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REORGANIZATION of NIS Activities ryv,?od -For elease 1999/09/01 : CIA-RDP78-05597A000300090003-2 #542 2"a lication Division became Production Services Branch of ED -- on 25 May 1970 Approved For Release 1999/09/01 : CIA-RDP78-05597A000300090003-2 Approved For Release 1999/09/01 : CIA-RDP78-05597A000300090003-2 Approved For Release 1999/09/01 : CIA-RDP78-05597A000300090003-2 Approved For Release 19 lA-RDP78-05597A000300090003-2 NIS COMMITTEE MEETINGS - ao92. Approved For Release 1999109 -RDP78-05597A000300090003-2 Approved For Release 1999/09/01 : CIA-RDP78-05597A000300090003-2 Approved For Release 1999/09/01 : CIA-RDP78-05597A000300090003-2 AbbOuAC Y RATnN08 # 80 17 Oct 50: Consideration of changes in present system # 85 5 rApPWve' hF R Teasel / }9t104:)pel ROP78-05597A000300090003-2 #128 1 Apr 52: AF request to re-examine basis for ratings; study undertaken #134 18 June 52: " it full discussion of on basis for ratings #135 1 July 52: Return of edited manuscripts/ graphics to help determine basis for ratings #137 19 Aug 52 : " if to State only when requested #147 18 Mar 53: " it if practice to continue #263 8 Apr 58: deletion "minimum" Cat. II; category f-famework considered sound. #439 16 Feb 66: NIS Comm. advised Category Adequacy Ratings are discontinued. (not recorded in proceedings) Approved For Release 1999/09/01 : CIA-RDP78-05597A000300090003-2 AGENCY NIS Control and Coordination #218 24 Apr 56: Continuity effective im l ementa n m m is i it in a en i 9 p Zp l n Approve4~FgLe@seI9t`9Fr~aCr~zh ~ c g c es, ination. #219 8 May 56: progress status, review of. #223 17 Jul 56: " ''' /I Navy's directive submitted. #236 22 Jan 57: " " If #238 19 Feb 57: State's directive under preparation. #242 16 Apr 57: Army's directive disseminated. #243 30 Apr 57: Air Force " " Approved For Release 1999/09/01 : CIA-RDP78-05597A000300090003-2 ALLOCATION Olt' PRODUCTION T SPONSIBXLITY t see also Ch VII card 1. 2O ug.481 SGO's capabilities to produce 10 Secs 45 during current year. 11 20 AVe?rt~~~~t9~ei~Per7iQ-~iQiQO~11U~stadt Comm # 11 20 Oct 48: Sec. 35 and Supp. I - Army-Navy to work out changes in allocation. # 11. 20 Oct 48: Special ;maps and plans, agencies are responsible for producing. # 23 1 Mar 49: Sec.,:, 23, responsibility. # 29 5 May 49: Sec. 92 responsibility to Army. # 67 9 May 50: Ch VI subsections, evaluative economic material assigned to State. # 78 3 Oct 50: Proposed revisions of, approval State-Army-Navy; AF deferred. # 79 10 Oct 50: If " AF final approval (except Ch VII pending) # 82 31 Oct 50: " If Ch VII allocations approved. #103 24 Apr 51: Sec 23 responsibility re-affirmed (refer #23) #169 20 Apr 54: Proposal for "Joint Concurrence" in lieu of "Joint Assistance"-Sec 55-6-11 #172 25 May 54: "Joint Assistance" with interpretation of mutual responsibilities accepted #172 25 May 54: Sec 45 reallocation - subcommittee report considers OSI best qualified #173 8 June 54: Sec 45 - OSI examining capabilities for assuming add'l responsibilities #175 3 Aug 54: CH VI (SovBloc) allocation transfer to ORR - DCI memo quoted. #179 5.Oct 54: Sec 45 reallocation from SGO to OSI denied in DCI memo as quoted. #186 21 Dec 54: Sec 45 it discussions held CIA/Army; memo on to SGO. 16 Mar 55: Sec 45 If special meeting on (see reports in Sec 45 file) #192 29 Mar 55: Sec 45 it agreement; CIA to produce with Army assistance. #209 8 Dec 55 Sec 64 Army proposal #210 13 ec 55: Sec 64 taken under review. #211 10 r, yeck p6ReIease 1999/@ 4 rid - R~~le~ 87 3?@~9 t vie,Army ALLOCATION.4P .r kMUC 'IONR.ESPONSIBILITY i see a19o Ch VTT card 221 12 rune 56, Secs .18, 80, ChVITT .overall coordination to revert to.Arm 1 July 1957. #222 26 ~t caQd+For Release 4999/09/01 : 0lA-RDP78-05597A009~QAqg0M-? al #263 8 Apr 58: Sec. 23 on NIS 69 - maintenance responsibility allocated to Navy. #322 25 Oct 60: Section allocation & credit under new Ch IX outline approved. #331 14 Mar 61: Sec 45 = reallocation certain subtopics from Army to OSI/CIA, approved. #336 23 May 61: State NIS production responsibilities - transfer of to CIA 1 July 1961. #344 3 Oct 61: " it it it new allocations formally concluded. #345 17. Oct 61: Sec 93 to Army with 93E from CIA; 94E contribution from Army. #455 12 Oct 66: Sec 45 Free World from OSI/ CIA to DIA, effective I Jan 67 #455 12 Oct 66: Sec 45 - OSI will continue Bloc areas with DLA support military med. #442 30 Mar 66: Revision of approved for inclusion new NIS Standard Instructions #480 8 Nov 67: Sec 45 - Bloc areas from OSI to DIA . Approved For Release 1999/09/01 : CIA-RDP78-05597A000300090003-2 ANNEXES 37. 23 Aug 49: TS material to be published as TS 25X s in separate T~~Snnbinders. #178 21 myetEo ?eifasq~ ~41atgl~-;.?,9~~kg7 APgRA-?3-II. as new NIS production unit approved for Vatican, etc. #199 #221 12 July 55: Annex approved for 5 NIS entities 12 June 56: Annex on SAAR discontinued. #251 #288 3 Sep 57: 5 May 59: HongKong/Macao separate treatment but bound Ch I on NIS 39B. Annex proposal on special areas. #298 6 Oct 59: Coverage special areas - State to submit views on development new annexs #300 10 Nov 59: State proposal: Annex treatment for Nepal to Ch I on India approved. #304 19 Jan 60: Intellofax listing of films on Nepal, useful to producers Annex on Nepal. #326 10 Jan 61: NIS 35A designation Nepal changes Annex to Ch I (refer #300) Approved For Release 1999/09/01 : CIA-RDP78-05597A000300090003-2 I.Todag UT ueTd $AOD oT saSueua a40u oT, aaj4TLU -TOD SINI - 1709-I'\I- IISfl 4uauxaa.z.0e pue 3o uotssnosTp - pea.x 43eap 19 '3 Tuauxaaai~e pue 3o uoissnastp - peaa a.3eap 09 A,3 4uauxaaax9e pue 3o uOTssnostp - peaa T.3eap 65 A.3 saaguiaux TTe 04 paseaTaa 3o satdoo `Taodoa 85 T,3 ttlO i paqnmt4sut spaeme Tenuue 4s T s apnTo"T - pea.T T.3eap 85 A3 Approved For Release 19991 Ott erofutA?ccR8M$97A@QQBD009QR08aZ Lz II L9 A3 :L9 .ny 9T 11 99 A3 sa$uetTo uteTaao u;ttn 11 59 2~3 SISfl o; $utpaernao3 ao3 pano.Tdde 179 A3 Tuautaaa~?e pine 3o uoissnostp -pea.x ;3e.zp #9 J ,j zoToTa.zatT se I0Q ueTA Ta -t e-T qISfl `ueutateLTo oT pa;;tuxgns ;.xodaa Z9 A3 sa$uetlo ZI3trn panoadde pue poM tnaa ;T-e.zp 79 ,3 aoueuxao3aad 3o uODU'efTena ao3 SISfl `u'euz.tT o oT I.zoda.z pTnotls pue SISfl';uasaadaa paaaptsuoa A;Toedeo ;.L-q; ut aaT;iuzuzoD aisfl e 3o uxatTD &Tsaantuue ao3 saoquxauT o; aTgeTTene apeut satdoo ;3eap aouenpV saaguxaLu tuoa3 pa;sanbaa `ut asn Toj s;uauxutoj s;uauxuioo To3 saaguxaux o; aTgeTTene apeuz ;aodaa 3o satdoa aau'enpv saaguxaux uxoa3 pa;sanbaa 'UT asn To3 sjuatxxuxoo :89 adV 17z 1617# :99 nV L I : 59 $nV 81 :179 'SnV 61 :#9 5nV L :Z9 fTnf 9Z :79 ATnf 9Z :Z9 ATnf 17Z :T9 ATnf 5Z :09 ATnf 9Z :69 ATnf 8 Z :85 ~?nV ZT :8S ATnf S Z :L5 2nV Z :L5 AeJA 8Z :95 ATnf T# :55(gnv91 :5S k N IS saaguzaux o; aTgeTTene apeux ;aodaa 3o satdoo aauenpV :175 $nv OZ Approved For IORHt-P! 9V?f9'ClA-RDP78-05597A0003000 0ft-fit I saaguxatxx uxoa3 pa;sanbaa `ut asn ao3 s;uauuuo'o :Z5 aunf 01 8L17# SL17# 1517# LZ17# 5017# Z8## 09## 09## 69## 017## 8T## #6Z# 17LZ# SLZ# 057# 517 Z# 17ZZ# IOZ# 96T# 9LT# 17# T# ## I# ANNUAL REPORT OF THE NIS PROGRAM 2. #497 14 Aug 68: FY 68 - draft to members for review #498 21 Approved fvr6Reae-&.A99,9/ Ojpp IRDP78-05597A000300090003-2 #501 25 Sep 68: FY 68 USIB concurrence noted #524 3 Sep 69: FY 69 - draft to members for review #525 10 Sep 69: FY 69 - reviewed and approved #526 1 Oct 69:, FY 69 - USIB concurrence noted #546 15 Jul 70:. FY 70 Members asked to submit suggestions by mid-August #549 2 Sep 70: FY 70 - AF Membandrs mi etdltv, r mine certain AF cost figures #55.1 7 Oct 70: FY 70 -Telephonic approvay NI Committee noted #552 21 Oct 70: FY 70 - USIB concurrence noted #560 16 Jun 71:. FY 71 - Members asked to submit contribatio.ns by end of Jul #56' 11 Aug 71: FY 71 _ y - Members reminded re Annual Report; to discuss at next mt'g #567 6 Oct 71: FY 71 - Draft to members for review #568 22 Oct 71: FY 71 - reviewed and approved for submission to USIB #570 1 Dec 71: FY 71 - USIB concurrence noted (USIB-M-610) #578 5 Jul 72: FY 72 -- Members asked to submit contributions by ifirst week in Aug. #579 13 Sep 72: FY 72 -- DoD cost figs. recd; additional contrib/ideas invited. #580 4 Oct 72: FY 72 -- Draft to members for review by 20 Oct 72. #581 1 Nov 72: FY 72 -- Approved by Committee as of 24 Oct 72. #582 6 Dec 72: FY 72 --- Noted by USIB (USIB-M-632). Approved For Release 1999/09/01 : CIA-RDP78-05597A000300090003-2 ATOMIC ENERGYPeaceful Uses of 1. 223 17 July 56: State proposal req'mt on be incorporated into NIS, particularly 62D #229 2 O'~PP69Vir ~~~ Q~g i $ @iR O 9 AO O O 9 GQ3 eferred. #230 16 Oct 56: Statement to JAEIC on NIS requirements for subcnntributions. #233 4 Dec 56: Statement to JAEIC quoted requesting contributions for extended coverage #236 22 Jan 57: JAEIC reply quoted, agreeing to prepare appropriate contributions; procedures for implementing provisions and liaison outlined. Approved For Release 1999/09/01 : CIA-RDP78-05597A000300090003-2 Approved For Release 1999/09/01 : CIA-RDP78-05597A Approved For Release 1999/09/01 : CIA-RDP78-05597A000300090003-2 BINDERS, Binder Posts, Back Tabs, Covers, etc, j? 4 1 u 48: ec~ pr elease .j) P7g 05597pp003OQOg0003-2 p ~ # 5 16 6 4 . SCRT tope printed on binders # 6 20 Aug 48: shoestring binders to be used initially; metal binder posts later. # 76 29 Aug 50: Each agency to order binder posts directly from GPO. # 84 28 Nov 50: Back tabs for published NIS, approval of # 91 16 Jan 51: " If If issuance of in limited number. # 92 23 Jan 51: It It " volume covers, 3 sets furnished each agency # 140 28 Oct 52: Stapling of published unbound NIS. #156 27 Oct 53: Binders/covers classified SECRET; considered RESTR when detached. Approved For Release 1999/09/01 : CIA-RDP78-05597A000300090003-2 BOUNDARY CHANGES #156 27 Oct 53: Arm roposal for changes in se a # 160 zApp oged For F dease 19 / Pli I n~lg up~~ 3=2 # 161 12 Jan 54: YP f t recommendations Spec. Committee approved. # 163 9 Feb 54: NIS policy on special treatment of reviewed. # 186 21 Dec 54: Base maps showing new boundary Italy & Yugoslavia to all NIS contrib. #200 26 Jul 55: Use of political or admin. boundary between NIS 53 & 54 questioned. #201 16 Aug 55: Approval Admin boundary NIS 53 & 54 as proposed by State. #205 27 Sep 55: Boundary line between NIS 41A.,& $, Army to submit proposal. #206 18 Oct 55: Truce line to serve as boundary btween NIS 41A & 41B. #209 6 Dec 55: Truce line to serve as boundary between NIS 43C & 43D. #213 7 Feb 56: Boundary change NIS 104-XI approved per Navy request. #322 25 Oct 60: Pacific sector NIS 104 Part I incorporated into NIS 105 Part II, approved Approved For Release 1999/09/01 : CIA-RDP78-05597A000300090003-2 Approved For Release 1999/09/01 : CIA-RDP78-05597AO 03-2 Ift C. Approved For Release 1999/09/01 : CIA-RDP78-05597A000300090003-2 CLASSIFICATION POLICIES 4 10 Aug 48: Classification of NIS binders considered. # 5 16 ApprfrecSF0ARe1easae1QB/Q1 ,CIA RpP78-05597A000300090003-2 # 12 15 Nov 48: TOP SECRET treatment of NIS material. # 19 4 Jan 49: Gazetteers, classification of. # 21 2 Feb 49: TS treatment of NIS material, policy established. # 37 23 Aug 49: TS material to be published as TS annexes in separate TS binders. # 37 23 Aug 49: NIS classification policy, background of reviewed. # 41 27 Sep 49: NIS Operating Memo on, approved. # 57 14 Feb 50: NIS Security Directive, suggestion to sent to NIS recipients. # 59 28 Feb 50: " r' 1' for guidance various NIS aspects a roved #129 pp 15 Apr 52: Policy confirmed - all textual pages each section carry single classificatn # 132 27 May 52: Sanitizing prior to publication defeats purpose of NIS program. # 155 6 Oct 53: Quarterly Report, from SECRET to CONF. # 156 27 Oct 53: RESTRICTED on Binders and Covers when handled separately. # 157 17 Nov 53: NIS Area Map, downgrading deferred pending new Exec. Order 105O]. # 158 8 Dec 53: New Exec. Order 10501, impact of on NIS program. # 159 11 Dec 53: New order, official position all agencies to be reported by 15 Dec. # 160 22 Dec 53: Agreement on for NIS material & Gazetteers; formal notification of. # 161 12 Jan 54: NIS Area Map to retain CONF per NIS Memo No. 17. # 163 9 Feb 54: Notice to JANIS holders. # 166 23 Mar 54: 11 " " a roved pp . #172 25 May 54: Declassification Arm d ocument S j ~ r #220 22 1Y4 1` ~e~~10~}Re a ~arRs ~ ~ f r ~cz,~g c 31 ~ ~3 ~ UUS= ' CLASSIFICATION POLICIES 4240 19 Mar 57: Unclassified use of tables f licy. #263 8 App e f qE P,@jqa?