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Approved For Relea 0.01/07/30-:?CIA-RDP78-05613A0003Q0460001-8 INVITATION N-(M)35-169. it,, INVITATION FCR BIDS AND CONTRACT AND SPECIFICATIONS FCR CONSTRUCTION OF A WAREHOUSE & BOQ, AT JUNE 1963 Cara?eht No. ___ Rvv-sir of this document by CIA has de e,:rii?:ed Vat [ GwA has re abjection to declass isefermati,n of CIA o , est ikO must remain l ~1 at TS ~w S Ohs,/0 tY~ Rs.ir s _c'_/t7 Approved For Release 2001/07/30 : CIA-RDP78-05613A000300060001-8 STANDARD FORM 20 MP ,1~#EFAWM1 law2001/07/30: CIA-RDP78-056I3A00 FED. PROC. REG. (41 CFR) 1-16.401 INVITATION FOR BIDS (CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT) Construction of A Warehouse Logistics office Sealed bids in I M12 1000 a.m. 24 June 1963 at Publ"!.c Works Offloe,, r 00 NC6001-8 OW55-~.64~6 14 June 1963 for the work described herein will be received until and at that time publicly opened. Information regarding bidding material, bid guarantee, and bonds No bid guarantee or bond w3.. l be reequired. BIDS X ST SET FORTH FULL,, ACCT LATE, AND LE'R INF0R 4ATION AS RE UIRED BY THL3 I VITAT3ON FOR BIM (INCLUDING ATTACHMM). Description of work The wwk covered by this contract consists in furnishing all plant, labor, equipusett' appUancees and materials and in performing all operations in connection with the eons ruction of (1.) A Warehouse with reinforced concrete structure,, floor and roofs, and supporting utilities including i,ghting and ven tors, the power main connection to be done by otherse (2) A HOQ with reinforced concrete structureep floor and roof., masonry 'all, consists of 2D bad rooms with closet, bath and toilet facilities and a covered valkway connected to the existing building and supporting utilities including purer, lighting and piwnbing, the power main connection to be applied and provided by the contractor and installed by TPCo In strict accordance with this specification and the appliemb1,e drawings' and sab~ecte is t3fiptt~iri tf~nnn4;nnn~ S -so 4e~teel der RWeaseefie ~ , 20-104 PPRC, Japan Approved For Release 001/07/30 : CIA-RDP78-05613A0003Q 60001-8 INVITATION NUi N-(713 )55269-6.E READ THE FOLLOWING IN CONJUNCTION WITH INSTRUCTIONS. TO BIDDERS, U.S. STANDARD FORM 22: 1. Each bidder shall, upon request of the Contracting Officer, furnish a list of the plant available to the bidder and proposed for use on the work. 2. A maximum of one set of drawings and specifications will be furnished upon request by any one bona fide submitter provided a receipt is executed by the submitter. The receipt will provide that the loaned drawings and specifications will be returned to the issuing office in serviceable condition, transportation prepaidp not later than ten (10) days following the opening of quotations. Additional specific sheets of the drawings may be furnished to the submitter on request, at the cost of reproductions Modifications prior to date set for opening bids. The right is reserved, as the interest of the Goverment may require, to revise or amend the specifications and/or drawings prior to the date set for opening bids... Such revisions and amendments, if aw-, will be announced by an addendun or addenda to this Invitation for Bids. Copies of such addenda as may be issued will be furnished to all prospective bidders? If the revisions and amendments are of a nature which requires material changes in quantities or prices bid or both, the date set for opening bids may be postponed by such number of days as in the opinion of the Contracting Officer will enable bidders to revise their bids. In such cases., the addendum will include an announcement of the new date for opening bids. The bidder whot:is notified of award of contract, will deliver to the three (3) executed copies of power of attorney on forms available at said office concurrently with delivery of the executed contract. All bids will be made in Communications Services, Telephone service may be obtained, as available, by the Contractor upon application, in writing-to the Contracting Officer. Installation costs and the prevailing monthly rental services required 'by the Contractor shall be obtained at his own expense, 25X1A 7. Mistakes in Bids. The bidder hereby waives that portion of any alleged mistake or mistakes in his bid which falls within the following amounts: 5% of