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Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 SECRET '-2AUK iV M [) A? ,' I FOR: Director of Logistics sUWF. ' Plan for Implementation of Supply Divisional Functional Reorganization 1. The basic elements of this plan are: a. A rewrite of mission and function statements and the covering Supply Division (SD) Instructions for the newly structured ; 25X1A divisional branches and the I b. A rewrite of key position descriptions; c. The identification of personnel assig'nriients to specific positions; and d. Space layout and design requirements. 2. Attachment 1 is a schedule reflecting plan objectives and the dates the objectives are to be accor.plished. Milestones, largely concerned with space reconfiguration and installation of telephones and equipmernt, are indicated with an asterisk. 3. In establishing space requirements, the engineer II has 25X1 tried to take full advantage of the existing layout to avoid unnecessary and costly relocation of partitions and the like. As the General Services Administration (GSA) has an AME work order (No. 73-2034) in the amount of $5,000 which includes developing; costs for installation of the screen room and configuration of the contiguous secure area, our current cost estimates have been limited to the renovations over and above that required for the secure area. These are: a. Renovations (based on average unit cost statistics) $13,000 b. Conserv-A-File V Equipment for master files 3,000 hone installations Tele _2:000 c. p TC}TAL $23,000 ?4ch I Approved For Release 2002/05/02 "-'CIA- DP7 MPD#T CL ~__- iM02o0o3ooo3t Approved For Release Z/j5/p2 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 ~e S1JBJhC'T: Plan for Implementation of Supply Division Functional Reorganization Note: GSA has been kept apprised of the plan to relocate the screen room and the added renovation requirements. 4. Attachments 2 and 3 are organizational charts for the SD and the 5X1A which indicate total personnel strength by component. acrymen_ s an organization chart by positions and recommended grade structure for the four SD Branches, with Attachment 5 showing projected personnel assignments by position within the Branches. Assignments to key and senior grade positions are considered firm; however, some assignments as projected for lower-graded positions may be subject to change because of the current SD ranking exercise, possible reluctance of Depot personnel to relocate to Rosslyn and other factors. 5. Attachment 6 lists the five personnel assigned to or reassigned. 25X1A within the E~ a direct result of the functional merger, i.e., one supply assistant, two supply clerks and a clerk typist moving from the Receipts Control Unit of Stock Control to the newly proposed Depot Receiving Branch, and one suppl officer position relocated from the Field Support Branch 25X1A to the Chief,=Office to handle inventory control. 6. A complete listing of the 23 SD positions to be abolished as a result of the reorganization is provided by Attach ent 7. 7. The mission and function statements, covering Supply Division Instructions and key position descriptions required to implement the reorganization are contained in Attachments 8 through 12. Listed in order, they apply to the Supply Management, Operations Support Inter-Departmental 25X1 Support and Central Control and Distribution Branches 8. The SD Instructions to be revised and published or rescinded prior to the scheduled date (1 December 1973) for the merger are listed on Attach- ment 13. 9. Attachment 14 is the design layout for the SD and the Data Access Center. Because of space limitations we plan to relocate the Reference Library on the 10th floor where space is available. Chief, Plans E4 Programs Staff, Chief, Supply Division, - Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 Approved For Release 2002/ SUBJECT Plan for Implementation of Supply Division Functional Reorganization Distribution: Orig & 1 - Arise OL/PPS Official 1 - OL/SD 1 - OL/P$TS OL/P&PS & OL/SD jw/3357&3442 (2 Aug 73) Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 SERET Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 TAB Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 ATTACHMENT I SUPPLY DIVISION - SCHEDULE FOR IMPLENTING FUNCTIONAL REORGANIZATION OBJECTIVES DATES REMARKS 1. Prepare Implementation Plan 3 August 2. Space Layout and Design 6 August* Preliminary Design Completed 1 August 3. Order New Filing Equipment 6 August 4. Work Order to GSA for Space Reconfiguration 9 August* Submit through LSD/SMEFB 5. Request Telephone Plan from TFB/LSD 9 August 6. Determine Machines to be Relocated wit Lhin Supply Division 1 September lay be Possible to Eliminate One Machine 7. Initiate Formal School and Training Assignments 1 September 8. Begin Space Reconfiguration Work 1 November* Allows GSA 83 days from Receipt of Work Orde 9. Begin OJT Assignments 1 November 10. Install New Filing Equipment 12 November* Estimated on availability 11. Brief Area Log Officers on New Follow-up Procedures and Requisitioning by System 16 November Commodity Class 12. Begin Telephone Installations 16 November* CCDB and OSB Approved For Release 2002/05/02 CIA-R[P78-05599A000200030003-7 SECRET OBJEC'T'IVES 13. Relocate and Install Machines 14. Complete Space Reconfiguration and Telephone Installations 1S. Relocation and Merger of Personnel and Functions 29 November* 30 November* Estimated 30 Days for GSA to Complete 1 December Scheduled for Saturday - Minimum Interruption to Work 77 Approved For Release 2002/05/02 CIA RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 25X1A Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 Next 9 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 TAB Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 Approved For Release 2002/05 CR DP78-05599A000200030003-7 POSITIONS TO BE ABOLISHED SD REORGANIZATION E FUNCTIONAL MERGER POS. NO. DESCRIPTION GRADE SD COMPONENT 1. 2060 Secretary (Typ) GS-6 2. 2065 Equipment Tech 7 3. 2066 Equipment Spec 13 4. 2082x Supply Asst 7. 5. 2082. 'y Supply Asst 7 6. 2089 Supply Cat Off .7 7. 2107 Supply Asst 9 8. 2112 Supply Clerk (Typ) 6 9. 2123 Supply Asst 9 10. 2125 Supply Asst 5 11. 2364 Supply Asst 6 12. 2261 Supply Clerk (Typ) 4 13. 2229 Supply Clerk (Typ) 5 14. 2382 Supply Asst 6 15. 2221 Supply Asst 6 16. 2221 Supply Asst 6 17. 2234 Supply Clerk 5 18. 2237 Supply Clerk 4 19. 2228 Supply Asst 9 20. 2375 Procurement Asst 9 21. 2124 Supply Asst 7 22. 2118 Supply Asst 9 23.. 2366 Forklift Operator W-6 Approved For Release 2002/05/02': C A-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 SUPPLY MANAGEMENT BRANCH The functions of the Supply Management Branch are as follows: 1. Using the commodity team concept, exercise control over and manage depot inventories to ensure balance of supply with demand, consistent with planned projects, new require- ments and usage data available. 2. Develop, maintain and revise as required stock levels based on overall requirements, demand experience, authorized allowances and specified project or strategic allocations. 3. Maintain and analyze stock status reports to: a. Direct redistribution of stocks between depots and stations as determined by planned requirements, usage data or need. b. Identify and take action to dispose of those items which are determined as excess or surplus to the needs of the Agency. c. Initiate stock replenishment actions on periodic or special need basis. 4. Process all domestic and field requisitions and determine OL component for supply or procurement action. 5. Maintain the accountable stock records for all classes of materiel in stock to determine availability, price, location, sterility and condition of items. 6. Process all action documents for transfer or disposal of all obsolescent, deteriorated, excess or surplus Agency stock. 7. Determine which items are in critical supply and develop control techniques to regulate, and if necessary, to allocate issues against available stocks. 8. Develop criteria and select new items for inclusion in the Agency stock system based upon repetitive purchase demand trends, new equipment or items requirements, and data obtained from other Agency components. Approved' For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05699A000200030003-7 S E C R E T S E C R E T Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : 'CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 9. Develop and implement program of material standard- ization in conjunction with other Government agencies. 10. Continuous analysis of stock status reports to identify and take action to remove from Agency stock items which are relatively inactive, bear high overhead handling costs and items which can be recommended to procurement as suitable for contracting out procedures. 11. Approve issue of controlled items against justifi- able requests. 12. Maintain interface with the Data Access Center and other internal Logistics components on all matters relat- ing to supply management in connection with the automated inventory management system. 13. Develop, refine and coordinate external and internal supply management control programs and such statistical anal- yses and financial control reports as may be required. 14. Effect material identification, assign stock numbers .and price all items within the Agency supply system, and in conjunction therewith, maintain a catalog reference library and publish Agency supply catalogs and supplements thereto. 