#rj,9gPt g/Pets .b lo - 5~ OcO ~t~J~0 3 p y n s 6j. age. #276 16 Sep 58: Ch I Annual to carry same classification and controls as its related chapt. #278 14 Oct 58: State Use Survey proposes lower, or publishing in two parts - illogical. #288 5 May 59: State proposal for unclassified documents to improve usefulness NIS. #30 1 24 Nov 59: Contributions to Annuals classified/controlled normal intel. #441 16 Mar 66: /4770 46 6 San b7: Sep 7: #478 27 Sep 67: #486 14 Feb 68: # 493 22, May 68: #578 5 July 72: practices. NIS Areas and topicaliunits by name accompanied by numl erical and/or letter de ig UNCLASSIFIED evising Memo No. S s~ctigns s p rat(yy crass tied & s own on each page pplication of classification/control esignations to NIS Subsections NIS Notice No. 102 sets forth implementing procedures for #477 23 Mar 54 dire%tive established minimum of CONFI for JANIS See Item #477 - revision NIS Notice No. 107 appr'd NIS implementation of Exec Order 11652; standard statement and identification of classifier. #580 4 Oct 72: Revised standard statement and classifier statement for Trans. Form. Approved For Release 1999/09/01 : CIA-RDP78-05597A000300090003-2 CLEARANCE for Access to CIA Material 3 27 June 50: Security, personnel visitin wD k ~j L W%4dPV~J 96b -Yce. # 115 1 6~roYedfE9rnRQ1jA p p,1 px`~'~ j #136 29 July 52: Individual security clearances on requests for final NIS maps. #140 28 Oct 52: Aliens State's foreign missions, access to RESTR-controlled NIS. # 141 18 Nov 52: it ?' It It CIA's position on # 142 25 Nov 52: it It t" it State's report; policy #141 to apply. #143 23 Dec 52: non-IAC personnel, procedures for obtaining access to CIA library. Approved For Release 1999/09/01 : CIA-RDP78-05597A000300090003-2 COLLECTION FOR ISIS See also: Source Material i. 14 Dec 48: various syystems e # 16 g A 0 597A000300090003-2 3 $ye ~ f e ~ S~~ 1 1 ir i h 17 t~? representatives from various agencies # 76 29 Aug 50: . A.I.I. unprocessed field reports, limited distribution of. # 78 3 Oct 50: " "' "", y " to be identified as "'raw information'" # 95 13 Feb 51: Commerce Dept collection effort - Army concern reduction of #107 3 July 51: Field commentaries, importance of for NIS maintenance. #108 10 July 51: Field collection effort, reports on effectiveness of. #115 16 Oct 51: Advance planning and collection effort, agencies responsible for. # 183 9 Nov 54: NIS collection improvement noted in recent attache reports. # 185 7 Dec 54: EIC collection coordination report to numbers as helpful guide. #253 15 Oct 57: "Guide to Collection Ground Intelligence Photography on Ports and Harb rs #277 o 30 Sep 58: 00-B reports-collection support thru field contacts to tap unique sources, #318 26 July 60: Departmental NIS Collection Procedures, for briefing Joint Study Group. #327 24 Jan 61: Classic example of in response to requirements for Sec. 22. #344 3 Oct 61: Report on SIC's efforts to improve collection of data for Sec. 45. Approved For Release 1999/09/01 : CIA-RDP78-05597A000300090003-2 COMMENTS ON PRINCIPA, SOURCES 31 # 34 # 35 # 35 # 47 # 54 # 74 # 87 # 88 # 105 # 117 # 145 # 149 # 178 #222 #233 #234 #236 #236 #237 #238 #239 1 Jun iv, inclusion of in NIS material ~ passed r~X1X71 1 Apgro/ec~E iRq1r~g 411: df1N_gPYe a 00UJ-2 9 Aug 49: release to be eliminated from all material transmitted. 9 Aug 49: Bibliographies as part of. 25X1X7 8 Nov 49: deficiencies innoted in contributions 24 Jan 50: use of standard phraseology for. 11 July 50: definitive nature of. 19 Dec 50: control policies on, re-examination of. 25X1X7 27 Dec 50: omission of in release Ch II, NIS 28-31 15 May 51: need to stress importance and reference to NIS Memo No. 4. 30 Oct 51: issuance of State instructions re improvement of "Comments" 10 Feb 53: State revision of Secs. 64 regarding listing of sources subsection, 21 Apr 53: WARNING notice to be carried on elements not controlled in entirety. 21 Sep 54: Form inappropriate for Challers I - agreement to omit in Ch I sections. 26 June 56: Non-mandatory controls of for Ch I - Editorial Instructions revised 4 Dec 56: Integration of into relevant secs. of Supp. I - Navy to check on feasibility. 1$ Dec 56 Titl h " : e c ange to Comments on Sources" proposed by State. 22 Jan 57: Navy prepared to integrate into Seca. Supp. I when published 22 Jan 57: State's request for title change disapproved #234. 5 Feb 57: Navy submitted proposal for treatment of in Supp. I. 19 Feb 57: Chair's counter proposal for treatment of in Supp. I. separately. 5 Mar 57: Chan es in outline guide a ro and VI. Approved For elease 1999/09/01 : rIA ~ v '1 Cq0~'J bbb3.T2 COMMENTS ON I'I2INCIPAL SOUR CLS 2. 244 14 May 57: Control policy on for Chapters I. #259 28Appi edtFor Release 1999/09/0$: CIA-RDPT 9 93A000300090003-2 #269 17 June 58: Function of and Committee position discussed in detail. #269 17 June 58: Non-mandatory control of for Chapters I - Army's recommendations. #270 26 June 58: " " it it no action for changes treatment. #285 10 Mar 59: Comm. re-affirmed contributors should include evaluation statement of deficiencies in - OBI review should cover, this point for adequacy. #443 13 Apr 66: Deletion of in General Surveys; gaps & deficiencies included in text #536 25 Feb 70: Inclusion in NIS Sections made optional; revision of Standard Instructions Approved For Release 1999/09/01 : CIA-RDP78-05597A000300090003-2 COMPROMISt OF NIS MA'TEI IAL 141 18 Nov 52; resulti ~~ ~or to control J # 156 2'7 &tp;9V~RM 4184 23 Nov 54: loss of thru disappearance of Navy plane from Patuxent. #204 13 Sep 55: Navy's report quoted; original forwarded to CIA Security Office. #213 7 Feb 56: 2~ Pacific report quoted. #234 18 Dec 56: - Navy report on quoted. #237 5 Feb 57: 25,4dbmpromise of NIS from Maj Dunken. #244 14 May 57: report from State.. (closed by FBI/CIA memo 19 Feb 58) #251 3 Sep 57: - Navy report on findings. #251 3 Sep 57: 244bbF re orted no compromise of NIS. #251 3 Sep 57: - State's report on. #254 aVA547h at Cherry Point - Navy report on. #255 2.