the bid In cases where the allegation of mistake exceeds the above waived amounts and the request for correction is allowed., such amount will be excluded from the contract price; however, the amount waived as provided herein will not be deducted for the purpose of evaluating bids to determine the low bidders Approved For Release 2001/07/30 : CIA-RDP78-05613A000300060001-8 Approved For Release 2001/07/30 : CIA-RDP78-05613A0003 g 0001-8 INVITATION MMM 1 (71.3)55169 READ THE FOLLOWING IN CONJUNCTION KIM INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS, U.S. STANDARD FCi 22: The above u iver does not apply to any clerical, mistake which is obvious or apparent on the face of the bid including but not limited. to (1) a mistake in the extension of a unit price or prices; (2) a mistake in totaling the sums of various bid items; (3) obviously misplaced decimal point or (4) failure to insert the unit price where amount intended can be determined from face of bide This clause is not applicable to allegations of mistakes which, if allowed, would result in a reduction in the bid price. 8. Bid Guaranty: Paragraph 4 of Standard Form 22 4.s deleted in its entirety. 9. Award of Contract: Paragraph be of Standard Form 22 is deleted and the following substituted in lieu thereof: "(c). The Goverment further reserves the right to make award on any or all schedules of any bid, unless the bidder qualifies such bid by specific limitation; also to make award to the bidder whose aggregate bid on any combination of bid schedules is low." lO Contract and Bonds: Paragraph ii of Standard Fora. 22 is deleted and the following paragraph substituted in lieu thereof.- I'll. The bidder to whom award is made shall;, within the time established in the bid and when required, enter into a written contract with the Goverment. No performance or payment bonds uil,1 be required." 3-1? Bidders are required to acknowledge receipt of all addenda to this invitation on the Bid Form (Standard Form 21) in the space provided, or by separate letter or telegram prior to opening of bids. Failure to acknowledge all addenda may cause the bid to be considered not responsive to the invitations which would require rejection of the bid. 12. All costs pertaining to the performance of work under the contract over and above the direct costs for the work shall be prorated to and included in the price quoted for each item in the Unit Price Schedule,, 13. Performance of Work by Contractor: Bidder's attention is directed to Clause 27,, Performance of Work by Contractor W arch 1961) of the General Provisions, which requires the Contractor to perform on the site., and with his own organization,, work equivalent to at least 20% of the total amount of the work to be performed under the contracts, Each bidder must submit with his bid a description of the work which he will perform with his own organization (e.g., earthwork, paving, electricals etc.) the percenta of the total work this represents., and the estimated cost thereof. 14. The approximate value of the proposed construction is 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/07/30 : CIA-RDP78-05613A000300060001-8 STANDARD FORM 21 REFERENCE AROWI ; Io,6sIg,Jease 2001/07/30: CIA-RDP78-05613A000300( r~., (yam GENERAL REGULATION NO 1 3 REV. BID FORM (CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT) Read the Instructions to Bidders (Standard Form 22) DATE OF INVITATION This form to be submitted in 24 J' 1 NAME AND LOCATION OF PROJECT COfl8tiZ iOf of A War Logtatice office In compliance with your invitation for bids of the above date, the undersigned hereby proposes to furnish all labor, equipment, and materials and perform all work for 0*nstz'uct-ior of A W rehouse Lr. BOQ in strict accordance with the specifications, schedules, drawings, and conditions for the consideration of the following amount(s) and agrees that, upon written acceptance of this bid, mai , or ooh ~se fjnisd, within calendar days ( calendar days unless a shorter period be , in xl ,bidder) after the 1 ;3 - , _ date of opening of bids, he will within calendar a s ' " `' `'~ y (unless a longer period is 0Nl iyed) aftjf receipt' of Ih 1S'rescribed forms, execute d`tandard 1~ on '23, Cofistructi6n Contract, ahd give performance bond and payment bond on Government standard forms, if these forms