2 Approved For Release 2002/05/02 SE : CI R E T 8-05599A000200030003-7 C 5 h C R E T Anoroved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 SUPPLY DIVISION INSTRUCTION SDI 45-74 NO. 45-74 (Revised) SUPPLY MANAGEMENT BRANCH References: (a) Logistics Instruction (LI) 1-5 (Revised) - Mission, Functions and Delegations of Authority to Chief, Supply Division (b) Supply Division Instruction (SDI) 1-4 (Revised) - Delegation of Authorities to Supply Division Officials (c) Supply-Division Instruction (SDI) 45-67 (Revised) - Standard Codes Recission: (a) Supply Division Instruction (SDI) 45-74 - Supply Management Branch, dtd 14 May 68 1. PURPOSE This instruction promulgates supply management, catalog- ing policy and responsibilities set forth in references (a) and (b). 2. MISSION Develop and implement policy and procedures for all phases of supply management including, but not limited to: creation and maintenance of a master catalog file in com- puterized, manual, and published forms; management of personal property inventories ranging throughout the Federal classification system and management of the Supply Management Branch (SMB) portion of the stock funds for Headquarters procurement. 3. DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY The delegation of authorities to the Chief, SMB is con- tained in reference (b). Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 SUPPLY DIVISION INSTRUCTION SDI 45-74 NO. 45-74 (Revised) 4. LIAISON Maintain liaison and intercommunication with: a., Elements of the Department of Defense and U.. S. Government civilian agencies, bureaus, and departments on matters pertaining to supply manage- ment and cataloging functions. b.. Security Staff, OL, on matters pertaining to clearances for certain supply management and catalog- ing personnel in other Government agencies. cw Defense Logistical Support Center (DLSC) and General Services Administration (GSA) on matters pertaining to materiel identification, assignment of stock numbers, and the Federal Catalog Program. d.. Cognizant technical offices regarding preferred items, management control of specialized equipment, purification of stock, and identification of equip- ment by type and source. e.. U. S. Government elements to obtain reference materiel, such as Public Laws; regulations; handbooks; and commercial manufacturers for catalogs, brochures, and price guides. 5. RESPONSIBILITY a.. Establish stock levels and review points for Agency stock items. b.. Assign materiel classification codes andother management codes consistent with Supply Division policy. C. Establish economic order quantity tables to include variable safety stock factors. S E C R E T Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 S E C R E T Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 SUPPLY DIVISION INSTRUCTION NO. 45-74 SDI 45-74 (Revised) d. Initiate requisitions for stock replenishment. e. Effect depot transfers to position worldwide, strategic reserve and special project materiel. f. Review all requisitions to determine stock numbers., nomenclatures, suitability, substitutability, availability, and source of supply, and technically approve each accordingly. g. Schedule requisitions for depot and/or procurement action to meet deadline. h. Prepare monthly financial analysis reports of the Forms Procurement Account. i. Prepare excess property lists for circulation throughout the Agency and review excess materiel list- ings prepared by other Government agencies to determine requirements and ensure maximum utilization of property. j. Review stock status reports for the purpose of purifying stocked items. k. Maintain three item identification card files-- one by physical characteristics, arranged alphabeti- cally, and in FIIN; the second by Agency stock number, arranged numerically; and the third by Federal stock number, arranged numerically. 1. Identify materiel and assign stock numbers (interim or Federal as appropriate). M. Initiate requests to DLSC for item identification and stock number research (prescreen). n. Initiate requests to GSA for assignment of Federal stock numbers. S E C R E T Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 S E C R E T Approved For Release 2002/05/02 W 1 78-05599A000200030003-7 SUPPLY DIVISION INSTRUCTION SDI 45-74 NO. 45-74 (Revised) o. Identify materiel and assign stock numbers for materiel requisitioned, turned in, and reported as excess. p. 'Provide data for and publish an Agency Supply Catalog Sand supplements thereto. q. Maintain a reference library of Public Laws; GSA regulations; military field manuals; and manu- facturers catalogs, brochures, and price guides. r. Establish fixed prices for inventory items and publish such prices. 6. ORGANIZATION For the accomplishment of its mission and responsibili- ties, the branch has five sections; namely: The Chief, SMB will ensure that all inclusive internal procedural instructions are prepared for use as functional guidelines within each section. Chief, Supply Division, OL Distribution: D Approved For Release 2002/05(02: C lA RPPT8-05599A000200030003-7 SECRET Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : DP78-05599A000200030003-7 SECRET CHIEF, SUPPLY MANAGEMENT BRANCH I Duties and Responsibilities The Chief, Supply Management Branch (SMB), under the di- rection of the Chief, Supply Division, is responsible for the supervision and guidance of personnel engaged in: 1. Managing and controlling distribution of Agency stock inventories to: a. Ensure balance of supply with demand. b. Provide stockage of items against new require- ments including those for planned projects. c. Achieve optimum economy with respect to utilization of inventory budgets and property procure- ment allotments (PPA). 2. Maintaining accountable stock records for all classes of materiel in stock, such records reflecting balances on hand, prices, locations, as applicable. condition codes and allocations 3. Maintaining and developing information for special stock status reports which reflect item availability, sterility, price, location, condition, degree of activity, i.e., repetitive, slow- moving, dormant. 4. Determining, maintaining and revising, as required,stock levels based on: a. Developing and refining historical (usage) data which produces demand factors. Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 SEGREj orrin A pKoveg_Fe C 1ReLeea e 2002/05/ !~MELDP78-05599A000200030003-7 P project allowances. c. Identifying new requirements. d. Stockage of valid strategic allocations. 5. Identifying and taking action to dispose of stocked items which have become obsolescent or excess/surplus to Agency requirements. 6. Maintaining an active and comprehensive interface with other Government agencies, e.g., Department of Defense, General Services Administration, etc., in: a. Developing for Agency use the latest techniques applicable to supply and inventory management. b. Disposing of excess/surplus or obsolete property. c. Researching pattern descriptions, nomenclatures, stock numbers, and identifying new items or items in the Federal system. d. Developing criteria to ensure compatibility between the Agency ADP system and ADP systems used by other agencies in the fields of inventory management and catalog publi- cations. 7. Screening requirements against Agency assets and excess listings from other Government agencies covering materiel avail- able on a no-cost basis to acquire and direct distribution of stocks to best sustain Agency operations as economically as possible. Approved For Release 2 109, CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 Approved For Release 2002/05/02. CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 8. Developing and implementing control mechanisms for management of inventory investment and to control stocks of critical or special items. 9. Developing the inventory budget for and administering the property procurement allotment for logistics cognizant items and the administrative stock account. Establishing controls to determine rates of expenditure, assure sound fi- nancial control and adequacy of funds to sustain operations. 10. Determining the requirements for and initiating stock replenishment requisition actions. The C/SMB is the approving authority for single requisition replenishment actions up to $50,000 and may redelegate this authority to item managers not to. exceed $25,000 for each requisition. 11. Collaborating in and implementing policies and procedures to correct system deficiencies and to effect improvement in supply management operations. 12. Receiving, screening and editing of requisitions received from domestic and overseas customers to determine accuracy, completeness, item identification, item substitution if nec- essary and source of supply, i.e., from depot stocks or by purchase action. In connection therewith, determining dates for completion of procurement action, depot processing and turnover to Freight Traffic Branch for scheduling of shipment to meet required delivery date. 13. Performing staff and analytical studies and monitoring special projects as assigned by the Chief, Supply Division. 3 Approved For Release 2002/05/02 ;;CIA=RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 Approved For 2002/SU~it-RDP78=0519AO00200030003-7 SU PLY MANAGEMENT BRANCH (SMB) I. Duties and Responsibilities: 1. Serves as the Acting Chief, SMB during any absence of the Chief, and is responsible for overall direction of the branch functions and personnel during these periods. 2. In his dual capacity as Deputy Chief, SMB, monitors branch activities to ensure that all sections are meeting performance requirements, and assists with the supervision of branch personnel. 3. Developing and refining external and internal supply management programs and. maintaining interface with the Data Access Center and the Supply Division (SD) ADP focal point on all matters relating to supply management requirements and inventory and requisition control in connection with the automated inventory management system. 