~~Wo'v}}at Cherry Point - Navy report on investigation. #255 ITA 07: US Army Pacific - Army report on investigation. #269 17 June 58: on 6 NIS areas, unauthorized disclosure at Air Force Academy. #2772c"58: " Air Force report on. #278 14 Oct 58: Package of NIS broken in transit enroute Sheppard AFB to Stead AFB #290 9 June 59: NIS enroute Sheppard to Stead AFB - report on findings of investigation. #290 9 June 59: 2UXI. $bcounted for at Tinker AFB - not subjected to compromise. #298 6 Oct 59: - SCIA draft contribution possible loss - Army report of #300 10 Nov 59: 25X1'A4b 11 it inadvertently destroyed; no compromise. #317 12 July 60: - re or ed s- ification u~r~~e 1959909/ rs` ~ r~d0 q - tate repo1 -i r on c assifica ion an ex en o #318 26 compromise. OOMPROMISF OF NIS MATFRIAL 25X 328 14 P'eb 61. USAF report on 332 #336 #336 #353 #353 #378 #386 #416 #466 #479 #511 21 r@Yed For Release 19 23 May 61. 23 May 61: 13 Mar 62: 13 Mar 62: 19 June 63: 2 Oct 63: 17 Feb 65: 29 Mar 67: 25 Oct 67: 26 Feb 69: #540 6 May 70: Sec 38 11 It trrnrenm,5rrn,?"Ym'"y' Y,caTnpromise. 29 missing from Intelligence library West Pakistan Target Area study w/paraphrased NIS Sec 38 NIS ?.9 = was destroyed; no compromise W. Paki stan Target Area study; no compromise Sec 61 NIS 60 = accounting discrepancy; no actual loss NavSup Depot/ Phila va25 1A4b EUCOM cable report on Army report..on portions 25X6A Dept/Interior - NIS in safe sold thru GSA to Miss. hosp. OS/ CIA to USS Pueblo Damage Assessment Report; no action required by Committee (See 7 Mar 69 memo filed in St/A file -- SECURITY NIS Compromise) No evidence of compromise re X4.79 entry 25k1 a4b report #557 24 Feb 71: Possible security compromise of material from reported; #557 24 Feb 71: DIA to take necessary action. DIA reported loss and possible compromise of- Exec Sec to coordinate damage assessment report 25X1A4b #560 16 Jun 71: Exec Sec reported re item #557; CIA producers determined there had been no compromise o.25Xdi 4by info. #564 11 Aug 71: Missing NIS document -- #584 7 Mar 73: Possible compromise of NIS materials, - - - reported by Army 1962 & earlier, reported in p rnnve Fran `1ejase 16 9/y /01197~11A-RDP78-05597A0003000~90003-2 #585 4 A ~i: Oe #~5 , ommi e agree orma amage assessment unnecessary in view of age of documents. CONSOLIDATED TREATMENT (see also Chapter VIII Consolidates) # 138 16 Apo r re&128F telL-99#14 0#9DWTl 9CW P78-05597A000300090003-2 # 157 17 Nov 53: Ch. IX on NIS 47, 48, combined treatment approved. # 166 23 Mar 54: Ch. IV, V, VI on NIS 50, details on consolidated treatment. #204 13 Sep 55: Cons. Ch. VIII on NIS 2 approved, replacing Sec. 82 for Apr '56. #260 11 Feb 58: Credit policy consolidated chapters clarified (see note Ch VIII card) #319 30 Aug 60: " It It modified for single or multiple credit to be assigned beginning schedule year in accordance production problems. Approved For Release 1999/09/01 : CIA-RDP78-05597A000300090003-2 UOIN ik0 pproved For Release 1999/09/01 : CIA-RDP78-05597A000300090003-2 Approved For Release 1999/09/01 : CIA-RDP78-05597A000300090003-2 OUTLINE GUIDES a (?: v}} d outlined 4W,+ ed,r`1ed-S'Fo9 1124 # 126 # 132 # 141 # 144 # 145 # 145 # 147 # 148 # 148 # 148 # 149 # 149 # 149 # 155 # 156 # 163 #165 # 165 1 l.~l ay4: c n 38 - revis ~ ~ pp e m 7 nor c [ ange. # 192 2 ar595: C 'TV, V. VI - ro osed revisions for S ~ d 26 Feb 5Z- 27 May 52: 18 Nov 52: 13 Jan 53: 10 Feb 53: 10 Feb 53: 18 Mar 53: 31 Mar 53: 31 Mar 53:. 31 Mar 53: 21 Apr 53: 21 Apr 53: 21 Apt- 53: 6 Oct 53: 27 Oct 53: 9 Feb 54: 9 Mar 54- 9 Mar 54: iipra~ic'a`ti PRI jeat6ment-fis~siona blYesmisatecr anon Ch. VII - availability controlled information on fissionable material. Se..ctiOr. 36 - approval Navy proposal for change in. Ch. VII - proposed expansion to include medical section. Ch. VI;, Sec. 64 - revision deferred pending results CIA study. Ch. VII - SEC decision not to expand to provide separate medical section Special NIS, Sec. 3 - revision approved. Ch. VI - proposed revision of submitted to State for comment. Ch.' VII - proposed revision of. Section 45 - proposed revision of. Supp. I, Sec. 1 - proposed revision of. Special NIS - approved change in, to include additional information. Supp. I, Sec. 1 - proposed changes in subsections C and D. Ch. VI - proposed revision of. Supp. IV - proposed revision referred to Geographic Div. for review. Supp. IV - comments from D/G; trial production effort seems desirable. Section 38 tentative approval revisions; Army to develop formally. Section 38 - revised outline being worked on by Signal Corps. Supp. IV - Army reported Engineers have completed study of revisions. ions a roved with on i h " a is nee s. 1'93. 19 4prqyen9rlReke~ ~~P!MA5 re attendance; proposal accepted with revisions; State to prepare final report. OUTLINE GUIDES . 