are required, with good and sufficient surety or sureties. Approved FerRelease 299 1 /A7I 9 : IA Rf3R78-05613 M003nnnannn i R (Continue on other side) e date of rec t of notice to procee an that he ~Il complete the work JWA~mffint t6a IA Oft- i' M l ooo1-$- within calendar days after the date of receipt of notice to proceed. The undersigned acknowledges receipt of the following addenda to the drawings and/or specifica- tions (Give number and date of each): The undersigned represents (Check appropriate boxes): (1) That he ^ is, ^ is not, a small business concern. For this purpose, a small business, concern is tine that (a) is independently owned and operated, (b) is not dominant in its fjeldofop, tatior, and;(c) Ciitk al%liates, had average annual receipts for the preceding three years of $5,000,000.00 or less. (See Code of Federal Regulations, Title 13, Part 121, as amended, for additional' information.) (2) (a) That he ^ has, ^ has not, employed or retained any company or person (other than a full-time bona fide employee working solely for the bidder) to solicit or secure this contract; and (b) That he ^ has, ^ has not, paid or agreed to pay any company orfiperson (other ~tban a,,ful!tim1 bona fide or brokerage fee contingent de employee working solely for the bidder) any f`e, commission, percentage upon or resulting from the award of this contract, and agrees to furnish information relating thereto as requested by the Contracting Officer. (For interpretation of this representation, including the term "bona fide employee," see Code of Federal Regulations, Title 44, Chapter I, Part 150.) (3) That he operates as an ^ individual, ^ partnership, ^ corporation, incorporated in State of Enclosed is bid guarantee, consisting of NAME OF FIRM OR INDIVIDUAL (Type or print) FULL NAME OF ALL PARTNERS (Type or print) BUSINESS ADDRESS (Type or print) BY (Signature in ink. Type or print name under signature) TITLE (Type or print) DIRECTIONS FOR SUBMITTING BIDS Envelopes containing bids, guarantee, etc., must be sealed, marked, and addressed as follows: Addrbes3 Logistics Offlw! '` XARKi WA under Serial Number N-013)55-169-6440 to be opened Z June 1963. CAUTION: Do not include in the envelope any bids for other work. Bids should ,~not be qualified b exceptions to the bidconditions. e Fa, Release '2-OO1IO7I3O Ire norm o 664 ? A AAA ^^^^^^" ? -1-0990-9868- - Approved For Releae2001/07/30: CIA-RDP78-05613A0003QU60001-8 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDl1 S (Construction Contract) ==a a z ~t~ or tto Bjd i ~, Any explanation desired by a bidder regarding the meaning or interpretation of the invitation for t:.-id ~, drawi.- s,, speecif' .e tione,, etc., must be requested in writing and. with muff icient time al=lowed for a reply to reach bidders befare the ;ruhmir sign of their bids,, Any interpretation made will be in the form of an amendment of the invitation for bids, drawings. specifications,,, and will, be furnished to all o?ezecti.ve bidders,! Its receipt. by the bidder must be acknowledged in the apace provided on the Did Form (Standard Form 21) or by letter r w; telegram r:M :cc iNed. be-taro the t_i set fecr opening of bids, Oral exp ntions yor instructions given before the award of the contract, .S,il naL be bindin ,', U'ondittio Affecting the Work,, Bidders should visit the site and take such other steps as may be reasonably necessary to ascertain the nature and :to ' tion of the work,, and the general. and local conditions which can location of the work, and the general an local conditions which can affect the work or the cost thereof. Failure to do so will not 3.el,.i.eve bidders f ce responsibility for eetirs .tirg propsr? the difficulty or cost of successfuU y performing the work. The Goverrment wi,:1_"L assume no responsibility for PAv- urxi.er stanching or representations c ynce a i.. conditions made any of its officers or agents prior to the execution of the contract, unless included In the invitation for bids!, the spert.. 