4. Researching necessary data and preparing staff and analytical studies, financial control and other reports on a periodic basis and as especially assigned by the Chief, SD. 5. Serving as the primary branch liaison contact with other Government agencies and with firms in the private sector for the purpose of: a. Studying and evaluating supply management trends and systems to determine what applications can be made to improve the Agency system. Approved For Release 200 J JIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 CZA Approved For Release 20021W IA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 b. Providing an effective interface with other Govern- ment agencies such as GSA, DSA, etc., in terms of materiel standardization and intra-agency logistics/supply planning. c. Disposing of excess/surplus or obsolete property. 6. Serving as the accountable officer and supervising and employing a system of checks and controls in maintaining and guaranteeing the integrity of the accountable stock records. 7. Developing, evaluating, and implementing internal policies and operating procedures relating to supply and inventory manage- ment, and coordinating implementing actions with other OL com- ponents. 8. Maintaining a constant overview of expenditure rates against inventory budgets and property procurement allotments, furnishing explanations as to rates which do not coincide with prorated estimates, making the required adjustments, or in some cases recommending courses of action to bring the expenditures into'line and to avoid exceeding money limitations. 9. Forecasting of requirements for OL cognizant items and assisting with similar forecasts for items under the technical cognizance of other offices where required. In this connection, making recommendations to appropriate technical offices with respect to materiel' standardization programs to economize and hold inventory levels at the lowest possible point. 2 Approved For Release 2002/0-IiIQ2- Q-116 RDP78-06599A000200030003-7 Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 25X1A 9 cCRET 6UPPLY MANAGEMENT BRANCH and guidance of the Chief, Supply Management Branch, is respon- sible for managing depot inventories of all items in the com- modity classes assigned to the section, and the supervision of section personnel and functions to ens-ure complete control over these commodities with respect to the issue, replenishment and maintenance of required levels of section cognizant items. I. Duties and Responsibilities: 1. The under the general direction 2. Coordinating and directing the efforts of the commodity "team" to provide: a. Timely screening, item identification and proces- sing of customer requisitions to meet deadlines and avoid backlogs. b. Prompt editing of supply documentation and accurate posting of supply actions. c. Proper mix of duties and interface between section members in assuring full coverage of all functions and free exchange of information in the work process, i.e., maintain- ing the work integrity of the section in promoting the team concept. d. Rapid and accurate identification of line item re- plenishment needs, obsolete or excess/surplus materiel, level and reorder point adjustments and disposal actions. Approved For Release 2002/05/ SE 1DP78-05599A000200030003-7 Approved For Release 20021SIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 3. Reviewing recommendations by stock analysts to determine validity of and authorize: a. Substantial or unusual level and reorder point changes. b. Declarations of property as obsolete, excess or surplus. C. Redistribution of stocks. d. Introduction of new items into the supply system based on repetitive purbhase actions or cognizant office requests. 4. Approving stock replenishment and customer requisitions not to exceed $25,000 per requisition. Replenishments in excess of that amount will be referred to C/SMB for higher approval. 5. Reviewing status reports listing slow moving and in- active items and taking action to effect disposition of such items. 6. Resolving conflicts of interest with Agency technical and/or cognizant offices concerning compliance with supply management procedures by means of conferences and negotiations with interested parties. 7. Developing requirements criteria relating to selection and retrieval of inventory management information from the ADP system. In connection therewith, supervising the use and re- finement of tools and management codes involving application of the ADP to permit maximum utilizations and efficiency of the system. Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : 8-05599A000200030003-7 8. Establishing and maintaining a materiel standardization program in coordination with appropriate technical offices and other OL components to reduce the number of inventory items to the lowest possible point. This involves: a. Reviewing analyses on non-technical stock items to determine extent of common usage. b. Assessment of stocked items to determine if, because of price, related overhead costs and other factors, the items should be purged from the system and identified As items to be contracted out for direct de- livery to users. c. Based on reports from the analyst, other Govern- ment agencies and technical offices, taking action to reclassify items as limited standard, obsolete or as candidates for disposal. 9. Developing criteria and policy for pricing of inventory items based on replacement costs and reviewing the periodic re- evaluation of the inventory to ensure adherence to pricing policy, accuracy of computations and to make such price adjust- ments as are necessary. 10. Directly supervising actions of the stock editor and the catalog item identifier in maintaining the accountable stock records,i.e., the stock status report reflecting balances on hand, prices, locations, sterility and condition codes and al- locations, and other supplementary reports. Approved For Release 2002/01 -RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 SECRET 11. Screening requirements against Agency assets and excess listings provided by other Government agencies applicable to materiel available on a no-cost basis to acquire excess items needed for valid requirements and to direct delivery and/or redistribution of stocks to sustain operations as economically as is possible. 12. Preparing for higher approval and implementing policies and procedures to correct inventory management systems deficien- cies and to improve supply operations. 13. Assisting in the development of the inventory budget and administering the property procurement allotment for logistics cognizant items within the commodities managed by the section. 4 Approved For Release 2002/05/ DP78-05599A000200030003-7 Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : Cl TAft 05599A000200030003-7 SUPPLY MANAGEMENT BRANCH I Duties and Responsibilities 2 A I A 1. Serving as the I Imanager during the absence of the manager and being responsible for overall section management and supervision over section personnel and functions during these periods. 2. Analyzing stock status, procurement activity and manage- ment reports, and from these periodic overviews, preparing analyses recommending: a. Substantial or unusual changes in stock levels caused by added or decreasing requirements, large "one- time" issues, substitutions and the like. b. Declaration of items as obsolete, or excess/surplus to, the Agency system. c. Introductions of new items for stock based on repetitive purchase actions, trends and cognizant office requests. 3. Initiating stock replenishment requisitions for section cognizant items based on analysis and/or shortage reports. 4. Resolving problems concerning the receipt, inspection, and delivery to stock of materiel received as the result of replenishment requisitions. Approved For Release 2002/05/02 78-05599A006200030003-7 Approved For Release 2002/05/0'F P78-05599A000200030003-7 5. Reviewing status reports !fisting slow-moving and inactive items and recommending action to effect disposition of such items. 6. Assisting with the development of requirements criteria relating to selection and retrieval of inventory management information from the ADP system. In connection therewith, using and refining the tools and management codes involving application of the ADP to permit maximum utilization and efficiency of the system. . 7. Recommending approval of and maintaining a materiel standardization program in coordination with appropriate tech- nical offices and other OL components to reduce the number of inventory items to the lowest possible point. This involves: a. Preparing analyses on non-technical stock items to determine extent of common usage. b. Assessment of stocked items to determine if, because of price, related overhead costs and other factors, the items should be purged from the system and identified as items to be contracted-out for direct delivery to users. c.. Based on reports from other Government agencies, and technical offices developing reports recommending action to reclassify items as limited standard, obsolete or as candidates for disposal. 8. By analysis,. assisting with developing criteria and pol- icy for pricing of inventory items based on replacement costs and reviewing the periodic re-evaluation of the inventory to 2 Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A0O0200030003-7 Approved For Release 2002/05/02SE 78-05599A000200030003-7 9. Assisting with the direct supervision actions and efforts of the stock editor and the catalog item identifier in maintaining the accountable stock records, i.e., the stock status report reflecting balances on hand, prices, locations, sterility and condition codes and allocations, and other sup- plementary reports. 10. Initially screening requirements against Agency assets and excess listings provided by other Government agencies ap- plicable to materiel available on a no-cost basis, and recom- mending acquisition of excess items needed for valid require- ments and/or direct delivery and/or redistribution of stocks to sustain operations as economically as is possible. 