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Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP78-05597A000200020054-4
x leve A~ (S) ~
E,vne~ ~OC~uMFNT
/S AV #xmz.wFLY A40
*DOI Waiver Letter In ERU File*
Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP78-05597A0 /#q4a 1
proved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP78-05597A000200020054-4
t~ f I~r . 1t t :
' ~ ~.ha ~~,t oar that
zz th our 1s ~ti ~e C =
1;,.cr ~;r D:seas t'y t3tatral Zn. icei ~~ths
w.xcliau~.i:t'L's a4 fvrci Cf this
ca:?,i :t.+~ to '.,racc. r fKaod t~- Lh~t 4~ttbui Centirs.l I Sn a Agsn4y
Lc '*~~sant . r type fork. her,
ec~d?.: LI; ~rsa;~: 1#aaiited re0,itU.ity of f,,ishia1 staff
e~a~ :sty ~;;~ct Lo t~ao >f orot u eu~, ttoa at tine ;E Lon Ce 4i
,*; t ~lr~ ~.-:- - '+~ ~Q for prttoa of ~aastteero of
:.t i a ;~~+ hari. ~n fc- to be c~ tiafti+starT to the rt~at?
.~, S~ ~p :ion of 11,E air IThig s sihli torobtain
LeL.1 k Y.a~~. ~~'~L 4'~?~ ~' i M~ s ~~i~
-~? atS o. ,, tint cnli for this York brit ?1 ~ttr-r do Ctic s1~
E`~a'~ t7 t. r
:'~i 1'AW rl is Nbich we &a boys a ,lsion, si>Vte
.~.t~.te3: l~ro~.' of SIIt~~. o~.aitsttcs su tie fitted iszto
rn q,n t tis fcrei$ roam C t 1oiieoW
~a~ ~ ~ ~ sue'
or,.;, L- v~ :rt t,:ra7 it tUZ .
rrer`V sxx+~il ?es wtfh tact to the Y
>e un 1 P4 Yh+s Doaard lass
s;?d can C ar.~~~ ' s1 det the ~o
bt-a a f4WA ''m be e` nssful rice in L
. We Drolwee that ss of the beginning
s st+w,itmtiara lsr?g begin to bo its
of fiscal. y0mr 19.7 the Centr" =ate1116eao
o foreign W.t,*ttaer Mork sad. like Voris for its client ~se-cies is
tine Do t of Dtfer e.
t*lli$*aee AeAC1 vould appoint as eueesti~re
~' CaIIt~' ~ its forei~-
!! :rector, io wig be rooonsibls for directing t-
srb~l in addition De aa'~ F'rovidie the Board with
ge,zatteusr ecrti tt~ ~ i~oreign iN~? >~s ~
erar staff ansist it? 8abc~ tht ;
coaaeEtion with foreign s cisiaase ? Likeviser t dorstio
of the Interior ,Dealt appoiast am ereentiw d recto o~
Lion irk aho voila. foe sn official of O%Lr Geo1oti
Ursa stisn~lsndiss vide the part's 3nboo itte* on Domestic
3tu`re7i; sad. tibo wu]~d Dro
DOI Waiver Letter In ERU File*
fNwt-x 8
Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP78-05597A000200020054-4
Approved For Release~2b00/08/29 :CIA-RDP78-05597A000200020054-4
1'y.G a a?.'~ ~ ) S U
1rdY dsar Dir. Dr.Ilss:
tt~?r~ my return to tke ofiics yesterday 1
rtfle~isd u~ae oor ir.teraFling convertztian with
refsrsn+cs tc~ ~ propsr home .cr the Division of
Gscs~traf.~hlr. I can wsii un~erstand you- prablsm
of fisfding a?propriats snare and facilities for the
Dir;sioe, and in that connection ,1 hies ci:stussed
vrith my assaciatss heT+e t're possibitity fl[ assisting
pan ~,y p6TSflttlAg thf Division to stsy in the build-
iag bare until you can make tl-s nscssr;ry arrangs-
m~:uts in your own build~u~~.