1- cations, or related. docents. Biddore n Qhr lifieations:. Before a bid is considered for award, the bidder rr be requested by the Goverment to submit a statement regarding ids previous e .peri.e~racee in pe rf`ox?rad n a omps rable work, his bus:i ress and teadbni l,. orgarrd. tion, financial resources., and plant ,:available to be used in performing the works (a) Bids shall be submitted on the forms furnished, or copies thereof, nd joist nwilly signs., If erasures or other, changes appear On the forms. each erasure or change must be initialed by the praon signing. the bid, Unless specifioali3r authorized in the invitation for bids telegraphic bids bill not be considered (b The bid form may vide for submission of a price or price ce for one or more it, which may be lump sum bids, alternate prices, scheduled items resulting in a bid on a unit of construs pion or a combination thereof, etc, Where the bid form explicit : equ as that the bidder bid on a1..l items., failure to do so will disqualify the bid. W i sub. .ssion of a price on all items Js rot r?equ:izd, bidders should insert the words "no bid" in the 4Ppa.oe p ov7.ded for any it r. on which no .zr"ice is submitted,, Approved For Release 2001/07/30 : CIA-kDP78-05613A000300060001-8 -A}ij roved-for-'Release 2001/07/30: CIA-RDP7&058-1'3E?-000300400991 .8:.__- INS RUCTIONS TO BIRD tS 4R'A3vM,slaAmAnsa4FN%!'C~.aYrgN' rtWMartY:MVtlm:>vk:OS o Ura ,es called for, bids wiU not be oonsiderw1? (d M /r~1 t: ! t 'fta of bir a1nusdy au .tt d %aill 4-ons" ga s,] if L1aa .? do3:t.gnated in the T:rritt' t ox for bide b 1! Gy ',' a i1..e ' , r, : of of bide- o T{ale-;'gr c%ph:1.c t~, lS f-coat. w, ?. i x z e d ,,il .. not reveal the a1izry,?r.1 of the or Wit, t a= > a r 7;d Lid i :i .4 d 1 ?k c and Rddreaced ka directed in the :ir vita ;io::~ t b5.do~ Fail+ ro to do jo in, resin r irr cl 2lel.W"at r'Qe o n:x y4g o1:'~ f: r . 1$ ?d? to s pen ai j ~,}y y T~yygS r a Jy f ` 0. ? 4p , /,,y!qt, cl -tIch gi j.,L,,, Y' fy ryS ~Ky~ 4'CI sN !.uA {V :rv Lf 7.~dv 34&.S 4.r~ 1fY' ~~S?k~ 4fy' yB { J. 4 ~ Nw?/ MT Bids and A~~i+4,f# i'4rt:bpk?' ,>PA.F, or Withdra i a "th eor: + x? ~i , g t t, ,(; o fioe t.P31.8natsd in 'h? invitation for bide. aft s; ? the ex=act time set for opening of bids 41 not, b : e d befox s t Cafi,n:l.~F~ ',;~[?d an d yO the are i =I=It ; i'oed ixY" Mai_- 1; or ';: ?' '.rf .l.eg3aph, if authorized) and. (h d ?~ t determined by the G w ri ; ~~ that late receipt ,e duce 803,94 to either (1) de-111y in the aia.iie, (orr by the telegraph compaany,, if te-legraptz.e hide are e to such assignee upon the prior written authorisa :,,_?:?-r of .:he Contracting Officer, 17., NOTIG, To THE GOWRWEN"T OF LABOR. DISFU',.,Es (a) 'henever the Contractor has knowledge t.hr t. any actual or, potential labor dispute is delaying or threatens to lel.ay t?;:t Virt.e,"hy performance of this contract, the Contractor shall i. vxediatei,y notice thereof, including all relevant irxforimat iozx w t, th re?.spect, thereto,, to the Contracting Officer. (b) The Contractor agrees to insert the ssbst,E_, ice of this ..ya; including this paragraph (b), in any subcontract her-under as to 14h1c.h a labor dispute may delay the timely psrforwmnee of ,his except that each such subcontract shall provide that in the event timely performance is delayed or threatered by tdel.a. by a r r ctua r_ or:- potential labor dispute, the subcontractor shal i_ imtnod.iately not?i fy his next higher tier subcontractor, or the prime corr..r, actor, as the case may be, of all relevant information with respect to suc=h 1$. TAXES Except as otherwise provided, the contr~,^t price includes ;~^y ').Td all applicable taxes? 19o Q3ATUITIEZ (a) The Government may, by written notice to f.' ie Contract:ao4:? termirAte the right of the Contractor to proceed urd r t,;1^,:.s if it is found, after notice and hearing: by the - 25X1A duly authorized representative, that gratuities (in the form of entertainment, gifts, or otherwise) were offered or riven by the Contractor, or any agent or representative of the Contractor, to any officer or employee of the Government with a, viei~: toward securing a contract or securing facvorable treatment with respect the awarding or amending, or the making of ary deterrrlnatt on.ta w."th respect to the performing of such contract; pro%lded, that, the existence of the facts upon which the 5ec.reta7y or his dui ~aFatir .:i 1. representatives makes such findings shall' be in issue and be reviewed in any competent con t,s (b) In the event this contract is terminated a~ providod i_.r?. paragraph (a) hereof,, the Government shr-11 be entit ?