11. Preparing for higher approval and implementing policies and procedures to correct inventory management systems deficien- cies and to improve supply operations. 12. Assisting in the development of the inventory budget for administering the property procurement allotment for logistics cognizant items within the commodities managed by the section. Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : Cl-RDP78-05599A00b200030003-7 T Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : C fO5599AOOO2OOO3OOO37 CIALIST ITEM IDENTIFIER SUPPLY MANAGEMENT BRANCH I Duties and Responsibilities 1. Screening all customer requisitions, property turn-ins, and receiving documents processed by the section to ensure that stock numbers reflected are correct and the items listed are properly identified, i.e., nomenclatures are clear and have suf- ficient technical content to ensure accuracy and obviate errors. 2. Maintaining and researching all available supply catalog reference materiels, including those provided by other Government agencies (GSA, DSA, etc.) and by commercial sources in the pro- cess of item identification to verify and/or determine correct stock numbers, units of issue, prices and pattern descriptions. 3. Assisting the manager and analyst to properly 25X1A identify items listed on the stock status and other programmed reports. 4. Developing information concerning the cross-referencing of manufacturers part numbers to numbering systems used by the Federal Government, and keeping the catalog section appraised of such information as it becomes available. 5. Changing or assigning stock numbers for items listed on customer or replenishment requisitions as follows: a. Temporary or "WASH" numbers to items which will have limited, if any, future transactions and which do not require catalog action. Approved For Release 2002/05/02: C1 Rd% -05599A000200030003-7 Approved For Release 2002/05/02SE11PIFiJP78-05599A000200030003-7 b. Federal numbers to items identified as belong- ing within the Federal systems. 6. Conducting liaison with the catalog section to obtain Agency stock numbers for new non-expendable customer or stock items not within the Federal system. 7. Determining by item identification the sources of supply, i.e., stock or purchase actions. 8. Assisting the catalog section by preparing interim description information for new items based on research infor- mation available. Such information is forwarded to the catalog section with each request for a stock number. 9. Conducting liaison with customer activities in verify- ing or clarifying exact requirements for items and in research- ing and suggesting possible item substitutions. 10. Performing the following stock editing functions during the absence of the section stock editor: a. Screening of requisitions to ensure accuracy, completeness and processing to meet required deadlines. b. Prompt and accurate editing and posting of supply documentation controlling the receipt, issue and distri- bution of stocks. c. Preparing computer coding data sheets for ADP input. d. Maintaining the status reports and accountable stock records on an up-to-date basis. e. Scheduling the issue of materiel from the depots. 2 Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA- 05599A000200030003-7 Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 SECRET STOCK EDITOR SUPPLY MANAGEMENT BRANCH I Duties and Responsibilities 1. Screening of requisitions to determine that they are properly authenticated, that the cost codes used are valid, the contents, including sterilities required, are complete and ac- curate enough to warrant processing. 2. Coordinating with customer activities and other OL com- ponents as to the practicality of deadline delivery requirements, making necessary adjustments thereto and scheduling all proces- sing to meet customer deadlines. 3. Processing of requisitions for supply action to: a. Determine if items are available from stock or require procurement action, i.e., military or com- mercial sources. b. Approve (or request approval as appropriate) issue of luxury or controlled items. c. Check due-ins against requirements and estab- lish such back orders (due-outs) as may be necessary. d. Examine possibility of substitutions and recom- mend to customer activities as to availability and suitability of substitutions. Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 Approved For Release 2002/05/0?CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 4. Editing of requisitions, property turn-ins, receiving documents and reports of inventory adjustment to indicate type of actions to be taken and preparing coding documents in ac- cordance with financial accounting and ADP procedures to reflect such information on the stock status, accountable records and other programmed supply reports. Editing and coding actions will include making decisions with regard to: a. Correctness of stock numbers and nomenclatures. b. Sterility requirements and related factors. c. Price changes and extended unit prices. d. Locations by depot. e. Condition of stock. f. Allocations, if applicable. g. Quantities to be received, adjusted, issued and/or back ordered. 5. Recommending to the I imanager that items, based on repetitive procurement actions, unit and overhead costs, and other factors, be replenished, deleted from or added to the supply system. 6. Maintaining the accountable stock records by preparing coding documents to reflect proper debit and credit entries con- cerning receipt, issue and disposal of supplies and equipment. 7. Alerting the manager and/or analyst of exces- sive requirements which will deplete stocks below safety levels, and in such cases, contacting customers involved to negotiate partial shipments, substitutes or both. Approved For Release 2002/05/02 :7CIA- P78-05599Aa00200030003-7 SECRET Approved For Release 2002/05/02 :h- 78-05599A000200030003-7 8. Requesting spot inventories when warehouse refusals indicate that the balance of stock on hand does not agree with the accountable records. 9. Performing the functions of the item identifier in re- searching and assigning stock numbers, correcting nomenclatures, determining proper item identification, and coordinating with the catalog section to obtain stock numbers for items not in the Federal system during the absences of the item identifier. Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : IA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 TAB Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 S E C R E T ATTACI- tMENT 9 Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 OPERATIONS SUPPORT BRANCH 25X1A The functions of the Operations Support Branch are as follows: 1. Functionally review and analyze existing policies and procedures applicable to operation of the Agency supply system to maintain supply discipline and system integrity, and to take corrective action to eliminate deficiencies and to improve the system as required. 2. Perform extensive liaison with all Supply Division (SD) elements and with other operating components to determine ef- fectiveness of the supply system. 4. Prepare and submit annual budget estimates for the SD, the domestic field depots and for the forms procurement account. S. Implement and install functional changes and/or re- vised supply systems in support of approved policies, proce- dures'and operations. 7. Monitor and direct supply action for projects which require special handling and extensive coordination with other Agency components. S E C R E T Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 S E C R E T Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 8. Develop and administer management tools for evaluat- ing divisional and system effectiveness such as activity reports, control mechanisms, work measurement programs and those statistical analyses as may be required. 9. Review and make recommendations as to implementing actions required concerning information and directives re- ceived from higher authority which have an important bearing on existing policies, procedures and.operations. 10. Evaluate personnel ceiling and allocation of personnel to assignments within the divisional domestic and overseas requirements structure. In connection therewith, to make re- commendations as to personnel qualifications and suggested training programs. 14. Perform staff studies and special assignments concern- ing supply support programs as required by the Chief, SD, or his Deputy. 15. Maintain inventory of Agency motor vehicle assets and tables of vehicular allowances. 16. Maintain Headquarters Property-In-Use (6805) account. S E C R E T Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 Approved For Release 200,2/0/ 2 : CIA-RDPT 17. Manage the stock procurement funds of the Property Procurement Allotment (PPA) for all Headquarters commitments. 18. Collaborate with other Agency components to establish and update strategic reserve stocks. Approved For Release 2002/052$ C14ADi7%-05599A000200030003-7 S E C R E T Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 SUPPLY DIVISION INSTRUCTION SDI 45-75 NO. 45-74 (Revised) OPERATIONS SUPPORT BRANCH References: (a) Logistics Instruction (LI) 1-5, Mission, Functions, and Delegations of Authority to Supply Division (b) Supply Division Instruction (SDI) 1-4, Delegation of Authorities to Supply Division Officials Recission: (a) Supply Division Instruction (SDI). 45-75. dtd 23 May 68 1. PURPOSE This instruction promulgates the policy and responsibil- ities set forth in the references. It pertains to the mission, delegation of authority, and responsibilities concerning func- tional review of supply support programs, rendering supply advice and technical assistance on a worldwide basis and main- taining records of Agency vehicular assets. 