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Approved For Release 2000/04 : CIA-RDP78-05597A0004000300a211-7 NIS COMMITTEE MEETING NO. 179 5 October 1954 Mo cKR E~4 CL1$S, ED ~D~GIf a;_.:y CLASS F1s $S S 1. The following were present: NUT ,_ 0 AUT9H- hey 3 -2 Mr. Clinton State DA NO]C-s - 0 Mr. Kain State Colonel Picknel.1 Army Lieut. Madden Navy 25 A.9ftrickland Air Force CIA (Chairmn) CIA (Vice Chairman) 2, SEC Forecast Copies of a proposed reply to the Chairman, SEC, prepared by the Chairman, NIS Committee against the background of discussions held at NIS Committee Meetings No. 177 and 178 were distributed to the members. The memorandum was approved with the inclusion of maintenance as well as production requirements for Chapter VII and Section 17. The Chairman said he would discuss the NIS requirements for scientific intelligence with the Chairman, SEC to make certain there was full under- standing of this matter. 3. Treatment for NIS 39 In accordance with agreement reached at the last meetirog, the State member had prepared and distributed to all members copies of a State proposal dated 27 September 1954 for separate treatment of Chapters IV, V, and VI on _NIS 39 (China) in three groupings= Communist China; Nationalist China; Hong Kong and Macao. The necessity for separate treatment of Communist and Nationalist China for. Chapter VI stems from the fact that CIA has been allocated production responsibility for Communist China, while State retains responsibility for Nationalist China, Hong Kong and Ma ao. The further separation of Hong Kong and Macao is desirable since their treatment would be quite different from that of Nationalist China. State's proposal also considered the maintenance problem and held that a similar treatment to that proposed for Chapter VI would be best suited for maintenance of Chapters IV and V. Approved For Release 2000/08/04: CIA- ;[ F - %"000400030021-7 Approved For Release 2000/08/04: CIA-RDP78-05597A000400030021-7 The Committee discussed the proposal at some length and reached agreement in principle on State's proposal. It was felt, however, that the differences in complexity of the situations in the three areas should be reflected in the treatment given them; in consequence, that only Communist China required complete section by section maintenance. It was therefore suggested that: a, Maintenance Sections on Communist China be done separately as required; b. Maintenance on Nationalist China be done in consolidated chapters; e. Hong Kong and Macao be treated together as annexes to Chapters IT, V, and VI. The State member said he would refer the suggestion to his agency and report State's views at the next meeting, 4. Revision of Contributor Statements for Chaaer,II By memorandum under date of 1 October 19 h, subject: "Recommended Revisions of Contributor Statements; NIS Chapter II", the Chapter II Coordinator recommended that the revised statements below be substituted for the statements contained in the approved list: "a. Section 20 -- This Section was prepared for the NIS under the general supervision of the AC of 5, 0-2, Department of the Army, by the Office of the Chief of Engineers. Material on weather, climate, and air approaches was prepared by the Department of the Air Force, Air Weather Service; material on coasts and landing beaches and sea approaches by the Department of the Navy, Office of Naval. Intelligence and the rdrographic Office. "b. Section 21 -- This Section was Prepared for the NIS under the general supervision of the AC of S, 0.2, Department of the Army, by the Office of the Chief of Engineers. Material on weather and climate was prepared by the Department of the Air Force, Air Weather Service; material on coasts and landing beaches by the Department of the Navy, Office of Naval Intelligence." The Air Force member will check and advise the Chairman of his agency's views. The other members approved the revisions. subsequently, the Air Force approved the revisions] -2- Approved For Release 2000/08/04: CIA-RDP78-05597A000400030021-7 Approved For Release 2000/0 /04: CIA-RDP78-05597A0004000300~211-7 The Chairman requested that when a change of contributor occurs t h4 ?oor'd ina tar include this information In the letter of transmittal so that it may be inserted in the new contributors' statement. 5o Section 45 The Chairman reviewed the developments of Committee action (refer to NIS Committee Meetings No. 169 through 173) since the receipt of memorandum from the Assistant Chief of Staff, 0-2 to the DCI of 5 April 1954 recommending the reallocation of responsibility for Section 45 (Health and Sanitation). In accordance with the recommendation of the subcommittee appointed to examine this question, the Office of scientific intelligence, CIA had studied the requirements for assuming this responsibility and had determined that it would require the development of an entirely new capability. The matter was reviewed by CIA and decision set forth in a memorandum from the Director of Central Intelligence to the Assistant Chief of Staff, 0-2, dated 1 October 1954, subject: "National Intelligence Surveys", as follows: "1. By reference memorandum you recommend that the Department of the Army (Office of the Surgeon General) be relieved of the production responsibility for NIS Section 45 - Health and Sanitation. The Department of the Army has had this responsibility since the beginning of the NIS Program, but