19 7f 14A ~e~d ~F 3r ~t Fees 199 09~/8~e: 7 1 ~ ~ 03 fl9 03-2 #199 12 my 55: KP Unit, ad hoc committee to draft outline for production of. #201 16 Aug 55: KP outline guide discussed and referred back to ad hoc committee. #205 27 Sep 55: XP outline guide to members for study. #206 18 Oct 55: KP outline guide and procedures approved. #213 7 Feb 56: Ch. VIII, proposal for amendment from Army. #214 21 Feb 56: Ch. I, State's proposed revisions on referred to Ch. I Task Group. #214 21 Feb 56: Sec. 58, C & D, State proposed revisions; action deferred. #216 13 Mar 56: Sec. 56, inclusion of PsyWar proposal from Army. #217 27 Mar 56: Ch. VIII, approval tentative use, substitute Secs. 42, 57, 80 outlines. #217 27 Mar 56: Sec. 58, C & D, State's proposed changes approved. #217 27 Mar 56: Ch. IV, State examining requirements for postal services inclusion. #220 22 May 56: Int. Communism outline prepared by State under OBI review. #222 26 June 56: Ch. I, approved. #223 17 July 56: Int. Communism, new supplement and special NIS on, submitted by State #224 31 July 56: Sec. 56, approved subject to OBI review with coordinator. #224 31 July 56: Sec. 35 and Supp. I, Navy to chair working level coordination. #225 15 Aug 56: Int. Communism (NIS 108) and new Supp. VI, outline guides approved. #225 15 Aug 56 Sec. 35 & Supp. I, State's changes 64E to eliminate duplication. #226 28 Aug 56:: Sec. 35 & Supp. I, approved. #227 4 Sep 56: Sec. 64E, new outline submitted. #228 #228 11 Se6 56: rqtM n 7 11 r9y.ed eq~ F 4W~ a t newR P t8-05597A000300090003-2 OUTLINt GUIDES 231 30 Oct 5: KP Unit revised outline guide approved. #232 13 l J myeSleFcoReLeap9'rl6!J$R/ .g/QtilG-*RDR79 ik$7A000300090003-2 #233 4 Dec 56: Supp. VI - revised outline approved. #233 4 Dec 56: NIS 108, Part I - State's proposed changes. #233 4 Dec 56: Ch IV, V - if it "' #233 4 Dec 56: Secs. 31, 32, 33 - Army's " it #234 18 Dec 56: NIS 108, Part I - approved. #234 18 Dec 56: Ch IV, V - tentatively approved pending inclusion civil defense. #234 18 Dec 56: Ch VI - State's proposed changes. #234 18 Dec 56: Secs. 31, 32, 33 - referred to ad hoc committee. #235 8 Jan 57: NIS 108, Parts topics - revision approved. #235 8 Jan 57: Ch V, 54D - revision to include civil defense. #236 22 Jan 57: Ch V, 54D - approved with inclusion civil defense in new subsection 54D. #236 22 Jan 57: Ch IV - no further changes; approved. #236 22 Jan 57: Ch VI - State's revisions approved. #237 5 Feb 57: Secs. 31, 32, 33 - Army's revisions. #237 5 Feb 57: Sec 56 - Navy's proposed revisions tabled. ~/#237 5 Feb 57: Sec 64 - Army's proposed changes to working level conf. i' #237 5 Feb 57: Supplement to Sec. 22 - Navy developing outline for. #237 5 Feb 57: Outline NIS 108, Supp VI transmitted to Chrm. Comm. on Int. Communism #238 19 Feb 57: Secs. 31, 32, 33 -outlines for approved. #238 19 Feb 57: Sec. 22, Supp II - Navy report on meeting; OBI preparing dummy. Approved For Release 1999/09/01 : CIA-RDP78-05597A000300090003-2 t Cyr OUTZ NE GUI]DtS 4. #239 5 r8?iecfbrIse699y1iA'MP78-05597A000300090003-2 #239 5 Mar 57: Supp. I changes approved. #240 19 Mar 57: Sec. 56 approved. #240 19 Mar 57: Sec 64 revisions of portions approved; 64D still under review. #242 16 Apr 57: Sec 64D - agreement on and approval. #242 16 Apr 57: Sec 22, new Supp. II - outline guides for approved. #271 15 July 58: NIS on Ocean Areas. (104-107) Navy is revising and expanding. #279 5 Nov 58: Ch I revised approved, with amendment to Sec 10 " hrg iolc~r~~ #280 25 Nov 58: Ch VII -, revised approved, an ea ing rsonalities #285 10 Mar 59: NIS Annuals - outline guide approved. #286 31 Mar 59: Sec 64 - State's proposal to modify and develop Supplement on. #287 21 Apr 59: NIS on Ocean Areas (104-107) - Navy's revised outline approved. #290 9 June 59: Sec. 37 - revised approved. #291 23 June 59: Sec. 18 - Army's proposed revisions discussed. #292 14 July 59: Ch I - examination of rqmt for comprehensive revision re #291. #293 28 July 59: Sec. 64 - Navy requested consideration State's proposal in #286. #296 8 Sep 59: Sec. 64 - memo to State outlines views on ad hoc committee report on. #297 15 Sep 59:. Ch I - revised draft reviewed; ad hoc committee to study comments. #297 15 Sep 59: Sec. 64 and related Supp. -- State is formulating in detail. #298 6 Oct 59: Ch I - revised reviewed and approved by NIS Committee. 306 23 Feb 60: KP Units - drafts for new outline guide and procedures a d. 310 3 Wfto &e(f'`o~'`I, .i.Sg1f g4SMMTdCIA-RDP78-05597A0003000900~~3-r2ove OU'TL,INt GUII?S 5. #332 21 Mar 61: Ch IX revised, discuss' lo o eted. 60_21 ~ #334 18 p6gve j jpf Release 199,9/09/01n: GIA 9 $ P 0306aps #334 18 Apr 61: Sec 38 " approved, with minor changes. #335 9 May 61: Secs. 31, 32, 33, changes in approved per Army request. #337 13 June 61: Ch IX and Sec. 19 approved. #339 11 July 61: NIS Annual revisions approved. #343 29 Aug 61: Secs. 38, 81 revisions approved per Army request. #344 3 Oct 61: Sec. 21 revisions approved, including certain Editorial changes. #345 17 Oct 61: Sec. 35 and Supp. I changes approved. #350 23 Jan 62: Ch IX - Sec. 93E, 93F, 94E changes approved. #430 29 Sep 65: Sec 57 revised in response to DIA (Gen Carroll) COIN requirements #500 11 Sept 68:, Sec 22 revision approved per DIA request #564 11 Aug 71: Outline Guide for GS Subsection on Strategic Mobility appr'd per DIA req. Approved For Release 1999/09/01 : CIA-RDP78-05597A000300090003-2 pproved For Release 1999/09/01 : CIA-RDP78-05597A000300090003-2 PO Approved For Release 1999/09/01 : CIA-RDP78-05597A000300090003-2 PHOTOGRAPHS T7 1 Sep 48: Graphics Register/CIA library is source for use by NIS contributors. # 36 J pArcgvel: ForrRrtl en"99if9/a1 liC1d1 7-iIkil1? 7a& 9Q OQQa&carement of 4 37 23 Aug 49: Sources for # 61: 21 Mar 50: Number of, per NIS section # 65 18 Apr 50: Army pamphlet "The Soviet Army" considered appropriate source for # 87 19 Dec 50: Accession bulletins, availability of #116 24 Oct 51: ECA :files possible source #117 30 Oct 51: Graphics Register, State coordination re acquisition from U. S. missions #131 13 May 52: " " procurement program with Mutual Security Agency #153 11 Aug 53: " It extensive files available to NIS contributors #155 6 Oct 53: Coverage of in Air Attache report (Syria), commendation on #162 19 Jan 54: No photos. to be used in Chapters I #196 31 May 55: Graphics Register - analysts should visit and give early guidance rqmts #253 15 Oct 57: "Guide to Collection of Ground Intel. Photography on Ports and Harbors' #300 10 Nov 59: in Export-Import Bank annual report - useful NIS support #313 14 June 60: Agencies to make more effective use of existing procedures for coverage of, specifically para 10 of NIS Memo No. 4 #313 14 June 60: Working paper for use of analysts - OBI will develop #318 26 July 60: Procedures