2. MISSION a. To develop and install approved procedural guidelines and policies for effective operation of the Supply Division (SD). c. Conduct functional analyses and furnish data for operational reports, briefings, and activity and mate- riel assets reports. S E C R E T Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 S E C R E T Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 SUPPLY DIVISION INSTRUCTION SDI 45-75 NO. 45-75 (Revised) d. Develop and maintain SD organic budget. e. Control Agency motor vehicle assets. 3. DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY The Chief, Operations Support Branch (OSB), or in his absence the Deputy Chief, is delegated the following authority: a. Approve for procurement action or release from stock, customer requisitions for motor vehicles sub- mitted in compliance with authorized Table of Vehicular Allowances. 4. LIAISON S E C R E T Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-0559$A000200030003-7 S E C R E T Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 SUPPLY DIVISION INSTRUCTION SDI 45-75 NO. 45-75 (Revised) b. Publish new, consolidate, revise, and/or rescind, as appropriate, SDI's and Notices. Such publications are for the delineation and implemen- tation of Agency regulations and directives of the Director of Logistics (D/L). - L L -/ -r?-_v.. i411u1 eriel assets reports. R11U 111 - e. Review and prepare a summary of SD branch and depot weekly "Activity Logs" for D/L and consolidate branch and depot "Monthly Operations Reports" for SD operations. f. Conduct staff studies as directed by the Chief, SD. h. Ensure that vehicles requested are within an authorized CTVA, and the criteria for the replacement and disposal of motor vehicles are met. i. Maintain a master motor vehicle (MV) identifica- tion number register and assign a MV number to each Agency-owned vehicle; establish and maintain a histori- cal record for each vehicle assigned a MV number. j. Audit voucher registers and files and SD imprest funds. 1. Maintain and monitor consolidated TVA's (CTVA). Develop and maintain SD and depot organic budgets. S E C R E T Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 S E C R E T Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 SUPPLY DIVISION INSTRUCTION SDI 45-75 NO. 45-75 (Revised) M. Maintain the Headquarters Property-In-Use Account (6805). 6. ORGANIZATION For the accomplishment of its mission and responsibili- ties, the branch has three sections; namely: a. 25X1A b . C. 7. GENERAL Chief, OSB will ensure that necessary internal procedural instructions are prepared for use as functional guidelines within each section. Such instructions are to be made a sup- lement to this instruction. I Distribution: D S E C R E T Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 Chief, Supply Division, OL Approved For Releaf 5/02: CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 CHIEF, OPERATIONS SUPPORT BRANCH I. Duties and Responsibilities: The Chief, Operations Support Branch, under the general direction of the Chief, Supply Division, is responsible for the supervision and guidance of personnel engaged in: 1. Periodic internal review and functional analyses of Supply Division (SD) operating elements, including depot activities, to determine that systems employed are creating maximum efficiency and productivity, and to ensure compliance with existing policies, regulations and procedures. ccT Approved For Release 2002/05/91DP78-05599A000200030003-7 4 25X1A 6. Review the ADP listing for the 6805 property-in-use account to determine if there are any significant changes in dollar value. Review is conducted on a monthly basis. 7. Analyzing feeder reports submitted by SD elements and preparing the divisional reports for ultimate submission to the Director of Logistics. 8. Researching and justifying the requirements for and the preparation of the SD annual organic budget and analyzing budget performance on a monthly basis for compliance with the procure- ment plan and rate of obligations; reprogramming of budget items as necessary. 9. Preparing statistical and other required reports and briefing materiels concerning subjects such as special project status, property procurement allotment, vehicles, space utiliza- tion, SD objectives, management improvement review (0MB), work measurement programs, etc. Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 Approved For Release 1f2 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 10. Acting as SD focal point in coordination on ADP matters with the Office of Joint Computer Services and OL components, and furnishing technical advice and guidance to the Chief, SD, and other SD elements concerning ADP requirements.. and procedures as they apply to SD. 11. Evaluating employee suggestions forwarded to SD for action; coordinating actions to be taken with appropriate SD elements. 12. Establish and monitor training programs for SD personnel and for personnel temporarily assigned to the SD for orientation. 13. Maintaining SD history on a current basis. 14. Maintaining accountable records for the SD as the accountable officer for the SD 7813 account. 15. Establishing controls over and administering the stock portion of the property procurement allotment (PPA) for the Office of Logistics in order to determine rates of expenditure, insure sound financial control and adequacy of funds to sustain operations. Est Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 Operations Support Branch (OSB) I. Duties and Responsibilities: Under the general direction of the Chief, OSB, the Chief, is responsible for: 1. Preparation of the Supply division (SD) organic budget which includes verification and justification of item need as submitted by Headquarters operating elements and the depots. The budget also includes the forms, STA and inventory repair accounts. 2. Developing organic budget oriented procurement plans for each SD element, analyzing the organic budget on a monthly basis to determine compliance with the plans and with the approved obligation rate. Reprogramming the budget as needed and justified. 3.. Obtaining and reviewing the quarterly input from all SD elements concerning the OMB, Circular A-44 Management Improvement Review Program and preparing for the SD the revised reports com- mensurate with existing instructions. 4. Receiving and reviewing daily, weekly and monthly feeder reports for all SD elements for purpose of selecting information for inclusion in the Divisional reports. Preparing Divisional reports for submission to the Director of Logistics (D/L) and such staff studies as may be required. E1 Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 Approved For Release 2002/05/02 :. CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 5. Preparing annually otas'Lreq,uired all briefing materials for Divisional presentation, to include statistics from all depots and branches concerning programs, budgets, property procurement allotment, personnel, space layout and design, stock on hand, vehicles, work measurement and activity statistics and special projects. 6. Developing objectives and action plans to evaluate productivity and accomplish the objectives. Preparing bimonthly reports as to progress or shortfall on objective actions plans. 7. Control.ling Agency vehicular assets and maintaining tables a. Determining that Agency components are within their CTVA's. b. Controlling and assigning motor vehicle numbers. c. Assuring proper documentation is maintained from receipt to disposal of each vehicle. d. Verifying and amending; CTVA's to reflect authorized changes. 25X1A 8. Coordinating input from affected elements and preparing evaluations of employee suggestions. 9. Preparing SD schedules for training of personnel temporarily assigned to the Division for orientation purposes, and coordinating such training with Divisional elements. Approved For Release 2002/05/02 :? l aj D 78-05599AO00200030003-7 Approved For Release 28! CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 10. Establishing training requirements and programs for SD personnel, recommending individual assignments to a school or program, and coordinating with Offices of Personnel and Training representatives in connection with course availability, enrollment, etc. 11. Serving as the focal point of contact within SD for liaison with the Office of Joint Computer Support and other OL components with respect to ADP procedures and SD ADP systems ,requirements. 12. Furnishing technical guidance and assistance to Divisional elements on matters related to ADP requirements and procedures as they apply to SD. 13. Establishing controls over and administering the stock portion of the property procurement allotment (PPA) for the Office of Logistics in order to determine rates of expenditure, insure sound financial control and adequacy of funds to sustain operations. Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 Approved For Releass /02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 OPERATIONS SUPPORT BRANCH (OSB) I. Duties and Responsibilities: 1. Serves as Acting Chief, OSB, during any absence of the Branch Chief and is responsible for overall management and the supervision over Branch personnel and functions during these periods. 2. As the Deputy Chief, OSB, assigns work schedules and monitors Branch activities to ensure that the sections are meeting performance requirements. Assists in supervising per- sonnel in all sections. Approved For Release 2 99 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 25X1A L Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 Next 11 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 S E C R E T ATTACHMENT 10 Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 INTERDEPARTMENTAL SUPPORT BRANCH The functions of the Interdepartmental Support Branch are as follows: 1. Review stock replenishment and customer requisitions to select proper interdepartmental sources and initiate action to acquire desired materiel by use of MILSTRIP, FEDSTRIP, Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request (MIPR), or letter requests as appropriate. 