you indicate that this responsi- bility seriously impairs the capability of the Surgeon General to- produce intelligence more useful to military medicine, You further state that the Central Intelligence Agency is now believed to be the appropriate agency to prepare Section 45. "2, PursuE to your recommendation, the NIS Committee examined this matter and concluded that, were the Department of the Army to be relieved of this responsibility, the Office of Scientific Intelligence, CIA, would be the best, qualified of the remaining intelligence agencies to,undertaake the production responsibility for Section 45, "3. However, the Office of Scientific Intelligence is concerned only with fundamental research in the basic sciences. The assump- tion of the production responsibility for Section 45 would, there- fore, require the development of an entirely new capability by this Agency. "4, While certain aspects of Section 45 may well extend beyond the immediate field and interests of military medicine, they would appear to have a bearing on military planning and on such activities as Military Government. It would thus seem that this broader require- ment is appropriately vested in the Defense Department where the military aspects can be given fundamental emphasis. ~AltIJ Approved For Release 2000/08/04: CIA-RQPM-05597A000400030021-7 Approved For Release 2000/0$/04: CIA-RDP78-05597A0004000300 7 "5.? I have therefore concluded that the production responsi- bility for Section 45 should not be assumed try this Agency, I appreciate the difficulties faced by all of the intelligence agencies in carrying out their assigned missions, yet the importance of the NIS Program to the national security is such as to require the continual fulfillment of production responsibilities appropriate to those missions. /s/ Allen W. Dulles /t/ ALLEN W. DULLJZ Director" 6. Rescheduling of Army Sections The Chairman noted that in the last NIS progress report Army indicated a rescheduling of 6 sections from FY 1955, schedule to FY 195,6 schedule, Since this will require NIS Committee approval, the Army member was requested to present the matter as a formal proposal. The Army member said he ;Alook into the situation as he was unfamiliar with the details. 7. 25X6A The A 'member requested the following information respecting a. What will be the uniform treatment of material marked "Restricted", What will uniform handling of controls with regard to The Chairman advised that: a, The general policies on the subject require that "Restricted" material of a foreign government be held at the lowest 25X1X7 classification of our Goverment, which is "Confidential". The Committee agreed that "Restricted" elements of should be classified "Confidentia$6;1 d that if a controlstatement was necessary, it should probably be, Before the Committee takes formal action, the matter should be referred for their views. The Chairman will take the necessary action. Approved For Release 2000/08/04: CIA=R,787-V5597A000400030021-7 Approved For Release 200./0$/04: CIA-RDP78-05597A0004000300 7 8. NIS Production The Chairman reviewed status of NIS production for the first quarter of FT 1955 and reported the following: Sections Scheduled Sections Delivered Percent Complete State 27 16 59 % Army 58 39 67 Navy 13 11 85 Air Force 6 1 17 CIA-D/act 10 10 100 CIA-F1 8 4 50 CIA-OSI 1 4 400 CIA-ORR 0 CIA?-D/B 2 2 100 Total 125 87 70% While the average fulfillment of schedule by all agencies is 70%, which is approximately the same as the production status at this time in the past several years, several of the agencies are well 'below average and should bend every effort to correct their deficiencies. The members were requested to examine the production situations in their respective agencies and report their findings at the next meeting. 9. NIS Scheduling for Tidonesia The Chairman said that because of the possibilities of Indonesia becoming a critical area, the Committee should re-examine the production schedules on that area to see what could be done to augment them. He noted the present status of NIS, as follows: STATUS OF NI3 100 INDONESIA Sections Sections in Published -Process in R/B Chapter III Chapter II See. 36 Sac. 22 Pt I 22 Pt VI 23 Supplement V No, of Secs. 1 Sections Scheduled Fri 55 F7 6 Chapter II 221I-ITN 22III-JUN 221V- JAN 22V-JUN 25 -MAT Chapter! III 35-JUN Supplement I Oct 1954 Unscheduled Outstanding Sections Chapter II 20 21 24 Chapter III Chaiter III 31-AUG 32-FEB 33-SEP 37-SEP 38-MAT Chapter VIII 80-NOV 81-WT 83-MAR Chapter IX-DEC 30 Chapter IV., V, VI Ehtire Chapter VIII AZ- 28 Approved For Release 2000/08/04: CIA-RDP78Ff05597A000400030021-7 Approved For Release 200Q/0$/04: CIA-RDP78-05597A000400030021-7 10, Production Planning Schedules The Chairman reminded the members tea t the production planning schedules are due in on 12'October 19511 (see NIS Committee Meeting Noe 177). He asked that copies be sent to each of the other members when the schedules are forwarded to D/B so that each member will have an opportunity to study the broad, long range picture. The schedules will be consolidated in D/B for the next meeting of the HIS Committee. 11. The next meeting of the NIS Committee will be held at 1000 hours on Tuesday, 19 October 1954. Distributions 4 - NIS Committee 1 - Se , JIG 1 - SA[PC/DCI 1 - DD/I 1-AX/RR 1 s. AD/SI 1-?Ch/C 3 - Ch/0 7 - D/B Approved For Release 2000/08/04: CIA-RDP78?05597A000400030021-7