for use Form 1710 to request photos from GR/CIA #357 14 June 62: Examination existing procurement procedures #358 10 July 62: to " if it report on improving #359 24 July 62: OBI to consult with GR/CIA on procedures of common concern. Approved For Release 1999/09/01 : CIA-RDP78-05597A000300090003-2 .PRODUCTION ANALYSIS #254 #258 #263 #271 #278 #282 #287 #292 #i2 9 8 #304 #309 #317 5 Nov 57: FY 58 - First Quarter 21A r68ed Fx)rRelea ?4Q1Q19/01 : CIA-RDP78-05597A000300090003-2 8 Apr 58: FY 58 - Third Quarter 15 July 58: FY 58 - Final - 528 sections 14 Oct 58: FY 59 - First Quarter 13 Jan 59: FY 59 - First Half complete 21 Apr 59: FY 59 Third Quarter 2nd highest since analysis inception NIS program 14 July 59: FY 59 - Final - 493 sections - 94% completion 6 Oct 59: FY 60 - First Quarter; % completion similar last yr with less 19 Jan 60: F Y 60 - Mid-year - 113 sections lowest during any similar period. 12 Apr 60: FY 60 - First Three Quarters = 235 sections 2nd lowest same period 12 July 60: FY 60 -, Final - 444 sections - 93% completion since 1951 . #321 4 Oct 60: FY 61 - First Quarter = need stressed for fully meeting year's schedule #326 10 Jan 61: FY 61 - First Half = 40 sections in arrears, 30 of which are State. #334 18 Apr 61: FY 61 Third Quarter = 55 sections in arrears, 40 of which are State. #337. 13 June 61: FY 61 - Final - all agencies except State expect to meet Commitments. #339 11 July 61: FY 61 - Final = 413 sections - 94% completion of commitments. #345 17 Oct 61: FY 62 - First Quarter; 68% complete. #349 9 Jan 62: FY 62 - First Half - #355 24 Apr 62: FY 62 - Third Quarter- 53% produced of total year's commitment #358 10 July 62: FY 62 - Final = 425 sections - 89% of commitments; 3rd}tr lowered prod. #365 16 Oct 62: FY 63 - First Qtr - 59 sections representing 94% #374 9 Apr 63: FY 63 -? Third Qtr - 266 sections compares favorably with 253 year ago Approved For Release 1999/09/01 : CIA-RDP78-0p5597A000300090003-2 PRODUCTION CAPABILITIES and R OUIRIJMBNm s ? JCS P ' ee, riorlcy List 1 1 25 Jun 48: revised estimates for NIS~P~rpo ram? 0 ?3-_t # 2 I r4 edxFe4C R~~~?~i ~r ~ ~~r I'Q7 gi~ rX i ee# r- ge . submit. # 6 20 Aug 48: Service agencies' distributed; State's awaiting formal approval. # 48 15 Nov 49: Army's NIS production capabilities revised. # 89 3 Jan 51: Concurrence memo to DCI re: NIS' requirements and production effort. # 90 9 Jan 51: redraft DCI memo to include suggestions of member agencies. # 90 9 Jan 51: Equivalent NIS, definition of. # 91 16 Jan 51: final draft DCI memo approved. # 92 23 Jan 51: Chairman read his covering memo for transmission to DCI. # 99 20 Mar 51: report IAC meeting; agreements to utilize agency capabilities 8 NIS/yr. #11Z 18 Sep 51: Centralized CIA fiscal support to stabilize NIS staffs in service agencies. #113 25 Sep 51: discus sion on #112; Army has submitted memo to ACofS, G2, for views. #114 2 Oct 51: Ways/means stabilizing NIS production; Navy will present memo to IAC #115 16 Oct 51: Army/Navy drafts on fiscal support, staff study of. #116 24 Oct 51:. Summary on situation in service agencies re NIS production capabilities. #117 30 Oct 51: NIS production vs -personnel cuts; CIA fiscal support impracticable. #118 13 Nov 51: Draft staff study re Army's cont'd interest CIA fiscal support. # 124 30 Jan 52: Army withdrew request fiscal support, therefore no action Navy & AF. #144 13 Jan 53: Agencies to schedule FY 1954 production at rate of 8 NIX/yr. #169 20 Apr 54: Army can produce only 6 NIS/yr on some areas; 8/yr objective desirable. # 171 11 May 54: FY-55 section breakdown by agency meets JCS reqmt & agency capabilitie #222 26 June 56: FY-57 sched. of 561 secti #246 11/$p ayncI Farc %%jr9A9tQ~t rot Vni, '-a~ tOJ3~ A~~~ ~~~~ ent. c e agencies; INIS/yr retained. - -- ulu 1?r.1uul-C% r-MMIN lb - see: JCS 252 24 Sep 57: manpower cuts ers assi p gnments State I ,y,~ d Approved l yi~ekeasceBh99 I J acgib bbbt view v rac ices orshortcut s. # 268 27 May 58: Ch I Annual: agreed to take into consideration when developing over-all prod. sched. the need for realignment of effort in contrib. agencies. #313 14 June 60: NbLvy's FY60 production rqmt changed from 38 to 37 sections #326 10 Jan 61: JCS Survey report - 8 equiv. NIS/yr necessary to fulf ill military rqmts #325 20 Dec 60: Ch I rgmts increased from 8 to 12/yr beginning FY 62. #327 24 Jan 61: Noted cutbacks personnel ceilings to point prouction cannot be sustained Chair felt 8 equiv. NIS/yr was a minimum level rqd to sustain NIS prog. #37L? 11 Fe] 663:: FY64 schedule 18 GS (Ch I) appr'd #379 26 June 63: FY63 commitment 497 units Approved For Release 1999/09/01 : CIA-RDP78-05597A000300090003-2 r'n.V.vut_1 I iV1N .j?tJ j 1'1' 1 # 93 30 Jan 51: Crediting agency production by subsections requiring oint effort. # 94 6 ~4fdvedtFd~r Rttaagw499~.~9/+d,WPAiQQO0003-2 #124 30 Jan 52: All or several sections treated in single section - 1 sec. credit given. #192 29 Mar 55: Special credit allowance "Sov. Pers. ": State 4; agencies 1 each #230 16 Oct 56: Policy to accord section count each Part of Supplement breakdowns. #230 16 Oct 56: Supp I NIS 1 - section count accorded each Part. #233 4 Dec 56: Sec 33 NIS 3 breakdown into 2 Parts , with section count accorded each. #248 3 July 57: KP on 39A add'l credit per policy established USSR (refer NCM 192) #260 11 Feb 58: Consolicated chapters, credit policy on clarified. Apr 58: KP on 21. add'l credit per established policy (not recorded in NCM report) #319 30 Aug 60: Policy consolidated treatment modified = single or mult iple credit #322 25 Oct 60: Section allocation & credit under new Ch IX outline approved. #343 29 Aug 61: Ch IX on 39A = 2 chapter credit authorized. Approved For Release 1999/09/01 : CIA-RDP78-05597A000300090003-2 PRODUCTION FORI/CAST , I 177 7 Sep 54: long range production planning. # 179 5A(P'dyed f9r1RQ s,% *&.gRR(Q X91 : CIA DP78-05597A000300090003-2 #180 19 Oct 54: FY 1956-7-8 - to be consolidated. # 182 2 Nov 54: FY 1956-7-8 - consolidated schedule distributed. #192 