 Exterior 01l Paint shall be Iee tlteenlwa ieso d' zinc and oil point Bing to V;=[ Spe cation TT'Y'"-l12(2). 32.4 Saerr le The contractor ill submit point and color samples to the Contryactlnicer and obtain approval prior to use. 32.5 Preparation of Surfaces: All dirt, duet, rust, stole, toes. porticles, disintegrated point, rwosot and foreign matter shall be removed from oil surfaces which are to receive point or other finish. 32.6 Application: Paint shall be applied carefully with good clean brushes . Sufficient t me t be allowed between coots to permit thorough ring. Finish coats "it be smooth and free from rues, sods, or other defects. Each exist of paint shall be sufficiently heavy to cover completely the previous coat or surfaces. 32.6.1 Ferrous Surfaces, the have, not been shop coated, shall be cleaned and given a prince coot o r.d' *ad point, followed by two its of oil paint. Sop- coated metal sholl be touched up with similar point, if re"ired, said given two coats of oil 00W. 32.6.2 Galvanized Metal Surfaaces except fencing, "If be given a prime coat of zinc N;-Zinc "O 'ON primer eared two coots of oil paint. 32.6.3 interior Plaster shall be cleaned, allowed to dry, and given two castes of latex base point. 32.6. 4 Exterior Wood Surfaces fall be cleaned, given one coat of exterior wood primer 0;3 two carts exterior oil point. 32.6.5 Interior Wood Suirfaces shell be given two coats of Interior all paint. 32.6.6 Exterior Plaster shall be cleaned, allowed to dry, and given two coats of water cement point. 25X1A 32.7 Marki Cases of rr?gulatrors, trrainsfearmer~s, circuit breakers, relay cabinets and si equ equipment shall be identified by stencil in white all point and weWed as directed in English tatters not toss than 2 lrAhes high. - End of Section - 32-2 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-05613A000300090001-5 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-05613A000300090001-5 N 33 w DBE EU CB'R GENEl TING U! 33.1 Gwwol irmneents: lerecluedess the lne ta$cn of , eraor in oc=rdanco with the ew*mm* * wl this qW11140, 33.2 ic" hem o Standor : 33.2.1 AVNS: (Avw ekle S ch*y, 3+47 East Streeet, YO& 17, -a. Y.) saaoid aXvUnoGMw Fwd Code *W Am and Ow W"M Building co> eaction. 33.2.2 ASA; 1431) Code for prmure piping. 33.3 feat 1+: The cowackw 1 perlot all oprmnt , oer ecfva aoeetinp, ,,e seettlnp i the somtson Win, 1 11ts , +e~rie:$ae~ele , ,,, Ndhv m Q*ViAO Cor e>