I a:~ pisa.sed to rsyart t~;at are evil :~e ~lsd
to bare t2te I3lvisica of Gto~rap'nY remain here for
a rexsossabls period ~'rla rco solve this prabla:~r~-.
SiresrelY yours.
Felix E;. 1k'ormcsr
Assistant Secrstary
13onorsblt Allss ~V, Dnllts
Central Iatslli~ente A~,sneY
Washingtoa 25. D. C.
---, -
o ~ r,--~ (? jl
Approved For Releas~~~000/08/29 :CIA-RDP78-05597A000200020054-4
!ti~a xith t~K.'.-.v.3= s*a~'f +~s~itntaac.e :?gat Subaoa~aittee needs. Hw
alE~ Bald rr c ~ ~; :i~a yer!r ! ..~:,*..~~ ,?''"+?~.;.:.; ire, needed for the board
6t8 ~ iii~4we ? y r ; ~4 i : ~yi:! Fs,}a'e?:;~ . ir'O~ ~. t !? c'-rd ~:: ~.L'/!~a *.zee .
lSnet~r :: ?.;;?.,x,,z~ t.:i ;~.+a~:.s~':E1 the Doa-x4. su;?~eLt
to the sggro~al at L.. .:.,.,.:~T,.azy .:~ ;:,:~c irr~t?!.: ~, has tha ~~:y ,
te.raulatit~ principles, pcYicies ~-~.~~ ~.z~~r~~i~~~r.?to b? tol:,~~~~t :?~_~
domeetic and foreign ocawes, and for ~!':,:t,'i':,,:. '.':?L' stan,!t .~~is-a xt~
tbpir orthogrt-pr_y for otti.ciai use. ~iLw :>~.,.,tS ^y-;: bas t?~r ctr.-. ,
providing assists>nce tm the Board and prasulgating the n~+~r?~ rj?~ ?: `~.~:?. ;.~
at the Bawd..
AA to the ymnalg4tion of Board decisions there i? little
rersscn ~.y ?he Secretary of~the Interior should retain such ? responsi-
bility vith reapecz to foreign mess. The save applita to approving
principles, p.licies and proaedurra forsxa].ate~l by the Hoard with
rEage^t to t,~reig~a geograpsic aaees.~ This Department doss not haw
acLy spa^ia~. interest v-~th this aspect of gsograpric aa~e work.
Fccord:nglv~, ft is saggested that the Central Intelligence Agency
arrange to produce vhate~rer gasetteere of f;.re?gn naaas that it and
its clients neeQ, and. that it ree'fe'r staff assistance to the Board's
5~.~bcomeaittee cn Foreign 3~an~e.
If qou agree with the __*ore~~oing prcL.asi, affect :.~-n be girea
to such sbreeasent ;~y ycur aa~irg sr_d rstnNaing this letter to ass. It
is as3dP~etoocl, o#' cvui?se, that c?rtnin ad~aistrative arrangesients vould
hava zo bs made, partioulariy Frith recpeet to perscaael to to tYSns-
fsrre3 to g~ur Agaacy trvn thQ Otficr of Geogragay. Adtainistrativs~
Assistant Secret~.zy Beasle;~ of the Departmsnt could cooperate xith
eseebers o.*_ your staff on completia? tt-ese arrar{e~enta.
S-ncartl;r yours ,
I ~acur
Assistant Secretary of the Interior
Director, Central Inteliigance Agency
Approved For Release 2000/08129: CLArRDP78-0~597A000200020054-4
Approved For Release~.000/08/29 :CIA-RDP78-05597AOA,0200020054-4
Tiegielation: 61 9tat. k56 (19~T) eatablishtd Board on Geographic llsaes
sad directed the Secretary, with tht Board,
to work for uniformdty is geograpbia noraclature and
orthography. .