29 Mar 55: FY 1956-7-8 - changes in deferred until end fiscal year. # 199 12 July 55: FY 1957-8-9 - forms distributed; to be returned 15 Aug. #211 10 Jan 56: FY 1957-8-9 - unresolved problems prior to consolidating. #216 13 Mar 56: FY 1957-8-9 - consolidated schedule distributed. #230 16 Oct 56: FY 1958-9-60 - analysis of production to be used as basis new forecast. #234 18 Dec 56: FY 1958-9-60 - approved, including revised Chapter I forecast. #237 5 Feb 57: FY 1958-9-60 -'Change Sheet #1 approved. #238 19 Feb 57: FY 1958-9-60 - Change Sheet #2 approved. #255 26 Nov 57: FY 1959-60-61 - approved, with maintenance percentages noted. #277 30 Sep 58: FY 1960-1-2 - OBI review comments on; below JCS requirement. #279 5 Nov 58: FY 1960 -1-2 - approved; shortcomings to be re-examined later. #284 17 Feb 59: FY 1963 - Chapter VII as recommended by SIC, approved. #285 10 Mar 59: FY 1959-60-61 - addition Sec 38 NIS 72 July 59, Army request approved #303 22 Dec 59: FY 1961-62-63 - approved subject to Sec 64 revised scheduling. #306 23 Feb 60: FY 1962 -2 fiArequest removal cons. CH VI on NIS 44B, 100B. #310 3 May 60: FY 1962-63-64 - deletion of suggested #319 30 Aug 60: Form 1763 for use in submission forecast items and comments. 321 4 Oct 60: " if submitted by all agencies except Army 8g~~ A duu,e~ 15 Oct. 323 8 A pr64'ed d9 1e 49 9/ : QPAARDIK&05 7$~@W3~i11 ~/L~ummary tbl #325 20 Dec 60: FY 1962-63-64 Preliminary Forecast approved with ame 4 ents and qualifications. rn. ywJ U lAI I V IN .r V Kr; L AS `i' #326 10 Jan 61:- FY 1962-63-64 - #327. 24 A ~dve&Foh9Re4o?s6419 See also USIB Card #330 7Ma'r61: " " 11 -Sec3 #332 #335 #341 #345 #346 #353 #357 #406 #410 #413 #416 #416 #440 #463 #466 urination of to gear to new JCS priorities. 4d;C"DP78rQa` 7i 99QnW 1-got warranters 21 Mar 61: Chapter IX forecast FY 63-64 approved. 9 May 61: Sec 61 schedule augmented during forecast period. 1 Aug 61: FY 1963-64-65 - OBI staff recommendations provided for guidance 17 Oct 61: it it It if - tentative, approved 31 Oct 61: It " It It - final it with changes 13 Mar 62: FY 1963 Schedule - changes approves per Army request for Ch VIII. 14 June 62: ORR sections on 39A rescheduled for FY 65 - except Sec 60. 23 Sep 64: FY 66 & FY 67 Planning Paper furnished 25 Nov 64: FY 66 & FY 67 = selection of units completed 13 Jan 65: FY 66 & FY 67forecast forwarded to USIB 17 Feb 65: It It it approved 17 Feb 65: USIB requested NIS Committee to submit Forecast 2 Mar 66: FY 67 & 68 forecast report for USIB approved by USIB annually 15 Feb 67: FY 68-69 forecast for USIB appr'd, per USIB-M-334 2 9 Mar 67: It if USIB-M-468 notes USIB concurrence Approved For Release 1999/09/01 : CIA-RDP78-05597A000300090003-2 PEODUCTION FORECAST -- ANNEX to #234 18 Dec 56: Members requested to submit list of all NIS units not to be produced. #259 28 pRvef jkWERejgq*l~ QPIP :P&-FQP7?iP???7MOL499 QPd2for consolidation or omission as an NIS requirement; copies to members. #283 3 Feb 59: FY 1960-61-62 approved, with additional Ch I areas listed future productn Approved For Release 1999/09/01 : CIA-RDP78-05597A000300090003-2 PRODUCTION PLANNING See USIB card for submissions to USIB. J #361 21 A4f une 62: Outline of ~~?Vefb~4rp ~ I PP71% 5i WOMP iK099 .t~h DTA #361 21 Aug 62: #361 21 Aug 62: #361 21 Aug 62: #369 20 Dec 62: #370 8 Jan 63: #371 11 Feb 63: #372 19 Feb 63: #379 #406 26 June 63: 23 Sep 64: #461 18 Jan 67: #469 17 May 67: #484 24 Jan 68: #485 7 Feb 68: #488 7 Mar 68: #491 24 Apr 68: #491 24 Apr 68 #546 15 Jul 70 DIA accepted the plan in principle - examining its details Plan provides for: 250% increase Ch I; 30% selective cutback of topical and areal coverage; increase overall production to about 650 secs/yr Plan to be considered by NIS Comm. when DIA Prod. Ctr is in operation OBI discussion paper as basis FY 64 production planning & scheduling FY 64 scheduling - planning paper for; Defense mbrs to jointly develop FY 64 schedule of specific topics and areas appr'd; mbrs to provide dates FY 64 " monthly dates provided; coordination by OBI for dissem. FY64 - final production schedule approved FY 66 & FY 67 - OBI Planning Paper furnished NIS Prod. Priority List from OBI for use as planning guide NIS Comm. to develop new list; ad hoc group to determine priorities, etc adhoc group reported agencies' views of a new NIS Coverage Plan NIS Coverage Plan - further discussion of it " approved for submission to USIB It it " USIB-M-504 with change USIB-M?-504 requires NIS Committee to note changes to Plan in An ual Deport Revision approved by NIS Committee to reflect discontinuance of sections and reduction in prod. capabilities Approved For Release 1999/09/01 : CIA-RDP78-05597A000300090003-2 P RO1DUCTION SCHr1DULE ? 1. 20 Aug 48: Tentative schedule, BIG to develop for next meetinLy. # 7 1l rQgedtFor Release,1999/ORIQt1e: y7 Q 300090003-2 # 8 13 Sep 48: FY 1949 - production to proceed as scheduled. . # 9 16 Sep 48: Final schedules to be compiled by BIG and distributed to agencies. # 11 20 Oct 48: FY 1949 - effort should be made to meet requirements in. # 18 28 Dec 48: FY 1949 - production treatment to be accorded to chapters. # 32 16 June 49: FY 1950 - JMC tentative approval of. # 35 9 Aug 49: FY 1950 - interpretation of comments on. # 46 1 Nov 49: FY 1950 - revision and formulation of. # 61 21 Mar 50: FY 1950 - principles underlying revision; formulation FY 1951 schedule. # 64 11 Apr 50: FY 1950 - revised, comments on. # 65 18 Apr 50: FY 1950 - revised, second draft. # 68 16 May 50: FY 1951 - realistic capabilities for production of. # 69 23 May 50: FY 1951 - Navy schedule Special NIS pending; requirements. # 85 5 Dec 50: FY 1951 - revision of. # 86 :12 Dec 50: FY 1951 - approval of, with inclusion rescheduled sections. # 88 27 Dec 50: FY 1951 - approval of, final. #100 27 Mar 51: FY 1952 - State's submission for. #101 10 Apr 51: FY 1952 - Army's proposals. #111 11 Sep 51: FY 1952 - deferment of revisions pending effect NIE-40. #118 13 Nov 51: FY 1952 - revision to be effective 1 Jan 52. #121 19 Dec 51: FY 1952 - revised and approved. Approved For Release 1999/09/01 : CIA-RDP78-05597A000300090003-2 Approved For Release 1999/09/01 : CIA-RDP78-05597A000300090003-2 ?panoad e d sa eT4o 0oao3 aty pue aIe3S - LS61 A3 :9S DOG 81 v#Z# panoadde sa$uet(o s,1utaV - LS61 A3 :9S 1O() Z 67Z# ?panoadde saSuetgo s,ale4S - LS6T A3 :9S AInC LI #ZZ# ?Teut3 'panoadde - L961 A3 :99 auniC 9Z ZZZ# ?pa;ngia;sip ant;e;ua4 - L961 A3 :9S qa.i TZ TITZ# ?04eutpaooo o; Au-1:V pue 04elg `:V9 `#9 `Z9 'saaS - LS61 A3 :SS noes ZZ 80Z# ' H2IO Pine a;e1S tj4oq ajngtajuoo Zouueo ALuiV ?