=d (i) to p"wr.V us the same remedies again3t the Contractor as it could pursue z t}t event of a breach of the contract by the Contractor e and (ii .' a s penalty in addition to any other damages to which it may be c tati..i..e3 by law, to exemplary d -ages in an amount. (as deterrri lied by i-"hc, Secretary or his duly authorized represen ta.ti ve) which shall be Approved For Release 2001/07/30 : CIA-RDP78-05613A000300060001-8 Approved For Rele2001/07/30 : CIA-RDP78-05613A00060001-8 tl~I~ft~J kA.~-PH~,~'1ISION:'i no-" Less than three nor nore than ten times the costs incurred by i4-he Contra-tor in providing any such gratuities to arq such officer ;9r employee (c) The rights and remedies of the Government provided in this .ause shall not be exclusive and are in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by lair or under this contract. 26., SOVIETe-CON COLLET ARIAS (a) The Contractor shall not acquire for use in the performance of this contract any supplies or services originating from sources -within Soviet-controlled areas'. as listed in the Schedule of this contract, or from Eong Kong or Macao, without the written approval of the Contracting Officers (b) The Cor.:tractor agrees to insert the provisions of this clause, including the Soviet-controlled areas listed in the Schedule and this subparagraph (b), in all subcontracts hereunder., (c)Schedule.- Albania Bt 1gari a China, excluding Taiwan (Formosa), but including ;4.anchuria, inner, Mongolia, the provinces of Tsinghai and Sikang, Sinkiang, Tibet, the former Kwantung Leased Territory, The present Port Arthur Naval Base Area, and Liaoning Province. Cormntrnist-controlled area of Viet Nam and Communist- controlled area of Laos. Czechoslovakia East Germany (Soviet Zone of Germany and the Soviet Sector of Berlin) Estonis. Hungary Latvia Lithuania North Korea Outer Mongolia Poland and Danzig Rumania Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, C'~t 21~ PRICE, ADJUSTMENT FOR SUSPEt SION, DELAY, Oh INTERHUPTIOfl OF TIlE WO (a) The Contracting Officer may order the Contractor in writing t.o suspend all or any part of the work for such period of time as he may determine to be appropriate for the convenience of the Government. Approved For Release 2001/07/30 : CIA-RDP78-05613A000300060001-8 Approved For Relea 001/07/30: CIA-RDP78-05613A0003%060001-8 GENERAL PROVISIOM (b) Ifs without the fault or negligence of the Contractor, the performance of all or any part of the work is for an unreasonable period of times suspended, delayed. or interrupted by an act of the Contracting Officer in the administration of the Contracts, or by his failure .o act within the time specified in the contract (or if no time is ?pacified, within a reasonable time), an aadjtustarent shall be made by he Contracting Officer for any increase in the cost of per-, formance of the contract (excluding profit) necessarily caused by the unreasonable period of such suspension, delay, or interruption, and the contract shall be modified in writing accordingly. No adjustment shall be m-ade ifs and to the extent that, performance by the Contractor would have been prevented by other c up,es even if the work had not been so suspended, delayed or interrupted. No claim under this clause shall be allowed (i) for RrW costs incurred more than twenty days before the Contractor shall have notified the Contracting Officer in writing of the act or failure to act involved (but this requirement shall not apply where a suspension order has been issued), and (ii) unless the claim, in an amount, stated, is asserted in writing as soon as practicable after the tera.&ation of such suspension, delay, or interruption but not later than the date of final settlement of the contract. Any dispute concerning at question of fact arising under this clause shall be aubject to the 25Xputes clause. 23 GOVF,RI LENT -FUIRNIS}1ED PROPERTY (a) The Government shall deliver to the Contractor, for use in connection with an under the terms of this contract, the property described in the Schedule or sneeifications s together with such related data and information as the Contractor may request and as may reascnably- be required for the intended use of such property (:hereinafter refer:7ed to as "Goverzment?