2. At the request of Central Control and Distribution Branch (CCDB), make necessary followups to determine supply and/or shipping status of materiel ordered from interdepart- mental sources.. 3. Submit requests and transfer funds to other U. S. Government agencies for research and development contracts and for technical and logistical support. 4. Process and maintain records of all transactions ap- plicable to: a. Sale of equipment or materiel to another U. S. Government agency. b. Loan of equipment or materiel to another U. S. Government agency. c. Acquisition on a loan basis of equipment or materiel from another U. S. Government agency. 5. Registration and licensing of motor vehicles ob- tained from interdepartmental or commercial sources. 6. Maintain liaison with the Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Department of Defense, General Services Administration, Department of State, and other interdepartmental agencies on matters concerning routine logistical support to the Agency. 7. Maintain close and continuing liaison with other Supply Division (SD) elements and Logistics components to provide for a coordinated and efficient supply support operation, and specifi- cally with: S E C R E T Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05S99A000200030003-7 46, S E C R E T Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 a. Supply Management Branch, SD, concerning proces- sing of stock replenishment requisitions. b. CCDB with respect to follow-up status queries and resolving consequential discrepancies. C. Operations Support Branch, SD, concerning ac- quisition of vehicles authorized by tables of vehicular allowances. d. Motor Pool Branch, Logistics Services Division, to request pickup and/or delivery of vehicles. 8. Process discrepancy reports received from CCDB and re- solve discrepancies resulting from receipt of materiel from interdepartmental sources. 9. Coordinate with the Office of Finance (OF/AD/L) in matters relating to payment, of billings and transfers of funds to other U. S. Government agencies. 10. Prepare and submit requests for amended billings in- volving. consequential discrepancies. S E C R E T Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 Approved For Release 2002/05/02: CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 SUPPLY DIVISION INSTRUCTION NO. 45-93 SDI 45-93 INTERDEPARTMENTAL SUPPORT BRANCH REFERENCE: (a) Supply Division Instruction (SDI) 45-71 - Receiving Discrepancy Reporting and Processing Procedures RECISSION: (a) Supply Division Instruction (SDI) 45-64 (Revised) - Interdepartment Support - MILSTRIP, FEDSTRIP and Letter Request Requisitioning and Billing Adjustments dtd 7 Feb 68 1. PURPOSE This instruction promulgates the policy and responsibil- ities applicable to the acquisition of materiel and/or ser- vices from elements of the Department of Defense (DOD), General Services Administration (GSA), National Security-Agency (NSA), and other agencies, bureaus, and departments of the U. S. Government, and billing adjustments through the Interdepart- mental Support Branch IDSB not apply to actions 25X1A initiated by the for which authorities. and responsibilities are published in separate SDI's. 2. POLICY a. Logistical support will be as outlined in the instruc- tions listed below and through mutual understandings with other elements of the U. S. Government. Approved For Release 2002/05/02 FCIA-FtbFE7 05599AO00200030003-7 S E C R E T Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA=RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 SUPPLY DIVISION INSTRUCTION NO. 45-93 SDI 45-93 b. Requisitioning, the resolution of discrepancies, and requests for billing adjustments shall conform to the policy and procedures of the supplying activity. 3. LIAISON a. IDSB is responsible for liaison through established channels with DOD and Federal civilian agencies on matters of materiel support. b. Plans and Programs Staff/OL is responsible for liaison on matters affecting materiel support policy by DOD and establishing DOD contacts and channels. c. Security Staff/OL is responsible for liaison on mat- ters pertaining to clearances for manufacturers to be awarded contracts by other U. S. Government elements on behalf of the Agency. 4. -RESPONSIBILITIES IDSB is responsible for: a. Intercommunications with U. S. Government elements in all matters pertaining to materiel support and/or services. b. Submitting requisitions, e.g., DD Forms 1348, 1348m, 1348-4, 448, and letter requests supplemented with Organization Form 2216 as appropriate. c. Requesting data not immediately available in stan- dard catalogs and publications, e.g., technical, avail- ability, and price information. S E C R E T Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 S E C R E T Approved For Release 2002/05/02: CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 SUPPLY DIVISION INSTRUCTION SDI 45-93 NO. 45-93 d. Reordering and cancelling to the satisfaction of the requisitioning office, items lost in transit, found to be erroneous, damaged or defective at the time of or subsequent to delivery. e. Submitting requests for billing adjustments involving consequential discrepancies and advising the Office of Finance (OF) of such actions. f Appealing adverse decisions to requests for billing adjustments. Appeals will be made at the discretion of the Chief, Supply Division and submitted to the_comptr.ol- ler of the supply activity through OF. g.. Furnishing receiving activities, requisitioning offices, and Budget & Fiscal Branch/OL, copies of Organization requisition Forms 2216 and letter requests, including those for cancellations and reordered items. h.. Furnishing receiving activities receiving reports (9 part) Organization Form 2216a for each order placed with U. S. Government supply activities. i.. Furnishing receiving activities a daily listing of Government order numbers (Julian date, serial number, etc.) cross-referenced to the Organization assigned vouch- er number. j. Advising receiving activities through the Central Control and Distribution Branch (CCDB) of action to be taken when materiel received is discrepant. k. Furnishing receiving activities Form 1348-1 (ship- ping document) when discrepant materiel is to be rede- livered to the supplier. 1. Requesting rent for use of U. S. Government facil- ities for contractors. Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05589A000200030003-7 S E C R E T S E C R E T Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 SUPPLY DIVISION INSTRUCTION NO. 45-93 SDI 45-93 in. Registering and licensing, including obtaining DOD registry numbers, for Agency-owned motor vehicles. n. Submitting requests and transferring funds to U. S. Government elements for research and development contracts, technical studies at universities and routine logistical support. o. Submitting requests for the repair and/or modification of SC-1 materiel by or through U. S. Government elements. 5. PROCEDURES a. Internal procedural instructions necessary for the implementation of this SDI are to be prepared by IDSB. Such instructions are to contain guidelines for: (1) Preparing, distributing and filing-of documen- tation and reports. (2) Providing receiving activities with feeder data for identifying incoming shipments. (3) Advising depots of action to be taken in con- nection with consequential discrepancies per Reference (a). (4) Contacting U. S. Government activities on matters related to materiel support and/or services. (5) Preparing requests for amended billings: appeal- ing adverse decision to such requests. b. Reference Material: (1) DOD Operating Manual, Militar Standard Reguuisi- t'ioning and Issue Procedure, (short title, MILSTRIP) DOD 4140. 17-M. Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 S E C R E T S E C R E T Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 SUPPLY DIVISION INSTRUCTION NO. 45-93 (2) GSA Federal' 'Standard Requisitioning' and Issue Procedures, s- ort title, FEDSTRIP Handbook .-26.2, (3) "Issue of Supplies and Equipment, Headquarters, Department of Army," AR 725-50. (4) Bureau of Supplies and Accounts (BUSANDA) Oper- ating Handbook NAVSTRIP, NAVSANDA Publication 408. (5) Air Force Manual (AFM) 67-1, Part 4, Headquarters USAF, Washington, D. C. (6) Defense Supply Agency, Headquarters, "Outline Procedures for Amended Billings to Defense Stock Fund Customers Under Specific Conditions," DSAR 7420.2. Chief, Supply Division, OL 6. ORGANIZATION To accomplish its mission and function, the IDSB struc- ture has the below listed sections; Distribution: E plus 5 cyc IDSB (additional) Approved For Release 2002/0'0: EII-RpPf8-05599A000200030003-7 25X1A Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 SECRET 5. Requisitioning or procuring of supplies and equipment from source agencies using the ADP FEDSTRIP (GSA) and MILSTRIP (DSA) formats, such acquisitions to include prior determination of proper sources, the issue priority involved in each case and the MILSTRIP transportation requirements if applicable. 6. Receiving requirements for and processing of sales or loans of property to other Government agencies, and arranging for acquisition of equipment or materiel from another Government agency on a loan basis. 7. Submitting requests and transferring funds to other U. S. Government agencies for research and development contracts and for technical and logistical support services. 8. Processing of discrepancy reports received from the Central Control and Distribution Branch, Supply Division( CCDB/SD) and resolving consequential discrepancies resulting from receipt of materiel from inter-departmental sources by negotiation with cleared contacts. 9. Checking with inter-departmental sources on the supply and/ or transportation status of items requisitioned, and advising CCDB or customer activities as appropriate as to the results. 