{,9 `#9 179 ?soas - LS61 A3 :SS nols ST LOZ# ?uo stesodoad AuzaV pine a;e4S `uot3onpoad (ooTgnoS) IA uD - LS61 A3 :SS ;00 81 907# ?Teut; `panoadde pac ptTosuoo - 9561 A3 :SS aunC 8Z 86T# ?9S A3 ant;eJu34 a0T pannatn,aa suoi;oa;ap pule uotjonpoad - SS61 A3 :SS aeN # ~6T# uzatl pie Teutl ?Tenoadde - SS61 A3 ::VS AON 6 #81# ?saaqutatu o4 pa4ngta;sip ?pastnaa - SS61 A3 ::VS ATnf #T :U T# ?panoadde atnpa-qos ante;ua; (oojgnoS) IA "40 - SS61 A3 :vS APPI TT ILI# ?I saal(IeT40 Io main ut Aneat4 oo4 saeadde - S961 A3 ::~ S ad)f 9 891# ?uot4eutu1exa aoI saaquzauz o2 'pastnaa - 9961 A3 :-VS ieP[ 6 S91 # ?saaqu ouz o; pa;ngtaq.stp - SS61 A3 :#S nays LT LST# ?Teutl `Tenoadde - :VS6T A3 :#S aunJC 6Z ZST# ;aoddns TeoSTT :aa ajgtsuodsoa pTat4 Tou a;-e;'aAsuotd- a LaA~ e4V4 aI -VT ? seaae A4T iotad tj~ttq a4a1dutoo ol Aaes saoau s4tun apnjot4 o - ,6t ,cS u le { ?satpnis I aa4deTgO o; ;o uot4etaa - X561 A3 :ZS noPS SZ Zf71# Approved For Release 1999/09/01: CIA-RW `8 597AOD03UO09003-2 8 T ~# T # nnatnaa aaT1 anj off. ;oa[gns `To Tenoadde an14equ04 - #S6T 1~3 :ZS qaj ZT SZT a ina:ixws NOLLDnaoud PRODUCTION SCHEIUL1- - Overall 243 30 Apr 57: FY 1958 - development plan a, proved. #246 1AFTpnQvi Flao,~' ROOMIAMM W id~P7$A4q974QQQCVQQQ e?4fects on. #247 #248 #258 #270 #2 79 #280 #291 #299 #300 #316 #340 #358 #360 #372 #379 #384 #384 25 June 57: FY 1958 - 3 July 57: FY 1958 - 21 Jan 58: FY 1958 - 26 June 58: FY 1959 - 5 Nov 58: FY 1960 - 25 Nov 58: Current - 23June 59:FY1960- 27 Oct 59: FY 1960 - 10 Nov 59: FY1960- 28June 60:FY 1961 - 25 July 61: FY 1962:- 10 July 62: FY 1963 = 24 July 62: 1 - 19 Feb 63: FY 64 - 26 June 63: FY 64 - 11 Sep 63: FY64- 11 Sep 63: FY 64 - approved. revised; copies to members. revised, reflecting all changes to date; copies distributed. preliminary approved; final to be issued with add'l changes. tentative, approved. policy established for rescheduling within current year. tentative schedule including changes as interim FY 60 schedule final approved; OBI analysis indicates shortfall JCS rqmts. Army dropping 2 Secs 20 without subs increasing shortfall approved as tentative tentative approved. Interim " Changes approved to reflect COIN rqmts in Sections 57 monthly dates provided; coordination by OBI for dissem. final approved deletion Sec 44 on (34 & 28B) transfer Sec 43 (45) to FY 65 incorrectly included approved #387 6 Nov 63: FY 64 - issuance revised schedule to reflect all changes - approved #390 30 Dec 63: FY 65 - tentative approved #402 25 June 64: FY 65 - final approved #416 17A lr ed P'Ot ReFease4898/091O1 ve1A-RDP78-05597A000300090003-2 #423 16 June 65: FY 66 - final 11 paTn9a4sTp alnpatToS C SIAH2I - 17L k ff #L Utif oz soWeJ[ ao Lueuga1A ?S ax-e4aapun 04 a a~I dsR f d a1~9~9ft 9VO F `~I~@ ['~I ~00 '3 9 0 = 1'Z saagLUaLu o3 saTdoo 43'eap glSfl 04 $U-Ljjj usuleaj `ao3 pa.Aoadd-e - Zo9-N-8ISfl paAoadde - ?aanouoo aoj saaquzaul jISf o4 $U-PlTu1su-ea4 61/T 'I9-a-gISfl po ou - 9ISn c Z e44jT-uSU'ea4 aoj ouzaUI 4tleap a944Ttuuxoo Aq panoadd-e paAoadd-e 17L A3 #L A3 ZLA3 ZL A3 -ZLA3 ZLA3 IL Ad glSfl 01. 2UT4}TUZSUleaj aoI pa.noadd-e - IL A3 paA,elap aq ITTm SD leTpoquz-ea ;.nq 'paAoaddle - IL A3 955-W-gISf PaAoadde - oL A3 g:TSfl 01 2U ;ctusuPaq. ao,I paAaadcI - 0L M &oAsns aasn Jo s4Tnsaa oq. q.oa qns paA0.zdd' aTnpatias aoa - 0L M3 17i9-TAI-glSfl p,adde 69 7,3 glSfl 03 2?UT44TLUsu-ea4 aoI p,adde - 69 Ad ATt'enuu-e glSfl 0q ?pa {3S 'poad 4Ttugns o4 LuTuoo SIN sa t nbaa 1709-W-SISfl panoadd-e - 89 A3 (2uTuu-eTd ?poad aas) mau dotanap 04 ?tuuzoJ SIN - ? it 11 ? s-eaa-e/soTdo; U0T1.oatas UT apTn se asn :roj saquz 04 ;ST' c OTad 'Po-Id SI[\I p,.idd'e patios VIQ mau 917 oaS - L9 7-3 Tt~no mau aad L9Ad I 99A-ff aoI p,adcFe atnpat;os pasiAaa L9 0?S :99 t10.[\I OT au ZLOGG9 ZL unf L I L dc3S I :IL .2nV IT L8S# #8S# Z89# LLS# 999# 1799# :1L Tnf 12 #99# :TL Unf #Z 195# OL 2n d S L179# :OL Ulf 9I 0 L urlf 17Z :69 4 00 T da :69 ~a 8 9 All-If 81 :89 ounr ZT :89 idV 17Z :L9 A-8W I# L9 AeN LI L9 u~,f 81 :99 430 ZI 9179# 5179# 93~# 96 17617# 1617# OL17# 6917# 1917# 9917# L1717# pa.noadd'e - L9Ad :99 .~'eiZ I i 91717# suza4 o d w*9~09/Ulb?C"DP78 5~J~A90O30009xA(~03 I Z 8#17# ##17# agnacHOS NOILO faQ d 91717# $utptUauxs `aamod oTa300M (d) Z9 a0I L9Ad :99 aunf 8 PRODUCTION tpSched-U-?Gra h"' 234 i Approved For Release f'~99V9%09/01 Va 1 b'~"f6-1689V7Abb& 66Mf' '2S Approved For Release 1999/09/01 : CIA-RDP78-05597A000300090003-2 PSYCHOLOGICAIL WAR E'AR, 6vi 305 2 IV, V, VI, VIII 132 2~Yi~~d ~a~~Iret1nI~Acb # 133 10 June 52: PsyWar committee to present cons. list of desired changes in outline. #139 14 Oct 52 Informal report on status of survey on revised outline guides. #180 19 Oct 54: Briefing on developments NIS support USIA and OCPW requirements. # 184 23 Nov 54: Army proposal revision Sections of Ch. IV as drawn up by OCPW; to be considered along with State's projects USIA needs and psywar country sid) # 192 29 Mar 55: State's proposed revision outline guide Ch. IV, V, Sec. 60 for basic intelligence needs USIA and other psywar govt. agencies. # 193 19 Apr 55: Representatives USIA, OCPW, Ext. Research/State in attendance; approval State's proposals in revised outline guides. # 197 14 June 55: Outline guide Ch. IV, V, VI as revised by State approved by NIS Comm. Approved For Release 1999/09/01 : CIA-RDP78-05597A000300090003-2 . R Approved For Release 1999/09/01 : CIA-RDP78-05597A00030009000 - Approved For Release 1999/09/01 : CIA-RDP78-05597A000300090003-2