The _Board: Hepreaer~tatires of the tollovini D~artrats: 8tstt,
Air force, navy, Arap*, last Office, Agriculture, Cosseres,
and Intsrior; also, Csntral Intelligsace A6eney, I,,ibrary
of Conarsse, and (}overnms,nt lrintie~ Office.
lruactioas: (a) Thy rd? SubJect to the approval of the Hecretary,
- the Board oa Geographic Baas ahsll forsulatt principles
policy and p~,cedure? to be follo~nsd for 8o~sstic and
lozsian mass and tLsir orthography for official ass.
(b) The gecretar~r. S? shall provide for snob rsssarehts
and. staff as the Hoard needs to perfors its innetionsj
kQep uscsasary rscords, provide ?h~raioal lrcilities tar
the aoard; ae shall pr~l?ats the czar decisions of tbs
(a) fior @,oasstic Wane rerk. ~OYL! linos fiscal TM-r 1951?
(See Table A)
(b} For foreign Dame wrk. (i3cs Table H.)
Staff : Approxiaately 80 peraoas, virtval.2y all of Miio= are snglaied
"-""" in preparing gazetteers of foreign geographic aws for
the CIA and ita cheat agencies.
Activities: (a) Dossetic Wane Work. Decisions on coaparativel,~l fsv
disputed ns-~re cases. Ho appropriation. Inability to
obtain any appropriations for Offics of Osography nep~ts~
prcPisions of the lav directing staniardisation of
d,oa~astic nsaes. Doaestic nap'~ing a6tneies eondtut
geographic ntuae function thsssslvts as s-a incident to
nap mA.lcing, subaitting only mats knots to be in dispats
for sdfadleation. Acv dnadrac~le rps art pablishtd snob
year contaialn6 thoasands of Wars aithont bensfit of ooa-
sideration by the foard on Gsosrs~thlo Haaas or of the
Approved Eor.'R~ ~~~?%0 129' : +~Ia-RDP?g a5~~7A0002' ;20054-4:~
approved For Release 2400/08/29 :CIA-RDP78-05597AOOQ200020054-4
(b} Torsi liatw Mork. Gansiets lerdelY of ccst-iliaL
gs,sstteers Hats of cWc~k in alPb?bstia order Kith
]o~itude and latitude} r~ ~. vtsoYe countries, rendered
into the poaRn alDbsbct, blished in book fern.
Disputes as to proper ~~~ aTe rii'e ? Ga:etteers are
used for prsysriad fore~F trtpr by CZA sad its client
adenciss. Thousands of ~grrphic ,saes appear in ?
siabls ~azettser.
Line of
Deae-rcation Tbsre 1 s s very ahitr'p ?
- nsaes. The Board is ox
ppsrating procednr'es ar
file facilities sre s~
separate. The entire s~
are engrg~ Prirsrily it
bet n do~rsstic and foreign
i sed follo~-s s
rabcrs~lait'! ee
~bcc , ~tttee
c on ttet
y,,,~. ~liferent . Libriry aaa
et. ;'ascs o! funds aze
c t : _: ~ ="o=iast?1~' 80 tersons
re i~ _'.~ wrk.
~4pproved'Fc~r Release 2000/08T29 CIA-RDP78=05597A000200020054=
F1:sea]. ~~ar
fat..... ~~-
19+9 ;
{~c~2; 5'~
195n ;
~7~ 9 ~~
z~55 _
S ...a~nn~
~~io,d~-1 ~at!-a~ an
a~~taxc~xity votes ~'~ ~ vats. t~o~ Qi"tfce of
Con#.itxui.-v~ ~ ~3?1-tic+n bill
p~:psr-~sen~ ~~ ~
Approved; For Release 24Q0/t?a~/29 : CIA'-RD~7'8-05597A0'Op20~q C?054-4
'Approved For Release 2000/08/29 :CIA-RDP78-05597A000200020054-4
.~ ; .. . .
25X1 A
Approved For Release 2000108129 :CIA-RDP78-05597A000200020054-4
Approved For Release 2000108129 :CIA-RDP78-05597A000200020054-4