-iurrnis had Property"). The delivery, performa_ice, or completion dates for the supplies, services,, or construe=on to be furnished by the Contractor under this contract are based upon the expet.tation that Property suitable for use will be delivered to the Contractor at the - 16 Approved For Release 2001/07/30 : CIA-RDP78-05613A000300060001-8 Approved For Relea 01/07/30 : CIA-RDP78-05613A000300001-8 S%OU GENERAL PROVI5IOW times stated in the Schedule, or, i not so stated, in sufficient time to enable the Contractor to meet such delivery,, performance,, or completion dates o In the event that Gowerr ent-, u wnished Property is not delivered to the Contractor by such time or times, the Con- tracting Officer shall, upon timely written request made by the Contractor, make a determination of the delay occasioned the Contractor thereby,, and shall equitably adjust the deli.very,, performance, or completion dates or the contract price, or both, and any other contractual provision affected by such delay, in accordance with the procedures provided for in the clause of this contract entitled "Changes". In the event the Government furnished Property is received by the Contractor in a condition not suitable for the intended use the Contractor shall, upon receipt thereof, notify the Contracting Officer of such fact and, as directed by the Contracting Officer,, either (1) return such property at the Goverrm ent's expense or otherwise dispose of the property, or (ii) effect repairs or modifications. Upon the completion of (i.) or (ii) above, the Contracting Officer upon written request of the Contractor shall equitably-adjust the delivery,, performance, or completion dates or the contract price, or both, and any other con- tractual provision affected by the rejection or disposition, jr the repair or modification, in accordance with the procedures provided for in the clause of this contract entitled "Changes". The foregoing pro- visions for adjustment are exclusive and the Government shall not be liable to suit for breach of contract by reason cf any delay in delivery of Govern ment furn shad Property or delivery of uch property in a condition not suitable for its intended use,, (b) By notice in writing the Contracting Officer may decrease the property furnished or to be furrdshed by the C overnment under this contract. In any much case, the Contracting Officer upon the written request of the Contractor shall equitably adjust the delivery, per- formance,, or completion dates or the contract price, or both, and any other contractual provisions affected by the decrease, in accordance with the procedures provided for the in clause of this contract entitled "Changeaa" o (e) Title to the Government-furnished Property steal.: res a. n in the Government a Title to Gover men-t-furnished Property shall not be affected by the incorporation or attachment thereof to any property not owned by the Goverment, nor shall such Government furnished Property,, or any part thereof, be or become. a fixture or lose its identity as personalty by reason of affixation to any realty, The Contractor shall maintain adequate property control records of Government-furnished Property in accordance with the requirements of in effect on the date of the contract, which Manual is hereby 17 ., Approved For Release 2001/07/30 : CIA-RDP78-05613A000300060001-8 Approved For Relea 001/07/30 : CIA-RDP78-05613A0003 0001-8 M RAL PFtO ISI?NS s incorporated by reference air made a tart, of this contract,, (d) The Goverraer t-?ur niched Property shall, unless other: me provided herein, be used only for the perform once of this contract; (e) The Contractor shk.ll maintain and a mri..mzi.cetcv:=?, in accordance with sound business practice, a prog ?aa oe the ?.mmt; ma + e repair, protection and preservation of Government, furnished P: operty,, until disposed of by the 0ontractor in accordance with this clause,, In the event that arr dammra occurs to t.:z, vsrnzrit,-furnished Property th;a risk of which has been as auurrsed hlr the Government under this conty eat., the Goverrrmient shall replace such Items or~ the Contractor shall make such repair ' of the property as the Gove:rmzermt direct. , provided, however,, that if the Contractor a nnot. effect such repair within the time requi, ed, the C nt. actor 3}ir a l dispose of such property in the manner directs?d by the Contracting Officer. The contract price includes no compensm~ticn to the