10. Furnishing technical guidance to Agency components and other SD elements in resolving problems relating to item identification, priorities, and action sources in obtaining experimental, non- stock or unusual items. 11. Registering and licensing of motor vehicles obtained from inter-departmental and commercial sources. Approved For Release 2002/05/O'2': -RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 ^ ^NNI VVGaa 1 VI 1\GIGQJG LVVLI~~il~-1\Vr I V-V ~J~JNNAVVVLVVVJVVVJ-I 12. Coordinating with the Office of Finance (OF/AD/L) on matters relating to payment of billings and transfers of funds to other U. S. Government agencies. 13. Maintaining a close and continuous liaison with Logistics and SD elements in providing an efficient supply support operation. 14. The Chief, IDSB, has the delegated authority to approve requisition and other actions up to $50,000. Actions with a cost exceeding this figure are referred to Chief, SD, for approval. Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 TAB Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 S E C R E T ATTACHMENT 11 *~. Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 CENTRAL CONTROL AND DISTRIBUTION BRANCH The functions of the Central Control and Distribution Branch are as follows: 1. Serves as a central control center to receive, process and take appropriate action on: a. All incoming requisitions and property turn- ins received from domestic and field activities. b. All requests, telephonic or written, concern- ing status or other information related to items ordered or turned in. 2. Maintain master voucher and document control logs for all requisitions and other supply documentation received. 3. Review all incoming requisitions, including cable and dispatch requests, for accuracy of content, cost data and completeness and prepare requisitions in proper format for II requests as required. 4. Perform a modified follow-up and expedite by exception action on items requisitioned using the guidelines listed below: a. Follow-up and expedite action will be used for all requisitions when items requested are: (1) Required for clandestine operations on a short deadline basis. (2) Ordnance, airborne, agent communication or technical services (except for stock). (3) For a special communications or para- military project with a relatively short deadline. (4) Urgently required medical items. (5) Perishable or have characteristics that require special handling. (6) Administrative items wherein expedite delivery is politic. S E C R E T Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A00(Y200030003-7 Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 b. Requisitions that are for stock, or are routine by nature will not receive a special or automatic follow-up and expedite servicing. c. A follow-up action will be made on any requisition upon specific request, oral or written, by a customer activity. 6. Conduct follow-up on requisition and item status with Supply Division (SD) and Procurement Division (PD) components to determine status of customer requisitions. 7. Advise customers as to requisition status telephoni- cally or by using standardized format (Form 1598) on automatic followups as listed above, or when responding to a direct query for information. Prepare cable or dispatch advices when required. 8. Upon-notification of consequential discrepancies by SD depots or customer activities, advise the concerned PD compo- nent or Interdepartmental Support Branch as applicable, setting forth in writing full details as to overages, shortages, damages, estimated costs and carrier liability (if any ascertained), and follow up to ensure that all discrepancies are satisfactorily resolved. 9. Maintain liaison with customer activities on matters concerning funds certifications (PRA or PPA), rescheduling of priority deadlines, item substitutions and preferred methods of shipment. 10. Reproduce and distribute action and information copies of all requisitions, property turn-ins and other supply docu- mentation. 11. Maintain master voucher files on current basis. 12. Record receiving and shipment information for ADP system through use of machine terminals. S E C R. B T Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 SUPPLY DIVISION INSTRUCTION SDI 45-62 NO. 45-62 (Revised) CENTRAL CONTROL AND DISTRIBUTION BRANCH References: (a) Logistics Instruction (LI) 1-5 .(b) Supply Division Instruction (SDI) 45-71 Recissions: (a) Supply Division Instruction (SDI) 45-62 dtd 16 May 72 1. PURPOSE To establish policy, responsibilities, and redelegate certain authorities set forth in the references. It pertains to the processing of requisitions, expedite and follow-up procedures, coordinate action taken on consequential discre- pancies, voucher and document control and distribution and maintaining the master voucher files. 2. MISSION To serve as the focal point for the receipt and process- ing of requisitions, furnishing status information in connec- tion therewith, and maintaining an appropriate follow-up system.. 3. DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY The Chief, Central Control and Distribution Branch (OL/SD/CCDB) is delegated the authority to approve customer requisitions for nonstock items, except airborne and ordnance, in an amount not in excess of $50,000. 4. LIAISON Maintain liaison with intra-Agency requisitioning and technical offices on matters involving approvals, funds, priorities, substitutions, and preferred methods of shipment. S E C R E T Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599AQ00200030003-7 Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 SUPPLY DIVISION INSTRUCTION SDI 45-62 NO. 45-62 (Revised) 5. RESPONSIBILITIES a. Maintain voucher and document control registers and assign voucher and'control numbers for requisi- tions processed by the Supply Division (SD). b. Ensure that all requisitions bear appropriate signatures. c. Forward requisitions to Supply Management Branch for review and source determination. e. Reproduce copies and make distribution of requi- sitions as required. f. Prepare requisitions for materiels acceptable substitutes are available, when deadline deliveries cannot be met, of estimated revised delivery dates, and alternate methods of shipment. h. Coordinate on consequential discrepancies reported by-receiving activities, forward reports of discrepan- cies to proper SD or Procurement Division (PD) components for action and followup to ensure discrepancies are re- solved. 2 S E C R E T Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 S E C R E T Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 SUPPLY DIVISION INSTRUCTION SDI 45-62 (Revised) i. Establish and maintain master voucher files to be utilized jointly by SD and PD offices. 6. ORGANIZATION The OL/SD/CCDB consists of three sections: a. 25X1A b . 7. GENERAL Internal procedures necessary for the implementation of this Instruction shall be prepared by OL/SD/CCDB. Such pro- cedures are to contain definitive guidelines for: a. Posting requisition, document control and voucher number registers; b. Preparing requisitions in response to or 25X1A other written requests; c. Perform screening of requisitions to ensure ac- curacy and completeness; d. Reproducing and distributing requisitions; e. Establishing, maintaining, and retiring of voucher files; f. Establishing expedite, followup and customer noti- fication system; g. Coordinating receiving discrepancies; and h. Machine-sensible recording of receiving and shipment information. S E C R E T Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599AQ0D200030003-7 S E C R E T Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 SUPPLY DIVISION INSTRUCTION SDI 45-62 NO. 45-62 (Revised) These procedural guidelines are to be made a supplement to this Instruction. Chief, upp y ivision, OL Distribution: F Plus: J - MWD (Additional) 4 - OL/SD/CCDB (Additional) S E C R E T Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : v 05599A000200030003-7 CHIEF, CENTRAL CONTROL & DISTRIBUTION BRANCH (CCDB) I. Duties and Responsibilities The Chief, CCDB, under the direction of the Chief, Supply Division (SD), is responsible for the supervision and guidance of personnel engaged in: 1. Receiving all incoming requisitions for vouchering and forwarding to Supply Management Branch for processing. 2. Receiving cable and dispatch requests and prepar- ing requisitions and other supply documentation in proper format as required. 3. Receiving and taking action on all requests, telephonic or written, concerning supply, procurement or transportation status related to supplies and equipment ordered or turned in. 4. Maintaining the SD master voucher and document control logs for all requisitions and other supply documentation received. 5. Controlling and coordinating requisitions being processed within the supply system to ensure that deadlines are met and customer activities are kept apprised as to item status. 6. Performing a modified follow-up and expediting action on selected requisitions and/or items ordered using the following guidelines: a. When requisitions or items are required for ,clandestine operations on a priority or short deadline basis. Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA RROP7M105599AG00200030003-7 Approved For Release 2002/05/0RP78-05599A000200030003-7 d. Urgently required medical items. e. When items are perishable or have characteristics that require special handling. f. All cases where expedite handling is politic. g. When follow-up action is requested by a customer. 7. Serving as the focal point to receive reports of conse- quential discrepancies, forwarding these reports to other OL components for action and monitoring to ensure the discrepancies are resolved. 