Contractor for the performance of any repair or replacement, for which the Goverment is responsible and an equitable adjustment will be made in the contract price for any such repair or replacement of Governnent' fur nished Property made at the direction of the Goverrsr ent. ArW re ,air or replacement for which the Co.entraictor is responsible under the provisions of this contract shall be accomm-,lishet by the Contractor at its own expense,, (f) Unless otherwise provided in this contract, the Contractor,, upon delivery to it of m,-.y Goverment'-fury s,aed Property, assumes the risk of, and shall be responsible tot, a less thereof or damage pert t,;. except for reasonable vicar and tear, and except to the extent that such property is consumed in the performance of this contrm ct (g) The Government, shall at all ream. and/or utilities sa a . . remain the 'Jrupert yt of the Contractor and will be r (s':o' ??ed '44y him at his -3S3erse upon the caaiplet,%on of the work, the written consent or the Ccntr.aeti.:Fg Of icery sucfh bs ..di.n , and/or utilities nay be ab_e nstcire;1 and r,e sd r.)t be removed u C. The Contractor shall,, under l ogulations _pres ;rflbed by the Contracting O ficer, use or s es'-a?hl_ ahed ro ,cl ays author: by the Contracting Officer. Where ;;.rterialse are transported in the pr osecu ,ion of the work, vehuc cis shall p.? of be loaded b yo the loading capacity :cecort nded by the manufacturer oof the vehicle or prescribed by an Federal, state or local -7,w w or sia~< ~lr .N regulation. When it Is noce::s:>:ar-,? ',c cross eiwbings or protection against d ..ga srs , i. bs provided by the Contractor= and any damaged roads, c,:sr --n or s1l.dewal.ks hhall be repair ad. by,, or at the exile=user of the GC-6 ~2AI3TY OF , ttTlG A. Where articles, tesr:iais ac. i eqi-u;.patrs~ rnt ir+ o :.?ecluired to to standard speui''I atio:rs or teeis of the Governnerit or otT authorities incorporated by x efer env t1ieV -.dill_ confor? tU the respect?.v i editions, in r:.uding mans t-: a .spccifi?i& B~ Any samples aid t sr,.ri_ptivve data. -? qui ed shall,? (1) Be subr.d.tted w` thin zr tit" spsocif red in these r: , c r a>r~.:, tions cr.,, if not apecrified, within a re, =as nab3.e time before use to permit inspecr.i-era :tine: teat n0 (2) Be shipped pr?epai.d and delivered as specified l these specifications,, or asi directed by the Contracting Officer,, (3 ) Be masrl;ed to show the me cf the ater:ial, trade name of Approved For Release 2001/07/30 : CIS-RDP7,-05613A000300060001-8 PAC ` A'a.' Approved For Rele1001107130 : CIA-RDP78-05613A00060001-8 manuf - atumer,, place of origin, r me ante w :r Asa Iciest of the project where the r:aaterial r?ep reeeer4' d r, ? the sample is to be wed,, and the ntams of the, ontraP.t, :;?? submitting the sample . Samples not st jE cte d to destruct,ive tE 3t s .a Y ' re a,;, , rxae:i until ccn!ipl eti,)n of the woi 4 bat thereafter g? ' e rettrrz d to the t:or actor s 5111 r .s so rasgus: Ls in wri< 3?:a.~;) at h .e own expense, Failure: of ary ., E : la to pa: the 3 .idlfi.ed requirs- merit v.t ll b cause for roa;ti;asal_ to ri(-,,y :.der further, aaW samples from th a {ante rmaru."actn er whoae ;T,~A t e jals failed to pasq the test , ,. G7 CTECTIO OF ATf lrkll A D lt;C'ih. ;9 The Contrt:ctor^ Kali 1. t-,21 t, rtes protect ar~r, pr ?, taaa ~?:. ~ supplies and sc is ?;mert o- r.n :;ry daocripUe n (inc I,4(: Lr property w ieh may be.Go?r wae a ?'twa xr.I she or owns) a i &:1.1 work performe d.G A'11, reasonab1t; regi~e.:ts r,- the C ontr"aetin Of ices it o -ac tomci or specia."I.-I. r protect sinch pre)po t~ ahhal1 be ca=I ed. wi.t'h.. :f, as de ory ,.o d _; the Contr ctin Opt"ficerw mwlteriaiq ivUi wI,, af' 6 A.~.es and work n4 I " CA such proy y performed are rat adequately protected by the CC) may be protect o .i. by the Go verrs e r3 and the cost th,~-wr?,>f a ? be charr, sd to the Cf:ntr?actt r or d. tit,4.eted firoz fart pa.Merits 1,:1:5 to Wait, GC8 POSSESSION AQ TO C-sJ 'LE ' ON . The Go .?nment :r .1 .;sae r? ? ghh i# W. t a e pos r ; ion of or w is a pV~? completal or pa.t i _l?; raxplc ed part -,,r 1:1)v t ?'k? Sueb p tssession or use saall net e c eti cl an ac+wr ~ it-1;c$ d:f any work not om qot d. in accordance with tl,corbtra t. L f t3.f prior p,)s3e scion or use, by the (k verrmre :?rt deel a.; they or?ogro . cf ~