8. Maintaining continuous daily working liaison with customer activities and OL components such as the General Purchase Branch, Procurement Division, Interdepartmental Support and Supply Manage- concerning supply, purchase and shipping status of items, funds certifications, (PRA and PPA), rescheduling deadlines, and methods of shipment. 9. Initiating correspondence, cables, dispatches and stan- ment Branches, Supply Division, dard form reports in replying to queries from and on other matters relating to requirements, availability of assets, substitutions and general supply/procurement support. and furnishing advice concerning supply/shipment status Approved For Release 2002/0t-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : IQ-48-05599AO00200030003-7 10. Maintaining a centrall Idistribution system to provide adequate copies of all supply documents required by customer activities, technically cognizant offices and other OL components. 11. Serving as a focal point for ADP input actions, viz operating machine terminals to record receiving and shipping .information for the ADP system. 12. Maintaining the SD master voucher files on a current basis. 13. The Chief, CCDB, is also responsible for preparing writ- ten internal procedural instructions governing branch activities and for the implementation of SD directives and instructions that apply to the operation of the Branch. Approved For Release 2002/05/02, KL~.F P78-05599AQ00200030003-7 Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 TAB Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 S E C R E T Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 25X1A 25X1A The functions of the Depot are as follows: 1. Maintain the primary Agency stocks of communication, administrative, medical, engineering, electrical, housekeep- ing and photographic supplies and equipment required to sup- port domestic and overseas activities. 2.. Determine and make recommendations concerning re- quirements for and reconfiguration of storage space, selection of specialized cargo vehicles and materiels handling equipment 25X1A and supplies needed to maintain 17 operations. 3. Develop and prepare Agency-wide standards relative. to storage, preservation and packaging of stocks and operation of warehouses, storage layout, materiels handling and operating procedures. 4.. Perform surveillance of stocks on a periodic basis and carry out maintenance/repair and rehabilitation of stocked items to include use of preservation methods and repackaging where required. S. Maintain and repair special purpose vehicles, mate- riels handling and other equipment used in depot operations. 7. Schedule and conduct annual (cyclic) physical inven- tories of stocks, including spot or sampling inventories where required. To ensure that stocks are effectively con- trolled and that the stock records accurately reflect quanti- ties of supplies and equipment on hand. Prepare reports of inventory adjustment as required. 8. Schedules stock issue, packing and crating and ship- ment actions to conform with required dates specified by customers and by the Supply Management Branch to ensure prompt response to priority and other needs. In connection ,therewith, maintain tight control over processing and status of all requisition requests to assist with follow-up and expedite actions. Approved For Release 2002/05/02 :FCl9-F FF?8T05599A000200030003-7 Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 9. Receive, inspect and ensure accuracy of all incoming shipments of materiel for stock or for customer activities, prepare receiving documents, make preliminary investigation as to cause and extent of any consequential discrepancies, and prepare discrepancy reports for forwarding to Central Control and Distribution Branch. c. Scheduling of cargo shipments to meet deadlines.' d. Preparation and issuance of Government bills of lading and shipping documents. e. Documenting materiel for movement via pouch channels. 11. Conduct liaison with the General Services Administration and other U. S. Government agencies and authorized commercial facilities to accomplish the disposal or sale of obsolete, excess or surplus and unserviceable Agency property, to include delivery of such property to disposal or sale sites and preparation of disposal documentation. 12. Conduct liaison with other SD elements and the Procurement Division/OL concerning receipt, storage, identi- fication, issue and disposal of supplies and equipment, and with technically cognizant Agency components such as the Office of Communications and Medical Services and the Technical Services with respect to receipt, storage and handling of cog- nizant and allocated stocks. Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 S E C R E T Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 13. Review and prepare appropriate recommendations with respect to alterations and improvements to existing storage facilities. 14. Provides space to and supports cognizant Agency component technical inspection facilities. 15. Plan, coordinate and administer management control programs involving work measurement tools, storage reports and such analyses as may be required. S E C R E T Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 25X1A L Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 SUPPLY DIVISION INSTRUCTION SDI 45-92 NO. 45-92 2. MISSION Receipt, inspection, storage, surveillance, rehabilita- tion, issue, packing, and shipment of communication, adminis- trative, medical, ordnance, and photographic supplies and equipment to support domestic and overseas activities. Ad- ditional functions are preparation of documentation pertaining to receipt, shipment, disposal or sale of Agency property and the disposal of excess materiel-through established U. S. Government channels. 3. DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY The Chief, delegated those erence (k). 4. LIAISON Q or in his absence the Deputy Chief is , authorities contained in paragraph 3d of ref- a. With other Supply Division elements on matters con- cerning: (1) Receipt of materiel from vendors or inter- departmental sources for stock, materiel received as a result of turn-in actions, materiel intended requisitions. (5) Delivery and/or shipment of supplies and equipment. (6) Storage and handling of ordnance materiel. for customer activities. (2) Processing and status of (3) Materiel identification. (4) Inventory discrepancies. 3 S E C R E T Approved For Kelease 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A060200030003-7 Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 SUPPLY DIVISION INSTRUCTION SDI 45-92 NO. 45-92 b. With the Procurement Division with respect to receipt of shipments from vendors, modification and/or repair of equipment by contract, consequential discrep- ancies arising from receipt of vendor shipments. C. With other Government agencies and commercial firms concerning the transportation of materiel, the packing of selected items and the disposal or sale of obsolete, excess or surplus equipment. d. With technically cognizant Agency offices, i.e., Communications, Technical Services, and Medical Services on matters pertaining to storage and handling of cogni- zant stocks, allocated stocks and receiving of technical items. S. RESPONSIBILITIES a. Receipt, storage, disposal and issue of supplies and equipment obtained for support of Agency domestic and overseas requirements. b. Surveillance maintenance and rotation of materiel stored at thelI c. Packing, crating, boxing, or otherwise readying supplies and equipment for shipment. d. Preparation of reports of inventory adjustment (RIA's) and supply documentation covering receipt, shipping/delivery and disposal or sale of supplies and equipment. e. Maintaining serial number records of weapons and recording the numbers of serialized equipment when issued from stock. f. Maintaining special purpose vehicles and materiels handling equipment. S E C R E T Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 S E C R E T Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 SUPPLY DIVISION INSTRUCTION NO. 45-92 SDI 45-92 h. Scheduling inventories and conducting cyclic, spot and "sampling" inventories of materiel in stock and preparing inventory adjustments where required. i. Approving RIA's involving administrative adjust- ments and such other RIA's specified in paragraph 3d of reference (k). j. Develops and maintains standards applicable to preservation and packaging of materiel. k. Researches and develops locator and storage systems. 1. Maintains control over processing and scheduling of shipments to assure timely delivery and to assist with followup and expedite procedures. 6. ORGANIZATION To accomplish its mission and responsibilities, the Depot has three operating branches and one control unit under the direct supervision of the Chief, viz: a. Materiel Facilities Branch b._ Freight Traffic Branch Receiving Branch Office of the Chief) Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 SUPPLY DIVISION INSTRUCTION SDI 45-92 NO. 45-92 7. GENERAL 25X1A The Chief, "will ensure that internal procedures and instructions are prepared for use as functional guidelines within each Depot element. Such procedures and instructions are to supplement this instruction. Chief, Supply Division, OL Distribution: S E C R E T Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000260030003-7 Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 TAB Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 25X1A L Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 Next 4 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7 ~~. FORM NO . REPLACES FORM 36-8 I FEB 55 24 I WHICH MAY L.: USED. TRANSMITTAL SLIP ------- DATE 8 April 74 ----- TO: Acting ------------ Director of Lo istics ROOM NO. 1206 BUILDING Ames REMARKS: FROM: C/p&PS/OL ROOM NO. I BUILDING 1236 Ames EXTENSION 3357 Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05599A000200030003-7